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Trash Boat

Apr 16, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: SmudgyParaite
Gamertag: SmudgyParasite1
Character Name: Demetrius Sugar
Face/Heel: Face
Tag Team/Partners: N/A
Finishers: Detonation Kick AKA Sweet Tooth/ Fireman Carry Neckbreaker AKA Red Flag

*A video plays, starting with a shot of the outside of a Canadian wrestling school, "Red Flag Wrestling Academy". The video continues to show the inside of the school, showing off a bunch of students practicing their wrestling moves on each other, it cuts to Demetrius in an interview room."

Interviewer: So, how do you feel about being signed to Ignition?

Sugar: It's mindblowing, man. I never thought I'd reach the big leagues, you know. I've been wrestling since I was eight and I'm twenty six now so, it's just a bit of a shock to me.

Interviewer: Can you tell our fans what they can expect from Demetrius Sugar?

*Demetrius looks directly into the camera*

Sugar: Ignition is about to meet a full bloodied, proud Canadian wrestler that is all about earning respect and setting an example for younger guys looking to break into the business. I'm a humble guy that doesn't like to talk a lot, so you won't hear much from me, but when I'm in the ring, you'll know just who Demetrius Sugar is.

*Fade to black*
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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: SmudgyParaite
Gamertag: SmudgyParasite1
Character Name: Demetrius Sugar
Face/Heel: Face
Tag Team/Partners: N/A
Finishers: Detonation Kick AKA Sweet Tooth/ Fireman Carry Neckbreaker AKA Red Flag

*A video plays, starting with a shot of the outside of a Canadian wrestling school, "Red Flag Wrestling Academy". The video continues to show the inside of the school, showing off a bunch of students practicing their wrestling moves on each other, it cuts to Demetrius in an interview room."

Interviewer: So, how do you feel about being signed to Ignition?

Sugar: It's mindblowing, man. I never thought I'd reach the big leagues, you know. I've wrestling since I was eight and I'm twenty six now so, it's just a bit of a shock to me.

Interviewer: Can you tell our fans what they can expect from Demetrius Sugar?

*Demetrius looks directly into the camera*

Sugar: Ignition is about to meet a full bloodied, proud Canadian wrestler that is all about earning respect and setting an example for younger guys looking to break into the business. I'm a humble guy that doesn't like to talk a lot, so you won't hear much from me, but when I'm in the ring, you'll know just who Demetrius Sugar is.

*Fade to black*
Welcome to the league. Watch your spelling and watch out for typos when you promo.


Apr 17, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: KingsPunch
Gamertag: KingsPunch
Character Name: "The Beast Master" John Raider
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: Gourdbuster G.T.S, Rope Hung Flatliner

The scene begins with a pitch black screen, footsteps can be heard crunching leaves and walking through grass, all while a catchy tune is being whistled. The camera eventually fades in on the back of a man walking through a path in the forest, you can see just by how he walks that has a very carefree demeanor. The camera cuts to the woods around him, through the shadows of the trees, the piercing eyes of wolves can be seen staring down the man. The camera cuts back to the man walking down the path, he stops whistling and begins to speak in a very deep but soft southern tone.

John Raider : We all have an animal side to us, and a lot of people are scared of it...

He chuckles a bit

John Raider: But me? well... I've learned to embrace it.

He resumes whistling down the path, he then reaches out his hand towards the wooded area beside him in a beckoning motion. The wolves approach him slowly and instead of attacking, they begin to walk by his side. The camera stays behind him and the wolves but stops moving with them, the farther he walks the more the camera fades to black. But no matter how far he is, the whistling can still be heard loud and clear, it eventually ends but can be heard echoing as the scene ends.


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: KingsPunch
Gamertag: KingsPunch
Character Name: "The Beast Master" John Raider
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: Gourdbuster G.T.S, Rope Hung Flatliner

The scene begins with a pitch black screen, footsteps can be heard crunching leaves and walking through grass, all while a catchy tune is being whistled. The camera eventually fades in on the back of a man walking through a path in the forest, you can see just by how he walks that has a very carefree demeanor. The camera cuts to the woods around him, through the shadows of the trees, the piercing eyes of wolves can be seen staring down the man. The camera cuts back to the man walking down the path, he stops whistling and begins to speak in a very deep but soft southern tone.

John Raider : We all have an animal side to us, and a lot of people are scared of it...

He chuckles a bit

John Raider: But me? well... I've learned to embrace it.

He resumes whistling down the path, he then reaches out his hand towards the wooded area beside him in a beckoning motion. The wolves approach him slowly and instead of attacking, they begin to walk by his side. The camera stays behind him and the wolves but stops moving with them, the farther he walks the more the camera fades to black. But no matter how far he is, the whistling can still be heard loud and clear, it eventually ends but can be heard echoing as the scene ends.
Welcome to the league. I'm going to keep a close eye on your character development to determine if you need to be in the promo school as well or not.
Dec 31, 2016
Reaction score
London, England, GB
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: TheNotoriousOne
Gamertag: VIPERACTUAL5567
Character Name: Marc Anderson
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: Brainbuster, Tourture Rack Bomb

*Marc Anderson stands alone in a dark room with a spotlight casting down on him*

Marc: Right, I don't have a lot of time. I'll make this quick. My name is Marc Anderson. I'm a man on a mission. My mission is to purge this business of the corrupt leaders and ass kissing followers that are drowing this industry. This is a war and I am the only soldier fighting as this tyranny. They blind the people by being politically correct while I....while I'm politically incorrect and damn proud of it. What you see is what you get. And you're about to see all of me.

*The spotlight slowly dissapates*


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: TheNotoriousOne
Gamertag: VIPERACTUAL5567
Character Name: Marc Anderson
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: None
Finisher In-Game name: Brainbuster, Tourture Rack Bomb

*Marc Anderson stands alone in a dark room with a spotlight casting down on him*

Marc: Right, I don't have a lot of time. I'll make this quick. My name is Marc Anderson. I'm a man on a mission. My mission is to purge this business of the corrupt leaders and ass kissing followers that are drowing this industry. This is a war and I am the only soldier fighting as this tyranny. They blind the people by being politically correct while I....while I'm politically incorrect and damn proud of it. What you see is what you get. And you're about to see all of me.

*The spotlight slowly dissapates*
Welcome to the league (I read that last line as you getting ready to strip and then I imagined Connor McGregor naked...I might claw my eyes out)


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @SupaHeeroh
Gamertag: SupaHeeroh
Character Name: Wendi
Face/Heel: Face
Tag-Team Partner:
Finisher In-game name: Trouble in Paradise, Diced Bread

Wendi: Um... Hey!

*Wendi scratches her head and looks around.*

Wendi: So, uh... I'm Wendi. You may know me as that girl who hangs around Minho a lot. Well... I've been training and I'm ready to compete here in the SPARK division...

*She nervously avoids looking into the camera.*

Wendi: Sooo yeah! I hope that I can show everyone who I am and hopefully I can bring something new to the table. I was a former gymnast so i'm a pretty athletic girl... I'm hoping that although I haven't been wrestling for long, I can surprise a few people.

*She coughs.*

Wendi: ... Ok bye!

*She runs out of camera view.*


Jan 18, 2017
Reaction score
Reading, England, GB
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Nirvana
Gamertag: rnv
Character Name: Cliff Cole
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finisher In-game name: Deadman's switch (Brainbuster 5)

A camera turns onto reveal someone wearing a hood kneeling down as they sat in the chair a clear room with a dull brick wall behind them,they had their hands held together as they looked down.

Cliff pulled the hood off and stares into the camera glaring down the lens.

I'm not here to entertain any of you or play any of your stupid little games.... *Cliff grins* I'm here to win... Now, you're probably wondering who I am? Well my name is Cliff Cole, that's all you need to know, and if you don't know the name.... you will soon.... Becuase im going to dominate Ignition and prove to everyone why i'm the one you should keep your eyes on.... Remember my name and take a look at pure greatness....

Cliff walks off out of the shot of the camera

Promo ends
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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Women's Division

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @TheFrostyBlur
Gamertag: zombiezkiller77
Character Name: Violet Blackfire
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: N/A
Finisher In-game name: Pumphandle Neckbreaker, Asuka Lock 2

*Violet is in a darkroom giggling on a chair. She begins to slowly walk towards the camera, but stops half way. She seems to be getting quite angry as she begins to speak*

Violet Blackfire
: They all think we're pretty young things. You know? Something to be stared at while they imagine being with us. Everyone has this mindset that women must follow men. You see, I don't follow anyone. I don't care if it's Jet Starr or the president of the United States. I'm here to strike fear into the hearts of every female wrestler in the back. Hey, I'm sure the male wrestlers won't look at me wrong when they see what I do in that wrestling ring. You know what I think when I look at that male roster? I laugh!

*Violet begins to laugh towards the camera*

Violet Blackfire: They call us the little girls? I'm tougher than every male in the back. They're nothing. I'm here to break the faces of every female wrestler. I'm here to beak the hearts of every male wrestler. I'm here to become Women's champion.
@Jet Starr sign her back up. Need to show these girls how it's done


Jan 20, 2017
Reaction score
The Bronx, New York, US
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @tyland
Gamertag: Kotlxi1shoti1
Character Name: "Villain" Marc Young
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name: "Flippy Poop." Coup De Grace, "Oops? Did that hurt.." Superkick

Matt: Let me introduce myself.... My name's Matt O'Donovan and I'm from Dublin Ireland. And ya see... I don't think I'm better than anyone, but I do think I'm one of the best at what I do.. simply because well? I'm me. And well other's are them. I think I can destroy everyone but no no. Everyone thinks I'm cocky... no. I'm just right...

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @tyland
Gamertag: Kotlxi1shoti1
Character Name: Persuasion Dante
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name:
*Fortune Teller
{Natural Selection}

*Styles Clash

Jet: Welcome, welcome. Come sit.
A woman with a sure hourglass figure stepped into the room, her heels clacking every time she stepped.. her presence being graceful...

Jet: Now...-
Jet being cut off by Persuasion herself here.

Persuasion: Can we just cut the crap already? The only reason I'm here, whether you like it or not.. because I'm the best woman ever. If I wasn't... you wouldn't of called me here.. is that so?
Jet: .... Hold up.. Before we go anywhere further... Persuasion. Let's make one thing clear... don't interrupt me... second of all... You see those woman out there? They don't play... are you sure you can be at their level?
Persuasion: Listen... if I didn't think I could do it? I wouldn't be here doll... but you wanna know something.. I'm one of the most amazing... hot.. and dominant woman you'll ever meet.

Persuasion brushed her hair simply over her shoulder, then SUDDENLY! slamming her palms off the desk!
Those girls out there better know what's coming.. because me? I don't play. This job is my passion... and let's be honest... None of those girls can Live up to the name of a woman's wrestler.. So it's best.. if you didn't doubt me..
Jet: Alright, I see your determination.... I like it. But please... make a deal with me... beat ass, I'm hiring you for a reason... not to fuck up.

Persuasion smirked making her way out the door.

Name: Persuasion Dante/Matt O Donovan
Theme: Diamond Hard [By Kerli]/Built For This Time[Zayde Wolf]

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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @tyland
Gamertag: Kotlxi1shoti1
Character Name: "Villain" Marc Young
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name: "Flippy Shit." Coup De Grace, "Oops? Did that hurt.." Superkick

Matt: Let me introduce myself.... My name's Matt O'Donovan and I'm from Dublin Ireland. And ya see... I don't think I'm better than anyone, but I do think I'm one of the best at what I do.. simply because well? I'm me. And well other's are them. I think I can destroy everyone but no no. Everyone thinks I'm cocky... no. I'm just right...

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @tyland
Gamertag: Kotlxi1shoti1
Character Name: Persuasion Dante
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name:
*Fortune Teller
{Natural Selection}

*Styles Clash

Jet: Welcome, welcome. Come sit.
A woman with a sure hourglass figure stepped into the room, her heels clacking every time she stepped.. her presence being graceful...

Jet: Now...-
Jet being cut off by Persuasion herself here.

Persuasion: Can we just cut the crap already? The only reason I'm here, whether you like it or not.. because I'm the best woman ever. If I wasn't... you wouldn't of called me here.. is that so?
Jet: .... Hold up.. Before we go anywhere further... Persuasion. Let's make one thing clear... don't interrupt me... second of all... You see those woman out there? They don't play... are you sure you can be at their level?
Persuasion: Listen... if I didn't think I could do it? I wouldn't be here doll... but you wanna know something.. I'm one of the most amazing... hot.. and dominant woman you'll ever meet.

Persuasion brushed her hair simply over her shoulder, then SUDDENLY! slamming her palms off the desk!
Those bitches out there better know what's coming.. because me? I don't play. This job is my passion... and let's be honest... None of those girls can Live up to the name of a woman's wrestler.. So it's best.. if you didn't doubt me..
Jet: Alright, I see your determination.... I like it. But please... make a deal with me... beat ass, I'm hiring you for a reason... not to fuck up.

Persuasion smirked making her way out the door.

Name: Persuasion Dante/Matt O Donovan
Theme: Diamond Hard [By Kerli]/Built For This Time[Zayde Wolf]

Please try again without the cursing, as it is against the rules.


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @tyland
Gamertag: Kotlxi1shoti1
Character Name: "Villain" Marc Young
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name: "Flippy Poop." Coup De Grace, "Oops? Did that hurt.." Superkick

Matt: Let me introduce myself.... My name's Matt O'Donovan and I'm from Dublin Ireland. And ya see... I don't think I'm better than anyone, but I do think I'm one of the best at what I do.. simply because well? I'm me. And well other's are them. I think I can destroy everyone but no no. Everyone thinks I'm cocky... no. I'm just right...

@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @tyland
Gamertag: Kotlxi1shoti1
Character Name: Persuasion Dante
Face/Heel: Heel
Tag-Team Partner: ____
Finisher In-game name:
*Fortune Teller
{Natural Selection}

*Styles Clash

Jet: Welcome, welcome. Come sit.
A woman with a sure hourglass figure stepped into the room, her heels clacking every time she stepped.. her presence being graceful...
Jet being cut off by Persuasion herself here.

Persuasion: Can we just cut the crap already? The only reason I'm here, whether you like it or not.. because I'm the best woman ever. If I wasn't... you wouldn't of called me here.. is that so?
Jet: .... Hold up.. Before we go anywhere further... Persuasion. Let's make one thing clear... don't interrupt me... second of all... You see those woman out there? They don't play... are you sure you can be at their level?
Persuasion: Listen... if I didn't think I could do it? I wouldn't be here doll... but you wanna know something.. I'm one of the most amazing... hot.. and dominant woman you'll ever meet.

Persuasion brushed her hair simply over her shoulder, then SUDDENLY! slamming her palms off the desk!
Those girls out there better know what's coming.. because me? I don't play. This job is my passion... and let's be honest... None of those girls can Live up to the name of a woman's wrestler.. So it's best.. if you didn't doubt me..
Jet: Alright, I see your determination.... I like it. But please... make a deal with me... beat ass, I'm hiring you for a reason... not to fuck up.

Persuasion smirked making her way out the door.

Name: Persuasion Dante/Matt O Donovan
Theme: Diamond Hard [By Kerli]/Built For This Time[Zayde Wolf]
1. You're guy's promo is far too short, and his name doesn't even match the information prior to his promo.
2. Multiple superkicks are already in use, so you have to pick a specific one that nobody else is using.
3. You're still cursing. And the worst part of it is that you are making the Jet character curse, which is something @Jet Starr would never do in a promo.
4. (this one is just a personal gripe) Who calls a move that involves no flipping whatsoever "Flippy Poop"? If you can't think of anything better than that, you're better off just calling it "Diving Foot Stomp"

Also, this time when you edit it, re-post it.
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Dec 18, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Starr

Forum name @robo

Gamer tag RoboWilliam60

Character name Eddie awesome

Face/heel face

Tag team partner

Finisher in game name gts/penalty kick(awesome era)

Walks down to a ring when he stands in the middle of the ring he gets out grabs every weapon he can and puts it in the ring

Eddie:well yeah that's it cut

Cameraman:wait huh

Eddie:what do you think it's wrestling no one cares what I say even if I do trash em in the ring or on the mic


Eddie:fine I'll carry on so yeah I'm Eddie AWESOME and I'm probably gonna bring the best title this industry has ever seen the hardcore title so I dare anyone in this company or not to come at me it's kinda a 24hr kind of thing so welcome to the


Patriot Pants

LDW Champion (855+ days)
Jan 23, 2017
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
@Jet Starr
Forum Name: @Finniis
Gamer tag: Finniis
Character: Aleks Frost
Alignment: Face
Tag Team Partner: None
Finishers: RKO (AK-00)

*The titantron goes to static after the recent match has ended and the lights dim. A few seconds after the static subsides, revealing a dark room with one light source over a wooden chair. Leaning on the head of the chair is a worn out kendo stick that's covered in black and white paint. Footsteps can be heard, slowly increasing in loudness until they stop all together. Another few seconds go by and a black and white painted face darts over the camera*

Aleks: AHHH!

*the crowd jumps and Aleks begins to laugh, wiping a tear from his eye as he sits down. He's in his ring gear, his chest covered by his old Painted Crazy tour shirt*

Aleks: Oh should've seen the look on all your faces. Priceless.

*his laughter dies out and he looks at the audience through the camera, hunched over, elbows on his knees*

Aleks: So you're probably wondering why you're seeing my ugly mug? Well its simple...I'm here to hurt people. Crack some skulls, fracture some ribs, have a few laughs, etcetera etcetera. Ya know, do what I do best.

*he chuckles*

Aleks: But I'm only after bad game. Not good game. *he begins to rise and grab his kendo stick* So... Let's make it clear that ole Aleks Frost, is here to hurt those that hurt others...

*he pauses for a moment, then points at the camera*

Aleks: Not counting me. I'm the good guy in this story, so don't get confused..'kay? 'Kay.

*he does a finger gun as he finishes saying "Kay". He then hoists the kendo stick over his right shoulder, and pushes the camera over with his pointer finger on his left hand, sending more static as fans cheer*

OOC: I know about the color rule but my Windows phone won't let the menu pop up so until I get a new phone or a laptop, this is the best I can do. Sorry.
P.S: I'm actually the dude who played Aleks back in 2k14, just in case I confuse all of you.
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
@Jet Star
Forum Name: @Finniis
Gamer tag: Finniis
Character: Aleks Frost
Alignment: Face
Tag Team Partner: None
Finishers: RKO (AK-00)

*The titantron goes to static after the recent match has ended and the lights dim. A few seconds after the static subsides, revealing a dark room with one light source over a wooden chair. Leaning on the head of the chair is a worn out kendo stick that's covered in black and white paint. Footsteps can be heard, slowly increasing in loudness until they stop all together. Another few seconds go by and a black and white painted face darts over the camera*

Aleks: AHHH!

*the crowd jumps and Aleks begins to laugh, wiping a tear from his eye aa he sits down. He's in his ring gear, his chest covered by his old Painted Crazy tour shirt*

Aleks: Oh should've seen the look on all your faces. Priceless.

*his laughter dies out and he looks at the audience through the camera, hunched over, elbows on his knees*

Aleks: So you're probably wondering why you're seeing my ugly mug? Well its simple...I'm here to hurt people. Crack some skulls, fracture some ribs, have a few laughs, etcetera etcetera. Ya know, do what I do best.

*he chuckles*

Aleks: But I'm only after bad game. Not good game. *he begins to rise and grab his kendo stick* So... Let's make it clear that ole Aleks Frost, is here to hurt those that hurt others...

*he pauses for a moment, then points at the camera*

Aleks: Not counting me. I'm the good guy in this story, so don't get confused..'kay? 'Kay.

*he does a finger gun as he finishes saying "Kay". He then hoists the kendo stick over his right shoulder, and pushes the camera over with his left finger, sending more static as fans cheer*

OOC: I know about the color rule but my Windows phone won't let the menu pop up so until I get a new phone or a laptop, this is the best I can do. Sorry.
P.S: I'm actually the dude who played Aleks back in 2k14, just in case I confuse all of you.
Fairly sure that I can speak for @Jet Starr when I say welcome back to the league Tydayus (probably spelled that wrong)
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