Meltdown XXXIX: 'The Final Four' || RESULTS

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E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score




Live from Osaka Castle Baseball Field in Osaka, Japan.
Thursday 4th April, 2024.



The lights go out in the arena as the music hits, signaling the start of the show and eliciting an excited cheer from the crowd. A moment later, to a generally negative reaction given her history in the country, Michelle von Horrowitz walks out onto the stage.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one-fall…"


Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "… with a thirty minute time limit, and is an F1 Climaxxx tournament semi-final match! Introducing first, weighing in at fifty four kilograms and from Rotterdam in the Netherlands… ‘Dreamer’... Michelle von Horrowitz!!"

The occasion is not lost on MvH, who walks down to the ring with a sense of gravitas and a look of focus about her. She ignores the heckling of the fans either side of the ramp as she makes her way down it.

Rod Sterling: "We're getting right into the action here on Meltdown XXXIX, folks! It's the Final 4, meaning that tonight we'll find out who will compete in the F1 grand final at Carnal Contendership in a month's time."

Anzu Kurosawa: "And here comes the first of our hopefuls: last year's tournament winner, Michelle von Horrowitz. She surged to victory in Pool A, seeing off both Konchu Hao and Mike Parr to secure the number one spot in the group. I think it's fair to say, too, that Michelle's trajectory in this tournament has been markedly different to last year's. She overcame the Prodigy and the Mad Wizard fairly, which was not the case in any of her victories in 2023’s F1."

Rod Sterling: "I think that we can be thankful that Uncle and the Nephews are AWOL, Anzu. Something tells me that this turning of new leaf is more to do with a lack of back-up than a change of heart. There's still plenty of tournament left for MvH to sully herself."

Anzu Kurosawa: "Wow, Rod. Don't sit on the fence."

Von Horrowitz rolls into the ring and takes a seat in one of the corners, her head propped up against the second turnbuckle. She stares off towards the stage, boos raining down as her music fades out, replaced by…

More boos greet the opening notes of Nickelback’s Animals. It's difficult to say if the crowd is booing the band, like any sane crowd would, or the man whose coming it heralds. It's probably safe to say that the derision is for a combination of the two. Regardless, an aggressive and angry looking Bryan Baxter appears on the stage, flanked on either side by Ser Stache and Major Amigo of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "And her opponent, accompanied to the ring by the Friendship Wrestling Alliance… hailing from Hickory, North Carolina and weighing in at three hundred and twelve pounds… Big… Bryan… Bastard!!"

Big Bryan isn't quite as proficient as ignoring the audience as his opponent. He pauses multiple times to slap drinks out of fans’ hands, rip up derisory signs, or generally argue with anyone who will give him the satisfaction.

Rod Sterling: "It's still strange seeing Big Bryan Bastard walk around without the FWA North American Championship, given the four hundred and fifty three days that he held that prize. No longer, though, thanks to Mike Parr at the recent North American Showdown. We'll see the Prodigy compete in our main event against Chris Peacock, of course, in the other F1 semi-final."

Anzu Kurosawa: "Big Bryan has an opportunity to take back that North American title with triumph in the tournament, but to do that he'll have to do what he couldn't do last year."

Rod Sterling: "That's right, Anzu: this is a semi-final rematch, and Baxter will hope for a different outcome this time around. He's brought some back-up with him, albeit of the less intimidating sort. Maybe he's learned his lesson from last year, when a brief hesitation to bend the rules in his favour allowed Michelle to do the same decisively."

Baxter climbs into the ring, leaving Stache and Amigo on the outside. He occupies a corner opposite to Michelle, who pulls herself up to her feet using the top rope. The fans are excited and loud, despite their apparent disdain for both of the competitors in the match. The official issues some final orders before calling for the bell…


FIRST MATCH || 1/30.
Bryan Baxter
vs. Michelle von Horrowitz.
Singles Match - F1 Climaxxx Semi-Final.
Match writer: SS.

<< 00:00. >>

The two begin to circle the ring, Michelle showing herself to be the more agile and nimble of the two through this movement alone. Baxter appears to want to bring it together with a collar and elbow tie up, but MvH has other ideas. Each time Bryan lumbers towards her, she darts in with a quick strike before immediately retreating out of the range of his grasp. First it's a side kick, then it's an uppercut-forearm combination, and finally it's a spin kick to the gut that has Baxter stumbling backwards into the corner he started in.

Rod Sterling: "Michelle von Horrowitz is looking to utilize a speed advantage in the opening exchanges here, but I'm not sure those strikes are having too much of an effect on Bryan Baxter."

Anzu Kurosawa: "Looks like they're just pissing him off to me, Rod."

This appears to amuse Michelle, who once more begins circling the ring when Baxter steps out of the corner. She tries to engage in the same dance, at first avoiding an attempted lariat before connecting with a pair of hooks to the gut. This time, though, Bryan doesn’t recoil, instead absorbing the blows and staying close. Dreamer goes for a third hook to the abdomen, but this time Baxter is able to catch her arm between his own and his side, trapping Michelle in close. Von Horrowitz tries to fight out with a forearm with her free arm, but Baxter has tasted her power now and isn’t worries about it. He absorbs the blow before taking MvH over with a Northern Lights suplex! Baxter bridges for the cover…


It looks like Michelle wants to roll out of the ring for some respite, but Baxter doesn’t let her, clutching her by the hair and dragging her to her feet. He backs her up into the turnbuckles with a trio of overhand chops to the chest, before whipping her HARD into the opposite corner. MvH bounces back off the turnbuckles towards Baxter… who runs through her with a shoulder tackle!!

Rod Sterling: "If Baxter pinned her right now he’d have a decent chance of the three, but looks like he’s just warming up…"

Baxter collects MvH and appears to be trying to hoist her up into a torture rack submission. Sensing her peril, Michelle quickly grasps the top rope, pulling herself off Bryan’s shoulders and out onto the apron. She immediately hops down onto the floor, staring up at Baxter with her hands on her hips.

Anzu Kurosawa: "MvH takes some time on the outside to rethink things, here. Reminiscent of their match last year, and both of Dreamer’s ill-fated encounters with the kaiju."

Rod Sterling: "They only have thirty minutes tonight, Anzu. Strategy’s all well and good, but at some point she’s going to have to get back in the ring and fight."


<< 07:59. >>

Bryan has Michelle in the middle of the ring, her head in position between his legs. He hoists her up onto his shoulders…

Rod Sterling: "A massive powerbomb from Big Bryan Bastard, who continues to be in complete control of this one… and now he attempts a cocky cover."

Indeed, Baxter places a boot on Michelle's chest, lifting his arms into the air.


Anzu Kurosawa: "Even with the onslaught we've seen from Baxter so far, you're probably not going to beat MvH like that."

Rod Sterling: "Baxter's confidence is growing, though. Last year's semi-final seems a long time ago…"

Bryan lays into Michelle with a few stomps, then giving her a hand in getting to her feet when she tries to do so using the ring ropes. He Irish whips her into the opposite set, winding up for a big clothesline, but Michelle checks her momentum by holding onto the ropes. She crumbles to the mat and rolls out of the ring, eliciting some jeers from the audience.

Rod Sterling: "Michelle wants more time to recover… but it looks like Baxter's going to follow her out this time!"

The crowd cheers Baxter's sense of urgency as he climbs out of the ring. He marches after MvH, who is up to her knees…

Anzu Kurosawa: "Drop toe hold from Dreamer!! Bryan Bastard is sent face-first onto the top of the ring steps!"

Michelle adjusts her knee pads after playing possum, climbing nonchalantly to her feet with Baxter still draped on top of the steps. She collects him by the wrist and first hurls him into the steel barricade, before doing the same in reverse into the ring apron! Baxter collapses to his knees after the constant abuse of his kidneys, which allows Dreamer to apply a front face lock.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Michelle is trying to hook those arms, looking for the double arm DDT… but Baxter's too big. She can't link her fingers!"

Rod Sterling: "She has to make do with what she has… she spikes him onto his head! A vicious DDT on the outside!"

Michelle glances up at the official, who until now has been remonstrating with them to return to the ring. She acquiesces, rolling back in and then taking a seat in the corner. She shrugs in the direction of the official, reminding him non-verbally to do his job, and he begins a count.

Rod Sterling: "Michelle von Horrowitz looks more than happy with the idea of a countout victory here, Anzu. Hardly the most honorable course of action…"

The referee reaches four as Baxter finally begins to stir on the outside.

Anzu Kurosawa: "True, maybe… but she's doing it on her own, at least. These first few minutes have shown that beating Baxter isn't going to be easy by conventional methods, and any path to the final will do, really."

Amigo and Stache gather around Baxter, giving him encouragement as he gets to his knees. The official barks six.

Rod Sterling: "That's the mentality of the Michelle of old, though. The one you said had been left behind in last year's tournament."

Baxter stumbles against the apron as the official reaches eight.

Anzu Kurosawa: "I never said that. I just said we haven't seen that Michelle so far. I happen to agree with you, Rod. A leopard doesn't change her spots."

With the referee readying for the ten, Bryan finally throws himself beneath the bottom rope! Michelle is waiting for him, slapping on a sleeper hold to wear the big man down…


<< 12:07. >>

After a period of MvH trying to wear him down with sapping holds, she has Baxter locked in a standing octopus stretch, digging the point of her elbow into his abdomen for added measure. Bryan has refused the official's questions about giving up half a dozen times, in this hold and several others, whilst inching ever closer to the ropes. There's a determined grimace on his face as he reaches out and, finally, with outstretched fingertips, manages to grasp the top rope!

Rod Sterling: "Baxter again saves himself using the sanctuary of the ring ropes, but Dreamer continues to wear him down with a series of punishing holds."

Anzu Kurosawa: "And she neglects the referee's request for a clean break, instead following up with a low drop kick to the knees!"

Baxter stumbles away from the ropes with a limp, allowing Michelle to collect him from behind and nail him with a Russian leg sweep! Dreamer doesn't go for the cover, sending that it'll take more to keep the big man down. Instead, she rolls out onto the apron, waiting patiently for Baxter to rise to a vertical base inside the ring.

Rod Sterling: "Big Bryan Bastard is on Dream Street here, with MvH teeing him up for a springboard attack…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Here she goes for the cross-body…"


Bryan catches her in position for a body slam, but hurls her up onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Samoan drop from Baxter! He squashed her like a bug!"

Rod Sterling: "No pin attempt from Baxter. Instead, he lifts her up, maybe going for another powerbomb here…"

He indeed hoists her up onto his shoulders, but this time runs towards the corner, looking for a buckle bomb. Big Bryan Bastard's volatile mix of power and adrenaline, coupled with Michelle's light weight, result in him throwing her all the way over the turnbuckles!! Her legs hit the top one as she flies over them, causing a devastating collision of her hip against the steel ring post! She hits the apron and the steel ring steps on her way to the mat, the audience losing it for the ridiculous move!!

Rod Sterling: "Big Bryan Bastard just threw Michelle out of the ring!! Unbelievable!"

The referee doesn't quite know what to do, but Baxter does. He climbs out of the ring, looking to press home the advantage as quickly as possible. He first glances at the heap of flesh that is his opponent, and then to the adjacent announce desk.

Anzu Kurosawa: "No, you stay away from here, Bastard!"

Baxter doesn't heed Anzu's call, and - much to the fan's delight - begins to disassemble the commentary booth! He throws the cover and the monitors to the ground, and then collects Dreamer by the hair. Rod and Anzu remove their headsets and scarper away from the booth as Baxter pulls Michelle's head into position. He's going for another powerbomb, managing to lift Dreamer up with ease. When he tries to take a step towards the announce desk, though, she fires off with a right hand to the top of the head… then a second… and a third…

… and then Dreamer nails a Code Red on the outside!!

It's desperation stuff from Michelle, but it's enough to win her a little respite, saving herself and (for now) the announce desk in the process…


<< 19:43. >>

The fight is still on the outside, with the official very hesitant to start a count with both participants not in the ring. Instead, he pleads with Michelle to bring it back inside as she throws Baxter into the barricade, following up with alternating Mongolian chops and forearm strikes. After a half-dozen of each, she drags Baxter away from the barricade and towards the ramp. She applies a front face lock and hooks an arm…

Rod Sterling: "She's not thinking… we've seen Michelle von Horrowitz employ a brainbuster before, but usually against much smaller opponents. I have my doubts."

Anzu Kurosawa: "Always the skeptic, Rod! Don't be so cynical! All you need is a can-do attitude…"

It appears, though, that Rod has the truth of it. Michelle struggles to wrench Baxter up for the move, who anchors his weight down… before reversing with a snap suplex of his own! Michelle thuds against the ramp, with Bryan taking a few moments to suck in some deep breaths before climbing to his feet. He drags MvH to hers and throws her beneath the bottom rope, but before he can climb in after her she rolls all the way across it, underneath the opposite bottom rope. She lands in a heap next to the announce booth, Baxter deciding it's easier to slowly walk the perimeter of the ring than climb in and out of it.

This gives Michelle time to recover, though, and when Bryan reaches down to grasp her she lashes out with a thumb to the eye! The official doesn't have a great view of it from inside the ring, and MvH immediately capitalises with a discus forearm that takes Baxter off his feet!

Rod Sterling: "More snippets of dishonour!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Independent dishonour, Rod. I don't think Baxter would hesitate to do the same. I mean, he did change his name to Bastard. Oh, look out!"

The two commentators scatter again as MvH throws Baxter face first onto their desk. She doesn't bother to remove the monitors, which has been hastily put back in place. A few further forearms put Baxter in a supine position on the desk, and with no hesitation she retreats in order to climb up onto the apron.

Anzu Kurosawa: "We've seen this from Michelle before from time to time, she's going right up to the top! I think my broadcast has lost his headset, folks! But that's okay! Everything’s okay! Everything is going to be okay!"

Michelle straightens up on the top rope, taking a deep breath as she judges the distance from where she is to Baxter on the desk. With not one member of the audience in their seat, she takes a leap of faith…

Anzu Kurosawa: "MvH with the elbow drops – but BAXTER IS PULLED OUT OF THE WAY!! Dreamer explodes through the table! Ser Stache! Major Amigo! They just saved Big Bryan Bastard!!"

We get a shot of a relieved Baxter, and then one of Michelle, who lies amongst the debris of the collapsed table. The audience lose their minds as Bryan hopes to push the advantage, collecting himself and then Dreamer. He drags her to the ring, throwing her under the bottom rope as some sense of order is regained at the desk.

Anzu Kurosawa: "You alright, Rod?"

Rod Sterling: "Yes, I'm alright… which is more than can be said for our desk. I mean look at this! During the first match!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Keep your head, Sterling. Pinfall attempt!"

It's decidedly less cocky now from Baxter, who drives a forearm into Michelle's face in the lateral press.


There's not much in the kickout, but Michelle gets the shoulder up! If Baxter is frustrated, he doesn't let it show, instead going back to work as the match reaches its final stretches…


<< 24:26. >>

Rod Sterling: "Big Bryan Bastard has been relentless with powerbomb after powerbomb tonight in Osaka, and it looks like he's going for another one here. We haven't seen the spinning sit out version so far, perhaps Baxter thinks that's what it'll take to finish Dreamer off."

Anzu Kurosawa: "But Michelle again fights back when Baxter has her up on his shoulders, raining down with thudding right hands. It's a tactic she's employed through the evening with varying success, but this time Baxter is forced to drop her…"

Rod Sterling: "And she stomps down hard on his foot after landing! Michelle follows up with a mule kick to the gut, doubling the big man over. Dreamer looks for a tornado DDT, but Baxter pushes her away… POUNCE!! POOOOUNCE!!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Baxter throws her halfway across the ring with that body check!! That might be it!!"

It appears Baxter thinks so, too, with the big man hooking the far leg…


MvH fires the shoulder up!

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your… FOUR MINUTE WARNING!!"

Baxter is slow to his feet, observing the official checking over Michelle to see if she can continue. With the referee thus preoccupied, a small, metallic object is slid into the ring, Bryan catching it beneath his outstretched boot.

Anzu Kurosawa: "I think Major Stache or Ser Amigo just slid something into the ring, Rod!"

Rod Sterling: "Indeed they did, Anzu – a set of brass knuckles! And Baxter has them in his possession!"

With the referee finally assured that MvH can carry on, he backs away, Baxter meanwhile putting the knuckles on behind his back.

Rod Sterling: "Seems Big Bryan Bastard has learned his lessons from last year's semi-final… there's no hesitation! He winds up for a big right hand…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Yakuza kick from Dreamer! Out of nowhere! And she follows up with an enziguri!"

Baxter hits the mat, his right hand (and thus the evidence of skullduggery) buried beneath his body. Michelle wastes no time in climbing back up to the top rope, although her ascent is slowed by the exertions of the match, not least of all her collision with the announce desk. This allows Bryan to stir and then get to his feet, and he cuts Michelle off by throwing himself into the ropes, causing her to lose balance. She remains straddled atop the turnbuckles, with Baxter following her up. When standing on the second turnbuckle he grabs a fist full of hair with his left hand and draws back with his right, the brass knuckles gleaming beneath the ceiling lights…

… but Dreamer blocks it! She throws up both of her hands, catching Baxter's arm as he pushes it towards her…

Rod Sterling: "MvH catches the right hand… and now she's biting it!!! Dreamer digs her teeth into Baxter's hand!"

He tries to draw it away, but Dreamer catches it and yanks the brass knuckles off. She throws them into the crowd so that the Friendship Wrestling Alliance can't retrieve them, and then attempts to refocus on Baxter…

… but he's waiting for her with a HUGE headbutt! Michelle is rocked by the strikes, which Bryan had prepared for her whilst she was preoccupied dealing with the weapon. She almost falls off her perch, but Baxter catches her by the hair and keeps her in place.

Rod Sterling: "Time is ebbing away, here! There's less than two minutes to go before we reach the time limit!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "And then what, Rod?! How does that work?"

Rod Sterling: "I'm not quite sure, Anzu. I guess it gives Jon Russnow something to think about."

Baxter rocks Michelle with a second headbutt, and then drags her head into position between his legs.

Rod Sterling: "Is he thinking a powerbomb from the top?! We've seen Baxter make good use of that move all night, and now he's looking to finish off the job with it…"

The official is on the apron, remonstrating with Baxter to climb down. He goes so far as to climb onto the first rope himself, reaching up to grab Baxter by the arm. Bryan pushes him off, but the momentary distraction - for both the official and her opponent - is all Dreamer needs…

Rod Sterling: "A low blow!! Typical!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "She didn't bring the brass knuckles, Rod! Desperate times call for desperate measures!"

With Baxter still on the second rope but incapacitated, Michelle steps up onto the top turnbuckle, grasping him around the waist…

Rod Sterling: "Sunset flip powerbomb!! Michelle uses Baxter's own weight as leverage to deliver a powerbomb of her own!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "And now she climbs back up to the top rope… an arduous ascent after this war of a match!"

Rod Sterling: "But time is ticking away… we're into the last of the thirty minutes here!"

Sending a need for urgency, Michelle steadies herself on the top turnbuckles. She takes a deep breath, and…

Anzu Kurosawa: "450 SPLASH!! She nails it!"

Rod Sterling: "Michelle hooks the leg…"


Winner: Michelle von Horrowitz via pinfall at 29:38.

Michelle is able to roll off Baxter but does little else. She takes in labored breaths whilst staring at the lights.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Here is your winner… ‘Dreamer’... Michelle von Horrowitz!!"

Rod Sterling: "Another war in the books for MvH, who survived a similar match that went deep beyond the four minute warning against Konchu Hao in the pool stage."

Anzu Kurosawa: "She may have had a bye week since then, but I don't know how much that will have helped her given the physical nature of that semi-final. We know that she has nearly a month between tonight and the final… but we don't yet know who she'll face in Las Vegas."

Rod Sterling: "We'll find that out in our main event, when the FWA North American Champion Mike Parr takes on Chris Peacock, but before — hold on…"

Roy Orbison's rendition of ‘In Dreams’ is cut short, Michelle's attention - along with the attention of everyone else in the arena - quickly diverted to the big screen.

Footage has started playing that appears as though it's been caught on CCTV, given the grading picture quality and ‘buzzing’ audio, and inside a hotel, given the layout of the corridor in the picture. We are positioned at the end of a long hallways, doors visible every few metres on either side of it. Text in the corner acts as ID for the security camera and a timestamp:

4S-MCC F7-002
07/23/2023 03:26

At first, the corridor is empty, but after a few moments a female figure walks away from the camera, her pace slow, noticeably hampered by both fatigue and injury. She is dressed all in black: her jeans, oversized hoodie, even her rucksack.

It is not difficult to tell who this is, even if we can't see her face. As if to illustrate the obvious realisation, the camera momentarily cuts to Michelle in the ring. Her facial expression is inscrutable. Not passive, but certainly guarded, and with a not-to-distant rage burning in her eyes.

The camera cuts to a different angle in a different hallway. This time, the figure is walking directly towards the camera, and there can be no doubt that it is the same woman currently occupying the ring. The woman in the footage, though, walks with a sense of regret, of shame, and of resignation. She looks defeated and lost.

Eventually, she stops at a particular door. She checks something in her hand, a card of some sort. Takes a deep breath. Knocks on the door.

After a few moments, the door is opened. We can't see who is standing on the other side of it. Their speech is inaudible.

???: “. …. …. …..”

Michelle shuffles awkwardly in the footage. We see this from over the shoulder of the present day Dreamer, who grips the top rope in the ring, silently seething as the video continues.

MvH: “. …, ….”

She enters the room, and rather abruptly the footage ends.

Rod Sterling: “I'm not quite sure what we just saw, folks, but if seems Michelle von Horrowitz has a decent idea.”

Inside the ring, Dreamer looks as though she's seen a ghost. Her breathing is rushed and laboured. Unable to celebrate her victory, she climbs out of the ring and marches up the ramp. The feed fades to black.


From that, the next place shown on the feed is the inside of Chris Peacock’s locker room, with the former FWA World Champion watching a monitor of what just happened with Michelle von Horrowitz. A smirk is plastered across his face.

Chris Peacock “It’s going to be her, Allen. Like it should be. It has all been building up to this… I’m pretty excited, I won’t lie to you.”

The shot widens and it is shown that Allen Price is parked up next to Peacock in his wheelchair that it was established at FIght Night he no longer actually needs. Price motions to the screen, seemingly with some trepidation over what they have just watched.

Allen Price: “What was that with Michelle just now, Chris? Did that… was that us?”

Chris Peacock “Now, that’d be telling. I think it is safe to say that she is not just thinking about the Final anymore.”

Allen Price: “Chris, she can think about the Final, because she’s definitely in it. You’ve still got Mike Parr to worry about later on tonight. I know what you said, but I really think you should reconsider. Let me be out there with you. You saw how helpful it was having me there against Baxter!”

Chris Peacock “Allen, I’m doing this one myself. She won her match on her own… now I need to do the same.”

It is clear from both Peacock and Price’s body language that they have had this conversation several times already in preparation for this match. Chris picks up his phone and studies his notifications for a moment… and then puts it down with a disappointed look on his face. Price rambles on about nothing in particular as we fade away.


The camera fades to the back where Todd Salum is standing by with GroundZero Season 5 winner, the masked mercenary Vengador. But the masked man is not alone as he is joined by his new agent, “The Dubb” Bobby Joel. We can hear the boos from the fans in Osaka coming from arena, with Joel being a familiar villain to the Japanese fans.

Todd Salum: “I’m here with the mysterious Vengador, and Vengy… I think we’re all wondering why, coming off your big win at Winter Wasteland against XYZ… that you would align yourself with this man, Bobby Joel?”

Salum holds the microphone out toward Vengador, but Bobby Joel instead grabs Todd’s arm and pulls it over to his own mouth.

Bobby Joel: “Now Todd, that felt awful disrespectful. I’m standing right here, numb nuts! I told the world at Fight Night exactly why.”

Todd Salum: “Sure, but be that is it may, it’d be nice to hear from Vengador himself.”

Bobby Joel: “I’ll have you know that anything Vengador has to say can come from me. That’s my job. This man is dangerous. He’s literally a mercenary. But he was directionless. Aimless. His so-called mentor has left him high and dry…”

Todd Salum: We both know that Katsu got injured and she’s….”

Bobby Joel: “Excuse me, Toddy-boy - don’t you dare interrupt me again or maybe you’ll be the next victim of Vengador. You understand me?”

Todd rolls his eyes but reluctantly nods in affirmation.

Bobby Joel: “Good boy!”

Joel playful rubs Todd’s hair much to the interviewer’s chagrin.

Bobby Joel: “As you know Todd, they call me The Dubb and that’s because I’m a winner. I’ve done it all in Japan. I’ve wrestled all over the world… but FWA has alluded me. Until now. And now I’m here and I have the man by my side who is going to make a real impact in this company now that he has a real mentor. Someone to truly guide him. Someone that will bring out that viciousness that we’ve seen glimpses of so far. There’s a lot of rage inside this man… a lot of hate… so much fire that is just waiting to come out. And that’s bad news for this locker room.”

“And it’s certainly bad news for Cyrus Truth and Jeremy Best. Like I said on Fight Night… we want to make an impact and what better way than coming straight for the biggest dog in the yard… a future hall of famer… Cyrus Truth. And this week on Fallout, they’re going to find out why I’ve handpicked this man to take to the top. And beating a former and perhaps future champion… and the current champion… it’s gonna be… oh, so… sweeeeeeet.”

“But we’re not stoppin’ there, Todd. No, we ain’t! Carnal Contendership!”

Joel pauses, letting out a smirk as Vengador nods his head.

Bobby Joel: “Carnal Contendership. Vengador, here, is gonna not only be in the Carnal Contendership… not only is he going to be dominant… not only will he get the most eliminations… but he’s going to win… it… all, baby!”

“And that’s the gospel according to The Dubb.”

Joel finishes with a confident grin, patting Vengador on the back as the camera fades out.


Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one-fall with a thirty minute time limit… and is for the vacant FWA Television Championship!!"

General cheers as the graphic of the belt is shown on screen.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Introducing first, from Whitechapel, London, and weighing in at two hundred and seventy three pounds… Jack the Clipper!!"

Jack walks out onto the stage to a chorus of boos, but pays the crowd no mind as he stalks down the ramp and towards the ring.

Rod Sterling: "You heard the FWA Television Championship is currently vacant, owing to injuries sustained by both champion Brooklyn Steiner and challenger Madison Gray in the run up to last month’s Fight Night."

Anzu Kurosawa: "That meant this opportunity for Jack the Clipper and his opponent tonight, who last tussled for this prize - alongside Brooklyn Steiner - back at Winter Wasteland. No doubt there still exists bad blood: Jack the Clipper doesn’t look like the kind of man who gets over grudges."

Jack does indeed appear in a foul mood as he slides under the bottom rope and paces in the ring. His music fades out and is replaced by…

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "And his opponent… accompanied to the ring by Grandma Ethel… currently residing in Miami, Florida and weighing in at one hundred and fifteen pounds… Kleio De Santos!!"

There’s a mixed reaction for KDS as she appears on stage. It appears there are more boos than cheers, but there’s certainly more positivity than greeted Jack the Clipper. De Santos loosens up as she slowly saunters down the ramp.

Rod Sterling: "Kleio has, of course, held the FWA Television Championship before, doing so for eighty three days following Lights Out 2023 and her victory over Madison Gray."

Anzu Kurosawa: "But it was Kleio, not Jack, who took the pinfall in that triple threat match when Brooklyn Steiner relieved De Santos of her gold. That might even out the psychological advantage going into this one."

Rod Sterling: "I’m not sure, Anzu. Kleio has proved to be a queen of mind games throughout her tenure as leader of the Coven. I’m sure the Brazilian Witch has something up her sleeve."

KDS rolls into the ring, leaving Ethel on the outside to find a chair to take a load off. De Santos continues to loosen up in her corner, Jack the Clipper now staring a hole through her from the opposite one. Kleio, for her part, refuses to match Jack’s eye contact, which only proves to infuriate and incense him more. He is quietly seething when, after conducting his final checks, the referee calls for the opening bell..


Jack the Clipper
vs. Kleio De Santos.
Singles Match - FWA Television Championship.
Match writer: SS.

<< 00:00. >>

The two start by circling the ring, and it looks as though Kleio is offering up a test of strength with her right hand. Jack snickers at this, intending to use his size to his advantage as he takes the hand, but immediately Kleio slips beneath and behind into a hammer lock. She transitions into a side headlock, before leveraging her weight to take him down to the mat with a headlock takedown. Jack is able to lift his legs and reverse with a headscissors…

Rod Sterling: "Unusual dexterity on display from Jack the Clipper. Technical exchanges like this aren’t usually in his wheelhouse."

Anzu Kurosawa: "Maybe not, and he’ll want to be careful about fighting this match too frequently on Kleio’s terms. Already, De Santos hatches her escape…"

KDS positions her body so that she can enter a headstand before escaping the headscissors and landing on her feet… and she runs through Jack with a PK! Kleio goes for the cover…


Jack gets a shoulder up, and KDS finds her feet, backing away into a corner to allow Jack space to rise. When he has a vertical base she moves in for a roundhouse kick, but Jack ducks beneath it, and then lashes out at the turning Kleio with an elbow smash!

Rod Sterling: "De Santos damn near crumbles after that vicious strike from Jack, who is forced to keep her standing himself. He maneuvers her into position… gut-wrench suplex from Clipper!"

Jack doesn’t go for a pinfall of his own, instead backing away into the corner and stalking Kleio as if she were prey. He clasps his hands together, a look of rage and focus in his eyes…

Anzu Kurosawa: "We’ve seen this Polish hammer style attack from Jack before. He calls it the Upper-CUTTER, and the fact that he’s going for it so early in this one says something about his urgency."

Rod Sterling: "He doesn’t want Kleio to build any momentum… but she reverses with a low dropkick!! She takes Jack out at the knees… and follows up with a hip toss!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Jack is back to his feet, but this time it’s a clothesline from De Santos!"

Jack thinks about getting back to his feet quickly a second time, but thinks better of it, and instead he rolls under the bottom rope.

Rod Sterling: "Maybe not a bad move from Jack the Clipper, getting a little respite on the outside."

With Jack breathing heavily outside of the ring, Kleio sits cross-legged in the middle of it, a smile on her face as she stares through the ropes at her opponent.


<< 06:48. >>

Kleio has Jack in a cravate, and after wrenching at the move in the middle of the ring she takes him over with a snapmare. She rains down with a quick trio of kicks to the back, and then bounces off the ropes that Jack is facing, looking to run through him with a second PK. This time, though, Jack is able to telegraph it, and he lies back to evade the strike, before grasping the off-balance Kleio and rolling her up with a school-boy!


Rod Sterling: "Jack the Clipper is able to catch Kleio unawares, but De Santos gets a shoulder up and fights to her feet. She leaves her feet to attempt a Superman punch… sidestepped by Clipper!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "He has her in a rear waistlock… CHAPEL STREET! Kleio is dropped at an ugly angle from the sit-out powerbomb!"

She’s folded up from the impact, but Clipper decides to slow things down rather than immediately push his advantage or go for a cover. He completes a slow circuit of KDS, raining down upon her with stomp after stomp, until eventually she’s onto her hands and knees.

Rod Sterling: "Jack is looking to inflict more damage here. He pulls Kleio in by the hair, hoisting her up for a powerbomb…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "But ‘the Boa Constrictor’ is fighting back! Straight right hands onto the top of Jack’s head!"

Rod Sterling: "And now a sunset flip roll-up! Jack’s shoulders are down!"


Jack gets the shoulder up! Both competitors fight back onto their feet, with Kleio up to hers marginally before. She tees up Jack and aims a savage crescent kick at his head… but Jack arches his back to limbo beneath the blow… AND THEN TAKES HER HEAD OFF WITH A POLISH HAMMER!!

Rod Sterling: "UPPER-CUTTER!!! Kleio is knocked into next week!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "And now Jack goes for the cover…"


Rod Sterling: "Somehow, on nothing more than instinct, Kleio De Santos gets a shoulder up!!"


<< 12:53. >>

Jack the Clipper repeatedly drives his shoulder into the gut of Kleio, who is sandwiched between him and the turnbuckles, before hoisting her up with the same shoulder and sitting her on the top turnbuckle. He follows up with a savage uppercut, proceeding to climb up onto the second rope alongside her. Both of them are facing inside the ring, with Jack struggling in an attempt to hoist Kleio up into a fireman’s carry.

Rod Sterling: "We’ve seen Jack the Clipper attempt this move before. He calls it the Fade Zone, and its usually a prelude to the end…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Kleio De Santos knows that, too, and she’s fighting as though her life - or more accurately the FWA Television Championship - depended on it! Elbows to the side of the head, one after the other, until finally Jack is forced to drop her."

Kleio lands behind him, still standing upon the second rope. She grasps him in a front facelock, steps up to the top, and…

Anzu Kurosawa: "TORNADO DDT!! Right from the very top!"

Rod Sterling: "Jack the Clipper might be out cold!! Kleio is struggling to turn him over onto his back, but when she does she hooks the far leg…"


Rod Sterling: "This time it’s Jack’s turn to demonstrate his resilience! He fires his shoulder up at two point nine nine!"

Kleio doesn’t let her frustration show, instead grasping Jack by the head and dragging him up to his feet in a front facelock.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Kleio De Santos makes sure she’s got Jack the Clipper in position int he middle of the ring… looks like she’s going for Letters to Kleio!"

Rod Sterling: "But Jack drives her back into the corner again! He drives his shoulder into the gut, forcing the air out of Kleio, before dragging her away from the corner in an inverted facelock…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "He’s going for the Clipper Cutter… he hoists Kleio up… or tries to! Kleio anchors her weight down… and then reverses with a small package!! Jack’s shoulders are down!"


Jack kicks out, and both competitors scramble up to their feet… Kleio connects with a spin kick to the gut… and then wipes Jack out with a roundhouse!!

Rod Sterling: "She’s been looking for that all match, and finally Kleio manages to connect!"

To his credit, Jack immediately begins to fight up to his feet, but KDS goes in for the kill. She applies a front facelock and pulls Jack into the middle of the ring…

Anzu Kurosawa: "LETTERS TO KLEIO!! THAT’S IT!!"


Winner: Kleio De Santos via pinfall at 17:41.

Kleio rolls off of her defeated opponent, breathing heavily after the exertions of the match. The official attempts to lift her hand after she has regained a vertical base, but De Santos immediately snatches it away. She instead barks orders towards the timekeeper’s area, demanding her championship belt be handed to her.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Here is your winner… and NEW FWA Television Champion… KLEIO DE SANTOS!!!"

De Santos is handed her newly won title, which she lifts high into the air in the middle of the ring.

Rod Sterling: "Kleio De Santos has won the FWA Television Championship for the second time, becoming only the second person to repeat that particular accomplishment after Shawn Summers. What a night for KDS!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "And that championship win brings more gold to the Coven, following Trixie Bordeaux’s capture of the FWA X Championship at King of the Deathmatch. They may have relinquished the Trios titles to Tr1ck or Tr4sh at Fight Night, but the Coven have yet again proved they are a force to be reckoned with here tonight."

Rod Sterling: "Yes, but only when they are united. There has been talk of tension within the group, and only Grandma Ethel is out here to celebrate the title win with Kleio. Also notable is De Santos being forced to do this alone during the match, without even the threat of outside interference from Trixie or the Ravenwoods."

Anzu Kurosawa: "Perhaps the Coven are turning over a new leaf?"

Rod Sterling: "You give them too much credit, Anzu…"

Grandma Ethel has joined Kleio in the ring, the two celebrate De Santos’ championship win as we fade from the scene.


The "End Of The Beginning" by djo plays throughout the system of the arena. There is a bit of oddness in the arena, The unsure of the theme being played has the FWA crowd a bit perplexed on what’s going on but is definitely intrigued. The titantron leaps to life as the crowd see’s the words “The Workhorse” dash across the screen.

Walking from behind the curtain of the titantron is the former FWA TV champion, “The Workhorse” Brooklyn Steiner. Making his first return to FWA TV since the announcement of his injury and consequent vacating him of the TV title.

Rod Sterling: "This is somewhat unexpected. We just witnessed the crowning of a new Television Champion but here we have the most recent champion, dealing with an injury, coming out here tonight.”

There is nothing unmistakable about the feeling in the air as the FWA is waiting to hear from Steiner. Despite his right arm injured and in a sling, his aura commands attention. Dressed in white silk t-shirt, denim jeans, and a Boston Red Sox hat.

Steiner steps into the ring, a mix of emotions playing across his face as he takes hold of the microphone. Standing at the center of the squared circle, he prepares to address his uncertain future in the FWA and the world of professional wrestling.

Steiner enters the ring and you can see the obvious look on his face as he is a bit taken back trying to take this all in. Standing in the center of the ring he is all ready to address the uncertainty of him and his career in the FWA and pro wrestling.

Amid the anticipation, a voice from the front row is heard loud and clear for the FWA camera to pick up, “I LOVE YOU BROOKLYN”! As it is screamed by a female fan as it is then followed by another scream from a female fan which is more vulgar “BEEP - ME BROOKLYN” Steiner couldn’t resist a smirk at the boldness of the second fan, his emotions lightened up by the heaviness of the situation address his injury and his future.

Brooklyn Steiner: "I really don’t want to take up too much time here, so I want to kinda get to the point and give you guys the update on what’s going on with me."

Steiner pauses as he gets teary eyed a bit.

Brooklyn Steiner: "I feel like I let you guys down. For a place to take me in, for a place to make me feel as welcome as it did. I was in a dark place prior to entering the wrestling world, I mean, this isn’t news to anyone, no one wanted to touch me, or give me a chance, and the world just put me in a corner somewhere for making a mistake. But not, the world of wrestling, you guys knew I belonged here and treated me as such and from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all.

Fans in the crowd are emotional as it seems they are witnessing Steiner’s retirement speech. As fans holding signs supporting him and even a makeshift written one reading “Thank you, Brooklyn!”

Brooklyn Steiner: "But, the last time I was here, I tore my pectoral muscle in my match against Trixie and I’m going to need surgery, but that’s not what I want ton address here, I want to be direct to everyone here, because I feel that the wrestling world and the FWA universe has always been direct with everyone and I’m trying to match energy here. I have to be honest, I don’t think I want to come back. I know the folks behind the scenes worked hard on this new theme for me, I guess now I can return the one I was using back to its owner, and we had an idea or two for my return, but, maybe..."

Steiner is overwhelmed with emotions as he is trying to get out what he has to say before being completely honest with why he is here.

Brooklyn Steiner: "Maybe, I’m just not cut for this, maybe, my dad is right, maybe I should be on a hollywood set somewhere, maybe that’s my path and this injury in my first ever title defense in my first ever main event match is the sign I needed to just hang it up before this gets worse. This isn’t where my story should be told, this isn’t my place in the world and it’s time to be honest with myself, and it’s time to be honest with all of you guys. I think this is time I say goodbye."

Brooklyn Steiner: "All I ever wanted was a place I belonged and I felt like this place, I felt like this industry gave it to me. But I’m not cut for it. The gods have other plans for me. To become the FWA TV champion and have it snatched away.. Maybe that is all the signs I need to see the truth in my face all along."

Steiner again pauses as the fans are in complete shock at what they are witnessing.

Brooklyn Steiner: ".... I.... don’t belong here...."

Steiner see’s the fans in the crowd start to cry as it brings him to tears as well. The fans start to chant in unison “PLEASE DONT GO!” as it evolves to the entire FWA Universe chanting “You Belong HERE”! Steiner drops the microphone stands in the center of the FWA universe as they show their support for the Workhorse. This is just too much for Brooklyn to take as he leaves the ring. As the fans are hurt to see Brooklyn going through this as his future is in limbo on what he wants to do next. Steiner walks down the ramp as a female fan leaps over and hugs him as she is crying that he is maybe leaving FWA and wrestling forever. Security escorts the fan back to her seat as Steiner stands on the top of the ramp and just walks to the back.


Meltdown returns to some sweeping shots of the crowd, with some more fan signs visible. A woman holds up “YOU CAN GO AN HOUR AND FIVE MINUTES WITH ME, MIKE!” and a man dressed as a peacock drinking a beer is shown.

Rod Sterling: “It is great to see so many members of the FWA fan base here in Osaka getting into the spirit of things, as we prepare for tonight’s mammoth main event.”

More fans are shown and wave to the cameras, but after initially moving past them, it doubles back onto a group of roughly a dozen individuals in black cloaks occupying a section of the crowd. They all have their heads bowed and do not pay any attention to what is happening around them.

Anzu Kurosawa: “What is happening there then, Rod?”

Rod Sterling: “I couldn’t possibly tell you, Anzu. But as we have learned many time, it is best not to question every single thing you see here in the FWA.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Especially when we have one more extremely important match to get underway tonight between two of the FWA’s brightest stars. Ladies and gentlemen, IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!”

The fans packed in the Osaka Castle Baseball Field stand in unison to applaud the FWA North American Champion as he walks out from the back. ‘The Prodigy’ Mike Parr has his championship strapped around his waist and he pats it for luck a couple of times before breaking into a brisk jog towards the ring.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute time limit and it is a F1 Climaxxx Semi-Final Match! Introducing first, weighing in at two-hundred and forty pounds… he is the FWA North American Champion… ‘THE PRODIGY’ MIIIIKE PAAAAARRRRRRRR!!”

Rod Sterling: “As you said Anzu, two of the in-form competitors here in the FWA are set to clash tonight, with both Mike Parr and Chris Peacock coming into this match with victories in their last few matches. Parr ended Big Bryan Bastard’s reign as North American Champion and then advanced past Konchu Hao at Fight Night… just two more victories to go and he will have endured the F1 Climaxxx with his championship, and then the opportunity to add another one to his collection.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “It was very noble of ‘The Prodigy’ to continue Baxter’s promise of defending the North American Championship in this tournament but his path to keeping that title requires him to go through Chris both Peacock and Michelle von Horrowitz. They both want his title to become Grand Slam Champions here in the FWA.”

Parr walks up the steps and gets onto the second rope on the outside of the ring before vaulting himself in and putting his arms up by his side. He removes his jacket and then patiently waits for his opponent…

It is clear from the fan’s reaction to Parr’s opponent that ‘The Prodigy’ is the firm favourite among them in this match. This is no bother to Chris Peacock, who confidently struts out from the back wearing a purple suit. He removes the jacket and shirt on the way to the ring and tosses them at a woman’s face in the front row.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “His opponent… from Brooklyn, New York and weighing in at two-hundred and ten pounds… he is ‘Disco’s Last Warrior… CHRISSS PEAAACCOOOOOCKKK!!!”

Rod Sterling: “Chris Peacock, as we saw earlier, is out here alone, after telling Allen Price to stay in the back tonight.”

Anzu Kurosawa: Thank fuck for that, ey? But given that Price - as well as Bill Scorpane - was required for Peacock to advance past Big Bryan Bastard, I can’t help but wonder if he has something else up his sleeve? Nothing we have seen from Peacock in the last year has suggested that he is prepared to go into any match without some sort of scheme.”

The former FWA World Champion rolls into the ring under the bottom rope and looks up at his opponent with a wink. Peacock slowly rises to his feet and struts around the ring a bit and does a small spin. The referee for the match - Larry Stevens - checks over both men and is rather weary around Peacock.

Rod Sterling: “Let’s not forget what Peacock did to Larry Stevens back on Meltdown XXXVIII… but Larry is a professional and this match is now underway!”


Chris Peacock
vs. Mike Parr.
Singles Match - F1 Climaxxx Semi-Final.
Match writer: Man.

<< 0:00. >>

The bell rings and both men move out from their respective corners and start circling the ring whilst maintaining eye contact. Parr gets lower down, measuring Peacock and he tries to initiate a lock up. His opponent however is completely uninterested in this and tries to keep a bit of distance. It does not take long for Parr to navigate both men in such a way that Peacock is backed up against the turnbuckle. Peacock quickly drops down and rolls under the bottom rope to the outside and Stevens urges Parr to stay in the ring.

Anzu Kurosawa: “The mind games are coming out already from Peacock; he knows that Parr is the superior wrestler and the last thing he wants to do is to involve himself in an exchange of holds with ‘The Prodigy’. Both of these guys are going to try to wrestle this match their way.”

There is of course some negativity thrown in Peacock’s direction for his unwillingness to engage with his opponent head on, but ‘Disco’s Last Warrior’ waves it off. A fan in the front row wearing a hat is very animated towards him, so he grabs the cap and throws it on the ground and stomps on it. Peacock then finds it appropriate to slide back into the ring. He gets up and Parr is immediately on him and he tussles Peacock and wrings his arm.

Parr converts it into a Hammerlock and Peacock grits his teeth and flails his arm back, hoping to catch Parr with an elbow strike, but ‘The Prodigy’ avoids it and uses a free arm to glob Peacock in the back of the head with a forearm. There is no chance for Peacock to do anything back as Parr easily transitions into a Side Headlock and he drops to a knee to keep Peacock’s head lower. Peacock can drive his forearm into Parr’s back a couple of times, but again Parr is too quick and he releases Peacock whilst sending him forwards and he picks Peacock’s leg, causing Chris to fall flat on his face.

There are cheers from the crowd and Parr hooks up Peacock’s leg in his own and reaches forward, attempting to apply a STF! Peacock is able to prevent Parr from locking his hands, so ‘The Prodigy’ rolls away off of his opponent. However by the time Peacock has only made it to his knees in an attempt to get up, he is wide open for Parr to connect with a knee lift to Peacock’s face! Peacock holds his nose and then gets caught in a Drop Toehold - landing on his face for a second time!

Rod Sterling: “An excellent start to the match from ‘The Prodigy’ Mike Parr; he’s got an answer for anything that Peacock has tried to throw at him and well, I don’t think Peacock is going to appreciate being made to look like such a fool in the early going.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Well, if he wants to eliminate the North American Champion from the F1 Climaxxx, Peacock needs to turn this thing around!”


<< 6:41. >>

An irate Chris Peacock stumbles into the corner and Parr is straight on him, pinning him back and lighting his chest up with a very hard chop. Peacock winces and grimaces and Parr puts him back in position to deliver another one, this one right across the ‘FTN’ carving on Peacock’s chest. The referee is forced to get in between things due to Chris being in the ropes, and Peacock makes the most of this and hides behind him to catch his breath. When Parr brushes past the official, Peacock sidesteps him and sends him into the corner himself.

The former FWA World Champion climbs up onto the second rope in front of Parr and lines him up to punch him in the head. However, Parr reacts quickest and shoves Peacock’s legs forward… and Peacock lands on his face on the top turnbuckle! Peacock can be heard loudly swearing - “FUCK!” - as he lays on the mat after the contact.

Anzu Kurosawa: “Peacock has prided himself on his looks and that magnetism he believes he possesses, but Mike Parr is doing a fantastic job of rearranging his face in this match so far!”

Parr attempts to pull Peacock up from the mat, but an angered Peacock shoots his fist up into the air and it connects right under Parr’s jaw - Fight Fever! This catches Parr off-guard and Peacock follows up with a couple of snap jabs once he is up to his feet, with a third knocking Parr down and onto the mat. ‘The Prodigy’ does not stay down for long. Peacock is jolly on the spot to meet him with a couple of forearm strikes as he gets back up and he then kicks Parr in the midsection… FAMOUSER! This time it is Parr’s face landing on the mat, and Peacock flips him onto his back for a pin;


Immediately, Peacock gets on top of Parr and lands a few punches to the head when on top of him, but Parr manages to shove Peacock away from him on the mat. ‘The Prodigy’ rises back up and Peacock charges in. Chris ducks an attempted Clothesline from Parr and then hits the ropes as Parr turns around - Spear from Peacock! Parr holds his ribs and again he is shoved down into a pinning predicament;


Rod Sterling: “That’s Peacock’s Famouser and Spear that Mike Parr has kicked out of in quick succession. What can Peacock do now, Anzu? How does he keep Mike Parr down?”

Anzu Kurosawa: “From their past encounters and that North American Showdown, Peacock is going to know that Parr is going to be a tough nut to crack. Peacock has become extremely adept at bending the rules to his whim and it could take something like that. But the ever-diligent Parr will know that something like that is probably coming when you get into the ring with Peacock.”


<< 12:12. >>

Chris Peacock rolls Mike Parr back into the ring at the urging of the referee after the two had spent a period of time at ringside engaged in a scuffle which made use of the ringside environment. Despite getting his opponent into the ring, Peacock does not join him and instead grabs Parr’s foot and drags him towards the corner of the ring. Peacock pantomimes with the foot for a moment, teasing an extremely uncomfortable moment for Parr in the immediate future…

Rod Sterling: “Well, we saw Chris Peacock do this against Big Bryan Bastard to great effect; if he can take that knee out of commission then it will be easy pickings for the Commentator’s Curse!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “This is a very Chris Peacock thing to do as well, Rod. He’s going to try to tap out the technical expert. This man’s confidence has no limits… OH! PARR BRINGS THE FOOT BACK AND PEACOCK HITS THE RING POST!!”

A bit of quick thinking from Parr to cock his leg away and the resultant forward propulsion causes Peacock to collide face-first with the ring post himself. Chris recoils away from the corner and Parr pulls himself up with the assistance of the ropes. ‘The Prodigy’ ignores the official and gets onto the apron and measures Peacock for a TORNADO DDT FROM THE APRON TO THE FLOOR!!! Parr was not immune from impact from that move, but he is up almost immediately. He slides Peacock back into the ring and with Peacock sitting up, Parr runs the ropes and comes back with a Shining Wizard!

Peacock is knocked down onto his back where he is left looking up at the lights, and Parr jumps on top for the cover;


There is a small showing of frustration from Parr as he fails to put Peacock away, but he wastes no time whatsoever in lifting Peacock up from the mat and holding him up for a moment… and he drops him down onto his knee with a Shinbreaker! This causes Peacock to hop around for a moment, and back into Parr’s path, who catches him with a Jumping Knee to the face! This causes Chris to flail wildly and he falls to the mat, with his knee draped over the bottom rope.

Parr’s eyes light up and he walks in Peacock’s direction and jumps into the air, and lands a knee drop down across Peacock’s knee! It contorts at an awkward angle, and Parr then pulls at Peacock’s leg, bending it unnaturally.

Rod Sterling: “I think Mike Parr saw that Chris Peacock was going for a bit of limb work, and he decided to raise him! Now Chris can see how this kind of thing is really done.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “I think Peacock is in for a very uncomfortable few minutes; Mike Parr is the LAST person you want to be left to pick at you however they want.”


<< 18:48. >>

‘The Prodigy’ confidently walks over his opponent, having done sufficient work on Peacock’s right knee to keep him grounded. Parr stomps on the joint once more and at the urging of the watching crowd… contorts Peacock’s body as he locks in the INVERTED SHARPSHOOTER!!! Instantly, Chris Peacock screams and flails his arms as much as he can, and Parr has the hold synched in extremely deep. Parr remains stoic, putting all of his focus into ensuring that the hold is correctly applied. Every now and then he can be heard trying to convince Peacock to just give up, although the crowd seem to be enjoying watching the devious disco dancer suffer at the hands of one of their favourites.

Rod Sterling: “Mike Parr won his history-making fifth North American Championship with this move. Can he defeat Chris Peacock with it and advance to face his former nemesis Michelle von Horrowitz?”

Anzu Kurosawa: “These people want it, Mike Parr wants it. The only person who wants to see this match continue is Chris Peacock, and he has to do something to get out of this if he wants to advance; he knows that von Horrowitz will never let him live it down if he doesn’t make it past Parr here tonight.”

It is with that hatred for the woman awaiting the winner of this encounter that Chris Peacock claws at the ring mat, trying to edge himself towards the ropes. He sinks his fingers into the canvas, causing a nail to come away as he drags himself, as shown in a gruesome close up shot. Despite that pain, Peacock pulls himself towards the ropes.

His index finger inches closer… and then hooks itself around the bottom rope! There was millimetres in it and Parr is forced to break the hold much to the chagrin of the crowd. ‘The Prodigy’ allows Peacock to go, but as soon as he has released Chris, he pulls him up and hooks him up under his arm… looking for the ROLLING CUTTER - PEACOCK SPINS OUT OF IT… KICK… DISCO THRILLER STUNNER!!! The Stunner causes Parr to drop to his knees on the mat and Peacock agonises as he rises to his feet, almost unable to bear any weight on his right leg. Chris swings that damaged knee towards Parr, and connects with the absolute weakest of Struts!

Chris knows that Parr will not be finished by such a diminished effort and he slaps his knee a couple of times before he backs into the ropes as Parr rises his head from the mat… A SECOND STRUT CONNECTS!!! This time, Peacock crumples on top of his opponent, unable to pin him properly;


Rod Sterling: “That shows you how much Mike Parr wants this, Anzu. He just kicked out of not one, but TWO, of Chris Peacock’s finishing moves. It was a Strut that saw off Baxter for Peacock.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “The Strut didn’t do the job for Peacock and Parr couldn’t get the submission; this is showing that these two guys need to delve deeper into their repertoires in order to end this match. Both of them want - and deserve - to be in the final of the F1 Climaxxx for these gutsy performances alone. Even Chris Peacock, who has played this one pretty much by the book without Allen Price out here to influence things.”


<< 23:54. >>

It is a precarious position for both men as they jostle for position on the turnbuckle. It had initially been Peacock that went for the higher ground, but Parr caught up with him. Despite Peacock elbowing him in the head numerous times, Parr is able to stand firm and he lets go of the corner and puts his arms around his opponent… BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX FROM THE TOP ROPE!!! The replays show Peacock landing hard on the back of his head, and once again Parr taking some fall damage too. Even with Peacock in prime position for a cover, Parr opts not to go for it. Instead, he gets himself up and starts scaling the turnbuckle once again…

Rod Sterling: “Listen to these people, Anzu! Mike Parr is going to finish this one off! X Marks the Spot incoming!”

‘The Prodigy’, as he has done so many times in the past, steadies himself on the top rope and measures Peacock… X MARKS THE SPOT!!!!

PEACOCK GETS THE KNEES UP!!! It causes a lot of pain for both competitors, given how Parr had worked on Peacock’s knee for a large chunk of the match, but both are down. The crowd are deflated that Peacock has found a way to endure still. After both being down on the mat for roughly thirty seconds, they are both slowly able to pull themselves up. Parr rocks Peacock with a punch to the face, and Peacock returns fire. With gritted teeth, they exchange punches and chops in the middle of the ring. Peacock breaks the exchange though with a HUGE backhand across Parr’s face!

It causes ‘The Prodigy’ to go jelly-legged and fall to his knees and Peacock slaps his knee some more as he gets over to the corner as quickly as he can. He uses the top rope to push himself up to a seated position on the top turnbuckle and then stands up on the top rope. He measures Parr as he rises… GLITTERBALL DROP - PARR DUCKS IT - PEACOCK LANDS ON HIS FEET…


Anzu Kurosawa: “Oh no… that looked bad, Rod.”

Parr is halted by the official who drops down to the mat to check on Chris Peacock, who screams loudly in pain as he holds his knee. He shouts “IT’S GONE!” repeatedly and hyperventilates due to the obvious pain that he is in. The crowd are quiet - despite not liking Chris Peacock’s antics at all, no one wants to see anyone getting seriously hurt.

Rod Sterling: “I think you’re right, Anzu. Chris Peacock came off the top rope after that failed Glitterball Drop. Parr has been working that knee the whole match but as soon as Chris landed he clearly felt something go. It would be a shame to see the match end like this… I don’t even think this is how Mike Parr would want to win here, either.”

Mike Parr cuts a very conflicted figure as he watches what is happening in the ring around him. Larry Stevens throws up the ‘X’ sign to the back, and within seconds the doctors and trainers are sprinting towards the ring. Parr walks towards the ropes as they enter and he tells them not to get into the ring!

Anzu Kurosawa: “As far as Mike Parr is concerned, he’s still got a job to do. This match is still underway; I haven’t heard the bell, Rod.”

All that can be heard is hurried conversation between the referee, the doctors and Parr, with Peacock exasperating in the background. They plead with Parr to let Peacock get the treatment that he needs. There is clear conflict within Parr, as he makes the very valid point that Chris Peacock would not offer him the same courtesy. However, it seems that he is willing to be the better person. Parr stands aside and turns his back on the situation as the medics enter the ring to help Chris Peacock. The fans applaud ‘The Prodigy’ for doing the right thing.

Rod Sterling: “Well, it is looking very unlikely that Chris Peacock is going to be able to finish this match and it will be Mike Parr advancing to the F1 Climaxxx Finals to face Michelle von Horrowitz at Carnal Contendership. It is a shame that we didn’t get to see this match reach a natural conclusion, but this isn’t ballet, after all.”

The doctor and the referee help Chris Peacock up and he winces and has his arms over their shoulders. He wears a pained expression and grimaces. Peacock sees Mike Parr with his back turned on the situation, waiting for Peacock to be removed from the ring. The camera zooms close in on Chris Peacock’s face…

… and he grins.


Rod Sterling: “WHAT THE HELL?!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “We should really be surprised… but I’m not… he was faking it, Rod.”

The fans in Osaka are OUTRAGED that Chris Peacock would pull such a stunt - to fake a serious injury - but he does not care, grinning like a Cheshire cat. The doctors scarper out of the ring, cursing Peacock as they do. He pulls the stunned Parr from the mat and tucks his head in under his arm and runs Parr into the turnbuckle… ROLLER DISCO!!!! To disgusted jeers, Chris Peacock gets a high stack on Parr, and an equally sickened Larry Stevens gets down for the count;


Winner: Chris Peacock via pin fall at 28:09.

The music plays, but it is drowned out by the sheer hatred and disgust being poured out from the crowd in Chris Peacock’s direction. Katie-Lynn Goldsmith is too angered to announce the victor of the match. Peacock gets his arm raised very quickly by Larry Stevens, who departs the ring shaking his head.

Rod Sterling: “Just when I think that I have seen it all, someone finds a way to pull something like this. Chris Peacock has just STOLE a place in the F1 Climaxxx tournament final and he’s CHEATED Mike Parr out of the North American Championship. What a disgusting way to win a match…”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Part of me can appreciate Peacock having the gall to even try to pull something like that off. But this is just no fair on Mike Parr; he did the right thing. He thought that Peacock was hurt, he was going to be awarded the match anyway, and half of his mind was probably already on MvH. You can see the mixture of anger and devastation on his face.”

On the mat, Mike Parr is stunned. He has head in his hands and is hunched over, shocked that this was his fate in this tournament and for his reign to end in such circumstances. Chris Peacock exits the ring and ignores the hatred being shown for him. He is happy; he has what he wants. A soda cup is thrown at him, along with a burger container, but he simply does not care.

Rod Sterling: “Chris Peacock has the match with Michelle von Horrowitz that he has wanted for months. One of them will become the next Grand Slam champion here in the FWA… but will Chris Peacock’s karma finally catch up with him?”

The closing shot of Meltdown XXXIX is Chris Peacock on the stage area. He grins and then turns around, ready for the final step.



Sep 13, 2022
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Huge congrats to KDS and to Sully - enjoyed both of the promos for that TV title match and was tough to pick a winner. Will be interesting to see how the TV title plays into the current civil war angle for the Coven also - Kleio as TV Champ and Trix as X Champ certainly adds another dimension to that.

Brooklyn segment also intriguing. Hope it's a tease/swerve but we'll see.

Peacock can suck it, ur going down.


E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Congratulations to Sully for picking up the win in what was a very close match. Exciting times ahead for The Coven.

Excited to finally get to duke it out with SS one-on-one with our main characters (as he insists that Joe Burr beating Stu Grimes doesn’t count).

Shout out to Prod who if he was able to fully hash out his promo had a very good chance of taking it. Hope to get to run that back sooner rather than later (not two and a half years this time!). Was really fun going through ideas for the match with him and coming up with spots/finishes that worked with the respective stories. Looking forward to seeing how Parr bounces back, given CC is just around the corner…


New Member
Sep 29, 2022
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Sorry I just saw that I had not responded, was not intentional.

Congrats on the win, when I read the promo I realized I had little chance had I been able to get a full one out so it softened the blow somewhat. Looking forward to seeing you and SS finally get to duke it out haha. Was a fantastic job. We will run it again before another 2 years passes!
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