Promos + 0- In Verses 4.0: Paint It Red +

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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
PL #4.jpg

+ 0- In Verses 4.0: Paint It Red + (Nero Forte)

SubWayNewLogo-718x300 - Copy.png

Location: A Subway Restaurant, Augusta, Maine
Date: October 21st 2019
Time: 10:45pm

The three of them sat in a window booth, Tiberius & Lilith on one side with Zoe on the opposite side.
Chloe had been left at home to take care of the "Red Son" & she had not been very happy about it,
despite it clearly being her "turn" to do so. Tiberius & Lilith continued to chat between bites of their
sandwiches while Zoe sat drinking a cup of coffee, staring at her tablet intently, earphones in place,
blocking out the random chatter of those around her.

"So...that "plan" of yours...I take it you had a few problems getting it organized, organized." Tiberius snarks.

"Oh shut up Tye! We can't exactly just walk into the LDW & claim we own the place." Lilith retorts.

"Why not, not? I'm sure that's what you'd actually like to do, do."

"That is true...however neither of us have wrestled a match yet...and..." Lilith pauses as she hesitates
for a second.

"And what, what?"

"Well...The Beast didn't exactly have the best win/loss record...despite being at least different from
every other "run of the mill" ring workers he fought against."

"HEY! Lets not be too critical of others my lady, lady. The Beast worked with some great wrestlers...
he just couldn't keep focused long enough to actually pin the bastards, bastards. However...I am not
the Beast...which I know you are very thankful for...& I am keen to prove that to everyone & anyone
who would judge me otherwise, otherwise."

"However instead of working a match at the Blackout pay per view...we are sitting in a Subway in
Augusta, Maine eating tuna sandwiches & enjoying the free refills we get for our sodas." Lilith states

"Well...what else is there to do, do? We trained today...we worked on the house...we prepped the
yard for the arriving livestock, I translated some more notes the Tome of the Red...& frankly I like
the tuna sandwiches & free soda, soda. I find the atmosphere here very relaxing, relaxing." Tiberius
states as he takes another sip from his ice cold beverage.

"Why don't you want to fight Tye? I remember a time when you loved to fight."

"Lilith my dear...your memories are of someone else, else. I am not the Beast...but nor am I Adam
Hauser, Hauser. I am someone...SOMETHING completely different...and for the record I do have the
urge to fight...but only when the time is right, right."

Lilith rolls her eyes in annoyance as he replies.

"SO.YOU.KEEP.SAYING...but we all signed contracts with the LDW & the only way we get paid is if
we actually show up to work."

"That is true...but money isn't an issue for you & Zoe & Chloe & I are quite capable of living off
dirt, weeds & roadkill, roadkill. You know that, that."

"Then what is it going to take to get you motivated Tye? I want to fight!" Lilith states angrily.

"Well I'm not stopping you, you! Go speak with Slate or Eden yourself...I'm sure they would be
more than happy to book you in a fight, fight."

"But I don't want to do it on my own. I want you there with me. I want us to walk in there together
& make a statement! I want us to walk in there & lay waste to the fucking place! I want us to walk
in there & take everything from everyone & then make them all bow at our feet."

Tiberius eyes the woman next to him for a second or two before he replies.

"That may be the most erotic statement you've ever made in your life, life."

"Oh shut up!" Lilith half shouts as she elbows the Priest in the ribs.

"Ouch! Not so hard babe, babe! We're in a Subway not a training ring, ring!" Tiberius shouts
as Lilith keeps trying to "subtly" strike the man right next to her.

"Well if you find what I said so erotic then lets make it fucking happen you lazy bastard!"

Tiberius now attempts to restrain Lilith somewhat before Zoe removes her earphones & speaks
to them for the first time in what feels like hours.

"Why do you two continue to flirt like a couple of fifteen year old kids?"

"States the woman who LOOKS like a fifteen year old kid, kid." Tiberius quickly retorts which
causes Lilith to start giggling. Zoe can only roll her eyes (although the action remains hidden
behind her goggles) before she changes the subject.

"So...would you like my report on the Blackout event?"

"Let's hear it Goggles, Goggles!" Tiberius states.

"Well...the event itself was incredibly entertaining with the New York crowd enjoying every match
on the card. In the opener Jay Washington defeated Al Blizzard in a last man standing match."

Tiberius & Lilith each nod as Zoe continues.

"Then Jun Yoshimoto pinned Debaucherino in fifteen seconds."

"FIFTEEN SECONDS?!" Lilith cries out in shock.

"Yes. The official time was fifteen seconds. In the third match Brian Toogood defeated Patriot
with some assistance from Stacey Keys."

"Oh...that's a shame, shame." Tiberius states as he takes a sip from his soda.

"Why?" Lilith asks.

"Because I like the Patriot, Patriot. The guy is a class act, act."

"So...are you going to form a tag team with him or something?"

"No...that wouldn't work, work. I might respect "Good Guys" but I'm NOT standing with them, them."

Lilith nods in agreement as Zoe continues.

"Mike Valander went fishing."

"That sounds like good idea, idea. We should all go fishing one of these days, days." The Priest
states as Lilith can only shake her head in disgust as Zoe continues her report.

"Slate Bass then pinned Nova Taylor after about thirteen minutes."

"And the Severed is a complete scumbag who needs to have his teeth kicked down his throat,

"The Severed?" Lilith asks.

"Slate Bass...the Severed is his "Red" name, name."

Lilith just shrugs as Zoe chimes in.

"So as you both know Chloe still REALLY wants to have a match with Nova Taylor. I think we should
let her."

" I don't have a problem if Chloe really wants to have that match...however I'm not
so sure Quod Novus will be interested, interested. Send her an invitation & see if you get a
response, response."

Zoe smiles & nods as Lilith immediately voices her displeasure.


"Not so loud, LOUD! You'll have your own match...just calm down for a second, second." Tiberius
states as Lilith glares at him, anger painted across her pale features.

"And in the main event...Darius Wright successfully defended the LDW Championship by pinning
Reagan Cole after a nearly forty minutes."

"And the Void Walker retains, retains. It sounds like it was a good show, show."

"Shame we weren't actually THERE!" Lilith snarks only to be ignored completely.

"But best of all...take a look at this." Zoe states with a smile as she hands her tablet over to
Tiberius. The Priest presses play & watches the footage of Darius Wright making his entrance,
the Belt of Bones worn proudly around his waist. Tiberius smiles widely as he nods to himself.

"Well...I was wondering how long that would take, take." The Priest states as he hands the
tablet to Lilith who scrolls back to watch the footage herself.

"So...he's wearing the Belt of Bones? What does that mean to us?" Lilith asks, confusion now
lacing her voice instead of anger.

"Lilith my dear...that's the "sign" that I've...that we've been waiting for, for."

"What do you mean?"

" see...the Void Walker just opened the door for us, us. The waiting is over, over.
The right moment is upon us...and it is finally time for make a move, MOVE."

A bright smile appears on Lilith's face as she quickly hands Zoe back her tablet before
grabbing Tiberius in a tight embrace.

"This is going to be so much fun!" The woman in white states happily as Zoe again chimes in.

"The LDW has also made another announcement. Look at this." Zoe finds the page she is looking for
before holding it up for her companions to see.

"Oh! Look at their new shiny!" Lilith excitedly states as she eyes the new LDW Anarchy Championship

"Now that is a very sexy belt, belt." Tiberius adds before Lilith takes the tablet from Zoe to get
a closer look at the newest prize to fight for in the LDW.

"You know Tye...there is one way to make that belt look even sexier" Lilith states, a smirk on her face.

"And how would you do that, that?

"By wrapping it around my waist of course."

"And I would have to agree with you one hundred percent, percent. I say we make it happen, HAPPEN."


Meanwhile back at the "Home of the Red" Chloe was putting her own "plan" into action. She had
been slowly cleaning up & clearing up the cellar since they had moved in & had even managed to
purchase several lengths of steel chains from the local hardware store. Chloe had carefully set
them up with the goal of binding a certain special someone to the only brick wall available.

Chloe would have the Beast by her side again...

Even if it meant destroying everything else in the process...


Mentions: (Yep...)

Jay Washington @DemonHunter1257
Al Blizzard @DemonHunter1257
Jun Yoshimoto @Seto-san
Debaucherino @Dat Kid
Brian Toogood @Beavie
Patriot @Patriot Pants
Mike Valander @Dark Maniax
Slate Bass (& Eden) @Jonny Nostradamus
Nova Taylor @Beavie
Darius Wright @King Of Armageddon
Reagan Cole @The Reagmaster

(You get a mention! & you get a mention! Everyone gets a mention!!!)

Productions Notes:
~ I'm five days early on this one...
~ The first half of it had already been written before Blackout event was posted...
~ So...I'm really happy with this piece. I think it works really well & is kind of like a "slice" of
my own life with the three "Church" members eating at Subway...
~ I wanted to have a Stephen King reference n here...but it just couldn't work one in without
breaking the overall "flow" so I left it out...
~ I like Tuna...
~ I'm guessing the LDW works on a "Paid by Appearance" basis? I should have really checked
that before posting this...tell me if I'm wrong via PM "creative" team...
~ Pay Per View Recap by Zoe!
~ Tiberius is a fan of (the) Patriot? Say what?!
~ Every LDW performer has a "Red" name...and yes...Slate Bass was referred to as "The Severed"
back in the RWK. I know because I kept a copy of every promo I posted during my time there...
~ Tiberius (much like myself) HATES intergender wrestling...& thinks less of any man who would
physically attack a a ring or otherwise...
~ However its okay for him to "spar" with Lilith...because she gets off on it...
~ Yes...I'm going to keep pitching this Chloe vs. Nova "comedy" match idea until it happens...
~ "Quod Novus" is Nova Taylor's "Red" name...& its latin for "The New" if anyone is curious...
~ So...the Church of the Red are finally going to make a can blame Darius Wright
if everything goes to hell...he opened the door so to speak...
~ A New Shiny! Lilith wants it Precious! She needs it Precious!
~ Although she probably has a better chance of catching a Shiny Pokemon...
~ Well...all this character development could be in danger...Chloe clearly has some issues...
~ Yes...the chains are with it...


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