Campeonato Nacional de Lucha (Chile)

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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
Favorite Wrestler

Found this on Reddit and the production values seem really good. Will watch later, but maybe you want to see some wrestling from an unexpected area. If so, watch this


Forever on Holiday
Feb 25, 2019
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I have heard of this promotion, but never watched it or could ever find it. So may watch later
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Reactions: Marty McFourth


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
Favorite Wrestler
Episode 1 thoughts:

Opening segment with Al Cold and Wolf - I'm guessing these guys aren't great promos because they're both getting their seconds to do their talking for them. Wolf's hair reminds me of Reno which is an instant positive. This Dr. Donovan dude is dresssed like a military dictator of some sort (of course, they know all about that in South America). Al Cold is top face champion, Wolf is a heel who is aiming for a title shot, is what I gathered from this.

Anibal package - Guessing this is just a teaser. If I remembered more of my Spanish education I'd be able to get more out of this.

Wolf vs. Campbell - Wolf's mocking Campbell so Campbell smacks Wolf in the face. Big mistake there :lol as Wolf just starts beating on this poor guy. Basically zero offense from our debuting babyface until Campbell knocks Wolf off when he's attempting a superplex or something. Campbell gets a two count with a back cracker which I feel Wolf oversells a bit, he goes a bit early. Wolf leapfrogs a spear in the most athletic thing he does all match. Campbell FLIES on the release German. Wolf's finisher is a single knee backbreaker from a powerbomb position, like a Project Ciampa without the second knee. Not a bad start, a squash obviously, but I can get behind Campbell. Wolf is probably not an amazing wrestler but he looked dominant here. After the bell he does his finisher again like a true heel.

Herco Wisky in Europe - Is this guy some sort of social media influencer type? The captions suggest such. He's obnoxious as hell anyway. He's all over Europe and he's trashing South American wrestling because apparently going to LDN led by that piece of shit Sanjay Bagga is way better than whatever CNL has going on.

Valentin Bravo promo - I guess they're doing a Bum Ass Corbin gimmick with this guy, given that he looked well dressed in the clips from last season and now in this season he's in a loose black tank top. He's not even Valentin Bravo now, he's just Valentin. He's all sad but the crowd is behind him, aw.

Valentin vs. Bruno Lopez - That Hawaiian shirt is not doing for you, Bruno. Neither are the sparkly tights. Valentin doesn't seem to be fighting back that hard, he's lost his confidence. Good little story beat. Crowd pops hard for Valentin starting to get offense. This is sloppy in places tbh. Valentin comes off the ropes, eats an enzuigiri, and does a little mini Flair flop for it. Bruno surfs on his face-down body! :lol Valentin hits a Green Bay Plunge looking move, then does the surf spot himself. Now the confidence is back, wholesome. He hits a diving splash, I bite on the pin, but it only gets two. Instead Bruno tricks Valentin into almost bumping the ref (he stops himself, though), gets a rollup and wins with a hand FULL of tights. Another nice match, not amazing in-ring but it told what it wanted to well and got a good pop.

Pedro Rogerio promo - I checked this guy's social media and he says he's the greatest hidden gem in pro wrestling and the biggest superstar in South America. I find it hard to believe, he's less over than Valentin. Still gets pops though. My man's confident, and drops the mic once he's finished putting both the fans and himself over (as far as I can tell).

Main Event: Al Cold (c) vs. Engranaje Jack for the National Title - Engranaje Jack's a beefy dude, and a former champion. Not the biggest reaction but he's treated like the badass he looks like. If he's any good in ring he could do something in North America tbh. Dueling chants to start, nice. This is quite American 90s/00s style to start, a lot of brawling and smacking around. Jack smashes Al Cold hard with a lariat, and spends a bit of time throwing his weight around. He goes for the disrespectful one-foot pin early on, as if that ever works. I am disappointed to report that the tradition of saying "woo" after a knife-edge chop made it to Chile. Jack really crashes into Al Cold's chest with a running knee to the corner, it looks like it could finish a match for real. They tease a suplex off the apron into the crowd, and it gets close enough that I really think they'll do it. Al Cold does manage a suplex on the outside, though, then goes for crowd-pleasing "hit them again and again" spots for a while. V-Trigger from Jack! I had no idea he could ever be able to do that. He then hits his finisher (looks like a side slam out of a fireman's carry, not sure he got all of it) but he has to crawl and Cold gets to the ropes. Cold then hits something I have no idea what it's supposed to be, and gets the win. Nice match, and now that I look it up, Engranaje Jack is 37. He probably could have gotten a run in NXT if Chilean wrestling had gotten attention earlier than now. Post-match Jack gets back up and puts Al Cold over like a good face.

Overall, a good way to spend 45 or so minutes. Absolutely not the revelation of wrestling, but something that should get more attention.


Apr 17, 2019
Reaction score
The Impact Zone, Scotland
Favorite Wrestler
Episode 2 thoughts:

Divinna promo - Oh shit, CNL has a women's champion too, nice. Her voice doesn't really carry that well but she seems to be over nonetheless, and is apparently a face going by her reaction. Her catchphrase is "because I'm that bitch... so don't fuck it up". In English. Guess it sounds a lot more exotic if you don't know English.

Divinna (c) vs. La Macs for the Women's Title - They start by hugging because they're friends. Aw. Then Divinna goes for a slap and Macs catches it. Guess Divinna's going to be playing a slightly more heelish role in this even though neither is apparently full heel. Divinna cartwheels into a neckbreaker which is pretty nice. She later leans out to the crowd through the ropes so Macs just slaps her on the ass. :lol Divinna's really going hard on the neck in this match, with rope chokes and chinlocks to Macs. Then she goes for a double knee while Macs is hanging on the corner ropes. Interesting move. Divinna looks like she's about to go for a handspring back elbow, just stops, and slaps Macs! The disrespect! :lol She goes a second time but Macs ducks, and this match goes into full catfight mode. Macs gets a facebuster which apparently leads to a double down and a fighting-from-the-knees spot, which I don't feel is warranted, she's barely gotten any offense. Macs' Russian legsweep only gets a 1-count. She then gets a sunset flip for two. Divinna goes back to targeting the neck and hits what looks like a sitout Pedigree but Macs' face isn't between her legs. So... side Pedigree? Reverse bulldog? Divinna gets Macs down on her knees, kisses her (??), bumps her face with her hip (???), then hits a knee to the back of the head to win and retain. Not an amazing match, Divinna reminds me a lot of 2010 Madison Rayne honestly.

Metropolitan Champion Herco Wisky promo - He comes out with a bunch of dudes in Argentinian colours and Messi masks which is a HUUUUGE heel move in Chile, love it. This dude seems like a great talker. Shame I don't really understand most of what he says. After he's finished he has a big old Argentinian party... until one of his creepers lays him out! It's Axel Ochoa! He chases Wisky out of the ring and holds up the title.

Anibal teaser 2 - They're getting a lot of mileage out of stock footage, huh? Hopefully we get to actually see Anibal eventually.

Mr. Keyton package - This dude seems to have it together, well-built and in good shape. His gimmick is, according to a quick Google of his name, PE teacher? And he's not an obvious heel? I guess a lot more wrestling fans didn't fail gym in Chile.

Joel vs. Juan "Keyton" Illanes - Keyton initially seems to overturn my suspicions by getting a heel reaction, but he wins the crowd over with a short promo. This is better than the opener already, more fast-paced. Joel gets the first two count with a knee to the cock inverted atomic drop and lariat. He shushes the crowd but then loses his advantage (taunt to get bodied, a true combo). Joel hits a really clean suplex for 2. Keyton lets Joel get caught in the ropes and hits a back cracker. He goes for a delayed Vader Bomb (which is the only thing I can think to call it) but Joel gets his knees up, then hits a running knee strike and a slam for 2. I'm actually enjoying this one. Big Tornado DDT from Keyton, who brings Joel into the corner and smashes him with a knee... a dropkick... and then hits that delayed Vader Bomb! That felt like a finish and yet it only gets a two count. Joel catches a flying Keyton in midair (so cool), gets a German suplex and a powerbomb for another 2. Keyton gets a springboard cutter followed by a Claymore and the win! Good stuff. Bruno Lopez (Hawaiian Shirt Guy) shows up to faux-congratulate him.

Next episode - I don't normally write about these "next episode" trails but next episode, we're going to get the return of Rocket, who is somehow the first masked dude I've seen in an episode and a half of this entire show.

Main Event: Team Richard (Nicolas Richard/Diego Ignacio/Matias Robert) vs. Los SuperAmigos (Crazy/Danny)/Dylan Fabricio - These SuperAmigos dudes... all I can think of is Eugene. At least they can't be jobbers, this is the main event after all. Richard vs. Fabricio starts us off. We find out the difference between these two... Fabricio swivels his hips while he does a headlock. Richard tags in Matias Robert, the wider of his trio, who demonstrates that he knows how to take an armdrag properly. In comparison to Robert, Diego Ignacio looks like he's just a boy who somehow found a singlet and was mistaken for a wrestler. He gets his ass kicked by Crazy and tags Richard back in. SuperAmigos pull off some nice double team combos on Richard, and they all do their pose. The match goes back to the ring, where Richard hits Fabricio with a lariat so hard that Fabricio actually sells his neck. Why don't more wrestlers do that? He then brings in the big boy Robert to bully Fabricio for a while, including with a nasty-looking German suplex. They cycle in and out like a well-oiled machine, just killing Fabricio. The SuperAmigos come in and break up a pin, which means, of course... face distraction, heels can cheat! Fabricio's able to get out the corner finally but the heels have wiped out the SuperAmigos on the outside! More murdering of Fabricio. Ignacio's top rope leg drop gets 2. Finally Fabricio gets the hot tag and the SuperAmigos start cleaning house. Fabricio even joins in on their team attacks. He looks like he's going for a Tope Suicida at one point... but hits a slingshot plancha instead! SuperAmigos' finisher is seemingly a wheelbarrow/Russian legsweep combo. Fabricio then hits an elbow drop for a pin attempt, but the heels break it up and there's a big pile-up. Robert at one point hits a Black Hole Slam on Crazy, on top of Danny. Fabricio hits his finisher on Ignacio... but Richard made a blind tag and he's the legal man! Canadian Destroyer by Richard wins it! Good main event, this got some real time.

Team Richard promo - Post-match, Richard gets on the mic to tell everyone how awesome the heels are.