Random 100 Christian matches

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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So I downloaded this Christian WWE/TNA pack off XWT, its 100 matches but it’s not in order from 100 to 1. It’s in random order. As all of you know I’m probably the biggest Christian fan on here and now that he’s back from another quick return before he gets injured I wanna give his matches some re watches to show my appreciation. I also have a Jake “The Snake” Pack and I will also be giving that a watch soon as soon as I get sick here. So let’s begin.
100. WWF WrestleMania X-8 - Christian vs DDP (European Championship)
If I remember correctly this is right after the WCW/ECW storyline and this is about the time Christian was on a losing streak and started doing the epic crying/hissy fit after losing. Earlier in the night WWE had Christian cut a heel promo cause this Mania was in Toronto and I guess they didn’t want Christian getting cheered so they had him say he’s so glad he’s moved to Tampa or some shit like that. Anyway Christian wastes no time as soon as DDP hits the ring, and jumps him. Early botch during an Irish whip attempt but it seems like both men’s grip just let go and they do that awkward pose like uhhh shall we do it again :lmao well they go for it again and it works, then DDP makes up for it with an AWESOME! Gut wrench gut buster before clothesline Christian over the top. DDP pretty much takes control for the next couple of minutes until Christian connects with a low blow during the 10 corner punches and drops him face first into the buckle. Christian takes over for a bit but DDP fights back but he isn’t able to full gain control as Christian sends him face first into the post before locking in the abdominal stretch. The match at this point is really back and forth with some fun shit like DDP going up to the middle rope when Christian is on the top and he just throws him off and begins the comeback, they also do this cool spot with DDP acts like he’s about to punch him but Christian covers his face and ducks allowing DDP to hit him with a sitdown powerbomb for two. They do some more sweet counters out of the Diamond cutter and unprettier which had me and the crowd biting. Seconds later DDP would hit the cutter out of nowhere for the win, this match was pretty fun both men gave it all their all and have a couple of sweet counters. Post-Match: DDP rubs it in and Christian loses his shit and throws a temper tantrum. **3/4

99. WWE Raw 02/05/2005 - Christian vs. Kane (Gold Rush Tournament Match)
This is the night after backlash, and the idea is winner faces Batista in the future. The real kick is no one knows who’s in the tournament and they don’t know who’s facing who. Well Christian comes out first with the problem solver and out comes Kane with then girlfriend, wait I mean wife Lita who is still injured and she hobbles out with her crutch. Christian talks shit before the match so Kane throws him out of the ring during a lockup :lmao it’s was so good we get a replay of it. Christian starts punching away but to no effect Kane just boots him in the head and throws him to the outside again. Kane then follows him out but Christian manages to drop-toe hold him into the steps and rolls in to allow Tomko to get a cheap shot in while he has the ref distracted. Kane is slow on his feet so Christian does the GOAT springboard crossbody to the outside, he rolls Kane back in for a two. And begins to hammer away on the back but he makes the mistake of chopping him so Kane fights back with rights but Christian gains control again and begins to choke him again. He tries to undo the turnbuckle but that allows Kane to catch his breath and the comeback but as he goes for the chokeslam Christian counters into a sleeper. Kane is able to fight out and they go back and forth but Christian pokes him in the eye and calls for Tomko to get up onto the apron, but Kane turns the table and sends him into Tomko knocking him off the apron and Christian walks right into a Kane chokeslam for the win. Solid match could have been better without the sloppy moments, but pretty basic for a TV match. **1/4

98. WWF King Of The Ring 1999 - Hardy Boyz vs. The Brood
Gonna be 100% honest I forgot the match even took place, cause when I think of E&C/Hardyz of ’99 I think of the Ladder Match at No Mercy. This took place like a good couple of month before that. The Brood are Edge & Christian and the have Gangrel with them with da goat theme music HBK is also the Commissioner and he made the announcement that the winner gets the face the Acolytes for the titles. The Hardyz have the generic theme song which is fuckin’ embarrassing but they come running down to the ring with 0 reaction and all 4 men brawl away. Edge takes out Jeff and that leaves Christian and Matt to kick it off as we see Michael PS Hayes on the outside. lol @ Christian wearing a shirt, that is LEGIT worse than that gay vest he use to wear. Christian gets the better of both Hardyz until he tags in Edge and Jeff begins to quicken the pace but Edge gets super aggressive with his punches but Jeff counters and it looks like he tries a headscissors but Edge catches him and absolutely kills him with an Alabama slam. Jeff would counter I think it was a double stomp off the middle rope by getting his feet up and he tags in Matt as they hit poetry in motion to no pop. Man this match is old, Matt tries a legdrop but he missus and Christian comes in to take control. Lots of back and forth stuff with neither team gaining control. I to this point have no idea who is playing the faces here and who are heels until all hell breaks loose and Gangrel is talking to the ref and that allows Hayes to get into the ring and cheap shop Edge allowing Matt to hit the northern lights suplex for two. Again everyone is brawling and it looks like the Hardy are about to hit the double teams elevated hurracanrana but as Jeff jumps off Matt's back Edge kills him in mid-air with a spear :mark: FUCKIN’ AWESOME! Edge goes for the cover but Matt breaks it up, Christian hits him with the plancha. Back in the ring Gangrel sprays the blood into Edge’s eyes by mistake and Jeff connects with the Twist of fate for the win. Really enjoyable Stuff here from 4 guys just trying to make a name for themselves, they had chemistry right off the back and it would only get better down the line. **3/4


97. WWF Survivor Series 2001 - Christian vs Al Snow (European Championship)
This is WWF vs. ECW/WCW Al Snow is WWF and Christian is in the alliance, lol I bet you didn’t see that coming. You know with Al getting over like he did with ECW anyway the European Championship is on the line on the final WWF vs. ECW/WCW PPV. Its WINNER TAKE ALL! We get some mat wrestling to start and it’s alright but it wasn’t getting any reaction so Christian began to brawl it up and even hit this awesome hard Irish whip straight into the Russian leg sweep for two. He locks in a sidehead lock but Snow counters and man the crowd are into him a lot. I loved Christian’s aggressiveness here cutting off everything Snow attempts with sweet looking punches and trash talking him in the process. Snow does eventually have a comeback and somewhat wakes the crowd up the fans are even biting on the worse near falls, like sidekicks and Powerbombs. lol @ JR calling the inverted DDT the unprettier They do some more back and forth stuff and Snow hits the ugly finisher called the snow plough, that shit looks super dangerous. But Christian gets his foot on the ropes and arm under the rope for two. He rolls out as Snow chases but he gets caught with a nasty boot to the face followed by the unprettier for the win. Another solid match, nothing really sticks out except for Snows sick finisher and the fact that most of the match was punches. **

96. WWF Royal Rumble 2001 - Dudley Boyz vs Edge & Christian (WWF Tag Team Championships)
I don’t remember much about the build to this apart from the AWESOME! Backstage attack E&C gave the Dudleyz with Devon getting killed with the con-chair-to and Christian killing Bubba with a chair to the back of the head with his head against the wall. As a result both men come in with concussions. JESUS! Dudleyz go right after them getting the advantage but the champs try to bail but that doesn’t go well as the Dudleyz catch up to them Edge/Devon start but after a quick poke to the eye Christian tags in but the Dudleyz are all over them a huge we want tables chant, I bet wwetna1 was behind that. Christian reverses a whip attempt and hits bubba with a headscissors take down but Bubba no sells it and just punches Edge who was standing on the apron in the face :lmao Christian walks into a sidewalk slam for two. Back and forth action until Christian gives Devon a cheap shot to the back of the “concussed” head and they begin to take over working that head. E&C heel work was fun, lots of cheap shot, illegal double teams, along with their cutting off Devon’s offense was great. Lol @ JR asking king if he gets aroused by Edge’s trash talk. They do the phenomenal false tag spot where Christian has the ref distracted as Devon makes the tag and Bubba comes in but cause the ref didn’t see it Devon has to come back in. While that was going on E&C grab two chairs and do for the con-chair-to but Devon ducks, nailing both men with a double clothesline then finally getting the tag to Bubba, who’s hot tag ruled picked up the pace. Dudleyz hit the “watzzzz up” drop and Devon gets the table but Christian cuts him off and Edge rolls out to grab one of the tag titles. Back in, and Bubba ducks the title shot and counters with a school but for a close two but Christian comes in and attempts to hit the unprettier but Devon puts a stop to that. The go for the 3D but as Devon picks him up Edge spears Bubba and Christian hits Devon with a DDT. Edge covers Bubba for two, and now they go for the “Watzzzz up” but Bubba rolls him through as Devon throws him onto Christian penis and he rolls out. Edge would eventually turn around and walk into the 3D for the win. Fun match here, I liked the E&C heel work on Devon with them targeting the back of the head. And the finish was good as well. ***

95. WWF Vengeance 2001 - Scotty 2 Hotty & Albert vs Test & Christian
This was meh! A pretty solid enough opener to the show, most of it was just quick tag team action from both tag teams. JR & King spent the majority of the match talking about the rest of the card or in Kings Case making fun of Scotty and Albert. I did enjoy the heat segment when Christian was on offense, Test did nothing for me like usual. But he did have a nice counter/reversal sequence with Scotty before Albert got the hot tag. Albert hitting the big swing tho, the match would end when Scotty hit the worm onto test to take him outside the ring and Albert nails the baldo bomb on Christian for the win. Again a solid way to open a PPV and the crowd was into it but it’s hard to care when you don’t give a fuck about ¾ of the people in the match. **1/4

94. WWE Night Of Champions 2009 - Tommy Dreamer vs Christian (ECW Championship)
I miss the days when Christian would wear his little trousers and jacket combo, good shit. Dreamer is the champ here and man I should really download some ECW 2008/2009 shows. They had some great matches on that. Some mat work to start but then both men trade slaps and go back to work chain wrestling :lmao They got into some nice reversals earlier on with Christian wanting to hit the ropes boot but Dreamer catches him and nails and neckbreaker for two. From that they do some more cool shit as you can tell both men have wrestler quite a bit as they have counters for counters that worked in the previous match. At one point Christian looks for the springboard crossbody but Dreamer moves and Christian crashes and burns on the outside. That allows Dreamer to take over in the ring, but that doesn’t last long as it appears like Dreamer was about to hit a legdrop off the middle but Christian yanks the leg and Dreamer comes crashing down hip first. Christian works the back and neck and Striker puts overs that dreamer has had issues with the neck and back before. Christian goes for a sleeper twice and on the third attempt he hurls himself with Christian on his back over the top rope to break the hold. Both men are slow to get to their feet and get into the ring at the count of 8 and now it Dreamer in control now as he hits the running dropkick to Christian in the corner. More reversals by both men, as Dreamer totally forgets about the back but to be fair Christian didn’t target it at all. lol it’s just reversal city now with neither man able to hit more that 2 or 3 moves in a row before getting countered. The match would end when Christian would go for the Killswitch but that gets countered into a DDT attempt but Christian counters out of it and is able to connect with the Killswitch for the win. Post-Match: Christian celebrates his 2nd ECW championship win and he and Dreamer hug it out. **3/4

93. WWE Raw 09/29/2003 - Christian vs. Rob Van Dam (WWE Intercontinental Championship, Ladder match)
AWESOME! Thing happen before the match, so Christian is walking to the ring and he does the kiss point to Lita and Trish who are talking. Then all of a sudden we hear a voice say one more time and Christian walks back to do it again as we cut away :lmao So this is a rematch from Raw the previous week when Christian got DQ’ed. Christian is wearing the GOAT pink, black and white attire. Really fun opening minute or so with RVD stiffing the fuck out of him and both men reversing stuff before the ladder comes into play with first RVD hits him with a running dropkick through the ropes, followed up by the running no handed somersault plancha on top of the ladder crashing onto Christian. Both men get back up slowly as Christian gives him a thumb to the eye and rams his head off the steps. Christian then places the ladder in-between the steps and the barriers both men tease the Irish whip but it’s RVD that gets the better of it as he front suplexes Christina mid-section first, but he’s not done as RVD gets on top of the barriers and connects with the spinning legdrop. RVD gets up and throws the ladder and Christian back in, he places the ladder in the corner and goes to whip Christian in but Christian counters it sending him face first in. He then puts the ladder vertical on the middle rope and fuckin’ kills him with a SlingShot – Catapult sending RVD headfirst into the ladder. Christian then sets up a ladder but RVD is back up and he pushes him off but he lands on his feet but runs right into a spinning leg lariat. RVD then sets up the ladder in the ring flat as he press slams him gut first and immediately nails a moonsault JESUS! As Christian gets up RVD uses the ladder as a weapon sending him to the outside, and RVD climbs but as he gets half way. Christian is right behind him and hits the inverted DDT off the ladder :mark: both men begin to trade punches until RVD monkey flips Christian onto the ladder and follows up with the fuckin’ rolling thunder. RVD isn’t done as he has Christian in the middle of the ring and begins to climb the ladder but Christian gets to his feet and yanks RVD’s feet off the ladder sending him face first to the match. Christian gets the ladder from off the buckle but as RVD is on his knees he leaps up and hits the fuckin’ Van Daminator and Christian falls on top of the ladder, but RVD isn’t done he jumps to the top turn buckle looking for the Five Star but Christian moves and RVD goes crashing into the ladder. Christian then knocks RVD off the apron and now he begins to climb the ladder ever so slowly but out of nowhere RVD is back but Christian kicks him off so RVD climbs he buckle and kicks the ladder from under him and Christian takes the AWESOME bump off the top with his jaw hitting the ladder at the end. Both men are slow to climb the ladder and RVD begins to rock it and as the ladder begins to fall RVD catches himself on the ladder he set up earlier but Christian falls throat first onto the top rope and falls in the middle of the ring. RVD sees this and continues to climb the ladder until he get the top and does the R….V…..D! Taunt and comes down with the Five Star frogslash :mark: he somehow gets to his feet and places the ladder onto the midsection of Christian and begins to climb it to take the title down. FUCKIN’ AMAZING MATCH, both men for 15 minutes just went out and tore it up by killing themselves for the people in Chicago that night, a top of big spots and nothing felt wasted. ****



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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92. WWE Over The Limit 2012 - Cody Rhodes vs Christian (Intercontinental Championship)
Well this is Christian return from injury, he won a pre-show battle royal and picked US champ Santino, but during the show he heard Cody talking shit so he decided to pick Cody instead. The match starts off with all Cody being aggressive but Christian weather the early storm and hits his running dropkick to Cody on the outside but he makes the mistake of following up so Cody shoves him back and neck first into the steel steps and begins to work on the neck back in the ring. Christian has a brief comeback but Cody hits an impressive supperplex and goes back to work on the neck for a few more minutes, Cody would hit the fuckin’ deserter kick by using the steel steps was sweet. Back in and Cody waste too much time going for an axe handle and Christian would use that time to begin his comeback but I guess cause he’s been out for a lengthy point of time it was a lot slower than usual. He would miss a crossbody and a tornado DDT that would allow Cody to hit his moonsault that got no pop what so ever so Cody began to shit on the fans :lmao that would allow Christian to throw him shoulder first into the turnbuckle and hit the Killswitch for the win. 5 time Intercontinental Champion. Match was alright but the people didn’t care and it took away from some of the stuff they did at times, I also felt they could have done better. **1/2 - **3/4

91. WWE Judgment Day 2009 - Christian vs Jack Swagger (ECW Championship)
So this is the Backlash rematch, in that match last month Christian won the ECW title for the first time. The opening minutes had that cat/mousse feel with Christian using his seed and experience to try and sucker Swagger in but he used the power to stop all of that so both men went to wrestling instead, with Swagger obviously getting the better as he’s the “All American, American” I loved that whenever Christian would get any sort of separation it would be him using his smarts, speed and high flying. But once again all it took was one big power move to put all spots to Christian offense, but the match would eventually become Jacks match as he picks up Christian over his and lunches him gut first into the post :mark: that looked AWESOME! Back in and it’s all Swagger working the gut with mat based submissions. A few minutes later Christian has a great comeback still using his smarts and it seems like they were playing off the previous match with the reversals out of running powers and even Christian hitting the through the ropes boots back-to-back, it’s just a shame he’s no selling the ribs. He misses a huge splash off the top, but he manages to block the doctor bomb and again uses his quickness to outsmart Swagger but he gets caught on the top rope as Swagger belly-to-belly’s him off. More back and forth action with a ton of counters, they do this great sequence with Christian desperately wanting to hit a tornado DDT but Jack fights him off so Christian goes for it one more time but this time he hits the revers tornado DDT for two. Another great spot was Christian going for the Killswitch but Swagger counters out with a back suplex but instead of sending Christian back first he flips him 360 with Christian landing on the already injured midsection, great stuff. Swagger would then attempt to hit the Swagger bomb but Christian would counter by pulling down his straps :lmao :lmao and hitting a quick school boy using the tights for leverage for the win. Really fun stuff here, tons of back and forth action it’s just a shame Christian didn’t sell the ribs enough but they did a number of great stuff though out. ***1/4

90. WWE Breaking Point 2009 - Christian vs William Regal (ECW Championship)
Regal is accompanied by big Zeke and the Russian guy, I forget his name but he would go on to do big things with Santino down the line. Oh wait, during the introductions GM Tiffany announces that they have to leave leaving it a one-on-one match. Both men come out the box fast going from match wrestling to Christian trying to hit the Killswitch right out of the gate then going back to mat wrestling. But every once in a while Christian would hit a big move then go right back to the ground, Christian plam slap/punches sound incredible here. But he would make the mistake of attempting that tornado DDT off the top so Regal just shoves him down out of the ring with Christian hitting his head on the apron. Regal would then use the apron as a weapon, before using Christian own arms to choke him. But he reverses and they go into this AWESOME! Sequence out of the roman wrist lock and Regal bridging out just some great stuff. He would eventually break out and just kill Christian with an exploder suplex for two before going back to work on the neck and head. Surfboard is locked in but it’s not even close to looking godly like Bryan’s. Christian would again fight out but he would miss a sunset flip and Regal would kill him with a knee to face :mark: Jesus Regal is just beating the fuck out of him and it looks great, so fuckin’ brutal with everything he does. Big moves leading to submissions not allowing Christian any separation and if he does his stiff strikes would wear him down. Christian has a fun little comeback but as soon as he thinks he’s got him down, Regal destroys him with a forearm. Out of nowhere the fuckin’ Regal plex hits for two, both men go back and forth now with Christian picking up the pace and his hitting becomes harder but you can tell he’s just got the shit beaten out of him as he’s breathing hard. The match ended a bit too suddenly for my liking as Regal has been counter the Killswitch all night and he goes for it a 4th time but Regal shoves him throat first into the rope but Christian doges the running knee and hits the Killswitch for the win. Great match here as Regal just brutally beat him up and Christian took it like a champ but also dished out when it was his turn, I would have like a different finish instead of Christian finally getting it on the 5th try but that’s just me being picky. ***1/4


89. WWE Royal Rumble 2010 - Christian vs Ezekiel Jackson (ECW Championship)
Not gonna lie, I’m not looking forward to this at all. Fuckin’ Jackson what a waste. Test of strength to start and Jackson gets the better, so he tried to use the speed to overcome it but again he gets caught so he plays the piss him so he can get off his game plan and it works as he hits the running dropkick followed but the springboard crossbody, more quickness by Christian but the 2nd slap is a bad idea as Jackson gets a hold of him and wears him down with strikes and power moves, thankfully that doesn’t last as again he uses the speed to get out of the way but he makes the mistake of going high risk and Jackson yanks the leg from under him sending him back first to the mat. Christian would roll out and just as Regal is about to hit him the ref sees and throws him out, Jackson throws him into the steps then back into the ring as he works the back. Jackson would hit this fuckin’ awesome chokeslam as Christian was laying on his back and Jackson would pick him up by the throat high in the air and down to the mat. He would do it again minutes later but this time it was double handed. I did like that after every move Jackson would go for a cover just showing how important it was to keep him grounded. Christian come back was good as he used a lot of fake outs that made Jackson look like a bitch but he would also hit him from every angle, his risk taking was on full display as well but I guess when you’re facing a guy bigger than you in every way the only way to take him down and to stay out of his grip is fly, what a storyteller. Later in the match Christian would miss the slash and Jackson would kill him with a clothesline for two. Killswitch is blocked with a backbreaker and again Jackson goes right into the cover, this is a lot better than I remember it being. The match would end with Christian attempting a sleeper but Jackson would pull him up and use his back as a battering ram ramming him into the turnbuckle twice but on the third attempt he would slip out and hit the Killswitch out of nowhere for the win. Great match here, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. This is probably Jackson’s best match of all time. I loved that he was so desperate and wanted the win so bad that after ever move he went for the pin not giving Christian any room. I also loved Christian adapting to and changing his game plan from speed to just hitting him from every angle, the finish was cool too. ***

88. WWF King Of The Ring 2001 - Christian vs Kurt Angle (King of the Ring Semi-Final Match)
Both men are heels coming in and I think E&C + Kurt friendship is in full effect here but Kurt is also feuding with Shane O’Mac at the time so he tries to end this early. Christian gets the better early as the match goes back and forth with Christian offense is just punches and the crowd is one minute “Let’s go Angle” “Angle Sucks” so they have no idea what they want. Kurt would gain control of this match when Christian attempts to a move off the top but Kurt throws him off and he lands chest first onto the guard rails. Back in the ring and he wears Christian down with stomps and suplexs going for quick pins right off the back, Jesus this match is just punches :lmao Christian would hit a desperation spin kick and Young Simba would walk down to the ring :hm: That allows Kurt to turn his attention away, then he tries a moonsault just because. Anyway that misses allowing Christian to make a comeback he goes for the Unprettier but Kurt counters to the Ankle lock, but Christian reaches the ropes. Angle Slam is countered into the Unprettier and when Christian goes for the cover Young Simba would pull Christian under the rope breaking up the pin. SWERVE! Kurt then Angle Slams Christian from the apron into the ring for the win. Pretty crap match, all punches and kicks oh and the occasional suplex from Kurt. We would later find out Shane cost Christian the match because he wanted Kurt to go to the finals meaning he would have to wrestle 2 matches before his match instead of one. GENUIS! Shane would cost Kurt the finals against Edge, and we all remember how fuckin’ violent the Shane/Kurt match was. But yeah this match was trash. *1/2

87. WWF Judgment Day 1998 - Christian vs Taka Michinoku (Light Heavyweight Championship)
This is Christian debut match, but he’s been in the WWF for a month now. Taka has been champ for 10 months now, he doesn’t have his Kai En Tai Ninjas with him here. Christian is wearing that awful gay vampire shirt on still :lmao as he jumps on Taka as soon as the bell rings. But that doesn’t last as Taka uses the quickness to out move Christian, he even hits the sweet running no hands jumping springboard crossbody, back in and he hits a springboard kneedrop. But he gets caught in the corner and Christian uses the power to wear Taka down. OH SHIT! Christian hitting a 3 vertal suplex but on the 3rd he drops the Taka down face planet style, I should tweet him to bring that back. Taka would fight back but during his running move Christian pulls the rope down and Taka goes LEGIT playing :lmao Christian would follow up with the springboard crossbody, back in a powerbomb would get two. Back and forth action now with Taka sending Christian to the outside, he follows up with a beautiful asai moonsault. Back in Taka connects with some chops but they both a corner spot leading to a crossbody. The match at this point is just spots now, fuck writing all that shit the match would eventually end when Taka goes for the Michinoku Driver but Christian counters into a quick roll up for the win. First every WW singles match and he wins a title, what a guy. Match was good fun all round but once they just started hitting spots I didn’t care for this anymore. **3/4


86. WWE The Great American Bash 2005 - Booker T vs Christian
Jesus Christian’s jumpsuit is super hilariously bad. And it’s that’s not bad enough his attire is this shinny blue. Booker is face here and he’s dragging his annoying ass wife around with him UGH! Booker chases him right off the back but, great way to waste 2 minutes. OH SHIT Cole bringing up the 2003 feud. Christian stalling was impressive and he suckered Booker in but as they go back in it’s all Booker but more stalling from Christian backfires as he turns his back to him again. Back in the ring now and Booker his a back suplex followed by the punch/chop combo but again he uses dirty heel tactics but it doesn’t work, and Booker gets a school boy for two Christian then goes to the other corner and uses the ref to take over sending Booker shoulder first into the post and he begins to go to work on the arm after hitting a single arm DDT, but instead of going to work on it he applies a fuckin’ chinlock lol Booker begins to fight out but again he takes him down with the arm but this time he applies an arm submission but Booker gets to the rope forcing a break, Booker is not selling shit at this point but tbf Christian has no idea what body part to work on. Booker misses an axe kick so Christian instead of jumped all over booker he uses this time to pull Sharmell onto the apron as she screams with that fuckin’ annoying voice. She then slaps him and begins to act tough, as he’s about to knock the shit out of here Booker makes the save with the Book end for two. Booker now begins his comeback quickening the pace, they begin to go back and forth until Booker hits this sweet spinebuster and it looks like he’s about to go for the spinaroonie as the fans boo. One man flapjack connects and now he does the spinaroonie. lol @ Christian just using dirty tactics all match long, it’s great. Christian gains the advantage back using the thumb to the eye then sending Booker to the outside but he takes too long to follow up so Booker sends him into the ring post then the steps not once but twice. Back in, Booker hits the scissors kick off the middle rope for the win. Match was alright, but Booker was adding nothing just doing moves at this point but Christian just using dirty heel tactic’s was great he was really putting over that he didn’t want a clean fight at all. The finish was good as the went back and used how Christian won the first match on SD, but this time it was Booker doing it to him. **1/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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85. WWE Backlash 2009 - Christian vs Jack Swagger (ECW Championship)
Well this is the first match, I already watch the rematch from Judgement Day lol. Swagger is the champ coming in and I think this is Christian first match back from leaving TNA. Swagger uses his amateur skills to take down Christian early but he makes the mistake of not respecting him so Christian slaps the shit out of him for using his quickness to apply the hit and move gameplan but that doesn’t last long as once Swagger gets a hold of him he does the military press throw over the ringpost sending Christian down to the floor. Back in the ring, and Swagger gets a two count but then jumps on the midsection with two vicious knees and applies the back bearhug with takedowns :mark: Christian does manage to break the hold with elbows but Swagger counters the ropes boot with the foot to the chest stomp, hey didn’t Del Rio use that on Mysterio like 4 weeks again :hm: Back to the bearhug but now he has it bell-to-belly, but again Christian fights out only to get caught with a GOAT amateur counter into a move to hurt the midsection. Later in the match Christian would hit the ropes boot but again gets killed with a knee to the midsection but the Swagger splash is countered and that allows Christian to begin his comeback as he sells the midsection AWESOMELY! Gut Wrench is countered so instead he picks him up and puts him on the top buckle but Christian countered into a tornado DDT for two. Belly-to-Belly Rock Bottom IDK that’s what it was. OH SHIT SWAGGER ATTEMPTING THE GERMAN OFF THE APRON BUT Christian hangs onto the ropes and flips him over but again he gets caught on the top rope and Swagger back body drops him off the top. They do some nice back and forth action, but Swagger takes off the turn buckle as the ref tells him to stop but what he doesn’t realize is that Christian is doing the same across the ring. Swagger then comes charging in but Christian moves and Swagger goes chest first into the exposed buckle and Christian would hit the Killswitch for the win. This was great it made Jack look LEGITIMATE and hit armature work mixed in with the power offense was beautiful, I loved Christian selling throughout then using his experience to cheat for the win. ***1/2

84. WWE Vengeance 2011 - Sheamus vs Christian
Christian coming out to 0 reaction lol:( Christian slapping Sheamus right off the back was funny as he thought it would take him off his game but instead Sheamus just beat him up. They go back-and-forth exchanging strikes until Sheamus corners him and pounds him down but a Christian palm slap would lead to Sheamus hitting the forearms to the chest which hasn't gotten the pop like it does not. Christian hitting a desperation neckbreaker to gain control and he hits another one before kicking and punching away as Sheamus tries to fight from the bottom but a school boy gets two as Christian targets the neck now. Christian’s offense is great here, he’s super aggressive not allowing Sheamus room to move but he gets to comfortable coming off the top so he misses a splash allowing Sheamus to make a great mini-comeback. He would hit the fade away slam for two, Christian would then sucker him over the top rope to the outside but as he looks for the running dropkick Sheamus would cut him off shoulder block through the ropes and another over the top. More back and forth action with Sheamus kicking out at one cause he’s a boss. The Christian ropes boot is countered as Sheamus goes for the foot to the chest stop but Christian falls too early, lol Christian is like 1-3 doing that move right, I can see why he stopped and Rey took over from doing it. Killswitch is countered into the Celtic cross attempt but Christian does manage to hit the ropes boot twice but as he goes for the crossbody Sheamus catches him in mid-air with the Irish curse backbreaker. Brogue kick is countered into the spear for two. AWESOME knee lift by Sheamus, but Christian crotches him on the top rope he then hits the hurracanrana off the top but as he sets him up for the Spear Sheamus kills him with the Brogue kick for the win. Really fun tough match from the two, they have a chemistry with each other which just the both of them hitting the fuck out of one another. ***1/4

83. WWE Hell In A Cell 2011 - Sheamus vs Christian
This is the rematch of the previous match, pretty sure Christian has never won a match against him and what makes it worse in the video package Christian has cost Sheamus a number of matches over the two months. OH SHIT! The “Fired” Miz and Truth just showed up, don’t worry they wouldn’t do anything important at all at this show 8D JR, Cole and Booker on commentary. IDK why Sheamus gave Christian a clean break to start, anyway mat wrestling to start which also feels weird as Christian has attacked him from behind for the past two months so you would think he would just come right out beating the shit out of him. They go back and forth now with neither guy gaining the upper hand until Sheamus would hit the forearm chest strikes and the crowd have now begin to count along. Fade away slam connects but Sheamus makes the mistake of not going for the pin and heads to the top but Christian pushes him off the top sending him all the way to the floor. Christian jumps all over him with great looking punches but again Sheamus doesn’t stop coming and he has a great series of punches but a back elbow by Christian puts a stop to it and he applies the sleeper but a chinbreaker puts an end to it and Sheamus starts a mini-comeback but Christian cuts him off with knees to the head, Christian is now punking him with slaps but that would begin his downfall as Sheamus destroys Christian back with blows to kick off his great comeback. Killswitch is blocked. Christian catches him with the neck snap on the top rope but Sheamus catches him with the Irish Curse backbreaker after attempting the crossbody, nice play off the previous match. They do some more back and forth stuff now and Sheamus is fuck you I’m kicking out at one mode right now :mark: he would hit a knee life but he tries to go to the top but Christian grabs the leg but Sheamus would kick him off he then would use the top rope to propel himself to the top and hit that battering ram shoulder. Brogue kick is missed and Christian would throw him to the outside, another call back from the previous match with Sheamus catching him with a shoulder. He would go for it again but Sheamus would catch his legs and dump him to the floor :lmao Sheamus would try to pick him up by his feet but Christian would kick him off but Sheamus would put the brakes on before hitting the post. As he does that he turns right around and walks into a spear. The ref begins to count as Christian gets in at the count of 3, the ref is on number 8 and Sheamus rolls in. But again Christian connects with a spear for two. He heads up top but misses the splash and Sheamus goes for the Celtic cross but that gets countered into a Killswitch attempt but Sheamus would counter that sending him shoulder first into the ringpost and finishes him off with a the Brogue kick for the win. A lot like the first match, they even added some call back spots and counters. Good stuff all round. ***1/4

82. NWA-TNA Turning Point 2005 - Christian Cage vs Monty Brown
Oh shit my first Christian Cage match :mark: this is his PPV in ring debut, he debuted at the last PPV genesis and they wasted his first in ring match on impact against a then trash Bobby Roode. This is a “Number one contender” lol I swear every match Monty brown is in is an unofficial number one contender’s match and he always wins. Yet he only ever had two world title matches to this point. I remember this feud well as they both would make fun of each other’s clothes and style, damn Monty was such a cool guy on the mic, he also had the look of a champ and the ring work had its moments, he got better as the months went by. Black, Pink & White attire on by Christian :mark: Monty uses the power early on so they decide to trash talk on another and begin to slug it out but Monty uses the power but before he can do anything Christian uses the quickness to get away from a POUNCE! Attempt he then fakes him out on a dive but he tries an axe handle off the top but Monty catches him but he just seems to let him go so Christian sends him to the floor. He then follows up with a dive to the outside, back in and Christian goes for the Unprettier but Monty counters it to a electric chair attempt but instead of dropping him back first he drops him throat first onto the top rope. Monty follows up with a military press slam throwing him out of the ring to the floor. EPIC FAKE OUT BY MONTY AS HE TELL THE FANS TO MOVE LIKE HE’S ABOUT TO THROW CHRISTIAN INTO THE FANS BUT INSTEAD HE THROWS HIM BACK INTO THE RING :mark: Monty begins to work the head, but as he tries a T-bone suplex Christian fights him off but walks right into a belly-to-belly. Monty now begins to target the back as I think he remembered his finishing move is the pounce. Jesus this 6 sided ring is time. Anyway, Monty then tries to make Christian’s feet touch his head by wrapping him around the ring post, he then tries to something on the outside but Christian would counter sending him into the guard rails. Back in, and Christian begins him comeback but it’s nowhere near as good as it’s been in the past. Monty’s punches look awful right now it’s so slow so that allows Christian to connect with a tornado DDT. Frog splash connects by Christian for two, but that delay it took to cover took too long. THE ALPHA BOMB BY MONTY CONNECTS, someone tell Big E or Roman to start doing that move. Full nelson is attempted but Christian uses Monty’s strength against him to send him head first into the exposed buckle and he would hit the Unprettier for the win. Solid win here for Christian, he had Monty looking aggressive but he uses his cunning and Monty’s own strength against him for the win. Looking forward to the rematch. **3/4 - ***


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Dec 3, 2010
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79. WWE No Way Out 2012 - Christian vs Cody Rhodes (Intercontinental Championship)
This is the rematch of the over the limit match, the opening minutes had its moments with Cody getting the better but Christian showed his resilience and found a way to outsmart the young man. They would trade strikes back and forth until Cody found his way on to the apron but Christian outsmarted him again and slid under the bottom rope yanking Cody’s leg and he was fall face first on the apron. Back in and Christian would hit the running drop to keep Cody on the floor, he would then fake a slingshot crossbody and catch himself on the apron he jumps over Cody’s attempt to catch his leg but as he goes to back kick him Cody grabs him leg and yanks him face and chest first to the apron, good shit. Cody then uses the rope to attempt to rip the arm off and he begins to work a minute until Christian makes a brief comeback but he wastes time looking at the crowd which allows Cody to gain the momentum back. As he works the left shoulder beautifully and Christian’s sell it like a champ keeping it close to his body at all times, they fight on the floor for a while and Christian busts out a GOAT tornado DDT using the steel steps as a springboard. Back in and Christian begins a full comeback but he forgets about the arm :( but it’s so good I forgive him. But once again he makes the mistake but taking too long during a sunset flip and Cody pulls the legs from under him and he goes crashing down to the mat. Cody heads up but this time he takes too long on the top allowing Christian to snap off a hurracanrana. They go back and forth for a while until Cody steals 2 Hardcore holly moves in under 5 seconds first it’s the low blow kick then it’s the Alabama slam for two :lmao Cody then tries a Killswitch of his own but Christian counters into the inverted DDT he signals the spear but Cody gets out of dodge, he slides back in and catches Christian off guard with a school boy for two. But Christian hits the Killswitch out of nowhere for two :mark: Christian goes back to selling the arm again, he heads up but Cody meets him but gets shoved down. Christian attempts the frog splash but is meet with knees and Cody goes for the disaster kick but that misses allowing Christian to attempt another Killswitch but that gets shoved off and Cody attempts another disaster kick but that misses allowing Christian to hit the spear for the win. Really fun match here, Cody’s arm work was a thing of beauty even if Christians selling was up and down. They did a number of great counters leading to the hot finish that had me going. ***


78. WWF Backlash 2000 - Edge & Christian vs Road Dogg & X-Pac (WWF Tag Team Championship)
The RUNDMC DX theme is GOAT, it was right about this time E&C started showing personality and I think it was a couple of weeks ago or the show before Mania they kinda turned heel. So to give them a heel vs. heel might right off the bat was weird and considering they had the Ladder match at mania you would think the Dudleyz or the Hardyz would have gotten the title match here. The match starts off with Edge and X-Pac start and it’s good, E&C are the faces by default here as DX were the top heels for like over 6 months now. Edge still have to woman popping for him huge here, Road Dogg comes in now and he and Edge slug it out until Edge picks up the pace before tagging in Christian. Christian gets the better until he goes up for the ten corner punch but Edge has the ref distracted allowing Road Dogg from the outside to pull him down with his neck getting caught on the top rope and that allows DX to take over. They add the false hot tag spot which was random, but seeing how Edge was mad over it kinda worked. That allowed DX to pull Christian back in the DX corner and they proceed to double kick him. Bronco buster by X-Pac as he tags in Road Dogg who delivers two nasty looking kicks before wearing him down with a side headlock. Brief comeback by Christian but he get meet by the Road Dogg punch combo with dance, both men get KO’ed during a double crossbody attempts. Suddenly X-Pac comes in and puts the boots to Christian to the ref tries to get him out that allows Edge to come off the top with a diving headbutt to Road Dogg who is still on the mat. He then attacks X-Pac knocking him out and Christian covers Road Dogg for two. DX somehow gain the advantage again as they go for a double back drop but Christian flips over and hits both men with an inverted DDT and finally makes the hot tag to Edge. Road Dogg goes for a pump handle on Edge but Christian comes in from behind and attempts the Unprettier but gets shoved off into an X-Pac spin kick, Edge then comes in and spears Road Dogg he goes to do the same to X-Pac but Tori cuts him off. X-Pac comes charging in but Edge moves and he knocks here down, quick school boy gets two as Christian is about to hit Tori with an inverted DDT on the floor Road Dogg cuts that off with a flying clothesline off the apron. Back in the ring, X-Pac hits the X-Factor but Christian comes in with the bell and hits X-Pac in the head and KO’s X-Pac with Edge covering him for the win. This was allot better than I remembered it being, real solid stuff all round. **1/2

77. WWE Extreme Rules 2009 - Christian vs Jack Swagger vs Tommy Dreamer (Hardcore Match/ECW Championship)
All 3 guys go at it right off the bat but Swagger throws Christian out to leave him and Tommy alone, but Christian and Tommy go under the ring and both grab weapons. Christian has a trash can lid, Tommy has a kendo stick. They play a game up one-manship just beating the fuck out of Swagger until Dreamer hits the Russian legsweep using the kendo stick, which forces Christian to break it up by hitting in the back with the lid. He would hit him again and again but Tommy fights back and uses the kendo stick as a partner back dropping Christian. Swagger beats on Tommy as all three men are now on the floor. Tommy picks up a the trash can and uses to dive onto both men off the apron, he heads up top now and uses the kendo stick to hit Swagger in the throat before places him in the tree of woe as he’s about to hit the running dropkick into the trash can that is covering Swaggers face Christian trips him up and hits the dropkick of his own then throws Tommy onto the trash can that is still in front of Swaggers face he covers for a one count before tossing Tommy out of the ring and that allows Swagger to beat on Christian using power moves, he can’t get Christian to stay down so he tries to take the turn buckle pad off but he’s taking too much time so Tommy hits him in the shoulder with the kendo stick and he walks into the inverted DDT by Christian for two. Tommy is back in now and he nails Christian in the back with the trash can lid and places on it but he misses an elbow drop and rolls to the floor. Christian then attempts a springboard crossbody but Swagger picks up the trash can and Christian goes flying into it. Swagger and Tommy go at it in the ring now with 3 trash cans in the middle as Swagger attempts to superplex Tommy onto them but he’s fighting them off until Christian re-enters the ring and power bombs Swagger who still has Tommy in the superplex position and he comes crashing down ass first onto the cans lol they under calculated it. The spot was cool though, oh shit the fans in the front row attempts an “oh my god” chant :lmao Christian covers Tommy for two, he then covers Swagger for two. He then rolls to the outside to collect a crutch he goes to hit Swagger with it but he ducks and Swagger gains position of it but this time its Christian who avoids it and goes for the Killswitch but that gets countered into an electric chair position he drops Christian face first into that exposed turn buckle but as he goes for the gut wrench powerbomb Dreamer hits him in the stomach with the crutch then to the back of the head before finishing him off with the DDT for the win. Standard Hardcore match here, it was wasn’t amazing and it wasn’t horrible either. It with right in the middle but felt like most Hardcore matches we've seen in the past. **3/4

76. WWE Raw 03/28/2011 - Edge & Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio & Brodus Clay
This is the first time in 6 years that Edge and Christian are teaming up, Del Rio coming out in a Bentley Flying Spur. Edge and Clay start with Edge getting the better until Christian tags in, they do a couple of double teams then dump Clay to the outside. Christian attempts a crossbody but gets caught so Edge helps out by drop kicking his back sending him and Clay down as we go to a commercial. We return and Del Rio is working on Christian’s arm, he fights out but gets caught with a superkick for two. He wraps his arm around the bottom rope and pulls before tagging in Clay who begins to work on Christian for a big before tagging Del Rio back in, he gets caught with a boot then a tornado DDT out of desperation before the hot tag to Edge. Edge takes out Clay and sets him up for the spear but Del Rio trips him up so Christian attacks him from behind but Del Rio gets the better by slamming him into the rails. Edge then hits Clay with a spear for the win, post-match: Del Rio locks Christian in an arm bar as Edge is in the ring. He finally sees it and Chases him to the back. He walks back to check on Christian so Del Rio attacks him from behind and locks in the arm bar. Basic TV match for 4 minutes, you would think this is E&C first match in 6 years WWE would have made it feel like a bigger deal instead some angle advancement. *3/4

75. WWF Invasion 2001 - Edge & Christian vs Mike Awesome & Lance Storm
Mike and Christian start and Mike’s offense looks like someone on crack, as he’s pretty much just go-go-go nonstop. Christian moves out of a corner charge and drop toe holds him before tagging in Edge. Mike kills Edge with this awesome short arm clothesline before tagging in Storm, they would go back and forth and it was pretty damn good. But Mike cuts that off until Edge throws him out, Storm comes charging in but Edge drops him over. Christian comes in now and he does the leap to the outside using Edge’s back but the problem is his legs gets caught on the top rope and it looks like shit. Mike rams Christian’s back into the rail, back in the ring Edge hits Storm with a backbreakers as JR tries to say Christian must have pre-match nerves cause of the threat that is ECW/WCW :lmao Double team by E&C but it looks like Christian was trying for a monkey flip but Storm catches him and places him on the top but gets shoved down so Mike comes over and pulls Christians feet from under him sending him midsection first hung on the top rope. Storm comes running over and shoves him off the apron to the rails. Mike continues the assault on the outside before sending him back in. Storm and Mike continue to work the ribs and it’s pretty damn good. A couple of minutes past and Christian would block the AWESOME BOMB off the top with a backdrop and is finally able to make the hot tag to Edge who comes in and cleans house with his AWESOME! Hot tag sequence. They do that weird spot with the small package that I hate but the pace has picked up with Edge hitting Mike with a spear for two, but Storm is about to hit Christian with the superkick but Edge pushes him out of the way and takes the shot. Christian sends Storm and himself over the top leaving Mike to cover Edge for two. He goes for the running powerbomb but Christian cuts him off with a spear of his own and Edge covers for the win. Really good match here, loved the heat segment on Christian and he selling of it was great. Edge had a dope hot tag and even though the match fell apart towards the end it still is rather enjoyable. **1/2 - **3/4


Leave it to the professional Chrisitian


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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74. TNA Bound For Glory 2006 - Rhino vs Christian Cage (8 Mile Street Fight)
So this is a come dressed as you are street fight, and Christian wears combats and a Christian tee. While Rhino has his wrestling gear on and a hoodie on top :lmao. Before the match Christian cuts a great heel promo shitting on Rhino and the city of Detroit. Oh shit we get a great video package showing the early days to how it came to this, but then it gets ruined when some fan says Christian isn’t just fighting Rhino he’s fighting this whole city :lmao The match starts in the parking lot with Rhino getting the better for a good few minutes as they take it inside, Christian then tries to get away by climbing on top of the Zamboni but Rhino then drives it into the arena down to ringside near the crowd. Rhino gets on top and begins to brawl with him knocking him off, they make it back to ringside and it’s still all Rhino but a rake to the eyes stop him and he picks up one of the plastic street lamps but Rhino blocks it and knocks him down with it. Back in the ring after like 2 minutes of Rhino putting weapons in the ring he hits him again with the street lamp for two. Rhino then sets him up for the GOAR! But Christian counters by killing him with a chair shot to the face. It’s now all Christian who is working over Rhino’s head and I should mention Rhino has a “concussion” and the doctors have told him to not compete but he said no. They brawl through the crowd and back to ringside as Rhino pulls out a table, they get back in the ring with Rhino hitting him with a belly-to-belly before he sets up the table in the corner. But Rhino has paid too much attention to the table allowing Christian to get a quick roll up for two, he gets back to his feet first and again kills Rhino with this huge 8 mile sign to the head. Seriously the sign is like 4 foot long, he then spits on it. What a heel. Christian then rolls out and takes out a ladder as Rhino is busted open from the sign shot, Rhino drop toe holds Christian’s charge attempt and places him on top of the ladder but he misses the splash off the top and Rhino goes crashing onto the ladder. Christian makes it to his feet first and connects with the unprettier for two, Christian uses the ladder as a battering ram and hits Rhino in the head he then goes under the ring and takes out a straight jack and places Rhino in it leaving him helpless. Christian sets up for the one man con-chair-to but Rhino rolls out and uses his feet to fight off Christian before getting the ref to take the jacket off him as 1/3 of the crowd boooo’s :lmao both men are on the apron now and they are fighting off suplex attempts, he then hits the RHINO DRIVER OFF THE APRON TO THE FLOOR. He rolls him back in for a two count, Rhino goes for the GOAR! But Christian moves and Rhino goes head first into the table for two. Christian quickly pounces on him and connects with a 2nd unprettier but this time he does it on the broken table pieces but Rhino again kicks out at two. Christian then places the broken table, the 8 mile sign, 4 chairs and the ladder all on top of Rhino’s broken body and he begins to hit all those weapons that are on top on Rhino with a steel chair like 8 times before covering him for the win. Really fun brawl here, lots of intensity I liked that that didn’t get away from the concussion angle. ***1/4


73. WWE Superstars 05/31/2012 - Christian vs Drew Mcintyre
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this, Drew still has the epic theme music so he’s not been ruined by 3MB yet :mark: mind games to start as Drew uses his height leverage to beat Christian on the mat getting the better with a side headlock but Christian tries to pick up the pace but Drew uses his strength to put a stop to that. It looks like Christian wanted to go back to mat wrestling but instead Drew starts taking the fight to him with punches before throwing him around, Christian does make a comeback going to the air but he goes one too many and Christian to the vintage getting shoved off the top rope down to the floor allowing Drew to work the ribs even though Christian’s head hit the apron and the floor first and Drew’s finisher is a DDT :hm: Drew’s rib work is impressive here, Drew gets cocky allowing Christian to make a great comeback he was moving like he was 24 again :mark: they do this fuckin’ awesome spot where Christian goes for the crossbody but Drew catches him in mid-air and turns it around into a tilt awhirl backbreaker for two. They go back and forth for a bit until Christian attempts to some awkward backward triangle choke but Drew picks him out of the corner and flips him over into like some gut slam IDK but it looked cool as fuck, about a minute later Christian hit this dope jumping off the middle rope into a DDT for two. He sets hi up for a spear but Drew catches him running in and hits a spinning one man flapjack. Drew then tries the future shock DDT but Christian shoves him into the ring post that sounded sick, Drew then turns into the Killswitch but he’s not done as he hits his shitty looking frogsplash for the win. Really fuckin’ good unseen TV match, they have chemistry and did a number of great things. *** - ***1/4


72. WWE Raw 02/14/2005 Randy Orton vs Christian
OH SHIT! This is leading to WM 21 and Orton is super over with the fans and has dat burn my light theme. This is a revenge match for Orton here as last week he beat Tomko, but post-match Christian jumped him and hit him with the unprettier. They slug it out to start with Orton getting the better before locking in his vintage side headlock and that shit looks super tight, JESUS! You can tell Orton is a face and young here as he’s moving so quick. Christian does eventually get out of the headlock and takes him to all four corners choking and punching away at him. They fight to the outside and Orton gets distracted by Tomko allowing Christian to run around the ring and just to get punched in the face by Orton :lmao Back in, and Orton does the corner ten punched move, this match just seems to be punches and kicks but Orton comes charging in at Christian but he gets back body dropped to the floor where Tomko throws him into the steps as the ref asks him did he do that :lmao Back from a commercial and Christian has him in a headlock and we find out Tomko has gotten thrown to the back. HOLY SHIT! Christian has this huge lump on his head from all those Orton punches, lol even back during 2005 Orton was injuring him :lmao Christian hits this sweet looking neckbreaker as he begins to work the neck softening it up for the unprettier. They do this epic reversal Irish whip with Christian getting killed going chest first but Orton did it so hard he goes head first to the mat before him makes great babyface comeback. I forgot Orton use to the foramen chest blows before Sheamus did. MAN the crowd for this match is phenomenal as they’ve been on their feet for the entire time, they go back and forth for a bit as Christian is trying to pull the turnbuckle pad off and the ref is trying to stop him, but while that is going on Tomko comes through the crowd and drills Orton with a big boot. Christian covers but only gets two, Orton hits an uppercut but gets poked in the eye before he can do anything. Christian then tries the unprettier but Orton hits the inverted back breaker he then tries the RKO but gets shoved off and Christian tries another unprettier but this time Orton leapfrog him and catches Christian charging in with an RKO for the win. FUCKIN’ AWESOME match, crowd was hot you could see only Orton gets older they could tear down the house and they do. Just real fun to watch whenever these two get in the ring together. ***1/4


71. WWE Summerslam 2002 - Lance Storm & Christian vs Booker T & Goldust (WWE Tag Team Championship)
Match starts off with Goldust and Booker getting the better of both men for a while, but during an Irish whip attempt Christian slaps Goldust on the back of the head but gets punched in the face allowing Storm to throw him over the top rope to the floor allowing Christian to ram him back first to the guard rails and now it’s the Un-American’s turn to take over working the back, using great heel tactics, but that could never take control for too long as Goldust would have these great mini-comebacks but would keep getting cut off. I loved this spot they did with Christian having Goldust in the front face lock but he would fight back to his feet and keep pushing him back to his corner where Booker is waiting, but he’s so close that Storm distracts the ref and Goldust makes the hot tag. Booker comes in and cleans house but because the ref didn’t see the tag he forced Booker out allowing Storm and Christian to pull Goldust back to their corner for more. More Awesome heel taunting and cut offs by them leads to Booker getting pissed off with Storm so he goes to chase him but while he’s doing that Goldust makes it to their corner but Booker isn’t there so again no hot tag and they pull him back to the middle with Storm bringing in two chairs they miss the con-chair-to and finally makes it to Booker who cleans house, Booker would attempt the scissors kick on Christian but he moves his head and tries the unprettier but gets shoved off into a flapjack Storm tries a running dropkick but Booker moves and takes out the ref. He then hits both men with the scissors kick he celebrates with the spinaroonie then the axe kick but the ref is still down. Storm tries to hit him with one of the title belts but Booker ducks and he and Goldust take Storm out of the ring with Goldust following him out. Suddenly, Test runs down and kills Booker with a big boot allowing Christian to cover for the win. Textbook tag wrestling here at its finest, Storm & Christian used all the tricks in the book to keep the isolation period interesting and build up anticipation for the hot tag by Booker was extremely well done and Goldust selling well pretty epic too, man he was so underappreciated during this time. ***1/4

70. WWE Smackdown 04/29/2011 - Christian & Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio & Brodus Clay
This is the go home show before Extreme Rules and one Raw they had that yearly draft, Del Rio is now Raw property while SD gets Orton. lol at WWE having these guys wearing SD or Raw tee to show what brand they are on. Del Rio and Christian starts but before they lockup he tags Clay in who uses the weight and power to make Christian his bitch, but once he slaps Clay that somewhat gets him out of his game allowing Christian to use the stick and move offense. In comes Del Rio now who targets the arm but a kick to the chest allows him to tag Orton in hitting high impact moves but Del Rio hits an desperation arm breaker before tagging in Clay before we go to a commercial. Back now, and Del Rio has Orton in a headlock. Orton fights off and makes the hot tag to Christian the same time Clay gets in, but unlike the start of the match Christian gets the better now but during a crossbody attempt he gets caught and Clay throws him ¾ across the ring before working the mid-section. Del Rio is also targeting it, but Christian is able to fight off and drops him to the floor but as he reaches to tag Orton in Del Rio doesn’t stop it instead he tags Clay in who cuts it off, the heel team keep working the mid-section as Del Rio hits this AWESOME kick but he taunts Orton too long allowing Christian to snap off a hurracanrana off the top. Hot tag to Orton who takes out Del Rio and even hitting the AngleOrton Slam before the middle rope DDT he tries an RKO but Clay cuts it off, Del Rio tags him in but as Clay comes charging in Orton hits the RKO out of nowhere for the win. Basic TV match here, loved the heat on Christian with Orton playing the hot face part. **3/4

69. TNA Impact 11/16/2006 Christian Cage vs Rhino (Barbed Wire Six Side Of Steel)
This is the rematch to the BFG match, the match has to come to an end so what better way to do it by giving away a Barbed Wire Six Side Of Steel match on free TV. Both men do some nice intense stalling by looking at the barbed wire before slugging it out in the middle, Rhino uses the power and tried to throw Christian early into the cage but gets blocked and Christian comes back with strikes with his own. Both men go back and forth some more until Christian hits an inverted DDT and calls for his steel chairs that he won, but Rhino hits him from behind and the refs refuse to give it to him :lmao oh I should mention they had a match on impact with these weapons up for grabs. Christian won steel chairs and bolt cutters while Rhino won the key for the door along with the straightjacket. Shoulderblock to Christian in the corner, he hits another. He goes to whip Christian again but he puts the breaks on a tries to climb the cage but when he gets to the top he has nowhere to go as I guess he forgot the top had barbed wire on it. Rhino pulls him down and throws him face first into the cage mesh, he does it again before press slamming him into the cage a 3rd time busting him open. Rhino calls for the key but instead of using it he taunts Christian then throws if out as we go to a commercial. Back now and Christian has cut the wire and it half way over the top but Rhino pulls him back in but he manages to punch Rhino down then hits the frogsplash. He again tries to climb out but again Rhino stops it by grinding his face into the cage and barbed wire, but he’s not done so he back bodydrops off the top rope. Rhino gets up first and calls for the straight jacket and attempts to put Christian in it now but has no luck. He again climbs the cage but Rhino follows up he tries to use the wire on Rhino but gets blocked so he smashes his head into the cage then hits the unprettier off the top down to the mat. Christian now puts Rhino in the straight jacket but can’t lock the arms so instead he locks the arms over the top rope, he goes to climb out but looks back and sees Rhino is trapped so he calls for the steel chairs. Christian is about to hit him with the chair but instead gets kicked in the balls allowing Rhino to comeback, he hits a spinebuster and goes for a con-chair-to of his own by Christian moves and hits him with a chair to the back. Christian sets up both chairs in the seated position before attempting the unprettier but Rhino blocks and kills him with a TKO on top of the chairs. Christian crawls to the door as Rhino sets him up for the GOAR but Christian throws a chair at him but Rhino catches it and throws it right back at him knocking him down. He goes back to setting him up for the GOAR! And connects breaking the cage door sending Christian down to the floor as well and Christian wins the match that way. FUCKIN’ AMAZING FINISH to a great free TV blood brawl of a match. I forgot how much I enjoyed this match, good shit I highly recommend it. ***1/2


68. TNA Victory Road 2007 - Chris Harris vs Christian Cage
Chris Harris :lmao we get this video package of him wanting so bad to be a singles guy and we all saw how that ended up. Man this video package is epic, it starts off with Harris talking about how much he wants to be known as a singles and how much he wants this win. But then Christian’s part comes in and it’s like 30 seconds long which stole the promo package. He even dropped the “I’m gonna make you famous” line, they go face-to-face to start before locking up and they trade reversals which I enjoyed a lot. Harris picks him up for the delayed vertical, for two but he tries to clothesline Christian but he gets out of dodge and they take it to the outside where Christian takes this brutal looking suplex on the stage. Back in, and Harris flapjacks him then tries the running powerslam but he’s too close to the ropes and Christian slides out down to the floor. He trips up Harris and pulls him balls first into the ring apron, and now it’s Christian’s turn to take over as he works the midsection. Harris has a pretty nice mini-comeback but uses his smartness to dodge a shlouldertackle but again he gets too cocky allowing Harris to get his full comeback in. They go back and forth for a while until Christian goes for a reverse tornado DDT but gets blocked with Harris going for a superplex but Christian counters into a front suplex off the middle. He goes for the unprettier but Harris shoves him off and tries the catatonic but Christian counters into another unprettier attempt but Harris counters into one of his own for two. Christian rolls to the ring apron, and catches Harris with a knee he then jumps over the top rope and runs into a spear :lmao for two. Harris goes for the catatonic again but Christian shoves him off he then jumps over the spear as Harris hits the ringpost, Christian pulls him out hitting the unprettier for two. Christian takes the turnbuckle pad off but Harris catapults him into the exposed steel before hitting the full nelson slam for two. Christian slides out to grab but Harris blocks him but he makes the mistake of shoving the ref allowing Christian to kill him with a chair to the head followed by a frogsplash for two. Suddenly, the camera cuts to the ramp and we see Dustin Rhodes standing there, Christian is distracted allowing Harris to roll him up for two. Christian calls for Tomko and he comes out but the ref stops him, anyway Harris gets him in the catatonic but Rhodes comes in and hits him from behind allowing Christian to roll him up for the win. I liked the start and towards the end, but once Dustin came in I didn’t care as it look predictable as fuck the rest of the match was meh it didn’t do anything for me. **1/2 - **3/4
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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67. WWE No Mercy 2002 - Chris Jericho & Christian vs Booker T & Goldust (WWE World Tag Team Championship)
Early mind games by Vitamin C, but that doesn’t faze Booker for a second so he and Goldust take it to the champs early but a Christian cheap shot hanging Goldust on the top rope while the ref is distracted allows Vitamin C to take over on him. This was more basic tag match that worked they showed, sometimes you don't need to do unnecessary shit to make a tag match watchable, plus I think they talked and got an idea of what Rey/Edge vs. Kurt/Benoit were gonna do in their match later on. I also give them credit for not freaking out once the ropes broke. Most of the match was spend on a great little Heat-Segment on Goldust with lead to another Great Booker hot-tag, Christian and Jericho bumped all over for that like champs. The match ends when Jericho attempts a springboard drop kick but the middle rope snaps, Jericho quickly recovering from almost dying and hits a bulldog and a moonsault off the top rope for the win. ***1/4


66. WWE The Bash 2009 - Tommy Dreamer vs Christian vs Jack Swagger vs Finlay vs Mark Henry (ECW Championship Scramble Match)
I honestly don’t remember much about this match at all, the rules are 2 guys start and every three minutes a superstar enters the match. DID SOMEONE SAY THREE-MINUTES :hm: A pinfall can happen at any time during the match and if that wrestler scores a pin fall he is the ECW champion for that time, but whoever is the champion at the end of the allotted time becomes the official ECW champion. Christian is out first followed by Swagger, fuck yeah would have liked Finlay instead but Swagger and Christian have a great chemistry with one another so the first 3 minutes should be fun. They lock-up to start but a knee to the guy and a forearm to the back allows Swagger to takeover with power moves, but Christian makes a brief comeback with punches before he gets killed on a takedown for two. Swagger then applies an abdominal stretch and begins to work that body part, Christian is able to fight out and nails him with a huge dropkick as we get the countdown. Finlay is out next but he’s a face with that awful Hornswoggle music AHHHHHHHHH! He takes out both men with no problems, but Christian would cut him off with a back elbow off the middle rope for two. Swagger would trip him up and take him out to the outside but Swagger takes his attention of Finlay who dropkicks him. Swagger and Finlay get back in the ring where Swagger pokes him in the eyes and schools boys him for three so he’s the current champ. Christian gets back in with a sweet sunset flip, as both men battle it out which leads to Christian hitting his inverted DDT for a close two. Swagger comes back with another sweet takedown as the clock counts down and it’s Dreamer who is out next. He comes in and cleans out, hitting his vintage sit-down bomb for two following it up with his running dropkick. Funny moment when Christian is still hung upside down as Swagger goes to throw Dreamer into him but Christian just unhooks his leg and as he hits the mat Dreamer gets thrown into him. All three men are on the outside as I just realized Finlay has not re-entered the match yet after getting poked in the eye, anyway Swagger throws Dreamer into the announce table but he tries to go after Finlay but that fails as Finlay throws him into the post, he does it again when both guys are in the ring followed by the Celtic Cross for the three and he’s now ECW champ :mark: Christian and Dreamer come in now battling it for a while but Christian blocks a superplex attempt but as Dreamer falls down Swagger catches him with a nasty clothesline. He battles with Christian on the top rope as we get the countdown, with Henry being the last guy to enter the match. He pretty much kills everyone including the powerbomb/superplex tower of boom onto a standing Dreamer. Henry then press slams Christian to the outside and catches Dreamer on a crossbody to the WSS for a three. Henry continues to dominate as all the other wrestlers team up to take him out of the match, leaving Christian and Finlay in the ring for like 20 seconds L Finlay hitting a dive through the middle rope was awesome as everyone else dives onto each other but all of a sudden Henry begins to climb the buckles but Swagger cuts him off by chop blocking the ankle. He would hit the splash and pins Henry as we see 2 minutes are left. Swagger takes the other guys out but gets caught on a Mark gluten side taking him out but Dreamer and Finlay double team him on the outside leaving Swagger and Christian back in the ring where Christian hits the Killswitch but Dreamer breaks it up hitting him with a DDT for three, Finlay tries a school boy for two before hitting a series of one move the going for the pinfall right away, all 5 men are in the ring with 30 seconds left and now it’s all hit a move attempt a pin but no one is able to score one and Dreamer retains the title. The match concept it cool but god damn that last 30 seconds was a mess. I think everyone got a pinfall except Christian :lmao but they did a great job with having Dreamer cut off Christian’s attempt leading to them having a match down the line. ***

65. TNA Bound For Glory IV - Booker T vs Christian Cage vs AJ Styles
This storyline with MEM wanting Christian, but Styles was against it and wanted him with the “Originals” Christian was getting ready to return to the E around this point I think it was a month or 2 later that he would. Booker with the TNAwful version of his WWE can you dig it theme song :lmao it’s sounds like something a kid done on the keyboard during music class. Christian not wearing his jump suit on the biggest show of the year for TNA da fuck brah? Oh the days before AJ got that awful rib tattoo, good times. AJ and Booker go right at it as Christian looks on from the outside but he comes in and fakes a heel turn to no pop and connects with an inverted DDT on Booker for two, he and Christian go at it now and it’s damn good. AJ makes a mistake of attempting a springboard but Christian shoves the feet from under him dropping him rib first onto the top rope, followed up by a knee to the head taking him out. Christian then goes after Booker but gets poked in the eye and now he takes him out leading to AJ faking a springboard to Booker but instead he hits Christian with a moonsault instead. All three men are on the outside but AJ throws the ref down allowing Booker to grab the metal briefcase that holds the “Legends Title” :lmao inside and smashes it over AJ’s head. Christian and Booker battle inside now but gets caught in a one man flapjack for two, Booker then hits him with a couple of knees followed by a big spinkick for two. Booker continues to wear him down while keeping AJ on the apron, but Christian comes back with chops as both men blow a double clothesline spot but they do it again for the double KO. AJ hits the springboard elbow to Booker as Christian moves out of the way of it and now he cleans house on both men. Christian and AJ both counter out of Unprettier and Styles clash attempts knocking Booker down leading to AJ hitting his vintage springboard reverse DDT for two. Booker back in now as he takes out Christian leaving him and AJ now but AJ counters the scissors kick into an armbar but Christian puts a stop to that and Booker hits AJ with the Book End for two. All three men battle now as AJ backflips out of a backdrop attempts and hits Booker with a pale kick which was sweet but Christian kills him with an implant DDT for two. He places AJ up top but AJ counters face dropping him leading to AJ attempting the spiral tap but Christian moves, both men slowly get back to their feet as Booker connects with a scissors kick to both men He first covers AJ for two, and gets another two on Christian. Booker now goes up top but AJ cuts it off as Christian hits him with a spear out of nowhere but as he covers him Booker is holding the ref but he does manage to count two, Booker is still on the top buckle as Christian catapults AJ up as well and now all three men are on top. Christian hits AJ with an Unprettier off the top rope but as he’s about to make the cover Booker comes off the top with an axe kick to Christian for the win. Really fun match here, standard two in the ring for the most part but once they got all three men in and they hit a bunch of cool reversals and 3 man spots I felt it picked up a ton. **3/4 - ***

64. WWF Backlash 1999 - ''The Ministry of Darkness'' (Faarooq, Bradshaw & Mideon) vs ''The Brood'' (Gangrel, Edge & Christian)
Dat brood theme music tho, it’s so badass. Christian and Mideon start with Mideon looking awful but thankfully The Brood work on him until Bradshaw gets tagged in and he and Gangrel have a nice back-and-forth sequence before Edge makes blind tag leading to some E&G double team but Bradshaw is like fuck this and punches Edge in the face before tagging in Faarooq, Edge begins to quicken the pace but gets caught with a huge spinebuster but Faarooq ruins the match by getting Mideon back in, the Ministry now begin to work all over Edge until Bradshaw singlehandedly brawls with both Christian and Gangrel on the apron, what a guy. That allows Faarooq to beat up Edge with the ref not looking Bradshaw goes back to work as a huge Mideon sucks breaks out. The Ministry continue to work on Edge even adding a great cut off by Mideon but he ruins it by staying in the ring attempting to wrestle. This goes on or a few more minutes until Edge would hit s desperation spear off the middle rope as he tags in Christian who takes out Mideon with an inverted DDT for two as Gangrel comes in for some double team, the match breaks down now as Christian hits Bradshaw with a swinging DDT for two. He follows up with the ten punches but Bradshaw no sells and kills Christian with a powerbomb for two. Edge fly’s off the top with a missile dropkick for two and a standing dropkick to Faarooq knocking him under and out of the ring. Christian would attempt a crossbody to the outside but Faarooq catches him so Edge dropkicks him knocking both men down. Suddenly, Visera comes down squashing Christian before rolling him inside and he walks right into the clothesline from hell for the win. Meh match, fun when everyone but Mideon was in the ring or did anything. *1/2

63. TNA Bound For Glory 2007 - Christian Cage vs Samoa Joe
Joe comes out with his Samoan dancers, which is always cool when he does it for special occasions. Matt Morgan is the special enforcer here to maintain order because of what happen in the previous match. Huge Joe’s gonna kill you chant to start, but Christian talks shit but Joe throws a kick which was ducked as the lock up now. Joe uses his strength to shove him down before some stalling/feeling out, Joe wins the battle on the mat but Christian backs him into the corner but when he breaks he slaps Joe across the face, well Joe is pissed so he delivers back with slaps of his own followed by the running knee and face wash, I miss that move. But he comes in for the running boot but Christian moves and begins to take the fight to him but again he gets cocky and Joe kills him with the leg lariat off the middle rope. Joe hits a couple more combo, leading to Christian rolling out but he gets caught on the top rope but Joe kills him with chops to the back and to the chest followed by a running dropkick. Man 2007 Joe was AWESOME! I forgot how great he use to move, both men are on the apron now as Joe tries to suplex him but Christian rakes his eyes and nails him with the between the ropes boot knocking Joe to the floor. Christian then follows up by diving onto Joe but Joe moves and Christian lands on the steel guard rails, JOE THEN COMES OUT WITH THE SUICIDE ELBOW DIVE :mark: Joe grabs a chair from the crowd setting him op for the Ole’ kick killing Christian and breaking the rails. But as Joe goes to whip him into the ring Christian counters throwing Joe back first into the apron, he then follows up with an handstand springback DDT to the floor which was cool as fuck before getting Joe back in the ring. Joe tries to fight back but gets caught with a back elbow and he applies a headscissors as the crowd is super loud, Joe makes a couple more brief comebacks but Christian’s cut-offs are great. Both men trade back and forth but Joe knocks him to the apron, but as he tries to spring back in Joe kills him with an enziguri. Christian says the hell with this and tries to leave but Morgan stops him allowing Joe to his spinning twisting in mid-air over the top rope killing himself and Christian. Back in and Christian attempts his crossbody but Joe just walks away giving him the finger while doing so :lmao HUGE lariat for two, as Joe places him up top but Christian fights out, but Joe catches him with a da choke attempt but that gets countered out of so Joe instead Powerbombs him onto the top buckle, followed by an inverted drop then springs off the ropes with the running kick and then decides to hit the back splash for two. Joe goes up top but Christian Powerbombs him down and puts his feet on the ropes for two, Joe fights out of a school boy in to the clutch attempt but Christian boots out of it followed by a snapslam. They fight on the turnbuckle again as they do that double shove spot as Christian hits the rails again while Joe falls into the ring. Suddenly, Tomko comes down and begins to brawl with Morgan but this allows AJ to comedown he tries to springboard elbow Joe but Morgan takes the feet out from under him and chokeslams him into Tomko. Morgan picks up a chair and chases them away, back in the ring. Christian low blows Joe, and follows up with the Unprettier but Joe kicks out at two. Christian applies a clutch choke of his own but again Joe doesn’t stay down instead he backs Joe into the corner, hits the enziguri followed by the Muscle Buster then forces Christian to tap to the choke. Real fun match here, I have the Destination X match back from 2006 above this but still really hot throughout. ***1/2


62. WWE Armageddon 2003 - Trish Stratus & Lita vs Chris Jericho & Christian (The Battle Of The Sexes)
So this dumbass match happen because Jericho and Christian bet one another one dollar Canadian that Jericho can get with Trish before Christian gets with Lita, however the Swerve happens as Jericho begins to fall for Trish. The woman find out get pissed so GM Eric Bishoff makes this match, and people wonder why I quit watching 2003. Oh goodie, this even gets a video package. The story of the match was Jericho didn’t want to hit Trish but didn’t care for Lita so hitting her was no issue, the females are pissed so they took it to him and Christian as for Christian he didn’t give a fuck so he would cheap shot them and beat them up whenever he could, what a guy. Heat segment on Lita was good for what it was but seeing how it was against woman they didn’t do too much, at one point Christian rips off Lita’s top and begins to swing it around before throwing it to Jericho. CLB GONNA CLB! He taunts her but she low blows him allowing Trish to get the how tag, she takes out Christian but Jericho is about to hit her with a missile dropkick but Lita ends that she tries to superplex him but gets shoved off as Christian covers her but instead picker her up at two :lmao he pulls at her hair but she matrix’s out of a clothesline attempt as he knocks Jericho off the apron, she school boys him for two but he comes back with a clothesline taking her head off. Lita connects with a hurracanrana but Jericho throws her into the rails. He goes to check on Trish but that allows Christian to come from behind with a roll-up for the win. Waste of PPV time, should have had this on Raw or Heat. *


61. WWE Raw 08/26/2013 - Randy Orton vs Christian
Christian tries a quick roll-up before they lock-up and Orton gets the better, they begins to slug it out now with the usual awesome counters. Christian connects with the running dropkick to the outside, before rolling him in. He hits Orton with an inverted DDT for two but misses a leap off the top and Orton hits him with a dropkick before punching away at his head. Orton begins to choke him on the bottom rope before hanging him on the top rope with a front suplex as Christian is hung on the top Orton knees him to the outside. Back in and Orton stomps away at Christian’s body for two, he applies a side headlock but Christian fights him off until Orton back headbutts him for two and goes back to work with forearms to the chest. Orton applies the headlock again, Christian slaps out as both men go back and forth but Christian tries his tornado DDT but instead Orton shoves him off the top rope as Christian hits the apron before hitting the floor (a spot he seems to do in every match now) Back from a commercial and Orton is in control as he works the neck now, but Christian fights out with slaps and boots but he goes to the top again but Orton stops it once again by hitting his beautiful superplex. They do some nice counters before Christian connects with the corner 10 punches but after the Irish whip Orton comes out of the corner a clothesline but Christian gets right back up hanging Orton on the top rope followed by a crossbody for two. He again goes up top but Orton catches the legs for a jacknife pin for two, he hits a few more headbutts but as he tries the feet on the ropes DDT Christian slips out and attempts his Killswitch but Orton elbows out. Christian is able to hit the tornado DDT but just for two, he again would go for the leap over punch but on his way back in Orton catches his head for the DDT. He signals for the RKO but Christian counters and now he sets him up for the spear but Orton leapfrogs but on the rebound Christian hits it for two. Christian wastes time which allows Orton to send him into the buckles but he again counters the RKO into the Killswitch attempt but Orton shoves him into the ref, pokes him in the eyes and connects with the RKO for the win. The usual goodness between the two, seriously the chemistry these two have with each other is off the charts. I might have him number one or two followed by Taker in terms of Orton’s best opponents. The match was just what you come to expect from these two, it’s like they do it in their sleep at this point. ***1/4
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
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60. WWF Survivor Series 2000 - Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, D-Von Dudley, & Bubba Ray Dudley vs Edge, Christian, The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan (Classic 8 Man Tag Elimination Survivor Series Match)
Bull and Bubba start as the crowd chants for tables already :lmao the opening few minutes is mostly Dudleyz/RTC stuff that sucked due to Bull and Goodfather being awful. Thankfully Christian comes in to quicken the pace but Christian gets caught which allows Matt to get tagged in as he takes out everyone before all hell breaks loose. AWESOME spot as all for faces hit DDT’s on the heel team, Hardyz hit poetry in motion on Edge but as Matt goes for the leggdrop Val stops him allowing Edge to hit the Edge-o-matic to eliminate Matt. Jeff and Devon use some double teams on Edge as they begin to work over him, but Christian blind tags in but Devon gets caught with a shot to the back of the head by Bull allowing Christian to hit the Unprettier to eliminate Devon. Its 4-2 now as Bubba comes in all crazy attacking Christian, he hits a hug back body drop before tagging Jeff in who hits the AWESOME springboard back moonsault for two. Both men get back to their feet and Christian throws Jeff ribs first sliding into the post to gain the advantage now. Christian tags bull in, as the match begins to bore me now. He misses a charge allowing Jeff to take Bubba in who again takes out everyone, he moves out of the way of a charging Edge who spears Bull by mistake and Bubba jumps on top of him for the pin eliminating him. Bubba knocks him into Bull again, and connects with the Bubba bomb on Edge as he goes for the pin he sees Christian coming off the top so he moves and Christian falls on top of Edge, Bubba throws Christian over the top and covers Edge for the elimination. The match is now down to Christian & Goodfather vs. Jeff Hardy & Bubba Dudley, all 4 men in the ring now until Goodfather throws Jeff out and hits Bubba with a DVD eliminating him, Jeff jumps back in taking out both men but Goodfather catches him with a huge boot before Christian comes back in. But when he Irish whips Jeff he throws him into the Goodfather knocking him off the apron :lmao this allows Jeff to hit the Swanton for the elimination, Goodfather and Jeff are left and Goodfather misses the corner charge he then goes to clothesline Jeff who is standing near the ropes but he ducks while Val is on the apron and Val accidentally clotheslines him. This allows Jeff to cover him winning the match for his team :lmao won the match with a fuckin’ apron clothesline. Meh match, did nothing for me at all. *1/2

59. WWE Unforgiven 2002 - Kane, Goldust, Booker T & Bubba Ray Dudley vs Lance Storm, Christian, William Regal & Test
The crowd was hot for the whole match. And that really made this fun for the 9 minute it was given, at one point in time everyone got a moment to shine. But it wasn't all perfect as there was some awfully blown spots and terrible sloppy moments. The heat-Segment on Booker was good when Christian and Storm was doing the work but for some reason, Regal wasn’t the Regal I love he just seemed off his game at times. He even wore a t-shirt for the whole match, Test is garbage. Kane's hot tag was fun. The match ends when Kane blocks another superkick and chokeslams Storm for the win. **1/2

58. WWE TLC 2009 - Christian vs Shelton Benjamin (Ladder Match for ECW Championship)
Shelton with dat gold hair :lmao Good feeling out process to start with both men not wanting to rush into anything, Christian gains the advantage for a second after hitting a sweet dropkick until Shelton comes back with a springboard crossbody but that doesn’t last long as Christian almost hits him with the Killswitch but Shelton reverses it into a backbreakers before rolling out of the ring. Shelton ridiculously walks slowly from one side of the ring to the entrance way to grab a ladder but by the time he gets to it Christian is attacking him from behind. Seriously it took him 20 seconds to grab this ladder and what makes it even more hilarious was him walking past a ladder in front to get a smaller ladder, Matt tries to say Shelton wanted the smaller one cause it’s easier to get into the ring :lmao Christian grabs the big ladder in front but Shelton knocks him over and whips him into the barricade before getting that ladder he wanted. But Shelton took too much time and this allows Christian to hit the springboard crossbody onto Shelton on the outside. He gets the ladder inside and tries to climb up but gets caught by Shelton. Both men fight over climbing the ladder twice before Christian throws him to the outside, he picks up the ladder and is just about to throw it on to Shelton but Shelton trips the feet sending Christian to the mat with the ladder falling on top smacking him in the face busting him open. The medical team try to clean up Christian but Shelton takes a few cheap shots, if Shelton was smart he would take the ladder in the ring and climb for the title but instead he climbs it on the outside but Christian isn’t taking any of it, and pulls him off before throwing into the crowd. But as Christian is about to get attended to the medical team again Shelton is climbing the ladder again but this time when Christian follows him up Shelton is the one that knocks him down. He hits a jumping senton whipping out Christian and himself, both men slowly get back up and he puts a ladder in between the apron and the announce table. The fight over position but Shelton gets the upper hand, he almost catapults him into the ladder but Christian uses his feet to shove him off sending him back first into one of the dozen ladders around ringside. Back in the ring now, as Christian bring another ladder in but he sees Shelton coming and drops the ladder to connect with a boot. Shelton reverses a whip with one of his own sending Christian into the ladder he then puts him in between the turnbuckles and ladder and goes across the ring. Shelton charges in going for the big splash but Christian throws the ladder into him stopping him. Christian positions the ladder in the middle and begins to climb but Shelton pushes him off but Christian lands on his feet, Christian catches a boot but Shelton comes back with the spinkick :mark: I love that move. He sends Christian into a standing ladder numerous times knocking him down, Shelton begins to climb now but Christian cuts him off killing him with the inverted DDT off the ladder. Christian climbs the ladder as he grabs the title Shelton is on the middle buckle so he drops down and gets in between the ladder like it’s a battering ram but Shelton stops the attack by booting Christian in the head and uses it to bounce the ladder almost grabbing the belt, Christian quickly gets out and pushes the ladder over but Shelton manages to stop himself by standing on the ropes he walks back to the top buckle with help from the ladder then hits the flying clothesline off the top onto Christian. That whole sequence was cool and silly at the same time, Shelton begins to climb the ladder again but again Christian meets him up and begins to climb over but as he’s doing so Shelton hits a fuckin’ Bulldog powerslam off the ladder. Christian sets up a ladder so Shelton can hit the Stinger Splash on it. Shelton climbs but Christian pulls the ladder from underneath him. Shelton is dangling but Christian botches knocking him off the ladder so he stands up another one instead and well that went nowhere. Christian now is left hanging by Shelton who moves the ladder. Shelton pulls him down and catches him in a BuckleBomb onto the ladder in the corner. That was pretty cool but Christian sells for all of 3 seconds before picking up a ladder and starting to climb with Shelton. Shelton tries the MDK bomb off the ladder but they pause with it so Christian can counter to a headscissors into the second turnbuckle. Another spot that's sold for about 2 seconds before they fight to the apron and tease a German through the bridged ladder. Christian puts him to counter and Shelton lands on the ladder. Christian flies off the top rope with a Frog Splash on Shelton through the ladder in a way cool spot that always looks painful as hell, this allows Christian to climb the ladder to take down the title for the win. You can tell these guys desperately wanted to steal the show so they tried so hard that they botches a ton of stuff, it’s still enjoyable watching two guys kill themselves but the lack of selling really hurts this. Christian’s face at the end of this looked like he’s gone 5 minutes with Brock Lesnar with no gloves. *** - ***1/4


57. WWE Raw 07/29/2013 - Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian
Del Rio gets aggressive to start before taking him down with a side headlock, but Christian fights out and as he’s about to do the leapfrog I don’t know if Del Rio mistimes or Christian is way off but he messes it up and instead hits a leaping clothesline. Christian hits a sweet palm slap before taking Del Rio down with a side headlock of his own but Del Rio backs him into the corner and kicks away at him before hitting a quick snap suplex for two. Beth men go back and forth for like a good two minutes, until Christian sends him over the top the floor but Del Rio moves out of the way of the baseball slide then side steps a charging Christian who goes shoulderfirst into the steps. Christian is now sitting with his back against the steps with his arm hanging out and Del Rio dropkicks the arm into the steps, this is the same arm injured arm Christian had early that year when he took time off. Back from a commercial, with Del Rio all over the arm as he hits this fuckin’ awesome backsplash off the top to the arm. He hangs him up in the tree of woe and begins to kick away and tries to go for the reverse suplex off the top but Christian fights off with boots and punches before hitting the tornado DDT for two. Christian’s selling of the arm is fuckin’ phenomenal right now, even during the comeback he favors it the entire time. Del Rio puts a stop to all of that with vicious headbutts, before punishing the arm again. Both men go back and forth again with tremendous counters and moves targeting body parts but Del Rio hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker for two, he goes back to work on the arm before attempting the backsplash again but Christian rolls out of the way and calls for the spear as he comes charging in Del Rio slides under the ring as Christian follows but back in the ring Del Rio kills him with a superkick for two. Del Rio now signals for a superkick as Christian gets up but he ducks the running enziguri and goes for the Killswitch but Del Rio counters into a cross armbreaker but Christian rolls through for a quick pin for the win. Great little TV match, Christian really brings out the best in Del Rio and I think he sell the arm work the best. ***1/4


56. WWE Smackdown 03/18/2011 - Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio (Steel Cage Match)
You can win by pinfall, submission or escaping the cage. Del Rio charges straight for Christian at the bell but Christian side steps it and strikes. They go back and forth until Del Rio hits him with a snapmare and a kick to the back, he tries to send Christian into the steel but Christian blocks it and responds with a back body drop. Christian tries to send Del Rio into the steel but Del Rio blocks it and ends up in a Killswitch attempt. Del Rio pushes him away into the corner and charges with a clothesline. Christian Irish whips Del Rio into the corner but Del Rio climbs up the turnbuckle and tries to make his way out of the cage. Christian meets him on the top rope and Del Rio teases a suplex off of it, Christian avoids it and climbs to the top but Del Rio gets him on his shoulders and comes off with a Samoan Drop :mark: Back from break, Del Rio kicks Christian on the side of the head, before throwing him shoulder-first into the steel. Del Rio follows up by pressing Christian's face against the steel with his feet. Del Rio hits a back suplex for two and applies a chinlock. Christian tries to fight out but Del Rio slams him down and starts to climb the side of the cage. Christian grabs a leg and drags him down, he lifts Christian onto his shoulder and tries to ram him into the cage but Christian slides out and counters into an inverted DDT for two. He sends Del Rio into the cage and covers for two before trying to escape out of the door but Del Rio grabs a foot. Christian stomps on him and climbs but Del Rio stops him again and follows up with an enzuigiri for two. Del Rio tries to walk out the door but Christian grabs a foot. He almost makes it out but gets dragged back, Del Rio stares at the Wrestlemania sign and signals for a Cross Armbreaker but Christian counters into a Killswitch for two, great fuckin’ near fall. Christian begins to climb the cage but Del Rio brings him down and pushes him into the steel a couple times before kicking him. He places Christian over the middle rope, and begins to climbs, using him as a stepping stone. He gets to the top of the cage but Christian regroups and meets him up top. Del Rio rams Christian's head onto the top of the cage and swings himself over to make the jump down. Christian climbs his way onto Del Rio's back and Del Rio tries to elbow him off. They struggle for a few seconds and Del Rio's arm seems to get caught in the cage. Christian eventually drops down for the win. Post-match, Alberto Del Rio dropkicks Christian on the outside. He sends him over the barricade and into the timekeeper’s area. Del Rio gets on the mic. He will destroy Christian like he will Edge at Wrestlemania. Edge comes out inside Del Rio's Bentley, and says this is a very nice car. It would be a shame if something happened to it. He could accidentally slip and kick out the headlight; or accidentally scratch the paint; or accidentally climb on the roof and stomp it in. Del Rio pleads no. Edge could also grab his good friend Mr. Chair but before he can do a thing Brodus Clay attacks Edge from behind, killing Edge with a chair to the back. You can see Edge’s body just give out and he’s not able to move at all at this point. Del Rio joins him and con-chair-toes Edge's arm. Really smart match by Christian. The story is ADR struggling to adapt in his first Cage Match against a guy who's been in a ton of them. ADR is generally a quick learner, as has been established, so he gets some nice cage spots in after the first few moments. He starts to use the cage to target the arm, leading to a shift where Christian starts trying to escape whenever he can. ***



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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55. WWE Raw 06/27/2005 - Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan & John Cena vs. Chris Jericho, Christian & Tyson Tomko
Oh man the days when Cena was getting huge pops without any boooo’s what so ever, that seems so long ago maybe because it was 9 years ago. lol @ Cena falling to his knees when Shawn announced Hogan, like he didn’t know. We miss the opening as this cuts straight to a commercial but when we return Jericho is working on Cena, but he makes the 2005 fiery comeback before tagging in Shawn. He and Jericho have a weak exchange of chops before he takes out the heel team but gets killed by a Jericho enzuigiri for two. All three men take turns working over Shawn, even awesome taunting along with every cheap heel tactics in the wrestling book to maintain control. Shawn does eventually make the hot tag to Hulk and he hits all three men with punches before hulking up after a Christian/Tomko double team, Cena takes Jericho out with a takedown and Shawn nails Christian with the a superkick. So that leaves Tomko alone with Hulk, Hulk hits the punch, boot legdrop for the win. Basic match here nothing special at all, I did love the heat segment on Shawn though only real highlight. **1/2

54. WWF Rebellion 2001 - Edge vs Christian (Steel Cage for the Intercontinental Championship)
This was part of the WCW/ECW vs. WWF angle but 2 months ago Christian turned on his “Brother” by fake telling Edge their mother has been in a car accident but she wasn’t, that was all part of his plan to lead him to the WCW/ECW locker-room to get attacked. Christian finished that beatdown off with a con-chair-toe in Toronto in front of all their “family” Since that they had a ladder match and a singles match with the IC title changing hands both times. This is the end, the match wasn’t bad but it wasn’t spectacular like you would think it should have been knowing how close they are. Just like the ladder match especially with them being the tag team kings it just lacked hatred that I felt it should have had, it’s just weird. WWF brings back that brutal ugly black steel bar cage that looks indy cheap. I didn’t understand Christian’s story telling at all here, as during the match Edge goes for a spear but misses and goes shoulder first into the bars but Christian doesn’t work, instead he would work the back for a bit then try to escape and repeat this would happen 2-3 more times before Edge even mounted a comeback but Christian would cut him off at all turns. Now that was the only good piece of storytelling, Christian knew everything he wanted to do before he did so he cut him off with something new. But them they fuckin’ ruin it by doing a fuckin’ rest hold in a cage, Christian was jealous of Edge since July this is November why are you wearing him down? You want to beat the living shit out of your brother and take his title. WAIT WHY IS THE REF GIVING BOTH MEN A DOUBLE COUNT IN A CAGE MATCH? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS COMPANY. Heyman trolling on commentary was the best part so Edge throws Christian into the side of steel twice, and tries to climb out and Heyman says he’s running away. The best part of the match was defiantly the finish where Christian is half way out the cage but as he’s climbing down Edge pulls his feet in takes off some of his wrist tape and ties his feet together stuck in the cage. That allows Edge to climb out and even gives him a few cheap shots before getting down. Doesn’t seem like something a face should do but it’s you “brother” so fuck it I’m fine with that. Match lacked intensity and hatred throughout, the moves were fine but yeah totally disappointing. **1/2

53. WWF No Way Out 2001 - Dudley Boyz vs Edge & Christian vs Kane & Undertaker (Tables Match - Tag Team Championships)
So E&C are the only heels here and if I remember correctly, they pissed off both team on SD by attacking them. So the Brothers come out first and they're in the ring, E&C come out all nervous slowly down the ring they get half way down the ramp cause they don’t want to get in the ring. Then, all of a sudden the Dudleyz music hits and out come the champs &C are stucj in the middle but as it looks like they’re fucked they jump off the ramp and allows the Dudleyz and BOD to slug it out. Taker & Kane toss the Dudleyz off the ramp then catch E&C coming and fight with them down to ringside. Kane rams Edge into the barricade while Taker rams Christian into the steps and decks him with a right hand. Taker and Kane both ram E&C into the announce table then switch opponents and continue their assault. Kane drops Christian onto the barricade and he and Taker bring E&C over to the table set up next to the ramp. Taker and Kane set them up for powerbombs through the table but the Dudleyz make the save with chairs. Bubba and D-Von take Taker and Kane out with the chairs but E&C brawl with them and get the advantage. Christian tosses D-Von in the ring while Edge does the same to Bubba then they head in to continue the battle. Christian whips D-Von but D-von comes back with a flying forearm while Bubba drops Christian with rights. Bubba whips Christian and hits a backdrop while D-Von chokes Edge who then pulls him into the turnbuckles. Bubba whips Christian into a corner and goes for a splash but Christian dodges it and E&C double-team him. E&C tie Bubba in the Tree of Woe then climb up the ropes and each presses a boot into Bubba’s netherzone. E&C then turn toward D-Von and whip him into a double flapjack before bringing a pair of chairs in the ring. E&C attempt the double chairshot on Bubba but Bubba ducks it then catapults Edge and his chair into Christian. Bubba slams Edge and sets him up while D-Von climbs to the top rope and hits the “Wassup” headbutt. D-Von goes out for a table but Taker and Kane ambush him while Christian drills Bubba with the Unprettier. Bubba rolls out to the floor while Taker and Kane come in the ring and take their turn on Edge and Christian. Taker whips Edge into a corner while Kane whips Christian and the brothers hit simultaneous powerslams. Taker keeps Bubba from coming back in then he and Kane climb to the top rope and hit flying clotheslines. Taker and Kane then head out and each tries to slide a table in the ring but ends up throwing punches with a Dudley. Taker and Kane fight the Dudleyz off and get their tables in but the Dudleyz come in while E&C are on the floor. Taker whips D-Von into a corner and hits a clothesline while Kane whips Bubba and connects with a big boot. E&C come in and all six men go at it, Christian and D’Von against Kane and Bubba and Edge against Taker. Christian and D-Von clothesline Kane over the ropes while Edge and Bubba clothesline Taker on the other side. D-Von decks Christian while Bubba backdrops Edge onto the ropes then set up one of the tables in the ring. The Dudleyz whip Christian looking for a 3D through the table but Taker makes it back in and makes the save. Taker then grabs Christian by the throat looking to chokeslam him through the table but D-Von low blows Taker. Edge spears Bubba while Christian tosses Bubba through the ropes then try to suplex Taker through the table. However Kane moves the table out of the way and nails E&C then he and Taker hit simultaneous chokeslams. The Dudleys are back in but they eat chokeslams as well and Taker and Kane then set the tables up to finish this. Taker and Kane set E&C up for powerbombs through the tables when Rikishi & Haku run in to make the save. Taker and Kane get the advantage before the fight spills out to the floor then Taker and Kane brawl with Rikishi and Haku up the ramp leaving the other teams to finish it up in the ring. Edge tries to spear Bubba through a table in a corner but misses him and runs into the table which doesn’t break. Christian tries to set another table up but the Dudleys drive him through it with a 3D to retain the belts. For a clusterfuck this was alright, especially for a filler. ***

52. TNA Victory Road 2008 - Kurt Angle & Team 3D vs AJ Styles & Christian Cage And Rhino (Full Metal Mayhem)
Angle ambushes AJ right off the bat, and all 6 men are brawling all round ringside now, Christian starts choking Bubba on the announce table and D-Von and Rhino go at it. AJ knocks Kurt off the apron and then follows out with a tope con hilo on Kurt and D-Von. Back in the ring and D-Von runs into a dropkick from AJ, followed up with an AJ doing the Cactus clothesline that takes both to the floor. Rhyno nails Angle with a spinebuster for two. Bubba takes down Rhyno with a clothesline. But Christian smashes him with a couple of trash can shots, Bubba comes back with a backdrop on him sending him to the outside. AJ springboards in with a burrito on Bubba for two. D-Von comes back in and the Dudleyz avoid a double clothesline and take down AJ with a double flapjack. Christian and Rhino take them out with a ladder but Angle clear the ring, he hits a uppercut and belly to belly suplexes Christian on a ladder. Sweet! Dudleyz sandwich Rhino between a ladder and then stand one up. AJ slingshots onto the ladder and then jumps on top of it and hits a SUPER SPLASH onto D-Von. For two. Kurt pulls the ref out breaking the pin, now they turn their attention to AJ as it's 3 on 1. Christian though manages to climb ALL THE WAY UP on one of the towers from the Ultimate X match and then hits a crossbody on all of them for two. Christian gets the ladder but Bubba chair shots it back into him and then waffles AJ as well. Rhino in with a trio of GORE, GORE, GORE! Rhino now sets up a table and preps a superplex on D-Von but Bubba breaks it up. Allowing the Dudleyz to hit the Doomsday Device on Rhino through the table. Bubba covers but Christian breaks it up, Christian with a double clothesline and signals for the Unprettier on Angle but Angle counters but Christian flips out of a back suplex attempt. Angle now calls for the Angle Slam but again Christian avoids and counters into an Unprettier attempt. But this time it’s Angle who counters to an Ankle Lock attempt. Christian rolls through for two. Christian hits the inverted reverse DDT and heads up top, but Angle follows him up for the Pop up Superplex but Christian cuts him off by BITING HIM! :mark: Christian makes the mistake of taunting for the fans while he’s still on top so that allows D-Von to low blows him and then sets up a 3D THROUGH A TABLE ON THE FLOOR! Bubba kills AJ with a trash can from behind. It's back to 3 on 1 on AJ. Angle preps a short arm clothesline but AJ ducks and D-Von eats it. PELEPELEPELE ON ANGLE! But Bubba hits a fuckin’ superkick on AJ and then talk’s trash to the crowd. AJ tries coming back but Bubba pokes him in the eye and brings in a table. Bubba sets up for a splash but AJ comes back with a right cross to the stones and an X-Factor off the top through the table. D-Von comes charging in but AJ sidesteps and D-Von takes himself out through a table :lmao Now Angle wants the Ankle Lock, but AJ rolls through into the Styles Clash for two. Suddenly, Johnny Divine comes down, and attempts to hit AJ with the Kendo Stick but AJ ducks and levels him with a Pele and a cane shot. AJ wants a piece of Frank Trigg but that allows Angle to hit the Angle Slam from behind for two. Angle’s shocked and decides to set up another table and a ladder. He shoves Earl for no particular reason and Earl sells like a BOSS :lmao He then tries to Angle Slam AJ but AJ it and puts Angle on the table. Frank Trigg blasts AJ over the head, allowing Angle to now hit the Angle Slam off the ladder through the table in an awesome spot for the win. Really fun brawl, great story telling with the AJ/Kurt hate they really let those guys tell a story and everyone else was like chase pieces that played a role. Everyone else was also smart enough to not let Kurt or AJ do some overkill Indy spots and kept it simple. One thing that overshadowed the match was Christian selling being powerbombed through a sodding glass table by wearing his new t-shirt. Psychology and self-promotion of his merchandise, what a fuckin’ guy. ***1/2


51. WWF Smackdown 05/24/2001 – TLC III: Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge and Christian (WWF Tag Team Championships)
The action starts with the three other teams ganging up on Benoit and Jericho in the corners before E&C leave the Hardyz and Dudleyz to continue. E&C quickly climb up but Bubba and Matt yank them pull them down before the two can grab the belts. The Hardyz and Dudley then fight it out and Bubba works Jeff over while D-von whips Matt and hits an elbow. Bubba climbs to the middle rope looking for a senton but misses while Matt comes back. He throws a ladder at Bubba then whips D-Von into a corner and drops down while Jeff hits Poetry in Motion. Matt drops down as Jeff goes for Poetry in Motion on Bubba throws the ladder at him to block it. Benoit comes in the ring and chops Matt while Jericho brings another ladder it using it as a weapon on Matt’s face. Benoit suplexes Bubba onto a ladder then he and Jericho whip D-Von into the other ladder set in a corner. Edge and Christian then come in and stomp Benoit and Jericho down before clotheslining Benoit with a ladder. E&C set a ladder on the bottom rope then whip Jericho and trip him into the ladder with a drop toehold. E&C set the ladder up and start climbing up but Matt makes it in and pulls Christian off with a powerbomb. Edge continues climbing up and almost reaches the belts but Matt climbs up the other side and cuts him off. Edge and Matt exchange punches when Benoit shoves the ladder over dumping both guys onto the top rope. Bubba nails Benoit from behind and chops him down in a corner then pulls him out and rams him into the steps. Nearby Jericho pounds on Matt and rolls him onto a table but Jeff comes up and throws Jericho into the post. Benoit climbs to the top rope going for a splash on Matt but Matt moves and Benoit crashes through the table! Benoit is out on the floor he looks LEGIT knocked out cold, while Jericho and Jeff have each set up a ladder. The Dudleyz climb up them with Jericho and Jeff going up the other side and those four exchange punches before Jeff knocks D-Von off the ladder. Bubba knocks Jeff off the ladder but Jericho turns and bulldogs him off the ladder to the mat. Meanwhile Benoit still hasn’t moved on the floor so Tazz goes over to check on him and starts calling for help. A number of EMTs come out and load Benoit on a stretcher as Tazz tells them that his ribs might be hurt. Benoit is wheeled up the ramp and it looks like Jericho is on his own now as we go to commercial. Back from break, and is Edge climbing one of the ladders set up as Jericho tries to make it back in for the save. Jericho climbs up and stops Edge just in time before putting him in the Walls of Jericho on top of the ladders! Christian goes up and shoves Jericho off the ladders and Jericho hits the turnbuckles on the way down. E&C almost reach the belts but the Hardyz and Dudleyz tip the ladders over dropping them onto the ropes. Both those teams then set the ladders back up and climb up themselves and exchange punches at the top. D-Von hiptosses Matt off one ladder while Bubba suplexes Jeff off the other ladder and all seven men are down. We then look over and see Chris Benoit making his way back out to the arena while trying to gut out the pain. Benoit moves a single ladder into position and climbs up for the belts but E&C are back in and pull Benoit down. Benoit tries to fight both men with chops and exchanges punches with Edge but Christian nails him from behind. E&C double-team Benoit then Christian stomps on the hurt ribs while Edge slides a pair of chairs in the ring. E&C ready for a Con-Chair-toe and Benoit covers his head up but E&C instead nail him right in his injured ribs :mark::mark::mark: Benoit is screaming in pain and rolls out to the apron when the Dudleyz come in and toss Christian over the ropes. Bubba slams Edge and sets him up while D-Von climbs to the top and connects with the “Wassup” headbutt. D-Von slides a table in the ring and set it up but Jericho comes in and takes out both Dudleyz with a chair shot, but Christian then comes back in with his own chair and absolutely destroys Jericho in the head sending him rolling out to the floor. Christian rolls Bubba onto the table then sets up another ladder in a corner and climbs up, but D-Von goes up to meet Christian and pulls him off the ladder and Bubba turns it into a 3D through the table! The referees check on Christian as Bubba celebrates but the Hardyz pull him out and work him over on the floor. Bubba shoves Matt away and pounds on Jeff but Matt grabs a monitor off the table and nails Bubba with it. Matt clears off the announce table and rolls Bubba onto it while Jeff sets up a tall ladder right next to it. Jeff climbs up another ladder then leapfrogs the tall ladder and legdrops Bubba through the announce table. Love that spot. Jeff and Bubba are both out while Matt and D-Von both set up a ladder in the ring and try to receive the belts. Both guy reach for the belts but Matt pounds on D-Von then takes him out with a Twist of Fate off the ladders. Matt is back up as he climbs up the ladder and reaches for the belts when Jericho comes in with a chair in hand. Matt kicks the chair into Jericho’s face but Jericho bounces off the ropes and ends up knocking the ladder over. Matt falls onto the ropes and now he’s down on the floor while Jericho sets the ladder up away from the belts. Jericho climbs up the ladder but Edge climbs up another ladder and kills Jericho with a spear in mid-air. Everyone is down EXCEPT! Benoit who comes back in moves a ladder under the belts. Benoit then slowly climbs up while trying to block out the pain and eventually reaches the top of the ladder and pulls down the belts for the win. IN-FUCKIN’-SANE! This is probably my favourite TLC match cause it's more than just big spot after big spot it told an AMAZING story of Benoit missing the headbutt through the table so he gets taken to the back with "Bruised or cracked ribs" so that would leave Jericho alone for most of the remaining match. But it seemed as if the numbers were going to be too much for him. Suddenly, Benoit came back out to the ring with his ribs taped up and showed some tremendous courage by fighting off members of the opposing teams, Oh and the spot with the CON-CHAIR-TO to the injured ribs after Benoit covered his head is still one of the top 10 greatest things EVER! This was a great match that lived up to the insanity of the previous TLC matches and what made it even better is that we got to see it for free. ****1/2

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Aug 8, 2013
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wowzer, great review so far. i only read the matches i found interesting, but you are very detailed lol :)


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Still not seen the Battle of the Sexes match as that is one of the events from that year I need to catch up with.

His match with Joe is quite underrated IMO.