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Deth Watches and Reviews Seasons of CHIKARA


Forever on Holiday
Feb 25, 2019
Reaction score

It is no secret that I much prefer to watch Indie wrestling as a whole then anything mainstream like AEW, WWE, New Japan, and so forth. Though recently, I have been going back in time and watching older matches from promotions like RoH, PWG, and so on. The one that always stuck to me though, and one I was a huge fan of, was no other than Chikara. Almost anybody who is a somebody now has been in this promotion or wrestled in it before. So, in an effort for me to be more active and to talk about a promotion I truly did love at one point, I decided to watch all the seasons...well mostly all the seasons of Chikara and review them as I go about them. Each review will be posted weekly on Wednesday, and we are starting out on Season 3. Hope you enjoy.​


Forever on Holiday
Feb 25, 2019
Reaction score

Kids Eat Free On Tuesday
This event took place on March 20, 2004 in the Emmaus Fire Co. 1 in Emmaus, Pennsylvania

First Match: Private Eye and Shane Storm vs Darkness Crabtree and Phantasmo
Phantasmo and Private Eye start out the match first and they go for a lock up, but Private Eye easily pushes Phantasmo down before locking up again and like before Phantasmo is overpowered by Private Eye. Phantasmo gets back up and goes for an Eye Poke, because Private Eye is just a giant eyeball, but Private blocks it and blocks the second attempt as well, but hits an Eye Poke of his own Phantasmo. Private Eye catches the leg of Phantasmo and hits a huge Atomic Drop sending Phantasmo flying into the air, but he follows it with an even more powerful Inverted Atomic Drop before hitting a Clothesline and Scoop Slam.

Phantasmo gets the tag and Darkness Crabtree…rolls into the ring as Private Eye tags in Shane Storm, who is making his Chikara debut. Darkness Crabtree hits a Corner Knife-Edge Chop to Shane, but it does more damage to Darkness Crabtree as he has to shake his hand and hold it before whipping Shane into the other corner. Darkness Crabtree begins…his signature old man running to the corner and goes for a kick, but Shane moves out of the way hurting Darkness Crabtree. Darkness Crabtree goes for an Overhead Punch but hits the top turnbuckle instead. Darkness Crabtree goes for a Double Axe Handle, but Private Eye places Shane’s hard hat on top of him to protect him, because safety first.

Shane takes advantage of the injured Darkness Crabtree and does a test of strength, which forces him to get on the mat. Shane stomps on Darkness Crabtree’s hands and then stomps on his foot as Darkness Crabtree gets up. Shane, much like Private Eye, hits a Clothesline on Darkness Crabtree before tagging in Private Eye. Phantasmo comes in and makes the save as he hits a Double Axe Handle to the back of Private Eye. Both Phantasmo and Darkness Crabtree whip Private Eye into the corner as Darkness Crabtree whips Phantasmo into him hitting a Stinger Splash. The two proceed to whip Private Eye into the other corner before Phantasmo whips Darkness Crabtree…who once again runs very slow but is stopped by Shane when he begins his Stop Sign, because remember he is The Unionized Traffic Regulator. Private Eye follows up with Double Clotheslines to both Phanatasmo and Darkness Crabtree. Private Eye tags back in Shane.

Shane goes to whip Darkness Crabtree into the corner, but he reverses it and Shane hits what i can best describe as a Wheelbarrow Spinning Takedown followed by a Japanese Arm Drag, which causes major damage to Darkness Crabtree’s back. Shane grabs ahold of Darkness Crabtree’s sweater, but that was a mistake as that plays into Darkness Crabtree’s advantage as he takes it off and hits the Sweatergree. This is followed by a Snapmare and a deadly Spinal Tap. Darkness Crabtree follows up with a huge, but slow, Standing Elbow Drop, and covers. Shane kicks out at two.

In the closing we see Darkness Crabtree whip Shane into the ropes and hits a Kitchen Sink, but it hurts Darkness Crabtree as well. This is followed by a Snapmare into a deadly Headlock, but the fans began to cheer, and Shane is quick to break out of it. Shane begins running the ropes as all of Darkness Crabtree’s attacks miss, but Shane is able to hit a Sunset Flip and gets the three count.

Winners: Private Eye & Shane Storm in 4:27

Overall this was a fun short match to get the event going. The overselling, the crowd getting into it, and the fun but goofy spots made this match a fun watch. I also forgot how ridiculous some of the early costumes were, but honestly, I love Phantasmo’s look as it looks cheap, Indy, and dumb. I’ll give this a 1.25 out of 5

Second Match: Joker vs Sabian
Before both men lock up, Sabian goes to the corner and tries to get the fans to cheer for him and Joker replies by doing the same. They begin to size the other out before Joker hits a Double Leg Takedown and tries for a Facelock, but Sabian is quick to counter it into a Hammerlock. A good spot of chain wrestling happens between the two, and Joker almost had the advantage by countering a Wristlock into a Russian Legsweep, Sabian held on and transitioned it into a grounded Hammerlock. Joker does manage to get up and break free from it, but Sabian tries for German Suplex, but Joker blocks and the two have another series of chain wrestling spots which ends up with Joker on the mat after Sabian hits a Wrist-Clutch Fireman’s Carry Takeover into a Straight Armbar.

Joker and Sabian are back on their feet, and like before we get another series of chain wrestling before Sabian locks in a Side Headlock. Joker attempts a Belly-to-Back Suplex, but Sabian stops it. Joker does get free after he is pushed against the ropes and hits a Shoulder Block to Sabian. Sabian kips up quickly and the two trade Arm Drags for Arm Drags until both men hit a Shoulder Block on the other, and the crowd applauds this heavily. After a minute of both guys playing into the crowd, they do a test of strength with Joker overpowering at first, but it becomes even and both men begin trading headbutts back and forth. Sabian is able to counter the test of strength into a Rana-esque pin, but only gets a one count. Sabian hits a huge Knife-Edge Chop and whips Joker into the ropes, Joker counters it by reversing it, but Sabian counters that into a Cobra Twist. Joker is able to get out of it and tries again to whip Sabian into the ropes, but Sabian counters into a Octopus Stretch. Joker is able to get out and finally gets Sabian to hit the ropes and tries for a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker, but Sabian stops it. Joker gets a hold of Sabian again and finally hits a huge Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker on Sabian. Joker goes for the pin, but only gets a one-and-a-half count.

Joker hits a Spinal Tap before hitting Snap Suplex on Sabian and going for another cover, this time he gets a two count. Joker is quick to lock in a Cross-Legged Bow and Arrow Hold before hitting a Backbreaker-esque move and throwing Sabian away. Following that Joker hits a huge Irish Whip to Sabain and tries to pin for only a two count, again. Sabian finally on the offense hits a series of hard-hitting Knife-Edge Chops and goes for a Wheelbarrow Bulldog, but Joker counters it into Canadian Backbreaker Drop. Joker goes another pin attempt, but still only gets a two count. Joker goes for a Belly-to-Back Suplex, but Sabain counters it as he lands on feet and goes for a Double Pumphandle flip into a Japanese Leg Roll Pin, which gets him a two count. Sabian is quick to transition into a Seated Surfboard Dragon Sleeper, but he is too close to the ropes and Joker gets a rope break.

Sabian doesn’t let up as he whips Joker into the corner and hits another hard-hitting Knife-Edge Chop, but when Sabian goes to whip him into the other corner Joker reverses it into a Spinning Argentine Backbreaker Drop. Joker covers, but as before only gets a two count. Joker goes for a Thunder Fire Bomb, but Sabian counters it into a Corkscrew Arm Drag. Sabian goes to charge at Joker, who is in the corner, but he moves out of the way and Sabian jumps from the second rope right into a huge Overhead Double Overhook Belly-to-Belly Suplex. Sabian is in the corner and Joker hits a Running Open Palm Strike followed by a brutal looking Running Knee Strike to a seated Sabian and finishes with a Facewash. Sabian is whipped into the corner and Joker comes charging towards him, but Sabian is quick to hit a Drop Toe Hold, sending Joker crashing and hitting the second turnbuckle, and hits a gnarly looking Low Hesitation Dropkick to Joker sending him outside. Sabian grabs Joker and acts like he is about to throw him into the crowd, but he feints it and throws Joker back into the ring and does the Jericho Cocky Pin for a two count.

In closing, the two begin exchanging chops with Joker hitting the last one and sounding like a gunshot. Joker then hits a measured punch to the face and goes for Pop-Up Powerbomb, but Sabian hits a clean looking Dropkick into Double Knee to the back into a Bridging German Suplex for a two count. Sabian goes for a 450 Splash, but Joker dodges it. Joker goes for the Joker Driver, but Sabian counters it into a Victory Roll for a one count. Joker then tries for a Gannosuke Clutch for another two count. Sabian locks in a Dos Caras Clutch for another two count. Joker then hits a Bridging Belly-to-Back Suplex for another two count. Joker goes for a German Suplex attempt, but Sabian breaks free and hits Low Dropkick to the leg of Joker followed by a La Magistral pin for a two count. Sabian goes for another 450 Splash, but Joker stops it. Sabian kicks away Joker and goes for Hurricanrana, but joker lifts him up and nails the Joker Driver for the three.

Winner: Joker in 13:26

Thoughts: Just a fun fact, Joker was using the Electric Chair Driver before Kenny Omega was and it is sad that he isn’t given the credit he deserved and as such since I, and maybe other Chikara fans, will see the move as The Joker Driver before anything. Also, if anyone watched old CZW then they would recognize Sabian as BLK Jeez and one half of BLK OUT. The taunting and mocking Sabian does throughout this match was entertaining. There is a part where you can hear a kid say, “Good Job, Joker.” and Sabian tells the kid to shut up, and it is great. The match itself was pretty solid. It started out slow and soon gain paced and then the end was nothing, but pin attempts though it paid off in the end. Overall, a solid 2 out of 5

Third Match: I-Crown #1 Contendership Gauntlet Match: Jigsaw vs Fumar #2 vs John Brooks vs Mister ZERO vs Ultramantis
Mister Zero and John Brooks start off the match first. They begin off with a test of strength before a series of chain wrestling happens, which show a lot of Hammerlocks into Wristlocks into Side Headlocks, before John gets the advantage by locking in a Standing Keylock and tripping Mister ZERO for a pin attempt. He only gets a two count. John continues to work the arm until he transitions the Keylock into a Inverted Arm-Trap Neck Crank, think the Crippler Crossface or Yes Lock but inverted. John and Mister ZERO eventually get to their feet and there is a bit of chain wrestling, and John stops an Arm Drag attempt, but Mister ZERO is soon able to hit a Shoulder Block. John gets back up quickly, but Mister ZERO is able to hit an Arm Drag followed by Wristlock, which he uses to force John back up. This begins a series of strikes from Mister ZERO which includes several Elbow Smashes into a Back Elbow into a Running Corner Elbow Smash. Mister ZERO goes for a Shoot Kick, but John catches it and hits a nice Dragon Leg Screw.

Following the Leg Screw, John locks in a Kneebar followed by several stomps to the leg and finished with a Leg DDT, which is still a dumb move. Mister ZERO gets up to walk off the pain, but John is quick to hit a couple of measured Punches before whipping Mister ZERO into the ropes and nailing a good-looking Dropkick. John then drags Mister ZERO to the ropes and hits a Banzai Drop to his leg and following he attempts a pin count, which nets him a two count. John then gets Mister ZERO up and hits a huge Haymaker before whipping him into the ropes and hitting a Low Dropkick. John then locks in a Stepover Toehold Abdominal Stretch-esque move, which looks pretty cool. John let’s go of it soon enough and the two men are back on their feet and Mister ZERO gets a couple of chops in before John replies back with some bad looking Elbow Smashes. Mister ZERO is able to counter a Clothesline into a Blue Thunder Driver and pins, but only gets a two count.

Mister ZERO gets John back up to his feet, but John hits a Drop Toe Hold and is quick to lock in a Texas Cloverleaf, but Mister ZERO gets to the ropes. John now is looking to go for a lariat, but Mister ZERO ducks it and hits an awful looking something, like I have no clue what it was supposed to be. Mister ZERO covers John and gets a three-count eliminating John at 5:51
Next out is Ultramantis, not Ultramantis Black that would come later when he becomes a rudo. Ultramantis is on fire as she begins a series of strikes to Mister ZERO and then begins focusing on his injured leg, which includes several stomps to it, a Seated Ankle Lock, and the finally he sets Mister ZERO and hits a series of Running Cornered Big Boots to the leg. Mister ZERO does get a comeback as he gets on the offensive by hitting a series of chops and slaps. He tries for a Scoop Slam, but Ultramantis misses it and hits a Chop Block before locking in a Figure-Four Leglock, which forces Mister ZERO to submit and eliminates him at 8:13.

Next out is Fumar Dos, and this man looks like a jobber’s jobber, but he is quick to the ring and begins a series of Arm Drags and Hip Tosses before hitting a Scoop Slam and going for a pin attempt which nets him a two count. Fumar Dos goes for a Bret’s Rope Diving Clothesline and pins again for only a two count again. This is followed a stupid looking Jumping Double Axe Handle into a Pendulnum Backbreaker Stretch, which is locked in for a bit until Fumar Dos’ leg gives out and he goes for another pin attempt which nets him another two count. Ultramantis begins to fight back and hits a Headscissors Takedown to the outside, which is followed by a Scoop Slam. Ultramanits heads back into the ring only to hit a Suicide Dive onto Fumar Dos. Ultramantis then takes Fumar Dos and slams his head onto a Steel Chair followed by a Snap Suplex to the outside. Ultramantis throws Fumar Dos back into the ring and throws him into the corner as he hits a massive Knife-Edge Chop, but when he tries for a Stinger Splash Fumar Dos rolls Ulramantis up for a two count. Fumar Dos begins a comeback with a series of chops in the corner, but Ultramantis reveres an Irish Whip attempt into a huge one, which causes Fumar Dos to bounce from the corner and Ultramantis hits a Death Valley Driver and gets a three count. Ultramantis eliminates Fumar Dos at 11: 32

Next out is DJ Skittlez, whose look is very early 2000s that is laughable, and Ultramantis is quick to leave the ring and begins running around it with DJ Skittlez following suit. Ultramantis gets back in the ring and so does DJ Skittlez, but Ultramantis begins a series of Elbow Drops to the back of DJ Skittlez, but DK Skittlez reverses an Irish Whip attempt from Ultramantis into a Corner Clothesline. Ultramantis goes another Irish Whip, but DJ Skittlez counters it into a Headscissor Takedown, an awful looking one for that fact. DJ Skittlez then hits a Belly-to-Back Facebuster for the three, and eliminates Ultramantis at 13:12

The final person out is Jigsaw. Jigsaw quickly hits a European Uppercut before getting DJ Skittlez into the corner and hitting a massive Knife-Edge Chop, but then DJ Skittlez places Jigsaw in the corner and begins a series of Corner Punches followed by a Irish Whip into the corner followed by a Running Corner Crossbody. DJ Skittlez is able to hit two massive Knife-Edge Chops before Irish Whipping Jigsaw into the corner and tries for a Jumping Bionic Elbow, but he eats shit and Jigsaw hits a Spinal Tap followed by several kicks to the face. Jigsaw goes for a pin attempt, but only gets a two.

Jigsaw taunts the crowd a bit before he gets in the corner and hits a Big Boot to the charging DK Skittlez, which is followed by a Camel Clutch into a Double Foot Stomp to the back. Jigsaw then begins a series of Corner Clinched Knee Strikes into a Jumping Corner High Knee. Jigsaw whips DJ Skittlez again into the same corner and hits another Jumping Corner High Knee, which he covers afterwards for a two count. Jigsaw then goes for the dreaded Seated Chinlock, but DJ Skittlez gets out of it and begins to hit a series of Elbows to the abdomen of Jigsaw. This is followed by a Pumphandle Half Nelson Nothing, it actually looked like he was going for a Reverse Piledriver or a Michinoku Driver II but fucked up. DJ Skittlez covers, but only gets a two count. Jigsaw manages to get DJ Skittlez into the corner and begins a series of Foot Chokes. Jigsaw hits a Snapmare into a series of Double Foot Stomps as he plays into the crowd. Jigsaw has had enough and goes for a Corkscrew Senton Bomb, but misses.

DJ Skittlez begins a sloppy comeback minus the Lucha Hip Toss, which ends with him nailing a Top Rope Diving Clothesline for a two count. DJ Skittlez tries for a Brainbuster, but Jigsaw counters it into a Hook Kick. Jigsaw is able to hit a Senton Atomico for a two count. Jigsaw gets DJ Skittlez to the outside and tries for a Piscado, but DJ Skittlez catches him and throws him back into the ring. This is followed by a Towerhacker Bomb only for a two count. Jigsaw hits a Step-Up Enzuigiri followed by the Jig ‘n’ Tonic for the victory.

Winner: Jigsaw in 22:41

Thoughts: For anyone wondering the I-Crown is made up of the following belts: wXw Lightweight Title, AULL Mexican Middleweight Title, IPW Intercontinental Lightweight Title, PWE Heavyweight Title, FNW Freeweight Title, and the IPW Junior Heavyweight Title. Also, if you think this is a reference to the J-crown then you would be right. Overall, it was a fun match as everything wa skind of quickly done though the two counts got annoying. DJ Skittlez was the biggest let down as he just outright sucks, but I didn't let that bug me and so I give this match a 2 out of 5.

Fourth Match: Young Lions Cup II Qualifier: Jolly Roger vs Rorschach
The match begins with a chain of reversals until Jolly Roger hits a Hip Toss into a Wristlock. Rorschach breaks the hold and both men run the ropes, but Jolly Roger goes for a Corkscrew Arm Drag, but his foot slips on the ropes though he still hits an Arm Drag. Jolly Roger gets Rorschach into the corner and hits a massive Stinger Splash followed by a Headstand Double Foot Stomp. Jolly Roger tries for a pin attempt, but only gets a two count. Jolly Roger is quick to follow it up with a Muta Lock, which he keeps locked in for a bit before letting go. Jolly Roger manages to get Rorschach to outside by a Headscissors Takedown followed by a Suicide Dive. Rorschach gets a strike in as he knees Jolly Roger in the stomach followed by several stomps before throwing him back into the ring. Rorschach hits a Corner Knife-Edge before hitting a Hip Toss into a Standing Scissored Armbar, which is kind of cool, but Jolly Roger gets his feet on the ropes.

Rorschach follows it up with a Snap Suplex and a two count. Rorschach goes for a Scoop Slam followed by a Running Leg Drop for another two count. Rorschach begins choking Jolly Roger before letting go and repeating it again. Rorschach hits several clubs to the back of Jolly Roger followed by an Elbow Drop before hitting a Russian Legsweep into a Seated Octopus Stretch. Jolly Roger breaks free, but Rorschach gets him against the ropes and begins choking him there before being forced to break it. Jolly Roger counters a Vertical Suplex attempt into an O'Connor Roll, but only gets a two and is launched to the outside. Rorschach follows this with a Tope Con Giro. Jolly Roger is able to get back into the ring before he is counted out.

Rorschach gets Jolly Roger in the corner and hits three Corner Knife-Edge Chops followed by a Bret’s Rope Two-Handed Choke into a Foot Choke. Rorschach gets Jolly Roger out of the corner and whips him into the ropes as he hits a good-looking Dropkick into a pin count of two. Jolly Roger counters a Hip Toss from Rorschach into a Wheelbarrow Bulldog, but Rorschach counters that counter into a Sitout Wheelbarrow Facebuster for another two count. Rorschach begins a series of moves involving a Corner Knife-Edge Chop several stomps, and an Irish Whip, which Jolly Roger reverses. Jolly Roger runs after Rorschach but is met by a Elbow to the face, but Jolly Roger gets his payback as he hits his signature Hip Toss Driver, which is a pretty cool move.

Jolly Roger begins Hulking up, for lack of a better term, and begins unleashing everything on Rorschach by hitting a Jumping Heel Kick and a Jumping Back Elbow for a two count. Jolly Roger gets another two count after he hits a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takedown. Jolly Roger goes for a Corner Frankensteiner, but Rorschach just drops him into a Folding Powerbomb for a two count, which is followed by another two count. Jolly Roger does counter a Hip Toss attempt from Rorschach into a Standing Cutter for another freaking two count. Rorschach then hits two Rolling Northern Lights Suplex for another freaking two count. Jolly Roger hits the Walk the Plank, but Rorschach kicks out at two.

Jolly Roger goes for it again, but Rorschach counters it into a Fisherman Double Arm-Trap Fallaway Slam for a…you guessed it a two count. The closing saw Rorschach go for Bret’s Rope Piledriver, but Jolly Roger gets out of it and hits the It Came from the Sea for the win.

Winner: Jolly Roger in 12:58

Thoughts: Just a cool fact Jolly Roger is the older brother of Jigsaw. Overall, this match was a bore to it had its good moments, but the constant two counts over and over, one after the other got boring really quick. So, I give this match a .50 out of 5

Main Event: Elimination Match: Mike Quackenbush and F.I.S.T. (Gran AKUMA & Icarus) vs Hallowicked and The Wildcards (Eddie Kingston & Blackjack Marciano)
Eddie Kingston and Icarus start the match with a test of strength, but Eddie overpowers Icarus and locks in a Standing Keylock. Icarus is able to break from it. Icarus gets a couple of Back Elbow shots in before hitting a Hip Toss followed by a chain of Arm Drags into a Lucha Hip Toss, which ends with Icarus holding a Wristlock. Eddie manages to get out of it into a Hammerlock, but Icarus counters it into a Wristlock before tagging in Gran AKUMA. Gran AKUMA gets a Wristlock locked in, but Eddie makes it to the ropes forcing the break. Eddie then tags in Blackjack Marciano.

Gran AKUMA gets a Wristlock on Blackjack, but he counters it into a Facelock Rolling Pin, but there is no count as neither of Gran AKUMA’s shoulders are touching the mat. They swap Hammerlocks before Blackjack takes Gran AKUMA to the mat looking for a Headscissors combo, which Gran AKUMA gets out of. There is a series of chain wrestling spots which ends with both men on their feet and the crowd applauding them. Gran AKUMA tags in Mike Quackenbush and Hallowicked comes in for his team.

Mike and Hallowicked do a sequence of chain wrestling spots before Mike locks in a modified Cross Armbar into a modified Armbreaker. After that they do another series of chain wrestling spots, which at one point Eddie says that a Side Headlock is illegal in 48 States. This is followed by a Spinning Back Kick to Hallowicked into a Corner Big Boot. Mike is able to hit a Diving Arm Drag followed by an interesting submission hold, it is like an Inverted Surfboard almost. This is followed by a series of pin attempts all of which get a two count then Hallowicked hits a Headscissors Takedown, but Mike gets back to his feet quickly.

Mike and Hallowicked get into a Collar-and-Elbow Tie Up, but Mike gets Hallowicked into the corner and hits a Knife-Edge Chop before launching Hallowicked, who counters the Irish Whip with one of his own but that is countered by Mike. Hallowicked goes after Mike, but Icarus hits a Diving Crossbody, which is followed by an Aided Headscissors Takedown. Icarus tries to lock in a Muta Lock, Blackjack comes in and locks in an Abdominal Stretch, which then Mike comes in locks in an Octopus Stretch and Gran AKUMA locks in a Crossface. Eddie hits a Big Boot to Mike, and everyone falls down.

Gran AKUMA and Eddie takeover the match as Gran AKUMA hits a Wheelbarrow Arm Drag and Eddie follows it with an Arm Drag of his own. Eddie is soon launched out of the ring by a Spinning Headscissors Takedown by Gran AKUMA and Hallowicked is back in as is Icarus. Hallowicked takes control by doing some chain wrestling, but in the end, Icarus counters it into a Springboard Arm Drag followed by a Corner Clothesline. Hallowicked goes for the TKO, but Icarus spins it into a Arm Drag. Hallowicked is on the outside as Icarus tags in Mike and Blackjack enters for his team.

Blackjack does some chain wrestling before being able to get Mike onto the ground and locking in a Single Leg Boston Crab. Mike is able to get out of it and hits a Corkscrew Arm Drag, but Blackjack manages to lock in a Double Arm Stretch. Mike gets out of it and locks in a Standing Hammerlock Fujiwara Armbar combo, but Blackjack gets his foot on the rope. Mike then hits an Arm Drag and Blackjack slides of the ring as she feints a Suicide Dive but is met with a Big Boot by Hallowicked. Mike then pushes Hallowicked over the top turnbuckle before Icarus hits a Suicide Dive to balckjack and crashing into a kid, and Gran AKUMA hits a Tope Con Giro. Eddie and Mike are in the ring, and Eddie gets a couple of strikes in before eating a Missile Dropkick from Mike. Mike follows it with several PKs and a Basement Dropkick. Mike gets Eddie in the corner and does the Ten Puch count spot before hitting a Jumping Back Kick and Eddie falls forward, and Mike covers for a two count. Mike is quick to lock in a La Mecedora, but he lets go as Eddie refuses to tap and hits a Sliding Elbow Drop. Mike tags in Icarus, but Eddie is all over him as he hits a huge Ura-Nage. Eddie tags in Blackjack.

Blackjack hits a Gutwrench Suplex and covers for a two count. Blackjack then hits a Snap Suplex for another two count. Blackjack tags in Hallowicked and Hallowicked sets Icarus up on the top rope and hits an Avalanche Snapmare. Eddie gets tagged back in and begins a series of Spinal Taps. He covers for a two count. Icarus finally manages to get a strike in as he hits a Dropkick to Eddie. Eddie tags in Blackjack and a huge cluster happens where Blackjack tags in Eddie and they begin double teaming everyone before Icarus and Gran AKUMA make their way back into the ring and begin fighting back. After everything has settled Blackjack hits a Scoop Powerslam to Gran AKUMA for a one count followed by a two.

Blackjack tags in Hallowicked who hits a Vertical Suplex and Eddie is tagged back in. Eddie hits a series of Spinal Taps. Eddie gets sidetracked and Gran AKUMA unleashes a series of strikes, but Eddie manages to stop it and tag in Blackjack. Blackjack hits a Kneeling Gourdbuster followed by a Jumping Knee Drop. Eddie gets tagged back in and goes to finisher Gran AKUMA, but he is able to hit a Wheelbarrow Bulldog. Gran AKUMA tags in Icarus who knocks Hallowicked off of the apron and then slides out as Mike hits a Diving Back Elbow. Mike hits a barrage of Open Palm Slaps to Blackjack before Icarus hits a Corner Clothesline and then Blackjack reveres Gran AKUMA’s attempt, which sees him getting Big Booted by Hallowicked and then Splashed by Eddie.

In the final stretch a series of massive spots happen including assisted tag moves from Mike and F.I.S.T. and Hallowicked and the Wildcards, which saw three Sunset Flip Powerbombs, all of which gets a two count. Mike is able to hit the Black Tornado Slam into a La Magistral pin eliminating Blackjack at 29:16. Mike is swiftly eliminated by Hallowicked shortly after by Eddie distracting the referee and Jigsaw hitting a Enzuigiri to Mike, who had the Lightning Lock Delta locked in. Mike was eliminated at 30:11. Icarus is quickly eliminated by Eddie by a bad Moonsault at 31:06. Gran AKUMA swiftly eliminates Hallowicked at 32:28 by roll-up after Hallowicked hits Eddie with a Superkick. Eddie and Gran AKUMA have a strike battle before Eddie pulls Gran AKUMA’s mask off meaning he DQed himself and eliminated himself.

Winners: Quackenbush & Team F.I.S.T. in 34:22

Thoughts: I know everyone is high on Eddie now because of AEW and all, but my god I remembered why I followed this man everywhere in the indies. Throughout the match he was taunting kids, insulting them, and even insulting their parents as well as making dumb jokes here and there. Overall, this match was fun had its moment where it was meh, but from the middle and onward everything was set to go and having Eddie lose by DQ made sense since throughout the match they worked on Gran AKUMA's mask. So, I give this match a 2.75 out of 5

Final Thoughts
After watching this first show I remembered why I love/d CHIKARA for and it kind of reminded me of a time when I wasn't so hateful of wrestling. I really enjoyed all the fan involvement of this match and listening to the little kids insult the Rudos, reminded me of when I would go to local shows and do the same and had fun. This really was a fun viewing and I am glad I decided to do this project, and as for an overall rating I give it a 2 out of 5. Hope you enjoy.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Good shit, I'm not sure how much if any I've even seen from pre-08 or so, gonna be a fun adventure
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