Donnie watches WWF 1984

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: The Iron Sheik-26/12/83
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF Wrestling at the Chase
January 1st, 1984
St. Louis, MO

Vince and Mean Gene are now calling the show, and it's a crazy thing to see. They announce Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdoch will be wrestling tonight. OH MY GOD, I LOVE 1984 ALREADY.

Match#1 Rocky Johnson & Tony Atlas vs Dennis Stamp & Jerry Valiant
Stamp is famous for being the "I'M NOT BOOKED" guy from Beyond Wrestling, so this is a cool thing to see him get booked. Decent showcase for the champs for a few minutes. As i said in the last review for 83, they're getting a little better, and it's better than them being terrible and then i have to be an asshole, which i don't enjoy being. Rocky has "get down" on his tights, and i can only imagine what he got up to after this with the foot freak. Tony gets in and cleans house and wins with Slam/Splash combo

Match#2 David Schultz vs Ken Jugan
Oh fuck, John Stossel better run for it. Dr D looks like a slightly smaller Sid Viscous, and he has the same aura about him, so i already love him. He controls on the mat and has fun work on the neck whilst also shit talking the fans. He drags him back up and beats the crap out of him with some awesome strikes and wins with a Tombstone

Match#3 Hulk Hogan vs Bill Dixon
EYE OF THE TIGER THEME. OH MY GOD. Super fun showcase for our new hero/overlord for a few minutes. Big power spots and some good mat work on the arm. It's easy to forget that Hogan actually rules when he's a massive shithead of a human, but yeah this is good times. He hits a Big Boot, slam, lariat, slam and the Legdrop to win

Post match, he does the famous ear cup and the crowd loves him.

At ringside, Gene interviews the owner of the network that the Chase is airing on.

Hogan is now interviewed by Mean Gene. 'YOU KNOW SOMETHING, MEAN GENE" This is his first victory in the WWF and he's ready for a battle royal in a few weeks, and then he's ready for a world title shot which he has prayed for his entire life.

Gene brings out Dick Murdoch and Adrian Adonis next. Adonis says they are the North/South Connection and they're after the Tag Titles. Murdoch says this state makes him sick, and he's mad that their match is the main event because they have to wait even longer to get the hell out of this state.

Gene brings out Atlas and Johnson next. Johnson says this is their home away from home and this is their kind of town and they love representing them as champions, and he has the best partner he could ask for. Atlas says they're both in the battle royal on February 10th and there's no use shouting about it, because they'll do it again in the ring

Big John Studd now walks on and says no one can slam him.

Match#4 Big John Studd vs Jimmy Jackson
Same old showcase for the big man. He's never going to change it because it's the 80's and he's a giant and there's ways of doing stuff, but i wish he would add more. Backbreaker ends it

Match#5 Ivan Putski vs Bill Beger

Putski can't eat the burger because he's too old and bad, so fuck him. Polish Hammer ends my pain.

Match#6 The North South Connection vs Terry Daniels & Kevin Collins

So fucking happy to have Adrian back after two years away, and Dick is God as we all know. Insane showcase as they kick the ever loving fuck out of these poor saps, and do everything they can to kill them. Murdoch throws one of them into a table at ringside and slams him on the carpet floor, and it's sick as hell, Adonis gets in and batters the shit out of them as well, and he's still
awesome as hell, so i adore these two. Adrian wins with the Sleeper.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: The Iron Sheik-26/12/83
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
January 7th, 1984
Allentown, PA

Vince and Mean Gene are commentating TV as well.

Tonight, Backlund vs Samoan #3 (I assume they mean Samu, but you never know with WWF)

Match#1 Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson vs Charlie Fulton & Bill Dixon
Fine showcase for the champs. Wish Fulton had gone away forever, but seeing him eat shit is ok with me. Sunset flip to Dixon does it

Rowdy Roddy Piper makes his debut as Schultz' manger!!! This is happening because he's fucked up with injures after the dog collar match with Valentine, so he's got a perfect role until he's cleared.

Match#2 David Schultz w/Roddy Pipper vs Steve Lombardi
Sick showcase for Dr D. Mean strikes and some cool matwork, and a jobber willing to get his ass kicked for the cause. David wins with a great flying elbow.

At ringside, Mean Gene interviews the new duo. Piper says they're looking at the new generation of wrestling who have written the new book on wrestling. They are 28 years old in their primes, and no one else had a prime when they were that age! They leave, and it's a sweet way to introduce him as a fast talking shithead, without giving away the fact he's actually pure scum in every way possible.


Match#3 The Iron Sheik w/Freddie Blassie vs John Callahan
Our first ass fucking humbling for the year. He breaks his back and beats the piss out of him, and then nukes him with the Clutch.

HOUSE SHOW HYPE (it's easier to do it like this, so i'll keep it as such until they die out in the late 80's)
Sarge hypes an upcoming battle royal for 50 grand. He says there's a lot of big men in this match, but he's fought when he was wounded, and this is nothing to him. Stolen Valour is shitty, but it's ok when he does it.

Tito walks on and is mad Sarge didn't say his name. He cuts a promo in Spanish, that i can only assume is his normal promo.

Lou Albano has the Samoans with him. He touts their combined rage as the thing that will secure victory.

Match#3 Tito Santana vs Bob Bradley
Tito squashes poor Bob for maybe the 5th time since his debut. so i can only assume he fucking hates him. Gross Forearm does it for our hero

Victory Corner with Iron Sheik & Blassie. Sheik says Iran is know is for oil and wrestling, and they are proud of him for winning the title.

Match#4 Masked Superstar vs Victor Mecardo
MS gets two minutes to play and spends it all beating on the neck in cool fashion before he hits the Neckbreaker to win

Bob comes out to the ring for his match and he's outnumbered 4-1, so he asks the reg to get rid of them, but he refuses. Complete bullshit

Match#5 Bob Backlund vs Samula w/The Wild Samoans & Lou Albano
Vince explains this was meant to be a tag match, but Albano refused and forced Bob to do a singles match. The monsters keep getting involved, so Bob calls a timeout and walks to the back, AND HE COMES BACK OUT WITH HULK HOGAN. HOLY SHIT. THE CROWD LOSES IT. Hogan stands at ringside, as Samula finally attacks and has some cool offence , before Bob fights him off and locks in the Chicken Wing. The Samoans rush the ring for the DQ

Hogan gets in the ring and helps Bob fight them off, and Lou takes huge bumps for Hogan's punches. They hold the ring.

Mean Gene is now with Hogan and Bob. Bob says Hogan has changed his ways, and he promised he won't have Blassie with him. BROTHER I WANT TO THANK THE WWF FOR BRINGING THE HULKSTER BACK. HULKAMANIA TURNS HIM ON, BROTHER. HE RIPS HIS SHIRT OFF AND LEAVES. Amazing, amazing angle.

Match#6 Mr Fuji vs Denny Hill
Fun old man showcase for Fuji. Vince announces Fuji/Tiger vs Backlund & Hogan next week! Good chops to the throat and some cool kicks, before the sweet running back elbow splash ends it.



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: The Iron Sheik-26/12/83
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF Wrestling at the Chase
January 7th, 1984
St. Louis, MO

Match#1 Ivan Putski vs Dennis Stamp.

Another terrible and long one for the old man. Nearly 5 minutes and not one second is good or worth suffering though. I suffer for you, btw. Polish Hammer ends it
Not being booked

Match#2 Jimmy Snuka vs Eddie Carson

Jimmy is still doing lame arm and neck work despite being dog shit at it, so fuck him. Splash does it

At ringside, Gene interviews Studd, and hey, no one can slam him. Go away.

At ringside, David Schultz says he's going to put Andre down and beg like a dog. David has never lost a match, and he ain't about to start now.

Match#3 Big John Studd vs James Burke & Rob Chaney
Bad stuff from Studd, who has gotten really lazy and boring very fast. I assume he's going to get cool again, or i can only hope. He slams them both to win


Match#4 David Schultz vs Jimmy Jackson

Dr D towers of the kid and really beats his ass with some great clubbering and some nasty power moves. He drops him with a series of gross neckbreakers, lariats and slams before finally pinning him with a tombstone.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: The Iron Sheik-26/12/83
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
January 14th, 1984
Allentown, PA

To kick us off, Hogan says he's super excited to be back, JACK, and he wants to thank Mr Backlund for being the best world champion ever, and for taking a chance on him. Hulkamania is about to run wild, brother.

Match#1 Hulk Hogan & Bob Backlund vs Mr Fuji & Tiger Chung Lee
Have to love Hogan's first match back as a babyface is against two evil foreign heels. Hogan breaks out the sweet arm work again, and he's really good at it. Always twisting and doing some cool or interesting, just a great display. Bob gets in and Fuji attacks the bad shoulder and the control seg is basic, but fun enough for a few minutes. Hogan has a great hot tag and cleans house with a ton of fire. He beats Tiger with the Legdrop.

Match#2 Sgt Slaughter vs Mike Dorsett
Vince is very nice to Sarge on commentary and talks about what a proud man he is, and a lot of fans have pro Slaughter signs and pictures. Fucking love to see it. Really good stuff from our guy, and it's even more impressive because the jobber is a big ol boy and Sarge has to work harder to beat his ass. The jobber rakes Sarges eyes, and he goes fucking nuts and kills him with a GROSS Lariat and then the Clutch

Post match, Sarge's eye is fucked up, so he kills the jobber with another nasty Lariat.

House Show Promos
Ivan Putski cuts a very bad promo about winning the battle royal. He stumbles over his words trying to talk about how dangerous it is, and he's a clown.

Sheik and Blassie are next. They will be the champion forever and a day, and they will get a match with Hulk Hogan and take care of him. OH FUCK.

Tito Santana is next, and he cuts another promo in Spanish.

Andre the Giant walks on last. He is very happy to be in this match, and he hopes the ring is strong enough have 20 men in it. Andre plans to stay the king of the battle royals.

Match#3Jimmy Snuka vs Butcher Vachon
Butcher attacks from behind and beats him up for a minute or so, and it smokes all the bad stuff Jimmy has been doing for weeks. Snuka makes a quick comeback and wins with a bad flying headbutt.

Victory Corner with David Schultz. Dr D says he's here for competition, and he's been watching all these big men that he wants to fight. He's been roaming the streets and bars to fight, and there's no one left to fight out there, so he dreamt of fighting all these men in the WWF. He gets mad when they cut him off and throw back to the ring. Love him so much.

Before Orndoff;s match, we see Rowdy Roddy Piper in his corner. HOLY SHIT YES.

Match#4 Paul Orndorff w/Roddy Piper vs Hercules Vasquez
Lots of stalling and bullshit as Piper slowly takes off Wonderful's robe, and gets mad when the fans chants "Paula". It's a perfect display of heel work done correctly, and every current wrestler needs to learn from this. Another super mean one from Wonderful, and he KILLS the kid with a spike piledriver.

Match#5 Don Muraco vs SD Jones
Oh, not again. Let Don beat someone who isn't this complete twat. Still, it's a good showcase for the beach bum, and i can't ever complain about more Don on my TV. SD adds nothing, but Don thankfully runs through for the most part and reverses a suplex into a cradle to win.

Match#6 Tony Colon vs Jose Rivera

JOBBER FIGHT. Ok, cool with me. Mac has a ton of basic offence, but it's all crisp and awesome as hell, He wins wins with a airplane spin.



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: The Iron Sheik-26/12/83
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF at the Chase
January 21st, 1984
St Louis, MO

Before their match, Tiger Lee attacks Putski with a stick.

Match#1 Ivan Putski vs Tiger Chung Lee w/Mr Fuji
Tiger works a lazy nerve hold for a couple of minutes, and it's very bad and lame, but Ivan ain't worth effort. Ivan fights out and then locks in a lazy ass chin lock in revenge. Goddam it, fuck you both. It goes on forever and forever, and i have no idea what i did to deserve this. Putski wins with his shitty Polish Hammer

Match#2 Dick Murdoch w/Adrian Adonis vs Tony Atlas

Insane contrast in bodies with these two, and it speaks to how cool wrestling is. Because you know the fat fella is going to whip the muscle guys ass. He does just that with some gross punches and forces Tony to actually put some force behind his strikes and it rocks to see him get better by the week. Adonis keeps getting involved, so Rocky runs out and a double DQ happens.

Match#3 David Schultz w/Roddy Piper vs Jose Martinez

God yes. Awesome outing for Dr D as always, and Piper is a shithead at ringside taunting the jobber and the crowd. Gross tombstone and the flying elbow ends it

Victory Corner with Hulk Hogan. He says Blassie misguided him last time, but he's been chasing the big one the right way. He wants the WWF title and he's been saying his prayers, training and eating vitamins. He's working up the ladder and he wants to be the best in the world, He knows Hulkamania is about to run wild in the WWF.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: The Iron Sheik-26/12/83
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
January 21st, 1984
Allentown, PA

Match#1 David Schultz w/Roddy Piper vs Jimmy Jackson

More brutal stuff from Dr. D. Dude just gets that he has to beat to kids to a pulp and look amazing while doing it. Flying Elbow does the deed

Match#2 Tito Santana vs Butcher Vachon
Butcher gets a run of offence like he did last week, and Vince actually talks about him beating up Snuka. Nice to see all the shows being canon. Tito fights back and whips his ass and beats him with the Forearm.

House Show promos
Mr Fuji is interviewed about an upcoming tag title match. They will show them who is stronger and better, and why America sucks.

Tito Santana is next. He says Muraco should be concerned about him, because he's focused on taking the IC title for the fans and himself.

Sarge walks on next and says wherever Gene is from is garbage! He's not afraid of Andre the Maggot in any way, he's ready to fight him and make him a little maggot. He'll make him smaller than his old manager, God rest his soul.

In the ring, Fuji is set for a match, but Sheik and Blassie walk out and demand he give them his place. Fuji agrees and leaves. Ok.

Match#3 The Iron Sheik w/Freddie Blassie vs Mike Dorsett
Fine little showcase for Sheiky. Good clubbering and the like for a couple of minutes. He has a sweet overhead belly to belly and then locks in the Clutch to win

Iran number 1.

Match#4 The Invaders vs Ken Jugan & Israel Mateia
Good outing for the killer and his pal. It's nice to see more teams getting TV time, and hopefully with the boom coming we'll get an actual division. They win with the gross powerbomb.

Match#5 Paul Orndorff w/Roddy Piper vs Rudy Diamond

Vince says Piper is a wrestling extraordinaire his own right. It's all happening, folks. Another sick one for Wonderful for a couple of minutes. He gives not a single shit about Rudy's health, and just whips his ass. He kills him with the Piledriver and pins him with a foot on the chest.

Match#6 Jose Rivera vs Frankie Williams
Mac is now Jose getting a push. Good for him. Fine basics from the kid, and i don't get why he's getting a chance, but fuck it more the merrier. Airplane spin gets the W
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: The Iron Sheik-26/12/83
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF Madison Square Garden
January 23rd, 1984
New York, NY

You may have heard of this one.

Gorilla & Patterson are on the call.

Match#1 Jose Ribera vs Tony Garea
Basic little wrestling match to kick us off, and i feel like this is a perfect opener on the night it all blows up and dudes like these fall to the wayside very quickly in favour for the next batch of actual stars. Good mat wrestling from Jose, and he looks worlds better than my mortal enemy. Although, that;'s not actually a hard thing to do. In a cool moment we get some instant replays of moments, and it's a cool thing to see all the things we now take for granted make their way in. Garea rolls through a crossbody with a cradle and gets the 3

Match#2 The Invaders vs Mr Fuji & Tiger Chung Lee

This is a 20 minute draw which is fine, i guess, but why it's on second of a near 2hr show is beyond. It's a fine showing from both teams for a while, but it gets boring at points and you can see them struggling for stuff to do. So, yeah, big waste of time tbh

Match#3 The Masked Superstar vs Jay Strongbow

Oh god, he's back. Gino says this is "another main event anywhere in the US" Poor guy has CTE. Strongfake is even more washed than last time, so MS can't get anything out of him. It's even harder when the old fuck controls a lot of it and drags it all down. MS fights out of a sleeper and hits a Lariat to win.

Match#4 Sgt. Slaughter vs Ivan Putski

Lots of stalling to start with Sarge pissing off the crowd, and Ivan flexing and the like. They finally fight and Sarge takes some big bumps for the old man, and proves why he's the best. He take over with an atomic drop and beats the crap out of Ivan, and it's another fun , but far too short control seg. Ivan fights back and Sarge ramps up his crazy bumps by pinballing himself all the place, and it's a crazy feat given how big of a dude he is. Sarge hangman's himself in the bottom rope when it gets stuck on his jaw. AMAZING. They fight on the apron and Sarge gets punched back over and wins by countout.

Post match, they brawl until the ref drags them apart.

In the back, Gene is with Paul Orndorff. He says Bellomo will feel the Piledriver tonight, and he's been concussing everyone left and right and he wants some real competition.

Match#6 Paul Orndorff w/Roddy Piper vs Salvatore Bellomo
Lots of stalling and bullshit as always from the boys, and MSG wants them dead for every wonderful second of it. Paul finally drops him and we get a cool showcase, however it's nearly 15 minutes in a crazy turn. He's awesome and i'm glad he's here, but damn that's long. Still, Wonderful is on and beats the piss out of Sal for 90% of it, and it rocks a ton. Piper is a shithead at ringside constantly fucking with Sal and the crowd, and i can't wait for him to finally wrestle. Piledriver does the job.

Backstage, Mean Gene is with Blassie and Sheik. Blassie says Hogan's size means nothing to them as he's had Sheik sparring with 7ft men and Hogan is nothing but a pencil neck geek. Sheik is going to fuck Hogan's ass and make him humble.

Match#7 The Iron Sheik (c) w/Freddie Blassie vs Hulk Hogan (WWF World Championship)
HERE WE FUCKING GO. Hogan attacks from behind like a real bitch and pinballs Sheiky all over the place, and it's a wonderful sight to see him whip his ass. Hogan even deadlifts him with a choke in a fucking insane feat of strength, and it's not hard to see why he got the rocket to end all rockets. Hogan misses a charge in the corner and Sheik takes over and works the back to soften him up. Sheik hits a series of suplexes and locks in the Clutch, AND HOGAN FUCKING STANDS UP AND RAMS HIM INTO THE CORNER AND HITS THE LEGDROP TO WIN THE TITLE AND KICK OFF HULKAMANIA

"HULKAMANIA IS HERE" Gorilla Monsoon

The crowd is INSANE and it's a goddamn moment in time, and then some. Regardless of what anyone thinks of him, this is one of the single most important moments ever in pro wrestling.



Post match, Sheik tries to attack, but Hogan beats his ass and holds the ring.

In the back, Gene is with Hulk Hogan. YOU KNOW SOMETHING, MEAN GENE, ALL HE WANTED WAS THEM TO STAND BY HIS SIDE, AND THIS IS THE DREAM OF A LIFETIME. IT TURNS HIM ON, BROTHER. THIS IS LIKE GOING TO THE MOUNTAIN TOP A THOUSAND TIMES. Andre walks on and tips a bottle of champange on his head and says he's very proud of the wrestler he is.

Match#8 Jimmy Snuka vs Rene Goulet
Lame showcase for Jimmy, who is now very bad and i hate him. He wins with a crossbody

Backstage, Mean Gene interviews Hogan's parents. They are very proud of him.

Match#9 Andre The Giant, Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson vs The Wild Samoans & Smaula w/Lou Albano
Fun 5 minute showcase for the super babyface team. Perfect way to end the show with a crowd that is very tired and ready to go home. Andre hits Tremors on Samula to win.



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF at the Chase
January 28th, 1984
St Louis, MO

This was taped before Hogan's win, so it's not mentioned.

Match#1 The Masked Superstar vs Bobby Boyer
Another good showing for the big man, even with a shitty jobber whose not much at all. MS throws the poor fuck to the concrete in a gross moment, and i'm so happy to see a jobber die after a week away from reviewing. Lariat and Neckbreaker do the deed.

Match#2 The North-South Connection vs Jose Martinez & Craig Carson
Hell yes! Killer beating from our new shithead bullies. Adonis is a beast on the mat and hits like a motherfucker, and Murdoch is a mean, mean son of a bitch. Adonis throws a jobber into a bunch of chairs on the outside!!! Murdoch beats the snot out of the other and bites him, and Gene is appalled in classic Gene fashion. The boys hit a GROSS spike piledriver and then Dick kills him some more with the Brainbuster. Squash of the fucking year.

They replay Snuka/Butcher for some reason.

At ringside, Gene is with the North South Connection. Geno says they're the new #1 contenders! Adrian says they are beyond dangerous and deadly, and they'll stand over their bodies with the new title. Andre walks on and the boys run for it, and Gene says Andre will be in the battle royal along with them, and they might be in real trouble. Hogan walks on and Andre says he is a good man and he will help him in the battle royal, but they aren't partners. Hogan gets the mic and says there are lot of a big dudes in this and Studd is first on his list. He tells Andre they'll see who the better man is.

Fuji and Tiger walk on next and cut a promo about beating up evil Americans.

Match#3 Jerry Valiant vs James Burke
Bad old man squash. Bad strikes and lazy chinlocks, and it's everything i dread when it comes to this era. He wins with a crappy Boston Crab

Victory Corner w/Jimmy Snuka. He is awarded the wrestler of year award. Shame he didn't win "killer of the year"

Match#4 Big John Studd w/Roddy Pipper vs Jeff Griggs
Standard Studd squash as always, but it's now cooler with Piper involved. Backbreaker does it

Post match, Gene gets in and interviews them. Piper loses his shit at the mention of Hogan, and says he's got nothing going for him and he's a brainless idiot. His hair was the thing he had, but now that's going on him. HERE WE FUCKING GO.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF All Star Wrestling
January 28th, 1984
Hamburg, PA

They replay Hogan winning the title. Now it really beings.

Vince and Gene are now sitting at a commentators table and it's a cool modern thing to see be introduced.

Match#1 The Masked Superstar vs Steve Lombardi
Vince GUSHES over Hogan's win, and it's really another moment in time where we go from Backlund being mentioned sparingly, to now Hogan front and centre of the entire company. Awesome squash from MS as always for a few minutes, and Brawler takes a wicked ass beating. Neckbreaker ends it


Match#2 Greg Valentine w/Lou Albano vs Steve King
HAMMER IS BACK. HOLY SHIT, I LOVE 1984, DUDES. Incredible beating from him with a series of insane strikes and nasty arm work. Hammer is God, and this further proves it. Figure Four breaks another leg.

Match#3 The Tonga Kid vs Bill Dixon
Good little showing for TK. He takes it to the mat and works the leg for a while, and it's a nice little change of pace. He wins with a bad sunset flip.

Match#4 Brian B Blair vs Charlie Fulton

OH NO, HE'S HERE. Fucking humble bee ass dickhead. I hate Blair a ton, even if he's actually very solid in ring. He's just a toolbox, and i fucking hate him. He wins with a fancy rollup.

Victory Corner NEVER MIND THAT SHIT, RODDY PIPER IS SITTING THERE AND THE NEW BACKDROP IS PIPER'S PIT. He says the old show had a few flaws and the host was scared and stupid, and this is now HIS show. He says he would rather listen to Lassie bark than listen to Ivan Putski sing. He needs to have guts to tell people they stink. He will pull no punches and ask the questions only he has the guts to ask.

Match#5 Tito Santana vs Jeff Griggs
Sick showcase for Tito as always. The smoothes and raddest dude ever, and this is no exception. Forearm ends it

Match#6 Mr Fuji & Tiger Ching Lee vs Frankie Williams & Steve King
Bad and lazy showcase. Lots of nerve holds and the like, and i can't stress how much it stinks. Bad kick from Tiger ends it

Match#7 Eddie Gilbert vs Butcher Vachon

Not good at all as the old man controls most of it and hey, he's old and lazy and works a fucking nerve hold. Die. Eddie makes a comeback and wins when Butcher misses a charge and hits the post and he just pins him like that.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
January 28th, 1984
Allentown, PA

They replay the title switch again. Brother jack super push dude.

Match#1 Tito Santana vs Bill Dixon
Tito does his thing and it's wonderful to see him get all this time, and even more so knowing he's going to win the IC title in the next few weeks (some bullshit is going to be covered that i just learnt) Forearm ends Dixon's life

Match#2 The Wild Samoans w/Lou Albano vs SD Jones & Steve Lombardi

The monsters make their first outing for 84 and they do with a great murder. Lombardi eats ALL the shit because SD is a massive bitch and refuses to take a beating like a man. Lombardi is taken out with a slam on the floor, so Rocky Johnson runs down with Atlas and attack them for the DQ.

Post match, the Samoans get the best of it and leave the champs laying.

After the break, the champs are interviewed by Mean Gene. They promise revenge on these low-down cowards.

House Show Hype-MSG 20/2/84

Piper and Wonderful are up first. Paul says he's going to bring barbed wire and wrap it around MSG and charge admission for the worlds biggest zoo. He shits on Hogan's hair and says he won't be champion for long. He has no talent and can't wrestle, and Paul will teach him how it's done. Piper says Hogan is now taking it easy drinking and watching Boy George, and they are coming at him head on.

Tito is up next. He will be facing Muraco for the IC title. Don got lucky last time, but this time it's his night.

Masked Superstar will be facing Andre. MS says he will be using his brain and a strategy that he invented, and it's to get Andre to focus on the mask so he can use his two free hands to beat him up. Well, why would you tell him, you dope.

Andre cuts a very hard to understand promo that is basically him saying he's going to never lose.

Match#3 Greg Valentine w/Lou Albano vs Frankie Williams
God yes, another killer one for Hammer. Dude just bashes the fuck out of this old bastard and kills him with the Figure Four

Match#4 Paul Orndorff w/Roddy Piper vs Tony Garea

Paul rushes and beats his ass for a while, and he really lays everything in and to Tony's credit, he takes some wicked shots from Wonderful. Paul knees him in the back and hits a gross one off the top rope to the back of the head to win.

House show hype

Hulk Hogan is here. YOU KNOW SOMETHING MEAN GENE! There was 30,000 thousand screaming fans watching him win the title (liar) and he's so happy to be repping them dude. He's wrestled polar bears and sharks, and Orndorff is nothing to him. He can't wait to make Hulkamania run wild again.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF at the Chase
February 4th, 1984
St Louis, MO

Match#1 Mr Fuji w/Tiger Lee vs Charlie Brown

Crappy one for Fuji. Dude had a moment where he was good like a month ago, and now he's shit again. Running back elbow splash does it.

Match#2 The Masked Superstar vs Jose Martinez

Great neck work from the big man, and it's nice to see him do logical squashes along with ones where he just fucking murks someone. Neckbreaker murks the old jobber.

Mean Gene interviews-
Masked Superstar is first. He cuts the same promo as last time about how he's smarter than everyone else in the WWF.

Ivan Putski is next. POLISH POWER

Piper and Dr D walk on next. Piper says they don't need to dance with any fat broads because Andre is broad enough for them. Doc has all the wrestling ability in the world, and they're going to show that.


Studd and Piper run on next and Studd is irate and says no one can slam him, daddy. Hogan walks back on and challenges him to get in the ring now and do it. He gets in and Studd goes for it, but Piper gets in his ear and talks him out of it, and they eventually leave without incident. Awesome stuff. I can't wait for the title match.

Match#3 Big John Studd w/Roddy Piper vs Lou Winston
Studd is mad and works like it for once with a super mean showing. He's limited, but he can hit hard and throw a motherfucker, and it's enough to entertain me. He wins with a bearhug

They replay Hogan's for a third fucking time. Jesus, we get it, Vince
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF All Star Wrestling
February 4th, 1984
Allentown, PA

Match#1 Paul Orndorff w/Roddy Piper vs SD Jones

Good showcase for Wonderful. He has to sell a little for SD because he's a bitch who weirdly has to get shine despite being horrid, but Paul makes up for it when he takes over and kicks his ass. Spike Piledriver does it.

Match#2 Ivan Putski vs. Steve King

Horrible, but it's at least short. Polish Hammer ends our pain.
Ziggy's duck.

Match#3 The Wild Samoans & Samula w/Lou Albano vs Eddie Gilbert, Ken Jugan & Frankie Williams

Eddie gets some offence because he's a star, but the other two rightly die and it's fine. Frankie eats a Samoan Drop to lose.

Match#4 The Masked Superstar vs Tony Garea

MS gives Tony some token offence before he takes over and goes to work on him. He throws him over the top rope and kicks him in the back of the head to really mess him up, and then he batters him in awesome fashion. Gene is once again horrified at what he's seeing, and i love how much he hates the heels and really gets them over as a result. MS hits a running knee right to the face and Tony crumples in the best sell of his life. They get back in and MS reverses a crossbody into a pin to win.

Post match, MS attacks and ties him upside down in the ropes and goes for the kill, but Andre comes out and MS bails. Andre turns his back and MS runs in and jumps and actually drops him to a knee, but Andre gets back up and chases him off to the back.

Piper's Pit with Eddie Gilbert. Piper talks about Eddie being 22 and having some misfortunes at his age, whereas Piper was middleweight champion at his age. But it's not Eddie's fault, it's actually his stupid father who pushed him into this too quick who is responsible for Eddie's misfortunes of late. Eddie is very mad at his dad being insulted, so Piper says he just meant he was ignorant! He made him get back in the ring after his car wreak and then got his neck broken for his troubles. Eddie says all his life this is what he wanted, and he is proud of his dad. He'll take on anyone to prove himself. Piper says he's too hostile and this is why he's not making it right now. Piper says his attitude is terrible and he's done with this, he thanks him for being on the show and walks off. AMAZING.

Match#5 The Iron Sheik w/Freddie Blassie vs Steve Lombardi
Sheiky is PISSED and takes it on poor Lombardi. Very quick squash, but it's violent as hell and he really fucks him up. Camel Clutch humbles him.

Post match, he gets the mic and shouts Iran number 1 and the fans really want him dead. We go to break and Sheik is still in the ring and Sgt Slaughter's music hits and he walks out and he faces off with Sheiky. They both refuse to back down and let the other walk by and the fans chant USA!!! They go nose to nose and Blassie gets in the middle and yells at Sarge and pulls Sheik back and makes him leave. HOLY FUCK YES GIVE HIM THIS FEUD.

Match#6 Sgt Slaughter vs John Callahan
The fans now love Sarge and he hasn't even done anything incredibly heroic yet other than refuse to back down from a shithead, but it's all it takes, and i fucking love it. He bashes the hell out of the big maggot and lays in every shot as hard as possible. Cobra Clutch ends the fun.

Post match, they replay them going face to face, and it's the best.

Match#7 Brian B Blair vs Bill Dixon
Bee loser works on the mat and does some holds like he's a really cool technical wrestler, and not some scrub just doing stuff he saw in Japan done by better men. He wins with a fancy pinning combo. Douchebag.

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$30,000 Battle Royal, St. Louis (February 10th)
Most of the important people are here, along with some jobbers. 18 men in all. Mostly clubbering, but there's some fun spots from Fuji and Masked Superstar. Rocky eliminates Wonderful, so Orndorff drags him and slams his head against the post and busts him open. Studd keeps going to the floor to bide his time. It gets down to Hogan, Andre, and Stuff. Hogan almost has Andre over, but Studd pushes them both over to win the match.
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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Don Muraco-22/1/83
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF at the Chase
February 10th, 1984
St Louis, MO

Match#1 Ivan Putski vs Jerry Valiant
Oh, please die.

Match#2 The North South Connection vs James Burke & Craig Carson

Another sick one for the boys. They single out Burke and beat the piss out of him on the mat in wonderful fashion. Dick is a complete bastard again and really kills the kid (and given he might have been in the fucking KKK....Oh boy) They break out a death sentence and kill him, and then Adrain locks in the sleeper to win.

Match#3 Big John Studd w/Roddy Piper vs Gilbert Guerrero
Same old shit for the big man, and i'm sick of his squashes and we've got another 3 years of this. Bearhug ends it after a million bad minutes.

Post match, Mean Gene interviews them. Studd says the money means nothing to him, as it's all about proving he's the one true giant. Piper mocks Hogan in amazing fashion and says Hogan is going to pay the taxi driver to take him the long way around before Studd beats him for the title.

Rocky Johnson walks on with a bandage on his head and swears revenge on Wonderful for making him bleed.

They replay a Snuka squash.

Mean Gene is standing by with Wonderful and Piper. Orndorff says Rocky wasn't man enough to get rid of him face to face, so he did some damage to him. He's lucky he didn't put 155 stitches in his head after he cost him 30 grand. He wants him out of wrestling, and he's going to put him in a body cast for what he did. Piper says Rocky used to be a cab driver in St Louis and he knows the quickest getaways when things get tough.

Match#4 Andre the Giant vs Mr Fuji w/Tiger Lee
Fun Andre squash. He stooges and lets Fuji make a fool of himself before murdering him. Andre goes for Tremors, but Tiger hits him with a stick for the DQ.

Post match, Andre fights back and leaves them both laying.
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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Tito Santana-11/2/84
WWF Tag Team Champions: Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson-10/12/83

WWF Championship Wrestling
February 11th, 1984
Hamburg, PA

This show is listed as the 4th on the file, but it's the 11th according to what i can find on the interweb, so it's what i'm going with.

Ok, so Tito won the IC title earlier in the day but the match wasn't taped at they allegedly ran out of time and they didn't get the finish recorded. Tito called bullshit on it in later years and said they never thought he would be THAT over and they didn't want to push him, but that doesn't make sense given he won the fucking title, and would win it again in a year and would win the tag titles a few times. So it's all very strange and odd, but either way, Don's epic run is over and Tito is now champion.

To open the show, we throw to an interview with Bob Backllund. He says all the years as champion affected him and his family in ways he never could have imagined. He felt like he went through, well he doesn't like that word but he went down and came back up to fight. He thanks the fans for sending him letters and saying he's still the champion in their eyes. He thanks them and asks them to be good little boys and girls. He's going away for a while, but he'll be back. His daughter says she loves him to end it.

Match#1 Tito Santana & Andre The Giant vs Butcher Vachon & Rene Goulet
Damn what a super team of babyfaces. Tito and Rene go on the mat and it's good times as Rene can actually keep up with him, and Tito gets to do some more fancy stuff than normal. Butcher punches him in the kidney to take for a minute before Andre gets in and kills the heels in epic fashion. He throws Tito on top of Butcher to win.

Match#2 David Schultz w/Roddy Piper vs SD Jones
Dr D beats the shit out of our enemy and the world gets a bit brighter. He has a series of nasty strikes and throws, and SD is a good punching bag if nothing else. Flying Elbow does it.

Match#3 Brian B Blair & Eddie Gilbert vs Bill Dixon & Ken Jugan
Maybe Piper was right about Eddie being an idiot, but that might be me projecting. (it's not, fuck Blair). This isn't very good as it's Bee doing the work and it stinks. He wins with his fancy rollup.

Mean Gene interviews-
Tony Atlas is up first. He loves California and his wife (and feet) and he loves the fans cheering for him as it warms his heart.

Masked Superstar is next, and he's still the smartest man in the world and he can stop Hulkamania.

Gene officially announces Tito Santana has won the IC title today and will be defending against Muraco in a Texas Death Match!!! He says it will be a very tough match for him. He then cuts a long promo in Spanish.

Muarco and Albano walk on are pissed!!! Lou says no one saw what happened in this match, and given that there is no film to be seen, there is now no proof of anything. TITO IS A THIEF AND CLIPPED THE VIDEO AND IS NOW SAYING HE BEAT HIM. HE'S GOT HUBCAPS IN HIS CAR LIKE A THIEF, AND HE STOLE HIS IC TITLE. Lou says he's got a nine millimetre of his own and loses his shit screaming "I'VE GOT THE FILM"

It sucks we don't have the footage, but bless them for leaning into it and making this into a wonderful feud.

Piper's Pit with Paul Orndorff. Piper says he invited every wrestler in the world on this show and Paul was the only one brave enough to show up. He shits on Hogan again as a drunk and womaniser, while Paul doesn't drink or touch nasty women and he's got the edge on Hogan in every way. Paul says he was looking for a manager with a nice body and someone that was smart not like these idiots in the stands. He wanted a man who had it all and they can go to the bank together, and Piper shakes his hand and thanks him for having guts enough to show up. They hug and the best thing ever just happened.

They replay the entire Sheik/Sarge confrontation (along with squashes from both in full).

Match#4 Rocky Johnson & Tony Atlas vs Rene Goulet & Bob Bradley
Same old stuff from the champs. I want to like them, and sometimes they're good, but they suck for the most part and i don't lie to my readers. Atlas wins with his shitty splash.

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