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May 11, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @AleksMonroe
Gamertag: TRIX33
Character Name: Desean Brooks
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name:SuperKick 4 (Game Set) ,Sweet Chin Music (The Fallout Kick )

???: Are we recording ....

*There is a camera Recording in a McDonalds Restroom Then suddenly A man Starts to run towards the camera But then falls the man gets up*

DeSean Brooks : Ahem... Hi there...Y-You ...Wonderfu... Alright im gonna Cut this short My Name is Desean Brooks And I'm here two do one thing and that's to kick ass chew Some Gum and I'm allergic to Gum. I know what your thinking what make you better than everyone else I don't I'll just and pray that I am who Knows what the future holds... well until we met again see Ya. Now how do I turn this damn camera Off.

* Fade To Black *


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @AleksMonroe
Gamertag: TRIX33
Character Name: Desean Brooks
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name:SuperKick 4 (Game Set) ,Sweet Chin Music (The Fallout Kick )

???: Are we recording ....

*There is a camera Recording in a McDonalds Restroom Then suddenly A man Starts to run towards the camera But then falls the man gets up*

DeSean Brooks : Ahem... Hi there...Y-You ...Wonderfu... Alright im gonna Cut this short My Name is Desean Brooks And I'm here two do one thing and that's to kick ass chew Some Gum and I'm allergic to Gum. I know what your thinking what make you better than everyone else I don't I'll just and pray that I am who Knows what the future holds... well until we met again see Ya. Now how do I turn this damn camera Off.

* Fade To Black *
Welcome to the league. You will also participate in the promo school with @Beaver. (You are still eligible to compete like everyone else)
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Women's Division

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @InFaMoUs1
Gamertag: iNfAmOu5sWeRv3
Character Name: Alyssa Herveaux
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finisher In-game name: Running Crossbody 4, Headscissor DDT

*A camera cuts to a rooftop deck. the deck is filled with sofas, a bar, and a fireplace, the camera cuts to a woman wearing black combat boots, black leggings, and a white turtleneck*
Alyssa: Well well well, I just heard that there is a women's division in Ignition, that is perfect. I finally get the chance to show the world that I'm not just a pretty face.
*Alyssa sits on the sofa*
Alyssa: So this is the part where I talk about myself *thinks for a few seconds* Hmm...I was just an ordinary girl, I was shy, quiet, and weird. Those traits that I use to own made me be tormented by others, but all of those things that happened to me made me into who I am today. Most people say that I'm a good girl gone bad, that is not true, I'm still the same me but better. I'm looking for a place where I will prove all of those idiots wrong, something that will make me shine bright like a diamond and Ignition is the place to be. My name is Alyssa Herveaux and I am "The Diamond Diva".
*Camera fades to black*


Dec 4, 2016
Reaction score
Kettering, England, GB
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @TheCreeD
Gamertag: jimbobjeffrey
Character: Alex Creed
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag Team Partner__
Finishers: Butterfly Piledriver (Hunters Piledriver), Jumping Knee Strike 5 (Fearless Knee Strike)

*The camera turns on, in the back ground you can hear a man saying that they are rolling, a spotlight turns on with a man looking face down sitting on a chair in the middle of a room wearing a black hoodie so you can't see his face, he has a cupboard he looks up at the camera and begins to speak*

??: You are probably asking who I am at this point in time but I don't really want to give that away just yet, all you people need to know is that I am here to wrestle and to of course win but it seems most people say that when they first arrive? Talking about how they are the best blah blah blah and how they are going to show that to you the Ignition universe!... But I am different, very different I don't care about what you people think of me or if you don't like the way I am going to be doing things round here, I am what they call a "Hunter" that means I will be going for people I think when other wrestlers join this place they will see the people I have faced and won against they will then know I have beaten some of the best in the world! Also meaning I will be seen as someone who should not be messed with! they will fear me and that's just want I want, I don't care if my so called competition is bigger, stronger, faster, smaller or better skilled than me I will still come out on top.

*The man stands up and starts to walk around the room, he removes he's hoodie and turns to face the camera*

???: My name is Alex Creed and I am what you people will be calling the The Hunter, The hunter who has No Fear and is here to win!, I will be going for my first match very soon and my first target will be the man I am faced with that night, I will be brining my A game that night so till that night...enjoy the peace, see you around.

*The man goes back into the chair as the light turns on leaving nothing but darkness for a couple of seconds, the camera the turns off*
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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @TheCreeD
Gamertag: jimbobjeffrey
Character: Austin Creed
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag Team Partner__
Finishers: Butterfly Piledriver (Hunters Piledriver), Jumping Knee Strike 5 (Fearless Knee Strike)

*The camera turns on, in the back ground you can hear a man saying that they are rolling, a spotlight turns on with a man looking face down sitting on a chair in the middle of a room wearing a black hoodie so you can't see his face, he has a cupboard he looks up at the camera and begins to speak*

??: You are probably asking who I am at this point in time but I don't really want to give that away just yet, all you people need to know is that I am here to wrestle and to of course win but it seems most people say that when they first arrive? Talking about how they are the best blah blah blah and how they are going to show that to you the Ignition universe!... But I am different, very different I don't care about what you people think of me or if you don't like the way I am going to be doing things round here, I am what they call a "Hunter" that means I will be going for people I think when other wrestlers join this place they will see the people I have faced and won against they will then know I have beaten some of the best in the world! Also meaning I will be seen as someone who should not be messed with! they will fear me and that's just want I want, I don't care if my so called competition is bigger, stronger, faster, smaller or better skilled than me I will still come out on top.

*The man stands up and starts to walk around the room, he removes he's hoodie and turns to face the camera*

???: My name is Austin Creed and I am what you people will be calling the The Hunter, The hunter who has No Fear and is here to win!, I will be going for my first match very soon and my first target will be the man I am faced with that night, I will be brining my A game that night so till that night...enjoy the peace, see you around.

*The man goes back into the chair as the light turns on leaving nothing but darkness for a couple of seconds, the camera the turns off*
Change the name of your character as that is a name Xavier Woods currently uses on a regular basis.


Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @DeathLock
Gamertag: DeathLok 10
Character Name: Billy Watkins (Mundus)
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name: Triple Back Elbows, Romero Special 2

* Billy Watkins is seen walking around backstage trying to find Ignition interviewers*
Bryan Weaver: Hello sir, do you need help finding something?
Billy Watkins: Oh...My...Gosh I know that voice!
* Billy turns around in utter excitement to see his 2nd favorite interviewer of all time*
Billy Watkins: Hi, my name is Billy Watkins and I'm here to tryout to be a interviewer.
Bryan Weaver: Oh uh well, um Mr. Billy I'm sorry but we have no more positions open for interviewer. We only have wrestler positions open.
*Billy pulls out his resume from his duffle bag and hands it toward Bryan*
Billy Watkins: Please just look at my resume.
*Bryan examines and finds out Billy was a wrestler*
Bryan Weaver: It says here you used to be a wrestler, why the change in career path?
Billy Watkins: I just simply don't like the physicality.
*Bryan laughs*
Bryan Weaver: You seem so soft a chair could beat you if you returned to in ring action!
*Billy then rushes away from Bryan. Billy shows back up 2 minutes later dressed in a black and red cape*
Billy Watkins (Mundus): A chair could beat me huh!?
*Billy grabs Bryans chair and punches the chair in its stupid chair face. Then Billy hits the chair with a suplex followed by 3 elbow drops*
Billy Watkins (Mundus): Now how's that!
*Billy then walks away realizing what he just did*

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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @DeathLock
Gamertag: DeathLok 10
Character Name: Billy Watkins (Mundus)
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name: Triple Back Elbows, Romero Special 2

* Billy Watkins is seen walking around backstage trying to find Ignition interviewers*
Bryan Weaver: Hello sir, do you need help finding something?
Billy Watkins: Oh...My...Gosh I know that voice!
* Billy turns around in utter excitement to see his 2nd favorite interviewer of all time*
Billy Watkins: Hi, my name is Billy Watkins and I'm here to tryout to be a interviewer.
Bryan Weaver: Oh uh well, um Mr. Billy I'm sorry but we have no more positions open for interviewer. We only have wrestler positions open.
*Billy pulls out his resume from his duffle bag and hands it toward Bryan*
Billy Watkins: Please just look at my resume.
*Bryan examines and finds out Billy was a wrestler*
Bryan Weaver: It says here you used to be a wrestler, why the change in career path?
Billy Watkins: I just simply don't like the physicality.
*Bryan laughs*
Bryan Weaver: You seem so soft a chair could beat you if you returned to in ring action!
*Billy then rushes away from Bryan. Billy shows back up 2 minutes later dressed in a black and red cape*
Billy Watkins (Mundus): A chair could beat me huh!?
*Billy grabs Bryans chair and punches the chair in its stupid chair face. Then Billy hits the chair with a suplex followed by 3 elbow drops*
Billy Watkins (Mundus): Now how's that!
*Billy then walks away realizing what he just did*

....................................................Welcome to the league.
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Reactions: Emo


Dec 18, 2016
Reaction score
Benton Harbor, Michigan, US
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: Ratluck1
Gamertag: ratluck1
Character: "Lovely" Lincoln Lowe
Allignment: Heel
Tag-Team Partner/Valet: Alexis Lowe (sister)
Finishers: Bayley to Belly Suplex ( Dancing with the Scars), Big Boot 5 ( Bah Bah Da Da Da Boot)

Woman's DIvision
@Jet Starr
Forum Name : Ratluck1
Gamertag: ratluck1
Character: Alexis "Lexi" Lowe
Tag-Team Partner/ Valet: "Lovely" Lincoln Loud
Finishers: Irish Curse ( Gimme Shelter), Diving Crossbody 1 (Full Moon Fever)

*At the Department of Motor Vehicles, Alexis Lowe is waiting in line to get her driver's license. Her older brother Lincoln is waiting in line with her, moving his feet in a miniature grapevine.*
Alexis: Lincoln, can you stand still for just a few minutes?
Lincoln: *In a very airy, pretentious tone* Why should I withhold my dauncing talent from the world, dear sister? That would be a crying shame, if I've ever heard one.
Alexis: *In a faux British accent* Bloody hell. You're a bleeding idiot, mate.
Lincoln: I am the world's most faun-taus-tic dauncer, and a daumn good wrestler. I think that gives me a pass...*smirks and mocks her favorite british accent* ..."love"?
Alexis: Hey, look at my eyes, you stupid git. You see them rolling? They're rolling harder than yours if we ever have to wrestle.
Lincoln: Oh, that's right. I have to babysit you at the arena. Just another one of my talents.
Alexis: Dude, we both know who Dad put in charge here.
*A few minutes later, Alexis and her brother leave the facility, Lincoln now tangoing with a mop on their way out to the car.*
Alexis: God, you are so embarrassing. Where in the bloody hell did you find that thing, anyway?
Lincoln: I just grabbed it from the graceful bucket that the filthy pleb was using to clean the floor.
Alexis: *Sighs*...Just get in the car so we can get to the show.
Lincoln: Look, if I can make magic with such an inanimate object like this, I'm sure I'll be able to do SOMETHING with those pieces of trash at IGNITION.
Alexis: Linc, just promise me you'll behave.
Lincoln: Don't I always, Lexi?
Alexis: *A small smile prominent on her face* Just shut up and get in the car, bro.
*The brother-sister duo packed up their gear, and left the DMV for IGNITION's arena, ready to tackle whatever comes their way.*
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Starr
Forum name:mad:robo
Character name:jack hero
Tag-team partner:N/A
Finisher in game:GTS/penalty kick ,red arrow

*jack hero punching a bag fades out him lifting weights fades again him in a cell fists up at the camera man practices punches*

Jack hero: I've been busting my ass to get here and look at me I'm here wow it's smaller then I thought but let's go I'm ready Minho jet Starr watch out cause I'm coming for that championship.

*punches camera then it's done*
Gonna put this simply for ya so that Jet doesn't have to waste his time with it. You need to put a lot more effort into your try-out promo than that, otherwise this league is no place for you.
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Reactions: DeathLock1


Dec 18, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Starr

Forum name:robo


Character name:Diablo Los muertos

Face/heel: heel

Finisher in game:springboard star press(satans summon) pedigree (God burns)

The scene starts with a forest smoke every where and flames on some trees moving forward there are championships hanging on the tree moving up cages with the names of the wrestlers

Diablo:I'm no man you may be thinking i came for 1 thing destroy this company those who follow me are wise but those who don't.

Grabs a skull and starts laughing

He stops

Cameraman:hey dude can I go

Diablo:wh wha what YOU WANT TO GO no no no your my friend

Diablo assaults the man

Later the cameraman is in 1 of the cages blood on his face and upside down cross burnt into his chest.

Diablo picks the camera up and shouts

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Reactions: Solarxpixel


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: Ratluck1
Gamertag: ratluck1
Character: "Lovely" Lincoln Lowe
Allignment: Heel
Tag-Team Partner/Valet: Alexis Lowe (sister)
Finishers: Bayley to Belly Suplex ( Dancing with the Scars), Big Boot 5 ( Bah Bah Da Da Da Boot)

Woman's DIvision
@Jet Starr
Forum Name : Ratluck1
Gamertag: ratluck1
Character: Alexis "Lexi" Lowe
Tag-Team Partner/ Valet: "Lovely" Lincoln Loud
Finishers: Irish Curse ( Gimme Shelter), Diving Crossbody 1 (Full Moon Fever)

*At the Department of Motor Vehicles, Alexis Lowe is waiting in line to get her driver's license. Her older brother Lincoln is waiting in line with her, moving his feet in a miniature grapevine.*
Alexis: Lincoln, can you stand still for just a few minutes?
Lincoln: *In a very airy, pretentious tone* Why should I withhold my dauncing talent from the world, dear sister? That would be a crying shame, if I've ever heard one.
Alexis: *In a faux British accent* Bloody hell. You're a bleeding idiot, mate.
Lincoln: I am the world's most faun-taus-tic dauncer, and a daumn good wrestler. I think that gives me a pass...*smirks and mocks her favorite british accent* ..."love"?
Alexis: Hey, look at my eyes, you stupid git. You see them rolling? They're rolling harder than yours if we ever have to wrestle.
Lincoln: Oh, that's right. I have to babysit you at the arena. Just another one of my talents.
Alexis: Dude, we both know who Dad put in charge here.
*A few minutes later, Alexis and her brother leave the facility, Lincoln now tangoing with a mop on their way out to the car.*
Alexis: God, you are so embarrassing. Where in the bloody hell did you find that thing, anyway?
Lincoln: I just grabbed it from the graceful bucket that the filthy pleb was using to clean the floor.
Alexis: *Sighs*...Just get in the car so we can get to the show.
Lincoln: Look, if I can make magic with such an inanimate object like this, I'm sure I'll be able to do SOMETHING with those pieces of trash at IGNITION.
Alexis: Linc, just promise me you'll behave.
Lincoln: Don't I always, Lexi?
Alexis: *A small smile prominent on her face* Just shut up and get in the car, bro.
*The brother-sister duo packed up their gear, and left the DMV for IGNITION's arena, ready to tackle whatever comes their way.*
Welcome to the league.
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