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WWF In Your House 11 “It’s Time”


Prove me wrong

WWF In Your House 11 “It’s Time”
West Palm Beach, Florida
December 15th, 1996​

So on the free for all Shawn talks shit about Bret talking shit about him when he was at home. Doc then asks will he be able to sit at ring side tonight during the Bret/Sid match and wonders if he will get involved. Shawn then says he will do what he wants, and begins to talk more shit about Bret being arrogant :lmao that mini-shoot was hilarious.

Free-For- All Match: Rocky Maivia vs. Salvatore Sincere
What a way to start a show, a green Rock vs. Salvatore HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh so this match is only taking place because Cornette offered to manage Rocky but he turned him down so Cornette said he can manage anyone to victory. Decent mat wrestling from both men to start, until Salvatore slaps Rocky twice but Rocky retaliates knocking him to the floor. Salvatore gets the advantage by poking him in the eye, but Rocky comes back with some flashy kip-ups into arm drags. That was cute; Cornette distracts Rocky long enough for Salvatore to clothesline him. As Paul Bearer, Mankind and The Executioner promise the demise of the Undertaker in a split screen. Back to the ring and both men connect with clotheslines for the double KO, but Rocky gets up first and begins to punch away before hitting a powerslam. He follows up with a high crossbody off the top but Salavatore rolls through for two. Like a minute later, Rocky hits Sincere with a shoulder breaker, which draws Cornette into the ring for the disqualification. Solid dark match, Rock was good even when he was green. **1/4


Flash Funk vs. Leif Cassidy
I think we all know Leif is Al Snow and Flash Funk is 2 Cold Scorpio; Flash Funk’s attire and and entrance is AWAZING! He’s got these two female PHX’s shaking their ass and he’s dressed as a pimp with a white hat and white fur jacket. OH SHIT! Vince attempting to bust a move :lmao No joke Funk’s entrance and dance in the ring is the same length of Undertaker’s entrance. Real solid opening with a good exchange on the mat, as both men tried to reverse out of hammerlocks and keylocks. Funk does begin to quicken the pace but that for a hot sec before he goes back to the arm of Leif, lol @ at Funk botching a springboard but he does go back and hit it again but still :lmao Leif does get the advantage when he front powerbombs Funk, he then picks him up and belly-to-bellies him to the floor. But Leif isn’t done, he springboard somersault plancha’s onto to Funk taking him out. Leif begins slow it down but that doesn’t last long with Funk making a brief-comeback until he runs into a Sit-down Spine buster for two, Leif slams Funk but misses the springboard moonsault. They go back and forth now and I must say Funk’s offense is a bit too flashy and gay for my liking tonight it’s just all these random flips. Anyway, Funk hits him with handspring reverse kick which sends Cassidy to the floor. Flash dives out onto Leif with a traditional plancha on the floor; back in the ring, Flash hits a top-rope floating moonsault but it only gets two. Flash misses a spin kick and eats a clothesline they go through a roll-up pinfall sequence and Flash winds up kicking the back of Leif’s head, Funk hits a Stinger splash and backdrop suplexes him before following up with a 450 for the win. Alright spotfest just Flash did way too many flips and dances for my liking. **1/4 - **1/2


Backstage: Kevin Kelly discusses the tension between Owen Hart and the British Bulldog triggered by Steve Austin. Bulldog says he will get Austin if he gets in his way, Owen cuts in and tells Kevin not to try and distract them.

WWF Tag Team Championships: Fake Diesel & Fake Razor Ramon vs. British Bulldog & Owen Hart (w/Clarence Mason)
Oh man Kane was ripped as fuck when he played the Diesel gimmick, so it’s pretty much all KANE Diesel using his strength to throw Owen around as we get a shot of Cibernético and Pierroth from invading AAA promotion, come down to the ring and have words with the tag champs :lmao Vince and his invasion angles, Razor and Bulldog get in now thankfully Bulldog gets the better until Austin comes out and Bulldog attacks him from behind :mark: they begin to brawl and wait shouldn’t that be a DQ? Well it should, officials and ref break it up and that allows Razor to get the better until Owen tags in and they go back and forth until Diesel pulls down the top rope sending Owen to the floor. Razor has the ref distracted and that allows Diesel to send Owen into the post back and kidney first. All of Razor’s and Diesel’s heat is on the back of Owen and it’s alright this lasts for a good few minutes and dragged, but thankfully Owen clobbers Diesel with his killer enziguri. The Bulldog receives a hot tag and he works over Razor with clotheslines. He rams Ramon and Diesel’s heads together and drops a leg onto Razor for two. Vertical suplex by the Bulldog; as Diesel runs in and the match break down. Razor gets a shot in and the Bulldog counters into a Bulldog powerslam. Razor slips out and goes for the Razor’s Edge but Owen sneaks in and spinning wheel kicks him into a Bulldog jackknife cradle for three. Post-match: Austin returns and blindsides the Bulldog with a chop block; Owen is not too helpful in the save as WWF officials had to hold Stone Cold back. Meh match really, way too many angles going on at once. **

Vince McMahon brings out Ahmed Johnson for an interview. He announces Faarooq/Ahmed for the Rumble, and Ahmed says he's lost his girlfriend, car, and house due to this injury :lmao :lmao :lmao Ahmed says all he lives for is his fans and Faarooq is gonna pay. The Nation shows up in the balcony, and Crush is now with them, Faarooq says he's the reason his people are behind 50 years. He calls him an Uncle Tom, and he'll show him at the Rumble that when they say Promised Land, they say Faarooq. This has to be the worse exchange of promo’s in wrestling history, both guys were barely speaking English and it wasn’t hood talk either.

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Marc Mero (w/Sable)
Mat wrestling to start, and it’s alright they did botch a arm drag but Hunter shrugs it off and they do it again. He does sucker him in into the corner but Mero fights back with the 10 corner punches but on count 7 he drops Mero face first onto the buckle. He immediately attempts the pedigree but Mero backdrops him to the floor. Mero goes after him but Hunter quickly gets up and hides behind Sable before shoving her into him and jumping him. He sends Mero into the steps before attempting to hit Sable with a chair but the ref stops it, he sends Mero into the steps again before rolling him back into the ring. Hunter begins to work the back even hitting a pretty tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two. He locks in a abdominal stretch, Hunter uses the ropes but Hebner catches him and he and Helmsley get into their traditional shoving match :lmao I swear the Hebner/Hunter feud was the longest in WWF/E history this shit went on for years :lmao That allows Mero to catch his breath and begin a comeback with Hunter bumping like a mid-card GOD! He went flying and made Mero look great. At one point, Mero is about to go for the 450 but Hunter shoves Hebner into the ropes taking him and Mero out. The Pedigree is countered to a slingshot into the post but it only gets a two count. Mero hits a Moonsault but it only gets two, Hunter ducks Mero charge and the referee gets hit instead. Hunter hits a neckbreaker and grabs the IC belt and tries to nail Mero but he counters into a Victory roll-up for two. Mero tosses Hunter into the corner that falls upside-down to the floor; Mero follows up with a somersault pescado as Goldust heads to the ring and nails both Mero and Helmsley. The referee counts both men out but Mero makes it back in before the ten count; Mero wins by count out but does not win the IC title. Post-match: Mero drags Hunter back into the ring and hits the Wild Thing because he is really fired up, Goldust returns and attacks Helmsley in the aisle for hitting on his woman. Hunter really made Mero look like NOT a total piece of shit. **1/2

Clips air from Superstars earlier today. Sid was being interviewed in the parking lot, and Shawn Michael's attacked him. Officials and other wrestlers broke it up, including Bret Hart. Shawn and Bret started fighting then, and Sid attacked Bret from behind.

Dok Hendrix interviews Sid, who yells at Bret to keep his nose out of his business. Sid uses college logic to say he can beat Bret; Shawn beat Bret, Sid beat Shawn therefore Sid beat Bret.

Armageddon Rules Match: The Undertaker vs. The Executioner (w/Paul Bearer)
Armageddon Rules Match is basically a Texas Death Match, OH GOD NO! What are the chances of all the PPV’s I picked they have this silly gimmick on them. Well at least Vader/Jack was EPIC! I have no hopes for this at all. Incase you don’t know the rules and didn’t read my HHovic review which is online on this for forum J here are the rules its no-DQ, pinfalls do not count, but you have to pin your opponent in order for the 10 count to begin. Vince being the GOD that he is took out the Blue 30 second rest period; no wonder this guy was a billionaire. Taker goes right at the Executioner beating him from pillar-to-post, and cost-to-cost. That happens for a good 4-5 minutes until, Paul Bearer interferes and the Executioner attacks from behind and throwing Taker on to both announce tables. Taker comes back with a clothesline; exposing the concrete floor as he tries to Tombstone the Executioner but Mankind arrives and makes the save, tripping over the blue padding :lmao They double team Taker, they double clothesline him but the Undertaker sits-up and clobbers both of them. On the floor, Taker destroys them up the aisle. Undertaker tosses Mankind through the window of the In Your House set and then tosses him through the door :mark: Taker then dismantles the Executioner and tosses him into the giant house part of the set. Mankind returns and they finally overwhelm him but the Undertaker keeps fighting back. The security guards mace Mankind as the Undertaker drags the Executioner back up the stage and out of the building. Back in the arena, the security puts Mankind into a straitjacket :lmao He runs around the ringside area like a madman; until WWF President Gorilla Monsoon and Tony Garea try to maintain order in the arena; meanwhile, outside the Undertaker throws the Executioner down a concrete embankment into the fountain. Taker heads back into the arena and finds a straitjacketed Mankind, so he beats the shit out of him until the Executioner returns and they brawl back into the ring. Taker Tombstones the Executioner and gets the pinfall and the Executioner is unable to answer the ten count to give the Undertaker the victory. This shit was hilarious, it was just one big arena brawl and the only pin/10 count was the one that ended the match AWESOME! And I was wrong I loved this, a lot more than I should have. It’s pretty much Taker beating the shit out of both guys the entire time. ***1/4 - ***1/2


Dok Hendrix interviews Bret Hart, Bret says he shouldn't have turned his back on Sid, but he's had it up to here with Shawn trying to rain on his parade. For 8 months, he's thought about getting his WWF Title back, and during that time, he thought it would be Shawn, but Shawn doesn't matter anymore to him without that belt. Suddenly, Shawn Michaels' music hits for him to come out for commentary. Bret says this is HIS interview and HIS match, and everyone's always cutting in with Shawn Michael's, but he's sick to death of Shawn Michael's.

WWF Championship: Bret “Hitman” Hart vs. Sycho Sid
Shawn Michael's comes out for guest commentary, and he looks and sounds fucked up. Like 20 seconds into this and he’s already taking shots and inside jabs at Bret and others :lmao Shawn makes a point, in code, that Sid is only as good as his opponent in the ring. Sid turns his back on Bret so Bret jumps him for revenge AWESOME! That doesn’t last long as Sid kills Bret on a Irish whip followed up with a clothesline that looked and sounded sick. Sid begins to work on the head, but Sid leaves a little opening and that allows Bret to work the body of Sid. I did get a laugh out of at one point Shawn is putting over Bret huge calling him the best technician in WWF and in great shape then 5 seconds later he calls him the most boring guy :lmao Bret plays a cat and mouse game, but Sid catches his leg and begins to hammer away at his face on the floor. They do get back into the ring, but Bret jumps on him. Man this match is pretty meh so far. Sid rams Bret into the ring barricade and he pulls up the ringside padding and thinks powerbomb but Bret rams his back into the post. Bret drives Sid’s back into the post a few more times giving Bret something to work on; Bret works over the back for a good few minutes and it’s enjoyable. At one point Bret undo’s the top turnbuckle as the Coms including Shawn put over this new attitude of Bret and him being more desperate since hi return. Bret hits the Russian leg sweep, a snap-suplex and the driving second-rope elbow for two. Bret goes to the top rope again but Sid catches him and throws him off. Sid continues to sell the pain but manages a big boot and begins to comeback with rotating powerslam; Sid kicks and hits a short-clothesline, he then misses a legdrop; Jim Ross sneaks a shot at Hulk Hogan admitting “he never liked that maneuver” :lmao Bret tries to go for the Sharpshooter but Sid kicks him to the floor where Steve Austin runs out and clips Bret’s knee; Owen Hart and the British Bulldog run down to get some revenge on Austin. Bret manages to climb back into the ring and hobbles around the ring; Sid, is apprehensive believing Bret is really hurt. He moves in regardless and Sid hammers Hart in the corner and stomps away. Bret counters a Snake Eyes and tries to ram Sid into the exposed buckle but he reverses in, Bret smartly collapses to the floor, to prevent himself from going into the steel. Sid tries again, Bret counters again but this time Sid manages to momentum him into the exposed buckle, Sid chokeslams him but Bret kicks out after two. Sid comes charging in but Bret clothesline him to the floor by the announce table; Bret grabs Shawn’s chair, but Sid nails him from behind. Sid pie-faces Shawn for giving Bret his chair, so Shawn runs onto the apron; Sid tosses Bret into him, knocking Michaels off the apron, and drops Bret with the powerbomb for the win. Post-match: A PISSED! Off Bret attacks Shawn on the floor as the show goes off air, this was alright Bret was Bret but Sid is still pretty useless. **3/4


Bret doing that boy dirty :lmao


Never understood why WWF ever booked their big men babyfaces against guys like Bret Hart or even HBK....All they needed to do was sell and it just made the biggies look all meanies.

Why was there no Steve Austin? Also,HBK shouldn't have posed for the fag mag.......unless he was heel.

More people need to do the hockey scrap beatdown.