WWF 1998 Review

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Nov 13, 2010
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Wonder who wrote thst Cornette segment :russo
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Vacant
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Christian
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline

WWF Sunday Night Heat
November 8th, 1998

Al Snow comes out with head, he says there's a secret organization in the WWF, who is sick of getting the stick and wants to get the PUSH! He then brings out Scorpio and Bob Holly, wearing J.O.B. Squad t-shirts.

Too Much vs. Scorpio & Bob Holly (w/Al Snow and Head, plus SOCKO)
Goes for about 2 minutes, it's decent enough to pass the time. The match just breaks down, because why not. They set Bob up for Death Sentence but Bob fights out and rolls Scotty up with Brian looking lost on top of the top rope just watching on, the ref even paused like you know you can break it up before counting to three :lmaolmao:lmao

Backstage: Kevin Kelly says to Val, people feel he's being insensitive to Terri's pregnancy. Val says sure he was, but she is conniving, manipulative, and a liar. Kevin asks how he can be so sure. Val says in his line of work, one has to take certain precautions, and years ago, he had a vasectomy. If there were any seeds in this watermelon, there'd be a whole lot of little Valbowskis all over the place, but there's only one Big Valbowski.

X-Pac comes out for his match with A REAL MAN! Steven Regal, but Taker comes out instead. Paul Bearer grabs a mic and calls X-Pac, X-Punk and calls him boy and suggests he stands back in the corner now. X-Pac takes the mic and says he has the utmost respect for Take, but he has a match tonight and maybe he should take someone else's TV time instead of his. Taker attacks him from behind. And drops Pac with a Chokeslam. Bearer says they'll talk about this a little later, boy, and they leave.

Backstage: The Stooges are waiting for Vince in the parking lot. Vince arrives in a limo with Bossman, as the stooges all suck up to Vince. Cole claims Vince is here to watch his son start from the bottom as he makes his debut as a referee.

Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline) vs. The Godfather (w/Hoes)
UGH! This gets the most time of all the matches, but it's mostly just angle stuff. So, Shane is the ref and the focus is mainly on him, plus the camera keeps cutting to Vince and the stooges complaining about Vince's officiating. Godfather debuts the "Pimp Drop" for the win. Terrible.

One of those amazing Sable training Video airs


Backstage: Michael Cole goes over to Pac, Pac says Taker drew first blood, he's saying he's gonna win. But I'm challenging you to a fight on RAW.

The New Age Outlaws come out, Dogg does the intro but once he's finished. Vince is wheeled out, he says he has two words for them as well. "TRIPLE THREAT" He says they'll play a deadly game of their own against D'Lo/Henry and The Headbangers at once.

Owen Hart comes down to the commentary table to join Cole and Cornette. They show footage of Owen's attack on Dan, and Owen not being the Blue Blazer.

Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra McMichaels) vs. The Droz (w/Animal)
Goes about a minutes before the fuckery, Hawk runs down and attacks Droz for the DQ. ANIMAL THEN ATTACKS HAWK! NEW LOD 2000 DROP HAWK WITH DOOMSDAY AND LEAVE! Animal yells he is tired of this SHIT! you and me both.

The Rock comes down to the ring, he says he came here to get back what he was screwed out of, his spot in the Survivor Series tournament and his position on being the #1 Contender for the WWF title. He's not asking Vince's candy ass, he's TELLING his candy ass, Vince gets wheeled out onto the stage by the entourage. Vince says Rock has this all wrong, this isn't personal. It's just business. It's the people's business, which means it is his business, but it's not personal. Personally, he has a problem with the people. So he has a problem with him, as the People's Champion. He doesn't give a damn about him personally, he's just another piece of meat on the WWF roster. He doesn't give a damn about the people. He can't get to each and every one of these people, but he can get to him and when he gets to him, he gets to each and every one of these people, and it makes him feel good. He says on Raw, he's going to face Mark Henry. If Rock doesn't win by pinfall or submission, he won't have to worry about being the People's Champion, he'll just be one of the people because his services in the WWF will be no longer required. If he wins, he'll go back into the tournament. Vince says Rock carries the weight of these people on his back and this People's Champion stuff with the People's Eyebrow and People's Eyewlbow, it makes him the People's Ass. Rock says to make no mistake jabroni, he'd much rather be the People's Ass than to ever kiss his. DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN'
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Vacant
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Christian
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline
WWF Hardcore Champion: Mankind

November 9th, 1998
Dallas, Texas

X-Pac vs. The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer)
All of 20 seconds before the lights go out, and KANE comes down to the ring. KANE TRIES TO SHOOT A FIREBALL AT HIS BROTHER, BUT TAKER PUSHES PAC INFRONT OF IT and Pac rolls around in pain, as Taker just bails, with Kane going after him up the ramp.

Dogg and Gunn run out with EMT's to check on Pac.

Backstage: Mankind arrives at the building, and is greeted by Vince and the Stooges, Vince says if he thought last week was special, tonight he gets to defend the title against Ken Shamrock. It's his kind of the match, and it's only the beginning and says there are more titles to come and says if he wants to be somebody, he needs to look like somebody, and Mick asks what he can do. Vince says to come with him and that there's a real makeover coming.

Terri tries to come out with Val Venis, but he sends her away and yells that IT'S OVER!

Val Venis vs. Steve Blackman
Shockingly good for 2 minutes, Blackman's strikes have gotten so much better, Val does well too he keeps trying to battle back but Blackman would hit a strike that he doesn't see coming and take over. Anyway, just as Val makes his comeback Terri runs back out and low blows Val for the DQ.

Owen Hart and the Blue Blazer run out, they attack Blackman as he's laid out on the mat.

Backstage: Mankind is getting a makeover, he's gotten his beard shaved off. The makeup lady is now combing his hair. Mankind says he never thought his hair looked that bad, but since Mr McMahon is paying for it, why not? He says he knows Vince has always taken good care of his champions, so this has to mean something.

Shane comes out to officiate the next match

Road Dogg (w/Billy Gunn) vs. D'Lo Brown (w/Mark Henry) vs. Mosh (w/Thrasher)
Dogg and D'Lo don't even wait for Mosh, as they brawl immediately. This gets a good 5 minutes, D'Lo/Dogg is a good time, Mosh contributes nothing as usual. Lots of 1-1, with the 3rd guy, break up a fall or something, then 1 gets tossed and it goes back to 1-1. The match ends when D'Lo takes out Road Dogg with Sky High, but Mosh hits a seated senton on D'Lo for the win. *3/4

After the match; Gunn cleans house on everyone.

Backstage: Michael Cole tries to interview Jarrett and Debra, but Jeff shoves him away. Jeff says Al Snow pisses him off, but at the Survivor Series, that ends. Debra says as, for tonight, Goldust isn't fooling anyone. She knows he's 100% man underneath all that, and tonight, she's going to prove it.

Backstage: Mankind is getting a pedicure, he says he lost Mr Socko, but has Mr McMahon and the fans all looking for him. He can't just replace a sock, he's sentimental that way. Even without Mr Socko, he has a new family. Gerald, Pat, Commissioner Slaughter, and dad. It really cushions the blow.

Terri comes back out in gold, in attempt to gold dig her way back in with Goldust. He grabs a mic and asks what she's doing. He says she's been a bad girl and while they had a life together once, the time has come for her to forget that she ever heard the name of Goldust. He tells her to get out of his life, and she leaves too.

Goldust vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra)
HOLY SHT! This is fun, it only gets 3 minutes and GOLDUST IS ON! He busts out these awesome punches, and uppercuts. Like where the fuck has this guy been for the past 11 months. SMH! Jeff is also great in his bumping, Goldust gets distracted by Debra's boobz which allows Jeff to get the jump, but that doesn't last long. It's pretty much a Goldust showcase, who i can't stress enough how motivated and good he looks here. He sets Jeff up for Shattered Dreams, but Debra comes in for the TEASE! Goldust unzips his suit and makes out with her, but Jeff breaks the guitar over his head for the 3rd DQ in 4 matches. **1/4

Backstage: The Rock arrives at the building.

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The Rock, Rock tells him to shut up and says sure, that jabroni piece of trash Vince McMahon holds all the people's cards in his hand, and yeah, The Rock said it before and will say it now in front of everyone. Nobody crosses The Rock and nobody bosses The Rock. The Rock will walk down and lay the smack down on Mark Henry's fat ass if you smell what The Rock is cooking.

Goldust attacks Jarrett in the back, he beats the shit out of him with weapons. BUT THE BLUE BLAZER ATTACKS Goldust from behind and allows Jeff to get the upper hand until refs break it up.

Mankind comes out in a tuxedo and is rocking a MANBUN~!

Vince and his entourage come out onto the stage to watch on. Huge Boooooo's

WWF Hardcore Championship: Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind
Awesome as usual, who would have thought the first weapon used in the first ever hardcore match would be a shoe. Anyway, they don't do too much but what they do is so good. They just take turn beat on one another, another thing I like is they only use the shoe, cable wires and a chair as the weapons so it's not OTT like it would be by 1999. Both men take some awesome bumps and turn ob the intensity. Mankind tries a piledriver onto the chair, but Ken backdrops him on it instead. They end up fighting up the stage but Vince and them, with Shamrock killing Mankind with a nasty, nasty belly-to-back suplex on the stage for a two count. Mankind ducks a chair shot and backdrops Ken onto the stage, but as Mankind is doing the BANG! BANG! Shamrock waffles him with a chair shot to the head, but from behind Bossman hits Shamrock with the knight stick and Mankind falls on top for the win. ***

Backstage: Cole yells "THE ROCK HAS BEEN ATTACKED!" EMT's rush into The Rock's locker room as we go to break.

Stone Cold Steve Austin comes down to the ring, he says ever since he got reinstated with that new five-year contract, it's been relatively easy for himself. He hasn't had to drive any cement trucks or Zambonis to the ring, but he still hates Vince's guts and knows he hates his. There's something going on, he knows Vince is hiding like the little yellow bastard that he is and he thinks up plans with his little stooges. But if he's got a plan for Stone Cold, he can bet his sorry ass it's gonna backfire and that's all he has to say about that. Big Bossman comes out to the stage and says he's damn right Mr McMahon has plans for him, and they include him. Mr McMahon has paid him very well for his services, which means not pinning him 1.2.3, but by kicking his ass and putting HIM in a wheelchair. All he is is a dumb son of a bitch who doesn't know what hard times is all about. He's had it easy, but times have changed, and law and order are back in the WWF. Austin says "WHAT THEY HAVE HERE IS A FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE" That sounds like a threat and he knows all about the little games prison guards love. Stone Cold doesn't play that crap, but if he brings his ass to that ring, he'll shove that nightstick so far up his ass that he'll have to move it out of the way to brush his yellow teeth. Bossman says Mr McMahon is the judge and jury, and at Survivor Series, me and you are gonna play and you're gonna pay, dumbass. Austin laughs and says if he's scared, he can take his ass back there. Bossman says to wait, punk, and Austin says he'll beat his ass for free and that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so.

Backstage: Cole says EMT's continue to work on the Rock, and an ambulance has been called.

Back from break, Cole interviews Vince. Vince says it's not his problem if The Rock can't watch his back. The stipulation stands, so if he can't compete, he's unemployed.

Al Snow vs. Babu (w/Tiger Ali Singh)
FUCK Outtahere with this shit.

Backstage: EMT's still work on The Rock. Cole asks for an update, but Vince wheels and says the update is that very soon, The Rock will be out of a job, and asks how it feels to hit rock bottom.

Edge (w/The Brood) vs. Kane
Kane comes down to the ring with gasoline and a blowtorch. This gets like 3 minutes, it's highly enjoyable for the most part a lot of these matches have been really fun. Edge keeps trying to use his speed to avoid and frustrate Kane, but he can only sting off maybe 2 or 3 things before Kane comes back with power. Christian tries to distract Kane, but he gets dropped for his troubles. Kane then press slams Edge to the floor on top of Gangrel, THEN HOLY SHIT! KANE RUNS THE STEPS AND HITS THE FLYING CLOTHESLINE ONTO EDGE! Then from behind the Brood attack Kane, that allows Edge to recover and hit the no hands plancha. The Brood, then triple team Kane for the DQ. **

They roll Kane back in, but he recovers and drops all 3 men with Chokeslams. He stacks them all up on one another, brings the gasoline and torch into the ring. The ref tries to stop it, but he gets chokeslammed for his troubles and thrown onto the pile. He pours gasoline on all four men and more referees come out to stop it. Officials drag the Brood and the ref out of there before Kane can light the blowtorch. Kane wonders off into the crowd, STOPS! And Chokeslams a fan to ringside before walking off.

Vince McMahon, Bossman, Patterson, Brisco and Sarge all come down to ringside.

Vince says when you are the people champion you never know who will attack you and even though The Rock's career is on the line, he would suggest he comes out here right now. He's sure he has quite the headache, but if he's the People's Champion, he can wrestle with a headache. Vince says this is Dallas, Texas home of the Dallas Cowboys, matter of fact some of the Cowboy are here tonight. I wonder if they have to guts to stand up and identify themselves. Hey Rock you should come out, the last time we saw you last week you went off the jail, you'd be in great company "BECAUSE HALF THE ROSTER IS CONVICTED FELONS" Rock is on the streak as the cowboys, a losing one :mark: Shane McMahon comes out to be the referee with a mic, Vince says referees don't have microphones. Shane tells him to cut the crap and he's taking his frustrations out on everyone. The fans, Stone Cold, The Rock, and why? It's not about any of them, it's about them. Vince says to get the hell out and Shane says to take his frustrations out on him just like he always does. Vince says to get out, or he'll have another beating coming, and he refuses. Vince says he'll enjoy this then and tells Bossman to get him. Bossman corners him in the ring, BUT STONE COLD RUNS OUT AND ATTACKS BOSSMAN! Austin and Shane leave, and Vince is mad again. Vince says for Bossman to stay here with him.

If The Rock wins he's back in the Deadly Games, if he loses he's no longer employed by the WWF

Mark Henry (w/D'Lo Brown) vs. The Rock
Thank god, that techno Rock theme was a 1 week only deal. AWFUL! This gets 8 minutes, and the super hot Texas crowd helps a ton. The Rock is wearing his sweatpants and weird oversized black t-shirt here. IT BEGINS! Rock sells the dizziness as he makes his entrance, but as soon as the bell rings he comes out like a house on fire, he takes the fight to Mark in and out of the ring, Mark takes some good bumps here too, he hits a desperation low blow as D'Lo distracts the ref and that allows Mark to take over. Not Mark's best showing, it's decent enough for the 2 minutes it got before Rock mounts a comeback. Bossman gets up onto the apron and tries to handcuff Rock to the ring post, but Rocky manages to slip out and cuffs Bossman instead. Rock hits the float over DDT, but D'Lo pulls the ref out to break the fall, Rock takes him out and hits the Rock Bottom followed by the People's Elbow..................SHANE THEN RUNS OUT CAUSE HE'S AN EMPLOYED REF AND COUNTS THE THREE. FUCK YEAH! **1/2

After the match; Shane runs off celebrating, as Vince has that "Shocked/smug" he got me look on his face, ROCK THEN LOOKS OVER AT VINCE! He grabs him and rolls Vince into the ring, the Stooges try to shield Vince but Rock disposes of them, Bossman is still handcuffed. ROCK THEN HITS VINCE WITH THE ROCK BOTTOM AND PEOPLE ELBOW TO THEN THIS REALLY FUN GO-HOME SHOW.


Nov 13, 2010
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Ovetsized workout suit :TI: Rock's gyno days begin :side:


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Vacant
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Christian
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline
WWF Hardcore Champion: Mankind

WWF Sunday Night Heat
November 15th, 1998
St. Louis, Missouri

NEW LOD 2000 vs. Scorpio & Bob Holly (w/Al Snow)
Not the best, all 4 do stuff and everyone gets a chance to shine before it breaks down. Head is the most over thing in the match, LOD hit Doomsday, but Droz doesn't go for the cover. That allows Snow to sneak in and give Droz head allowing Bob to cover for the win.

Backstage: The Stooges try to bust into Austin's dressing room, and demand he goes see Vince now, but he slams the door in their faces and says he has to get ready for the PPV.

Tiger Ali Singh (w/Babu) vs. Val Venis
Tiger is SO bad man, like really, really awful. Val does what he can and does all his Val stuff but it doesn't matter. The Godfather runs out and throws Tiger into the post. He rolls him back in and Val hits the Perfect Plex for the win.

The Stooges bust into the ref's dressing room, Brisco tells Shane that his father is ordering him to the ring.

The DOA come down to the ring, BUT FAAROOQ AND BRADSHAW ATTACK THEM FROM BEHIND. They have new "ACOLYTE" attire on. They beat the shit out of them with chairs, before dropping Ellering with a double team powerbomb in the ring. FUCK YEAH!

Backstage: Kevin Kelly is with the New Age Outlaws debuting their "69! SUCK IT" Football Jersey's, I was so mad when this kid at school had this on during own clothes day, in 1999. But that's a story for another day. Kelly asks if they're mad they could lose their title and not even be pinned. Dogg says Vinny Mac can keep stacking 'em up and they'll keep knocking them down. The Headbangers attack and then D'Lo and Mark Henry run over to attack them too, and they get pulled apart.

Kevin Kelly is in the ring and brings out Sable for an interview. Sable says a lot of guarantees are floating around, so she also guarantees that tonight, she will become the new WWF Women's Champ. Marc Mero comes down to the ring and says nobody knows her like he does. He's here out of the goodness of his heart to give her a chance to back off before she gets hurt. Sable's no wrestler, BUT FROM BEHIND JACQUE HITS HER FROM BEHIND WITH THE BELT! Sable gets up grabbing her neck.

Steve Blackman vs. Gangrel (w/The Brood)
This gets the most minutes at a whopping 3 minutes 20. Blackman again has some awesome kicks and palm strokes, Gangrel also looks good at being this vicious creature of the night thing he's doing. Lots of solid back and forth until, Christian distracts the ref and Edge hits a Missile Dropkick off the top, Gangrel picks the bones and hits the Impaler DDT for the win. **

After the match; Christian hits a random diving headbutt off the top, the Brood leaves................OH NO! the Blue Blazer comes from the rafters but gets stuck in the harness. Blackman goes out and attacks him and start kicking the shit out of him until he's pulled back up. NOPE!

Backstage: The Stooges bang on the Rock's dressing room and say Vince wants him now, so, so far Vince wants to see Austin, Shane and The Rock.

Vince, Bossman and his Entourage is at ringside, Vince is holding the beautiful big Winged Eagle WWF World Championship. He says promised you tonight you will see a WWF champion crowded, he will also like to guarantees that this will be a Survivor Series that you will never ever forget. But right now, he wants to get something off his chest towards the "People's Chump" The Rock comes down to the ring, Vince then calls Shane and Austin out too, and they come down to the ring. Vince tries to talk, but The Undertaker's music hits and he comes out, he and Austin start brawling in the entrance way. BUT FROM BEHIND X-PAC RUNS OUT AND ATTACKS TAKER FOR REVENGE! Rock and Austin then start fighting and it's glorious, Goldust comes out for some reason. REGAL THEN ATTACKS PAC CAUSE THAT'S STILL A FEUD EVEN THOUGH IT HASN'T BEEN MENTIONED SINCE THE ATTACK! Shamrock runs after Bossman for what happened on RAW :mark: Taker/Bossman, Regal/Pac, Shamrock/Goldust all start brawling in the ring, Austin and Rock fight into the crowd. THE LIGHTS GO OUT! AND KANE COMES DOWN TO THE RING!



Nov 13, 2010
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NO NO NO NO NO....Russo starting his murderous booking of harness shenanigans.
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Vacant
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Christian
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline
WWF Hardcore Champion: Mankind

WWF Survivor Series
November 15th, 1998
St. Louis, Missouri

Vince McMahon, Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, Commish Slaughter, and The Big Bossman are still at ringside, with the help of Brisco VINCE STANDS UP OUT OF THE WHEELCHAIR! He says he has promised and guaranteed a new WWF Champion, that this will be a Survivor Series to never ever forget, and with that in mind it gives him great pleasure to introduce the participants in the very first match. First, an individual who is hopeful to take one small step for man, and one giant leap...for Mankind. Mankind comes out in his tuxedo, he hugs everyone but Bossman who stares him down :lmao FUCK YEAH! Vince busts out the "reading glasses" He says this legend made his WWF debut in 1990 and for six years, this charismatic superstar hosted a won-lost record that posted new standards in the WWF. Unfortunately, this natural athlete jumped ship to the DUBYA SEE DUBYA! And after suffering a shoulder injury, this cornerstone of the WWF has been sidelined for two years. He's fought back with resilience dreaming of this triumphant return.


Gill comes out, looking amazed at having his own video and pyro (pyro that scares him btw)

First Round Match in the Deadly Games Tournament: Mankind vs. Duane Gill
This is all of 30 seconds before Mankind hits the double-armed DDT for the win.

Backstage: Kevin Kelly is with Sable, he asks if what Jacque did to her threw her off her gameplan, Sable says NO! All she did was PISS HER OFF!

First Round Match in the Deadly Games Tournament: Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra McMichaels) vs. Al Snow (w/Head)
All first round matches get a 10-minute time limit, this is short thankfully, it's a basic 98 TV match, they go back and forth doing stuff, neither really sells and everything is rather predictable. Snow then starts blatantly ripping off Sabu, and Lynn highspots which is hilarious. Both men bump heads, as Debra grabs head. Ref Tim White takes it away and puts it in the corner. Debra continues to distract the ref as Snow picks up the guitar, while Jeff grabs head. Jeff ducks the guitar shot and hits Snow with head, who no-sells it, he grabs head back and hits Jeff in the head, with head for the win. *1/2

First Round Match in the Deadly Games Tournament: The Big Bossman vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
More of an angle match than anything, Bossman clearly isn't trying to win, he just punishes Austin. So he doesn't go for covers and chokes a bump. He controls the majority before Austin mounts a comeback. But before Austin can do any of his signature stuff Bossman hits Austin with the nightstick for the DQ.

After the match; Bossman keeps beating on Austin with the nightstick, he hits him about 8 or 9 times with it, as Vince and co laugh on in the back.

Backstage: Michael Cole asks if he's concerned about Stone Cold advancing. Vince asks if he calls that advancement. The night is young, and there's much more where that came from. Austin is in for it.

First Round Match in the Deadly Games Tournament: X-Pac vs. "REAL MAN" Steven Regal
It's a miracle, Pac doesn't have any scaring or bruising around the eye. It looks like nothing ever happen to the eye, this gets a shit ton of time and is super awesome, Pac has no problem just kicking him in the face, and god bless Regal he doesn't even get his hands up to block, he just allows it. Regal does manage to whether that early onslaught before he goes into the Regal style of throws, and stretching Pac's whole body. Regal hits a butterfly double arm suplex off the top for two, and Pac immediately grabs the neck. Regal now focuses on that, but it's only for a minute before they wind up fighting on the floor and get counted out :( **3/4

Vince demands Sarge come out and so we get OT, so Austin doesn't get a bye to the semi-finals. But by the time Sarge comes out to tell Finkle. Pac just walks out even when after the bell rings :lmao, Regal then chases after him. That whole thing comes off weird. Vince is PISSED!

First Round Match in the Deadly Games Tournament: Ken Shamrock vs. Goldust
This is a blast for the 5 minutes it got, mainly because Motivated Goldust is here and heel Shamrock is a bully asshole. Ken doesn't take any unnecessary risks and stick to his game of punishing and beating on Goldust. Goldust makes a come he goes for shattered dreams, but the ref stops it saying he will DQ him. That allows Ken to break free and hit an awful 'rana off the top. He locks in the ankle lock and Goldust taps. **1/2

Backstage: Michael Cole reports that Stone Cold is refusing medical attention.

The Rock comes out for his match against Triple H, the same Triple H that hasn't been seen or heard from since getting attacked by Shamrock at the last PPV. DX's music hits, but Triple H doesn't come out. INSTEAD, PATTERSON AND BRISCO COME OUT DOING THE SUCK IT! Brisco says MR. MACMAN has asked him to announce that Triple H is not here tonight, therefore, he will not rassle. MR. MACMAN also told him that he sent tickets to Triple H weeks ago, but he chose not to show tonight. Therefore, Mr MACMAN told him he can fine Triple H very heavily once he returns. Patterson says there will be no forfeit and Mr McMahon found a last minute replacement, THE BIG BOSSMAN!

First Round Match in the Deadly Games Tournament: The Rock vs. The Big Bossman
Bossman comes charging in, but Rocky catches him with an inside cradle for three lol.

Quarter-Finals Match in the Deadly Games Tournament: The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Kane
Quarter-Finals now have a 15-minute time limit, Thankfully this is only kept at 7 minutes, but it's still Kane and Taker so it's slow, boring and just garbages the whole time. Taker is still doing this fuck selling I'm just gonna sit up after everything because fuck you stuff. They pretty much do the exact same match from Judgement day, tons of brawling before Taker goes after the knee, Kane is Kane so he doesn't sell and Taker just forgets about it as they go into the finish, Bearer distracts Kane and Taker hits the Tombstone. Bearer holds the foot down from the floor and Taker covers for the win. *

Quarter-Finals Match in the Deadly Games Tournament: Mankind vs. Al Snow
This is fine for 4 minutes, Mankind gives Al a shit ton of offense on him, like 80& of the match is Al. The ref even allows Al to use a chair, Mankind then takes over after hitting the DDT onto the chair. WE THEN GET SPLIT SCREEN WITH BRISCO CONGRATULATING VINCE ON STEALING SOCKO AND PUTTING ON HEAD FOR MOTIVATION! Mankind eventually sees it and flips out, he takes it off Head and beats up poor head before locking in Socko and applying it to Snow for the win. *3/4

Quarter-Finals Match in the Deadly Games Tournament: Ken Shamrock vs. The Rock
This has gotten so good now because of the role reversals, Rock comes out on first as he's the fresher of the two. They brawl in and out of the ring, and it's the rare time someone out brawls Ken, and just as I say that Ken sends him should first into the steel steps to take over. Ken has a solid iso period, again he doesn't try to do much just wear Rocky down. Bossman then makes his way down to ringside to watch on. Rock has a brief comeback, but Ken catches him with the ankle lock and the crowd start to loses it. THEY ALL BEGIN CHEERING THE ROCK ON AS HE CLAWS TO THE ROPES! Huge pop once he makes it there. The Rock makes his comeback and gets a two off the People's Elbow that looked like a three, Ken then fights out of the Rock Bottom and counters with the belly-to-belly. Bossman gets up on the apron, he tries to throw the nightstick to Shamrock, but the ROCK INTERCEPTS IT! AND NAILS Ken with it. Rock then covers for the win. **3/4

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Paul Bearer, Paul says the only rock his Undertaker likes is a nice piece of cold hard concrete that he carves the names of his victims on. Tonight, his phenom will walk out of this building as the WWF Champion.

WWF Woman's Championship: Sable vs. Jacqueline (w/Marc Mero)
Shane McMahon is the ref for this match. This isn't good like at all, it's basically a Sable squash. She doesn't sell her neck nor does it come into play at all. Jacque again tries to jump Sable from behind to start the match, but that backfires and Sable beats her down. Mero then interferes and pulls her out, so Sable kicks him in the dick and hits the Sable Bomb on the floor. Back in the ring, Jacque gets a few licks in but it doesn't matter because Sable hits her with the Sable Bomb for the win. Thank fuck this feud is over, hopefully, Mero fucks off after this.

Semi-Finals Match in the Deadly Games Tournament: Mankind vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Semi-Finals now have a 20 minutes time limit, this is still good, it's not as crazy as their earlier matches but a lot of the same. good brawling in and out of the ring, they brawl up the entrance way too. At one point, Vince and his stooges come down to ringside to watch on. The ref allows pretty much all of the brawling on the floor to happen. Mankind targets Austin's neck, Austin's mini-comebacks are still awesome, the crowd goes from 0-100 back to 0 so fast it's awesome, Mankind tries to bring a chair in but Austin kicks it back into his face, Mankind again tries to use the chair but gets backed dropped onto the chair. Austin THEN HITS THE STUNNER.......................................BUT VINCE LEAPS OUT OF THE CHAIR AND GRABS THE REF! HE DECKS HIM ON THE FLOOR TOO! Mankind then locks in the Mandible Claw, but Austin hits the Stunner. SHANE ROUNDS OUT AND COUNTS 1................2...................................MIDDLE FINGER! Shane runs off, and then behind Mankind's back Brisco hits Austin with one of the WORSE chair shots I've ever seen and Mankind falls on top as Shane counts to three. FUCKERY~! ***

Austin gets up and chases after them, Sarge is then seen getting in a limo and drives off. Austin assumes it's Vince and co, so he steals some poor guys car and chases after them.

Semi-Finals Match in the Deadly Games Tournament: The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) vs. The Rock
Sadly this match never really clicks, tbf I don't think they've ever had a match I really liked maybe something in 2000/2001 but that's one of those short TV matches. Terrible ass '98 Taker controls this with his methodical style, Rock shows shades of his aggressiveness and comedy Main Event style using water bottles and spitting the water in their faces. Taker obviously sells none of it and continues to slow the match down, Bossman comes out as Rock begins to make a comeback. But so does Kane he gets into the ring and Taker throws Rock at him, but Kane grabs Rock by the throat and drops him with the Chokeslam for a DQ. *3/4

Taker is PISSED and punches Earl Hebner for the call, EVEN THOUGH YOU TAKER THREW ROCKY AT KANE? Taker and Kane begin fighting and fight through the crowd to the back.

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Mankind. He says Lady Luck is smiling on Mankind tonight, and he just has one more "hill" make that Rock, to climb, if you smell what the sock is cooking.

WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws vs. The Headbangers vs. D'Lo Brown & Mark Henry
This gets 10 minutes, I don't wanna say it sucked, because it didn't it's just I didn't care at all, it's pretty obvious that the Outlaws were retaining, but it's not only that they do the 1 person from each team in the ring, so it's the basic 3-way, but they do the 1 selling after something dump or simple to let the two guys fight it out. Why can't the guy that got punched just go tag out, why he gotta sell for 30 seconds before coming back. It's basically a clusterfuck of a punch fest, on top of that we keep getting the random Headbangers/Mark&D'Lo pairing that lasts about a minute each time before someone turns on the other. Gunn has a fantastic hot tag, Tim White then fucks up as D'Lo hits the sky high and waits 6 seconds before counting :lmao He then does the same when Mark hits Mosh with a big splash, TIM WHITE IS A RACIST! The match breaks down and Gunn hits a piledriver and Tim immediately runs over to count the three. **

In the parking lot, VINCE AND SHANE ARE STILL HERE! Vince tells Bossman to be on the lookout for Austin, he's still probably out there on root 70. Vince says they personally want to handle this next match ALONE! Shane says if he sees Austin give him the middle fingers for him. Bossman grabs his bags and leaves the building.

Deadly Games Tournament Finals Match for the Vacant WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Mankind vs. The Rock
No time limit for the Finals, and right off the bat.

JR ~ "We will stay with it until there is a winner"
King ~ "You're gonna get to see all this PPV"
JR ~ "That's not nice King, making reference to those less fortunate"
King ~ "It's not nice, but it's accurate"

Good feeling out match, it starts off slow with neither guy wanting to make the mistake early, but they still have some hate towards one another as they're just coming off that 3 way with Shamrock, but now this is for all the gold and not just a future shot at the gold. Mankind works the neck, with a sleeper as Vince and Shane cockily walk out. JR calls them big John Wayne and Little John Wayne, IDK why I popped for that, maybe it's because JR says it with total disgust and disdain in his voice. Mankind takes a lot of his brutal bumps on the floor, like a suplex and a backdrop over the barricades into the crowd, he takes another into ringside after a brief brawl. Rock has a brief flurry on offense, but Mankind takes over and starts introducing weapons he grabs a chair and hits Rock in the back with it. Mankind then picks up the chair, but Rock comes back and hits the steps with a chair. He then starts raining down chair shots to the steps which are placed over his face. Rocks not done, HE NAILS MANKIND WITH A SICK CHAIRSHOT TO THE HEAD before rolling him in. Mankind takes over again with a low blow, JR says he bets Earl Hebner has been instructed by Vince to allow Mankind to get away with everything. Love that they're now picked up the intensity of the match, with both men just using their bodies as weapons and both are taking some hellacious bumps. Mankind gets the better during the car wreck bumps, but Rock hits a desperation DDT to start his comeback, ROCK SIDESTEPS MANKIND TRYING THE ELBOW OFF THE TOP AND CRASHES THROUGH THE SPANISH TABLE! Rock now turns up the aggression, he hits the scoop slam and hits the People' Elbow for two. Mankind ducks the clothesline and hits the Double Arm DDT, he takes out Socko and applies it, but he fights and hits the Rock Bottom. Rock is too slow on the cover, which allows Mankind to kick out. ROCK THEN LOCKS IN THE SHARPSHOOTER.......................................................................................AND VINCE CALLS FOR THE BELL! HOLY SHIT! SWERVE! JR and King are confused. Shane and Vince get in.......................AND THEY HUG THE ROCK! ***

Vince grabs the mic, he says he knows people can't believe it, BUT SEEING IS BELIEVING. And you can believe this, that THE PEOPLE SCREWED THE PEOPLE. And they can also believe that each and every one of them are just as pathetic and gullible as Mankind. Mick gets up in the corner and Vince says he'll elaborate more tomorrow night, but on behalf of the McMahon family, they are proud of the fact that Stone Cold was total, utterly, and royally screwed right here in this very ring. And if there's one man with any more contempt for Stone Cold and the fans, it has to be the man who utterly loathes all of them, THE ROCK! Shane says he told the world that he's just like his dad after all and hugs Vince. Rock takes the mic and says just like last Sunday on Heat when he said he would rather be the People's ass than to kiss his, it's time for each and every piece of trailer park trash to kiss The Rock's ass if you smell what The Rock is cooking! Mankind picks up the mic and says Rock is great, but he asks "dad" what happened because he wasn't pinned or submitted. Vince says to get this, AND THE ROCK HITS HIM THE BACK OF THE HEAD WITH THE WWF TITLE. Rock puts the boots to him and drops him with the Rock Bottom.

Shane says the McMahon family is proud to present the "CORPORATE CHAMPION" The Rock, they all celebrate. BUT STONE COLD COMES THE STAGE! Rock and Austin have their awesome, Rock/Austin sequence, they redo the '98 Rumble spot with Austin hitting the stunner and tossing Rock over the top. Austin then hits Mankind with a stunner for being gullible. Austin then goes to the floor and beats the shit out of THE NEW WWF CHAMPION! Some more before leaving and that's how it ends.

I love Stone Cold, I truly do. But that ending was totally unnecessary, why couldn't the PPV end with Vince along with his son stand tall laughing with their NEW CORPORATE CHAMPION?


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WWF Champion: Vacant
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Christian
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline

WWF Sunday Night Heat
November 8th, 1998

Al Snow comes out with head, he says there's a secret organization in the WWF, who is sick of getting the stick and wants to get the PUSH! He then brings out Scorpio and Bob Holly, wearing J.O.B. Squad t-shirts.

Too Much vs. Scorpio & Bob Holly (w/Al Snow and Head, plus SOCKO)
Goes for about 2 minutes, it's decent enough to pass the time. The match just breaks down, because why not. They set Bob up for Death Sentence but Bob fights out and rolls Scotty up with Brian looking lost on top of the top rope just watching on, the ref even paused like you know you can break it up before counting to three :lmaolmao:lmao

Backstage: Kevin Kelly says to Val, people feel he's being insensitive to Terri's pregnancy. Val says sure he was, but she is conniving, manipulative, and a liar. Kevin asks how he can be so sure. Val says in his line of work, one has to take certain precautions, and years ago, he had a vasectomy. If there were any seeds in this watermelon, there'd be a whole lot of little Valbowskis all over the place, but there's only one Big Valbowski.

X-Pac comes out for his match with A REAL MAN! Steven Regal, but Taker comes out instead. Paul Bearer grabs a mic and calls X-Pac, X-Punk and calls him boy and suggests he stands back in the corner now. X-Pac takes the mic and says he has the utmost respect for Take, but he has a match tonight and maybe he should take someone else's TV time instead of his. Taker attacks him from behind. And drops Pac with a Chokeslam. Bearer says they'll talk about this a little later, boy, and they leave.

Backstage: The Stooges are waiting for Vince in the parking lot. Vince arrives in a limo with Bossman, as the stooges all suck up to Vince. Cole claims Vince is here to watch his son start from the bottom as he makes his debut as a referee.

Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline) vs. The Godfather (w/Hoes)
UGH! This gets the most time of all the matches, but it's mostly just angle stuff. So, Shane is the ref and the focus is mainly on him, plus the camera keeps cutting to Vince and the stooges complaining about Vince's officiating. Godfather debuts the "Pimp Drop" for the win. Terrible.

One of those amazing Sable training Video airs


Backstage: Michael Cole goes over to Pac, Pac says Taker drew first blood, he's saying he's gonna win. But I'm challenging you to a fight on RAW.

The New Age Outlaws come out, Dogg does the intro but once he's finished. Vince is wheeled out, he says he has two words for them as well. "TRIPLE THREAT" He says they'll play a deadly game of their own against D'Lo/Henry and The Headbangers at once.

Owen Hart comes down to the commentary table to join Cole and Cornette. They show footage of Owen's attack on Dan, and Owen not being the Blue Blazer.

Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra McMichaels) vs. The Droz (w/Animal)
Goes about a minutes before the fuckery, Hawk runs down and attacks Droz for the DQ. ANIMAL THEN ATTACKS HAWK! NEW LOD 2000 DROP HAWK WITH DOOMSDAY AND LEAVE! Animal yells he is tired of this SHIT! you and me both.

The Rock comes down to the ring, he says he came here to get back what he was screwed out of, his spot in the Survivor Series tournament and his position on being the #1 Contender for the WWF title. He's not asking Vince's candy ass, he's TELLING his candy ass, Vince gets wheeled out onto the stage by the entourage. Vince says Rock has this all wrong, this isn't personal. It's just business. It's the people's business, which means it is his business, but it's not personal. Personally, he has a problem with the people. So he has a problem with him, as the People's Champion. He doesn't give a damn about him personally, he's just another piece of meat on the WWF roster. He doesn't give a damn about the people. He can't get to each and every one of these people, but he can get to him and when he gets to him, he gets to each and every one of these people, and it makes him feel good. He says on Raw, he's going to face Mark Henry. If Rock doesn't win by pinfall or submission, he won't have to worry about being the People's Champion, he'll just be one of the people because his services in the WWF will be no longer required. If he wins, he'll go back into the tournament. Vince says Rock carries the weight of these people on his back and this People's Champion stuff with the People's Eyebrow and People's Eyewlbow, it makes him the People's Ass. Rock says to make no mistake jabroni, he'd much rather be the People's Ass than to ever kiss his. DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN'
I’m convinced Vince would’ve sold his company to sleep with 98 Sable


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Christian
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: Mankind

November 16th, 1998
Lexington, Kentucky

Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, The Big Bossman, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco and Commissioner Slaughter all come down to the ring. Vince says last night, his son Shane and I proved that whoever said you can't fool all of the people all of the time was a damned fool. A damned fool is someone who insists on doing things the hard way. A damned fool is someone who embraces middle-class ethics and values. A damned fool is someone who doesn't pucker up and kiss the boss' ass. He knows they all kiss the boss' ass, they just probably don't do it enough. He introduces someone who is no damned fool. He's not the "People's Champion" He never was, HE'S ALWAYS BEEN MY CHAMPION! THE CORPORATE CHAMPION, THE ROCK! The ock comes down to the ring, Vince makes Brisco and hold the ropes open for him. Vince, Shane and Rock all hug again. Rock then grabs the mic and says all day long his phone has been ringing off the hook with "WHY ROCK WHY! DID YOU SELL OUT?" Actually, The Rock never sold out. The Rock just got ahead. Some of them will call the Rock a kiss-ass, but they're all unintelligent pieces of trailer park trash. Shane says he smells it. Rock says they work their candy asses off day after day after day, nine to five, for minimum wage. The Rock did what he had to do to get to the top of the world, standing in the middle of the corporate ring as YOUR WWF World Champion. They're no different than the biggest piece of trailer park trash, Stone Cold Steve Austin. They and Austin can have their morality, their honesty, and their blood, sweat, and tears and all that hard work and fifty cents won't buy you a cup of redneck coffee. Now, "DIE, ROCKY, DIE". "ROCKY SUCKS!". See, The Rock NEVER EVER forgot that, and he'll make damn sure that NEVER forget that as well. The Rock plans on raising the Corporate Eyebrow, planting you with the Rock Bottom, and The Rock damn sure plans on laying the smack down on your candy with THE MOST ELECTRIFYING MOVE IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT TODAY, THE CORPORATE ELBOW! Rock says he'd much rather kiss Mr. McMahon's ass than EVER kiss the people's if you smell what The Rock is cooking. Vince asks what it's like to kiss his ass and Shane says he kinda likes it. Rock says he's a millionaire and the champ, so they DO smell what he's cooking. Vince says if you want to talk conspiracy theories and all their sacrifices. Vince then has everyone look at the tron.

AUSTIN THEN WALKS INTO THE ARENA!!!! Vince then yells to cut to his video, they show footage of how this plan came together with all the weeks build leading to Survivor Series. AUSTIN'S MUSIC HITS! HUGE FUCKIN' POP! He marches down to the ring and the McMahons get behind Rock, Bossman, and the Stooges. Vince asks how his night was and Austin says he knows he's just trying to provoke him and calls Rock a sorry sell out son of a bitch, gimme a HELL YEAH! Vince says there's a clause in that new contract that unless he's provoked, HE CAN'T LAY A HAND ON HIM. Austin says he has something more important and rolls the footage of Shane saying that Austin had a guaranteed title shot, and it'd be the day after Survivor Series. Vince says he overruled that the same night, Austin pulls out a document. He says this is a legally binding contract to give him a shot at The Rock tonight. Vince says that isn't worth anything and Austin says he took it to a judge, and it's legally binding, AND SHOWS VIDEO OF JUDGE MILLS LANE SAYING IT'S LEGIT. OH HELL YEAH~!

D-Generation X (X-Pac & The New Age Outlaws) vs. The Oddities (w/Luna & The ICP)
JR claims Pac though he re-broke his neck last night, which makes sense given how he just walked away. This isn't good, DX do what the can but the Oddities are so bad. Wait, why the FUCK is the ICP back? The match randomly breaks down and Shaggy 2 Dope does a run in and hits Golga with a flying elbow, Gunn then covers cause he needs help from the fuckin ICP smh.

Kerrigan argues with the ICP up the ramp :lmao Whole that is going on, The Headbangers run out and attack Dogg on the stage. FUCK!

During the Match; Mankind arrived at the building, yelling for Vince. He says he wouldn't want to be in Vince's shoes because he's coming home.

In the corporate dressing room, Vince says we have an unscheduled WWF Championship match and has enough to worry about. He calls Mankind an imbecile, but he's also a lunatic. He tells Bossman to stick by him and tells Pat to go talk to him and to remember that he's gullible.

Ken Shamrock comes down to the ring. He says he ain't too happy about Survivor Series because he got screwed. He'd rather be fighting than talking, but it seems to him this is the only way to get his point across. He's talking to YOU Big Bossman. He screwed him twice and he won't do it again, because he's challenging him tonight man to man. He doesn't think that's enough for him to stand on his own, so he'll even throw in the Intercontinental Title on the line, i'll be waiting chump.

Val Venis vs. Mark Henry (w/D'Lo Brown)
Angle match more than anything, Mark does throw a nasty forearm and has some cool power moves. Chyna MAKES HER GRAND RETURN ONTO THE STAGE! I GUESS SHE'S DONE WITH HER LAWSUIT! And during her legal issues, she's taken the time to get some "Surgeries" done. Mark gets distracted by NEW Chyna, which allows Vall to roll him up for the win.

Mark grabs the mic, he asks how she's doing and says he knows their lawyers have had problems, but all he wants is for a nice dinner. No sex involved, he just wants her. Mark reads another poem.

Backstage: Patterson returns to the Corporate dressing room, he says he couldn't find the boiler room. Vince says he couldn't find his own ass, and Brisco says he knows where it's at. Vince says he's sitting on it :lmao Brisco says no he knows where the Boiler Room it, Vince tells him to go check on this guy's temperament then, and Brisco leaves.

Goldust & Steve Blackman vs. Jeff Jarrett & The Blue Blazer (w/Debra McMichaels)
This gets about 2 minutes and a bit, it's mostly Jeff, The Blazer gets like no offensive moves in and Blackman hits him with a Bicycle Kick for the win. After the match; Blackman tries to take off the mask, but Owen Hart runs down and attacks Blackman. Jeff also joins in, Owen kicks Blackman in the dick as all 3 put the boots to him until Goldust makes the save.

Brisco returns and says there were a lot of weird noises in the boiler room, so he didn't go in there. Sarge calls him a wuss, so Vince sends Commissioner Slaughter down there to check it out with both Patterson and Brisco.

Real Man Steven Regal comes down to the ring, The Godfather comes out with three super unattractive Hoes. Godfather tells Regal to hold up and says he knows what he is. He's a pimp. Even though pimping ain't easy, that's what he is. What he doesn't know is that right here in Lexington, they have some of the best hoes ever born. He understands the working man, but it's not for him. He'll give him the choice of fighting him KNOWING he's gonna kick his ass or he'll give him ALL THREE hoes for free for the whole night. Regal says normally, he'd love to kick his head in, and he may be from England, but his name's Steven Regal and not Elton John. HE'LL TAKE THE BROADS. Regal leaves with them and Godfather says he didn't think he'd take the hoes because to quote Archie Bunker, England ain't nothing but a place full of fags BRUH!

Regal gets PISSED and comes back down, they have this awesome brawl until refs and agents break it up.


In the parking lot, KANE attacks some poor innocent workers, loading up the WWF trucks.

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Ken Shamrock vs. The Big Bossman
This gets a couple of minutes, they have no problem just punching the shit out of one another. It's not on the level of Regal/Godfather but it's still quite enjoyable. The ref gets bumped, and they keep fighting so the bell just rings. WTF!

Both men keep fighting until refs and agents all run down to break it up. Vince and Shane come out now, Vince says they're beating the hell out of each other for nothing. Not for him, he yells at them to knock it off. He says Ken isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he IS the most dangerous, and he can use a man like him. He says he and Kenny are a lot alike, they both came from broken homes and had to work for everything they've gotten. The people don't give a damn about you, but he cares because he understands him. He can give him a family, which neither of them ever had growing up. They have a Corporate Champion, an Enforcer, and he wants a dangerous man. AND SHAMROCK SHAKES VINCE'S HAND :mark: Shane goes in for a handshake but Ken airs him :lmao Shamrock and Bossman shake hands too :mark: Shane eventually gets his handshake too.


Gangrel & Edge (w/Christian) vs. NEW LOD 2000
They do 2 minutes of filler before DRUNK HAWK shows up on the stage and climbs up the TitanTron. Animal and Droz pretend to care and go after him, which allows The Brood to win via countout.

Back from break, Droz, Animal, agents and a bunch of refs are all on the stage. Animal says

it's not worth this over wrestling. He keeps trying to get him to calm down and Hawk YELLS Droz is misleading him. Paul Ellering comes out to plead with him, he says he might not care about his life but his kids do. MY KIDS STILL CALL YOU UNCLE! Paul brings up when they use to travel down the roads, but Hawk yells at him to go to hell. Droz goes up after him and Animal says there's always next year and they can always recover. Hawk says he's the last one he wants up here, and Droz FUCKIN SHOVES HIM OFF THE TRON! HOLY SHIT!


In the parking lot, An ambulance drives off, I'm assuming Hawk is in the back of the ambulance.

Michael Cole brings out Sable for an interview. Cole says dreams do come true and Sable says it's been a wild ride, but that was the greatest night of her career. She dedicates the Women's Championship to all the WWF fans who have made Sable who she is. Shane McMahon comes out and says that's wrong. Only one man made Sable, and that's THE man, Vincent K. McMahon, his pops. The unbelievable investment Mr McMahon put into her over three years is not to be believed. The posters, Magazine spread, TV appearances, he's a marketing genius. He took yet another beautiful face and made a star. Sable says she worked damn hard for this and Shane says she worked "REAL" hard. That's what women just like her always do. Sable says all Shane knows about real women are the ones he can buy, and this one ain't for sale.

In the boiler room, Patterson and Brisco are in Wildcat helmets and shoulder pads, which Sarge is wearing his old helmet. They go in search for Mankind, they try to lure him out saying "Mick, we love you & I'm sure Vince loves you too" Mankind then attacks them and beats them down before leaving.

Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Big Bossman and Ken Shamrock all come out to protest the match. Vince says LAST NIGHT was the last night Austin would ever come close to becoming champion again, he had his shot and blew it. Vince says Austin better be right, this is it. HIS LAST SHOT! Vince then introduces "The CORPORATE CHAMPION" The Rock.

WWF World Heavyweight Championship: The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Total fucking dick tease for 6 minutes, Austin brings it and so does Rock, who's now turned up his bumping and just amazing selling while getting his ass kicked by Austin up to 1000. The hot crowd also is amazing for this, everything is just loud and the pops are just that pops. No stupid chants, everyone is just standing losing their minds. It's incredible. They have this do their awesome hate filled brawling throughout, not a single dull second. Rock has to resort to shortcuts to cut off Austin's energetic punches. Amazing moment, the crowd go nuts for Austin as he goes for a piledriver on the floor, but when Rock cuts him off with a backdrop the crowd just dies. THIS IS AMAZING! The crowd don't know what to do when Rock does the Corporate Elbow, they pop at first then remember Rock sold out so they BOOOOO him. Rock targets the neck, but the fans give Austin their energy on some "SPIRIT BOMB" Shit and he fights out of a sleeper, to make a comeback. MANKIND RUNS OUT AND TRIES TO ATTACK VINCE, BUT BOSSMAN CUTS HIM OFF AND THEY BRAWL AROUND RINGSIDE! Ken eventually joins in and they kick the crap out of him. Austin counters the Rock Bottom into the Stunner but Shamrock pulls the ref out, Austin decks Ken but as he rolls back in TAKER IS IN THE RING AND HAS A SHOVEL! He nails Austin in the face for the DQ. Taker goes for it again, but Paul stops it. Rock, Shane and Vince's quickly leave as Taker and Paul follow, as JR yells "WHY?!?!" ***

AWESOME FUCKING MATCH! It's like getting that fire Head, but then someone busts in before you get to fuck or nut.


Shane gets into the ring and begins celebrating, but Austin is back up. He stuns Shane, followed by Bossman and Shamrock. Austin celebrates by drinking beer, he hands come over Earl FUCKING Hebner and they drink together.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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These Raws are as hit and miss as I remember but fuck when it hits it fuckin hits


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Nov 13, 2010
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Christian
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: Mankind

WWF Sunday Night Heat
November 22nd, 1998
Lexington, Kentucky

The entire Corporation comes down to the ring, Vince says he resents the fact that people have stated that if not for The Undertaker, Stone Cold would have defeated The Rock for the WWF Title. When in fact, The Rock was just warming up, the corporate champion didn't even break a corporate sweat. Just to show what kind of a competitor he is, The Rock has decided that he will defend the title at the next pay-per-view, at Rock Bottom, against Mankind. As far as Stone Cold Steve Austin is concerned, there is NO CHANCE IN HELL THAT HE WILL EVER AGAIN BE THE WWF CHAMPION! However, The Undertaker gave him an idea with that shovel. He likes to consider himself a pretty damn good sport, at January's Royal Rumble, Austin will be one of the thirty participants. IF he qualifies. And all he has to do to qualify is at the next PPV, Rock Bottom, all he has to do is defeat The Undertaker IN A BURIED ALIVE MATCH! Vince says 1 last issue, a lot of the fans feel he has too much power, so with that in mind to show you, what we do is all for the fans. Commissioner Slaughter has graciously decided to step aside and on Raw, he will name an independent free-thinking new WWF Commissioner, just for the fans.

Jim Ross and Michael Cole are on commentary.

Cole says during the break got some BREAKING NEWS! Austin blacked out after his match in San Jose today and has been taken to a local Hospital.

Too Much vs. The Hardy Boyz
About a minute, before the Jackyl comes down to do commentary. He says it's his pleasure to introduce The Acolytes, and Bradshaw and Faarooq run out and attack both teams for the double DQ. They destroy both teams with powerbombs and leave them stacked on one another.

Sinor Offical Jack Lanza is on the phone to give us an update on Austin, he says Austin has suffered from headaches and dizziness all weekend long, and after the match, he blacked out. He appears to be okay now but Doctors are still running tests.

Backstage: The Stooges are celebrating the good news, but can't decide which one of them is gonna tell Vince. They go into Vince's office with Vince on the phone, Brisco tells Vince about Austin's blackouts. Vince looks upset and Shane takes the phone away, Bossman forces the Stooges out with them confused at why Vince isn't happy about this.

Gangrel (w/The Brood) vs. Al Snow (w/J.o.B Squad)
Total nothing match for 2 minutes, Christian and Holly begin fighting on the floor which distracts the ref, Edge hits him with a Missile Dropkick, and then the ref sees Scorp hit Edge with one of his own and he throws it out. Both stables begin fighting until refs come out to break it up.

Backstage: Kevin Kelly is with pieces of shit Animal and Droz, Kelly says Hawk is off the critical list but this still must weigh heavily on their minds. Droz mockingly says "WELL" Dwelling on the past is something the old LOD would do, but the new LOD is about the future and they're ready to show every other team who's in control. They'll throw them in a blender, hit puree, and they'll be a chopped up pile of flying goo. Oh, what a rush. Animal just leaves without saying a word.

Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline) vs. The Big Bossman
Short angle match, Bossman hits all his stuff. Mero still sucks, as Mero starts to do stuff Jacque accidentally trips him and he stumbles into the sidewalk black whole slam move and Bossman covers for the win.

After the match; Mero grabs a mic and says he brought her here to take care of Sable, but Sable took care of her. She's becoming a thorn in his side, and this is the last match she'll cost him. Say bye bye to the Marvelous one.

Recap of Mankind November month so far.

Mankind comes down to the ring with the Hardcore Title and a leafblower with a bow on it. He says he'd like to talk just a little bit about family and the pain that results following a break up of that family. He'd like DAD, or Vince McMahon, to feast his eyes on this because it could have been his. He put a bow on here because he was saving it for Father's Day. So now, when those leaves lay on the ground all winter long, causing a detriment in the nitrogen level and the resulting decay of leaf matter leads to poor oxygenation of the soil and his lawn becomes the laughing stock of Greenwich, DON'T BLAME HIM. BECAUSE FROM NOW ON, HE'S DIVORCING HIS FAMILY! He can take ridicule and embarrassment and forgive damn near just about everything. The hair, the beard, but until his dying day, he will never forgive him for making him wear these tuxedo shoes. Mankind throws them into the crowd and then asks where is Mr Socko? And shows off his left foot. He says he'll stay there unlaundered and festering until he finds his final resting place, which is Mr McMahon's turkey necked gullet. Vince and his boy Shane come out onto the stage, Vince says he is a living breathing personification of the fact that you can't shine SHIT! It hurts him deeply that he doesn't understand that love hurts, and he has to show him just how badly it's going to hurt. This week on Raw, he's taking the hard way approach, so he can defend the Hardcore Title in a triple threat match against Ken Shamrock and The Big Bossman. Have a nice day!

Sable comes out to do commentary for some reason.

Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra McMichaels) vs. Kurrgan (w/The Oddities & The ICP)
So, the Oddities have forgiven the ICP for attacking them on RAW and costing them the nice. That's nice, sadly this isn't. It goes about a minute Jeff half ass bumps around showing his future awfulness. Debra gets on the apron to distract Kurrgan which allows Jeff to smash him in the head with the guitar for the win. ICP and the Oddities spend the whole match arguing on the floor. UGH!

Sable and Debra have words on the floor.

Backstage: Kevin Kelly interviews Val Venis. He says this is his first IC Title shot, and like another first time he had, he'll leave Shamrock hurt and confused, and he won't know what hit him after the Big Valbowski comes out on top. :roman

Update ~ Austin has suffered a concussion and is resting as the doctors are still running tests.

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Val Venis vs. Ken Shamrock
HEY! Just like my first time, this goes 2:49 8D I'm serious. They don't waste any time and go right to the shits with strikes and power moves, they cram about 10 minutes worth of stuff into 3 minutes. So, we don't get much selling and everything is super fast. I do like that both men get an even amount of offense before we go to the finish. Ken has the Ankle Lock applied but Mankind runs out with the leafblower and hits Kenny from behind for the DQ. Bossman runs out now and attacks Mankind with the nightstick, they double team Mick and beat him down with the leafblower to end the show. *3/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Christian
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: Mankind

November 23rd, 1998
Columbus, Ohio

Recap of Austin/Rock, and the forming of the Corporation on RAW last week.


The McMahon's and their Entourage come down to the ring, Vince says for those of you who feel he was behind the brutal attack on Steve Austin, he had nothing to do with it. I categorically deny those accusations, and as is known, he does not lie. He's never lied before and he never will. When he guarantees, you know, you can take it to the bank. Vince says just in a few moments he will name a new Commissioner. Commissioner Slaughter has graciously decided to step aside, so the WWF can advance, so the WWF can have an innovative free thinker at the helm who does not answer to Vince McMahon. The only exception is Stone Cold Steve Austin because all those decisions are his. So without further due, the McMahon family is proud to present to you THE ONLY GRAND SLAM CHAMPION IN THE WWF HISTORY........................................SHAAAAAAWWWWNNNNNNNNNNN MICHAELS! Shawn comes down to the ring, he grabs the mic out of Vince's hand and says it looks like there's a new sheriff in town, Mr Vin Man. Regardless HBK is thrilled to be back in the ring in one form or another. Now, as a token of his appreciation and as the new commissioner of the WWF, he can be the one guaranteeing stuff around here, and he guarantees him that things will never ever be the same again. In an effort to add a little more sizzle to tonight's steak, Shawn books for THE WWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP The Rock will defend against X-Pac :mark: Shawn leaves giving crotch chops, as Vince, Shane and the Stooges all discuss what the HELL THEY JUST DONE DID!

Backstage: Kevin Kelly interviews the ICP and the Oddities, one of the ICP smurfs says they're not ready to have a match so he needs them to wrestle for them. Luna seems confused but they accept.

The Headbangers vs. The Oddities (w/Luna & The ICP)
Angle fuckery, ICP AGAIN turns on the Oddities to help the Headbangers win. After the match; The ICP join the Headbangers in beating up the Oddities, they spray Silva and Kerrigan in the eyes with paint and cut Luna's hair, before leaving with the Headbangers.

Video package of BROKEN Kane destroying things as he has no direction, Lost soul Kane. JR says he hasn't seen Kane since last week.

The Blue Blazer vs. Steve Blackman
Short angle match, Jeff totally gives it away that he's the Blazer tonight as he does the Owen "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" but his Tennessee deep broken voice cracks as he can't hit the high note :lmao Blazer does a bunch of Owen's stuff but does it all badly before locking in the Sharpshooter. Blackman makes a comeback and hits the Bicycle Kick for the win. After the match; Blackman again tries to unmask the Blazer, but Owen Hart runs out to save and chop blocks him. Owen puts the boots to him, as the Blazer runs off.

Video airs of Austin's blackout in San Jose after his match.

In the back, Shawn and Vince are talking.

Gangrel & Edge (w/Christian) vs. D'Lo Brown & Mark Henry
This gets some time and is rather enjoyable, Edge/D'Lo again have a really good interaction for a minute, Gangrel is the weakest link, he's not totally the shits, but he does drag this down a little. D'Lo and Mark briefly isolate Edge, Mark targets the back with power, while D'Lo targets the chest. A lot of this is Mark hitting some pretty cool big power moves, while D'Lo takes the high risks, eventually, the high risk bites him in the ass and allows Gangrel to make the hot tag, Mark Henry cuts it off and gets back in control, but Chyna comes out with the mic. She doesn't say anything, but Mark is so happy to see her that Gangrel schoolboys him for the win. **1/2

After the match; Chyna agrees to go on a date with him, Marl celebrates by rolling on the floor.

In the hospital, Austin is laid up in the bed complaining that all the doctors doing is running test, he says he's fine, but the ref says he has a concussion and AUSTIN YELLS "HELL YEAH! I DID, I GOT HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A SHOVEL" The nurse hands Austin some pills, as the Doctor says he needs to take some weeks off. Austin refuses. He takes sleeping pills under the agreement that he'll be out in the morning. JR asks how he feels and Austin yells "I FEEL LIKE I BEEN HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A DAMN SHOVEL" He says Undertaker and Paul Bearer got hell to pay when he gets out too.

Backstage: Shawn is talking with The Outlaws and Pac, they seem to be having a good time.

Goldust vs. Marc Mero
More angle fuckery, they do stuff for a few minutes it's pretty meaningless. Suddenly, Terri comes out and shortly after Jacque comes down too. Goldust sets Mero up for Shattered Dreams, but Terri distracts the ref allowing Jacque to low blow Goldust. Terri then comes in and kicks Mero in the dick. They then leave together. OH NO!

Back at the hospital, the nurse gets Austin autograph, JR asks Austin about his buried alive match and Austin yells that son of a bitch, won't make it to buried alive. The nurse tries to get Austin to calm down.................BUT THE LIGHTS GO OUT! A hearse then arrives in front of the hospital.

WWF Hardcore Championship: Ken Shamrock vs. The Big Bossman vs. Mankind
Basically a handicap match, Ken and Bossman team up and take turn beating on poor Mankind for the majority of the match. Mankind takes some nice bumps nothing insane though. Mankind tries to fight them off, with the divide and conquer game but Bossman kills him with a knee shot and brings in the nightstick to get the control back. Shane and Vince come out to watch on, that gives Mankind new life who busts out the broom to break over Shamrock's back. This goes a few more minutes until THE THE JOB SQUAD HOPS THE BARRICADES! Scorpio and Holly fight off Bossman, as Snow hits Shamrock with head. They leave and Mankind covers Kenny for the win. **1/2

After the match; Mankind chases after the McMahons, but Shamrock and Bossman cut him off and beat him down.

t the hospital, the hearse is still out front. AND INSIDE, UNDERTAKER SMOTHERS AUSTIN WITH A PILLOW! HOLY SHIT! Bearer then uses a rag drenched in I guess Chloroform to put him to sleep, Taker says this is where Austin gets off. This is his last ride. Taker then drags Austin out of his room.

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship: Christian (w/The Brood) vs. Duane Gill
RUSSO SPECIAL! Christian has this won pretty easily but keeps fucking around. BUT AGAIN THE JOB SQUAD OF Snow and Holly hop the rails and attack Edge and Gangrel, that causes a distraction so as Christian is on top for the cover, Scorpio to come off the top with a splash. He throws Gill on top and the ref counts to three. NEW CHAMPION~!

After the match; Gill celebrates with the JOB Squad, Cole comes out and interviews him. He says this is the greatest moment of his life.

The title has pretty much been dead since Mania, but now that shit is like 6 feet under. Congrats.

The hearse stops in front of an open grave, WAIT A GOD DAMN SECOND HOW DID THE CAMERA GUY KNOW THIS IS WHERE THEY WERE GONNA BE? Taker throws Austin in the grave and Taker starts digging even deeper. Bearer asks who Austin thinks he is, AUSTIN WAKES UP AND ATTACKS PAUL BEARER! Undertaker chokes him out again and says this is the end for him. Bearer puts MORE ether in Austin's face sending him back to sleep. Taker says burying him alive is too good for him. Paul asks what they're gonna do, and Taker says they're gonna embalm him ALIVE! MY GOD!

The Godfather comes out with 3 Hoes, Tiger Ali Singh also comes out cause this is still a feud. UGH! But FUCK ALL THAT THE REAL MAN STEVEN REGAL RUNS OUT AND ATTACKS THE GODFATHER BEFORE THE BELL CAUSE HE AIN'T NO FAG! But, Val Venis runs out to make the SAVE! Refs come out to break it up. Val and Godfather then leave together.

Backstage: Shawn Michaels is arguing with The Rock, Vince and Shane try to defuse it. But the Rock just walks off.

In the referee locker room, Shawn is talking to Earl Hebner.

The New Age Outlaws vs. The J.O.B Squad (Scorpio & Bob Holly w/Al Snow & Duane Gill)
This gets about 5 minutes, and the crowd is super hot for it, which helps a lot as they seemingly take the night off and wait for the fuckery. The match breaks down, and Mankind runs out with the leafblower and returns the favour by hitting Gunn with it allowing Scorpio to cover for the win. Fuckin Job squad out here dominating RAW.

After the match; Shamrock and Bossman come out and attack everyone, with the leafblower and nightstick before leaving, but leave the Outlaws alone as referees come out to break it up. The Stooges and Slaughter come to talk to the Outlaws :hm:


1998 Y'all!


The Outlaws and the entire Corporation come out with their guys, but Commissioner Shawn comes out and sends them all to the back. Shawn takes a seat at ringside.

WWF World Heavyweight Championship: X-Pac vs. The Rock
This gets over 8 minutes and totally deliver, that play off the Cocky young new ace champion who throws his height and weight advantage around, but he's going up against the smaller, faster and more experienced hungry kid. Real good feeling out stuff with Pac being one step ahead, but Rock hits a desperation low blow by sending Pac dick first into the ringpost from the floor to take over. He works the neck, like 98% of the roster does against Pac, so he does the basic sleepers and punches as Vince and his boy comes out onto the stage to watch on, Pac fights out and hits a spinkick to start his comeback. Pac gets an awesome near fall off a spinning leg lariat, Pac then hits THE X-FACTOR FOR ANOTHER Good near fall, but the Rock comes back with a scoop slam for two. As JR turns on his angry, main event yelling voice really selling this. Rock grabs a chair, but Shawn comes in and takes the chair away. HE TEASES HITTING ROCK WITH IT! AS VINCE AND SHANE RUN DOWN TO THE RING! Hebner yells at them to leave, which allows Shawn to turn on Pac and hit him with the chair. With Pac out Rock hits the "Corporate Elbow" and covers for the win. ***

After the match; The Outlaws run down, but Shawn and Rock get the hell outta there. Bossman and Shamrock then run out and attack the Outlaws. AND RAW ENDS WITH THIS!

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