Donnie watches NWA-TNA 2004

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; The Naturals-7/7/04

August 25th, 2004
TNA Asylum

Match#1 SHAZARIAN w/Traci vs Psicosis & La Parka

Sadly, not a squash for our heroes as TNA is evil to no end. Really sloppy and bad for the most part, and only a few cool moments near the end. Also, doesn't help that the heels are bad bases for the lucha guys. Shane beats Psic with the Superkick

Post match, Team Canada walk down to continue our pain. D'Amore calls out Russo for letting the inmates running the (TNA) Aslyum and he wants him out here right now to make a decision on Dusty Rhodes. Russo comes out and says he can't be calling him out when he's trying to work. He needs to make an appointment to see him. He goes to leave but Roode blocks his path, and D'Amore gets the mic and says he was banned for minor infractions, but Dusty gets involved all the time and nothing ever happens to him. Hey, that's very true and fair. Dusty and 3LK come out to the ring with chair and cowbells. Dusty laughs at him and says they need to fight right now. Russo gets the mic and says Dusty isn't going to do nothing and not cause a riot if he keeps this shit up. Russo says he pleaded him with him to do the right things and let him do his job, so he has no other choice but to suspend him for the night. FUCK YES RUSSO. Blackshirts come out and kick the fucker out of the ring.

Desiree's mystery man is dressed as LA Parka, but he's much taller...

Match#2 Alex Shelley vs "La Parka" (Contracts vs Contracts)
Fake Parka is horrible and runs through poor Alex and beats him with a chokeslam in 20 seconds

Post match, the real Parka confronts the fake one and makes him unmask, and it's fucking Erik Watts. NO GET FUCKED, YOU WERE FIRED YOU HORSES ASS CUNT FUCK MOTHERDICKING BITCUQR3HFWEIJACDSXZ. FUCK. Goldy is mad and shoves Abyss for some reason, and he goes after again! Shelley shoves him away, so Abyss goozles him again, but Goldy screams at him and he lets go. Fuck this

In the back, Hudson is with Larry Z. He goes to talk about Dusty, but Watts walks on and cuts a dogshit promo about how his contract expired last week and he's a free man. He challenges her to put her boys in a tag match against him and Sonny for all the contracts she owns next week.

Match#3 Sonjay Dutt vs Chris Sabin vs Jason Cross vs Joey Matthews (#1 Contenders Match for the X-Division Championship)
Would have ruled if they included the opening tag in this, instead of bad wrestlers like Dutt, but TNA is TNA. It's worked as a tag match in terms of the faces and heels helping each other, and it at least means Sabin does cool shit when given the chance, as the others are terrible and botch a ton of shit. Sabin takes Matthews out with a dive, and Sonjay beats Cross with the press. OH NO

In the back, Hudson is with the Nats. They say they don't care who wins as they've beaten all these idiots, and they'll do it again next week.

Hype for AMW/XXX

Match#4 America's Most Wanted vs Triple X (Best of Three Series-Match#3)
THEY BRALW ON THE STAGE AND IT'S AMAZING AS HELL They fight like hell and the brawl itself is hate filled and everything that it should be after over a year of a blood feud. AMW get the best of it and kick the shit out of them, and once again, they make tremendous heels even if it's only for a portion of the match. Daniels blind tags in and hits Storm from behind to turn the tide and isolate him, and the control seg is fantastic. They let all their anger out on Storm foor a few minutes, and Daniels is back to complete form after a few weeks. He beats the fuck out of him and screams to look at his shoulder each time he punches him in the face. Skipper is on one as well looking killer, and i wish he was always like this. Great cut offs on both of AMW, and Daniels gets more and more shitty and petty and the turn feels incredibly natural, even if it should be AMW doing it. Storm is beaten like a dog for a while, and Daniels punishes him each time he tries to fight back. Storm hits a nasty powerbomb counter off the top ,and Harris goes insane on the hot tag after nearly 10 minutes of watching his brother get killed. They kill XXX and nearly win, but Skipper breaks up the pin and it all breaks down as always. Harris kicks out of the Powerplexx and a sick springboard leg drop, and now XXX finally get flustered and fuck things up, and AMW kill them with a gross spear and a superkick to even it up. Harris is thrown into the ref, and the fucking Nats run down and throw powder into Harris' and Daniels' eyes and kill them with nasty chair shots and the ref calls it a no contest.

Post match, the Nats get a mic and say it's easier to be champions than challenges. If there's no winner than there is no #1 contender and no match next week, and they're the champs for another week. Larry Z walks out and says he won't watch these punks pull a fast one on them, so this week on Impact it will be a sudden death match between AMW & XXX, and they will get a title match next week on PPV.

in the back, 3LK say words.

Match#5 3 Live Kru vs Eric Young, Johnny Devine & Scott D'Amore
A complete abomation of a thing. EY can't do shit to save it when everyone else is bad, old or Konnan. Dusty shows up like a bitch, and further proves Russo is in the right and should be able to punish him. Dusty kills everyone with elbows so he be the big hero and do nothing to help anyone get over. BG beats Devine with the Pump Handle.

Russo comes out and tells the ref to reverse it and give the win to Team Canada.

Russo storms out to the carpark and yells at the fat fuck for all of this, and says not to show up at the Impact Zone on Friday.

In the back, Monty says he doesn't give a damn about politics, he cares about the hunt and nothing can prevent him from taking down his prey. Jarrett walks on and says he's not standing in his way at all, it's Jeff Hardy who stole his shot. If Monty takes out Hardy tonight then he can have the shot in two weeks. Monty calls him a liar and says he can't and won't trust him. Jeff says Russo is the real enemy and they need to work together.

Hype for the main event.

Match#6 AJ Styles, Ron Killings & Jeff Hardy vs Kid Kash, Dallas & Monty Brown
Jeff is covered in yellow paint and goo, and it's the start of a series of all time bad looks. He finally get in at the start of a tag match, and holy crap it's not pretty at all. Super sloppy, shamefully weak strikes. Just a bad time. Truth gets isolated right after and the control seg is fun stuff with Monty and Kash get a lot of time to show off and beat him down. AJ has a short sick false hot tag before Dallas kills him with a big boot to isolate him. Even better control seg on AJ because he's a freak bumper, and Kash beats the piss out of him again and it's a blast. He bends him ALL the way back with a surfboard and creates a wild visual. Awesome selling from AJ, and his attempted comebacks are wonderful. He can't make a full one, so he punches Kash in the dick and tags in Nero. Baaaaaaaaaad and sasaaaaaaaad hot tag where he looks horrible and the heels look even worse having to sell for him. He beats Dallas with the Swanton

Post match, Jarrett attacks and a bad fight happens again. Jeff goes for the twist of fate, but Monty POUNCES him and helps Jarrett beat him down. Jeff locks in the figure four to close the show.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; The Naturals-7/7/04

August 27th, 2004
Impact Zone

During the intro it's announced that James Storm in injured after the attack on the PPV, so it will be Harris vs Daniels in the sudden death match.

Match#1 Chris Harris vs Christopher Daniels (Sudden Death)
Daniels is working heel again, so i guess the turn is fully set. He's cocky and taunting Harris after every move, so Harris rightly makes him eat shit for this. Really fun beating from Harris as he's working more stiff and mean to sell the story, and its a nice change up for him. The add break loses nearly 3 minutes in a very stupid moment, but we come back with them fighting on the outside with Daniels having taken over. They get back in and have a fun back and forth with both getting super close to ending it. Daniels hits the BME, and Harris kicks out the time limit expires.

Post match, Larry comes out and says in light of making this completely fair, he's making a three way dance for the titles on the PPV.

Dusty Rhodes shows up in the crowd with a ticket. You sir, are no Scott Hall.

Match#2 Chris Sabin, Amazing Red & Sonjay Dutt vs Cassidy O'Reilly, Fast Eddie & John Mcchensy
Solid showcase for Sabin & Red for a few minutes. Dutt is a shitty leech who does nothing good or interesting, but he's getting a push so we're stuck with this fuckhead for a while. Red is isolated and takes some wicked bump for a while, and it's a lot of fun. Dutt gets the hot tag and wins with the Hindu Press

In the crowd, Dusty and Nazi Harris share a beer. Dick Murdoch is smiling in hell.

Team Canada come out for their match and get in Dusty's face, so he elbows and beats them up with ease. Russo runs down with security and makes them drag Dusty out of the Zone.

Match#3 Team Canada w/Scott D'Amore vs Jarrelle Clarke, Rod Steele, Bruce Steele & Mikey Batts
Super short showcase for the fellas. Stupid fucking finish ends it

In the back, Russo demands to know why Dusty keeps fucking with him, and Dusty scream to get off his back. YOU KEEP DOING THE WRONG THING YOU PRICK, THIS IS ON YOU. 3LK show up and make Dusty leave as Russo screams he's trying to work with him.

Match#4 Abyss w/Goldylocks & Alex Shelley vs Sonny Siaki
Sonny is still dreadful as fuck even on a taped show, and Abyss is not a carry kind of guy at all. Abyss and Shelley get into it again, and Sonny nearly wins with a Samoan Drop, but Abyss thankfully kicks out. Abyss kills him with the BHS to win.

Post match, they tease Abyss turning but he leaves instead.

Match#5 Jeff Jarrett vs. Frankie Capone
Another perfectly acceptable Slapnuts squash. He beats him up on the stage and around the Zone and then drags him back in and beats him with the Stroke.

Match#6 Jeff Hardy vs Frankie Kazarian w/Micheal Shane & Traci

Jeff has his neck painted neon green and a random stripe of red pain on his face, the stupid fuck. This is not good at all as he's still bad in ring as we know, and Kaz is Kaz as we also fucking know. Shane accidentally superkicks Kaz dead, and Hardy wins with the Swanton

Post match, the heels attack Hardy for a while, and Monty joins in! AJ makes the save and another massive brawl breaks out to close the show.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; The Naturals-7/7/04

September 1st, 2004
TNA Asylum

Slapnuts comes out through the crowd to start and gets in the ring for some mic work. He drops all the taglines for the match with Jeff with next week, and says he doesn't have an answer to the figure four. The biggest match in TNA history, and the biggest match in their careers. LMAO

In the back, Kash cuts the same promo about favouritism being shown by Russo and he's sick of it. He says he might to do something stupid to AJ because he hates him SO bad. He's got his head shoved up Russo's ass. and his family will end this once and for all. Dallas finally speaks and says there will be two pieces of dead meat by the end of the night.

Match#1 The Naturals (c) vs America's Most Wanted vs Triple X (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Storm is wearing a back brace, and looks in serious pain. Another brawl breaks out to start and the Nats are singled out for all the shit they've caused over the last few weeks, and it's one of those classic heartwarming beating for little shits that deserve it. The two other teams work together to further fuck them up before fighting amongst themselves. Everyone gets their moments to shine and it's good, but not much for story once it all breaks down for every team for themselves. The action is rad in spite of that, so it's a fine trade off. Harris has another sick hot tag and i can't wait for AMW to get the belts back and go on the best run of their careers. It breaks down and Storm goes for the Superkick but his back gives out, and Daniels kills him with the Angels wings, but the Nats shove him out and steal the pin.

In the back, Russo says he will need to speak to Larry about who gets the next tag title shot. He says he loves Dusty and there will always be a place for him, but he needs to do the right thing for once. He'll be back next week to see Hardy win the title. He tells Hardy to shut up the noise and he'll be champion next week.

Match#2 SHAZARIAN w/Traci vs Chris Sabin & Amazing Red
Hell yeah! Gets 8 minutes and it's really fun shit, and the sign that these two should be feuding for the tag titles next if TNA was smart. Sabin rules to start and the heels are right there with him, once again showing how much they've grown in the last few months as a team. Kaz is still mostly bad, but here he's looking like an actual good wrestler, and Shane is very solid. Sabin eats a nasty dropkick and lands on the floor, and the control seg is very basic and good as hell. Sabin takes a tremendous beating, and Red's hot tag is killer before the mayhem unfolds. Sabin takes out Kaz with a dive, but Traci distracts Red on the otherside and he knocks her off the apron and she hurts her ankle and he's sad and shit, and then he turns around into a superkick for the loss

In the back, Team Canada cut another dreadful promo. I fucking hate them so much, and i imagine that won't change until they join Planet Jarrett.

Match#3 Petey Williams (c) Sonjay Dutt (NWA-TNA X-Divison Championship)
Fucking dreadful. Terrible offence from both, a dog shit control seg and comeback. Horrible, horrible stuff. Petey wins with the stupid fucking finish.

In the back, Hudson is with 3LK. BG says he wants to throw a shoutout to Dusty and dedicates the match to him. He does a Dusty impression in tribute.

Hype for 3LK/Canada.

3LK's mystery partner is...THE MIDNIGHT RIDER. AMAZING. Russo is in the back and just facepalms lmao.

Match#4 3 Live Kru & Midnight Rider vs Eric Young, Bobby Roode & Johnny Devine w/Scott D'Amore
The same level as last week with bad wrestling and bad botches galore. Dusty does Dusty things, and it's always a blast no matter how much he blows. He beats Devine with an elbow drop.

Post match, Russo walks out and yells at 3LK, and Dusty leaves through the crowd and shows the fans his face.

In the back, Goldy kisses up to Abyss and says she loves and cares about him, and she knows he'll make mama proud tonight.

Match#5 Abyss & Alex Shelley w/Goldylocks vs Erik Watts & Sonny Siaki w/Desiree (Freedom Match)
Alex Shelley is one of the best wrestlers of his entire generation and he's a guy who has never been lazy or not cared during this point, but even a man like him can't save this when all the other wrestlers are shit or not built for this stuff. The bullshit hits and Sonny beats Shelley with a rollup

Hype for Jeff/Jeff

At ringside, Dusty walks through the crowd with a ticket and says he's here to watch 3LK and Midnight Rider, but he's sad when he finds out he missed him. Russo walks out and asks what is he meant to do when Dusty keeps doing this to him. Dusty says he wants D'Amore on PPV next week one on one. Russo makes the match with everyone banned from ringside, and he will be the guest ref to make sure it goes down the right way. He then says if D'Amore wins will Dusty walk away and let him do his job. Dusty accepts the match, and they shake hands.

In the back, Hudson is with AJ & Truth. AJ calls Kash a bitter loser who he's going to show why he's the best. He says after tonight, he's going back for HIS X-Division title and Petey has been warned. Truth says he was the one who named this place the Asylum, and he's going to show everyone why. He then says Hardy will win the title next week, because everyone has to shill for this turd.

Hype for AJ/Truth vs Kash/Dallas.

Match#6 AJ Styles & Ron Killings vs Kid Kash & Dallas (Asylum Street Fight)
AJ is wearing purple camo to match Truth, and it's an all time look. This fucking rules as they throw out any bullshit and get right down to it with a wonderful Asylum brawl, and AJ is once again the best in the world at this and the other 3 step it up and doing really well for themselves. TRUTH HITS A SICK DIVE OFF THE TOP AND OVER THE GUARD RAIL. FUCK YEAH TRUTH. AJ gets thrown into the bleachers and is down and hurt, so the heels drag Truth back to the ring and kick his ass, and AJ is kept out of it for a while. Really cool control seg on Truth, and Dallas finally steps up and looks good. AJ gets back in, but he's hurt and the heels fuck him up as well. Even better double control seg on them both, and Kash is a little dickhead in control and beats the piss out of AJ. This has became the feud of the year, and i wish we had another few months of it, instead of another week. They all fight back into the crowd and AJ comes back to life and throws Kash headfirst into a row of chairs, AND HE DOES THE VAN TERMINATOR AND BREAKS THE FUCKING CHAIR WHEN HE KICKS IT INTO KASH'S FACE. GOD YES. HE TURNS BACK AROUND INTO A GROSS BIG BOOT FROM DALLAS AND SPLATS ON THE CONCRETE. All 4 fight all over place and it's a wild, wild time. AJ hits a fucking Stinger Splash into the rail and crushes Dallas into it. AJ keeps kicking the shit out of him and the faces mount a killer comeback. Double dropkicks and other combos, and the heels eat a ton of shit. Kash is thrown out, AND TRUTH HITS A SUPER AXE KICK OFF THE TOP ON DALLS TO BEAT THE BIG MAN.

Post match, Team Canada rush the ring and attack AJ after his earlier comments about getting the title back, and the other heels join and beat the hell out of him. KASH HITS A SUPERRANA OFF THE TOP AND SENDS AJ THROUGH A FUCKING TABLE. 3LK run down for the save and a bad fight happens. Hardy shows up covered in green paint and hits everyone with chair shots like a real jerk. Jarrett comes down as well and tries to lock in the figure four, but Jeff counters into a Boston Crab and makes Jeff tap to close the show.

One of the worst PPV's TNA has ever put on. Thank fuck next week is the last one because i'm at the end of my rope.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; The Naturals-7/7/04

September 3rd, 2004
Impact Zone

Jeff Jarrett walks out to start the show and cuts the same promo as the PPV. In a magnificent botch, he says "Keep your enemies close, and your friends closer."

They run a video of all the wrestlers picking Jeff or Jeff.

3LK pick Hardy

Don Harris picks Jarrett.

Kash picks Jarrett.

Match#1 3 Live Kru vs Alex Shelley, Abyss & Nosawa. w/Goldylocks
Well, that's a random partner for the fellas. He's here to eat the pin which is smart on TNA's part, but it also screams what's about to happen. Shelley is on one as always and matches up really well with Truth, and they have a great back and forth for a couple of minutes. 3LK clean house and Truth beats Nosawa with the Axe Kick

Post match, Goldy yells at Abyss for the 5649765796596 time.

-Jarrett vs. Hardy for the NWA Title
-AJ vs. Kash in a Best of Three Falls Tables Match TO END THE FEUD~ (GOD FUCKING DAMNIT TNA)
-The Naturals vs. AMW for the Tag Titles
-The winners of that vs. Triple X later on in the night for the tag titles
-Dusty vs. D'Amore
-Abyss/Shelley/Goldilocks vs. Watts/Siaki/Desire
-Tag team Gauntlet for the Gold for a title shot!

Match#2 Kid Kash w/Dallas vs Kid Romeo
Another super solid squash for Kash. Dude has gone from not giving a shit on the regular, to be one of the best dudes in the company. He also has a table with AJ spray painted on it. Moneymaker ends it

Post match, Kash frog-splashes Kid through said table.

Match#3 The Naturals vs Shark Boy & D-Ray 3000
Great comedy squash for a few minutes. D-Ray uses his afro as offence and Sharky bites them, and i can't stop laughing. The Nat cut them off and beat the snot out of them, and beat Sharky with Natural Disaster

Roode picks Jarrett.

Shazarian pick Jarrett.

AJ picks Hardy

Match#4 Scott D'Amore w/Team Canada vs Chasyn Rance
Uh, fucking cunt piece of shit. D'Amore squashes him for a tune up, and it's a shame he didn't set him on fire and piss on the ashes.

Sabin picks Hardy

Shelley and Goldy pick Jarrett.

Raven says Jarrett better win because they have unfinished business

Match#5 Monty Brown vs Adam Flash
Monty squashes a real piece of shit of the old CZW days, and it's a good time. POUNCE kill him dead

Post match, Monty says he will be watching the title match and give the winner the POUNCE.

Shane Douglas picks Jarrett.

Lynn picks Hardy.

Vince Russo joins commentary

Match#6 AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy vs Onyx & Hernadez
Hardy is painted from head to toe in neon paint. I hate him so much. AJ does his thing and carries this piece of shit in a decent squash. EG are bad as a gimmick, but both dudes are good and raw and offer something for AJ to work with, so it's not bad at all from that end. Hardy is terrible on offence and looks dreadful as always. He wins with the Swanton
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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Now that i'm about to embark on watching the final NWA-TNA PPV ever, i decided to complle a list of things you should watch if you're deranged and sick enough to ever want to dive in. Granted, i can't in good conscience EVER recommend you try this, but if you want to do it, here's some cool shit.
  1. AJ Styles arrives and puts the X-Division on the map
  2. AJ Styles as a concept. Like, aside from maybe the very rare hit or miss, dude is phenomenal and must see no matter what he's doing. But, the Lynn, Abyss, Kash and Jarrett feuds all stand out as must see.
  3. D-Lo Brown reminds the world he's fucking great
  6. Raven's entire journey to his first title match. DON'T WATCH THE TITLE MATCH
  7. AMW vs New Church
  8. AMW vs Triple X
  9. Jarrett's weirdly awesome babyface run before the Raven match ruined it
  10. KOTM
  11. Ultimate X
  12. MALICE
  13. Raven/Sabu
  14. Ron Killings journey to the title.
  15. Don West making everything better even when it's the worst thing in the world. Looking at you Mike Tenay
Finally, i would like to thank you all for reading this and my other reviews. it means more to me than i can ever put into words. Love ya guts.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; The Naturals-7/7/04


Match#1 Tag Team Dominance Match

Devine/Petey. Sharky/3000. SHAZARIAN. Delirious/Dutt. Batts/Clark. Sabin/Red.
The first part of this is a battle royal and the last part will be a standard tag match between the final two teams. So, yeah it's a gauntlet for the Gold with a dumb name. Sabin gets rid of Petey right away to make the match better. He's then rewarded by being thrown out by Kaz. Fuck. Rest of the battle royal is standard stuff, and whatever. It gets down to SHAZARAIN/Batts/Clarke and it's fine, but nothing to write home about.. Tenay announces that James Storm is injured and XXX will be getting the title match tonight. Shane kills Clark with the Superkick, but Batts rolls him up for the massive upset.

In the back, Hudson is with Triple X and he announces Storm's injury. Skipper says tonight is the night and it's over for the Nats, and they will show why they're rated X. Daniels says they have always been together and focused, but they were focussed on the wrong things, and now the titles are the only things they care about. They promise AMW the next shoot. NEVER MIND THAT SHIT, THE NATS THROW POWDER IN SKIPPER EYES AND KILL DANIELS BAD SHOULDER WITH CHAIR SHOTS AND THEY KILL HIM DEAD BEFORE RUNNING OFF.

Match#2 Alex Shelley, Abyss & Goldylocks vs Erik Watts, Sonny Siaki & Desiree.
Jesus Christ, what a horror matchup. Everyone bar Shelley and Abyss are actually good, but they can't save this much dogshit no matter what they put forth. Abyss finally snaps and kills Goldy for being a horrible fuck of a person, and Desiree pins her to finally end this feud

Hype for AJ/Kash

Match#3 AJ Styles vs Kid Kash (Double Tables Match)
Russo bringing back a bad gimmick to end the feud of the year is some classic, classic bullshit. Still, this fucking rules because they can't miss, and they smartly have a great fight instead of focusing on trying to put the other guy through the table and not doing anything cool to get there. AJ beats the shit out of him and hits a series of sick dives and springboard, including a wild moonsault over a table onto Kash. They fight in ring and Kash gets dirty and kicks AJ in the dick to take over, and DW says he wishes AJ would get dirty in kind. AMAZING. They fight over a German Suplex and Kash kills AJ with one and bends his fucking head and neck, but the table doesn't fully break so Kash lawn darts him through it headfirst to break it. Fuck dude. AJ's selling is amazing as he tries to fight back and stop Kash from killing him. He manages to get Kash on the apron, AND HE PELE KICKS HIM OFF AND THROUGH A TABLE. FUCK YEAH. They have a killer back and forth in the ring as they both try and kill the other man to make it easier to end it. They fight on top and Dallas runs through the crowd to try and help, but he hits Kash by mistake, AND AJ HITS THE FUCKING SUPER STYLES CLASH AND SENDS KASH THROUGH THE TABLE TO WIN

Post match, Petey Williams attacks AJ on the ramp and throws him back in the ring. Dallas beats him up some, and then Petey hits the Destroyer and AJ sells it like a God. Kash hits a frog splash, but 3LK make the save and clear the ring.

In the back, Dusty Rhodes says he's sorry he missed the Midnight Rider last week, as he loves him a lot. Hudson deadpans to the camera in a really great moment. Dusty puts over Jeff Hardy again and says he will see him hold the title tonight.

Hype for Dusty/D'Amore

Match#4 Dusty Rhodes vs Scott D'Amore (Special Guest Referee; Vince Russo)
Tenay officially announces this is the final TNA weekly PPV, and i'm sure the 30 people who bought this were very sad. He also announces the Naturals will defend the titles after this match. As for this match, it's 6 minutes and not good at all as Dusty doesn't just kill him like everyone want him to. Dusty accidentally hits Russo with an elbow, so Russo teases a heel turn, but he pussies out. Dusty beats D'Amore with the Elbow and Russo counts the 3.

Post match, Dusty offers his hand to Russo, but Petey hits him from behind and the rest of TC join in. Russo hesitates, but he rips his shirt off and fights D'Amore!!! 3LK run down help the faces hold the ring.

In the back, The Nats say they are damn proud of what they did tonight, and they say there's no one left for them to fight.

Larry comes out and says he loves their creativity, but he has a counter move for them. He brings out the the challengers, ELIX SKIPPER AND CHRIS HARRIS. HOLY SHIT YEAH. THE NATS PUSHED IT TOO FAR, AND NOW IT'S TIME TO DIE BY THE HALVES THEY DIDN'T KILL

Match#5 The Naturals (c) vs Elix Skipper & Chris Harris (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
The faces rush the ring and beat the shit out of them, and they work incredibly well together after two years of a blood feud. They beat them on the outside and Harris is on one as always and really steps up his trash talk along with his sick offence. The faces keep it up and beat them from pillar to post and it's good for the soul to see them die. The Nats hit Skipper with a chair to the ribs to isolate him, and we get another super fun control seg, and some killer selling from Skipper. Harris gets the tag and goes wild(cat) and he and Skipper break out some double teams like XXX do, and it's such a cool little thing to add to this. It breaks down when Harris accidentally hits Skipper and he walks out, but skipper comes back in and defends Harris when the Nats double team him. He gabs a chair and kills Chase with a shot, and Harris hits Douglas with the spear and gets the 3. HELL YEAH

Jeff attacks Jeff before the bell and Jarrett gets green paint in his hair in a very funny moment. They keep fighting and Jarrett is busted open before the bell even rings. They get pulled apart and the match starts.

Match#6 Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Jeff Hardy (NWA-TNA Worlds Heavyweight Championship)
For those keeping score at home, this is Jeff's first defence in nearly 3 months. Not that i want to see him, but it's so bad and says everything about this infamous reign of terror. They brawl for a while and it's not Hardy's forte at all at this point as he's sloppy and high as fuck, instead of the famous crazy daredevil we all know and love. They counter each other's finishes a couple of minutes in, including the super stroke, so it's one of those ass backwards matches. It turns into the Asylum Brawls for the las time, and it's pretty fun for the most part until the ref gets bumped because JJ can't help himself but throw in some bullshit when it's not needed. They get back in and Hardy kicks out of the Stroke because of course. Dusty comes out and helps Hardy turn the tide, because fuck proper babyface and heel alignments, you limber dick cocks. Russo comes out with a bat and demands Dusty leave. Hardy grabs the bat, but Russo has a tug of war with him and gets knocked down. 4gioh3 4jtgreofdkeythrgfdc Stop. Hardy misses the Swanton, and Jeff gets the guitar and breaks it over the back of Jeff's head to retain the title. Fuck this shit.

Raven, Monty and Abyss watch from parts of the Asylum as Jeff holds the title up in the final image of the NWA-TNA PPV era after one last night of complete and utter Jeff Jarrett bullshit. Rest in piss.

We now move on to the IMPACT and monty PPV era, which is a million times better and easier to watch than this ever was.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Elix Skipper & Chris Harris-8/9/04

September 10th, 2004
Impact Zone

Recap of the last godforsaken NWA-TNA PPV. Fuck you, i won and never have to think about this again.

DW & Tenay are standing by in the ring and recap the PPV and all the happenings. Don's amazing enthusiasm makes it worth sitting through another video recap of the show. Tenay announces the "TNA Dream Team of AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy are on the way to Victory Road" Oh shit.

Match#1 AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy vs The Naturals
Sucks to see the Nats fed to the zombified corpse of 2004 Hardy, but at least we finally get them vs AJ. They don't look at all out of place bumping for him, or when they get offence in. Really cool to see how far the Nats have come as one of the upstarts in TNA. AJ is isolated for maybe two minutes and it's pretty fun, and once again makes me want to see a longer match between them. Jeff has a horrrrrrrrrible "hot" tag moving at a snails pace and hitting everything bad as possible. Also, he's painted green again like a giant asshole. AJ pins one of them after a Swanton from Nero.

In the back, Douglas is with Dusty. He calls his actions a miscommunication and he meant no offence to Russo. He's here to make sure Hardy gets his deserved rematch, and the ante will be upped. Oh nooooooo.

Match#2 Monty Brown vs Vordell Walker
Monty squashes that loser who stunk up ROH cards for a while. fuck yeah. POUNCE does it in maybe 50 seconds.

Highlights of Batts & Clarke winning the gauntlet

Match#3 SHAZARIAN w/Traci vs Mikey Batts & Jarrelle Clarke
SHAZARIAN pretty much squash them after a fun PPV moment, and it sucks because it could have been the start of a cool push if TNA was actually fucking smart. Also, Tenay announces TNA will be airing it's first ever 3hr PPV called "Victory Road" Superkick ends it.

Backstage, Shane is with Russo. He asks if Hardy is going to get his rematch like Dusty wants, and Russo responds that Dusty needs to leave TNA and let him do his job. He says he will find the best man to face Jarrett.


Match#3 Abyss vs Brian O
Sweet as hell Abyss squash. Awesome offence and an ugly as sin jobber dying on everything. BHS ends the life and the match.

In a pre-tape, NASCAR guy goes over Jarrett's win. Who the fuck wants to hear about wrestling from this fuckhead???

Jeff Jarrett comes out to the ring for some mic work. He demands his credit for doing what everyone said would be impossible, and it would be Hardy as champion. He's the NWA worlds champion and the King of the mountain. He says Russo can line them all up and he'll knock them all down. Jeff says maybe he already beat Russo to the punch. Uhhh, what??

Recap of Skipper and Harris' win.

Match#4 Chris Harris & Elix Skipper vs Bobby Roode & Johnny Devine w/Scott D'Amore
Guess, D'Amore's ban has been lifted. New champs work well together with double teams and the like, but they still struggle with timing and it allows TC to take over and isolate Skipper. Good control seg from Roode being really good again and carrying the load for his shitty partner. Harris has a good brief hot tag before D'Amore hits him with the stick and Roode pins him with the Lariat.

Post match, a massive brawl happens again with every team


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Elix Skipper & Chris Harris-8/9/04

September 17th, 2004
Impact Zone

There was a hurricane that stopped TNA from taping a new episode, so this is a series of dark matches and an Xplosion match.

Match#1 Bobby Roode, Eric Young & Petey Williams w/Scott D'Amore vs. Abismo Negro, Heavy Metal & Mr. Aguila
Ah fuck, more goddamn country wars. Not very good as the AAA team botches a fucking ton of stuff and look terrible, and Roode and EY don't get to do a ton of cool stuff. Big miss. Roode wins with the Lariat.

Post match, TC beat them down until Hector Garza returns and makes the save. He's beaten down as well, and i hate everything.

X-Division hype video.

Match#2 Kid Kash & Dallas vs Chris Sabin & Amazing Red
Hell yeah, this is more like it. Killer opener with the faces beating the shit out of Kash, and we get some sweet exchanges. Kash decks Sabin with a lariat to isolate him, and the control seg is very fun. Dallas is mostly whatever and does nothing cool. but Kash does the bulk of the work and he and Sabin have a ton of chemistry. Fun Red hot tag with him going crazy with anything he can think of. Dallas punches him in the back of the head and Kash hits the frog splash to win.

Monty Brown hype video.

They replay Jarrett squashing Lovett.

Match#3 AJ Styles vs Alex Shelley w/Goldylocks
OH MY SWEET JESUS YES. Sadly only 6 minutes and change, but still a goddamn blast and then some. Wonderful mat wrestling to start with Shelley going hold for hold with AJ the entire way, and it's a fantastic way to show that this kid is for real and can do it all and hang with the ACE of the company. AJ starts to move forward and putting a beating on him in classic fashion, so Goldy gets involved and distracts him and lets Shelley knock him rib first into the ropes. Awesome control seg from Shelley with a ton of cool stuff done at a rapid pace because of the time frame. Shelley jumps off the ropes backwards for something, AND AJ CATCHES HIM AND MURDERS HIM WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX. HOLY FUCK. AJ goes crazy on his comeback throwing in all his big stuff, but Shelley withstands it and doesn't go down easily and really makes AJ earn it. AJ counters an attempted head scissors into a fancy rollup and steals the win.

Best match in IMPACT history thus far.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Elix Skipper & Chris Harris-8/9/04

September 24th, 2004
Impact Zone

Larry walks out to the ring where Skipper, Harris, Storm and Daniels are standing by. He says Russo is not here as he's having meetings about who faces Jarrett. Dusty is NOT hijacking this show tonight. Harris asks for a match, but Larry refuses to do it and says wrestling is not a democracy and he makes the rules. He then makes Skipper and Elix vs Storm and Daniels for the titles TONIGHT. Skipper grabs the mic and tells Harris that he'll show him who was the weak link of his team. Super weird way to do this as it's a massive angle that they could have ran for weeks, but TNA is TNA for a reason.

Match#1 Petey Williams w/Scott D'Amore vs Jerrelle Clark
Clark does his best to carry this fucking nothing to a fun squash (on the wrong end, sadly) and he does it with sick bumps and awesome offence. Damn shame he never made it big because he's awesome. He makes a siiiick comeback and goes insane with high flying moves and nearly has it won, but all of Canada run and stop him, but Clark gets rid of all them!!! Sadly, Petey uses the distraction to hit him from behind and hit the Destroyer to win

AJ Styles hype video.

Match#2 Ron Killings & Konnan vs Mike Hannigan & Marcus Dillon
BG's house was wreaked by the hurricane, so he's out for a while as a result. Fine enough squash thanks to Truth being here and doing all the cool offence to counteract Konnan being the devil. He wins with the Lie Detector

Jeff Hardy "hype" video. Mostly just clips of him dancing.

Jarrett hype video. OK WE FUCKING GET IT GUYS

Double J makes his way out for some mic work, and Tenay brings up, Hardy, Monty, Raven and Abyss as the top contenders for the title. Wish they had run a 5 way in place of what we do get. Jeff has a toothpick in his mouth for some reason. Jarrett says he's tired of waiting and talking about it, he wants an answer today on who he's facing at Victory Road. He lists all the contenders and then says he will face an Outsider as he flicks the toothpick towards the camera. No fucking thank you, Jeffery. Monty Brown makes his way out and welcomes Jeff to the Serengetti and his next opponent. He tells him not to worry about the others, he needs to worry about the male in his face right now. Jeff calls him an ex jock who never made it into the NFL. Jeff cheap shots him and they have an awesome pull apart. Monty is dragged off as Dusty walks out to the stage to steal some heat like the big bitch he is.

We come back and Larry yells at Dusty for hijacking the show. Dusty says he's here because of how messed up this all is, and Jeff Hardy will get his return match. Larry rightly loses his shit at him and demands to know why the fuck he's here. Larry says he's going to bring someone in to talk sense into him, and Dusty assumes it's Terry Funk!! Dusty says Terry can't make him do anything. Horrible shit.

Abyss hype video.

Match#3 Abyss vs Frankie Capone
Abyss murders him in 45 seconds with the Shock Treatment and BHS

In a really cool moment, XXX and AMW stand together before the bell rings, and it's a reminder of how weird and odd this thing has gotten.

Match#4 Elix Skipper & Chris Harris (c) vs James Storm & Christopher Daniels (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
The partners refuse to fight with each other, so we get the classic combos again to start, and it's rad as always. Daniels is finally healed and is smooth as hell and really stands out as the best dude in the match. Which is in now way a slight on the others, but goodness he's fucking great and will only get better as his full peak is here. Skipper beats the fuck out of Storm and Daniels refuses to save or tag out until the last moment, so we get a fun little control seg from Skipper. Harris gets the hot tag and beats ass as always, and then in a great moment, Storm shoves him in the back into Skipper and it counts as a tag, so he doesn't have to fight his brother. It all breaks down as always, and Skipper gets chair to hit Storm but Harris takes it and knocks Skipper down and that team is over. Harris gets dropkicked into the rail by Daniels and is knocked out! Daniels picks up the chair and Skipper turns around and argues with him about who he was going to hit, AND STORM SHOVES DANIELS OUT OF THE WAY AND SUPERKICKS SKIPPER IN THE HEAD AND HE PINS HIM FOR 3. NEW CHAMPS

Post match, Skipper screams at Daniels as Storm looks conflicted.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; James Storm & Christopher Daniels-24/9/04

October 1st, 2004
Impact Zone

Match#1 Jeff Jarrett vs Brian Gamble

Standard slapnuts squash. Strokes seals it.

Post match, Jeff grabs the mic and jumps up on the announce table and refuses to leave. He shouts for Russo to give him his damn answer right now. Russo walks out with disgusting monobrow and looks like a complete creep. He says he spoke to the same outsiders that Jeff did, and he feels they didn't cut it as the real talent is in TNA. He says next week there will be a tournament with Raven, Hardy, Monty and Abyss. The best man will win and face Jeff at Victory Road. Jeff says he'll leave him with this parting thought, if he's not bringing any outsiders in, he just might have to do it. Jeff leaves as AJ Styles makes his out and demands to speak to Russo. GOD SQUAD HECK YEAH. He wants to know when he's getting his shot at Petey for his title, so Russo makes a 6 way match for the #1 contendership and AJ is in it. Russo says he has to earn and not get any more handouts. Uhhhg. Die. D'Amore, Roode and EY come now and talk some shit about how they pinned the champs two weeks ago, and they want a shot right now. Russo says they earn it when he says they do. D'Amore demands a #1 contenders match against Russo and Styles as he's his puppy dog and has his head shoves up his ass. AJ tackles him and beats the shit out of him. He takes out the other two, but Petey hits him from behind and he gets beaten down. 3LK make the save and hold the ring.

Raven hype video.

Match#2 Raven vs Mark Stephens
Raven has "DIE MONTY BROWN" painted on his chest in another all time Raven moment. Also gives away who he's facing first, which is rad as hell. Awesome Raven squash with all the killer stuff thrown in. EVENFLOW does the job.

In the back, Shane Douglas is standing outside the DOA's door and says he won't leave until he finds out what they're talking about. Larry walks out and says he's had enough of Dusty's ego, and if it was up to him he would kick Dusty out of wrestling.

Monty hype video.

They play Jeff Hardy's hideous music video for Modest.

Match#3 Abyss vs Luther Jackson
Another super quick Abyss squash. BHS does it

In the back, Harley Race walks out the door and says talking to Dusty is like it was 30 years ago, damn impossible. He says they need to meet at another time and get this issue settled.

NYC hype video. Oh, fuck you.

Match#4 James Storm & Christopher Daniels vs The Naturals
Hey, stop doing my boys dirty like this, you assholes. The champs work really together thanks to their hate of the Nats, so we get a fun opening shine with them beating the crap out of them. Daniels goes for BME, but Storm picks up the Nat to hit his finish and it lets said Nat turn it into a rollup to steal the win.

Post match, the other halves run out and argue as the Nats and TC look on.

In the ring, Tenay hypes up the PPV and announces it's taking place in the Impact Zone. This would rue if the tickets were actually on sale and not given away at the door. He also announces Roddy Piper is coming back next week.

Match#5 AJ Styles vs Kid Kash vs Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin vs Amazing Red vs Frankie Kazarian (X-Division #1 Contenders Match)
Wonderful crazy spot fest for 7+ minutes. Everyone works their asses off and brings something cool to the table be it insane moves, cool bumps or just seeing Kaz gets his head beaten in for being alive. Shelley is again the standout as both a sneaky little cunt, but also a stupidly talented kid that has all the tools to get to the top. He isolates Red in a fun control seg before he gets his ass beaten. It breaks down and everyone goes nuts again trying to end it with cool dives and massive moves. It comes down to AJ and Shelly again and it's fucking sick for a minute or so. AJ gets another wild counter into the Styles Clash to win.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; James Storm & Christopher Daniels-24/9/04

October 8th, 2004
Impact Zone

Match#1 Abyss vs Jeff Hardy (Round 1)

This tournament really needed a name because everything needs a name. Nero isn't wearing pant tonight as a i imagine Abyss didn't want that shit on his body. Jeff's opening run is very bad as he's sloppy like always, and then the control seg isn't very good as his selling isn't a thing, and Abyss isn't doing a massive amount himself. Jeff's comeback is at a snails pace and Abyss look like a fool for bumping for such weak stuff. Hardy slips out a chokeslam into a prawn hold to win. Fuck this.

In the back, Team Canada are with Larry. D'Amore demands to know if they're getting a title shot, so Larry says they have to earn it. Scott says they're going to take it.

Christopher Daniels & James Storm come out for their match, but D'Amore comes out on the other side of the Zone to distract them, and Team Canada attack the champs and beats the fuck out of them. There's a new member with a shaved head named Ruffy Silverstein. He's here for like a month before he's fired, so there you go. Skipper and Harris try to save but TC beat them all down, until 3LK finally run them off.

In a pre-tape, Nascar fuck announces that a 20 man X-Division gauntlet for the gold will take place at Victory Road.

Match#2 AJ Styles vs Roderick Strong
Really fun 4 minute squash for AJ. He gives baby Rod a lot of offence and dies off a few sick backbreakers before he shuts him down and beats the piss out of him. AJ changes things up this week and wins with the Style'n DDT.

Hype video for Petey/AJ.

In the ring, Roddy Piper comes out and announces he will host a special Pit at the PPV.

In the back, XXX & AMW make an agreement to put it all aside to fight Team Canada. Storm and Daniels agree to defend the titles agains them.

In the back, Douglas is with Jarrett. Jeff says he find it funny to watch these men kill themselves to fall at his mountain. He says the Outsiders are coming in, and they have a rep of taking over wherever they go, but he owns TNA and they'll be smart. Welcome to Planet Jarrett.

Match#3 Raven vs Monty Brown (Round 1)
Raven tries to match Monty for power which feels very un Raven like, but 2004 has been a weird fucking year for him. Monty easily beats him in that regard and kicks his ass, so Raven switches it up and turns into a brawl. It's only short, but it's a ton of fun watching him use the Zone as his new playground. Raven stays on him and the control seg is good from his end, and Monty' isn't bad at all as he leans into everything and gets his ass handed to him. Monty has a cool comeback and pinballs Raven all over the ring before it breaks down. Raven goes for a chair shot but Monty ducks it and kills him with the POUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNCE to win.

Post match, Jeff and Jeff walk out from the tunnels to close the show.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; James Storm & Christopher Daniels-24/9/04

October 15th, 2004
Impact Zone


Match#1 Monty Brown vs Jeff Hardy (Finals)

TNA not letting Jeff main event is very funny. Monty is now in his prime and can drag this body of puss through for ten minutes by sheer force. Raven and Abyss watch on and look very mad and sad. Jeff is again sloppy and bad and brings nothing to this, and i really hate how much i hate him at this point. The ref is bumped and some bullshit hits when Abyss comes down and kills Jeff with the BHS in revenge for last week. Monty fights him off and kills him with the POUNCE, and goes back to fight Jeff, but Raven slides in and hits Brown with a chair and kills him with the Evenflow. Jeff hits a bad twist of fate to steal a win and seal TNA's fate.

In the back, Dusty is very happy that his junkie boy has won and takes all the credit for it, and promises to announce how he'll up the ante later. Russo walks on and a bad argument happens again and the gist is the fans will vote on who will be the new DOA at Victory Road.

Match#2 Petey Willams w/Scott D'Amore vs Jason Porcano
60 second squash for Petey. Destroyer ends it.
Oh Canada.

NYC is coming.

Before their match, BG challenges the tag champs for the PPV.

Match#3 3 Live Kru vs Eric Stevens, Nate Webb & John Theado
50 second 3LK squash as this show is weird tonight.

In the back, Jeff Jarrett tells Hardy to get his freak on because he's taking out TNA's freak. He also finally says Nash and Hall's name, and says Hall is on his side and Nash will fall for not choosing his world.

On the ramp, Raven attacks a jobber and beats him down with a chair, and Tenay says this was meant to be Abyss' match. Raven gets the mic and calls the others journeymen and he's a deity. They should all fear him as he's going to crawl inside Jarrett's body and stab his brain with a fork. He drops his normal promo and then Monty rushes the ring and we get a great little fight, and baw gawd Abyss shows up and fights both of them. A real Monsters Ball type deal. Abyss hits the fucking BHS on Monty right on top of the mic and Brown dies. Blackshirts and the Nazi run down and break it up.

In a pre-tape, Piper talks about the history of the Pit and whatnot. Stark contrast between the 20 years of my reviews and my want to see Piper vs the want to never see him again.

Christopher Daniels has a new knock off of Disposable Teens

Match#4 Christopher Daniels & James Storm (c) vs Bobby Roode & Eric Young (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Beer Money fight to start and they have great fucking chemistry 4 years before they ever accidentally became the best team in the world. EY fakes a knee injury to take over on Daniels and we get a super fun control seg with Roode leading the charge as he grows better and better as the weeks pass. He's got it all and it's nice to actually remember that TNA didn't fuck him up like so many others we'll cover over the next 20 years. (probably 50 years by the time i get to 2024 lol). Storm has a killer hot tag for 30 seconds before the trademark shit breaking down breaks down. Tons of close calls, and then EY shoves Chris into Storm and then rolls him up to steal the titles.

Post match, the former champs argue.

In the back, Douglas finds Jeff Hardy dancing on top of a ladder and he assumes this is the challenge. OH FUCK NO


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Eric Young & Bobby Roode-15/10/04

October 22nd, 2004
Impact Zone


There's a ton of ladder all over the Zone to send a message.

Match#1 Jeff Jarrett vs Ryan O'Reilly
Sadly, not the awesome dude from OZ, instead it's dog shit Konner from The Accession. Jeff uses the ladders to beat up Kon and it's meh as fuck. Stroke ends it.

Post match, Jeff beats him up some more with the ladders until Nero makes the save. Jeff lays out Jeff with a bad STO and taunts him from the top of the ladder. JJ is very shook at the prospect of fighting him.

HEY YO. Scott Hall video where he says he's coming to Victory Road.

Vote for Dusty Rhodes

Match#1 SHAZARIAN w/Traci vs Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt
Fuck yeah, this is very, very fun. Dutt is back from injury and looks awesome in the opening minutes hitting all his big stuff with the heels bumping huge for him, once again showing why they're such a good team. Sabin is isolated and that's fun as hell watching him die on everything as always. We go backstage to where XXX and AMW are fighting, so blackshirts show up and throw XXX out of the building. We come back and there's two minutes left and they go crazy trying to end it. Sabin hits the Future Shock on Kaz, but the time limit expires before the ref counts 3

AJ/Petey hype video.

Match#3 Monty Brown vs Erik Stevens.
Another sick Monty squash. POUUUUUUNCE

Post match, Monty gets the mic and says Raven can't stop him. All his delusions of grander have added his name to his list of victims. Welcome to the Serengeti. The lights go out and Raven attacks Monty and they have another great fight where Monty lays him out with the POUNCE. Abyss shows up next and fights Monty, and it's rad. He lays him out with the Shock Treatment, and then fights Raven until blackshirts breaks it up. Awesome stuff. Truly can't wait for the Monsters Ball.

Match#4 Disco Inferno & Johny Swinger w/Trinity vs El Fuego & Scott Papper.
Fucki9e4guitbheorwfjwr btnuseiogkswflrmg tsebdfvxgbfv shit man.

Post match, XXX and AMW brawl through the crowd and get broken up by other wresters and refs. Daniels gets the mic and says he's sick of this crap, and he's challenging them to a Last Team Standing match at the PPV. Russo, you fucking cock.

Vote for Vince Russo bros

Match#5 AJ Styles, Ron Killins & Jeff Hardy vs Bobby Roode, Eric Young & Ruffy Siverstein w/Scott D'Amore

Sucks to see the brand new champs fed to the babyface super team (even if love two of them) but fuck it's a killer showcase and i can't hate that. We lose a lot of the control seg on AJ, but what we do get is very good thanks to the bump freak and Roode and EY being awesome again. Ruffy is nothing, and i can see why TNA dumps him. Bad Nero hot tag tag as is his trademark. He beats Ruffy with the Twist of Fate.

Post match, D'Amore attacks Nero with the flag, and Petey attacks AJ and fights him in the crowd. 3LK run down and fight again as they've got the next title shot. The ring is cleared and Jeff kills D'Amore with the Swanton off the ladder. Jarrett sneaks in from behind and kills him with the guitar and accepts the Ladder Match


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Eric Young & Bobby Roode-15/10/04

October 29th, 2004
Impact Zone

To open the show, all the babyface wrestlers are around the ring as Dusty makes his way out flanked by D-Ray 3000 with a pro Dusty sign. He drops a God bless America and says TNA has reached a height they said could never be done. He asks them all to vote for him so he can make sure they all have a voice in this company. He then brings out 3LK, AJ and Nero as the next champions of TNA (aka his 3 stooges) . Russo makes his way out to put an end to this bullshit. He says this might be the last time he speaks to wrestling fans and he wants to be heard. For the past 5 years they've tried to get rid of him because he stuck up for the young kids in wrestling. He's doing the rignt things while Dusty is an egomaniac. Dusty tries to attack him as he has no answer to the truth like the fucking cunt shitbag he is. Dusty gets the mic and says this will be the people's ring. Horrrrrrible stuff.

In the back, Jeff Jarrett arrives in a limo and makes his driver get out a ladder.



Raven pre-tape where he says he's going to end them both and go onto his destiny.

Match#1 Monty Brown vs Erik Stevens & Mark Stevens
Monty kills them both in 40 odd seconds.

Post match, Monty says if Raven and Abyss want to play games, they can go to Toys "R" Us and get a ball and play with that. He brings out a bag and gets a straight jacket and an Abyss mask out and dresses the two jobbers in them to send a message. He calls this his serengetti and whatnot before calling out some NFL player named Brian Cox???? Whatever. A voice come over the PA promoting Abyss as the best big man in the world. The voice is very familiar, but i won't spoil it.

Match#2 Mini Gauntlet for the #20 spot.
1-Chris Sabin
2-Alex Shelley
Awesome as fuck as you'd correctly guess.
He does Frankie Kazarian things, and Sabin sells said things well.
4-Sonjay Dutt
Cool run of offence like his return last week.
Sonjay rana's Kaz over and out.
5-Michael Shane.
He does offence in a decent manner.
Trinity shows up and grabs the mic and says she could beat them all up and should be in this, but Russo wouldn't let.
She tries to enter, but Don Harris drags her off.
6-Shark Boy
Shane superkicks Dutt over the top and out.
Sharky hits an Acid Drop on Shane, and then Sabin closelines him out.
Shelley throws Sharky out.
Ras fuck for 30 seconds before Sabin wins wth the Cradle Shock to secure the #20 spot

In the back, Douglas is with Petey and D'Amore. Scott yells and rants that Hardy broke the cardinal rule by touching the coach, and now Petey will make him pay. Jeff Jarrett walks on with the ladder and says he loves Petey and wants him to destroy him. He says Nash will be the first one to cash in if the chips are down. Hate all of this so much.

Vote Russo Bro

Match#3 BG James & Konnan vs The Naturals (#1 Contenders Match)
No idea how the Nats got into this when they haven't won a match since they lost the titles. LOLTNA. This a bad 3LK squash to make life worse.

Hype for XXX/AMW.

Kevin Nash pre-tape. "You can make friends, or you can make money" Hall has never said to a drink, a lady or money, but now he's turned his back on his friendship. He says he's got Jeff's back.

At the booth, DW is very confused about which Jeff he was referring to.

Jarrett walks out and sits on top of a ladder to watch the main event.

Match#4 Jeff Hardy vs Petey Willams w/Scott D'Amore.
Fucking vile, vile matchup that i doubt would have been good when Jeff is at his peak in 06-09, let alone here. We thankfully lose a ton because of the break, and we only get a short bad Petey control seg. The bullshit hits when Jeff shoves Jeff off the top rope behind the refs back, but AJ runs out and gets rid of him and kills Petey with the Styln' DDT allowing Nero hit the Swanton to win.

Modest to the Top


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Eric Young & Bobby Roode-15/10/04

November 5th, 2004
Impact Zone

Match#1 Johnny B Badd vs Tony Stradlin

No, you didn't read that wrong, nor did i type it for some laughs. That's really Marc fucking Mero back in his old gimmick in the ring of the second biggest wrestling promotion in the world in year of 2004. He has a massive HGH gut and looks even worse than he did the last time he was major TV. He wins with the TKO
Brock stealing your wife

Jeff Jarrett storms the production truck and demands they play a tape when he goes to the ring.

Hype video for Jeff vs Jeff.

In the ring, Mike Tenay runs down the PPV card before Jarrett thankfully cuts him off. Never thought i would type that, but he's the lesser of two evils. Jeff says the other Jeff hasn't arrived in the Zone and his gut says he's not going to make it because he made a detour last night. He won't even be at Victory Road. YESSSSSS. The neon space cadet landed on Planet Jarrett and he got knocked back to reality. The tape rolls and it's Jeff and Petey at a motel. They pretend to be macitence to get Jeff to open the door and then they beat the shit out of him as D'Amore tapes it. We come back and Jeff is on top of the ladder and says Jeff won't be at the PPV, so maybe Nash can take his place. Well, only if he can climb a ladder. Got em. Dusty now walks out and says as of next Monday he will be running TNA and Jeff won't have the title. How is this asshole a babyface. Hardy shows up in the crowd and attacks other Jeff from behind with the ladder like a real coward. He beats him up at a snails pace, which allows Petey the chance to run out and shove him off the ladder to the floor in a nasty bump.

In the back, Douglas is with Sabin and calls him a lucky punk having that #20 number. Sabin says this entire thing is a joke to treat a two time champion like this, and he will walk out the winner. Hmmmm, maybe a turn is coming. Shane announces Kaz vs Red vs Sydal with the loser being #1. Shazarian walk on and call bullshit on this and walk off. Shane picks another name out of it and says he's not even with the company.

Match#2 Abyss vs Seth Delay.
Quick but awesome Abyss murder as we've come to know and love. BHS does it.
Click Doomsday.

Post match, he turfs the jobber out and Monty walks out to try and fight, but blackshirts stop him from getting in. In the ring, Abyss dumps a bag of tacks in the ring and Monty is shook.

In the back, Raven says no food or water for 24hrs before the match. He hears a clicking in his head that's like an alien ripping through his chest. This is war and war is life and decency strangled to death. He starts crying and shaking before dropping the line.

Hype for XXX/AMW.

In the back, Douglas is with AMW. Storm says the match will start tonight and they will show why they're better fighters. Harris says when backed in a corner they're the best, and they will be the judge, jury and executioner of Triple X.

Match#3 James Storm vs Christopher Daniels
Sadly only 50 awesome seconds before Skipper attacks for the DQ.

Post match, they beat him down until Harris makes the save with a chair. One of the Nats tries to attack him, but he fucking kills him with a shot to the face. It allows Skipper to attack from behind and handcuff Harris to the post. The Nats join in and help beat up Harris as XXX take care of Storm. They try to Pillmanize him, but blackshirts make the save. BUT DANIELS HITS HIM IN THE KNEE IN THE CHAIR ANYWAY, AND STORM IS SCREAMING IN PAIN. FUCK YEAH. Daniels gets in Harris' face and asks how are they going to win a last team standing match when they can't even stand. He boots Harris in the mouth to close it. Incredible angle.

The mystery man is SPANKY. Hell yeah.

Match#4 Spanky vs Amazing Red vs Kazarian vs Matt Sydal
90 seconds of stuff before Trinity causes a distraction that lets Spanky roll him up.

Post match, Russo walks out and says she can have a match at the PPV, but she's not going to like who it's against

Match#5 AJ Styles & Ron Killings vs Jeff Jarrett & Petey Williams
I love to see Planet Jarrett coming to life before my eyes. AJ is pissed off that his junkie god fearing partner is dead and stuff, so we get as mad as hell run of offence as he beats the fuck out of both of them. Truth is right there with him looking great, and it's so nice to see him free from 3LK. AJ is isolated during the break and the control seg is good as Petey finally looks almost like a trained wrestler. The bullshit hits as Jarrett smacks Truth with the belt and the ref gets bumps and it stops being a match. Nero shows up and hits Jarrett with a swanton and the ref counts 3. LMAO FUCK OFF
