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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Chris Jericho and John Cena VS. Christian and Tomko WWE Raw 14/06/05

This was a bit rushed. Tomko was all over the place, Cena was still very green, Jericho and Christian do their best, but overall its a pretty forgettable match. Most of the entertainment comes in the post match which Cena does sell quite well.



WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Viscera VS. Maven WWE Raw 14/06/05

Standard squash.



WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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John Cena VS. Kane VS. Roman Reigns VS. Randy Orton WWE BattleGround 2014

A bit of a scrappy main event really. Reigns looked decent and got a good response, and the match got stronger as it went along, but false finishers were over done. Would have been better as a tag team match.



Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWF Survivor Series 1992 - WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Bret Hart (c) vs WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels

Michaels is the one tag gets control early with a takedown, but Hart out wrestles him and they get in to the ropes, which frustrates Michaels. We get some nice chain wrestling now, which Hart being in control mostly on Michaels's arm. Michaels tries to use the hair, but the Hebner keeps checking it :lmao He gets out of it now, but Hart just out wrestles him again to get the arm in another hammerlock, and Michaels is really frustrated now. Michaels reverses into a hammerlock of his own, but Hart is able to send him right through the ropes outside the ring :mark: Hart flips him back in from the apron and goes right back to the arm. We get a few reversals now that ends with Hart hitting a crossbody for a two count, then a sunset flip for another before going back to the arm. Hart gets caught with a couple big right hands now as Michaels says fuck this scientific crap :mark: He misses a clothesline though, and Hart hits him with his own before going back to the arm. Michaels says "He's breaking my arm," and Hebner asks if he wants to give up, but Michaels says no, what a guy. Nice little exchange off the ropes now ends up with Michaels hitting a Stun Gun on Hart. Hart then misses Michaels in the corner and just goes shoulder first into the ring post, so now both guys have hurt arms. Michaels goes right for the arm now with an armbreaker. Michaels sends Hart sternum first into the corner, which he hits crazy hard, but that only gets a two count. Hart is able to fight to his feet out of a headlock, but Michaels just yanks him down by the hair. Hart is able to fight out of it again, but Michaels hits him with a beautiful dropkick right in the face. Michaels hits a backbreaker for a two count before going back to the headlock. The crowd is really hot as Hart fights out again, and is able to hit a swinging neckbreaker. Both men get up at the same time, and Michaels just hits him with a punch right to the throat to take him back down. Hart fights out once again and this time slams him in to the corner, and then he hits a big bulldog. Hart goes up, but misses his elbow drop, and both men are down now. Michaels hits a big back elbow off the ropes, and gets a close two count before locking in a front headlock. The rest holds would be hard to watch normally, but the crowd is so hot during them that they're great and go well with the match. Hart fights out and gets a close two count with a small package, but Michaels is right back on him. Michaels misses Hart in the corner though and gets hit with a back suplex. Hart hits a slingshot into the corner now, and Michaels sells it like crazy as both men are down again. Hart gets up faster this time and seems to have a second rush of adrenaline as Michaels gets crotched over the top rope, and then gets hit with a back body drop for two. Hart hits a russian legsweep now, followed by a backbreaker and then finally his elbow drop from the second work, but he still only gets a two count. Hart positions Michaels on the top rope now, and hits a superplex. Hart is slow on the cover though and only gets two. Both men get up around the same time now, but Hart is able to lock in a sleeper. Michaels back them up in the corner though, into Hebner who sells it for a bit, but it wasn't a deadly ref bump. Michaels is able to send Hart outside the ring now and follows him out. He slams Hart into the steel post, breaks the count then hits a scoop slam outside before breaking the count once more. Back in the ring, Michaels stays in control and hits a back body drop. Michaels has turned his attention towards Hart's back now as it has taken a beating. Hart comes up from behind and rolls up Michaels while he was arguing with the ref but only gets two. Michaels catches him with Sweet Chin Music (not yet named), but he doesn't have the energy to cover Hart. Michaels goes for his Teardrop Suplex now, but Hart catches him with a shot to the face. They exchange some punches now, but Michaels ducks one and hits the Teardrop :mark: But oh shit Hart kicks out :mark: Michaels picks him back up, but Hart catches him with a big elbow shot which gets Michaels caught in the ropes. Hart comes after him, but Michaels moves at the last second and Hart gets all tangled in the ropes and I think he just lost his dick :mark: Michaels goes for a missile dropkick off the top rope, but Hart catches him and turns it into the Sharpshooter for the win :mark: Man I forgot how much I love this match. It has its flaws that these two will work out in their later matches, but for a thrown together main event which two stars who are barely established, this was fucking amazing and the crowd was into it too which helped a lot.

Post match: Santa Claus comes out and celebrates with Bret Hart even though tomorrow is Survivor Series, and snow starts falling from the roof. :lmao this is so dumb. OH SHIT COLOSSEUM VIDEO EXLCLUSIVE! Bret's sitting Santa's lap backstage and telling him what he wants for Christmas :lmao Hart cuts a promo with a candy cane in his hand, you can't beat that.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Batista and Shawn Michaels VS. Triple H and Kurt Angle WWE Raw 20/06/05

Solid tag main event.



Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WCW Starrcade 1992 - BattleBowl Battle Royal: Barry Windham vs Big Van Vader (with Harley Race) vs Danny Spivey vs Dustin Rhodes vs The Great Muta vs Steve Williams vs Sting vs Van Hammer

So this is following Sting/Vader's King of Cable match :TI:

Anyway, this is just a one ring battle royal instead of two like last year. Oh and Sting, Vader, Windham, Muta, and Williams are all competing in their third match tonight with Spivey, Rhodes, and Hammer in their second. So let's get to this. Vader attacks Sting on the ramp before they even get to the ring :mark: The rest of the guys are just doing your typical battle royal brawling in the ring. Sting ends up back in the ring and Vader jumps over the top rope onto him :mark: We get two smaller screens at the bottom of the screen that just annoy me, but they're supposed to show all the competitors. HOLY SHIT I just noticed Hammer's selling of Spivey's punches :lmao he reacts a half second too late every time and it's hilarious. Hammer tries to eliminate Vader but all he does is pull his leg a little :lmao Everyone's fatigued so bad and this match has hardly started, nothing's really happening at all. Rhodes and Spivey end up on the ramp and OH SHIT Rhodes hits a bulldog on him on the ramp :mark: Oh and Hammer is out YES YES YES YES YES! I love you Dr. Death. Sting sends Spivey over the top, but he lands on the ramp so the announcers didn't know if he's out :lmao He is though so YAY! Vader goes at Sting and hits a Cactus Clothesline so both guy go out NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!! :( Windham's nose is bleeding pretty bad, man this guy has had a rough night. Windham is able to hit a DDT on Rhodes for our first real move since the bulldog on the ramp. Oh shit Windham with a scoop slam now, reminding us what wrestling is. Windham goes up top for some reason, then Rhodes throws him back into the ring for another reason instead of sending him outside. Another DDT, but this time it was from Rhodes onto Windham. Williams does another Cactus Clothesline on Rhodes now, so they're both out. Way to repeat a spot. It's just Windham and Muta left now and WOW this crowd is crazy hot for Muta, more so than I thought they'd be after his boring match against Chono earlier. Windham takes control with a suplex, but holds on when Windham tries to throw him out, so Windham hits a back suplex this time. Windham sets him up on the top turnbuckle now, and hits a superplex. Windham picks Muta up, just to hit a dropkick, then goes to throw him over. Muta skins the cat, but lands on the apron, so he slips down to actually skin it even though he could have got up normally :lmao Muta comes back in and hits a dropkick followed by one more that sends Windham over the top rope for a sudden finish. Even by battle royal standards this was poor and shouldn't have closed the PPV.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWF Royal Rumble 1993 - Royal Rumble Match: Bob Backlund vs Brian Knobbs vs Carlos Colon vs Damien Demento vs Earthquake vs Fatu vs Genichiro Tenryu vs WWF Tag Team Champion Irwin R. Schyster vs Jerry Lawler vs Jerry Sags vs Koko B. Ware vs Max Moon vs Mr. Perfect vs Owen Hart vs Papa Shango vs Randy Savage vs Repo Man vs Ric Flair vs Rick Martel vs Samu vs Skinner vs Tatanka vs WWF Tag Team Champion Ted DiBiase vs Terry Taylor vs The Berzerker vs Tito Santana vs The Undertaker vs Virgil vs Yokozuna (with Mr. Fuji)

So this is the first Rumble where the winner gets a title shot at WrestleMania. Entry number one is Flair :lmao this is so not fair to Flair. Out at number two is Bob Backlund :lmao he doesn't even have theme music, this is great. Backlund offers his hand and Flair does his classic spot by faking the handshake :mark: Papa Shango comes out at number 3, and Flair eliminates him after like 30 seconds tops :lmao Out at number 4 is Ted DiBiase, and I guess managers aren't allowed this year because Jimmy Hart ran down with him, but then ran right back. Heenan just called Backlund "Opie" :lmao Number 5 is Brian Knobbs of the Nasty Boys, and he goes right for Flair and DiBiase. Number 6 comes out and it's Virgil. DiBiase ducks a clothesline from Knobbs, and he ends up going over. Number 7 is Jerry Lawler, making his WWF pay-per-view debut. Max Moon is out at number 8 :lmao Another WWF pay-per-view debut. Lawler sends Moon over the top rope right as Genichiro Tenyru comes out at number 9, and gets in a chopping battle with Flair and DiBiase :mark: Out at number 10 is Mr. Perfect and he goes right for Flair :mark: Number 11 is Skinner, this guy still has a job? Perfect is able to eliminate Flair :( That's not fair to Flair. The crowd does pop huge for that though. Virgil just held Lawler for someone to hit him, but no one no one paid him any attention :lmao Koko B. Ware comes out at number 12 and does some weird stuff with his gigantic pants. Backlund is winded so bad right now. Skinner skins the cat :lmao but then Perfect dropkicks him out anyway. Out at lucky number 13 is Samu and Afa pulls him out by the hair and throws him in :lmao Number 14 is The Berzerker, and this guy still has a job too? Perfect sneds Lawler over the top, then gets sent over by DiBiase, but he holds on and it takes like 4 people to eliminate Perfect including Lawler. They start brawling outside but FUCK Perfect's out :( During all of that, Virgil was eliminated too and this almost makes up for Perfect. Undertaker comes out at number 15, and he gets a huge pop. 'Taker is able to eliminate Samu. The Berzerker and Backlund are outside, and Berzerker slams him on the floor after pulling up the padding. 'Taker eliminates Tenyru as well. Terry Taylor comes out at number 16 to no reaction whatsoever :lmao should have stayed the Rooster. DiBiase is able to eliminate Ware and Taylor at the same time, then 'Taker eliminates him after a chokeslam. Oh yay, Harvey Wippleman is leading out Giant Gonzales to the ring now as 'Taker eliminates Berzerker. Damien Demento comes out at number 17, but he's not even shown on screen because we're having this Gonzales/'Taker staredown :lmao Gonzales eliminates 'Taker, and keeps brawling with him outside UGH FUCK THIS FEUD! Gonzales sends him back into the ring and chokeslams 'Taker as Demento still hasn't gotten into the ring :lmao Number 18 is IRS, but Gonzales is slamming 'Taker's legs into the ring post now. Gonzales finally leaves now as IRS, Demento, and Backlund finally get into the ring to continue the match. Out at number 19 is Tatanka to a nice pop. Paul Bearer comes out now to give 'Taker the power of the urn so he can get up. Jerry Sags comes out at number 20. Out at number 21 is Typhoon. Number 22 is Rikishi Fatu, who hits a legit Savate on Typhoon :mark: Earthquake comes out at number 23, and he goes after Typhoon for some reason. Typhoon misses an Avalanche in the corner, and Earthquake eliminates him. Out at number 24 is Carlos Colon as Tatanko almost gets eliminated but holds on, this guy's still in WHAT! Oh yay Colon eliminates Demento. Backlund is still in this by the way, but Earthquake is taking it to him. El Matador is out at number 25. Backlund ducks and Fatu goes right over the top rope. Number 26 is Rick Martel. IRS gets eliminated as Earthquake ducks his clothesline. Yokozuna comes out at number 27. Yokozuna quickly eliminates Tatanka followed by Colon. Oh shit Earthquake/Yokozuna staredown :mark: Number 28 is Owen Hart, but everything's focused on this Earthquake/Yokozuna exchange. Earthquake missed an Avalanche and Yokozuna just belly-to-belly's him over the top rope. Out at number 29 is Repo Man. All six guys in the ring besides Yokozuna gang up to get him out now and the crowd starts popping, but Yokozuna takes them out one by one. The last participant is Randy Savage and he comes out to an absolutely huge pop. Yokozuna eliminates Matador. Hart is able to dropkick Sags over the top rope, then gets thrown out by Martel, but he skins the cat and stays in. Hart tries to eliminate Yokozuna but he gets sent out and almost breaks his leg into his leg. Repo gets setn out as well. Backlund, Martel, Savage, and Yokozuna are left. Backlund is able to eliminate Martel and he's starting to get a nice crowd reaction as the announcers are putting him over really well. Yokozuna is able to eliminate Backlund, but not before he breaks Flair's record for most time spent in the ring. The crowd gives Backlund a standing ovation as he goes back. For some reason Fuji is allowed to stay at ringside when none of the other managers were. Savage hits Yokozuna with everything, and drops him to one knee for the first time, but then Yokozuna catches him with a savate to the fuckin' chest. Yokozuna just toys with Savage at this point. Yokozuna missed a butt bump in the corner though, and falls down. Savage hits the diving elbow, but then goes for the pin :lmao and OH SHIT! Yokozuna throws him over the top rope from the fucking ground :mark: Well that was an alright Rumble, but obviously doesn't compare to last year's. It was a little too jobbery for my liking, but on the other hand I did enjoy seeing some of those gimmicks. Also think they did an alright job at making Yokozuna look badass, but could have done it even better, but oh well.
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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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WWF Royal Rumble 1993 - Royal Rumble Match: Bob Backlund vs Brian Knobbs vs Carlos Colon vs Damien Demento vs Earthquake vs Fatu vs Genichiro Tenryu vs WWF Tag Team Champion Irwin R. Schyster vs Jerry Lawler vs Jerry Sags vs Koko B. Ware vs Max Moon vs Mr. Perfect vs Owen Hart vs Papa Shango vs Randy Savage vs Repo Man vs Ric Flair vs Rick Martel vs Samu vs Skinner vs Tatanka vs WWF Tag Team Champion Ted DiBiase vs Terry Taylor vs The Berzerker vs Tito Santana vs The Undertaker vs Virgil vs Yokozuna (with Mr. Fuji)

So this is the first Rumble where the winner gets a title shot at WrestleMania. Entry number one is Flair :lmao this is so not fair to Flair. Out at number two is Bob Backlund :lmao he doesn't even have theme music, this is great. Backlund offers his hand and Flair does his classic spot by faking the handshake :mark: Papa Shango comes out at number 3, and Flair eliminates him after like 30 seconds tops :lmao Out at number 4 is Ted DiBiase, and I guess managers aren't allowed this year because Jimmy Hart ran down with him, but then ran right back. Heenan just called Backlund "Opie" :lmao Number 5 is Brian Knobbs of the Nasty Boys, and he goes right for Flair and DiBiase. Number 6 comes out and it's Virgil. DiBiase ducks a clothesline from Knobbs, and he ends up going over. Number 7 is Jerry Lawler, making his WWF pay-per-view debut. Max Moon is out at number 8 :lmao Another WWF pay-per-view debut. Lawler sends Moon over the top rope right as Genichiro Tenyru comes out at number 9, and gets in a chopping battle with Flair and DiBiase :mark: Out at number 10 is Mr. Perfect and he goes right for Flair :mark: Number 11 is Skinner, this guy still has a job? Perfect is able to eliminate Flair :( That's not fair to Flair. The crowd does pop huge for that though. Virgil just held Lawler for someone to hit him, but no one no one paid him any attention :lmao Koko B. Ware comes out at number 12 and does some weird stuff with his gigantic pants. Backlund is winded so bad right now. Skinner skins the cat :lmao but then Perfect dropkicks him out anyway. Out at lucky number 13 is Samu and Afa pulls him out by the hair and throws him in :lmao Number 14 is The Berzerker, and this guy still has a job too? Perfect sneds Lawler over the top, then gets sent over by DiBiase, but he holds on and it takes like 4 people to eliminate Perfect including Lawler. They start brawling outside but FUCK Perfect's out :( During all of that, Virgil was eliminated too and this almost makes up for Perfect. Undertaker comes out at number 15, and he gets a huge pop. 'Taker is able to eliminate Samu. The Berzerker and Backlund are outside, and Berzerker slams him on the floor after pulling up the padding. 'Taker eliminates Tenyru as well. Terry Taylor comes out at number 16 to no reaction whatsoever :lmao should have stayed the Rooster. DiBiase is able to eliminate Ware and Taylor at the same time, then 'Taker eliminates him after a chokeslam. Oh yay, Harvey Wippleman is leading out Giant Gonzales to the ring now as 'Taker eliminates Berzerker. Damien Demento comes out at number 17, but he's not even shown on screen because we're having this Gonzales/'Taker staredown :lmao Gonzales eliminates 'Taker, and keeps brawling with him outside UGH FUCK THIS FEUD! Gonzales sends him back into the ring and chokeslams 'Taker as Demento still hasn't gotten into the ring :lmao Number 18 is IRS, but Gonzales is slamming 'Taker's legs into the ring post now. Gonzales finally leaves now as IRS, Demento, and Backlund finally get into the ring to continue the match. Out at number 19 is Tatanka to a nice pop. Paul Bearer comes out now to give 'Taker the power of the urn so he can get up. Jerry Sags comes out at number 20. Out at number 21 is Typhoon. Number 22 is Rikishi Fatu, who hits a legit Savate on Typhoon :mark: Earthquake comes out at number 23, and he goes after Typhoon for some reason. Typhoon misses an Avalanche in the corner, and Earthquake eliminates him. Out at number 24 is Carlos Colon as Tatanko almost gets eliminated but holds on, this guy's still in WHAT! Oh yay Colon eliminates Demento. Backlund is still in this by the way, but Earthquake is taking it to him. El Matador is out at number 25. Backlund ducks and Fatu goes right over the top rope. Number 26 is Rick Martel. IRS gets eliminated as Earthquake ducks his clothesline. Yokozuna comes out at number 27. Yokozuna quickly eliminates Tatanka followed by Colon. Oh shit Earthquake/Yokozuna staredown :mark: Number 28 is Owen Hart, but everything's focused on this Earthquake/Yokozuna exchange. Earthquake missed an Avalanche and Yokozuna just belly-to-belly's him over the top rope. Out at number 29 is Repo Man. All six guys in the ring besides Yokozuna gang up to get him out now and the crowd starts popping, but Yokozuna takes them out one by one. The last participant is Randy Savage and he comes out to an absolutely huge pop. Yokozuna eliminates Matador. Hart is able to dropkick Sags over the top rope, then gets thrown out by Martel, but he skins the cat and stays in. Hart tries to eliminate Yokozuna but he gets sent out and almost breaks his leg into his leg. Repo gets setn out as well. Backlund, Martel, Savage, and Yokozuna are left. Backlund is able to eliminate Martel and he's starting to get a nice crowd reaction as the announcers are putting him over really well. Yokozuna is able to eliminate Backlund, but not before he breaks Flair's record for most time spent in the ring. The crowd gives Backlund a standing ovation as he goes back. For some reason Fuji is allowed to stay at ringside when none of the other managers were. Savage hits Yokozuna with everything, and drops him to one knee for the first time, but then Yokozuna catches him with a savate to the fuckin' chest. Yokozuna just toys with Savage at this point. Yokozuna missed a butt bump in the corner though, and falls down. Savage hits the diving elbow, but then goes for the pin :lmao and OH SHIT! Yokozuna throws him over the top rope from the fucking ground :mark: Well that was an alright Rumble, but obviously doesn't compare to last year's. It was a little too jobbery for my liking, but on the other hand I did enjoy seeing some of those gimmicks. Also think they did an alright job at making Yokozuna look badass, but could have done it even better, but oh well.

Two years out? How old are you Chris?:lmao


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WCW SuperBrawl III - White Castle of Fear Strap Match: Sting vs WCW World Heavyweight Champion Big Van Vader (with Harley Race)

So this match is non-sanctioned by WCW and that's why it's non-title I guess. Vader starts by just pulling Sting down by the strap a couple times using his strength. They finally get face to face with each other, then Vader pushes back and pulls Sting into his own clothesline :mark: Vader then starts whipping Sting with the strap, then hits a diving splash off the middle rope. Vader gets caught taunting and Sting pulls the strap into his crotch a few times, and then takes him down with some strikes and the crowd pops huge. Sting then hits a diving clothesline, followed by two big diving splash from the top rope. Sting starts whipping Vader now and man this crowd is hot. Race gets on the apron, and he gets a shot with the strap as well as Vader rolls out of the ring. Vader follows him out, and pulls him into the ring post a couple times with the strap. Vader hos some sick looking whelps on his back now as Sting scoops slams him out on the floor. Oh shit Sting's trying to drag Vader to the four corners from the outside. It's kinda illogical, but I didn't even know it was legal. He gets two of them, but then Vader pulls him into the rail :mark: . Vader's back is literally raw where Sting whipped him with the strap. Sting hits a Samoan Drop back in the ring now, but then Vader catches him in the corner to take control back. Vader goes for the powerbomb, but Sting flips him over to get out of it. Sting goes up top, but misses a splash, allowing Vader to hit a running one of his own. Vader just punches Sting in the fucking ear now. Vader hits a huge Samoan Drop now, which Schiavone calls as "whoa." Vader hits the Vader Bomb now and then starts whipping Sting now trying to give him some whelps of is own :mark: Vader puts Sting on his shoulders, then goes up to the middle rope and hits a Super Samoan Drop :mark: Vader tries to touch the turnbuckles now, and gets two before Sting kicks him in the head to break it up. Vader goes for another Vader Bomb, but Sting moves out of the way. Vader is back up first though, and just pulls Sting over to the center of the ring. Vader goes up top, but Sting uses the strap to crotch him on the top rope, then pull him down. They start exchanging punches from their knees now which is badass at this point :mark: Vader wins that exchange, then sets Sting up on the top rope. Vader connects with a superplex, then starts touching the turnbuckles again. Vader gets 3, but Sting is able to hold onto the bottom rope, and then breaks up the count. Vader starts punching Sting in the corner now :mark::mark::mark: Sting's busted open now, as Vader pulls him into him for a clothesline, but Sting just does a front flip kick thing OH SHIT :mark: He connects right in Vader's face. Sting starts fighting back now and hits a German Suplex, followed by a DDT. Sting does some punches of his own in the corner now, but they just don't compare to Vader's. Vader's mask comes off now as Sting puts him on his shoulders to touch the turnbuckles, but Vader's foot hits the ref barely who sells it like he died. :lmao Sting touches all four turnbuckles, but the ref was down so he didn't see it and HOLY SHIT VADER'S EAR IS BLEEDING LIKE CRAZY! Vader hits a Banzai Drop on Sting now and "splats him" as Schiavone put it. Vader starts pulling Sting by the foot now and touches three turnbuckles and then Sting kicks him into the fourth to win. Vader is bleeding like crazy as Sting just starts whipping him some more after the match is over :mark: This match was FUCKING AWESOME but the ending was weird because Sting did the same kick that he did the first two times Vader went for the turnbuckles, but this time it didn't break the count. Oh well, strap matches never have good finishes unless both guys are touching the turnbuckles and the rest of that match was so good that I can't complain.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWF WrestleMania IX - WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Bret Hart (c) vs Yokozuna (with Mr. Fuji)

Hart charges at Yokozuna quickly at the beginning with a dropkick and just takes it to him :mark: Hart stays on him though, but Yokozuna just uses his power to stop it and just plows into Hart knocking him out of the ring. Yokozuna tries to kick Hart though the ropes, but Hart catches his foot and pulls him down by tangling his foot into the ropes. Hart comes back in the ring now and hits his diving elbow as the referee tries to get Yokozuna loose. Hart stays on him though and hits some clotheslines, but after a couple Yokozuna just destroys him with one of his own. Yokozuna is in complete control now, hitting a scoop slam followed by a leg drop. The crowd starts chanting USA now but neither of the wrestlers are American :lmaolmao:lmaolmao: Yokozuna remains in control for a little while now with a nerve hold which is probably my least favorite hold in history. Hart gets sent to the corner now, but he catches Yokozuna with a boot, then takes him down off the top rope for a two count. Yokozuna gets up quickly and hits a sick savate on Hart now to take back control. Yokozuna snapmares him back down and locks in another nerve hold UGH! This one is okay I guess though because at least Hart is on the ground this time instead of basically standing. More USA chants :lmao Heenan calls them out on it this time as Hart tries to fight back. Hart moves out of the way of a butt bump in the corner now, and Hart hits a bulldog off the second rope for a two count. Hart hits another diving elbow, but Yokozuna easily kicks out at two again. Hart hits a diving clothesline this time, followed by a running one to knock Yokozuna back down. Hart then starts punching him in the corner, but Yokozuna pulls him off and in the process Hart rips the turnbuckle pad off. Yokozuna goes to slam Hart into the exposed turnbuckle, but Hart slams him into it instead and then locks on the Sharpshooter :mark: Fuji throws salt into Hart's eyes to break the hold, and Yokozuna pins Hart to win. Not gonna' lie for a Yokozuna match this was actually really fun to watch because Hart's strategy of just going balls to the wall and never giving Yokozuna a chance to think was amazing. The ending was a bit weak and fuck nerve holds, but this match was probably as good as it could have been and shows you how good Bret is.

Post match: Hulk Hogan is out to the ring before the bell even finishes ringing. Mr. Fuji gets the mic and issues a challenge to Hogan and calls him a yellow belly :lmao so we'll get another match now. Hogan wants to take care of Hart first though, but Hart tells him to go for it.

WWF WrestleMania IX - WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Hulk Hogan vs Yokozuna (c) (with Mr. Fuji)

Yokozuna holds Hogan as soon as he's in the ring for Fuji to throw the salt in his eyes, but Hogan ducks and Fuji throws it in Yokozuna's by mistake. Hogan takes out Fuji, then hits a big boot followed by a leg drop on Yokozuna for the win :lmaolmao:lmaolmao:lmaolmao


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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WWF WrestleMania IX - WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Bret Hart (c) vs Yokozuna (with Mr. Fuji)

Hart charges at Yokozuna quickly at the beginning with a dropkick and just takes it to him :mark: Hart stays on him though, but Yokozuna just uses his power to stop it and just plows into Hart knocking him out of the ring. Yokozuna tries to kick Hart though the ropes, but Hart catches his foot and pulls him down by tangling his foot into the ropes. Hart comes back in the ring now and hits his diving elbow as the referee tries to get Yokozuna loose. Hart stays on him though and hits some clotheslines, but after a couple Yokozuna just destroys him with one of his own. Yokozuna is in complete control now, hitting a scoop slam followed by a leg drop. The crowd starts chanting USA now but neither of the wrestlers are American :lmaolmao:lmaolmao: Yokozuna remains in control for a little while now with a nerve hold which is probably my least favorite hold in history. Hart gets sent to the corner now, but he catches Yokozuna with a boot, then takes him down off the top rope for a two count. Yokozuna gets up quickly and hits a sick savate on Hart now to take back control. Yokozuna snapmares him back down and locks in another nerve hold UGH! This one is okay I guess though because at least Hart is on the ground this time instead of basically standing. More USA chants :lmao Heenan calls them out on it this time as Hart tries to fight back. Hart moves out of the way of a butt bump in the corner now, and Hart hits a bulldog off the second rope for a two count. Hart hits another diving elbow, but Yokozuna easily kicks out at two again. Hart hits a diving clothesline this time, followed by a running one to knock Yokozuna back down. Hart then starts punching him in the corner, but Yokozuna pulls him off and in the process Hart rips the turnbuckle pad off. Yokozuna goes to slam Hart into the exposed turnbuckle, but Hart slams him into it instead and then locks on the Sharpshooter :mark: Fuji throws salt into Hart's eyes to break the hold, and Yokozuna pins Hart to win. Not gonna' lie for a Yokozuna match this was actually really fun to watch because Hart's strategy of just going balls to the wall and never giving Yokozuna a chance to think was amazing. The ending was a bit weak and fuck nerve holds, but this match was probably as good as it could have been and shows you how good Bret is.

Post match: Hulk Hogan is out to the ring before the bell even finishes ringing. Mr. Fuji gets the mic and issues a challenge to Hogan and calls him a yellow belly :lmao so we'll get another match now. Hogan wants to take care of Hart first though, but Hart tells him to go for it.

WWF WrestleMania IX - WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Hulk Hogan vs Yokozuna (c) (with Mr. Fuji)

Yokozuna holds Hogan as soon as he's in the ring for Fuji to throw the salt in his eyes, but Hogan ducks and Fuji throws it in Yokozuna's by mistake. Hogan takes out Fuji, then hits a big boot followed by a leg drop on Yokozuna for the win :lmaolmao:lmaolmao:lmaolmao

Hey, as shit at it was Hogan stealling the spotlight, it was the right call to keep the second match short. Also, it didn't damage Yoko too much as it did come off as a fluke.


Nov 13, 2010
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Hey, as shit at it was Hogan stealling the spotlight, it was the right call to keep the second match short. Also, it didn't damage Yoko too much as it did come off as a fluke.
Made Bret look like an idiot by ducking the salt....then knocking this monster on his back and leg dropping him within mere seconds.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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I don't think so, Bret had been wrestling awhile when he took the salt shot, Hogan came in fresh. I totally disagree with Hogan returning and stealling the title, but I'm not sure how he won made Bret look weak.


Nov 13, 2010
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I don't think so, Bret had been wrestling awhile when he took the salt shot, Hogan came in fresh. I totally disagree with Hogan returning and stealling the title, but I'm not sure how he won made Bret look weak.
Because the wrestler was too dumb to see Fuji taking forever to throw salt at him, while the guy who just returned saw it a mile away and won a title on a whim.....Even after looking like an idiot on Arsenio Hall.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Because the wrestler was too dumb to see Fuji taking forever to throw salt at him, while the guy who just returned saw it a mile away and won a title on a whim.....Even after looking like an idiot on Arsenio Hall.

Don't forget that Hogan could hardly see out of his left eye.