WWF In Your House 24 “Breakdown”

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF In Your House 24 “Breakdown”
Hamilton, Ontario
September 27th, 1998​

Owen Hart vs. Edge
Owen is in the nation here so he has the epic Rock/Nation song :mark: The match starts out with some solid chain wrestling that Owen totally outclasses Edge and he looks so smooth doing so, while Edge has a few mishaps. Edge gets the better as they begin to quicken up the pace, but he tries one high flying move too many and Owen counters a crossbody to the floor into a slam on the floor. Owen now begins to work the back and its good but Edge makes little to no attempt to sell on the mini-comebacks before Owen would cut him off. We then get a good series of moves with both men getting their shit in, and the match goes back and forth until Edge misses a leap off the top but lands on his feet, He DDT’s Owen for two and counters a Owen DDT for two, Owen comes back with a German with a bridge for two but he misses a monkey flip attempt and Edge places him up top. Owen fights out of a suplerplex into a front suplex but he can’t apply the Sharpshooter so Edge connects with a spin kick until a blonde guy comes out and distracts Edge allowing Owen to hit a flying leg roll-up for the win. Real solid back and forth match. **3/4

Too Much vs. Al Snow & Scorpio
Too Much is Too Cool AKA Grandmaster Sexay and Scotty Too Hotty. Well all know Al Snow, but Scorpio is 2 Cold Scorpio AKA Flash Funk but JR doesn’t bring it up they just talk about their ECW past. The match starts with Scotty and Scorpio and they do some real good counter wrestling, actually it was damn good but it gets ruined when Al and Brian tag it and Brian sucks major dick so that was awful. He does bump well, but thankfully Scotty gets the tag but that doesn’t matter as Snow and Scorp now begin to take control of the match until Snow randomly brings a chair in but the ref distracts Scorpio so Al uses it as a weapon a double team weapon. Scorpio tries the same but he botches :lmao the match has now broken down and at one point Scorpio hits a huge splash off the top but when he coves he picks him up at two which makes no sense. Minutes later he goes for another high risk move but Bran cuts him off allowing Scotty to hit a springboard plancha to the floor. Too Much begin to work over Scorpio and is only fun when Scotty is on offense, Brian still sucks. Scorpio gets the hot tag and kills everyone with head even hitting Scorpio. The ref starts counting everyone's pinfalls without any tags, even stopping the count on the count of two when he sees someone coming off the top rope forcing even Lawler to call him on his stupidity. Snow finishes Christopher with the Snow Plow for the win. This was pretty bad and just felt like an extended Raw match. *1/2


Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The Undertaker and Kane; he asks them that they will be working together in the match but then asks which one of them will get the pinfall to become the WWF Champion. Taker says it’s none of his brininess and that Kane and him have come to an understanding, Cole question that and Taker says they’re going to annihilate Steve Austin.

The Droz vs. Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline)
So this to no shock sucked, Maro is still doing his dirty boxer gimmick and is terrible at it. While Droz is green and reminds me of those green territory jobbers back in the day. This match had no psychology and it was back and forth nonsense with spots added. I don’t get why a Mero who is doing a boxer gimmick needed to do a sunset flip to the floor. Minutes later Droz would connect with a powerslam but during the count Jacque would put his foot on the rope. Mero comes back with a chokes using his wrist tape. But as the ref is talking to him about that, that allows Jackie to come off the top and hit Droz in the face with a high heel. Mero would follow up with the Marvelocity (the Shooting Star Press) for the win. Another Raw match. *1/2

Falls Count Anywhere: Vader vs. Bradshaw
Vader comes out PUMPED! And is touching the fans, oh no he’s a face. Vader and face just doesn’t sit well with me it’s like Rude without a moustache or Austin without using the middle finger. Anyway, before the match Michael Cole interview’s Bradshaw back stage and Bradshaw looks like JBL he has the short hair and back pants. Bradshaw says this match isn’t gonna be pretty, and he did not come to wrestle that fat bastard :lmao he says it’s survival of the fittest not survival of the fattest. It’s a shame they didn’t show these comments to Vader on the tron. Bradshaw starts beating the shit out of him in the corner and he absolutely kills him with a clothesline in the corner but Vader isn’t fighting back, he does manage to run over Bradshaw and he begins to work the mid-section. They fight on the floor and Bradshaw begins to dominate him around ringside, hitting him with the ringbell and bouncing his head off the ring table. He tries to punch Vader who is up against the ringpost but he misses twice and Vader throws him into the steps before picking them up and slamming them on onto his back. Once they get back in Bradshaw starts hitting him with those right hands, you know those same right hands that hit the “METAL RING POST” FUCK! He continues to get the better as he hits a side suplex but as Bradshaw comes charging in Vader ducks and Bradshaw falls to the floor. Vader follows him to the floor and they begin to brawl up the aisle with it being all Vader. He rolls him back in and hits the splash off the middle rope followed up by the Vader bomb for two. Bradshaw hits the clothesline from hell out of nowhere for two and hits another one, followed by a neckbreaker for the win. WHAT? THAT IT BOOOOOOOO! This was no Vader/Stan Hansen I can tell you that. **1/2

D-Lo Brown vs. Gangrel
So both guys are heel here so this should be a great way to pump up the fans. Gangrel’s theme though, still to this day is something else just a shame his in ring work wasn’t on that level. Lots of back and forth with neither guy getting the better until Gangrel hits a double armed belly to belly and follows up with elbows for two, but D-Lo comes back with a spinning leg lariat and he begins to work the head and neck area, but Gangrel has a mini-comeback and tries a pull nelson slam but D-Lo counts with a blatant low blow in front of the ref and hits the running powerbomb for two. D-Lo misses a running charge and goes up top for a DDT but D-Lo shoves him off and hits a suplex for two. Jacknife by D-Lo for two, before he drops the head to the balls again :lmao He places Gangrel up top but gets shoved off for two, D-Lo comes back with a clothesline and hits this weird looking angle slam for 2 two counts and now he applies a rest hold as Lawler makes fun of someone with a Hulkamania sign. Mark Henry comes out as Gangrel drops him to the mat and hits a flying clothesline off the top for two, Henry yanks down the ropes, letting Gangrel fall to the floor. He rams Gangrel into the post and tosses him back in allowing D-Lo to hit him with the Sky High for the win. Post-Match: Gangrel spits the blood in Marks face and hits the impaler DDT to D-Lo. Both guys give it a good effort, but I just didn’t care for it at all. *3/4

We get highlights of Austin, Shamrock, and Mankind match from raw in which Kane and Taker interfered.

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Ken Shamrock, Ken says that he came to the WWF to be the champion and tonight he’s gonna take his frustrations out on Rock and Mankind

Backstage: Doc Hendrix interviews The Rock; Rock says he doesn’t give a monkey crab about Ken and his frustrations. And tonight is gonna be the night of the Rock, he’s gonna lay the smackdown on both their monkey asses before climbing the cage to win.

Backstage: Kevin Kelly interviews Mankind; he asks him what he’s looking for and Mankind says he says a bunch of stupid things and calls the people’s elbow stupid and says no way he’s taking that and as for Ken looking for blood he’s not gonna find it here.

Steel Cage Match For The #1 Contendership For The WWF Championship: The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind
Shamrock and Rock go at it right away picking up their feud from early that year as Foley tries to sneak out :lmao Rocky is so over it’s insane, we get some real great interactions from Rock/Ken and Mankind/Rock for a bit. It’s mostly 2 go at it while on sells on the other side of the cage which was fine. I did find it weird that Ken would apply an abdominal stretch until Rock locks in one of his own so we get a double one which looks fruity. Ken would hip-toss out of Rocks, which allows Mankind to botch-toss his was out of his and now we get a stalemate. Rock then signals for him and Mankind to tag team up and as they walk to Ken, Rock turns on him :lmao that lasted 1.05 seconds :lmao All 3 men begin to battle as we get more of the 2 fight with one sell but it’s mostly Ken dominating, he tries to escape but Rock has his legs and he and Mankind now double up to bring him back in. Mankind and Rock now begin to work as a team working of Ken for a bit, and as fun as that was it’s still hilarious that Mankind would join him after that first turn. RocKind (YOU LIKE THAT, CAUSE IT’S BEFORE ROCK N’ SOCK CONNECTION) Throw Ken into the cage, and Rock turns on him again :lmao Rock tries to climb out but Ken stops him and now Ken and Rock join forces to attempt to take out Mankind. The put the boots to Mankind before Ken applies the ankle lock but while he does Rock hits him in the back of the head :lmao Ken and Mankind are pissed so they begin to double over Rock now to BOOOOO’s :lmao that’s great. Ken then turns on him but again Mankind and Ken join forces again as it looks like Rock might get back into it, this lasts for a few minutes until Mankind goes for the knee lift but Rock counters with a clothesline but Ken hits him with a clothesline. Lol @ every time Mankind wants to do a thing Rock would cut him off before getting killed by Ken. Rock then has a nice comeback and hits a double people’s elbow which was hilarious. He tries to climb out but both Ken and Mankind drag him back in, dropping Rock on the top rope. Rock low blows Ken and hits the Rock Bottom on Mankind for two because Ken breaks it up and hits a spinning back elbow for two. Rock and Ken go back and forth for a bit until Ken hits him with a belly to belly and applies the ankle lock, but Mankind saves him to a big pop. He tries to crawl out but Rock catches him at the top and they begin to fight with Mankind hanging on from the outside. He has him by his hair and pulls him up top and they begin to fight up top until Ken tries to come up but he gets knocked down, and so does the Rock. Mankind doesn’t climb down instead leaps off the top with the elbow drop but Ken moves and Mankind crashes to the mat HOLY SHIT! Ken begins to crawl out but Mankind has him by the feet to prevent him as he drags him back in Ken grabs a chair he swings and misses with it, and Mankind hits him with the double armed DDT. Mankind now has the chair and nails Ken with it before climbing up again but as he’s doing that Rock covers Ken for the win. This was damn fun; I loved all the double teams with the Rock turning on them for Ken and Mankind to double him for an extended time. I also loved the finish; it made Rock look brilliant but also made Mankind look dumb for not covering him. ***1/4 - ***1/2


Post-Match: Ken Shamrock is pissed and has that chair he threatens the fans and walks round ringside.

Dustin Runnels vs. Val Venis (w/Terri Runnels)
Before the match with get this hilarious video package of Dustin who wants to put an end to all of Val’s dirtiness oh he’s now a preacher :lmao this also Val’s new video called the preachers wife guest starring Terri Runnels :lmao Before the match, Val gets on the mic and asks Dustin about his wife and one thing he’s been saying about her. HE SHE CUMS! :lmao This is pretty genius as Dustin is your babyface (I think, maybe IDK It’s ‘98) but he's getting booed because he's so self-righteous. Val attempts to jump Dustin as he prays in the ring but it backfires, they go back and forth with Dustin hitting him with a powerbomb, they fight on the floor where Dustin gets killed by a clothesline. But once they get back in Dustin gets the better until he runs into a big boot and Val hits a series of knees to the gut and follows up with a Russian legsweep. Val begins to work over Dustin but doesn’t stick to specific body part and it’s all muddled up he’s just doing stuff to fill up time it looks like, lol @ the fans chanting take it off towards Terri’s half piece. Val’s heat last for a good few minutes and it’s pretty boring. This just feels like a Raw match, matter of face this whole show fells like what we see on Raw these days with just a lot less promos and segments. Dustin comeback ruled though, as he hit this beautiful spike DDT for two before heading up but he took too long and Val cuts him off, he can’t suplex him into the ring so Val drops him to the floor instead. Once they get back in, Val gets thrown to the floor but Terri comes to the rescue and they begin to feel each other up as Dustin looks unset allowing Val to roll him up for two. Dustin comes back with a bulldog for two as Val blows getting the shoulder up :lmao JR tries to cover this up but it’s terrible, this allows Dustin to hit a powerslam before hitting a series of elbows and finally finishes him off with the Money Shot. Just didn’t care for whenever Val is on offense, the guy does nothing for me. *1/4 - *1/2

Jeff Jarrett & Southern Justice vs. X-Pac & the New Age Outlaws (w/Chyna)
Southern Justice is the The Godwinns, JESUS! FUCKIN’ CHRIST HOW MANY NAMES HAVE THESE GUYS HAD. Yet they still suck. Jarrett is trying to get his “Don’t Piss Me Off” catchphrase over so he has it on his guitar now :lmao X-Pac comes out normally but the Outlaws attack them from behind when they come out through the crowd. Pack and Jarrett start and its damn good, I always liked Jeff as a mid-card it’s just when he’s trying to be a main eventer I laugh my ass off. Dogg/Jarrett is just as good with Jarrett bumping like crazy for him but one of the Justice guys pulls Road Dogg’s hair allowing the heel team to work over on Road Dogg now. This lasts for a few minutes, and it’s fun but when Jarrett and Dogg bumps heads it allows Pac to get the hot tag and he takes out Jeff with a sweet spinkick he goes for one on one of the Justice guys but he gets caught in mid-air and that gets countered into a side powerbomb. The heel team begin to work over Pac and it’s a lot better than the Dogg one but that’s because Pac bumps and sells great for them, even showing a ton of heart. Pac’s face-in-peril might be some of the best in the business. I love the heel’s cheating and provoking Gunn all the time leading to Gunn making some witty remarks towards them and to the ref for being an idiot. Jarrett locks in a sleeper which is fine, but it kinda hurt the flow of the match. Pac does manage to fight out with elbows and lock in one of his own but Jarrett counters and Pac counters that into a side suplex as both men are down. Pac tags in Billy who cleans house on everyone; he press slams Jeff but gets dumped to the floor as Pac hits the Bronco Buster to Jeff. Jarrett tries to bring the guitar into the ring but Billy puts a stop to that, he tries to bring it back in but the ref stops it allowing Justice to double team him but he fights it off. Suddenly Jarrett has the guitar and kills Pac with it as Billy hits the Fame Asser on one of the justice boys for the win. Real fun match, X-Pac stole the show even though they tried to make this about Billy’s hot tag. **1/2 - **3/4


WWF Championship: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker vs. Kane
This is basically a handicap match, as Vince announced that Taker is prohibited from pinning Kane and Kane is also prohibited from pinning Taker. So yeah, I guess we all know how this is gonna unfold. Also Vince had made sure that if any of Austin's friends try to help, he will be stripped of the title. “Like Austin has friends, C’MON Unless JR tries to get involved” :hm: Austin attacks Taker during his entrance with a theme so we don’t even get an Austin pop :( Kane tries to make the save so he and Austin brawl to ringside, Kane and Austin start in the ring but Kane hits him with a back elbow and wears down but he misses the clothesline off the top as Taker comes down with that chair but he’s walking too slow. Kane throws him to the floor and Taker brawls with him around ringside before Austin throws him into the steps, Austin trips up Kane and crotches him into the post as JR makes a joke that Taker might not be an uncle after that :lmao Back In, Austin nails the stunner but Taker pulls him out and bounces his head off the ringpost. Taker rolls him back in and he and Austin get the better, but I like Austin’s gameplan of knock Kane off the apron but leaves Taker in. But that ends suddenly after Kane pulls him out and Taker goes for a big boot accidentally hits Kane. They have a tense stare down as Austin shoves Taker into Kane taking him out. He tries to fight them both but the numbers catch up to him and we get a long ass Kane and Taker heat on Austin that lasts for a good while, Austin’s mini-comebacks are great though, Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson and Commissioner Slaughter come out to observe on top of the aisle way. Taker and Kane beat Austin all the way up near to the stooges until Austin makes a great comeback, he tries to piledrive Taker on the concrete but gets back dropped on it. LOL @ Austin seeing them so while he’s getting his ass kick he runs over to them and jumps on poor Gerald Brisco until Kane and Taker make the save. They bring him back down to ringside and back in to the ring as we get more Kane/Taker double teams. With Austin fighting them off as much as he can, but gets caught with the numbers game all the time. Suddenly Austin his Kane with a chair so the match moves into neither guy wants to let the other get the pin, so they get into it over who's going to win the title. This would eventually lead to both men brawling with one another allowing Austin to catch his breath, at one point Kane and Austin double team Taker taking him out of the match for the time being. Things go back to normal with Kane and Taker working it out and begin to double up on Austin again, until Kane and Taker clothesline one another for a double KO spot, allowing Austin to regain his bearing and he beats the shit out of them. But gets caught by a Kane powerslam, he tries to tombstone Austin but gets shoved into Taker on the top rope. Austin then tries the stunner but Kane counters and gets shoved into a Taker boot. This leads to Taker and Kane hitting a double chokeslam and both cover for the three count. Post-Match: Austin chases Vince to the back, but Vince escapes in his limo, while Kane and Taker argue in the ring. Austin is pissed so he beats up the stooges. Typical Austin/Taker /Kane match its slow and plodding with a predictable outcome. *1/2 - *3/4



WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Can't argue with your match ratings here (even if we do use slightly different systems:ARN:). Even for an IYH the amount of filler here was OTT.

Forgot about the triple threat number one contenders match, that was the true highlight of the night, and an important step in getting the Rock over.

Given the talent the main event should have been MUCH better, then again 98 Kane was a bit sloppy.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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I don't even remember likin' this show this much. I think my ratings are a bit lower on a few things here.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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This show just felt like a Raw we get now, just more time that proves sometime more minutes is not the answers.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Some of these matches don't even seem Raw worthy. Too Much vs The J.O.B. Squad :TI:
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Nov 13, 2010
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Who books a shithole like The Hammer?