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  • Yeah no problem! Good luck with that fourth (I know you don't like luck, but I found it more appropriate here haha) and may the best man win!
    Agreed that it's silly, but honestly, you're one of the best RPers and probably have been deserving the shot longer than the current contenders (the IC belt held you up tbh). And, let's be honest, even if I reach 4, you still could beat me haha.
    Not to be a dick, but I'm going to try (try being key here haha) to knock out a 4th. You need a bump to the World Title anyways ;)
    If you have a problem with me wishing you luck/congratulating you, feel free to PM me and tell me, and I'll stop.
    Maybe we'll cross paths sometime. Also, how come nobody told me about ITR?
    You're Daniels on UWF RAW? Guess who is Gabriel/Bourne? (C'mon, as if those two weren't a dead giveaway already!)
    The board-that-shall-not-be-named is back online. Spread the news. And no, it with really old jcink url.
    Thanks dude. And I know, one year and I go to Vegas and start gold digging off the guys that win big! :Banana:
    Awesome dude. Your namesake is even free at this moment in time, could be a good choice Edge.
    Thanks man, I put some real thought into it, the second one is going to carry on from it, develop it further, hope I can keep delivering. Glad you liked it!
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