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Meltdown XXXVI & Fallout 036 || Promo Thread.

Doc Sulliday

Isn't that a daisy?
A Basic Interview Promo


FWA's Television Champion Kleio De Santos is sitting in a chair backstage. She is about to be interviewed ahead of her match against Gabrielle Montgomery. It's a big moment for Kleio, being that she quite enjoys her interview time. This one has been set up carefully. It's almost as official as it could get.

But sitting across from her is none other than FWA's fall intern Jacob Slyvis.

Jake is dressed to the nines, but he looks nervous as he's tapping his leather loafer against the floor.

Kleio sits across from him with her TV title draped over her shoulder, and she's growing more impatient by the minute. Finally, the camera man gives the signal, and it's a go.

Jacob Slyvis: Hi- er, I mean good evening! I am Jacob Slyvis. I um, for the last couple of months I've been, er...behind the scenes with the FWA, interning and all. And finally, I have earned my first interview. I am sitting here today with Kleio De Santos!

Suddenly, Jake looks past the cameras. That's where he sees The Coven's own Blair and Celestia Ravenwood. Blair slides her finger across her neck in a cut throat sort of gesture, as Jake gulps.

He thinks back to how he ended up in this situation.


Back in late August, Jake sat nervously in front of an FWA great...Kurt Harrington.

Kurt sat across from the young college Senior, studying him.

Kurt Harrington: So...you want to work in this business do you?

Jacob Slyvis: Uh, no sir...not really. I actually want to be a sports broadcaster.

Kurt Harrington: This is sports.

Jacob Slyvis: Oh, er...I mean like...baseball or something.

Kurt Harrington: I see. Well, whatever the case, you're here now. That means you work for me. You do what I say, you do what I do. By the end of your semester you're going to be an expert. Now, I don't do a whole lot on screen nowadays, but I know a lot about this business, and I'm going to teach you everything I know.

Jacob Sylvis: That sounds great sir. I'm looking forward to it...um...I do want to say, that my professor told me I have a final project I have to work on. I guess I have to do one interview of my own by the end of the semester. It could be you, or like a janitor or something, I just have to interview someone.

Kurt Harrington: That won't be a problem. I'll make sure you get a great opportunity.

Jacob was excited. A great opportunity?

Maybe he'd get to interview a wrestler? Chris Peacock maybe? Jeremy Best? The possibilities all went through his head.

Little did he know, he had nothing to be excited about.


The semester soon flew by, and Jacob...like any college student, put off his final project until the last minute. It was Kurt Harrington who remembered it in fact, and surprised Jacob when he told him the good news.

He'd be interviewing Kleio De Santos.

Kurt Harrington: You better start preparing.

Jacob Slyvis: Preparing?

Kurt Harrington: Yeah, do you think we just go out there and ask questions off the top of our heads? No, being an interviewer requires a lot of prep and research. You have to know who you're interviewing, develop questions based on that. You're ready, you can do this...

Jacob Slyvis: Aw jeez...

Kurt Harrington: But keep in mind, you're not just interviewing random pedestrians on the street. These wrestlers...they are...hard to predict. You have to be careful. One wrong question and the whole thing could turn ugly.

Jacob Slyvis: Great.

And so, Jacob began to prepare.

Who knew that being an interviewer required so much work. How was he ever going to prepare for an interview with Kleio De Santos?

The entire semester he hadn't even been paying attention to what was going on in the FWA. Now he has to do an interview. He is screwed. And to make matters worse, this final project was worth about half his grade.

He took a deep breath. He knew what to do...he'd ask his brother at Thanksgiving. His brother actually watched the FWA. He was one of those die hard fans. If anyone knows Kleio De Santos, it was him.


That Thanksgiving, Jacob couldn't even focus on eating any turkey. He was too worried about this final project, this interview. He had to interview FWA's Kleio De Santos, and he knew nothing about her.

But luckily, his brother John did.

Once the eating was over, Jacob joined his older brother John in the living room.

Jacob Slyvis: So, Johnny...I have to do an interview for my final project, and well...I have to interview Kleio De Santos.

John's eyes grew wide.

John Sylvis: You get to interview the Telivision Champ? Wow you are so lucky!

Jake chuckled at the irony.

Jacob Slyvis: Well, that's the thing, I know nothing about her...

John Slyvis: Well, first of all...she's the leader of this stable called The Coven. The four of them all have titles right now, and well then there's Ethel but she's just a manager. Kleio though is the big boss. You've got a few avenues to take for questions. You could talk about her upcoming TV title match. She's facing Brooklyn Steiner and Jack The Clipper at Winter Wasteland. OR...or you could talk about her upcoming match. She's facing Gabrielle.

Jacob Sylvis: Ah, yes tell me about Gabrielle.

John Sylvis: Well, this match is interesting. Because you see, Gabrielle was actually Kleio's coach on Ground Zero Season 2. They also fought, very early on in Kleio's career, and Gabby won. But, well...a lot of time has passed since then. You can totally grill Kleio on that, shake her up a little bit.

Jacob Slyvis: Shake her up?

John Slyvis: Yeah, look every great interview gets heated. You want to make your mark right? You've got to ask some pressing questions. Get Kleio to unravel.

Jacob Slyvis: Hmm, I like the way you think.

Jake began writing everything down.

He was taking notes. This was all great stuff.

By the end of the evening, he had a whole list of questions prepared.

He was ready to go.


It was now the night before the big interview.

Jacob had done a lot of prep work, and believe it or not, he was quite proud of the interview that he put together. He did what John said, and he wrote up some pretty good questions to hit Kleio with.

He thought about what Kurt said too, about being careful with their egos, but this was Jacob's moment to make history. He was going to be on TV, he was going to interview a wrestler, and he was going to make it memorable.

He laid his head on his hotel pillow, barely able to fall asleep with all the butterflies and nervousness.

But he did.

Not for long, however. He awoke to a dark shadow in the corner of his hotel room.

He jumped up and turned the light on, to reveal two members of The Coven standing right there in front of him.

Blair Ravenwood: Hey there little boy.

Jacob gasped, as he falls out of bad at the sight of the witch.

Celestia chuckles as she walks around the bed and corners Jacob up against the hotel's air condition. Blair then jumps on the bed and crawls onit towards Jacob. Soon enough, the two women have him cornered with nowhere to go.

Celestia Ravenwood: Why so scared? Haven't you ever had some pretty girls in your hotel room before?

Jacob can't find his voice, as the the Ravenwood sisters just giggle at him.

Blair Ravenwood: I heard little intern boy gets to do an interview. I guess he worked his way up from filling all those coffee orders, and shining Kurt's shoes huh sister?

Celestia laughs.

Celestia Ravenwood: I guess so! He must have been a very smart student.

Blair Ravenwood: Well, of course he's smart sister. He picked our Kleio to interview!

Celestia Ravenwood: You get to interview The Witch Queen!

Blair and Celestia clap away and give praise to Jacob, who's still scared out of his mind.

Blair Ravenwood: Interviewing Kleio will be such an honor for you.

Celestia Ravenwood: I'm so excited for you, but also nervous.

Blair Ravenwood: Oh yes, very nervous.

Jacob finally swallows and speaks up.

Jacob Slyvis: Nervous?

Blair Ravenwood: Oh yes. We're very nervous for you!

Celestia Ravenwood: Oh I'm sure he'll do fine! I'm sure he has all sorts of great questions for Kleio.

Blair's mood suddenly shifts from upbeat to serious.

Blair Ravenwood: Great...questions.

Jacob quickly and nervously answers.

Jacob Sylvis: Y-yes. I have great questions, nothing but the best for Kleio.

Blair Ravenwood looks at Jacob's notebook sitting on the table.

Blair Ravenwood: Are they in here?

Jacob Slyvis: Uh...

Blair Ravenwood tosses the book to Celestia, who then lights it on fire with her fingers!

Jacob's face turns white.

Hours of work.


Blair Ravenwood: Don't worry about those questions Jakey. We have questions for you to ask instead.

Blair throws a handful of index cards at Jacob. He doesn't catch them as the fall onto the floor in front of him.

Celestia Ravenwood: You're going to ask those questions. You're going to give Kleio a great interview, and then you're going to get a good grade.

Blair Ravenwood: And if you don't...well, we'll turn you into a rabbit!

Celestia Ravenwood: Just the questions part...we don't actually care if you get a good grade.

Blair Ravenwood: No Celestia, I do. He better get at least a B. Or it's rabbit time.

Tears fall down Jacob's face.

This whole interview thing just got a lot more complicated.


Jake walked onto the interview site backstage. He would've been excited to see such a cool setup. Kurt went out of his way to make everything perfect to Jake.

And yet, he wasn't enjoying himself.

Despite his fancy little suit, his microphone, and the elaborate set, he was nervous.

He held the index cards that the Ravenwood sisters gave him in his hand. He went through the questions already, and they all were terrible. It was nothing like the interview he had planned for Kleio.

Soon enough, Kleio came in the room. And The Ravenwood sisters were behind her.

Kleio smiled at Jake and shaked his hands, as Blair and Celestia both stared daggers into him with their eyes.

Kleio sat down in one of the chairs and put her TV title over her shoulder. It was clear she was proud of that title, something John and he went over extensively. He had all sorts of questions he was going to bring up about how jealous she was when the rest of The Coven won the Trios Championships, but none of that was on the index cards he was given.

The camera man gave the green light to go.

Jacob gulped.

It was time.

Jacob Slyvis: Hi- er, I mean good evening! I am Jacob Slyvis. I um, for the last couple of months I've been, er...behind the scenes with the FWA, interning and all. And finally, I have earned my first interview. I am sitting here today with Kleio De Santos!

Suddenly, Jake looks past the cameras. That's where he sees The Coven's own Blair and Celestia Ravenwood. Blair slides her finger across her neck in a cut throat sort of gesture, as Jake gulps.

He wanted to run out right then and there.

Instead he looked down at the cards again.

Jacob Slyvis: So, Kleio...how does it feel to finally be a champion in the FWA?

Kleio smiles as she answers the question.

Kleio De Santos: It feels great Jacob. Like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I felt like I spent my entire career trying to prove myself, and now it's like I don't have to anymore. Since my season of Ground Zero ended I had to watch my castmates all go on to have more success than me. Chris Peacock, Konchu Hao, Reagan Cole, Lizzie Rose...I held so much resentment in for so long. And now? Now I've let it go.

Jacob Slyvis: It's funny that you mention Ground Zero, because...you're set to face your coach from Ground Zero aren't you? Gabrielle?

Kleio De Santos: Yes that's right. I have a lot of respect for Gabrielle, she's a legend in this business. I faced her a couple years ago, and lost. That's when I was a rookie. But I'm stronger now, and I'm looking forward to getting back in the ring with her.

Suddenly, Jacob looks at the cards. And then tosses them away.

He doesn't know where he got the sudden sense of courage.

But he wasn't going to get bullied by the Ravenwood sisters.

No, he was going to give a good damn interview.

Jacob Slyvis: So, tell me this...you say you've let the resentment go about all your castmates winning titles before you. Have you let the resentment go from Gabrielle choosing to mentor Lizzie Rose over you?

Kleio is taken aback.

She wasn't expecting that question.

Blair and Celestia look nervous. "Uh oh, he's going off script" Celestia whispers to an angry Blair who clenches her fist.

Kleio De Santos: Well, uh...

Jacob Slyvis: That is what happened right? Gabrielle picked Lizzie over you?

Kleio begins to get angry now.

Kleio De Santos: No, it isn't. I wasn't pickable. Lizzie Rose clung to Gabby, and Gabby being the manipulative leach that she is let her. Lizzie needed a mommy to guide her and keep her safe, and Gabby needed someone to feed into her narcissistic ego.

Jacob Slyvis: Huh, interesting. So, wouldn't you agree that...what Lizzie Rose was to Gabrielle, you were to Saint Sully?

Kleio De Santos: No! I wouldn't agree to that. I walked away from Sully. In fact, Saint Sully has nothing to do with this match. And I'll tell you this, if Gabrielle wants to still associate me with that guy, then she is in for a rude awakening. Because I am not the same Kleio De Santos that she beat two years ago.

Gabby, a lot has changed since you left.

I'm not a follower, not like your Lizzie Rose.

I am a leader. I lead the most powerful stable in the FWA. The Coven is stronger than anything you've ever been apart of. Executive Excellence? We'd tear apart whatever era of that shitty stable you put in front of us.

You're washed up. That's the issue with you, and Sully, and Cyrus Truth, and every other old veteran who doesn't realize it's their time to go. You've had to of noticed...that era of Ground Zero was special. Look at the talent that it's left. Me, Chris Peacock, Konchu Hao...this is a new generation

So go ahead. Try and comeback yet again.

It's going to end the same way all of your comebacks have ended.

With you unable to win, and getting exposed for the washed up wretch that you are. Then you'll have a tantrum and quit, and runaway...then I'm sure give it a solid six months, and you'll come back again. Rinse and repeat until finally the menopause kicks in, and you can then accept the fact that the era of Gabrielle Montgomery has long long been over.

It's my era now.

The era of The Coven.

With that, Kleio rips off her mic. And walks off set.

Jacob seems quite proud of himself.

He did what he said he'd do.

But then there's instant regret...as an angry Blair Ravenwood walks towards him.


Sometime after the show, Blair and Celestia are walking backstage.

Their friend and fellow Coven member Trixie comes upon them.

Trixie Bourdeux: Hi guys! OH MY GOD IS THAT A BUNNY

Blair and Celestia look at each other and smile.

Blair Ravenwood: Yes Trixie...it is.

Celestia Ravenwood: We thought you deserved a pet.

Blair hands the bunny over to Trixie, who hugs it dearly.

Trixie Bourdeux: This is the best day of my life! I'm going to love it forever.

Trixie gives the rabbit another big hug, as the fear in the poor Bunny's eyes grow larger than ever.