Donnie watches NWA-TNA 2004

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April 21, 2004
TNA Asylum


The opening match is meant to be Sabu/Raven vs Abyss/Monty, but Raven is a little sad about his destiny being stopped and doesn't show up. Starting to think he doesn't have Sabu's back.

Match#1 Sabu vs Monty Brown & Abyss
Sabu fights two monsters because he's Sabu and he ain't no coward. The numbers take over and he gets the piss beaten out of him, and the heels look really great in control. Monty is getting better by the week thanks to working with Sabu, and this is another example. Sabu has a frantic comeback with the help of a chair and he nearly does it, but he gets killed by the POUNCE and Shock Treatment

Post match, Monty and Abyss circle each other and taunt, and they seem to come to some kind of understanding.

In the back, Raven and Harris are fighting. Raven fucks his arm up again with a guardrail and some chair shots. RAVEN SQUASHES THE ARM UNDERNEATH A GUARDRAIL AND LOCKS IN A KEY LOCK!!! Storm makes the save runs Raven off. Raven runs back to the ring where Sabu is still dead from the match, and Raven steps over his body and does his taunt and leaves. Sabu is PISSED. OH FUCK.

Russo and a bunch of black shirts help Harris up and lead him to the dr's office.

In the back, JB has now replaced Hudson as the backstage interviewer. Boooooooooo. Kaz cuts another terrible promo and says it'll be Red/Sonjay in a best of 3 to see who faces him, the coolest person in the world. Please go away.

DY promises he'll snap his losing streak against Shark Boy. Oh, dear.

Match#2 Shark Boy vs David Young
Awesome showcase for DY. He hurls poor Sharkie around and whips his ass, and it's a lot of fun. Sharkie gets a rollup to steal it. Boooooooooooo

Post match, DY cries and it sucks. 3LK walk out and make fun of him for being a loser, like Konnan can talk. Konnan demands Truth gets Harris' spot in the match because he's the TRUTH. BG cut a terrible promo that's also about giving the shot to Truth.

In the back, Harris is being loaded into an ambulance and the EMT says his shoulder has been separated, and he's out of the match. Harris asks Russo to give his spot to James Storm!!

Match#3 Disco Inferno & Johnny Swinger w/Trinity vs Sonny Siaki & Simon Diamond
Gross. The NYC win, and i don't want to think about this again.

Post match, the NYC beat the crap out of the faces until Desiree makes her return to take out trinity, and reunite with Sonny.

In the back, Russo says he's not sure Storm is right man, AND AJ STYLES WALKS ON IN HIS GEAR. He says made the choice for him as a former world champion who has beaten Jarrett, and if Russo wants to fix things with him, he'll give him the shot. Russo bitches him out on blowing him off for the last month and he should have thought about fixing things before. Fuck you.

Hype for Daniels/Young Shane for a spot on Team TNA.

Match#4 Christopher Daniels vs Michael Shane w/New Franchises (Winner joins Team TNA)
Daniels is pissed about the last time they met and unloads a beating on Young Shane for his sins, and he looks like a top babyface star while doing it. Shane catches him coming through the ropes with a kick to the face and takes over. Decent enough control for Young Shane, but something feels lacking during it. Which is actually a perfect way to describe Young Shane. Just a boring lacking dude. Daniels has a fun short comeback with some good selling of the beating, and more than Shane deserves tbh. Old Shane shoves Young Shane out of the way of a moonsault, and Young Shane shoves him to the floor! The match gets back to the ring and they have a fun back and forth finishing run and Shane looks better here than did the whole match. Old Shane punches Daniels in the head with the chain and Young Shane refuses to pin and instead opts to hit the superkick, and Daniels counters it into a flash STO to win.

Team TNA walk down and welcome Daniels to the team.

Back in the ring, The Shanes argue about everything and Young Shane keeps shoving the old man and begging him to fight him, and Douglas refuses. Young Shane slaps him and Old Shane fights him and beats him with a belt, and the crowd is dead for all of this. The Old man keeps beating his ass and Traci picks up the belt and chokes Douglas with it and Shane hits him with a superkick. Oh man, she picked the young buck.

In the back, Russo still hasn't decided what he's going to do tonight. Abyss walks on and grunts, and then Goldy walks on dressed as a Puerto Rican doing a racist accent for some reason, and she demands he put Abyss in said match. Russo says no and leaves. Fair enough.

Match#5 D-Lo Brown & Apolo (c) vs Kid Kash & Dallas (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Oh, wonderful, just what the world wanted. Just as dismal as last week, but worse because of the bullshit reason it's happening. It's insane that we're nearly 5 months in and the tag division has been this barron and bad. TNA 2004 is way worse than i remembered, and this might be another case of a company having a terrible year to get it out of their systems before they go into a peak run. The pipe gets bought in and fucking Apolo uses it despite knowing it's a DQ, and the titles change hands for the second week in a row with this bullshit

In the back, all time Gaslighter Raven does everything he can to convince Russo he's the only man who can beat Jarrett because it's his destiny, and Russo knows it to be true. Russo says Raven as a champion will be a thorn in his side, and Raven says he'll be any kind of champion he wants, HE JUST WANTS THE BELT AND HIS DESTINY. Russo hangs his head and says a lot of people are going to like this, and he shakes Raven's hand.


In the back, Jarrett talks about the last year of fighting Raven and all that transpired between them, and now it's come to this. Russo thinks this will be the end of his reign, but it's only just begun. Ah, fuck you.

They air a long video on the entirety of Jeff's run since he won it back, and seeing it like this is a stark reminder of how crap it's been.

Jarrett comes out for the match and stands in the cage. Russo walks out and looks fucking miserable at the very thought of what he's about to do. He says sorry to Chris Harris for all he's been through and promises him a title match as soon as he's healthy. He says Storm isn't ready to face an animal like Jarrett. Abyss can't push people around to get what he wants, and he's not getting it. 3LK can't bully him into putting them into a spot. He says it's come down to Raven, and he has a bond Scott Levy(FUCK YOU) and Jarrett says no one cares and get it over with. Russo says he's seen the light and he won't make a deal with the devil, and he had to reach down and do the right thing for TNA and give the shot to... THE PHENOMENAL AJ STYLES. FUCK YEAH. Raven is very sad and mad. Russo finding God and picking the biggest God Nut on the roster to have the shot is actually awesome.

Match#6 Jeff Jarrett (c) vs AJ Styles (NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Steel Cage)
AJ is wearing some awesome white gear tonight, and it's another all time look for the Ace of TNA. AJ refuses to take any of Jeff's bullshit and stands right in his face and takes it to him, but he doesn't use the cage at all and it feels super weird that he's not using the thing that can fuck Jeff up the most. Like, i get the cage is there to mostly stop the bullshit(tm) but it's a cage match and you have AJ Styles in it, why waste it on just being lame excuse to have one. Jeff is the first person to use it because he's the smartest and toughest and AJ is a moron, apparently. Also, AJ not going nuts with the cage makes no sense after the D-Lo series. Fucking TNA. Jeff works the knee and it's good because it always is, but i want blood and hate, not working a limb on the mat. The ref gets bumped and AJ takes a cool bump into the cage, and instead of Jeff murdering him, he throws powder in his eyes and uses a chain from his boot. Jeff hides the chain back in his trunks like this isn't a fucking cage match. Fuck you. AJ FINALLY takes an insane bump off the cage onto the fucking floor when Jeff shoulder blocks the cage and knocks him down, but it's too late and not worth it. Jeff brings the guitar in and AJ pele kicks it again, which is awesome but it should have debuted here instead of last year. AJ jumps on his back and crucifix pins him AND HE WINS THE BELT AND ENDS ANOTHER HORRIBLE JARRETT REIGN.

Post match, AJ hugs Russo, and the God Squad is back together. GOD BLESS.
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April 28th, 2004
TNA Asylum

Another awesome recap from TNA's production team. The only thing this company seemingly never fucked up despite the department being headed by the Harris Brothers. Nazi's run a tight ship, i guess.

In the carpark, the NEW world champion AJ Styles arrives.


Match#1 Jerry Lynn, Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper vs. Hector Garza, Abismo Negro, Mr. Aguila & Heavy Metal

Preview for the World X-Cup coming at the end of may. England bombed and have been kicked out and replaced by Japan, which is fucking funny. D'Amore joins commentary to talk some shit, and hype the new Team Canada. Everyone gets a chance to shine for a few minutes and it's pretty fun, but nothing mind blowing, obviously. Daniels beats Agulia with a rollup after countering a running PK

Post match, Lynn and D'Amore go back and forth and Lynn tries to kill him, but Team TNA drag him off. D'Amore promises revenge.

In the ring, Tenay brings out AJ Styles for an interview, and our hero looks SHARP as world champ. Like, a million times better than the last jackass who held it. AJ shouts two times and the crowd chants it back because he's the best. He thanks TNA for giving him another shot as champion, and the fans for sticking by his side. He says he can't wrestle this week because he's injured, but he's damn proud to be champion and he's defending next week against Raven. Not sure how he got a shot after being a piece of sht, but fuck yeah. 3LK come out now and they look none too pleased. BG cuts a terrible promo about AJ being small, and Konnan says he only won because he's friends with Russo. Truth steps up and dares AJ to make a move, and Russo comes out to protect his son and tries to calm it all down. BG says he saved Russo back in the day as did Konnan, and they owe him. Russo shootz back and says he gave them their careers and they're wrong, bro. AJ finally breaks this shit up and says he'll give Truth his shot...TONIGHT. Hell yeah.

Hype for the tag rematch in a NIGHTSTICK ON A POLE MATCH. Hhahahahahahahahahahaha Russo sucks, man.

Match#2 Kid Kash & Dallas (c) vs D-Lo Brown & Apolo (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
The champs really need a name of some sort. it wouldn't make them a good team or anything, but i like teams with names. Anywoo, this is atrocious for the third week in a row, and it's even worse with Russo's personal kink gimmick on display. The stick falls off at one point and they get a ref to just hold it because they can't re-hang it for some reason??? LOLTNA. The heels win, and i pray this is finally over.
Waiting in the rain to vote because we can't do online voting in 2022 for some reason

Another horrible segment with Goldilocks being crazy and shit.

Match#3 Sabu vs Abyss
Very fun brawl between these two crazy sons' bitches. Sabu takes a few gross bumps and Abyss looks wonderful beating the piss out of him, and i wish he didn't become horrible by 07. Sabu has a great comeback and puts Abyss through a table with the Arabian Skullcrusher, but Goldy comes out and pulls the ref away before he can win. He goes after for being the worst, and Abyss snaps and murders him with the BHS. He throws the ref out for the DQ.
Abyss grabs his chain and tries to kill Sabu, but that fucking fuck Watts makes the save. Hhahahahahaha fuck off.

We get a video on Desiree's return and we learn that she broke her back last year. Never knew this, and it's pretty insane she came back. Also, she was on the Biggest Loser later in life and lost a ton of weight. Jesus, you could turn that into a fun TV movie.

In the back, Simon Diamond cuts a bad promo about broken promises and he's now called Irish Pat Kenney. Lmaooooooooo

Match#4 Irish Pat Kenney, Sonny Siaki & Desiree vs The New York Connection
Hey, another horrible match in this horrible feud. Faces win.

In the back, Raven has stolen a cameraman and has dragged him to his lair. He says he's been called a lot of things in his life, Addict, alcoholic, dysfunctional, freak, but he's never been called a liar. If he says he has Sabu's back, or if Harris isn't going to make it, he does it. He calls Russo a liar after reneging on his title shot, and he'll make him pay. He says Storm pays first and it should be Russo's beating, and now he can't control Raven and what he does next.

In the back, Storm says he's going to do to Raven what he did to Harris last week. He says he's a better fighter than wrestler and Raven is going to find out. Kash walks on and talks some shit about becoming the best team in TNA, and laughs at Harris being dead, so Storm beats the fuck out of him. Hell yeah, get the band back together and end this shit.

Match#5 Raven vs James Storm
FIGHT!!! They rush each other and a killer fight breaks out, and it's so nice to see Storm get more chances to show how fucking great he is, and how he's a million times better than Harris as a singles dude. He beats the fuck out of Raven all over the place, and he fits right in with Raven's style and match layout. Raven hurts Storm arm with a chair and he goes insane on it. True rabid shit from Raven that shows how far off the deep end he's currently gone. Storm's comeback is fun, but he doesn't sell the arm very well, showing he's got a ways to go. Dallas comes out to watch so some bullshit can hit. He distracts the ref and Kash hits Storm with the stick and Raven hits the EVENFLOW to win

Post match, Raven leaves the heels to beat the shit out of Storm. D-Lo runs down to make the save because we can't escape hell.

Speaking of hell, we get a pretape from Jarrett promising to win the title back. Fuck off, dude.

Recap of the Shane's fighting and stuff.

Match#6 AJ Styles (c) vs Ron Killings (NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
Props to TNA for only doing this once before in very early 03, and keeping it as fresh as possible as it's one of the biggest singles matches they have. Awesome feeling out to start and i've always adored AJ building a match from the ground up when its needed. Truth is right there with him hold for hold, and he hurts AJ's bad ribs when he throws him off on a headlock. AJ has an incredible moment where he lands on his stomach after the missed dropkick, and Truth thinks he's fucked up, and AJ leaps up and kills him with a nasty dropkick and goes right back to selling the ribs. True GOAT level shit. Truth throws him into the ropes and goes after them and he does a really awesome job of beating the piss out of AJ, and it's another reminder of the criminal waste of most of his career. AJ up the insanity with a crazy dive that nearly ends with him landing on the guardrail and breaking his ankles. He keeps selling the bad ribs as he mounts a comeback, and he goes after Truth's knee. Awesome work on it and Truth sells it very well, and it turns into a big dramatic fight. AJ bumps the ref and some bullshit hits as AJ rolls Truth with an O'Connor Roll, but his ribs give out and his shoulders are on the mat, and another ref and the old ref both count 3. Russo comes out and re-starts it. They trade rollups for a while and AJ gets a tight one to keep the title

AJ celebrates on the ramp, but Raven attacks from behind and sends him rib first into the guardrail and beats the shit out of him. He hits the EVENFLOW on the ramp and shouts about Destiny. Awesome angle
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May 5th, 2004
TNA Asylum


3LK kick the show off by focing Tenay get in the ring to interview them, but Russo walks out to confront them. The mic fucks up and we miss some of it, but the gist is AJ is still champion despite the fuckery of last week. They have a bad back and forth and it's really upsetting that Truth is stuck with two of the worst dudes in the company. Monty Brown comes out to thankfully end this trash, and he's very upset they said his name (they didn't, but he's a lunatic ) He says he has a title unlike them, the title of the ALPHA MALE and he defends it all the time. BG brings up Monty failing in the NFL, and Monty says he killed dudes in the league and this is is hunting ground and he's going to POUNCE everyone. He fights 3LK because he fears nothing, and Truth gets in Russo's face and demands his rematch. Russo gets a mic and demands they leave the Asylum!!!

In the back, Raven repeats the same promo he's been cutting since he turned heel. DESTINY

Horrible pre tape from Frankie Kazazian.

Match#1 Amazing Red vs Sonjay Dutt (Best of 3 #1 Contender Series)
This entire series feels like a massive "Please give a shit about Frankie" booking idea from TNA, and it's sad times. Like, just give the title to back to Red and let him have his day in the sun before his knee kills him off for good. This isn't very good because Red's knee is a second away from dust, and Sonjay isn't lighting the world on fire. Just a bad mix for this one, and i don't hold hope for the rest of the series. Dutt wins with a rollup


In the back, Young Shane says he and Traci have parted ways, and he doesn't need anyone.

Match#2 Michael Shane vs Shane Douglas w/Traci Brooks
I wish this feud had ended like the movie Shane, and they ride off into the sunset to maybe die. Alas, we must watch these very dull men have a dull match for a while. It's fine and all, but neither of dudes could make me care about their lives if they were on fire, so whatever. Traci throws young Shane a chain in a classic Russo swerve that makes fuck all sense when she already turned on Old Shane two weeks ago. Goddamn it. Old Shane catches said swerve chain and ko's his dickhead son to win. Some true and proper Russo nonsense.

Post match, Old Shane spanks her, but Young Shane saves and Traci ko's this old perv with the cast on her arm. Fuck you all.

In the back, Coach Scott D'Amore introduces the brand new Team Canada of Eric Young, Petey Williams, Johnny Devine and Robert Roode. FUCK YEAH. NOW GIVE ME A1. D'Amore cuts another awesome promo about America being terrible, and yeah fuck you. They sing the anthem but those pesky fucks 3LK storm on and say they're leaving. Oh no.

Match#3 Team Canada w/Coach Scott D'Amore vs Team TNA
Cool way to debut the full unit as their 3 best meat TNA' s 3 best, and their worst meets their worst. EY and Roode are babies, but they get moments to shine and look to be future stars. EY is especially insane as he takes huge bumps and gross head shots. Lynn gets isolated and the kids look good in control and i can't wait for them to grow over the next few months. Sabin has a wonderful hot tag as he goes insane after a few months on the shelf. It breaks down and they do a fucking tower of doom spot and Petey debuts the godforsaken Canadian Destroyer aka the worst move in wrestling. Everyone gets their shit in, and D'Amore hits Lynn with the hockey stick and Team Canada steal it.

In the back, someone has destroyed Russo's office. Kash walks on and says he saw James Storm do it because he's stupid. Storm walks in and chases after Kash all over the building and into the ring. He beats on him until Dallas runs down, and Storm bails on this fight.

Hype for Desiree/Trinity.

Match#4 Desiree w/Sonny Siaki vs Trinity w/NYC
Very bad match from two very bad wrestlers. Trinity wins

Post match, Trinity tries to break her back again, but Sonny makes the save.

In the carpark. Swinger and Disco beat the shit out of Pat Kenney and throw green paint on him. Maybe the worst feud TNA has ever ran.

Hype for Watts/Abyss.

Match#5 Erik Watts vs Abyss w/Goldilocks
I once burnt my stomach on a fire when i was a kid, and it was less painful than watching Erik Watts attempt to wrestle. Bill Watts has done some heinous shit, but giving life to this fucking prick is at least #5 on the list. #1 would be the time he did an interview where he said every racist and homophobic line you can imagine, and it ended with Hank Aaron telling Turner to step in and fire him. Anywoo, the "match" is a true 5 star classic that can rival any classic you can name. Matches like "Tomko vs Stevie Richards" or "Lawler vs Cole" True classic. Abyss wins with the BHS, and i set myself on fire because nothing can top this.

Post match, Goldy cuts a bad promo and shoves money down his throat, and Abyss kills him with a chain. Abyss murders all the black shirts who try to help, and Watts rises from the dead and beats him up with a baseball bat. Life is suffering.

In the back, LA PARKA IS HERE AND PLAYING THE AIR GUITAR WITH A CHAIR. Raven walks on and says they must be here to watch him fulfil his destiny and whatnot. Raven beats the fuck out of him with a chair and screams about his destiny. Give me that blood feud.

At ringside, Storm cuts an awesome promo about kicking Kash's ass next week.

Amazing hype video for AJ/Raven.

In a funny LOLTNA moment, they reuse the same promo pic as the last AJ/Raven match from 2003.

JB does the big intro to give that incredible feeling.

Match#6 AJ Styles (c) vs Raven (NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
Tenay asks the question of AJ being able to control his temper and play the long game, and it's wonderful how everyone knows what AJ's biggest problem is, and if he can stop being a hot head, he'll never lose. He goes after Raven's leg right away and beat the crap out of it with some gross strikes to knot it up, and it's a great way to show he's maybe not that dumb kid anymore, and he can get it done. He doesn't let up at all and it's a mad flurry from AJ, and Raven's selling is incredible as he hobbles on it, and tries to shake some feeling back into it. AJ has a great moment where he fakes a dive and leaps back over the ropes and does his pose to really show he's playing a new game. AJ uses the Last Chancery to really fuck the knee up and it's all working, but Raven bails to the floor and he can't help himself and tries a dive and eats shit. He re-injures the ribs and Raven throws him into the rail and beats the piss out of him in manic fashion. He goes after the arm instead of the ribs, which is a cool choice as he's been having so much success with it, he doesn't feel the need to change it up. Awesome work on it as he does all he can do it, and gets real mean about it when he throws punches and kicks into it to do anything he can to render it useless, and he also comes across as a true deranged man that has no more deep end to fall off of. AJ's selling is wonderful as he holds it close and never really uses it, and he turns himself purple at points during the control seg. Just a beautiful display of selling. AJ's comeback fucking rules as he only uses the good arm to closeline the hell out of Raven, and he hits the classic babyface fist pump and shouts "GET UP" and it's such an endearing thing from our hero. Raven cuts him off with a series of Polish Hammers to the arm, and it's such a cool thing to watch as i don't think I've seen anyone do that. AJ keeps fighting back and he fucks Raven up as best he can with one arm. The arm stops him from going after him all the way, and it lets Raven keep going after it. Raven goes after the plunder, and he's limping while he's doing it and it lets AJ finally fight back. Fucking love that the leg work from 10 minutes ago plays a massive part in this. They go into the finishing run, and AJ finds a pill bottle that Raven dropped!!! it's full of powder, which means that Raven used an entire bottle in one sitting. AMAZING. Raven gets it thrown in his face and he drop-toe-holds the ref on a chair. AJ hits the DTH on a chair and maybe has it won, but he tries the 450 and misses and Raven hits a gross unprotected chair shot to the fucking skull and AJ is dead. LA Parka dances his way down and hits Raven with a DDT, and dances away. AJ gets back up and hits the Styles Clash to end it. Jesus Christ, what a match.

LA Parka gets into the ring and unmasks and baw gawd, it's Chris Harris back from the dead. They have an awesome fight and Storm runs down to help Harris beat the piss out of this motherfucker, but the entire roster runs down and keeps them apart. Russo grabs the mic and screams that Harris is out of line, but Harris fires back that Russo is out of line and AJ took his shot and he wants his title match!!! AJ gets on the mic and says all he had to do was ask. FUCK YEAH.
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Getting back in this as i wait for WWF 81 to download.


May 12th, 2004
TNA Asylum

To open the show, Mike Tenay announces the official debut of IMPACT WRESTLING ON FOX SPORTS DEBUTING ON JUNE 4TH.

Upstart Total Nonstop Action Wrestling has finally pinned down a weekly basic-cable series slot with Fox Sports Net.

The organization, which currently offers a pay-per-view wrestling series, will distribute a Friday-afternoon weekly series beginning June 4 on FSN-affiliated regional sports networks, according toDixie Carter, president of TNA Entertainment LLC, parent company of the nearly two-year-old TNA Wrestling outfit.
The series will be filmed out of Universal Studios in Orlando, Fla.
"Total Nonstop Action Wrestling has continued to grow and exceed expectations over our history,” Carter said. “We are excited that this opportunity with FSN and Universal Studios Orlando will expose a wider range of viewers to our distinctive brand of professional wrestling."
Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but sources said TNA is buying the weekly Friday 3 p.m.-4 p.m. time slot on FSN.

While the organization offers a weekly syndicated show in several markets, Carter said the FSN deal will provide the network with significant exposure and serve as a promotional tool to promote its weekly Wednesday-night PPV events, which retail at a suggested price of $9.95.
The deal also marks the first non-World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. basic-cable series since 2001, when Turner Network Television carried World Championship Wrestling’s Monday Night Nitro. That same year, WWE -- then World Wrestling Federation Inc. -- purchased the WCW franchise from Turner Broadcasting System Inc.
Carter said the network is not competing with WWE, but rather it is offering an alternative for pro-wrestling fans. She added that while the show’s Friday-afternoon slot is significant for the organization, she hopes that a strong ratings performance will eventually elicit a primetime slot for the skein.
For FSN, the agreement marks its first venture into the pro-wrestling arena.
"Adding a weekly wrestling show continues to expand our programming base as we upgrade various national time slots for the network," executive vice president of programming and production George Greenberg said. "This one-hour show will bolster our Friday-afternoon schedule and provide another FSN destination for young viewers.”

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Incredibly massive news for a company that was (and still will) losing a ton of money. The TV deal isn't great given the timeslot and exposure, but it's better than asking someone to pay $10 a week for 2hr mostly terrible weekly PPV.

Recap of last week (which i remember nothing of because it's been a year. My bad)

Outside the building, Simon Diamond is waiting for the NYC. Fuck off.


Match#1 Kid Kash vs James Storm
Kash has his shoulder taped up after being bitten by a spider, which is pretty badass for a dweeb like him. They have a fun brawl around ringside to start, and it's a lot of fun watching them chuck chairs at each others heads. Kash takes over with a kick to the dick and his control is very fun again. Lots of mean and petty shit from him, Kash bites him, pulls his hair and even spits on him at a point. A wonderful shithead performance from him. Storm takes a great beating as always, and his attempted comebacks are good fun. He mounts a small one before Dallas walks down with the nightstick. Storm nails Eye of the Storm, but Dallas distracts the ref. He throws the stick in and Kash catches it, but Storm ducks it and hits the Superkick to steal the win

Post match, the heels beat the shit out of Storm for a while until D-Lo makes the save. He gets beaten down as well for a while, until finally Harris and Dusty Rhodes make the save. Of course Dusty is the one to turn the tide and look like the conquering hero. Fucking asshole.

In a pretpae, Tenay interviews Russo. Bro gives praise to all the boys on working hard for the debut of IMPACT, and how they all should be proud. Tenay says some people are accusing Russo of protecting Styles, but Russo says he can't stop him from defending the title every week, and that's what will continue to happen. He promises Truth and Raven will both get title shots down the line, but they need to wait. He also blames K-Dawg on trashing his office, but who gives a shit. He then announces Truth and Raven will be handcuffed at ringside to prevent them from getting involved in the main event.

Before his match, Monty cuts another insane promo about hunting animals. POUNCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PERIIOD.

Match#2 Monty Brown vs BG James
They have an Asylum Brawl (tm) and it's fine enough, but Jesus show some fucking restraint. Monty thankfully mostly beats him up around the building, and BG can still brawl if nothing else. BG powerbombs Monty through a table to finally cut him off, but Monty fights back and keeps beating his ass, which is the correct call. They fight bac to the ring and Monty kills him with the POUNCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to win
Post match, Monty goes after him the shitty 3LK make the save.

In the back, Diamond is now running up some steps.

Match#3 Sonjay Dutt #1 vs Amazing Red (Match# 2 in the best of 3 series)
i forgot this was a thing in TNA, and now I'm sad. Also, also, i forgot Frankie turned heel and that this entire thing is a way to get some kind of reaction for him. Kaz sits on the stage talking on his phone, and Tenay is big mad. The match itself is pretty good as the boys go nuts with some really cool dives and gross bumps, and it's way better than last week. Dutt hits a sick flip dive off the guardrail to take over, and his control is pretty fun. Helps that Red is a psychopath taking stupid bumps, but its good shit nonetheless. Frankie is still talking on his phone and Tenay is close to tears at the disrespect. Red rolls out of the way of a dive and drops Dutt on his skull with a Red Spike and the hits the Red Star Press to steal the win

In the back, 3LK are angry about being disrespected by Russo, or something. BG sells his knee and Truth says Russo did this and he's getting revenge. Russo is Monty Brown?????

Hype for Shane vs Shane in a Corporal Punishment Match

Match#4 Michael Shane w/Traci vs Shane Douglas (Corporal Punishment Match)
It's really crazy that for 2-3 years everyone tried to make Mike Shane a thing despite not being very good, but they kept trying in hopes he would get there. He never does and we suffer, but it's still an interesting story to watch someone fail at every big chance they get. There are straps and paddles attached to the ropes because LOLTNA. It looks like the cheapest possible setup, and it really hammers home how lowrent they looked at points. This is very bad again as neither Shane is good, and the entire feud has mostly sucked outside of that awesome tag match a few months ago. Slow and plodding, and never anything you haven't seen a hundred times. Mike Shane's control is ok as he at uses the straps and tries to break Old Shane's famously horrible arm, but he doesn't do it, so fuck him. Shane's comeback is horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible as he's slow as hell and can barley swing the straps without looking like he's in serious pain. Traci fucks up trying to help and Old Shane gets a bad rollup to win

In the back, Konnan and Russo yell at each other.

In the other back Simon and the NYC are having a terrible fight.

A horrible video on Godly airs. Fuck off.

In the fucking back, Goldy demands Russo fire Watts or she's going to sue.

Another fucking World Cup is announced. So over it.

Match#5 Bobby Roode & Petey Williams w/Scott D'Amore vs Hector Garza & Abismo Negro
Super fun X-Division sprint. Everyone gets a chance to go nuts and hit some cool stuff, and it's much needed after the last 30 minutes of crap. You can already see Bobby has something with the way he moves and sells, and it's cool seeing him from the ground up. It all breaks down as it tends to and Bobby rolls up Garza with the tights to steal it

Post match, Team Canada go on the attack, but Lynn makes the save because he's stupid and doesn't realise he's not Mexican. Lynn and D'Amore go back and forth on the mic, and make a deal that if Lynn beats Roode next week he gets 5 minutes with D'Amore, but if loses he has to leave Team TNA.

In the back, someone beat up Konnan.

Dusty makes his way out and talks about getting on the super train when you get a chance, and Fox want to be where it's hot. He challenges Dallas and Kash to meet him and Storm in a fight next week. He takes off his boots and places his cowboy hat on them and cuts an amazing promo about shrinking them down to nothing when he get a chance.

Awesome hype video for Chris Harris.

In the back, Hudson is standing by with Raven. He's can no believe that Harris had the balls to get involved in his world title shot, and that Russo has the audacity to mess with his DESTINY and give that filthy reprobate HIS title shot tonight AND handcuff him to the ropes like he's a criminal. He has a 143IQ and he's made a career of outsmarting people like him, and he will outsmart him and drink wine from his skull. He promises this will be the bleakest and darkest journey anyone has ever taken. Quote the Raven nevermore.

JB does the big intro as always to give this that special touch, even when it doesn't feel all that earned.

Match#6 AJ Styles (C) vs Chris Harris (NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Raven and Truth are handcuffed at ringside)
In a really cool moment to start, they lock up and AJ pulls Harris bad arm and Chris protects it right away, and AJ gives the biggest smile as he's already found the weakness. Harris tries to outmuscle AJ because he's bigger, and Don rightly points out AJ is strong as hell and the size and strength of the other guy mean nothing to him after the last two years. The best. AJ breaks out the dropkick to take over (after one cool fakeout to draw Harris in before he takes his face off). AJ tries to go after the bad arm, but Raven distracts him before he can do it, and Harris is able to hit a superplex to take over. Good control work for him, even if him controlling doesn't make sense given his story. Still, he does a great job compared to his last world title shot, and AJ takes great beating as always to make it work. AJ hits a gross German off the ropes to cut him off briefly, and has a chance to go after the arm when Harris hits the post, but the bullshit hits when Konnan comes out despite being hurt before, and he unlocks Truth, who hits AJ with the Axe Kick. Truth is dragged off, and Harris hits a gorgeous elbow drop and gets an incredible near fall. Both dudes sell the match really well, and they have a great back and forth. Harris hits the Catatonic, but Raven pulls the ref out and grabs the key to get free. He beats the shit out of Harris with a chair, AND FUCKING SABU MAKES HIS RETURN AND ATTACKS RAVEN. OH MY GOD YES. Awesome fight happens between them and they brawl off into the crowd. Raven gets locked in a storage room and Sabu leaves. Back in the ring, Harris hits a nasty spear that turns AJ in half, but its still not enough. They trade lariats and AJ gets knocked down, but while the ref is checking on him, Kash and Dallas sneak down and hit Harris with the stick and AJ hits a GROSS Discus Lariat to win

Little bit too much bullshit as always, but still very fun.

Post match, AJ and Harris argue, and Raven comes back and hits AJ with a chair. Truth runs down and takes out Harris and a huge brawl breaks out between all 4 guys. Russo runs down and makes a 4 way for next week. He leaves and the fight continues to close the show.
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Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; AJ Styles Since-21/4/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Frankie Kazazian Since-31/4/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Kid Kash & Dallas Since-21/4/04

May 19th, 2004
TNA Asylum


Match#1 Bobby Roode w/Scott D'Amore vs Jerry Lynn (Team TNA Captaincy 5 Minutes With Scott D'Amore)
I hate this feud so much and want no more of it, or another X-Cup for that matter. Thankfully all this shit will be dead in the next few weeks as TNA moves on to other things. Roode isn't very good this week as he looks nervous and lost at points His control isn't all that great either as it's chinlocks and choking, and it really dies a death. Lynn being old as shit and badly injured isn't doesn't help matters. Some stuff happens and Lynn wins with the Cradle Piledriver.

Post match, D'Amore attacks and the match is on

Match#2 Jerry Lynn vs Scott D'Amore (5 minute challenge)
Very bad as you except given Lynn is old, and D'Amore was never anything more than a jobber and isn't very good. D'Amore dominates 3 minutes and does nothing good, before Lynn makes a comeback and beats his ass. He goes for the Cradle, but Roode attacks for the DQ

Post match, Team Canada all run down and beat the shit out of Lynn. Team TNA runs down for the save. Fuck off

In the back, Hudson is standing by with Russo, and they go over the rules of the Deadly Draw. First 5 is a singles match, next 5 is a triple threat and then it becomes a fatal fourway. Needlessly complicated, but that's TNA for you. Russo also announces he has banned Storm, Kash, Dallas, 3LK and Sabu from the match under threat of termination.

Match#3 David Young vs D-Ray 3000
Fun little sprint between our hero DY and a fun jobber that can take a good beating. D-Ray gets a run of offence and looks pretty good for a time. DY hits a flash Spinebuster and looks to have it won, but the fucking NYC and Diamond brawl through the crowd and distract him, and D-Ray rolls him up to steal it.

The NYC and Diamond brawl in the ring and it drags on foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Preview for the World X-Cup.

In the back, Team Canada cut another promo on Lynn, and fuck that.

The file skips to the end of a 6 way between Team Mexico and Japan. lmao good.

At ringside, Goldy and Abyss storm the announce booth and demand to know where Watts is. DW calls her crazy and they have a bad back and forth argument, before Watts makes his return and a dogshit fight breaks out between the big men. Watts stands tall after beating Abyss down with a baseball bat. This entire episode is a test from God.

Hype for Dutt/Red #3

Match#4 The Amazing Red #1 vs Sonjay Dutt #2 (Best of 3, match #3)
They go insane right away and Red hits a wild dive on the stage and maybe fucks his knee up even worse, and Dutt takes over and really beats the crap out of him. He's still pretty sloppy, but what hits is awesome and makes up for it. Red takes a million crazy bumps for a guy with one leg, and he really goes out of his way to make Dutt look like a killer. Dutt even breaks out a fucking superbomb and folds Red in half. Just a ton of killer offence and everything this division is meant to be. Red tries the same Spike/Press combo as last week, but Dutt kicks out!! Dutt tries a muscle buster but Red counters into a gross Tornado DDT to steal the win

Post match, Kaz gets in mockingly congratulates him, so Red dropkicks him out of the ring and holds the title up.

Hype for the Bunkhouse Brawl.

In the back, Storm says Kash has no luck, and you know what he says about luck? SORRY BOUT YOUR DAMN LUCK. Dusty promises to stomp a mudhole in someone's ass tonight.

Match#5 James Storm & Dusty Rhodes vs Kid Kash & Dallas (Bunkhouse Brawl)
Lots of awesome stooging from the heels to start as neither man wants to fight Dusty and risk the elbow, so both dudes go to great lengths to avoid it. Kash finally gets clobbered and makes a fan rub his head to make it better. Amazing bullshit. Storm is eventually isolated and the heels wreak his knee in great fashion and his selling is very good on top of it. Lots of mean stuff an great cutoffs from Kash. Dallas is also in this match. Dusty has a fun hot tag before it all breaks down as it tends to. Plunda is finally used Kash takes the Lions share of abuse. Storm uses a cowboy boot to superkick Dallas for the win

In the back, Monty cuts another insane promo about food chains, hunting and having his eye on the main event.

In the back, Konnan cuts a terrible promo about Russo being the one behind him being attacked.

Match#6 AJ Styles (C) vs Chris Harris vs Ron "The Truth" Killings vs Raven (NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Deadly Draw)
AJ & Harris start us off, which feels like overkill given we saw it last week, and Raven/Truth is the freshest match they can do. it's perfectly fine as AJ never misses etc, but i would like something else. Harris is a house of fire to start and looks SO much better than he has in months in this role, and hey, maybe by 2007 he'll be ready for the shot. Raven is in next and he's on fire as well, and its a another reminder he deserved the title a fucking year ago when he was white hot, and not a year out from his body breaking down and ending his peak. Raven/AJ rules so fucking much, and TNA missed the boat not putting them on PPV in a singles match in 05. They break out the 3 way sleeper from The Night The Line Was Crossed, which is an awesome callback. They break out some more cool stuff and everyone gets a moment to shine. Truth is in last and he's a wonderful maniac and the fights with AJ/Raven are wonderful. AJ breaks out the springboard SSP for the first time in a while to take everyone out. AJ fights Truth in the ring and they have a killer back an forth for a while before the other two get back in. It breaks down as always and that motherfucking slapnuts makes his return. FUCK OFF. He brains AJ with the guitar and Raven hits the EVENFLOW, but Harris drags him out!! Harris hits the elbow, but Truth drags the ref out and kills AJ with a super Axekick to win the title.

A whole bunch of swerves and bullshit as always, but it's cool to see Truth get another crack at it.

Russo runs down and hands the title to Truth, which i guess ends that horrible feud. As this is going on, we get a shot of a bloody AJ on the mat with a goddamn gusher of a bladejob. Jarrett smiles like a slapnuts to close the show, and Tenay says he's going to want his rematch.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; AJ Styles Since-21/4/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Frankie Kazazian Since-31/4/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Kid Kash & Dallas Since-21/4/04

May 26th, 2004
TNA Asylum

Been dreading this one for a while as i hate the entire X-Cup idea when half these dudes fucking suck, but i don't skip shows, so you'll suffer with me.
-16 man Gauntlet For The Gold style match to open the show with everyone involved
-Winner of that gets 3 points, the runner up's team gets 1
-Two tag matches for 2 points each
-A Ladder Match for 3 points
-Whoever is in last place after the Ladder Match is eliminated
-Ultimate X to end the show for 3 points

TEAM USA: Jerry Lynn (C), Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper
TEAM CANADA: Petey Williams (C), Bobby Roode, Eric Young, Johnny Devine
TEAM MEXICO: Hector Garza (C), Abismo Negro, Mr. Aguila, Heavy Metal
TEAM JAPAN: Nosawa (C), Ryuji Hijikata, Taichi Ishikara, Mitsu Harai Jr.

Really one last attempt to make anyone give a shit about this

Match#1 World X Cup Gauntlent
Daniels does what he can with a complete nothing.
He's not very good, which really shows how bad these lineups actually are.
He does some cool stuff with Daniels and the match picks up as he helps his partner beat everyone up.
5-Chris Sabin
He dropkicks Ishikara out
6-Mr Aguila
He does some fine lucha stuff.
7-Petey Williams
Fuck off
He fights with Sabin and it's a lot of fun.
Hey, he's not very good either.
I feel like I'm being an asshole, but these dudes really aren't very good.
Petey eliminates Sabin with a Hurricanrana
8-Jerry Lynn
He dumps Nosawa out
9-Heavy Metal
He botches a dropkick and DW can't help but laugh.
Petey is dumped out by HM.
10-Hara Jr
He's ok, i guess
Really nothing is happening in there and it's proof this entire idea is flawed.
11-Bobby Roode
He hits Daniels with a big spear and throws him out.
He helps HM get rid of Devine
Roode pushes out Hara and HM
Roode throws out Lynn
Someone throws Aguila out
Thank God
He picks shit up with some awesome offence, and throws Roode out
He fights EY and it fucking rules
Final 3 is EY, Skipper and Garza
lots of cool shit and close saves from all 3
EY gets closelined out by the other two.
Final 2 is very fun and would have been WAY better as a singles match than this.
They have a lot of cool stuff and Garza wins with a fancy rollup

AAA now has 3 points

Recap of last weeks show.

That pesky Slapnuts makes his way down to the ring and makes Tenay get in the ring with him. He wants confirmation that next week he's getting his rematch against Truth, because he can handle the Truth. Russo walks, and holy shit i have not missed these 3 being anywhere near each other. Jeff taunts him about being back, and Russo says he would have never denied him a shot if it came to it. Jeff says next week is his time, and he'll face all the guys from last week every over the next few weeks and prove he's the best. Hell, you can line them all up in one night and he'll beat them all. Russo looks intrigued at what Jeff just said, and he asks for a handshake to confirm his rematch for next week. Jeff shakes it, and Russo makes the rematch against all 4 men in one night. From day one, Jeff has claimed to be KING OF THE MOUNTAIN, well he's going to make the first ever King of the Mountain match next week. He explains the amazingly terrible concept of the penalty box being used when someone has been pinned, and the rule about the winner needing to hang the fucking title to win. Just one of the single dumbest ideas Russo has ever come up with. Yes, the 2005 one is actually fucking awesome, but that doesn't mean it's not stupid as hell.

In the back, Lynn hypes up his team.

Match#2 Triple X vs Bobby Roode & Johnny Devine
So fucking cool to have the fellas back together again. especially knowing where this is all heading towards. They drag the kids into a super fun match by sheer force of talent, and Roode does pretty well in keeping up with them. Devine is nothing as stated earlier, but he can't hurt the match when nothing is really asked of him. Skipper is isolated and we get a good control seg with Roode leading the charge. Daniels breaks out a killer hot tag for the first time in months. So much fire and smoothness from the great man, and it's a crime he never got the TNA World title, but alas it wasn't meant to be as we will cover. It all breaks down and we get a ton of cool stuff and some sweet near falls. Roode gets thrown out and Devine is killed with the rope walk and the PowerPlexx

TNA and AAA are tied with 3 points

In a pre-tape, Kash and Dallas are pissed about losing last week and they're demanding a rematch next week against Storm and Dusty.
In the back, Storm and Dusty accept said challenge.

Match#3 Mitsu Hirai Jr. & Ryuji Hijikata vs. Abismo Negro & Heavy Metal
Bad spotfest with a lot of botches, and not enough cool shit to make up for it. Team Japan win

In the back, D'Amore demands his team step up and get it done.

Match#4 Jerry Lynn vs. Mr. Aguila vs. Taichi Ishikari vs. Eric Young (Ladder Match)
The big X is hanging above the ring. This is actually fucking awesome as all 4 dudes go nuts with whatever they can think of, and you have a complete freak like EY taking the dumbest and coolest bumps possible. Just a ton of gross shit and it's one of those matches you need to see and just enjoy, rather than read some dweebs review. EY takes at least 4 bumps that are beyond insane and dumb and incredible. D'Amore gets involved and hits Lynn with the flag as he's setting EY up for a piledriver, and EY gets the X down to win

Team Japan is now eliminated and the finals will be decided in an Ultimate X

Match#5 Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin vs Hector Garza (Ultimate X-World Cup Finals)
Classic TNA using two gimmick matches in a row, but at least they were smart enough to save the big one for last. But in saying that, this is the meant to be THE TNA match and throwing it away on a show no one is going to see is really dumb. Tenay goes over the history of Petey/Sabin and really sells the feud in a cool way, even if Petey sucks a ton. As for the match, it's the worst UX yet as all these dudes are tired and really don't do anything all that cool as a result. Lots of the same boring 3 ways spots you'd expect, and nothing is out of the world cool or great. Sabin kicks Petey off the cables and ducks under when Garza jumps towards him, and he gets the X down to win

Fuck you, i did it
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Ron Killings. Since-19/5/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Frankie Kazazian Since-31/4/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Kid Kash & Dallas Since-21/4/04

June 2nd, 2004
TNA Asylum

Recap of Truth winning the title and the KOTM being born

Team Canada arrive in the carpark, and D'Amore yells at them to take Lynn out for Canada.

Match#1 Bobby Roode & Petey Williams w/Coach D'Amore vs Jerry Lynn & Heavy Metal
I hate this fucking feud so much, man. TNA's tag division is a baron fucking wasteland, and they're wasting an entire stable on this goof. This isn't very good as it's full of botches and bad offence, with Roode being the best dude in it. Shit breaks down and EY hits Lynn with the flag and throws Petey on top to win
Post match, Team Canada beat down the faces until Team TNA make the save.

In the back, Hudson covers the rules of the KOTM.
The only way to win is to HANG the title and then take it down
Anyone who is pinned is sent to a penalty box for 2 minutes
Only those who have scored a pinfall can hang the title.
One of the dumbest Russo ideas ever.

Harris is interviewed backstage, and he cuts the same promo he's been cutting for 3 months. Just put AMW back together ffs.

Match#2 Monty Brown vs Sonny Siaki
TNA makes Monty have an even match with Sonny because they're not very bright. Monty rules as always and has these great moments of offence and cocaine antics, but Sonny is such a turd and really drags things down. Monty thankfully kills him with the POUNCE to win

Post match, Disco and Swinger attack Sonny in a really terrible beatdown. Diamond makes the save, but he gets beaten too, and Desire makes her return and fights Trinity and the "faces" hold the ring.

In the back, Hudson talks to AJ Styles. AJ calls himself the favorite of the match because he knows all about ladder matches as a founder of the X-Division, and the ball in his court. He doesn't need to worry about Jarrett attacking him this week because it's eye to eye. Raven walks on and wants to know why anyone is taking to the white trash redneck about strategy, when he knows all about it, like taking people out before the match. He decks AJ and they have a wonderful pull apart.

Recap of Sonjay/Red's best of 3.

Match#3 Frankie Kazarian (C) vs Amazing Red (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
Red is on one leg and looks to be in a ton of pain to start, but he still has this super cool flurry to start with a sick dive over the top. Kaz looks terrible this week, botching a ton and has some terrible facials on top of everything else. The only good thing about him being alive is DW saying things like "Red just kicked the cool out of him". Frankie takes over with a botched electric chair, and his control dies a death with shitty offence and rest holds galore. He hits one of the worst springboard legdrops ever where he nearly falls off and barely hits Red. Red's comeback isn't good as he's on one leg and Frankie can't bump worth a shit on top of that. They have a bad back and forth and Kaz with the WOF

In the back, Hudson is with D-Ray 3000. He's in a gutcheck match where if he wins, he'll get a TNA contract. He is happy to be here because TNA is a nice place to be, and everyone will fear the frow.

Match#4 Abyss w/Goldylocks vs D-Ray 3000
Awesome Abyss squash. 3000 Takes an ungodly amount of abuse and Abyss is perfect in this role. BHS does

Post match, Goldy brings in briefcase and it's full of cash, and Tenay suspects it's Watts' money. Erik runs down and has another horrible fight with Abyss, and this is easily the worst match TNA can give us. Watts gets rid of the big man and gets the case back, and is escorted out by the BSS.

In the back, Storm and Dusty promise to win the titles.

In the carpark, Russo demands Watts give him the case back and go home to his wife. Goldy storm on and yells at him to go back to her as well, and Russo gives her the case for some reason and she demands Russo meet her in her office. What?

Hype for the tag title match.

Match#5 Kid Kash & Dallas (C) vs James Storm and Dusty Rhodes (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Feels weird the title match wasn't the Bunkhouse match, even more so with Dusty helping to book at this point. Like a massive bloody brawl would be perfect after all these months, but they do this. Like last week, Kash is wonderful at being a complete prick and when Dusty finally cracks him with the elbow, the asylum loses it. Storm beats his ass as well, and it's just a blast to watch him die. Kash manages to take out Dusty's knee and his control work rules. Dallas sucks as always, but Kash smartly does the bulk of the work. Storm has a fun hot tag before it all breaks down. The ref deals with Dusty on the outside, and Dallas sneaks in and hits Storm with the nightstick and the heels steal it

In the back, Jarrett is standing by. He bitches about Russo and all of that. AJ runs on and beats his ass up, and the BHS pull them apart.

DW and Tenay announce a #1 contenders match for the X-Division Championship on IMPACT.

In the back, Truth calls bullshit on this entire deal and blames Russo for trying to stack the deck against 3LK. Konnan swears Truth will walk out as champ.

Hype for the KOTM.

Match#6 Ron Killings (c) vs AJ Styles vs Chris Harris vs Raven vs Jeff Jarrett (NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship. King of the Mountain)
*Highlight form because fuck you.
Russo is holding the title at ringside and will give it to whoever can HANG the title when allowed.
A massive brawl breaks out to start and we get a bunch of new parings and it's fucking great to see something new and different after it got a little tired.
AJ/Jeff is the standout to the shock of no
Jarrett tries to pin everyone in a really funny shithead move.
Harris hits a sick closeline off the top of the box and takes out Raven and Truth.
AJ gets thrown headfirst into the box and he makes zero attempt to protect himself.
He has another awesome fight with JJ, and despite how much he sucks, it's nice having him back in the ring.
AJ breaks out the crucifix counter into the Styles Clash to pin JJ, and he can now HANG the title, while Jeff is stuffed in the box.
Raven and Truth stop him and Raven smashes the ladder off AJ's head in a gross moment.
Harris hits a spear on Raven to pin him.
Harris and AJ are now able to HANG the title.
Jeff and Raven make peace in the box, and seem to make a deal.
Truth shoves AJ off the ladder and AJ lands on the back of his skull.
Jeff is let out of the box.
Truth hits an axe kick off the top rope to pin Harris,
Truth can now HANG the title.
Jeff powerbombs Truth off the ladder.
Jeff and Raven form a team and take everyone out, and they would make a great low-rent 2MPT.
They beat the shit out of AJ and Truth with ladders.
Raven attacks Harris as he gets out of the box.
Raven gets a bunch of tables out. Almost like a full metal mayhem
AJ gets stuck on a ladder and Jeff and Raven drop him over the top rope onto his face. JESUS DUDE
Raven and Jeff finally fight again, and hey, it fucking rocks.
Harris gets back in and he has a fucking Asylum Brawl with Raven.
AJ dropkicks Truth off the ladder and goes on a killer run of offence before he and Jeff tumble over the top rope.
Raven throws powder in Harris face and EVENFLOWS him off the ladder and pins him.
Raven can now HANG the title.
Jeff can now HANG the title.
AJ and Raven are the only two left with everyone else in the box.
Awesome fight between them as always.
Harris gets out of the box and he and Raven shove AJ off the ladder AND HE FALLS BETWEEN THE BOX AND ROPES AND CRUSHES HIS RIBS. JESUS CHRIST.
Harris and Raven fight on top of the ladder, and Harris punches Raven off and he lands on a table.
Truth gets back in and shoves Harris off into another table set up in the corner.
Jeff gets out of the box and grabs the guitar.
He climbs up the other side as Truth is HANGING the title, and he kills him with a shot and HANGS the title to win, just as AJ gets halfway up the ladder to stop him.


An incredibly stupid idea on paper and almost one for the LOLTNA books, but through sheer force of talent and the balls to take the dumbest and coolest bumps possible, it absolutely fucking rules.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett. Since-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Frankie Kazazian Since-31/4/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Kid Kash & Dallas Since-21/4/04

JUNE 4TH, 2004

After two years and nearly going out of business (won't be the last time i write that) TNA has finally landed a TV deal that will keep them alive for the next year at least, So, let's make an IMPACT.
The infamous 6 sided ring makes it's debut, and TNA finds a new way of being different and cool.


Match#1 Petey Williams, Bobby Roode & Eric Young w/Coach D'Amore vs Amazing Red, Sonjay Dutt & Hector Garza
Every non title match has a 10 minute time limit, and title matches have 30. This is a fun x-way sprint with loads of cool stuff, a few botches and never overstays it's welcome. Tenay says there will be a mystery man in the main event. Red gets isolated, which is smart because he kinda sucks now, and can't fuck much up if he's getting beaten up. IT ALL BREAKS DOWN AS IT TENDS TO and everyone goes insane with big spots and dives. Garza hits a Corkscrew on Roode to win

Recap of the debut TNA show.

Match#2 Abyss vs Shark Boy
Another great squash for Abyss. About time TNA figured out the easiest thing in the world, but they wouldn't be TNA if they were smart. BHS ends it

Post match, Popeye comes out and hugs Shark Boy.


Match#3 Kid Kash & Dallas (C) vs America's Most Wanted (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Amazing that it took Harris proving he's not ready yet, and sticking Storm in the midcard with Dusty, for TNA to realise they need to put them back together and fix this disgusting tag division. Tenay acts like AMW never broke up and have been feuding with AMW for the last 3 months in a true peak LOLTNA moment. In saying all of that, this rules as AMW haven't lost a step, and Kash is the perfect foil for them. Storm gets isolated after a hot shot, and the heel control seg is good again thank to Kash refusing to let Dallas do anything. Harris has a wonderful hot tag and proves this is where he's meant to be for now. Harris hits a motherfucker of a spear on Kash, and Storm crotches the big man and rolls him up to win the titles and FINALLY get this shit back on track.

In the back, Dusty WALKS

In the ring, Tenay announces Dusty as a special judge for the evening. He never states what he's actually judging, so i assume it's who can be funky like a monkey, if you wheel. Dusty cuts a killer promo about how far TNA has come and keeps saying IMPACT as only he can. He speaks of the tradition of the NWA title and all the legends and future legends who have held it. He says he thought Jeff Jarrett was a brother of tradition, but he changed his ways for the almighty dollar, if you wheel!! Jarrett comes out in white pants and shirt and looks like a complete asshole preacher, and it would have been a perfect gimmick for him. Jeff runs him down and says he admired him when he was 15, and he was grateful for him teaching him as a rookie, but that was 20 years ago and he was in the twilight back THEN!!! He's trying to help him not embarrass himself, and he can give him some money if he needs, but he can't stand next to him or look him in the eyes or be in HIS ring. Jeff talks about this being high noon in TNA and he offers to take 5 paces and let Dusty get out of dodge, or he'll run him out. Dusty follows behind AND HE SLAPS HIM WITH HIS HAT AND BEATS HIS ASS WITH THE ELBOWS. Jeff easily fights back and goes for the guitar, but Truth makes the save. He gets a cool run of offence before Jeff ducks under and Truth hits the ropes. Jarrett gets the guitar and brains him. 3LK storm the ring and Jeff bails. BG gets the mic and swears revenge and promises on PPV, he'll have to answer to the 3 LIVE KRU.

Really good segment before Jeff had to stand tall and do nothing to actually sell the eventual singles match with Truth.

A really well done video on the X-Division airs.

In the back. Shane Douglas debuts as the new backstage interviewer, and has Russo as his first guest. He asks who the mystery man is in the main event,
Russo says he knows but he's not telling.

The mystery man is...
Screenshot (4).png (1.58MiB)

In a way it feels like a demotion for AJ given he's the fucking man and the money is him vs Jarrett, but i get they're now on TV and they need AJ as the centerpiece of the division. So, not the worst thing in the world. Also, they sell it like AJ chose to return home as he wants his title back after watching Kaz being a massive piece of shit, and i do fucking love someone coming back to right a wrong. So, fuck yeah lets go. Also, the other 3 are PISSED as they now realise they are completely fucked now that he's back.

Match#4 AJ Styles vs Elix Skipper vs Chris Sabin vs Michael Shane (X-Division #1 Contenders match)
Awesome 10 minute sprint with AJ leading the charge and putting on a wonderful spotfest the division has been lacking for months thanks to Kaz being the worst. AJ slides right back in to the division and beats the ever-loving fuck out of everyone, and takes his normal amount of wild bumps as always. Skipper and Sabin are great as always, and get time to shine and showoff their stuff. Shane is the only bad one, but he can't hurt it and he's mostly AJ's personal punching bag, so he perfect for this. Skipper MURDERS Shane with the rope walk and drops him right on the fucking floor. AJ breaks out his beautiful flip dive again to take out Skipper, and he's beyond perfect in his role as the ACE of this entire company. He jumps back in and sunset flips Shane into the Styles Clash and wins the match.

Post match, Kaz comes out stares AJ down as fireworks go off around him in a wonderful visual.

Fantastic debut episode showing everything that makes TNA what it is.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett. Since-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Frankie Kazazian Since-31/4/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-4/6/04

June 9th, 2004
TNA Asylum

TNA is now using the 6 sided ring on a full time basis, and it looks super weird sitting in the Asylum. But in saying that, the weekly PPV's are dead soon and we'll be in the Impact Zone full time, so whatever.

We open the show with Raven sitting in an empty arena with some plunder next to him. Tenay explains that Raven has challenged Sabu to an empty arena match,


In the ring a marching bad plays and Double J makes his way out in a tuxedo to kick off another loooooooong hideous title reign. The fans chant "YOU STILL SUCK" and it's the best, but it won't save us from what's about to happen. He goes over the KOTM and his title win and all that shit, and then he demands Russo come out and strap the title around his waist as he would do from any of the men had they won. Russo walks out and does it, and then places a crown on JJ's stupid head. Lamest shit in the world, but it's saved when DW asks where the Queen's invite was. Russo gets the mc and goes over their history and how Jeff asked him to be part of TNA and put them on the map. He speaks about the debut of IMPACT and how they did what they said couldn't be done, and it was done as a team with everyone in TNA. Jeff snaps back and says he put his entire body into TNA and there was no team doing it, it was him killing himself every week to get to this point and Russo knows it. Vince admits Jeff played a major part, but so did the entire locker room and they need to get on the same page. Jeff loses it again and says the same stuff again and dubs himself the king of the castle and says Russo is going to bow to him. He forces him to his knees, but 3LK make the save and run Jeff off. Truth gets the mic and says Russo has made a 3LK Triple Jeopardy match!!! He doesn't actually explain what it is, and we cut to Jeff yelling at Tenay about the match. Horrible stuff.

In the back, Skipper announces that Daniels is injured and will be back in 6 weeks, so they have to wait to face AMW. Trinity and Swinger walk on and talk some shit, and announce they've been given the title shot.

Awesome Recap of AMW winning the titles.

Match#1 America's Most Wanted (c) vs Disco Inferno & Johnny Swinger w/Trinity (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championship)
Brutal reminder that even though AMW won the title back, TNA still has one of the worst tag scenes the world at this point and will continue to do so until 2005. Harris is isolated and we get a terrible control seg where the heels do some really bad work on Harris' bad arm. Harris' selling is great as you'd expect, but the actual work is boring as sin and a ton of it looks like it wouldn't hurt at all. Just some sad shit. Storm's hot tag is awesome as hell, but it's too little too late sadly. Shit breaks down and Desiree attacks Trinity at ringside, and Storm kills Swinger with a spear to win.

Post-match, Desiree attacks Trinity and they have a very bad catfight, which turns into a horrible fight between the NYC and Diamond/Sonny. FUCK OFF.

In the back, Hudson is with Kash and Dallas. Kid says he has been discriminated against since day 1, but he doesn't care. From this moment on everyone will find out how easy it is to get some gold. Well, if it was easy, you wouldn't have lost it, you fucking asshole.

In the empty arena, Raven swings a cane.

Somewhere in the Asylum, Sabu looks at a picture of his uncle...

Match#2 Chris Sabin vs Michael Shane w/Traci Brooks
Shane looks WAY better than he has in months as he throws some awesome looking strikes, and finally seems to be putting it together. (He won't put it together, and will be out of TNA by 2007/8, but i respect the effort) Sabin is fucking great as always, and he hits a stunning dive all the way to the ramp and DW loses his mind over it. We get a cut in of Shane Douglas heading to empty arena to speak to Raven. Shane takes over with a gross dropkick when Sabin tries to skin the cat, and he has his best control seg yet. Still very basic, but all mean and good shit from him. Sabin tries for a comeback, but Traci gets involved and stops him. Shane throws Sabin into Traci and then hits a superkick to steal it

In the empty arena, Shane finds Raven chilling in the ring. Raven says he's glad Shane found a new job after he retired him!!! He asks if Shane finds it strange that there has never been a Raven/Sabu match no matter how badly everyone wanted it!! Shane admits it is strange, and Raven says it's because Sabu is afraid of him. Raven begged Paul E to make the match, but Sabu was a coward and refused. He says he will retire on the spot if Sabu actually shows up and fights him.

In the back, Sonjay Dutt asks for Sabu to calm down. Uh, since when were they friends??

In the back, Hudson is with David Young. Hudson says David is fighting for his job tonight as he's 0-53.

Match#3 David Young vs Sonjay Dutt vs Shark Boy vs D-Ray 3000
Complete bullshit to make David fight 3 guys to keep his job. This is fine enough for a few minutes, but it's TNA once again asking people to pay 10 bucks to watch the lowwwww end of the X- Division, and it's a perfect example of why them getting TV is for the absoulte best. Dutt slips out of the spinebuster and pins DY.

Sonjay leaves through the crowd...

In the back, Hudson is with 3LK. Konnan cuts a horrible promo and says he's fighting Jeff in a strap match, and then BG will face Jeff in a trailer park trash match, and then Truth will face Jeff in a Ghetto justice match. WHAT THE FUCK, RUSSO. THOSE LAST TWO ARE THE SAME THING, I THINK???

Match#4 Petey Williams, Eric Young & Bobby Roode w/Scott D'Amore vs Jerry Lynn, Hector Garza & Heavy Metal
Actually, forgot this was a feud tbh, and i wish i still could. Tenay announces that the strap match will be won with ten straps, which isn't what a strap match actually is. Oh the match, pretty fun times as Team Canada get better every week, with Roode and EY really growing at a rapid rate. Lynn is shit as always, but he mostly gets his ass beaten and makes the kids look really good in control. Shit breaks down and EY takes a horrible bump to the outside like a real nutcase. D'Amore hits Metal with the hockey stick and Roode hits a sitout powerbomb to win,

In the empty arena, Raven says Sabu is never coming to fight him. Sonjay walks in and says there will be no match tonight as Raven knows about "the promise". Raven slaps the taste out of his mouth and beats his ass with a trash can. He kills him with the EVENFLOW and shouts this is on Sabu's hands. Raven handcuffs him to the ropes and demands Sabu get some guts and fight him. He tells Sonjay to tell Sabu that promises are meant to be broken. Raven leaves and Sabu weirdly shows up now to check on Sonjay.

Match#5 Jeff Jarrett vs Konana (Strap Match)
Konnan is up first in the strap match. It's not very good at all as K-Dawg is sloppier than normal and everything he does looks terrible as a result, and Jeff's not killing himself when he has to work two more times. Jeff throws powder in his face and hits him with the strap a few times to win.

Match#6 Jeff Jarrett vs BG James (Trailer Park Trash Match)

Your standard plunder brawl that would be perfect in 99 on Raw or Nitro. The mystery woman watches at the top of the ramp and Tenay calls her "Mensa". The boys brawl all over the Alylum as you'd expect them to, and it's pretty fun if nothing else. Jeff throws him off the stage onto the rail and pins him.

Match#7 Jeff Jarrett vs Ron Killings (GettoJustice Match)

Again, this is a hardcore match with a super racist name attached because Russo is a complete shitbag of a person. It's not very good as Truth is winded right away and Jeff works a lazy sleeper because he sucks again and i don't think he gets good until he feuds with AJ in a year and change. Truth wins with a bad rollup to pin the champ and secure a rematch.

Oh joy, Golidlocks sets up Abyss vs Watts in money vs contract next week. Maybe there was a reason i haven't watched this in a year. (it's actually because my life fell to shit, but i'm happier than ever before, but i got a bit to commit to)

Sick recap of AJ'S return to the X-Division last week.

Match#8 Frankie Kazarian (c) vs AJ Styles (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
AJ guides Kaz through some mat wrestling to start and he easily gets the best of it. AJ has that snap on everything he does as always, and there's something special about the way he works an arm and makes sure to drag the wrist down in the grossest way possible to hurt it. Dude just gets like very few. Again, not watching prime AJ for a year has made me forget how fucking perfect he is, but god he's perfect. AJ keeps owning him with ease and breaks out dat dropkick and snaps Kaz's stupid head and neck all the way back in a nasty visual. Kaz finally catches AJ coming through the ropes and hits a slingshot DDT onto the apron and AJ's face bounces off! Kaz's control is very basi,c but good as he's not doing anything too dumb, and AJ bumps and dies like a complete freak to help the kid as much as possible. AJ takes an insane John Woo style bump into the buckles off a dropkick and smacks his skull off of them. Dude is just killing himself in the coolest ways possible. They fight on the top and AJ hits a fucking suplex to the floor!!! He mounts a comeback from there and beats Kaz's ass all over the ring. DW loses his mind to further put it over the top. Kaz cuts him off with a gross kick to the face and tries to end it, but AJ withstands it and even kicks out of the Flux Capacitor. Kaz tries the Clash, but AJ counters and kills him with a discus punch to face. They fight back on top and AJ shoves him off and botches the Spiral Tap when he misses him by a mile and fucks himself up in the process. He still pins him and Kaz kicks out on two, but the ref makes the 3 count and AJ wins the title back.

Post match, Dallas tries to attack AJ, but he fights him off and leaves the ring up the ramp, but that pesky fuck Kash attacks him from behind and lays him out to close the show.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; AJ Styles-9/6/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-4/6/04

June 11th, 2004
The Impact Zone

Awesome recap of AJ's title win. During which it's announced Kaz will have his rematch TONIGHT!!!! Very happy to see them fight again, but it feels like them righting a wrong after the botched finish.

Match#1 Kid Kash w/Dallas vs The Amazing Red
Super rad 5 minute sprint. Red looks to be 100% for the first time in a while with all his stuff being hit clean, and heel Kash is solid has hell and the best base for all of Red's stuff. Dallas attacks Red on the outside and Kid's control seg is a lot of fun with Red taking some nasty bumps. Red has a sweet comeback and hits a wild rana off the top, but he misses an elbow and Kash hits the Money Maker to beat him.

In the back, Douglas is with Dusty Rhodes, if you wheel. Dusty will be a judge in the X-Division match tonight. He talks for a while and Russo walks on and asks to speak to him about a problem.

Match#2 AJ Styles (c) vs Frankie Kazarian (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
Kaz rushes in right away because he's pissed and he gets the best of AJ for a time, and it's awesome to see him changing stuff up from match to match in this feud. Of course, AJ is the master and makes him eventually eat shit and it's cool as hell. Kaz hangs him up on the top rope to take over and his control is far better than last week as he's smoother and more focused on ending it, instead of being a cocky dweeb. We lose some of the control because of the add break (which i hate so much, but i get it) AJ mounts the comeback and it's sick as hell. Kaz goes for a lariat, but AJ crucifixes him in an insane moment and counters into the Clash and kills him for 3

Post match, Kash and Dallas attack again and beat him down for a while, until Ron Harris and the black shirts break it up.

In the back, David Young hypes himself up in hopes of ending his losing streak.

Jeff Jarrett hype video set to some shitty band.

Match#3 3 Live Kru vs David Young & The Naturals
Fine enough showcase for 3LK, and by that i mean "fine showcase for Ron killings" but you guys & gals are awesome and knew what i meant. The heels take some cool bumps and help the other two hacks in this look good, and bless them for it. Truth beats poor DY with the Axe Kick to win.

Post match, Jarrett comes out to the stage dressed in all white and looks like creepy preacher from a tentpole church. He tries to talk but Dusty thankfully comes out, and announces that he and Russo have reached a deal, if you wheel. On June 23rd, Jeff will defend the title against Killings on PPV. Truth gets the mic and says he's going to knock Jeff off the top of the mountain at the 2nd anniversary show. Jeff says they can come to PPV this week because he's bringing his court for a public execution. Oh No.

Match#4 Monty Brown vs Sonny Siaki
Siiiiiiick squash for the Alpha Male. Sonny gets his ass beaten and it warms my heart after suffering his horrible pushes since 2002. POOOOOOOOUNCE Does it.

Hype video for AMW.

At ringside, Tenay clarifies that Raven and Sabu had a pact never to face each other, since they were both mentored by The Sheik.

Match#5 Petey Williams, Bobby Roode & Eric Young w/ Scott D'Amore vs. Abismo Negro, Mr. Aguila & Heavy Metal
i am SO fucking over this country feuding shit. Just fuck off and give me cool shit ffs. This isn't good at all as Team AAA botch a ton and look awful, and the heels can only do so much to save it. Scott hits Metal with the Hockey Stick and Roode steak the win.

Post match, Team Canada keep beating them until Team TNA make the save. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck offffffffffffffff.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; AJ Styles-9/6/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-4/6/04

June 16th, 2004
TNA Asylum

Jeff Jarrett's court is called "The Elite Guard" and it's Chad Collyer, Hernandez & Onyx. Amazingly lame group outside of baby Hernandez (whose still two years away from becoming awesome) and Onyx whose cool enough, but it's a lot of shit to carry for one man. Also, they're wearing camo pants and funny red hats, and they look like shit. Horrible stuff right off the bat, and i can't wait for the PPV era to finally die off so we can focus on IMPACT and not need to worry about what these idiots might unleash on the world,

Match#1 3 Live Kru vs The Elite Guard
DW kills it off the bat and says the new group are mirror images of 3LK, and it works considering who the best parts of both teams are. Although, Collyer might be a better rap artist than Konnan, but the jury is still out on that. 3LK mostly run through them to start and it doesn't do the new group any favours on their first night, even if do they suck. Truth gets Hernandez alone and beats him with the Axe-Kick.

Post match, Jarrett run in and tries to attack but Truth fights him off. The EG attack him from behind and beat him down, they try to kill him with the guitar but Russo runs down, and Jeff brains him with it and runs off. Russo is busted open and we spend the next few minutes watching him be taken out of the ring like we're meant to give a shit about him. Horrible shit. I fucking hate this period of TNA so, soooooo much.

In the back, Hudson is with Simon Diamond & Sonny Si...nah, not doing it.

Match#2 Simon Diamond & Sonny Siaki vs Disco Inferno & Johnny Swinger (Humilation Box Match)

Recap of the feud between Raven and Sabu.

In the back, Hudson is with Raven(whose in a sick Dogma shirt). Raven says Sheik is dead, long live Raven. Sabu is not worthy of the mantel and he was only trained because he was his uncle. Raven was trained because Sheik saw how violent and sick he was, and he doesn't care anymore. He will maim and kill Sonjay if it means he gets Sabu in the ring. The promise is dead, and bones will be broken.

Match#3 Raven vs Sonjay Dutt (Raven's Rules)
Raven attacks him from behind and kicks the fuck out of him, and finally gets this terrible show back on track. Awesome bully stuff from Raven, who has never been that type of wrestler, but given how much bigger he is than Sonjay the overall story, the match plays out like that and it's a blast to see him destroy some poor kid. Raven gets the mic and demands Sabu come out now or he's going to kill his flunky. Raven tapes his hands together and stabs him in the forehead with a pair of scissors and cuts him open. He hits a series of drop toe holds on the chair and keeps picking him up on the count, so the ref fast counts it to save Sonjay's life.

Post match, Raven tapes his legs together and keeps telling him to call for Sabu to save himself. Sonjay finally does it, AND THE LIGHTS GO OUT AND SABU ARRIVES ON THE STAGE AND THEY GO FACE TO FACE, and Sabu backs off and checks on Sonjay. Raven slaps him and says his uncle wouldn't respect him right now, and he's a God. Raven keeps hitting him and shouting to fight him, but Sabu won't do it. Black Shirts come out and get between them, and then Dusty comes out. Dusty says the Sheik is alive and well and Sabu took 14 stiches for him years ago, and he can bring this to him and he can sort it out. Dusty says Raven feels froggy and he can slap him right now! Raven leaves the ring. Awesome angle, but also sort of weird and stupid. Classic TNA.

In the back, David Young is upset that he's not booked tonight. Erik Watts shows up with a table and cuts a horrible promo demanding Goldilocks sign a contract that states he can have his money back. This episode is a fucking test.

Hype for AJ vs Dallas.

Match#4 AJ Styles vs Dallas.
AJ's first time carrying this big lug in this decade. He'll do it a few more times here, and then once in NJPW. Thankfully, they'll never meet again. Still, this is an awesome one man show with AJ trying to chop down the tree, and making him look the fool and getting him to do something stupid. AJ breaks out the dropkick and nails him in the jaw because of the height difference and it's a wonderful visual. AJ tries a tope, but Dallas catches him and smashes his head into the rail using the Joe/Punk spot and AJ is all fucked up as a result. AJ takes an insane beating and helps the big man look like a killer. Dallas really does nothing special or cool, it's just AJ taking the wildest bumps possible for him. AJ makes a great comeback and floors the big bitch a few times with some wicked shots. AJ uses the Phenomenal Forearm to kill him, but Kash comes out with a crutch and gets on his face and shoves him off the ropes to let Dallas.come back. He hits a gross powerbomb but AJ kicks out and slides under the ropes and punches Kash in the face, and then gets back in and hits Dallas with a sunset flip to win.

Post match, Kash breaks the crutch over his back and chokes him it and beats him down. AND D-LO BROWN MAKES HIS RETURN AND SAVES AJ WITH A NIGHTSTICK. He clubs them both and holds the ring. D-Lo gets the mic and says he's back home in TNA to make an Impact like his dog AJ Styles. It inspired him to see hm win the X-Division championship and he wants to be world champion. Once again, AJ is the only saving grace of this company. Sure hope they keep paying him well and don't lowball him in 9 years and doom themselves forever.

Match#5 America's Most Wanted (c) vs Abyss & Monty Brown w/Goldilocks (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Nice to see AMW finally get a real team to feud with, even if i do love the heels. Just want some real teams in a division that's sort of kinda based on that very idea. AMW uses their speed to keep on the monsters on the backfoot and it's fun enough, and even more when Harris gets caught by Abyss and is wreaked with a nasty press slam. Good control seg with Chris breaking out another great FIP performance. Sick hot tag from Storm. and holy shit I've missed him so much. He gets cut off and controlled for a while, and it's not as good as the Harris seg, it's still fun. Harris gets the tag and it all breaks down as it tends to, and Abyss cleans house and kills them both with ease, so AMW break out some sick double teams and look to have him beat, but the Natties run out and kill them with chairs for the DQ.

Post match, the Nats steal AMW's ring jackets like the little shits they are.

In the back, Watts and Abyss brawl.

In the back, Hudson is with Raven. Raven says he's said sorry once in his entire life, and he's saying sorry to Sabu for what he did. Next week he'll have a tribute to Sheik that will make everyone proud.

Match#6 Chris Sabin, Jerry Lynn & Elix Skipper vs Bobby Roode, Eric Young & Petey Williams w/Scott D'Amore (Flag Match)
They work a normal 6 man for a while to start in a weird choice, and at this point i'm so fucking over this, i can't be bothered to give a shit. It eventually breaks down and for the 100th time, D'Amore hits Lynn with the Hockey stick and the boys hang the flag to win. PLEASE let this be the end.

In the back, Hudson interviews Jarrett to end the show. He says Russo had no business being out there and says Killings will never forget the name Jeff Jarrett.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; AJ Styles-9/6/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-4/6/04

TNA Impact
June 18th, 2004
Impact Zone

Match#1 Michael Shane vs Chris Sabin vs Miyamoto vs Elix Skipper vs Frankie Kazarian vs Hector Garza

Not the best lineup for the division at all. Lots of botches and sloppy shit, and it would have been better off as a triple threat, but TNA can't help themselves. Skipper crotches himself on the rope walk and you can see the crowd laughing at him, which is sad but at least we know he redeems himself by years end. Garza wins with the Torneo as his push contiunues until he fucks it up.

AMW attacks the Nats as they're making their way out. A sick brawl breaks out before the shitty black shirts make them leave.

Match#2 The Naturals vs Sabu & Sonjay Dutt.
Sonjay has a great run of offence on the hurt Nat's and it's the best he's looked in months since the Red feud. He gets tripped and the Nats beat him down. Good control seg, but it's lacking some fire and hate that i'm never sure if they ever truly find during this run. Sabu has a fun hot tag and wreaks them with some awesome springboard moves that send them all over the place. sabu hits the triple jump, but Chase knees him in the skull to take him out, and the Nats hits the Natural Disaster which a double sitout Ace Crusher on Sonjay to win.

Post match, Sabu beats the fuck out of them with a chair and holds the ring.

Abyss hype video.

Hype video for Shark Boy hanging out with Popeye.

Match#3 Abyss w/Goldilocks vs D-Ray 3000
Rad Abyss squash as always. Black Hole Slam does it

Match#4 AJ Styles vs Mr Agulia

AJ gets a great showcase for a few minutes, and it's a reminder for the 100000 time that's he's the fucking man. Agulia is a good punching bag for all of AJ's stuff, and this is the way all the team losers should be used. Styles Clash ends the fun.

Post match, Kash & Dallas attack until D-Lo makes the save. D-lo cuts the same promo as the PPV. I get it as no one is buying the PPV's, so they need to do stuff on TV, but it's pointless for the freaks like me.

Dusty joins commentary,

Match#5 Ron Killings vs Eric Young w/Scott D'Amore
Lynn runs out and chases Soctt off, and it's announced they'll be fighting on the PPV. Fuuuuuuuuuck you. This is a good showcase for Truth going into his title match this week. EY looks awesome again, and i can't wait for him to get more singles stuff. Axe-Kick ends it.

Post match, Jeff comes out in a tux because he's the fucking worst man ever. He smashes the guitar over Dusty's head and beats up Truth. Russo comes out and says he should suspend him without pay, but that will screw Truth over. Instead, if Jeff is DQ he will lose the title under NWA rules.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; AJ Styles-9/6/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-4/6/04

NWA-TNA PPV-The 2nd Anniversary Show
June 23rd, 2004
TNA Asylum

TNA making it this far is a goddamn miracle. Good for them for being the cockroaches of pro wrestling.

Match#1 America's Most Wanted (c) vs. Nosawa & Miyamoto (NWA -TNA World Tag Team Championship)
AMW is draped in the US flags and it's the only time this year that this country feud has felt like it lead by the right people, and not shitty losers i wouldn't want representing me. Good showcase for AMW for a few minutes. The Japanese team isn't good at all, but AMW are back together and on a roll, so they do their thing mostly with ease. Death Sentence does it.

Post match, the Nats attack them again with chairs and paint them with lipstick. They leave them dead on the ramp.

In the back, Hudson is with Kid Kash. He's on crutches after breaking his leg against Sonjay a few weeks ago, so he's not cleared for his title match tonight. Kash says this is just another day for him, but it shows TNA is showing favouritism to AJ Styles and his little buddies. He wants his title back around his waist, and he will do whatever it takes no matter what's broken. AJ can shine up his belt because his time is up and he's coming for him. Hudson says AJ will be facing a mystery man. Oh fuck, i hope he's modest to the top.

Hype for said mystery man.

Match#2 Trinity vs. Desire (Stretcher Match)
This is awful. Big Vito debuts to help Trinity win.

In the back, Russo again explains the stipulation in the main event.

Hype for the horrible Lynn/D'Amore feud.

Match#3 Jerry Lynn vs Scott D'Amore
horrible squash for Lynn. Let this fucking feud die for the love of God.

Post match, both teams fight until Christopher Daniels returns and helps clean house.

Match#4 Mascarita Sagrada vs. Pierrothcito
Mini match is whatever and super out of place on this show, but whatever. MS wins

David Young comes out and lays out Sagrada. He tries to pin him to finally get a win, but it's not a match, so it doesn't count. D-Ray 3000 comes out to save the minis, but Young lays him out with a Spinebuster. The minis then pile on Young, and the ref counts three, so I guess Young loses again?

In the back, D-Lo once again says he wants the world title. BUT NEVERMIND THAT SHIT, MONTY BROWN ATTACKS HIM AND SCREAMS HE'LL NEVER BE WORLD CHAMPION AND HE NEEDS TO WOBBLE HIS HEAD SOMEWHERE ELSE. AMAZING. He says he'll be the next world champion. Give me this feud.

The mystery man is...

He hasn't been in the spotlight since the infamous ROH match in 03 when he was high as fuck and the fans booed him out of the building, so lets hope this goes better. Spoiler, it mostly doesn't, but we'll get there.

Match#5 AJ Styles (c) vs Jeff Hardy (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
The crowd is INSANE for this. and it's a sick moment for pro wrestling to get a dream match. Fun back and forth to start with neither man backing up, and letting the other control. Jeff is a little sloppy as he's been out for so long, but he slowly finds his footing, and AJ is AJ, so it's good shit. AJ is the first to blink and cracks him so hard with a chest it knocks off Jeff's necklace. AJ being pissy and losing it when challenged is my favourite thing as you all know. He gets too angry and Jeff is able to dropkick him out of the ring to hurt him, and he hits a slingshot plancha to further hurt him, so AJ ups his game and breaks out the forearm from the otherside of the ring and it turns into a slugfest. Jeff hits a NASTY Whisper in the Wind and lands right on AJ's face. Kash and Dallas run in for the DQ, sadly.

Post match, they beat up AJ until Jeff makes the save with a chair. He brains Kash, and AJ helps to beat down Kash. Jeff hits the Swanton Bomb on Dallas. AJ and Jeff show respect to each other and stand tall. Awesome moment, and i now want a rematch i don't think we ever get.

In the back, Shane Douglas has Sabu with him. They walk into Raven's locker room and find a dummy with a noose around it's neck. Some dude named Irish Mickey Doyle walks on and says Raven has disrespected him and he needs to do the right thing for his family. Uh, ok then.

Before the main event they bring out all the NWA legends.

Hype for Jarrett/Truth.

Before the match, Larry Zbyszko asks Russo to search under the ring for more guitars because it's what he would do, and hey, they find a ton. AMAZING. He and Russo smash them all in a really cool fuck you.

Match#6 Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Ron Killings (NWA-TNA World Championship)
Dreading this run as it's a year long and full of horrible nonsense, and it's not even the last time he has the title (three more times lmao) Still, this is mostly fun as Jeff cheats a ton and attacks Truth's knee with a chair and has some great work on it, and Truth sells really well. They brawl in the Alsyum, which is the only thing i'll miss when this era ends. Jeff hits a fucking stroke off the stage through some tables and Truth is dead. He makes it back in, which feels like bullshit given his knee and the distance he needed to crawl, but whatever. Back in the ring, Jeff has a good control seg on said knee, and i wish he didn't need the smoke and mirrors, as he's still good when you remove all of it, but Jeff is Jeff and the next two years are infamous for a reason. Truth makes a good comeback while selling the knee the entire time! He misses a top rope axe kick and hurts it even more, but he fights through it and keeps beating Jeff's ass and nearly has him beat a few times, but Jeff survives it. the bullshit hits with a title belt shot and then a ref bump, and then Jeff gets another guitar he had hidden under the steps (ok, that rules). Truth gets it and hits him in the head and the ref counts 3!!!

Post match, the refs argue with each other about the finish, and Russo comes out and speaks to them. (one of the refs is baby Rudy Charles) Jeff wakes up and begs on his knees to Russo to give him the title back, and it's one of the silliest things he's ever done. Dusty Rhodes now comes out and says not to make the wrong decision with his heart, instead to do it with his brain. Tenay shouts we'll find out what this means on Impact.

An absolute terrible PPV and the perfect summation of the last year of bullshit. September can't come quick enough.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; AJ Styles-9/6/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-4/6/04

TNA Impact
June 25th, 2004
Impact Zone

Recap of the ending of the PPV. We will find out who the champion is. Truth won, so it's not actually in dispute. Just saying.

Match#1 The Amazing Red, Chris Sabin & Elix Skipper vs Frankie Kazarian, Nosawa & Miyamoto
Decent little sprint even if the other team is a fucking nightmare. Nosawa is terrible as hell, and botches everything up to, and including an arm drag on Red. Seen thousands of matches, but i can't honestly tell if i saw that before. The babyfaces are sick as hell and do everything they can to showcase themselves, and even Kaz up his game in spite of his terrible partners. Big dive train at the end, and Skipper kills Nosawa with the POD to win

Johnny Fairplay will be in the Impact Zone next week. Oh, kill me.

Match#2 Monty Brown vs Simon Diamond
Fun squash for the Alpha Male. Simon blows a ton, but Monty runs through him as he should. POUNNNNNCE does it

It's announced it will be AMW/Nats on the PPV

Match#3 America's Most Wanted vs Bobby Roode & Petey Williams w/Scott D'Amore
Finally the tag division feels like it's coming to life after the worst run thus far. AMW are on fire to start and pinball them all over the place. Sadly, the add break cuts in and we lose the heels taking over, but we do get a short but very fun control seg. Petey isn't much, but he's far better here than normal, and Roode is improving at a rapid rate. Harris has a sick hot tag and has all the fire we know and love. It all breaks down and they do the tower of doom and DW loses his freaking mind in a beautiful moment. it gets to 90 seconds left on the 10 minute time limit, and Storm takes out Roode and Harris looks to kill Petey with the eye of the storm, but the Natties run in and throw powder in his eyes and hit a motherfucker of chair shot to the skull and Petey is thrown on top to win.

Jeff Jarrett comes out in the tuxedo and even has a group of saxophone player in the ring. Oh, i get it, he's the new maestro of TNA. Fitting gimmick for such a loser. Jeff demands his title back from Russo, but Larry Z makes his way out and starts a horrible two year run. He tells Jarrett to shut up and stop sounding like his wife. Jeff says this is his world and he wants his world title back. Larry says Russo and Dusty want him to know he will get their decision on PPV. Fuck off. Jeff hits him with the guitar, so 3LK run out for the save and then the shitty Elite Guard attack them and help Jeff stand tall. Die.

Recap of AJ/Jeff.

Match#4 AJ Styles & D-Lo Brown vs Abyss & Dallas w/Golidlocks
Two of Kash's best buddies team together to fight his foes. D-Lo is working in long pants and t-shirt, but he's not lazy thankfully, just slowing down as time loses to no one. He gets isolated quick and the big dudes are pretty limited in offence tonight, but it's fine enough, and does mean AJ has a siiiiick hot tag where he blasts the fuck out of them and takes them down in awesome fashion. He takes Abyss out with the Forearm and he and D-Lo kill Dallas with a neckbreaker/powerbomb combo. AJ tries to dive on Abyss, but he gets caught and smashed into the post, but D-Lo takes out Abyss! AJ gets back inside and beats Dallas with a rollup when he counters the Blackout

Post match, Kash and Monty run down and help the heels beat the fuck out of them. They choke them with Abyss' chain and stand tall to end the show.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; AJ Styles-9/6/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-4/6/04

June 30th, 2004
TNA Asylum

Match#1 Sabu & Sonajy Dutt vs Bobby Roode & Petey Williams w/Scott D'Amore

Good 8 minute showcase for Sabu. He gives the kids a lot and Roode steps up big time, while Petey is Petey and can't step up beyond his limited life. Sonjay is also in this match, and he is isolated and does a good job of getting his ass kicked. Sabu gets the hot tag and runs through them with ease as he should. Sabu finally cuts off the hockey stick when he throws the chair at it and breaks it! He beats Bobby with the Facebuster

In the back, Douglas is standing by with AJ. It's announced that Kash has been suspended (he's been talking shit about TNA on myspace and how he's booked, so they suspended him for a few weeks) AJ announces an open challenge for anyone and everyone tonight.

In the ring, Hudson is with Russo and some blackshirts. He announces that Truth and Jeff will come out and stat their case as to why they should be champion. Uh, that's fucking stupid, bro. They both come out, and Jeff is still wearing that suit, and i have no idea if he's an asshole, or if he's making fun of HHH. Either way, it's lame and terrible just like him. Jeff shows a video of Russo banning the guitar and says because Truth used it, it means he's still champion. Truth then shows a video of Jeff hitting people with a guitar over the last few weeks as a way of saying Jeff bought it, and it was fair game. He asks Russo how it felt to get kabonged by it and to explain to his kids what happened to him. He asks if he's going to turn the other cheek and let his kids be victims, or is he going to stand up and do the right thing. If the guitar hit doesn't fit, you must acquit. Russo waffles on for a while and gives the title back to Jeff. GODDAMN YOU, THE TERROR COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED. Russo then further announces next week a gauntlet for the gold with Jeff defending against 3LK, Elite Guard. He then further says that he got a phone call from an old friend that Jeff talked some shit about a few years ago, baw gawd it's Ken Shamrock. The one thing of note is they call him the first "TNA Champion" so i guess the NWA stuff is slowly dying out. Anyway, Ken comes out and fights the heels along with 3LK. Bad stuff.

Hype for Monty/D-Lo

Match#2 D-Lo Brown vs Monty Brown
They fight on the stage right away and a have a killer slugfest for a few minutes. D-Lo looks better than last week, and Monty is improving as the weeks go on. Monty cracks him in the face with a chair and beats him up on the outside. They brawl off into the crowd and the ref eventually counts them both out.

I am not watching any more Disco Inferno bullshit.

In the back, Goldilocks cut a hideous promo for this hideous fucking feud.

Match#3 Abyss w/Goldilocks vs Erik Watts (Money vs Contract)
Ok, so this is dogshit again, but it's at least the end of this garbage for good. They have a terrible fight for nearly 8 minutes and it's the worse Abyss has looked since his debut, and Watts is the worst as we all know. This is everything wrong and evil with pro wrestling, and i fear anyone who would enjoy this. Abyss hits him with the case full of money and DW shouts "HOW IRONIC" Bless this king. Sadly, he kicks out and doesn't die there and then. Eventually Goldy scratches his eyes and Abyss hits the BHS to finally end this

Post match, Abyss chokes him out with the chain. and then Watts' wife runs and has the worst catfight ever.

In the back, Hudson is with AMW. Harris says this started because the Nats were afraid they were going to get fired and went right to the top to get noticed, and he respects them for it, but they took it too far and they're going to get it. Storm says when he was a kid he raised his fists to his mama and she threw a cd player at his head, and told him he better to be ready to fight. Well, the Nats better be ready.

They run a sick video about the tag division finally not being horrible.

Match#4 America's Most Wanted vs The Naturals
AMW jump them for once and beat the crap out of them in revenge, and it's an absolute sight to see them back and pissed off against a real team after months of trash. Harris gets too angry and forgets about the other Nat behind him, and he gets hit and isolated. Awesome control from the Nats as they're mean little shitheads cheating and throwing awesome strikes, and it's all coming together before our eyes. Storm gets the tag and beats their asses like his mama did to him! We get a cut in of all the X-Division wrestler arguing with Russo about who should get the title shot. Storm and one of the Nats fight on the outside and he gets thrown onto the concrete onto his hip in a nasty bump, and they isolate him now. Another good one for the kids, and it's a shame they never took off because they rocked for a time. They cheat and beat his ass for a few minutes, and Storm is a fantastic fip. Harris' hot tag rules and he sets them ablaze in so many cool ways. It all breaks down as it tends to and everyone go nuts and it's sick as hell. One of the Nats rolls up Harris and the other pulls on his partners arm for leverege and they pin the champs!!

In the back, Dusty Rhodes says he told Russo to do the right thing with his heart. He says Jeff Hardy is a star and TNA dropped the ball on him, so he's going to take it personal to get him on board. Yeah, hire one of the most infamous fuck ups in wrestling history, can't possibly backfire time and time again.

Next week. D-Lo vs Monty 2. Gauntlet for the Gold.

In a pre-tape, Hudson is with all the current X-Divison dude, Shane, Kaz, Sabin, Daniels, Skipper and Red. Sabin he's not thrilled about AJ being back, but he gives props to him for winning the title, but he wants his title back. Daniels says AJ has done it all and he deserves to be back. Shane talks shit about Daniels being a kissass, and they get into it and argue until Skipper breaks it up and they leave. Sadly, Daniels isn't cleared yet, but he'll be back in a week or so Shane and Kaz sit in the front and Kaz cuts a dogshit promo about AJ being a loser. Horrible stuff.

In the back, Russo says he can't talk about Kash's status, and everyone needs to stop asking. He says AJ has made it clear he'll fight anyone and everyone, so they can all have a shot tonight against AJ. FUCK YEAH.

Match#5 AJ Styles (c) vs Elix Skipper vs Amazing Red, vs Michael Shane vs Frankie Kazairan vs Chris Sabin (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
God yes. Really cool opening with everyone trying to beat AJ to both win the title, and to prove they're his successor. AJ keeps tagging himself back in because he's pissed at them all, and he eventually tires himself out and Kaz and Shane beat his ass for a while, and they make a decent little team, so maybe they should join forces. AJ and Sabin finally fight and holy shit it's so good, and i need a singles match asap. AJ gets isolated and Kaz and Shane beat the fuck out of him, and AJ makes their horrible stuff look like death. Tenay makes a good point that AJ's temper and ego got him into this mess, and it's wonderful to see it becoming more and more of AJ's character and what makes him who he is for all the good and bad. Red gets the hot tag and goes fucking nuts and it's the best he's looked in ages. It all breaks down and everyone goes wild and it's a fucking blast and then some. SABIN GERMAN SUPLEX'S KAZ OFF THE ROPES AND KAZ TAKES A FUCKING FACEPLANT OFF IT. FUCK YEAH KAZ. It gets down to AJ, Red and Skipper as the others are thrown out. Skipper launches Red into a rana on AJ, BUT HE AJ CATCHES IT AND DEADLIFTS HIM UP AS SKIPPER TRIES A SPEAR ON RED, AND SKIPPER HITS THE POST AND AJ JUMPS OFF THE TOP AND HOLDS ON AS RED TRIES TO RANA HIM AND HE KILLS RED WITH THE STYLES CLASH TO WIN .

Post match, Team Canada run down and attack AJ. OH NO. A massive brawl breaks out and Daniels runs down and cleans house on them. AMW and the Nats also brawl down the ramp, and D-Lo and Monty fight as well, and, hey, 3lk and Jarrett fight as well. it's a perfect amount of bullshit that i adore. Shamrock comes out and stares down JJ to close the show.

Horrible episode, but that last 40 was wonderful.