Donnie watches WWF 1983

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Feb 1, 2021
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The June 18th episode is sadly missing, but a huge important angle takes place and is included on the file, so let's go.

Don Muraco is a gust on Rodgers Corner. Don says he proved that Rocky Johnson is a bum, and calls Tito a racist name and says he's not worthy of a title shot, and Backlund can work out for an hour, but SO CAN HE AND NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT THAT. HE WAS THE FIRST MAN TO REVERSE THE FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK, AND THEY NEED TO TALK ABOUT THAT. He says the IC title is the most important title in the world. As this is going on, Snuka walks out for his match and Don loses his shit and says he has the nerve to walk out on HIS time. Don walks down to the ring and gets on the apron, and he spits on Snuka!!! Jimmy smiles at him and keeps his cool, BUT HE THEN RUNS THE ROPES AND DIVES OVER THE TOP ONTO DON AND BEATS THE FUCK OUT OF HIM, HE STRIPS HIM OF HIS SUIT AND BEATS HIS ASS UNTIL SOME WRESTLERS DRAG HIM OFF. DON GETS THE MIC AND SMACKS IT OFF SNUKA'S SHITTY HEAD AND BUSTS HIM OPEN, AND A GIANT X FLASHES ON THE SCREEN AS THEY CAN'T SHOW IT. THEY KEEP FIGHTING AS THE WRESTLERS TRY TO DRAG THEM FROM EACH OTHER. They finally get them free as the file ends.

Incredible angle that's going to lead to a blood feud and the eventual cage match that will inspire my all time favourite wrestler to live his dream. I love it all.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-19/3/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
June 25th, 1983
Allentown, PA

Match#1 The Invaders vs Bob Bradley & Mac Rivera

Match#2 George Steele w/Freddie Blassie vs Tony Colon

Thankfully only 30 seconds before his wins with the hammerlock.

Post match, he eats some turnbuckles.

Match#3 Tiger Chung Lee w/Freddie Blassie vs Steve Gray
Lee does some really terrible strikes and looks like shit, so of course he's going to be here for years. He hits a bad superkick to the chest to win.

Match#4 Tito Santana vs Butcher Vachon

Oh shit, AWA guys are jumping ship, brother. He's very old and washed, but he's a good warm body for Tito to do stuff to. Tito wins with a siiiick forearm and splash combo

Rodgers Corner with Slaughter and The Wizard. Sarge forces Rodgers to stand and demands he ask the questions. Sarge asks him if he's the best wrestler he's seen in the world and if he's the next champ. Rodgers says he's never beaten Bob and he's disgusted with his actions. Sarge calls him a maggot not worthy of carrying his bags, and walks off set. Fucking rekt.

Match#5 Don Muraco w/Lou Albano vs Victor Carlo
The heat for Don is fucking wild after last week and the fans chant for Snuka, and it makes Don lose his mind worse than normal. He's so thrown off that the jobber goes on the attack and gets a ton of offence in and the crowd is white hot for all of it. He misses a dropkick and Don quickly scoops him up and kills him with the Tombstone to win.

Match#6 The Wild Samoans & Samula w/Lou Albano vs SD Jones, Tony Garea & Charlie Taylor
Vince can't pronounce Samula's name correctly and it sounds like Samoa or Samual at points, and it's very funny given he's letting the name happen on TV. fucking idiot. Anyway, another fun squash from the bloodline for the most part, but it does start to drag and they run out of stuff to do and throw in some lame choking spots. Double Headbutt and the Samoan Drop does the deed

At ringside, Vince is standing by. He explains that Snuka refused to be on the same show with Muraco, so he met Vince in an empty arena (not the first time they've met like this), Vince talks about Jimmy's history since he debuted in the WWF, and it's a nice backstory for any new fans who might not know. Jimmy says he's sorry for losing his temper last week, as he's trying to wrestle and make money, and he hopes the fans can understand why he did what he did. He knows Don is part of Albano's army and he feels like this is all Lou's doing. He shows off the bandage on his head and screams that no on earth treats him like this. Jimmy starts shaking and losing his shit, so Vince keeps pressing for why he finally snapped, Jimmy starts screaming and rips his shirt off and throws all the seats away and storm off.

Awesome angle
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-19/3/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
July 2nd, 1983
Allentown, PA

Match#1 Don Muraco w/Lou Albano vs SD Jones

Oh come on, let him squash someone else. SD is the worst, and i can't wait for King Kong Bundy to forever turn him into a trivia note. Don at least beats the shit out of him, but i'm done with SD. Tombstone ends my pain

Match#2 Ivan Putski vs Alec Gerald
fuck off

Match3 Sgt Slaughter w/Grand Wizard vs Jack Carson

Sarge gets to rightly murder another maggot, and it's the best. brutal and mean, and a jobber willing to take a beating. Nasty Clutch ends it.

Match#4 Mike Sharpe vs John Callahan

The fans are now calling Mike "wimp" and that's not nice at all. He shows he's not a wimp with a fun squash as always, we love our Iron hero. Gross Forearm does it

Match#5 Big John Studd w/Freddie Blassie vs Bob Bradley

The Big man is also back this week, and is now throwing some nasty clubs to the chest and neck, and caves in poor Bob's chest. Backbreaker gets it done.

Rodgers Corner with Tiger Lee and Blassie. Classic "dangerous karate master from the orient" bullshit. It would work if he was actually good, but he's not, so fuck him.

Match#6 Don Kernodle vs Rocky Johson.
Hey, a real match. They go on the mat and Don smokes him with ease, but credit is due for Rocky for even giving it a shot when he's so outgunned. Don beats his ass and looks great, but then Rocky gets a flash Sunset flip to steal it. Boooooooo

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-19/3/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
July 9th, 1983
Allentown, PA

Match#1 George Steele vs Nick De-Carlo

Bad as always, and that's not changing. Hammerlock gets it

Match#2 Tiger Chung Lee vs Pete Sanchez

The hits keep on coming. fml. Terrible karate stuff from this complete dork, and i dread when he teams with Fuji. Just a fucking nightmare of a thing. Bad kick to the jaw ends it.
Brandon Lee's death

Match#3 Jimmy Snuka vs Alec Gerald

Snuka wins in 20 seconds with the Splash to sell his anger. Fair enough tbh

Post match, they take the jobber out on a gurney. Not the first time this year Snuka has maybe killed someone.

Rodgers Corner with Rocky Johnson and Snuka. Rodgers puts over his shitty friends and says they're both after Muraco. Well, 2 vs 1 is not fair.

Match#4 Don Kernodle vs Ivan Putski
Oh God. I actually think Don has given his notice and now he's being punished. To prove this, Ivan mostly no sells him and wins with his dogshit Polish Hammer.

Match#5 Sgt Slaughter vs John Callahan

Sarge murders a maggot and makes this terrible episode almost worth suffering through. Clutch kills the maggot dead

Match#6 Tito Santana vs Bob Bradley

Very good showcase for Tito this week. Bob gets a lot of offence and looks good as always, and Tito works hard to shut him down before nuking him with the Forearm/Splash combo



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-19/3/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
July 16th, 1983
Allentown, PA

Match#1 Don Muraco w/Lou Albano vs Pete Sanchez

Don is still thrown off and another jobber takes him to town, until he can slip something in to stop it. The jobber hits him with a slam, but Don holds on and turns it into a cradle to beat him.

It's not making for great squashes, but i love how this feud is being done with Don and Jimmy both losing their minds until it finally explodes again.

Match#2 Tito Santana vs Bill Dixon
Super fun fight as Dixon is a big boy and hits really hard, and Tito has to fight like hell to get him down. He unloads some nasty shots and kills him with the combo to get out of there with the win.

Match#3 Andre The Giant vs Bob Bradley & Jeff Craney
Hell yeah, he's finally back. Gross strikes and slams, and nasty headbutts for a few minutes. Just a perfect time for Andre. He does some sick double teams as well and deadlifts Craney as he kicks Bob in the face. Just a fucking insane human. He wins with the giant assdrop on Craney's chest.

They replay a Samoan 6 man from a few weeks ago.

Rodgers Corner with Big John Studd and Blassie. Rodgers says he's gotten hundreds of letters saying that Studd can't slam Andre, and John says that's a lie and he can slam him anytime he wants, but it's up to Andre to have the guts to fight him. He is #1 in the world and Andre is a distant #2.

Match#4 Ivan Putski vs Terry Manton
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WWF Philadelphia Spectrum
July 16th, 1983

Match#1 Tito Santana vs Don Kernodle

Gorilla says Don is good friends with Sarge, which is something that JCP will use in the US/Russian feud, so it's a cool to hear it mentioned it on a WWF show. Slow start as Don does a lot of stalling and is clearly not killing himself when he's gone soon, and Tito can only do so much with all that against him, so he gets lazy and mostly sits in a headlock. Insane to say Tito is lazy or not caring, but i can't blame him at all. It goes on for this a while and the crowd is dead on top of it. Just a rotten turd of a match, sadly. Tito ends the pain with his new combo.

Match#2 Don Muraco (c) vs Jimmy Snuka (WWF Intercontinental Championship)

Snuka rushes him and shit is on. He unloads hell on Don with the best strikes of his life, and Don's selling is top tier as always. Snuka hits a GROSS knee right to Don's face, and beats the complete fuck out of him. He hits headbutts as well and Don can't get a thing going, and it's a masterful job on his part to do everything for Snuka. Don has his face smacked off the announce table, but he manages to grab the mic and hits Snuka in the face to finally get him to stop. He thumbs his eye, and gets super dirty in revenge for the beating he just took. He hurls him all over and Jimmy bumps like crazy. Don tries for a knee in the corner, but Snuka moves and Don smacks his face off the buckle and he's busted open. Jimmy goes for the cut and Don looks dead, but the ref tries to pull Jimmy off and Snuka throws him for the DQ

Post match, Snuka stays on the attack and has to be dragged off by a group of wrestlers. Don runs in and cheap shots him and runs to the back. Amazing stuff, and i need a whole series of matches.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-19/3/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
July 23rd, 1983
Allentown, PA

At ringside, Vince announces that Andre will be in Rodgers corner, and Studd will be wrestling. So, something might pop off.

AMAZING to see something like this in 83, and even cooler our hero Sarge gets to do it.

Match#1 Sgt Slaughter w/Grand Wizard vs SD Jones
SD brings it for once and we get a sick punch off before Sarge easily takes over and beats his ass. Sarge clobbers him with the nasty lariat and locks in the Clutch to win.

Post match, Wizard distracts the ref so Sarge can hold it for a while longer and hopefully kill him for good.

Match#2 Rocky Johnson vs Bill Dixon
Rocky takes it to the mat again, and i guess he now thinks he's good at it in kayfabe and irl, and well, lol no. Sunset flip does it

Match#3 Big John Studd w/Freddie Blassie vs Bill Burger

Studd cooks and eats the burger like the true giant he is. Backbreaker ends the cookout.

Match#4 Iron Mike Sharpe vs Buckwheat Jackson

i had a crap day, so seeing Iron Mike is what i need. Wonderful stooging and weird shit from the big man, in between awesome offence and a great beating of the kid. Forearm does it.

Rodgers Corner with Andre. Andre says Studd is the biggest man he's seen in a while, but for 10 grand he will give him that slam. He will chase him all over the world and won't ever stop hunting him to see who the real giant is.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-19/3/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
July 30th, 1983
Allentown, PA

Match#1 Don Muraco w/Lou Albano vs Jimmy Jackson

Don is on one (as always, but he's angrier than normal) and beats the fuck out of the kid. He throws him neck first into the ropes and breaks out chops and elbows to the head, and just murders the poor child. Don hits the Gordbuster and then locks in a neck crank into a rollup to win.

Match#2 Ivan Putski vs Tony Colon

Complete dogshit, and even more so when he's following the best wrestler in the company. Polish Hammer does it.

In a pre-tape we go to Muraco hyping his match against Snuka tonight in the Garden. Don cuts a coked up promo about him and Snuka being two waves that are going to collide and cause a swell like never before. Snuka was on the darkside once and his tranquility must end. They're both sitting on top, but he's going to end this with his RAGE. Complete nonsense, but Don sells it so well that it's actually perfect.

Match#2 The Wild Samoans & Samula w/Lou Albano vs Steve King, Pete Sanchez & Swede Hansen
Another good one for the bloodline, but i wish the tag division wasn't a wasteland and we got some fucking feuds. Samoan Drop does it as always.

Match#3 Don Kernodle vs Jack Carson

Good showcase for Don. Really cool takedowns and mat work and a few really nasty shots. Good ass pro wrestling. He wins with a running powerslam.

Match#4 Jimmy Snuka vs Bob Bradley

Fun showcase for Snuka this week. He's so fucking smooth and mean with his strikes (i wonder what he does in his spare time) and Bob is a sick punching bag for him. Splash ends it



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WWF Madison Sqaure Garden-July 30th, 1983

In the back, Don cuts another INSANE promo. He stares right into the corner with his eyes bulging and states he'll never look away because he's been doing this for 15 years and he's a good boy only thinking of Jimmy. At some point tonight, he'll get the signal and look away from the camera and then he'll see Jimmy.

In the back, Rodgers is with Jimmy. He tells him not to lose his cool tonight and he needs to stay focused on what he best at, and he will win the title and keep his cool along with that. Snuka promises he won't lose his cool, but Don did a terrible thing to him and went too far, and he's going to do things that will be hard to explain. HE WILL FEEL THE WARS AND HE WILL FEEL HIS ANGER.


Don Muraco (c) vs Jimmy Snuka (WWF Intercontinental Championship.
Jimmy keeps his cool and attacks Don with strikes to the head and chest, and looks calmer and smarter than ever before. Don sells it all amazingly of course, and really helps to further sell the entire thing. Jimmy keeps on him and the beating gets more and more violent, and Don breaks out some insane bumps for a man as big as him. The best of which is a full handstand when Snuka decks him with a punch. Don finally catches Snuka running in with a Lariat to the throat, and drops him over the top rope to the announce table. DON RUNS OUT AND HITS A FUCKING TOMBSTONE ON THE CONCRETE AND SNUKA IS BUSTED OPEN. JESUS CHRIST. Gross cut on Snuka's head. and his selling is top tier as the normal insane look in his eyes turns into a vacant concussed stare into the abyss. Don hits a nasty back suplex to send him back into the ring, and goes to town on the cut with a series of gross and awesome punches and knees. Don gets real dirt when he just punts him right in the fucking face, and it's the perfect petty cunty action that makes Don the best in the world. Muraco misses a dive into the corner and knocks himself silly, and Jimmy mounts a killer comeback. He has ALL the fury and anger with everything he hits, and Don pinballs himself all over the joint. Snuka busts him open when he throws him headfirst into the buckle. He kills him with a gross spike piledriver and the crowd loses their damn minds. Muraco's woozy selling is incredible as he looks near death and can barley throw a lowblow to get Jimmy off him. Don takes back over with that and punches the shit out of him over and over, but Jimmy hulks up and no sells everything and starts choking Muraco in the corner. He won't let go, so the ref DQ's him.

Post match, Jimmy keeps strangling him, and won't let go!!! A mountain of wrestlers run out and finally pry them apart and clear the area.

Jimmy grabs the mic and screams he's not done with him!!!

Amazing, amazing shit. Easily the best stuff of this entire project, and our match and feud of the year thus far.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-19/3/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
August 6th, 1983
Allentown, PA

Match#1 Sgt Slaughter w/Grand Wizard vs Steve King

Sarge does his thing and it's the best, and if not for Don being in the same company, he would be the best dude here. Nasty, nasty beating as one would expect. King is a small dude, so Sarge can really chuck his ass all over the place. Sarge hits a gross hot shot and then locks in the Clutch to end it

Match#2 Tito Santana vs Bill Dixon

Tito goes for the arm this week, and hey, he's very good at it. Lots of cool work as he twists and beats it in great ways, and Dixon can't do anything to stop him. Tito wins with the combo.

Match#3 The Masked Superstar w/Grand Wizard vs Roco Vernon

Axe makes his debut under his second most famous gimmick. He's an awesome big man and moves really well, and hits even harder, so i love him a ton. He wins with a gross neckbreaker after a hell of a beating.

In a pre-tape, we go to Vince with Muraco after the MSG match. They show clips of the match as Don talks over it. He says they're animals that did the very thing they could only do, and they got DOWN with each other. Don says they can try and try to drag them from each other, but they keep coming together and fighting and being together because that's what they both want.

Match#4 Andre The Giant vs Ken Jurgan & Angelo King
So much damn fun. Andre is mean as fuck, and just runs through them like they aren't even there. Big splash ends it

Match#5 Don Muraco vs Paul Tanner

Don wins in 15 seconds with the tombstone.
fuck you

Match#6 Tony Atlas vs Tony Colon

Oh no, he's back. He's still completely horrible and can't wrestle, so of course he's about to get a massive push. Fucking fuckoertiogkwefqngjrtb sedfvxc. FUCK. He wins with a bad splash.

Eat shit and die.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-19/3/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
August 13th, 1983
Allentown, PA

Match#1 Big John Studd w/Freddie Blassie vs Rudy Diamond

Studd drags the kid to the outside and beats him against the post, and it's a nice change of pace for the big fella. He beats him back inside with the backbreaker

Match#2 The Masked Superstar w/Grand Wizard vs Steve King

Axe is wonderful as hell in this role, and i need to seek out more of his work as a singles guy. Nasty offence and an aura with how he moves and does his thing. He batters the kid and hits a gross running lariat and a neckbreaker to get it done

Rodgers Corner with Tony Atlas. He's happy to be here and he wants to win gold. Fucking grand.

Match#3 Jimmy Snuka vs Bill Dixon
Snuka wins in 30 seconds with the splash
Kill me

Match#4 The Wild Samoans w/Lou Albano vs ??

Jobbers aren't named, so whatever. Good murder stuff, but it's tired and we need new feuds asap. Samoan Drops ends another one.



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WWF Spectrum- August 13th, 1983

In the back, Muraco is dressed in an amazing purple getup, and looks even more coked out than normal. Bless him. Don says Jimmy is a tough and rugged guy, but he was bleeding as well and it doesn't bother him at all. You can't hurt this face, and he might be a pig and a bull, and you can ask some of the ladies he's been with. But sometimes you can't get enough, and Jimmy clearly can't get enough of him. He wants to fight the best and toughest guys, and Jimmy knocked him and down and made him bleed like a pig, BUT HE GOT UP AND TORE INTO HIM, AND HE'LL DO IT AGAIN.

Match#1 Don Muraco (c) vs Jimmy Snuka (WWF Intercontinental Championship. Swede Hansen is the guest referee)
Same start as the last match with Snuka controlling right away, and if not broke don't fix it. Jimmy locks in a headlock for a while, and i'm starting to think no one in the WWF is going to kill themselves in Philly if they can help it. Don kicks him in the dick to get out, and locks in one of his own, and it's mean as hell, but it's still very lazy given how amazing the matches have been thus far. Snuka quickly fights back and beats the shit out of Don and busts him open when he slams him into the post, so it's just a simple rehash of their last match in a weird choice. It does rule, so whatever. Don selling is amazing as always, and Jimmy is at his peak and looks incredible on offence. He goes for the splash, but Don pulls the ref in front of him. Don punches Jimmy in the dick and steals the refs belt and whips Jimmy! But Snuka gets the belt and beats Don's ass in revenge. The ref gets back up and calls for the DQ.

Match#2 Bob Backlund (c) vs Sgt Slaughter (WWF Championship)

Fuck yes, about time we got back to this. Bob rushes him like last time and beats the living crap out of Sarge in amazing fashion, and Slaughter has another wonderful pinball performance. Bob targets the arm and it's the best work he's put in months and months. Mean and focused as hell on trying to snap it in half, and Sarge fights like to save himself. Sarge punches him in the throat to get out, but his arm his dead and he can't actually do anything, so Bob grabs onto it again, but Sarge manages to slam him into the corner and kicks him in the ribs to finally take over. Awesome work on the ribs with punches and elbows, and Backlund's selling is sick as hell. Bob manages to kick Sarge out to the floor, but he's still badly hurt. Sarge gets the Clutch on, but he's on the apron when he does it, so it's not legal in the 80's, so the ref DQ's him in some real bullshit.

Post match, Sarge grabs the title and kills the ref with it. HE LOCKS HIM IN THE COBRA CLUTCH, BUT BOB SAVES AND CHASES HIM OFF. Fuck yeah, give me this feud until Hogan shows up.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-19/3/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
August 20th, 1983
Allentown, PA

Match#1 Sgt Slaughter w/Grand Wizard vs Pete Sanchez

Sarge works the arm this week and we get some good stuff from that, and it's rad watching Sarge mix it up and be awesome at it. Cobra Clutch ends it

Match#2 Rocky Johnson vs Israel Mateia

Same old Rocky squash as always. Nothing really changes, and he's not getting better, so whatever. Sunset flips gets it

Match#3 Don Muraco w/Lou Albano vs Steve King

Don does a ton of stalling and fucking around with Lou as the fans get angrier and angrier, and it's the best use of bullshit possible. He finally kills King in amazing fashion, and the more the crowd begs for Snuka, the worse the beating gets. He wins with the Gordbuster

Match#4 Tony Atlas vs Bill Dixon
Bad musclehead squash from this piece of shit. He hits a terrible gorilla press to win

Rodgers Corner with Andre the Giant. He says he loves he crowd and then leaves. Ok

Match#5 Tito Santana vs Tony Colon
Great stuff from Tito. He works on the mat for a while and it's as good as you'd expect, and the jobber does well for himself and actually makes it seem like a real struggle. Tito wins the combo.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-19/3/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
August 27th, 1983
Allentown, PA

Match#1 Tito Santana vs Bill Burger

Tito eats the burger!!! Awesome string of offence from our hero as always, and he breaks out a sick monkey flip this week. Just the best dude. He hits a nasty forearm right to the back of the head to win.

Match#2 Sgt Slaughter w/Grand Wizard vs Steve King
Fun as hell this week as he backbreakers the kid a bunch of times, and slams him off the buckles and it's brutal as fuck. Cobra Clutch does the deed

Match#3 Swede Hansen vs Bill Dixon
gets nearly 6 minute and i want to fucking die.

Match#4 Big John Studd vs Charlie Brown
Another goos one for the true giant of the WWF. He beats him all over the place and ends it with the Backbreaker

Rodgers Corner with Iron Mike Sharpe and Lou Albano. Mike says he has more class than anyone else in the WWF and he's not bothered by the fans! The fans then chant wimp and Mike loses it and storms off.
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