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  • Thanks man! I really loved that Kendrick Jericho segment like I said. Have you seen Big Lewbowski? You could always flavor him up like "the Dude" or something. Maybeeee..fuck I dont know. You could always have him read strong quotes from books that reflect on his opponent. Bit of work, but its interesting. I dunno, hope you win that belt back though ahah
    Yeah its not fun like that. My promos for SD feel awesome, my TTs are hit or miss. Really wasnt feeling my thread this week though. Everybody is a heel in the main event and its just a big dick waving contest. Theres no depth haha. And yeah, I dunno what you have in store for Kendricks characters but Im sure it'll be awesome. I keep rooting for ya. I still think the internet title is a fucking joke, but hey, if you win it back that'd be awesome.
    Haha yeah Im sorry too, its just fucking unneeded. I dont get it. That post felt like work and adding another great TTer like Dod is just taking away later shit. idunno. Im not in charge haha. And I mean I hope I keep it. It'd be fucking bullshit if I lost it imo.
    Hey Killz. I will ask a favor from you and Soccerboy. Can we do that TT'ing as we all write 2? Also I may not answer after 13th.
    Pre please. It may be further up the card then what I said based on tting. Plus there is stuff after match anyway.
    Send it to me please. I should have room, if not I'll hold onto it for another week but I should have room for it.
    No probs man. Good days for me too, won my first title at that show. All this talk makes me feel old. :p
    Thank you thank you! I need Morrison/Kennedy taken care of. Any chance you can do that for me?
    Any chance you have time to write a match for Lockdown brother? My assistant seems to be awol.
    Any chance you have time to write a quick match. I woke up and my writer bailed on me :(
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