WWF 1998 Review

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Taker has a camera man in the ministry obviously :side:


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: Mankind

WWF Sunday Night Heat
November 29th, 1998
First Union Center: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship: Christian (w/The Brood) vs. Duane Gill (w/The J.O.B Squad)
About 2 minutes, Christian takes this a lot more serious but instead of going for covers he just beats up on Gill. Then out of the blue, the MOTHERFUCKING BLUE MEANIE HOPS THE RAILS and attacks Christian for the DQ. Everyone begins fighting until refs and agents come out to put a stop to this nonsense. Meanie hops the rails and runs through the crowd.

Michael Cole and Jim Cornette hype up this "special guest" commentator that will join them later, they both speculate on who it could be.

D'Lo Brown (w/Mark Henry) vs. Steve Blackman
D'Lo and Mark come out to new awful generic music as it made no sense that they came out to the Nation's music still, and music similar to the Rock's. Decent for two minutes, they do stuff until Blue Blazer comes out from under the ring to attack Blackman, but he gets his cape stuck :lmao D'Lo slides in and as Blackman attacks the Blazer to get counted out.

After the match; Blackman keeps beating on the Blazer until he runs off.

Backstage: Vince tells the stooges to kiss his "guest's ass" just like they kiss his.

Backstage: Luna challenges the ICP and Headbangers to face the four of them at Rock Bottom. FUCK!

The Headbangers vs. Val Venis & The Godfather (w/Hoes)
Super short, the Oddities come out to watch on like 20 seconds in. This is super rushed, the heat on Val is about 30 seconds, godfathers comeback is like 10, so is the heat on Godfather, who makes his own comeback and hits the pimp drop for the win. The Oddities attack post-match, it's 4-2 and they clean house. UGH!

In the Skybox, Shane, Vince and the Stooges WELCOME THEIR SPECIAL GUESTS THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS! Which makes no sense given how RAW ended with Shamrock and Bossman beating them up. Fuckin' Hell RUSSO! They get them some beers and Vince says to have fun while they talk business, because he thinks they'll want to listen to what he has to say.

Back after some bullshit paid advertisement for that bopit shit. Vince assumes they're taking notes on napkins, Vince looks at it and it's just tic-tac-toe. He says he's talking tic-tac-DOUGH, and Shane says membership has its privileges.

Michael Cole confirms Mark and Chyna's date will happen on RAW tomorrow night.

WWF European Championship: X-Pac vs. Mark Henry (w/D'Lo Brown)
Mark gets distracted by a fan holding the RAW magazine with Chyna on the front, that allows Pac to jump him on the floor. Sadly, this only gets the Heat special of 2 minutes, because HEAT IS AWFUL! Mark is clearly off his game and keeps getting distracted by little shit, it bites him in the ass as he lets Pac recover and he jumps off the middle with a flying X-Factor to win.


After the match; Kevin Kelly interviews Pac in the ring, Pac ells Mark to enjoy his date, but if he gets out of line and does anything, it'll be his last rites. Kelly then SNITCHES and tells Pac that the Outlaws are up in a meeting with Vince in the skybox. Pac looks disappointed and says all he hopes for is that they're not kissing ass, The Outlaws decide to leave as Vince blames Patterson and Brisco for it.

Video Package on the Austin/Taker feud since the night after Survivor Series. Do I add this as part of the SummerSlam feud, or is it a completely new feud?

Yesterday in Boston, After Austin competed in a match JR goes to interview him, he asks Austin on his thoughts about Vince telling him he needs 24 hours to cool off before appearing on WWF TV again? Austin says IT'S BULLSHIT! you don't hit me in the head with a shovel, then put me on a table and try to embalm me and get away with it. I WILL BE ON RAW! And I will beat someone's ASS.

In a dark room, Taker says Austin has tempted fate far too many times and he still doesn't get it. He's looking for some type of retribution, but he needs to understand this, boy. This is far beyond retribution. He will be sacrificed because he impedes the progress of his Ministry. He tells him to look for him tomorrow because he'll be waiting, but once he looks into the eyes of the Lord of Darkness, he will truly understand that Monday was beginning of the end, and tomorrow night his soul will be sacrificed for the Ministry of Darkness. Bearer has a stack of papers and says his son is a total idiot. As his legal guardian, he has authority to sign papers and if he steps one foot in the arena tomorrow, he'll have orderlies there with straightjackets to lock him up forever.

Jarrett talks about stuff that PISSES HIM OFF! Baseball pisses him off.

Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra McMichaels) vs. Kane
Stuff happens, Jeff goes to the knee but it's Kane so lolnope. Kane has Jeff by the throat but Debra comes in for DAT DISTRACTION! Which allows Jeff to grab the guitar and smash it over his head. BUT IT HAS NO EFFECT! Jeff grabs Debra and leaves with Kane stalking them up the ramp.

The Rock comes out to join commentary.

Ken Shamrock & The Big Bossman vs. Mankind & Al Snow
This gets about 2 and a half and is totally overshadowed by the Rock on commentary being charismatic af. He pretty much bullies Cole and Cornette the whole time. The Corporation briefly isolate Mankind who bumps well for them as usual, Snow's hot tag is meh. BUT SUDDENLY, MANKIND ATTACKS THE ROCK! That leaves Snow alone for a 2-1, Bossman hits Snow with the nightstick and covers for the win.

Rock and Mankind brawl into the crowd, the JOB Squad run out to attack Shamrock and Bossman. BUT THE FUCKING BROOD RUNS OUT FOR THE SHOW ENDING BRAWL!

Yo, Heat might be getting skipped from now on. This shit is so meaningless.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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How you gonna decide to skip it when you only have 4 weeks left LOL

And I'd say Austin/Kane/Taker was one long feud from like KOTR until like the end of the year


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: Mankind

November 30th, 1998
Baltimore, Maryland

In the back, The Undertaker and Paul Bearer are scheming up a plan.

The Headbangers and the ICP come down to the ring, BUT AUSTIN COMES OUT WITH A SHOVEL! He drops all 4 of them with stunners before grabbing the mic, he says his watch says Buried Alive is thirteen days away, but Stone Cold ain't gonna wait that long. Before the night's over, Undertaker's gonna wear be wearing this damn shovel upside his head, and that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so.

Tonight: Bossman/Mankind in a Ladder Match for the Hardcore Championship.

In the back, Mark and D'Lo are getting Mark ready for his date.

Austin looks for The Undertaker backstage, he BUMPS INTO A YOUNG STEPHANIE who looks frightened.

The New Age Outlaws vs. Gangrel & Edge (w/Christian)
The full Corporation comes out onto the stage to show the Outlaws support in hopes that join, Gunn, hits Edge with a powerbomb off the top to give the Outlaws a brief isolation over him. The camera focuses way too much on the Corporation, so we miss Gangrel getting a hot tag which makes no sense, anyway the match breaks down and Christian hits Gunn in the back with one of the tag titles for the DQ.

After the match; Shamrock and Bossman run out to attack the Brood, the Stooges talk with the Outlaws as they walk up the ramp to the back.

In the back, Austin is still looking for Taker, he walks into a walk-in freezer. BUT TAKER COMES FROM BEHIND AND LOCKS HIM IN!

Backstage: Mark Henry asks D'Lo for a favour and asks him to go along with him on the date for confidence, D'Lo says he's never lacked confidence before. Mark says he needs him and won't get in the way, D'Lo thinks it over and agrees.

The Undertaker and Paul Bearer come down to the ring, Taker says he knows somewhere, Kane is here. As his Ministry grows ever stronger and his plague of evil over the WWF grows ever stronger, there are two things that stand in their way. Stone Cold Steve Austin, who he'll keep on ice until he buries him alive at Rock Bottom. But Tonight, Kane our battle is joined, so if he has the courage, he can come out here. Because when this night ends, one of them will face the future and one of them faces eternal darkness. Kane comes out and they fight. Taker gets the better and hits the Tombstone before calling out someone from the back, guys in white suits run down to the ring with a straightjacket and nightsticks come down for Kane, but Kane sits up. He fights a couple of them off before escaping through the crowd. They chase after him, as Taker and Paul leave up the ramp.

Outside the building, Mark and D'Lo are by a limo. Mark pulls out a jacket, sunglasses and limo driver's hat. D'Lo figures it out now :lmaolmao:lmao

Back from break, Mark and D'Lo are meet Chyna in the hotel lobby. He tries to help her with her jacket and gives her flowers but she's not having any of it. She walks to the car, Mark swears they're going to have a good time. Chyna aks if that's D'Lo the limo driver, but Mark disagrees even though she obviously sees who he is.

X-Pac comes down to the ring, he says a lot of people have come out and asked about whats up with the New Age Outlaws. If they want to know about them, you should ask the Outlaws, not him. The real reason he came out here is Shawn Michaels and calls him out so he can beat his ass, without a chair. Shawn Michaels comes out to the ring. He says, first of all, KID, he's the new sheriff in town, the new WWF Commissioner, and if he wanted crap from him, he'd pick it out of his teeth. He's had chunks of guys bigger than him in his stool. X-Pac asks how wide his bumhole is then. Shawn said nothing would thrill him more than to hand his ass over to him right now, but he's not an active wrestler, and if he so much as looks at him the wrong way, he'll send him back down to that money pit in Atlanta so fast it'll make his head spin. Shawn says he seems ready for a fight, so he'll give him one. Tonight, he'll face Ken Shamrock with HIS European Title on the line. He says to hit HIS music, and "Break It Down" plays, and he says he was DX before DX was cool.

Back to the date, D'Lo pulls up in front of some bar. Mark and Chyna go in.


Owen Hart comes out for commentary.

Goldust vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra McMichaels)
Not as good as the 11/9 match from 3 weeks ago, they get the same amount of time but just walk through stuff. Goldust set up for Shattered Dreams, but Debra comes in to distract him. Goldust turned around and dares her to slap his ass, but Owen Hart attacks him for the DQ. The Blue Blazer runs out doing martial arts stuff, he unmasks and it's Steve Blackman. Refs run down to stop this.

SPLIT SCREEN: One camera following Austin, the other following Taker, Paul and the guys in white.

Shawn comes out with Bossman, and the JOB Squad come out with Mankind. But, Shawn sends them to the back while Shawn takes a seat at the commentary table.

Ladder Match for the WWF Hardcore Championship: The Big Bossman vs. Mankind
This is fun, tons of brutal ladder shots as Shawn shits on everything cause Corporate Shawn is an even bigger asshole than regular Shawn. This is basically a Mankind showcase with a ladder, he busts out the ladder suplex spot where he suplexes the ladder onto Bossman. They have a good mix of just punching one another in the face, before reusing the ladders in hopes that weaken the other for them to climb the ladder. Mankind applies Socko to Bossman as they're both standing on top of the ladder, Bossman falls and as it looks like Mankind has it won. The Rock runs outs and shoves him off. He sets up the ladder and Bossman begins to climb while the Rock hits the Rock Bottom. Bossman pulls down the title for the win. **3/4

After the match; Shawn, Rock and Bossman take turns stomping on poor Mankind.

In the parking lot, Taker and Paul FIND KANE! They begin fighting in a dark room, Taker again gets the better as he uses a chair. Paul pulls out a body bag as Taker says he can do this, he tells Paul to get the orderlies. He begins putting Kane inside the bag. BUT AUSTIN COMES OUT OF NOWHERE AND HITS TAKER IN THE FACE WITH THE SHOVEL. FUCK YEAH!

Marc Mero comes down to the ring, he says he hears Duane Gill is from right here in Baltimore, but if he can't beat that JOBBER, then this is the last time you'll ever see Marc Mero.


Marc Mero vs. Duane Gill
Mero dominates the entire time, and just like Christian he takes him too lightly and gets too cocky. So, Scorpio and Holly come down the ramp to distract him. That allows the fuckin' Blue Meanie to come through the crowd and push him off the top, that allows Gill to cover Maro for the win. FUCK YES! IT'S OVER!


Backstage: Paul Bearer find the orderlies and they go back to where Taker and Kane was.

Back on the date, Mark reads Chyna another poem over Jazz music. He goes for a toast but Chyna refuses and downs the glass of wine, Mark asks for a dance.................AND CHYNA KINDA SMILES and shrugs.

WWF European Championship: X-Pac vs. Ken Shamrock (w/Commissionaire Shawn Michaels)
Good again, but I doubt they will ever touch their IC tournament finals match. Ken is Ken so he's brutal on offense with throws, strikes and holds. Pac has these fun flurry of comebacks just to get cut off, during the match we cut to the back with Vince, Shane and the Stooges trying to recruit the Outlaws. Ken keeps going for the front face lock which looks awesome btw, but Pac fights out and starts hitting these awesome spin kicks really throwing his body into it. He makes a full comeback and hits the Bronco Buster, but Shawn distracts and pulls the ref out as Pac hits the X-Factor. Bossman comes down and clotheslines Pac........................BUT TRIPLE H RUNS DOWN AND ATTACKS KEN FOR REVENGE! FUCK YEAH! Pac and Hunter quickly leave before Shawn tries any fuckery. **1/2

Backstage: Paul and the white coats go into the room, they see a body in the bag and take it away. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

Back at the bar, Mark is dancing he tries to get Chyna to dance but she just stands and smiles the whole time. SHE THEN APPLAUDS HIS EFFORTS! Mark leaves to go take a piss, as 3 MEN WALK IN. HOLY SHIT! 1 OF THEM IS SIMON DEAN! Simon asks her for a dance, but she tells him to get lost. He CALLS HER A BITCH :lmao so Mark punches him, Mark the beats up the other two as Chyna pulls him off.

Val Venis comes out, but he's not alone as The Godfather and 3 hoes come out, this is by far the best-looking hoes Godfather has had in weeks.

Val Venis (w/The Godfather & Hoes) vs. Tiger Ali Singh (w/Babu)
Tiger continues to be the worse wrestler on the roster, he and Droz must be in competition to out shit the other. Godfather sends the Hoes over to distract Babu to stop his interference, but that doesn't matter as Jacque and Terri come out, Terri low blows Val again for the DQ.

The Godfather gets Val and they leave, as the Acolytes run out and destroy Tiger and Babu for being awful.

In the parking lot, Bearer watches the ambulance drive off, as he asks where his "Dead Man" is. The camera cuts to a monitor of STONE COLD AND KANE ARE WATCHING IT TOGETHER :mark::mark::mark::mark::mark::mark:


Al Snow (w/Head) vs. The Rock
This gets a couple of minutes, Rock now "THE ROCK" he bumps around making a lot of Al shitty strikes look A1, his punches and stomps are now at the elite Rock level as he's slowly putting the rest of the pieces together. The ref gets bumped and the Rock hits the Rock Bottom, he goes for the Corporate Elbow............BUT THINKS BETTER AND DOES IT TO HEAD :mark: Rock tries to hit Snow with head, but he ducks it and takes it away. Al hits Rock with the head but the ref is still out. Shamrock and Bossman come down now, as Al again tries to hit Rock with the head but this time he ducks it and counters into the Rock Bottom for the win. **1/4

After the match; Mankind runs out, but runs right into a 3 on 1. Bossman chokes him with the nightstick as Rocky and Shamrock punch and kick away. The J.O.B. Squad runs out to help, but the Rock leaves with the title instead of getting involved in the brawl, but Mankind runs after him and they fight on the stage to the back.

In the back, Paul yells for Taker but Austin grabs him, he shoves him into the freezer and KANE comes out. Austin says Taker is on his way to the nut house and they drag Paul Bearer away.

Austin's music hits, Austin and Kane come out dragging Paul Bearer with them. Austin

asks how he feels knowing he's the one that sent The Undertaker to the damn crazy house. He was gonna bury him alive and then he was gonna embalm him, and Paul yells that it was The Undertaker. Austin demands a beer and gets one. He asks the people if they want to see Kane beat the hell out of Paul Bearer, gimmie a HELL YEAH! But then stops it and says that ain't good enough. He asks Kane about his thing with the gas can but stops that too. Austin pulls out a pair of scissors. AND PAUL BEARER FAKE PASSES OUT :lmaomark::lmao 1998 Paul Bearer is now in the race for MVP. He cuts open Paul's shirt like he did to him last week. Paul yells "JESUS TAKE ME HOME HE'S GONNA KILL ME" Austin says he's about to gut his fat ass. Austin then says that'd be too easy and has Kane pick him up because they're going for a walk.

They drag Paul into the streets and throw him in the sewer head first to end the show.


Austin comes out for a little off-air beer bash, BYT THE ROCK ATTACKS HIM FROM BEHIND! FUCK YEAH! They do their little GOAT interaction stuff that leads to Austin countering the Rock Bottom and hitting the Stunner with Rock OVER BUMPING THE STUNNER :mark: Austin drinks 2 or 3 beers as he climbs the turnbuckles, The Rock gets back to his feet and Austin drops him with another Stunner and pours beer all over him. Austin celebrates up the ramp with more beer, he goes to the back and the Rock grabs the mic and says now that, that piece of TRASH has left, let the Rock remind you he is STILL your WWF world champ. AUSTIN RUNS BACK DOWN, HE HANDS ROCK A BEER AND THEY DRINK IT! BUT ROCK TRIES TO CLOTHESLINE HIM, AUSTIN DUCKS AND DROPS HIM WITH A THIRD SUNNER. Austin goes to leave, as Shane comes out. Autin hits Shane with a stunner who debuts the WHALE BUMP :mark: Rock then eats a 4th Stunner, Austin helps Shane up and drops him with another stunner. DTA MOTHAFUCKAZ!


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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If it wasn't for Vince, Bearer would have been easy best non wrestler of the year
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Nov 13, 2010
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If it wasn't for Vince, Austin, Rock and Mankind.....Raw would've been nothing but shit in 98.

Attitude Era doesn't she well.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Nah I think Fab will agree the peaks were worth even LOD/DOA for the hundredth time. It was shit wrestling 9 times out of 10 but it was just so damn entertaining


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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NAW Those guys are terrible 100 out of 100, times. But The mid-cards help this also, the D'lo, Pac, Shamrock, Va' Jeff and even Owen when motivated.

Also with RAW being an hour half to hour 45 if extra attitude is added helps.


Nov 13, 2010
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Shamrock and Owen was an underrated feud.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I was thoroughly entertained by Owen all 98 even when he was unmotivated, he was so ready to be a main eventer but instead we got the Blazer :(
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Nov 13, 2010
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DON'T DO 99 FAB!!!!

Don't know if my heart can take it.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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DON'T DO 99 FAB!!!!

Don't know if my heart can take it.

I watched all the 98-00 RAWS maybe 6 years or so ago and I had to take a few days break after that episode :pour tears were shed bruh
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: The Big Bossman

WWF Sunday Night Heat
December 6th, 1998
Baltimore, Maryland

Jim Cornette and Kevin Kelly is your commentary team for the night.

Tonight: The Brood vs. The Corporation & Mankind vs. The Undertaker

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship: TAKA Michinoku (w/Kaientai) vs. Duane Gill (w/The J.O.B. Squad)
TAKA runs through all his stuff for two minutes, he's so good an continues to show that he's a top 4 wrestler in the company for 1998. TAKA goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Gill rolls through into a roll up for the win, just like Christian did. After the match; The JOB Squad bail as The Acolytes come down and destroy Kaientai.

Backstage: Stone Cold Steve Austin arrives at the building.

Back from break, Cole is waiting outside Austin looker room, he hopes to get comments after this next match.

NEW LOD 2000 vs. Too Much
LOD SQUASH! Droz chop blocks Scottie's knee out from under him and locks in a terrible looking half-Boston Crab for the win. How you fuckup a Boston crap?

Backstage: Michael Cole is with Stone Cold, Cole asks why he's here when he's not scheduled. Austin says he has a ticket, so he wanted to watch a few matches from a different perspective. He's gonna go out, eat some popcorn and have some cold beverages, and he has things to do.

In the locker room, Scotty is being tended to by some guy.

Michael Cole is in the ring and introduces Owen Hart. Owen says Steve Blackman desecrated the spirit of the Blue Blazer for the last time. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH AND IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE! He would like to announce that in seven days, at Rock Bottom he's coming out of retirement to fight Blackman. And one other little tidbit for everyone, just remember that there's a little bit of the Blue Blazer in each and every one of us.

Backstage: Triple H, X-Pac and Chyna arrive at the building, Cornette asks where are the outlaws?

AHHHHHH MAN! Rock no longer has his Hypnotize adjace theme :(

In the back, Shawn, Rock, Shamrock and Bossman had a meeting.

The Corporation (The Rock, Ken Shamrock & The Big Bossman) vs. The Brood
Good for 4 minutes, I think I've said this before but the one thing 1998 does so well is that the majority of the matches stem from something, e.g. like this 1 they had a problem on raw, then the next week they're now having the match. It's not rematch after rematch for the sake of filling time unless you're one of those lower card we have to give you time just for the sake of it. Gangrel briefly gets isolated, all 3 do stuff on but as Gangrel makes a comeback on The Rock, he bails to the floor for a breather. TRIPLE H AND X-PAC RUN DOWN AND ATTACK BOSSMAN AND SHAMROCK FOR THE DQ. The match breaks down, and shortly after the Outlaws run down to fight Edge and Christian. DX clears the ring of them, as the Outlaws and Pac/HHH have words before the Outlaws leave. **1/4

The Outlaws leave at the same the Corporation go up the ramp, so it looks like they're leaving together.

Mark Henry (D'Lo Brown) vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra McMichaels)
This goes about a minute before Debra distracts both Mark and Ref Time White. Jarrett tries to use the guitar behind the ref's back, but D'Lo comes and takes it. The ref turns around just in time to see him breaking the guitar on Jarrett's head, the ref calls for the bell.

D'Lo and Mark leave, Goldust comes out with the mic. He says since his associate has the ever so hot and burning desire to strip off her clothes, he has a proposition for him. you and me at Rock Bottom. If Jeff wins, he'll strip down to his birthday suit. But if he wins, little Debbie has to show off the tasty cakes. Jeff says Goldust's pissed him off, so he's got it.

Tiger Ali Singh & Babu vs. Kurrgan & Luna (w/The Oddities)
Would rather have runny shits, vomit and piss blood all at the same time than watch this.

FUCK YEAH! Video package airs of all the crazy shit Mankind and Taker have done to one another over the years. DAT HYPE!

LOOOOOOOOOOOL Austin's music hits, but he comes through the crowd to take a seat in the front row.

Mankind vs. The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer)
Kinda weird that neither Cornette or Kelly mention the bad nights both Taker and Paul suffered on RAW. Taker goes on the floor to stare down Austin, which allows first Austin to throw beer in his face and them allows Mankind to jump him from behind. This is good, as usual even if Taker is in the middle of his worse year ever in terms of in-ring, Mankind bumps around for him and makes Taker's slow style look deadly. Man, Mick is 1 of a kind. Mankind gets Mr Socko out but the Rock runs down to attack for a DQ.
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