Kayfabe Happy Valentine's Day

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The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
*Minho and Wendi are in a nice empty restaurant. The lighting is dimmed and there is a candle with flowers on the table they are seated at. Minho is wearing a neck brace and arm cast. Wendi is wearing a floral dress. Minho stares at his plate of food.*

Wendi: Are you not going to eat?

Minho: ...

... You need to eat.

Minho: ...

Come on, it’s your favourite! Pizza with chicken, ham, pepperoni and bacon.

Minho: ...

Wendi: What was the point in you bringing me here if you aren’t going to eat, or talk?

Minho: ... It’s Valentine’s Day.

Wendi: That was yesterday.

We’re Asian. We celebrate it the next day.

Wendi: That’s... Not a thing...

*Minho strains to turn and look around the empty restaurant.*

Minho: Well, that explains why this place is empty. Isn’t that better though, no annoying people?

Wendi: I guess...

*Wendi continues eating her food. Minho tries to grab a slice of his pizza but quickly remembers his arm is in a cast and sulks.*

Wendi: Use your left arm.

Minho: You use your left arm...

Wendi: Hey, if you’re going to be snappy then we can just leave? Is that what you want?

Minho: ... No... I want you to enjoy your meal.

Wendi: Thank you. Now eat.

*Minho lifts up a slice of pizza with his left hand and begins to eat with the most unamused look he could possibly have on his face.*

Wendi: ... Why don’t you take the cast off? Your arm can’t be that hurt. In your match Luis hardly hit your arm.

Minho: Someone stomped on my arm! I don’t know if it was him, or one of the thug squad that attacked me, but it hurts.

Wendi: Enough for you to wear a cast?

Minho: Yes! And that’s why I’m not wrestling this week. What’s your excuse?

... I’m just not feeling up to it.

Why? You held your own in the two matches you’ve had. You even won one of them. What’s the problem?

Wendi: These women are tough. It just isn’t what I was expecting. I need more training. Maybe I should change my name... Wendilina sound’s good...

Minho: Don’t be silly. That’s stupid and will never work. You can never have enough training though, but what if you had a match next week? Isn’t Vanessa still champion? If Luis is champion, she can’t also be champion. Take it from her.

Wendi: I have no problem with Vanessa. She seems nice.

She seems nice? What, is she your friend now?

Wendi: We talk from time to time, yeah.

Minho: How could you betray me like this? She’s with Alvarado!

Wendi: Yeah, and she thinks this little rivalry of yours is just as stupid as I do.

*Minho audibly gasps.*

Minho: How could you!

Wendi: He’s better than you, and that’s fine. There was always going to be someone. You haven’t been wrestling as long as him. It’s ok.

Minho: No! I refuse! Anyone but him. Have you not seen the things he’s done to be over the weeks?

Wendi: I don’t think he’s really done anything wrong. He’s been booked into these situations just like you, and if anything, you’ve been the bully.

Minho: A bully! These are bold claims, Wendi! Explain!

Wendi: Well... In the tag match you had, he tried to break up the pin at the end, he just wasn’t quick enough.

Minho: I would’ve been quick enough!

Wendi: The singing competition he just didn’t show up, so didn’t do anything wrong there.

Minho: The coward...

Wendi: In the dance-off, he was voted the winner. That’s not his fault.

Minho: He was terrible! And technically that was your fault.

Wendi: And then, you got him disqualified in a match you had nothing to do with. That was unprovoked!

Minho: He had it coming!

Wendi: He really didn’t. If anything, he has reason not to like you. You’re just being salty...

Minho: Salty! You think I’m being...

*Minho stares at Wendi open mouthed.*

Minho: This is salty...

*Minho grabs the salt shaker and tries to unscrew the top with one hand.*

Wendi: Don’t do it...

*Minho manages to unscrew the top and pours the salt onto his pizza, still staring straight at Wendi.*

Wendi: ... You did it...

*Minho stands up and walks to the door of the restaurant.*

Wendi: Where are you going?


Wendi: It was YESTERDAY!

*Minho slams the door behind himself. Wendi sighs and continues eating on her own. The camera fades to black.*
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