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  • Firefox crashes on this website every 2 minutes... seems to be an error with Javascript.
    Pro-tip: Use a My Little Pony skin.

    (Don't hate, Vinyl Scratch is best pony.)
    Watching Bullet Club's press conference weeks later and still laughing so hard it hurts... damn this is good!
    You know you're good when Cody comes back from the dead and kills Stardust just to see your speech.
    Still can't believe so many people think Lesnar vs Reigns is the best WM main event ever.
    Yep, I thought it was a great "Lesnar fucks him up" match but IMO, is nowhere near the level of Orton-Batista-Bryan the year before it. Heck, Orton-Rollins was better on the card itself and I thought that Wyatt-Undertaker was underrated.
    Wow, just saw Owens vs Balor and the only other match I enjoyed this much in 2015 was Lesnar vs Cena vs Rollins.
    Crap, totally forgot about that. I'll rank that right up there too.
    Time to update my profile, probably celebrate a certain match... assuming sig spoilers are allowed :p
    I'm another guy who just got a super poster award. The last time I posted so much was when I first joined... wow. I should be revising...
    Prince Bálor
    I got Super/Mega/Uber/Colossal Poster awards all in this month. As a matter of fact, I got Colossal Poster award today.
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