ECW One Night Stand 2005

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Dec 3, 2010
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ECW One Night Stand 2005
Hammerstein Ballroom
New York City​

The show begins with everyone chanting for ECW. We get the ECW theme song before Joey Styles comes out to open the show, gives an OH MY GOD!, and welcomes everyone to One Night Stand. He then introduces his broadcast partner for the night, Mick Foley.

Chris Jericho vs. Lance Storm (w/Dawn Marie)
Lance coming out with his old attire was cool and Dawn did a great job of covering up her pregnancy bump, but Jericho comes out with his Lion hart waist coat and Lion heart tights was cool. Even if he did come out to the WWE Chris Jericho music, I should mention before Jericho made his entrance Foley let us know that Storm told him that this will be “his last match” lol. Handshake to begin and we get some real good mat wrestling, I was presently surprised by it not by Storms goodness but Jericho was fluent throughout. Now I’m a Jericho fan and I can be the first to tell you he can be sloppy at times but for these first few minutes he looked good. Random she’s a crack whore chant :lmao Jericho thankfully puts a stop to that random chant by taking the head off Storm with a sweet middle rope dropkick. A couple of minutes later Storm returns the favor with a drop kick of his own followed up by a delayed vertical suplex for two, Strom would lock in a side choke but Jericho manages to fight out. Storm would then go for a springboard back elbow but Jericho meets him with a dropkick right to the back :mark: the 3 dropkicks in this match so far have been AWESOME! We get some back and forth action, until Jericho Tiger Suplex for two. Storm tries the cradle piledriver, but that gets reversed and super kick by Storm gets two. Both men head to the top but Jericho drops him down and hits the back elbow off the top that gets two. Storm rolls through to the Single Leg Crab. Jericho counters to a slingshot and bulldogs him down. Storm tries to block the Lionsault with the knees, but Jericho counters to a Liontamer. Dawn Marie distracts the ref as Jason Knight and Justin Credible run down. Jericho rolls up Storm, but Storm kicks out and Credible hits Jericho with a cane shot for the win. Finish aside this was a real fun back and forth match, both men look good. **1/2 - **3/4


Foley and Styles discuss the match and the impending WWE invasion.

Backstage: Pitbull Gary Wolf wants to reflect on the fallen brothers but he knows they have the best seats in the house as he looks to the heavens (I should also mention that right at the beginning of this promo, you can hear someone opening up a can of beer :lmao)

We get a real nice touching video tribute to some of the past wrestlers that have been in ECW.

Three Way Dance: Super Crazy vs. Little Guido (w/The FBI) vs. Tajiri (w/Mikey Whipwreck & Sinister Minister)
Joey Styles shitting on 3/5the of the FBI not being real Italians was hilarious, this had it moments the opening few was all fast paced two in the ring and one out on the floor stuff, lots of signature spots. Crazy along with Guido brawl into the crowd, where we see Crazy hit the Moonsault off the balcony. He makes it back to the ring as Tajiri locks in the TARANTULA! But Crazy no sells it and hits the 10 corner punches with the crowd counting in Spanish. The FBI break the interaction between Crazy and Tajiri by pulling Crazy out of the ring allowing Guido and Big Guido try for a double-team, but Guido gets misted by Tajiri. Mikey slips in and hits the Whippersnapper on Guido, allowing Tajiri to make the cover eliminating him. Crazy/Tajiri get like two minutes and it’s alright it is making me want to go back and watch their feud. The match would end when Crazy hits a series of moonsaults before Mikey breaks them up. Crazy ducks the Buzzsaw Kick and plants him with a powerbomb, a Crazy moonsault is enough for him to pick up the win. Way too short and was only here to show that Crazy can do monnsaults. **1/2


An AWESOME! Video package showing off some of the greatest moments in ECW history.

More shots of the empty seats.

Rey Mysterio vs. Psicosis
Psicosis wears his mask to the ring but takes it off booooooo. Rey makes his entrance and gets booooo’ed too :lmao well this was something, if you was looking of hoping for the ’95 matches these two had this was far from it. It was bad, just real bad. They do the “lucha” fast paced counter wrestling that had a few mishaps and sloppy movement :lmao at the crowd chanting put the mask on chant, they look like they would start doing spots but Psicosis locks in sleeper so the crowd booooos but as soon as he heard the booooo’s he immediately broke the hold and sent Rey to the floor :lmao I did pop when Foley said that's why he didn't bring Mr. Socko when the crowd booooo’ed the sleeper. Psicosis hangs Misterio across the guard rails and drops a guillotine leg off the top rope that looked sick, he rolls Rey back in the ring and gets two quick two counts. The match finally begins to pick up, with both men hitting some nice moves and bumping real well Psicosis especially as he does this AWESOME! Corner charges at Rey but Rey moves and Psicosis goes shoulder fist into the ringpost and stumbles into the crowd and lands in a lap of this blonde with big tits :lmao Rey delivers a vertical senton off the top into the crowd, back in the ring and the 619 gets booooooo’ed but he connects with it followed up by the West Coast Pop for the win. Another real short but weird match, opening minute or so sucked but everything after the leg drop off the top ruled. ** - **1/4


OH SHIT! The WWE Smackdown crusaders arrive they make their way through the crowd into their balcony seats. As the crowd chants, "Fuck you, Smackdown!" & “You Suck Dick” JBL looks so drunk but he does have the line of the night so far “I BOUGHT A TICKET YOU LITTLE MEXICAN” HAHAHAHAHA!

Another unbelievable video package.

Well, well, well, it's the quintessential stud muffin Joel Gertner :mark: and he’s in the balcony, wait Kurt just snatches the mic and JBL shoved him to the floor then follows up with a stiff kicks to Joel’s ass or ribs I couldn’t see. Kurt calls all the ECW fans the lowest forms of scum walking the earth, and that they all suck. Well the crowd comes back with a “YOU SUCK DICK” chant so KURT and I quote replies back with “YOUR MOTHER TAUGHT ME HOW” :lmao :lmao :lmao Wait, what? Kurt says the last time he was at a ECW event he walked out half way through because it sucked, he then calls the fans morons. And tonight he and the rest of SD are gonna make sure that every ECW wrestler gets their ass kicked by them. And there’s nothing anyone can do about it so KISS HIS ASS! A drunk JBL now has the mic :mark: he says MSG is one block away, and if you put his name on that marquee, it sells out. ECW can barely fill up a Bingo hall and them being here reminds them at how low their world is. So when you sit on your little internet, in between the porn sites while emailing your buddy sayin’ I’M HARDCORE! And he replies back with I’M HARDCORE! We love ECW. JBL then says they love ECW because they could be ECW, but they could never be JBL because he's above that BECAUSE HE IS A WRESTLING GOD. He says the only chance this PPV succeeds is because JBL is here. He then says that no one in that ring will ever make it to his level. Suddenly, Rob Van Dam wearing a knee brace with Bill Alfonso comes out. RVD says it sucks bad enough that they're here soaking up credit for something they have nothing to do with, but the people are tired of having him shoved down their throats whenever they want to watch wrestling. TONIGHT! We give them what they want to see, E….C…W! You deserve 0 credits for tonight success, and these people will let you know. OH SHIT! Rob just said he doesn’t have any creative genies writing his script for him. SO HE’S GONNA BE SHOOTIN’ RIGHT FROM THE HEART! And he’s gonna take you back to a tile before RVD’s vocabulary was limited to “whatever” & “cool” :lmao Remember when the crowd would chant his initials from start to finish, he never felt pressure cause he knew he would have the opportunity to come out and use he talent to make sure everyone that came out would leave happy. As long as he got his time to do his part cause he was the Whole Fucking Show, Mr. PPV, and Mr. Monday Night. You remember what RVD 4:20 means “I JUST SMOKED YOUR ASS” RVD then begins to talk about how long he was the TV champ for, Alfonzo lets us know it was for and I quote 1 year 11 months 18 days 2 hours and 42 seconds :lmao RVD says that was the best time of his career. He understands the love and respect and that why he went to Vince and asked him to do the PPV. He was pumped when Vince agreed, but then he had to get this knee surgery :lmao he had the MCL or was it ACL I forget anyway he had to get his whole knee repaired so now he had to miss this show and that sucks, it sucked more than anything missing the overseas tour to Japan and Europe, this sucked worse than missing Booker T’s wedding, this sucks worse than missing WRESTLEMANIA! OH SHIT! Suddenly from the back Rhyno kills the fuck out of him with a GOAR! And he begins to put the boots to him and the knee. LIGHTS GO OUT! AND IT’S SABU!

I just wanna talk about that promo quickly from all 3 guys, Kurt was Kurt when he has those hilarious one liners. JBL’s was great but because he was drunk it made it that much more funnier towards the end it did get ridiculous but that’s because it was like he was making it as he went along but as for RVD man that had to have been his best promo ever, the passion, anger and emotions was all on top form I give him credit man that was great.

Rhyno vs. Sabu (w/ Rob Van Dan & Bill Alfons)
Jesus Christ Sabu looks like shit, but that’s because he wrestled like 2 days earlier at Shane Douglas’ ECW show :lmao what a waste. Also the fans chant “you got fired” at Rhyno as well :lmao Sabu knocks him off the top with a chair and springboards into a somersault plancha which was cool. Sabu sets up a table on the floor but Rhyno punches him in the face and rolls him back in, and begins to kick away at his face. Rhyno attempts to head up top but Sabu comes back with a ‘rana followed up with a springboard legline for two. Alfons tosses a chair in for a springboard legline in the corner as Rhyno drops chin first onto the chair for two. FUCKIN’ AWESOME! Counter as Sabu I think goes for the Triple Jump Moonsault but Rhyno grabs his leg and Sabu goes face first into the chair, Rhino hits the TKO onto the chair for two and then hits the inverted powerbomb dropping Sabu face first onto the top turnbuckle. He signals for the GOAR! But Sabu pulls the ref in front and he gets taken out. Piledriver by Rhyno but no ref to count, a crippled RVD hobbles his way into the ring and throws a chair into the face of Rhyno. HE’S NOT DOWN RUNNING FUCKIN’ DROPKICK IN THE CORNER! Alfons rolls a table in and they set it up in the middle, Rob places him on the table allowing Sabu to connect with the Arabian skull crusher with a chair to Rhyno through the table for the win. Decent brawl nothing special, but Rob you crazy motherfucker doing all this shit with a fucked up knee. **1/2

Backstage: Al Snow blames Head for inviting the SD guys, this show if for the ECW boyz, the fans and all the people that made ECW what it was not a bunch of Smackdown ASSHOLES! Al says they’re talk about it when they get back to the hotel but for now he wants to watch more ECW memories.

More ECW Awesomeness airs.

OH SHIT! The WWE Raw crusaders have now arrived, only an hour and 11 minutes late. Joey says he’s glad he didn’t bring his wife tonight ‘cause he can Edge that wife stealer.

Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero
This was weird, even during the entrances you could see something was off with these two. Benoit was breathing heavily and was emotionless but Eddie, man I know Eddie was doing the whore EPIC 2005 heel gimmick but it just seemed like he just didn’t want to be here or him and Benoit had a huge argument about something ‘cause he had this look of disgust on his face. I actually don’t remember this match well at all, and I have a reason for that cause it sucked I don’t remember all the moves but I know it’s not Vengeance 2003 good or even late 90’s good Shit this wasn’t even as good as the match they would have later on in July when Benoit moved to SD. Mat wrestling early on as the crowd shits on the WWE guys, way it go idiots. Eddie man, he just looks off his game. When Eddie does make it back they begin to pick up the hitting intensity with a few real snug hard shots until Eddie locks in headlock but Benoit counters out with a back suplex. Another side headlock by Eddie but Benoit fights out but he goes charging in at Eddie but Eddie moves and Benoit goes flying to the floor. On the floor and Eddie hits Benoit in the back with a chair, he hits a superplex to Benoit into the ring but is too slow or gassed to make the cover, Eddie begins to shit talk him and heads up for the Frog Splash but that time wasted allowed Benoit to move. They trade chops again. Benoit clotheslines Eddie down and gets two off a Northern Lights Suplex for two. He gives Eddie a receipt with a superplex for two. Triple ROLLING GERMANS followed up by the DIVE HEADBUTT! But that only gets a two count, Benoit goes for Rolling Germans again, but Eddie counters into a quick Roll for two. Benoit counters to a sloppy Crossface but does have it locked in and Eddie taps. Didn’t like that match at all, just didn’t click I wasn’t asking for a 30 minute classic but a little psychology or I can top you/whatever you can do I can do better story would have been nice.

Vengeance promo for Triple H and Batista just aired :TI:

OH SHIT! Joel Gertner is back :mark: he’s now on the Raw side, he then begs Eric for a job :lmao he even has his CV :lmao Bischoff says Gertner is piece of garbage like everyone else he sees. He throws his beer in Joel's face and says he sucks and ECW sucks.

Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka
Before the match even starts the way Joey goes off on Mike was something else, and I quote “LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THIS JUDAS MIKE AWESOME, AND THAT’S A PERFECT WORD JUDAS!” Foley tries to say let’s give him his due he’s Awesome and Joey’s response was “AHHHHHH! WHO GIVES A CRAP, YOU KNOW WHAT HE TOOK A 2 HUNDRED AND 50 THOUSAND CHECK UP FRONT AND A MILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT TO WALK OUT OF ECW AND BREACH HIS CONTRACT AS THE CHAMPION AND THE ONLY REASON HE DIDN’T THROW DOWN OUR BELT ON TV IS BECAUSE OF A FEDERAL INJUNCTION. HE’S A PIECE OF CRAP! HE’S A SELL OUT! HE’S GOT NO MORTALITY! HE’S A JUDAS! IS WHAT HE IS AND I HOPE MASATO TAKES HIS DAMN HEAD OFF!” That’s not even the worse or best part the part is now when Awesome does an suicide dive Joey says “SUICIDE DIVE BY AWESOME, AND IT’S A SHAME HE DIDN’T SUCCEED IN TAKING HIS OWN LIFE” HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! Masato backdrops Awesome into the crowd and grabs a chair, and fuckin’ murders Awesome with a running chair to the head. Tanaka whips him into the rails but Awesome puts the boot up during a charge and comes back with a clothesline before rolling him back into the ring, Awesome sets up a table up against the rails. HE THEN PUCKS UP TANAKA AND FUCKIN’ KILLS HIM WITH AN AWESOME BOMB THROUGH THE TABLE. He rolls Tanaka back into the ring and head to the top for a huge Awesome splash for two :lmao Piledriver gets countered but Awesome does manage to connect with a powerbomb. Awesome heads to the floor and grabs a chair, both guys swing and miss but Awesome hits him in the head with a chair twice but Tanaka NO-SELLS so Awesome kills him with a 3rd but again TANAKA IS UP! Tanaka hits a reverses to a Tornado DDT, and follows up with a traditional tornado DDT on two chairs for two. Tanaka places a chair on Awesome’s face and hits him in the head with another chair, but he’s not done. Tanaka heads up top and connects with a fuckin’ leaping chair shot kinda like dropping the elbow but with the chair instead for two. German but Awesome but Tanaka NO-SELLS so Awesome kills him with a spear. Mike now heads up with a chair show and fuckin kills Tanaka with a chair to the head, he rolls to the floor and sets up a table inside but that one broke so he takes out another one. Awesome sets up a table, but Tanaka reverses to a Tornado DDT through the table for two. Tanaka heads up again but Mike hits the Awesome POWERBOMBS HIM OFF THE TOP ONTO THE ALREADY BROKEN TABLE FOR TWO! HOLY SHIT! Awesome powerbombs Tanaka out of the ring, through a table and then planchas on top of him for the win. This was FUCKIN’ INSANE! ***1/2 - ***3/4, NAW FUCK THAT! ****


Joey Styles and Mick Foley thank everyone for making this possible.

I’m gonna try and do this justice, A teary Paul Heyman comes out and thanks the crowd. Paul says he wants them all to know, he’s not crying his eyes are red cause he was in the back smoking a joint with Van Dam :lmao He needs to thank Todd Gordan for giving him the chance to be creative for them, he then thanks the guys that helped him edit and make the TV shows. He tells the crowd that he loves them but as he’s about to leave he says HE HAS SOMETHING TO SAY TO YOU AND HE POINTS UP AT THE WWE guys. Paul says he’s waited a long time to say this, to you Eric Bischoff. “BUT ENCASE YOU HAVEN’T NOTICED, IT’S NOT PAUL HEYMAN WITH HIS TALE IN BETWEEN HIS LEGS GOING TO A WCW PPV! YOU ARE IN OUR HOUSE, BITCH!” :lmao Paul then moves on to Edge and tells everyone to hide their wives, Heyman then says he knows no one with a written promo has the balls to say this to you but he’s got 2 WORDS FOR YA! “MATT FREAKING’ HARDY” :lmao that’s 3 words Paul :lmao But its now time for the best part; Mr. Shoot promo himself, bounced checks ECW went out of business hey John. ON A PERSONAL NOTE, SINCE YOU WANT TO SHOOT COWBOY! THE ONLY REASON YOU WERE WWE CHAMPION FOR A YEAR IS BECAUSE TRIPLE H DIDN’T WANT TO WORK TUREDAYS! :lmao :lmao :lmao Now one more time from the top, this ain’t WCW, this ain’t Monday Night Raw this ain’t Smackdown. This isn’t even WWE, THIS MY FRIENDS IS E….C….FUCKIN’….W

I would be happy if the show just cut off here tbf.

The Dudley Boyz vs. Tommy Dreamer & Sandman
Sandman gets the whole Enter the Sandman song as his entrance the full 5 minutes and a half and to see the whole crowd including myself sing it word for word is incredible. Now if the DVD would have cut off here I would have been fins but it doesn’t so let’s do this. The match is about to begin, but the bWo comes out and Stevie says there's no invasion without the bWo! They say they're taking over, and Stevie kicks Nommy! They fight with the other two, and Kid Kash comes out and is thrown out, and then Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten come out. They clean out the bWo and kill Simon Dean. They all fight on the floor and Kid Kash hits an awesome dive on everyone. Everyone not in the match fights to the back and the match happens. Okay after all of the that the match finally starts with Dreamer attempting to use a cheese greater on Bubba but Bubba suplexs out and kills Dreamer with a stop sign to the head, Bubba now uses the cheese greater on Dreamer and Dreamer is cut nasty but Bubba waste times on a back senton and Dreamer moves but the revese 3D by the Dudlez until the Sandman places a ladder around Dreamers neck and Dreamer kills Bubba and Devon with it. Dreamer now gets revenge by using the greater on Bubba on the floor. In the ring and the Sandman drop toe holds Devon onto a trash can for two. Okay way too much shit is going on at once, Sandman does hit a swanton onto to Devon who had a ladder on top of him but when he gets back to his feet Bubba kills him with a chair shot. Devon places the Sandman on the ladder and Bubba hits a huge splash onto him for two, Devon hits Bubba by mistake with the cane allowing both Dreamer and Sandman to apply figure fours to the Dudleyz WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS 8D Suddenly, the Impact Playz comes out and Just tombstones Sandman on top of some barbed Wire just because. OH SHIT! Francine runs down and kicks Tommy in the balls. Wait! It's Beulah McGillicutty! CATFIGHT! The Impact Players try to double team Beulah, but it backfires. Allowing Dreamer to take out both guys Beulah and Tommy embrace and then double DDT the Dudleyz but only for two. Dreamer hits a sign shot into a chair that was laying on D-Von's crotch :lmao The Dudleyz come back by putting Sandman through a table and hitting a 3-D on Dreamer. Little Spike Dudley runs down and brings some lighter fluid! Bubba lights the table on fire and POWERBOMBS Dreamer through the fuckin’ flaming table for the win. In terms of wrestling this was terrible but for the sheer violent AWESOMENESS AND CRAZY SHIT + Sandman’s entrance it’s hard to not argue that this is the greatest tag match/ECW/Main event ever.


Post Match: The Dudleyz try to get Beulah, but Sandman drives them off and yells for beer. Suddenly, STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN! Comes out, Austin invites the entire ECW locker room down for a beer bash! Sandman is insistent on getting his beer RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, but Austin says he came out for a damn fight. Austin calls out the invaders to come down and fight, and they get in the ring except for Eric, who joins commentary, AND TAZ COMES OUT FUCK YEAH! TAZZ APPLIES THE TAZZMISSION ON KURT! ECW clears the ring and Austin calls Foley to bring Bischoff out. Foley brings him out and the invaders all bail on him. Eric gets 3D’ed, Benoit's Flying Headbutt (with Austin screaming at him to kill Eric, lol), Rey's 619, and then everyone drinks to end the show.

Good times.


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What a great PPV. Its interesting to know that Benoit and Eddie had weird attitudes at that time. Makes me want to know what about!


Nov 13, 2010
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Eddie looked pissed after that match, can't blame him for it either. Moronic fans were more interested in chanting "I fucked Lita" and "Lita has herpes" than watching the match. Anyone would be "Why the fuck did I come here?" if that happened to them.

"Smart fans" not paying attention to two of the best workers of all time and only popping for table spots and chair shots, just proves that they ain't too bright.


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You forgot to mention Styles going off on Bischoff when he went to the commentary booth. That was freakin awesome.

But yeah... Eddie especially looked extremely pissed that night. Did he even come back out at the end for the big brawl?


Nov 13, 2010
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You forgot to mention Styles going off on Bischoff when he went to the commentary booth. That was freakin awesome.

But yeah... Eddie especially looked extremely pissed that night. Did he even come back out at the end for the big brawl?

And Styles was just spouting bullshit...."You mad cuz I didn't return yo 4329573248 phone calls"........Lies all lies....Joey signed on to commentate the rebooted WCW.


Prove me wrong
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Yeah that Joey WCW stuff was lame compared to the rant on Mike AWESOME.


Nov 13, 2010
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Nov 13, 2010
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That brawl at the end was probably the biggest disparity between believability in the history of wrestling.

Young, muscled up pre-Wellness Policy wrestlers getting beat up by fat, out of shape slobs who are so past their prime they looked winded after the brawl, was laughable.