WCW Nitro & PPV 1997 Reviews

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I feel like I'm in the minority but I liked the main event of Uncensored for what it was. Though it could just be the nostalgia talking because that was one of the first WCW shows I ever saw.

Also Spring Stampede and The Great American Bash had DDP/Savage which was good.

But wow, I just looked through the rest of the '97 main events and they're fucking trash, especially any of the Hogan title defenses.


Nov 13, 2010
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All Piper matches sucked, goofy fuck wouldn't put anyone over and was worse than the 2010 Vince/Bret match without the excuse of being 60+ and coming back from a stroke.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WCW Monday Nitro
February 10th, 1997
Jacksonville, Florida

World Champion: Hollywood Hogan
United States Champion: Eddie Guerrero
World Tag Team Champions: The Outsiders
World Television Champion: Lord Steven Regal
Cruiserweight Champion: Dean Malenko
Women’s Champion: I think they have one of these IDK

Dean Malenko marches down to the ring and gets on the mic; he calls out for Syxx and says he knows he stole his title last week. So he offers Syxx an open invitation for a wrestling lesson and a lesson in respect. All he has to do is show up.

Dean Malenko vs. Eddie Guerrero
The way they give this match away for free like once every month :mark: typical smooth and awesome mat wrestling to start. Tons of counters and reveals that we’re seen before but they still look cool as fuck; This gets really fast paced early on with each man trying to one-up the others awesomeness, Eddie pulls off a satellite armdrag off Malenko’s shoulders, but Malenko comes back with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Another headscissors this time by Eddie, but he runs into a powerslam for two. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Eddie gets a two count before lowing down the match and Dean with a side headlock, that doesn’t last long as Dean breaks the hold with a back suplex. Malenko locks in an inside toehold for two, Eddie avoids a Texas Cloverleaf attempt and tries a wheelbarrow move, but Malenko stops that and takes Eddie over with a release German suplex :mark: Syxx wearing the Cruiserweight belt. He sneaks down to ringside and knocks ring announcer Dave Penzer away as he STEALS back the US title! Eddie spots Syxx trying to snatch his belt and stops the nearfall exchange in the ring to go after him. He prevents the belt from being taken again as Syxx jumps the rail and heads to the back, but the ref legit past counts him and Eddie is counted out. And it was just starting to get amazing :( I can watch these two every day. **3/4

Diamond Dallas Page comes down to the ring and he’s holding a shitty looking steel chair. He throws the chair in the ring and sits on it before getting on the mic, he says it’s pretty obvious he has a big bulls eye on his face. But he’s come out here to make a statement, he’s tired of running and if something is gonna happen it’s gonna happen right now. Macho Man & Sting come rushing down from the crowd towards the ring, Macho and Sting enters the ring and circle around a seated DDP. They begin screw with him and bang the baseball bat against the chair as DDP begins to freak out. Sting shoves him with the bat a few times followed by a really hard shove with the bat into the corner. Sting fucks with DDP, threatening to hit him. He then hands DDP the bat and both Savage & Sting turn their backs. DDP doesn't hit them; they take the bat back and leave.

Konnan vs. Bobby Eaton
Poor Bobby Eaton; Konnan squashes him with Lariats before hitting a Muscle Buster for the win.

Footage of the Outsiders attack on Lex Luger last week, Lex makes his way down to the ring for his match. I should mention he’s wearing a cast on his arm. Suddenly, Eric Bischoff runs out and gets in his way to tell him that he’s not medically clear to wrestle tonight. He’s just looking out for Luger’s best interests, Bischoff says he’s leaving the country in a little while and if he doesn’t get a doctor’s release form filled out by the time he leaves, Luger won’t be wrestling at Superbrawl either. The Giant rushes Bischoff off and then the Giant takes Luger's place.

Ron Powers vs. The Giant
Giant Squashes him in like a minute with the chokeslam. Post-Match: Tenay interviews the Giant about now having to go solo against the Outsiders at SuperBrawl. First of all, he’s the Giant. He’s not scared. Second of all, he knows Lex is going to be there, so he’s not worried at all. Lex comes back out to confirm that he WILL be the Giant’s partner at Superbrawl. FRIENDSHIP!!!

In the parking lot; The Outsiders & Big Bubba arrive and are greeted by Syxx. The Outsiders claim they're in their gear and ready to fight. Bubba accepts DDP's challenge at Superbrawl.

The Steiner Brothers vs. High Voltage
So WCW is going to have a four corners match I think at superbrawl to determine the next challengers for the WCW tag title, Harlem Heat, Faces of Fear and Public Enemy watch the match from the rampway, I guess the TV monitors in the back are broken (tbf I do wish wrestlers would come out and scout wrestles from the ramp again) This is just the Steiner’s running through their stuff. Rage tries a springboard flip dive onto Rick in the ring, but gets caught in mid-air for a powerbomb. STEINER BULLDOG puts Rage away as Scott covers for the win.

The nWo come out and invade the announce table :mark: Bischoff wants to give former referee Randy Anderson a chance to speak his mind and plead his case after being fired two weeks ago. Out he comes with his wife and two kids :lmao Anderson asks for his job back, Bischoff asks Randy’s two kids if they would please tell their dad that he’s STILL FIRED. HAHAHAHAHA! Nah, he’s just kidding. To prove to the world that Bischoff does indeed have a heart, he makes a match for next week’s program. Randy Anderson vs. Nick “MOTHERFUCKIN’ Patrick; If he wins, he gets his job back. If he loses, he’s out of here for good. Against his wife’s better wishes because of his cancer yeah he has CANCER! Randy Anderson accepts the challenge. Kevin Nash reminds Randy Anderson that Nick Patrick is in fact UNDEFEATED!

WCW Tag Team Championships: The Extreme vs. The Outsiders (w/Syxx)
THIS IS AMAZING, Nash and Hall bumped for like 90% of this and even had a couple of amazing near falls that almost had me thinking up the upset………..SIKE! Yeah none of that is true, complete Outsiders squash, Bischoff makes Zbysko commentate the match with him. In order to mock Luger and the Giant, Nash puts Devon Storm in a fireman’s carry position and calls what he does the Torture Rack while Scott gives Ace Darling the Chokeslam. Post-Match : Hall and Nash get on the mic, hey bury the Extreme, then promo on Luger & Giant and tell Luger to stop jerking it, which is why he broke his hand. I CAN’T :lmao :lmao :lmao

WCW Television Championship: Lord Steven Regal vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
Rey being back after injury :mark: Regal stalls for a good minute just jawing with the crowd while Rey stands back and watches. Once Regal re-enters the ring and stops stalling again, they lock up and trade wristlocks, until Regal hits a backbreaker and begins working the arm. But that doesn’t prevent Rey from drilling him with a springboard dropkick. Regal refuses to be embarrassed by this little guy and starts stomping his face a bunch. Rey dropkicks Regal to the floor only to take a neck snap on the top rope. Rey avoids a cobra clutch and hits Regal with a headscissors. They exchange some decent roll ups until the bell sounds for the time-limit draw. That wasn’t 10 minutes, did they drop TV limits to 5 minutes?


Maverick Wild vs. Taskmaster (w/Miss Jacqueline & Jimmy Hart)
Kevin Sullivan comes out to new, darker music before WCW production fucks up and plays some generic babyface music but they go right back, he’s also wearing a new black robe to accompany his new black main chick, ALL BLACK EVERYTHING! This doesn’t last long, Sullivan has legit the same squash match every night lol, Jacqueline is doing her best Chyna impersonation her by beating up this geek on the floor. Heenan calls like Mike Tyson like :lmao Sullivan ends this with the standing stomp for the win.

They basically show the entire Piper/Hogan segment from last week.

Hugh Morrus vs. Alex Wright
This was sloppy and bad, but that was because they tried to be Cruiserweight and jam packing everything into 2 minutes.

Jeff Jarrett & Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Chris Benoit & Steve McMichael (w/Woman & Debra)
Chavo brings das peen early ‘cause he really doesn’t want to get caught by a pissed off Benoit before tagging in Jarrett. They give Benoit the drop toehold/elbow drop combo to show off some team work. Benoit does the chest turnbuckle bump which I love, to set up a back suplex. Mongo knees Jarrett from the apron to let him know he’s there. That allows Benoit to hot tag Mongo gives Jarrett a Running Powerslam for two. Back over to Benoit, who gets caught with a dropkick. Jarrett tags Chavo in who hits an Asai moonsault for two. Jarrett gets knocked off the apron only to be consoled by Debra. She looks like she’s trying to stuff his tights with something, or his suspenders as Tenay puts it. While Jarrett is distracted by Debra, Mongo delivers the TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER to finish off Chavo. Fun while it lasted. **1/2

Rowdy Roddy Piper comes down to the ring; Hollywood Hogan is at the nWo Studios in Hollywood, California. Piper is already catching feelings on how the nWo treated Randy Anderson and his family :lmao he says he's not here to talk to Hogan from some studio; he made a promise to his family that he would be a family man and leave wrestling, he has a responsibility dammit. He also calls Hogan a “BALED HEADED GEEK” :lmao He then calls Hogan and Eric lovers :lmao he tells us what his kid said to him last week and that has given him a licence to kill. Hogan responds by calling Piper a liar saying he showed his son Colton “doctored footage” of Starrcade. Hogan also questions Piper’s integrity for attacking the highest ranking official in WCW and himself – the world champ – from behind last week. Hollywood says he doesn’t have time to be at every Nitro because he’s got multi-million dollar movie contracts to fulfill. Hogan says in 2 weeks in San Francisco, Piper won’t be able to take his 6 kids to hide behind :lmao Piper is PISSED! And brings up OJ and says some people say guilty, or innocent but in San Francisco it will say, Piper GUILTY! Hogan FINISHED! Hogan is pissed and calls him nuts. Piper then says only difference between Hogan and Rodman is that Hogan can't jump. What the fuckin’ fuck?!


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WCW Monday Night Nitro
February 17th, 1997
Tampa, Florida

World Champion: Hollywood Hogan
United States Champion: Eddie Guerrero
World Tag Team Champions: The Outsiders
World Television Champion: Lord Steven Regal
Cruiserweight Champion: Dean Malenko
Women’s Champion: I think they have one of these IDK

The opens with the nWo arriving at the building in long back limousines. 2SWEETS TO EVERYONE! somebody goes DOWN like a sack of potatoes. It’s Giant Bubba, Syxx gets rid of the camera as we go inside for a match.

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Super Calo
Okay feeling out process it starts, it was mainly Calo slowing Rey down and trying to keep him on the mat. Well, that doesn’t last long as Rey begins flying around but he goes for one springboard too many and Calo catches him with a dropkick to the mid-section. Sadly, he ruins it after Rey fights off a Sunset flip he almost drops Rey on his neck on the floor. Slingshot somersault senton to the floor knocks the wind out of Rey. Tony announces that the Steiner’s will not be competing at Superbrawl due to being involved in a horrible car accident after leaving WCW Saturday Night this past week RIP! We then cut to the parking lot; with Big Bubba being carted away in an ambulance RIP! Fuck all that nonsense, Rey begins making his comeback and hits a legdrop off the top as Calo hands himself on the ropes for two. Rey tries to go uptop for a moonsault but gets cut off and Calo hits a ‘rana off the top for two, Rey comes back with a modified Gory Special and puts Calo away with the West Coast Pop for the win. **1/2

Roddy Piper is at Alcatraz (THE MOST FAMOUS PRISION) training for his match with Hogan.

Hugh Morrus vs. Steve “Mongo” McMichael (w/Debra)
Time to see if the past weeks that I’ve been impressed with Mongo is just because he got awesome hot tag moves; Mongo takes the fight to him early and does a bunch of typical Football tackles, he panders to the crowd and misses an elbow drop allowing Hugh to drop the headbutt to the DICK! But he says it’s to the thigh. Hugh begins to work the leg, and Mongo sells it. Hugh tries to go for the moonsault but Mongo catches him with a desperation electic chair. Too bad his leg it hurting him, which stops him from making the cover. That also allows Hugh to carry on the assult on the legs. Hugh begins to talk shit to the ref allowing the ref to be distracted and she throws in the briefcase, Mongo puts it on his chest as Hugh hits No Laughing Matter and covers for the win. Mongo’s selling was good, but this wasn’t really. **1/2

A tribute for Roddy Piper and his son being victimized by Hollywood Hogan and his mean words.

Dean Malenko comes down to the ring and gets on the mic; He calls out Syxx and begins to talks about Syxx's past with Dean's father, Boris Malenko, and how he trained him. Dean promises to finish the lesson that you don’t steal another man’s property.

Dean Malenko vs. Robbie Brookside
Total squash match, after some nice mat wrestling and counters Dean clotheslines him in the corner but Robbie catches him with a northern lights and drop kick for two. A series of rolls, results to a botched rolling pin so Dean decides enough is a enough and kills Robbie with a brainbuster before fucking up a Texas Clotherleaf for the win. Post-Match: Syxx comes out and says he had respect and gratitude for Boris, but that died with him and he never liked Dean anyway. He confesses that the reason he stole the Cruiserweight belt was because he wanted a title shot and the champ wouldn’t stop ducking him since he had been in WCW. Dean says fuck this can follows him up the ramp and Syxx bails. **1/4

Schiavone hypes a live feed to Alcatraz later where Roddy Piper is currently training for SuperBrawl.

The nWo of Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Syxx show up to confront Tony and Larry, Hall says to Larry he thought he would be bigger :lmao he goes on to say Hall confirms there was a car accident between them 3 and the Steiner’s, but he claims it was just that, an accident. Nash leaves a tape with them to prove their innocence. Hall says a picture is worth a couple of hundred words, tough guy. Hall then tosses his toothpick at Larry’s face. OH SHIT! Larry is gets hype and begs them for a fight, but Hall just throws his t-shirt at him and they leave.

Public Enemy vs. The Amazing French Canadians (w/Robert Parker)
Embarrassing for wrestling fans across the globe, only thing that made me no want to murder myself was seeing that hawt ass MILF during the Public’s entrance in the nWo t-shirt. Also Schiavone tells us that Harlem Heat/Faces of Fear/Public Enemy for the No.1 Contenderships at SuperBrawl is no longer a No.1 Contenderships match because the Steiner’s are out injured and you can’t have a contenders match without them LOLWAT!

"Mean Gene" Okerlund brings out DDP for an interview; he accuses Page of taking out Big Bubba and Page says he just got here like ten minutes ago. DDP doesn’t seriously ever want to see another competitor being sent to the hospital in an ambulance. He’s here to see Pee Wee Herman versus Nick Patrick :lmao He also says he's really worried about Big Bubba and their match this Sunday :lmao

After the break, "Mean Gene" Okerlund interviews Lord Steven Regal. He asks Regal about his match against Rey at SuperBrawl, Regal says he said 5 months ago when he beat Lex that he would face anyone, anytime and this young guy in the wring will get his shot. Regal calls Rey a dopy midget and he plans to stretch Rey so bad they can use him to add to the great wall of china.

WCW Television Championship: Lord Steven Regal vs. Prince Iaukea
Regal takes up most of a minute yelling at the fans. Once they lock up, Iaukea uses quickness to be all over Regal. He thumbs the eye to stop that and gets rough with Iaukea. Regal hits a Butterfly Superplex and begs for Rey Mysterio to come out. So he does, like he was just hanging out right behind the curtain not watching the match and someone told him to go :side: Regal connects with a elbow drop, eases down back-first on Iaukea for a cover, but then Iaukea hooks the arms and rolls Regal back for the win. WAT! WHERE THE FUCK DID TEDDY LONG COME FROM, NOW HE MANAGES IAUKEA?! Post-match: Public Enemy & Eddie Guerrero come out and celebrates with Iaukea & Teddy Long. What the fuck?! Is Regal, Hogan, I have no idea what the fuck this is about. Also Prince winning the title :lmao *3/4

Randy Anderson vs. Nick Patrick ([If Anderson Wins, He Gets His Job Back)
Randy Anderson comes down to the ring and gets pyro during his entrance REALLY? The WCW ref Jimmy Jett hands Randy Anderson an international object. CONSPIRACY~! While Patrick is being a TOTAL douche, Pee Wee takes his moment and whacks Patrick for the win. Post-Match: Eric Bischoff storms to the ring and not only reverses the decision, but now ref Jimmy Jett is fired as well :lmaolmao:lmao

That useless cunt Lee Marshall is calling from San Francisco getting people psyched for Superbrawl VII even though it’s already sold out. This stupid fuck is also telling us he’s outside the prison that Piper is training in. NO ONE CARES! I HOPE YOU GOT RAPED AND MADE A PRISON BITCH! PICK UP THE SOAP AND GETS AIDS. DO NOT TELL BOBBY HEENAN TO WEAR FLOWERS IN HIS HAIR. NOBODY WANTS TO GO TO 'WEASEL'-WARF! WHY ARE YOU STILL EMPLOYED! FUCK THIS COMPANY!

Roadblock vs. Chris Benoit (w/Woman)
Roadblock gets few good shots in before; Benoit beats this useless piece of shit up in about 2 minutes and ends it with the Diving Headbutt.

"Mean Gene" Okerlund grabs Kevin Sullivan, Jacqueline, and Jimmy Hart for a word. Kevin says that first it was Chris vs. Kevin, then Nancy vs. Kevin, and then it was Nancy and Chris vs. Kevin, now it’s Benoit & Nancy vs. Kevin & Jacqueline. Jacquelyn & Woman will be on the outside of the ring, attached to each other by a leather strap. She also says that Nancy has a big fat butt.

Dean vs. Kevin Sullivan (w/Miss Jacqueline & Jimmy Hart)
Sullivan murders him, Jacquelyn murders him and Sullivan hits the standing Double Stomp to win. Post-Match: Jacqueline isn’t done! She gives Dean a bunch of elbow drops after the match as well.

WCW United States Championship: Eddie Guerrero vs. Konnan
Konnan does some stalling right off the bat, before using the power game to get things going. Eddie turns the table with speed, but gets caught after a plancha attempt. That allows Konnan to throw him into the rails and follow up with a dropkick, back in the ring. A rolling lariat hits as he goes to work on the neck of Eddie. That gives Mike time to tell us about the past between these two, Tony talks more about Piper ‘cause he hasn’t talked about it enough and Heenan says nothing. This is all Konnan so far but he goes out of his element and heads to the top and Eddie catches him in mid air with a dropkick, Konnan comes right back sending Eddie into the top turnbuckle and hits a lariat to the back of Eddie head before locking in another neck hold. As soon as he feels Eddie fighting out he powerbombs him down and goes back to work on the neck. Konnan keeps Eddie grounded, but he eventually fights back hitting a Brianbuster and heads up top. Konnan tries to stop him, but Eddie shoves him down and delivers the FROG SPLASH! As he makes the cover Barbarian breaks up the pin ‘causing the DQ :( Meng joins Barbarian to triple-teams Eddie, Jericho to make the save. Once the house has been cleaned, they bump back first into each other in clichéd fashion. Heenan says he's glad that match is over because he couldn't tell the two apart :lmao ALSO EDDIE/JERICHO @ SUPERBRAWL :mark:

"Mean Gene" Okerlund brings out the Four Horsemen with ladies; Flair says he can smell the excitement in the air because the Horsemen are in town. And he talks about how they are reunited. He calls Benoit “Love Machine” and they will own the wrestling world. Arn says it was a short time ago the nWo owned everyone, well not for long and one thing they didn’t take for consideration was character and the Horsemen are here because they want to be here. He saw WCW taking a stand and it will continue. Arn then says he’s got a spare 100 grand and he’s gonna give it to Randy, what a guy. Mongo trolls Tampa calling the Bucs losers and saying this Sunday he is gonna take out Jarrett. Debra calls Jeff a winner and tells the announcers to get their act right. She talks more shit, before Benoit says basically says the same shit before saying for him to win he has to break my bones, his body, and his soul. DEAD!!!

Johnny Swinger & Top Gun vs. The Giant
SQUASH!!!! Post-Match: Giant spray paints 'HALL' on Top Gun's back and 'NASH' on Swinger's back. SENDING DEM MESSAGES!! "Mean Gene" goes in the ring for an interview, Out comes Lex Luger who is the Giant’s tag partner for Superbrawl. He’s got a medical release form signed and ready to give to Eric Bischoff. Oh, but Eric said he wanted it LAST week. Too bad, so sad. Bischoff says that Lex will not be allowed to wrestle at Superbrawl, but Lex promises he will be at the show. If Lex is threatening Eric, he can fire him pretty easily if he wants to. That causes Giant and Lex to go after him. They chase Bischoff to the back as we go to commercial.

Piper at Alcatraz; He’s literally locked in a cell cutting a crazy promo insulting Hulk Hogan by calling him a fake and a phony. He promises some sort of death to Hulk Hogan and he doesn't mean in a wrestling sense. He repeats Hogan's catchphrases over and over again and spits everywhere.

Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Jarrett
Jericho goes right at Jeff and hits a spinning leg lariat but Jeff comes back and hotshots Jericho on the top rope. Debra down to ringside. Bossman straddle is followed by a slingshot suplex. Sleeper is countered with a back suplex. La Magistral cradle by Jericho gets two. Backslide by Jarrett scores a nearfall. Jarrett flies off the top with a flying body press, but Jericho rolls through for two. Mongo is pissed so he makes his was down to the ring; Debra tells Jericho to not to hurt Jarrett. While Debra chats with the ref, Mongo stops the FIGURE-FOUR with a briefcase shot to the back of Jeff Jarrett. Jericho covers for the win, this was alright. **1/2

The entire nWo come out; Hogan, Bischoff, DiBiase and sexy ass Liz come down to the ring. It’s the first time we’ve seen her now in six weeks :mark: Bischoff puts Hogan over, before Hogan says Piper is nuts and is crazy for wanting to get back into the ring with him. Suddenly, Sting and Savage appear on the ramp :mark: Bischoff continues to put Hogan over before Hogan says he is a god in Tampa, he made Tampa like he made MSG. Sting begins to make his was down to the ring, but Savage stops him and they leave. Hogan then says he wanted to fight him this week but seeing how he’s hiding he will beat his ass on Sunday.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WCW Superbrawl VII
February 23rd, 1997
San Francisco, California

World Champion: Hollywood Hogan
United States Champion: Eddie Guerrero
World Tag Team Champions: The Outsiders
World Television Champion: Lord Steven Regal
Cruiserweight Champion: Dean Malenko
Women’s Champion: I think they have one of these IDK

The level of hilariousness that is the opening video package of Piper being released from Alcatraz is amazing. He basically assaults a cop and tells him he knows his way before running out, oh he also takes the time to cut a promo on a boat.

WCW Crusierweight Championship: Dean Malenko vs. Syxx
They waste no time but Dean gets the better, he’s so angry after a leg lariat he pulls Syxx up after the two count. He does it again after a brainbuster too DEAD! He continues to teach Syxx a lesion, this goes on for several minutes and Syxx is bumping like a mad man here. Syxx gets caught on the top turnbuckle and Dead dropkicks the knee but Syxx fights out of the Cloverleaf, that would lead to Dean cross bodying him to the floor. As he picks up his belt to show the crowd, he ducks a kick and clotheslines Syxx before rolling him back in. Desperation kick KNOCKS Dean out, Syxx is selling the knee tremendously and uses the knee to do damage still. Syxx now begins to go on the offense by locking in a sleeper, but Dean connects with a sweet back suplex for two. Syxx drapes Dean’s neck across the apron and delivers a double sledge off the second rope. Back in the ring, Syxx nails the Flying Legdrop for two. Back to a sleeper but Dean counters into one of his own, Syxx shoves him off for a double knockdown. Syxx is up first and heads up top but Dean Crotches him up top and tries a back superplex, but it looked like Syxx was supposed to fall on top of Malenko and missed. Syxx grabs the Cruiserweight belt, which cues Eddie Guerrero to sprint down to the ring to try and stop Syxx. He grabs hold of the belt through the ropes and during the tug-of-war; with Eddie winning it he accidentally swings and hits Dean in the head with it Of course the ref is busy telling Eddie to leave. That allows Syxx to cover and get the win. Reall good match, I doubt anything will top this. As for the finish, mehh but at least this leads to more Eddie/Dean matches. ***1/4

Backstage: “Mean Gene” Okerlund says he saw a WCW superstar having breakfast with the nWo to find out who just call the hotline. Anyway, DDP comes in and says Eric cracks him up as he doesn’t know who his opponent is tonight. DDP runs down the list of nWo guys who are busy tonight. Gene then tells him that BUFF is his opponent tonight. DDP says Buff doesn’t have his number; DIAMOND CUTTER! BANG!

Konnan, La Parka & Villano IV vs. Juventud Guerrera, Ciclope & Super Calo
Time for Parka to attempt suicide and murder :mark: This is a AAA Lucha rules match; tags aren’t necessary. If you go out of the ring, a teammate comes in and replaces you and the match continues. Good wristlock exchanges between Ciclope and Villano. Konnan/Juventud bring the speed and moves, Konnan isn’t taking no shit as he kills Juvi with a German and kills Ciclope with a powerbimb. Calo/Parka are in now, Parka to work over Calo. He abuses Calo in the corner while he’s stuck in the tree of woe, but Calo comes back with his float over headscissors from the top rope. He takes La Parka to the floor and delivers the slingshot somersault senton, He whiffs on the springboard dropkick from the apron. Parka grabs a chair! He sits Calo in the chair and gives him a neat suicide dive to wipe him out. The maych begins to get a little crazy with Ciclope tries an Asai Moonsault from the top and COMPLETELY misses Villano IV to go crashing on the concrete. Ciclope is down on the floor trying to figure out where he is right now. La Parka blind tags Villano and drills Juvi with a corkscrew senton for two. Juvi stops La Parka up top and delivers a springboard headscissors to take La Parka off the top rope for two. Konnan and Villano make Juvi pay with a Doomsday Device, double team spinebuster as they lock in some cluterfuck everyone is in a submission/pinning hold for two. The match is a mess now as they lock in a fuck star hold and more fuckin’ submissions, Jesus. A dropkick sends Konnan’s team to the floor and Juvi’s team hits triple suicide dives. Konnan ends it with the splash mountain for the win, even though he kicked out at two and nine, tenths. SPOTS!!! ***


WCW Television Championship: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Prince Iaukea
Feeling out process to start, neither guy wanting to make a mistake until Prince hits this weak superkick before hitting a crossbody off the top to the floor. Prince hits two different suplexs, targeting the back before locking in a chin lock for 10 seconds before breaking it :lmao Prince heads up top only to fly down into a dropkick. Rey headscissors Iaukea to the floor and delivers a somersault senton through the ropes, JESUS! Back in, Rey gives Prince a double-jump springboard moonsault press for two. Split-legged moonsault gets another two. Prince tries a hiptoss, but Rey is too close to the ropes and bounces back off the ropes onto his feet :mark: However, Prince catches him up top and delivers him down with a SUPER Samoan Drop. Lord Steven Regal comes down to ringside. Rey hits Prince with an flying headscissors. He heads to the apron looking for another springboard move but Regal comes over and yanks him down to cause Rey to slam his face down on the apron. Regal throws Rey back and Prince covers for the win. Post-Match: Prince gives Rey the belt :lmao and Rey gives it back, RESPECT! As for the match, it was good but could have been so much better. If this happen on Nitro I might have been more impressed. **3/4


Backstage: “Mean Gene” Okerlund is standing by with the Giant in the locker room. More gossip from Gene about whose had breakfast with the nWo, the Giant comes over and says he doesn’t care about Hall and Nash’s mind games. He’s gonna play the game his way and tonight he guarantees he will be walking out with the tag titles.

Buff Bagwell vs. Diamond Dallas Page
Buff spits at Paige to start, so Page comes back with a bitch slap. Page out wrestles him early and is one step ahead of him at all turn. Until Buff hangs him up throat first on the top rope, Buff begins to get super aggressive targeting the throat. Buff’s taunting is on point; I will give him that he may suck in the ring but being that cocky asshole mid-card heel piece of shit works for him. Buff does a weird variation of a tornado DDT. He gives the ref a hard time for not counting fast enough, which causes the ref to shove him back and give Buff a good tongue lashing. This allows Page to catch his breath, Discus clothesline is followed by a sitdown powerbomb for two. Buff tries a ten-count corner punch, but Page pushes forward and drops Bagwell face-first on the top turnbuckle. DIAMOND CUTTER is blocked into a backslide, which gets two. Buff delivers hits a fisherman suplex for two. He lets DDP go and demands a ten-count from the ref. Page is up at eight. Buff goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but Page spins him around into the DIAMOND CUTTER! Oh but here come the nWo for the DQ as DDP escapes through the crowd. Two PPV’s in a row Page is unable to beat a mid-card nWo jobber and can only win via DQ :lmao Match was fine, whatever. **1/4

WCW United States Championship: Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Guerrero
Oh Jesus it’s the battle of the white mean baby faces. The level of blandness during the entrances is hilarious. Great mat wrestling to start, tons of mutual respect until Eddie hits two quick back elbows and a suplex for two. Jericho comes back with a abdominal stretch but Eddie fights out as they transitions into the test of strength, a couple of pinning sequences get two as Jericho hits a delayed vertical suplex for two. More feeling out stuff, that doesn’t do anything for me leads to a Liontamer by Jericho, Eddie fights out but Jericho catches him with a clothesline. He locks in a a chinlock as the crowd boooos and or chants boring, I have no idea. Jericho breaks the hold and applies a sweet torture rack backbreaker drop for two; Jericho misses a crossbody allowing Eddie to Powerbomb him for two. Eddie connects with a Brainbuste, Frog Splash is missed, Jericho moves and Eddie rolls through into a release German suplex. Eddie flips out of a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and a monkey flip, but runs into a belly-to-belly throw for two. Jericho drops Eddie crotch-first on the top rope and springboard dropkicks him out for a Springboard Splash on the floor. Back in, Jericho flies into an inverted atomic drop and a backslide gets two. Eddie tries a dropkick while Jericho attempts a spin wheel kick. Jericho hits a powerslam but Eddie slips away from a suplex into a roll up for two, but then stands up into a superkick. Cradle gets two, as Jericho blocks a Tornado DDT with a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Eddie comes back with a crucifix into a sunset flip to get the win. Match was weird the moves were all there, but the dead crowd and the fact that commentary can’t go a minute without talking about Piper or the nWo. ***

Potential #1 Contendership For The WCW Tag Championships: Public Enemy vs. The Faces of Fear vs. Harlem Heat (w/Sister Sherri)
HOLY SHIT! WCW employed guys to do the Public Enemy waves in front of the crowd to get them to do it :lmao Dream trolls Rocko Rocko saying the explosion of pyro took his hair off (he cut his hair) anyway, this match is garbage. This is basically a brawl; in the first 3 minutes we get every one on one combination possible. Harlem Heat isolates Grunge for a bit, but after Barbarian clothesline Booker on the apron. Grunge is knocked out and doesn’t know where he is so Meng tags himself in. Faces of Fear get the heat on Booker now; Barbarian busts out the Belly to Belly Superplex for two. Meng then delivers a piledriver but Public break up that cover. Double diving heabutt leads to Meng backdrops Booker into the arms of the Barbarian for a powerbomb, Stevie Ray makes another save. Faces of Fear wipes out Booker T and Meng takes Stevie Ray to the floor. Meanwhile, Public Enemy capitalizes while they have Barbarian by himself. Rocco flips off the top onto Barbarian, who gets caught. Grunge flies down on both of them as Rocco Rock covers him for the win. TRASH! *3/4

Steve “Mongo” McMichael (w/Debra) vs. Jeff Jarrett (If Jarrett Wins, He's A Horseman)
So if Jeff wins does this mean they become the 5 Horsemen? Or is someone gone? SO MANY QUESTIONS SO LITTLE FUCKS NOT GIVEN! Jeff wrestles circles around Mongo to start and it isn’t pretty Mongo looks lost as fuck. Jarrett acts all cocky with Mongo until he gets caught for a slam. Mongo hits a few football lock tackles, Debra’s got dem feelings for Jarrett so she allows him to nail McMichael from behind to take back over. This is a mess as she allows them to cheat and then stops them. Mongo gets the better again sending Jeff to the floor, Debra comes over and hand Jeff a towel well Mongo is PISSED and chokes him with the towel :lmao Jeff begins to choke Mongo on the middle rope and tells the ref “HE HAS UNTIL 5” Awful clothesline leads to sleepers being traded. Jeff counters with a back suplex. Side slam and a Bossman Slam. As Debra tells the camera she doesn’t know which one to help :lmaolmao Heena and Dusty shit all over her and tell her to help the man that puts food on the table, the man that’s been with her since day one. THESE HOES AIN’T LOYAL! Mongo begins a comeback and hits a side walk slam, Mongo hes a side slam for two. Jarrett delivers a flying bodypress and off the kick-out, he gets launched into the ref’s eye? Now Mongo wants the briefcase. When she tells him no and starts to climb down off the apron, he grabs her from behind. When that happens, she tries to whack him with the briefcase and tosses the briefcase right over Mongo’s head into the hands of Jeff Jarrett. Of course, McMichael gets knocked out with the briefcase and Jeff covers for the win. Debra just winked at the camera. THESE HOES AIN’T LOYAL! Not as bad a match as you would think. **3/4

San Francisco Death Match: Taskmaster (w/Jacqueline & Jimmy Hart) vs. Chris Benoit (w/Woman)
The ladies are strapped together, to try to minimize the interference 8D ALL FOUT BRAWL RIGHT AWAY! The ladies roll to the fall and whip one another as Sullivan get the better of Benoit to start. As woman whips Jacques on the floor Benoit chops Sullivan in the ring. The ladies brawl back into the ring now with Woman getting the better; she low blows him with the strap as Jacques whips Benoit with it. Woman are loose and Sullivan BEGINS TO HANG BENOIT!!! Oh shit the woman begins to beat on the men before it leads to more fists being exchanged. Sullivan and Benoit brawl to the back while the women continue to their thing in the ring. Sullivan slams Benoit on a loading truck and hits him with a trash can, Benoit throws Sullivan into a wall before coming back to the ring. Sullivan delivers the running knee during the Tree of Woe followed by the DOUBLE STOMP, but Woman breaks up the pin with a whip of the leather strap. Benoit stops Sullivan from doing anything to Woman and spins him around for a piledriver. Benoit puts Sullivan on the table, but Jacqueline jumps on top to suffer Benoit’s flying splash along with him. As the table doesn’t give way, Benoit covers Sullivan underneath the table for the win. Arn is concerned on the entrance way, as both guys along with Jacques gets stretched out. Opening 6 minutes ruled as it was fight, backstage fight kinda killed it and the ending was meh. This was just an angle advancement PPV match. Shame as I was really hoping for DEATH I shouldn’t have said that. **1/4


WCW World Tag Team Championships: The Giant vs. The Outsiders (w/Syxx)
Since Lex didn’t get Eric his doctor’s not in time he’s not “cleared” to be in this match; so the Giant has to go alone. Not to fear, Lex said on Nitro that he will be here. Hall and Nash play a game of ‘rock, paper and scissors’ to see who starts the match. Even with these mind games, Giant doesn’t brake focus and begins throwing Hall around. Until Hall tags in Nash. Before he goes though, Hall spits one good time in the Giant’s face to piss him off real good. Nash hits one good clothesline, but Giant answers back with one of his own. Giant throws a dropkick at Nash to take him out to the floor :mark: Nash and runs him into the ringpost. Back inside, Hall makes a save to draw the ref’s attention away while Syxx flies in and smashes the cruiserweight belt over the back of the Giant’s head. That staggers him into a Big Boot from Nash and a flying bulldog by Hall. Hall and Nash begin to beat on the Giant for a few minutes, until the Giant gets he second win. He cleans house on Hall and Nash as Syxx comes in for another belt shot. He gets caught in mid-air and tosses onto Nash. Hall gets the cruiserweight belt and decks the Giant. He’s still standing, but out on his feet as Nash comes over and sacrifices his back as he delivers the JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB TO THE GIANT AND DIDN’T BLOW HIS QUAD!!!! INSTEAD HE HURT HIS BACK, SPEAKING OF BACKS! Here comes Lex; Eric Bischoff stands in his way only to be tossed aside. Now Lex stands in the Giant’s corner and waits for the tag. Lex gets the hot tag and puts Nash in the TORTURE RACK for the submission win. Post-Match: The Giant chokeslams Hall and pins him for the 1-2-3 just ‘cause. **1/4


WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Hollywood Hogan (w/Ted DiBiase & Vincent)
Even though the Alcatraz angle was dumb, at least they kept Piper in the clothes he had on so it looks real. This is hilarious after Hogan stalls, Piper does every dirty heel trick in front of the ref and the ref lets it all go including a low blow. Minutes later Hogan low blows Piper but he no sells it, nWo jobber come out and Piper takes them out before more dirty heel moves. Piper beats him up all around the ring before rolling him back in, Piper hangs him crotch first onto the top rope. As Sting and Randy Savage (who legit looks like a member of the nWo in black and white, I think his white is diamonds and it looks amazing) begins to make his way down to the ring. Sting stops him, before letting him go. While Sting watches on, Hogan begins to gain control with dirty heel moves. OH SHIT! Sting heads for the dressing room to leave the match in Savage’s hands. Hogan works a bearhug down to the mat, but Piper punches back and hooks on the sleeper. Savage watches while Hogan’s arm drops once, twice, and THREE TIMES! While Piper celebrates his first ever world title win, Savage reaches in and pulls Hogan’s feet under the bottom rope WHAT?!?! Hes not done, he hands him some sort of object to Hogan. When Piper goes back over to pick up Hogan, Hogan nails him with it and covers for the win. SWERVE!!!! Post-Match: Savage spray painting “nWo” on Piper and follows up with a vintage nWo beatdown complete with MEGAPOWERS finishers while Ted DiBiase enjoys himself. HEEL TURNS!


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WCW Monday Night Nitro
February 24th, 1997
Sacramento, California

World Champion: Hollywood Hogan
United States Champion: Eddie Guerrero
World Tag Team Champions: Lex Luger & The Giant
World Television Champion: Prince Iaukea
Cruiserweight Champion: Syxx
Women’s Champion: I think they have one of these IDK

Public Enemy vs. Steve McMichael & Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra)
So Pubic Enemy are number #1 contender, yeah that’s gonna but some butts in the seats. Mongo and Rocko start, after some trash talking and taunting that leads to nothing. In come the other two, and it’s way better ‘cause they actually do stuff. Public doing the wave after every move is awful, them on offense is awful. Thankfully Mongo being the team player hits Rocko from the apron allowing the Horsemen to isolate Rocko. I love that the number one contenders are just being used as props here to show that Mongo and Jarrett are on the same page. Oh but as soon as I say that Jarrett calls for the briefcase, but Mongo takes it away and hits Jarrett with it allowing Public Enemy to get the win :lmao Post-Match: Gene, Ric and Arn come down; Mongo tells Arn and Ric he hit Jarrett because of what happen last night, he slapped Jarrett like he does to little brother who act up. Ric cuts Mongo off and says they better get along ‘cause the Horsemen are team players. The task at hand is to show the world they are the best. Arn says people don’t seem to get it, the nWo is getting stronger and the Horsemen are losing bodies. Jarrett earned his spot as Gene wraps them up. Mongo says he will mess with him and only him. This might officially be the weakest point ever for the Four Horsemen.

Galaxy vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
It still amazes me how over Duggan is and was, like his gimmick and wrestling is awful. He was like the all American, American Eugene. I guess American’s will cheer anyone who carries a flag and says hoes. Anyway, this was a complete squash. Duggan proceeds to beat Galaxy in and out of the ring including a slam on the concrete! A few minutes later the fuckin’ TAPED FIST PUNCH TO THE FACE wins the match, how is that legal???? Post-Match: “Mean Gene” Okerlund meets Jim Duggan in the aisle way, Duggan brings up Hogan & Savage for being bad guys after being such real good people when he came up with them "up north" he also talks about the make a wishes they made together. He then says he will not stop, and he will beat them both up :lmao Also I think he said he wants to Rape Big Bubba IDK.

OH SHIT! You can listen to the International Monday Nitro Simulcast in Spanish or Japanese on the internet.

Joe Gomez vs. Hugh Morrus
This is the exact same format as the previous match; and every Nitro match this year. Jobbers gets his ass kicked for 2 minutes, gets his 2nd wind which isn’t taken serious at all and gets hits with a finisher like a minute later. NEXT!

Picture of Sullivan, Jacque and Benoit killing one another is shown.

La Parka vs. Ice Train (w/Fatty Not Too Hotty Teddy Long)
So as the match is happening, Teddy long has a pre-match promo air. He tells Jacquelyn to get out while she can and stay away from Sullivan, look at him looking out for his sista. Ice Train runs right through Parka which sucks. La Parka unloads with spin kicks and delivers a nice corkscrew plancha on the floor! Back inside, La Parka flies into a slam as Ice Train delivers the Train Wreck for the win. UGH! Poor Parka.

Eddie Guerrero & Chris Jericho vs. The Faces of Fear (w/Jimmy Hart)
Jericho and Barbarian start, Barbarian isn’t into that locking up shit so he tries to beat the shit out of Jericho and does until Jericho uses speed so dodge, Eddie tags in and Barbarian throws Eddie up and he crashes to the mat AWESOME! Meng is in and he begins to beat on Eddie, Eddie shows heart by attempting to throw punches but a SAMAOAN HEADBUTTS ends that, he follows up with a sweet powerebomb. But Eddie comes back with a headscissors and tags Jericho in, Running senton gets two. Meng reverses a whip and sends Jericho into a knee from Barbarian on the apron, and Jericho walks into a back suplex. Barbarian tags back in and hits a belly-to-belly off the top rope for two, Meng draws Eddie in so they can double-team Jericho. BACKDROP INTO THE POWERBOMB! :mark: that gets a two as Eddie makes the save. Faces of Fear hit the double diving headbutts that get another two, as Eddie is forced to break it up. Jericho stops Meng with a Lionsault press and makes the HOT TAG TO EDDIE! He and Jericho wipe out Meng with the Double Dropkick, but then Barbarian connects with a clothesline. It takes both of them to suplex Barbarian, as Jericho goes for the middle rope moonsault not named the Lionsault yet, but Meng interrupts and causes Jericho to fall through the ropes out to the floor with him. Eddie heads up top looking for the Frog Splash but a Salty Dean Malenko shove him down into the KICK OF FEAR! And the Barbarian covers him for the win. Barbarian just pinned the US champ! Of course, Tony and Larry Z don’t say a word about it. BEST NITRO MATCH OF THE YEAR SO FAR :mark: ***1/2


So the start of hour number two and they talk about the Savage heel turn, Piper actually winning the match blah, blah, blah. No joke they’ve talked about this during every match and in-between every match. I GUESS THEY HAD TO FOR THE GUYS TUNING BACK AND FORTH.

Juventud Guerrera vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
Lucha stuff happens early like Juvi applies a back torture rack and slips Rey into a DDT, before following up with a springboard DDT for two. Rey comes back as they do the double hands flips and shit, it looks cool but its super useless. Anyway, Juvi uses his power and Rey uses speed. This is really weird IDK not a fan of this match at all, after a moonsault Juvi locks in a chinlock but Rey comes back with a headscissors to take Juventud to the floor followed by another baseball slide into a headscissors that sends Juvi into the guardrail! Back inside, Juvi stops Rey up top and sunset flip powerbombs him onto his NECK. Now Juvi takes Rey to the floor, but while he takes a big risk with a suicide dive sending Rey back first into the rails. OH SHIT! Rey blocks the Springboard Hurracanrana with a powerbomb, which knocks Juvi for enough of a loop for Rey to easily get the SPRINGBOARD HURRACANRANA for the win. SPOTS! As Rey celebrates, he calls out Syxx to the camera.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOD DAMNIT FUCK OFF Lee Marshal; I don’t give a flying fuck that you are in Atlanta promoting Nitro. Stop it.

WCW TV Championship: Pat Tanaka vs. Prince Iaukea
PAT COMING OUT TO THE GOLDBERG SONG DEAD! AND HE HAS THE CRICKETS POP :lmao This starts out okay with a series of armdrags, but gets pretty awkward after that. Tanaka stops a headscissors with a powerbomb, Iaukea puts Tanaka away with a flying bodypress.

Dean Malenko vs. Ultimo Dragon (w/Sonny Oono)
Both men are kinda reluctive to get things going early so they trade mat holds. Both guys win twice, Dean being the good man that he is. asks for a handshake and when Dragon obliges, Malenko pulls him in for a short-arm clothesline. He’s not taking THIS SHIT! Dragon answers back with kicks and a dropkick for two. Dean has seen enough and starts peppering him with punches before throwing him into the rails on the floor. Back in, a delayed brainbuster gets two, Dean applies a chinlock for a bit, but as soon as Dragon begins fighting it Dean switches to a crossface cluch. Dragon slips out of that and he applies a surfboard before applying the deathlock with a bridge. He would break it just to connect with boots. Malenko avoids the RUNNING LIGERBOMB and delivers the Butterfly Powerbomb two, Dragon gets away from an abdominal stretch and sends Dean to the floor. After a springboard dropkick, he kicks Dean through the ropes he follows up with a big dive off the top. Back inside, Dragon hits this pretty hurracanrana for two as Malenko kicks out, he rolls up Dragon for a two of his own. La Magistral cradle from Dragon gets two, he continues with a handspring in the corner, but Dean catches him in mid-air and levels Dragon with a release German suplex! It looks like Dean is about to go in for the cover. BUT WAIT! He’s just double-handed CHOKING A Dragon. MALENKO HAS SNAPPED! Sonny Oono tries to stop him, but gets knocked away. As the ref counts to 5 giving Dragon the DQ win. TWO AWESOME NITRO MATCHES ON THE SAME SHOW :mark: I guess Nitro is doomed after this. ***1/4

“Mean Gene” Okerlund interviews Dean Malenko on the entrance; he says he’s sick and tired of the lack of respect he’s been getting around here. He says he hasn’t forgotten about Syxx, and the last person he would think would steal a belt from him was Eddie that’s why he cost him his match tonight. HE DOESN’T CARE ANYMORE!!!!

Diamond Dallas Page vs. “Squire” Dave Taylor
Self high five; Taylor dominates early until DDP makes a comeback which leads to the Outsiders making an appearance. DDP surprises Taylor with a quick Diamond Cutter, but doesn’t go for the cover as Hall and Nash stalk him around the ring. OH SHIT! Savage is coming down the ramp but DDP is too busy being focused on Hall and Nash, allowing Savage to hit him in the back of the head with the spray can. Some idiot GEEK jumps into the ring and Hall punches the shit out of him and Savage chases him out. Savage spray paints nWo on DDP's back. Savage heads up top and hits a hard elbow drop to DDP. IT’S HAPPENING!!!!!

After the commercial, Hall, Nash & Savage are still in the ring with mics. They basically welcome Savage to the nWo and then introduce Hollywood Hogan. Who says the nWo are really on a roll, brah! Hogan says he’s got a present for Savage, brah! Out comes Elizabeth and for the first time in months, she’s got a big smile on her face. Eric Bischoff and Ted DiBiase head out with her. Scott Hall is back on the mic. When you’re nWo, you’re nWo 4-LIFE! Oh that was beautiful my allergies are acting up.

A commercial for WCW UnCeNSoReD airs; it’s taking place on 3/16 WHAT!?!?

WCW World Tag Team Championships: Lex Luger & The Giant vs. Harlem Heat (w/Sister Sherri)
So Harlem Heat loses last night and STILL gets the first tag titles shot HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Public Enemy. But wait, just before the bell rings. Eric Bischoff comes back out with the ENTIRE nWo this time. He reminds everyone that Lex Luger was not medically cleared to wrestle by the point in time he asked, so the title change has been rendered invalid. If they don’t give the belts back to the Outsiders, then Bischoff will FIRE them :lmao YEAH OKAY, and let them go to the WWF. Luger says he’ll give the tag belts back only if Bischoff will make a match at UnCeNSoReD where all the belts will be on the line. WCW vs. nWo; Bischoff accepts and they take the titles back, Hall says the nWo are easy to find because they’re the ones with all the gold :lmao they have like 4 belts to 4 :lmao Hall is so Drunk. Sting walks down to the ring, he stands in between the nWo and Lex Luger, the Giant, Harlem Heat, and Sherri. Completely expressionless, he stands and stares directly at Hogan. Hogan hugs him and Sting slightly, slightly nods his head with no expression, and then stands with the nWo as Nitro goes off the air...WHAT?!

Little RANT! Why is Luger allowed to make an ultimatum? Can’t Bischoff just say “no” FUCK OFF and fire him? AHHHHHHH!


Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Faces Of Fear were the most under utilized teams WCW ever had. More buried than any vanilla midget could ever claim.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WCW Monday Night Nitro
March 3rd, 1997

World Champion: Hollywood Hogan
United States Champion: Eddie Guerrero
World Tag Team Champions: Lex Luger & The Giant
World Television Champion: Prince Iaukea
Cruiserweight Champion: Syxx
Women’s Champion: I think they have one of these IDK

The show starts off with the whole nWo coming out in this awesome TNT stretch limo; then a second limo pulls up and out comes Dr. Harvey Schiller (Eric Bischoff’s boss from Turner Sports) He hasn’t got the Vince walk, but he’s trying.

Hugh Morrus & Konnan vs. Jeff Jarrett & Steve "Mongo" McMichael (w/Debra)
lol @ Jarrett and Mongo being forced to tag ‘cause they are the only healthy ones. Hugh and Jarrett start off, and due to the hot crowd I enjoyed it. Konnan saves Hugh from the middle rope ass bump allowing Hugh to take over, he even does the Jarrett strut :lmao Konnan and Hugh begin to isolate Jeff, Crowd is super hot for Mongo WAT!!! Konnan held Jarrett and Hugh went for a standing crossbody off the top. And right in front of the fuckin’ ref Jeff low blows Konnan, LEGIT! And Hugh crossbodies Konnan allowing Jeff to make the hot tag. Mongo clears house, throwing both men around. Out comes Public Enemy to take the Haliburton briefcase away from Debra. Jarrett makes the save and gets in a tug of war over the briefcase with Rocco Rock, but rips the briefcase away right back into Mongo’s face. Konnan jumps on top for the win. WELL, out come Uncle Arn and papa Ric. Fun match, due to the hot crowd.**3/4

“Mean Gene” Okerlund comes out. Arn cuts both Mongo and Jeff off saying, he though they left this crap last week in the west coast. He’s not that clumsy, he tells Arn not to integrate and he tries to get Flair to back him. Ric says he’s making THE NATURE BOY LOOK BAD! Ric tells him to stop falling off the chair, Mongo tells him this better be an accident. Debra tells them it was all a mistake, because everyone is trying too hard and she won’t be part of a losing team. Jeff saying the Horsemen will be up here and now down.

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Rick Fuller
Self high five, oh but wait he no longer has the cigar. Shit must be serious. A group of fans confront DDP with nWo shirts but then rip them apart to show DDP shirts HE’S OVER, BRAH! This isn’t an exact Page showcase but it was just here to show the fans the AMAZINGNESS of the Diamond Cutter. Post-Match: “Mean Gene” Okerlund meets Page in the ring; He reminds Page of the attack last week by the Outsiders & Randy Savage by showing footage. Page says he can’t even call him Macho, he calls him Savage. Page then says the fans know who the real deal is and judging by the footage he can see Savage has snapped and If Randy is that much of a Savage, snap into this BANG!


Ray Mendoza, Jr. vs. Juventud Guerrera
Tons of flips and moves early on, with Juvi hitting a baseball slide and tries a springboard of sorts, but Mendoza grabs the feet and Juvi falls face down on the ring apron. Back in, Juvi counters a suplex into a swinging neckbreaker and delivers a springboard legdrop for two. Juvi locks in a weak headlock before breaking it. A Spinning Hurracanrana gets another two count, back to the floor, Juvi flies through the turnbuckles and wipes out Mendoza with a suicide dive. On the apron, Juvi headscissors Mendoza back in the ring. Both men head up top and take turns trying a superplex, but then Juvi crotches Mendoza and springboard wheel kicks him down, he follows up with 450 SPLASH for the win, Juvi showing off for the camera type match. **1/2

Kevin Sullivan, Jacqueline and Jimmy Hart rush to the announce table to send a message to Chris Benoit and Woman. Hart says he made the prediction that when they got to ATL tonight that Benoit and Woman wouldn’t be here, Jaque says she’s so happy to be here because this is her house, lolwat. She then says she can beat any man or woman. She begins listing men Hogan, Savage, Lex all of them :lmao but the only woman she can’t beat is her man Kevin Sullivan :lmao Sullivan says Benoit will never be the man he ever was or is today. Why? As Jackie mounts Kevin, she says it’s because he’s “too legit to quit”. I can’t :lmao

nWo paid commercial; Buy the nWo black denim jacket $80 & $10 S&H

Mike Enos vs. Dean Malenko
Tunnel Vision Dean, he’s pissed so Mike jumps Dean before he has a chance to get into the ring. Dean is even more PISSED! He begins stomping and punching Mike in the corner. He’s begins choking Mike before dropkicking the knee. Dean trying to break Mike’s leg is awesome. He’s doing it to set up the Cloverleaf. Mike hits a couble of desperation moves, but his knee it too badly injured that Dean makes it to his feet first to continue the destruction on the knee so bad, Enos finally gets offense and goes for a Scoop Slam, but his knee gives way and Malenko takes advantage and small packages him for the win. Good story-telling throughout. Post-match: As Mike is leaving, Malenko tells Eddie he hopes he was watching, ‘cause that is what the new Dean is all about.

“Mean Gene” Okerlund brings out WCW Executive VP Eric Bischoff to respond to Lex Luger’s challenge last week at the end of Nitro. While Luger has no authority to make matches, Bischoff decides to make this match with the nWo a done deal where the nWo puts up the WCW belts they have won up against the future of WCW. Dr. Harvey Schiller (President of Turner Sports) heads down the aisle; Schiller asks him a line of questions that negates everything Bischoff has done over the past few months to WCW – including firing referees and reversing title changes at will. Of course, Eric Bischoff believes he does have that authority. Well he doesn’t. Schiller suspends Bischoff of his duties and says he doesn’t want to even hear a rumour that he’s been seen at a restroom at a WCW event. DEAD!

WCW US Championship: Eddie Guerrero vs. Ultimo Dragon (w/Sonny Oono)
Sonny taking a selfie with Dragon before giving the fan the camera is awesome :lmao Real fun mat wrestling to start, both men try to out-do the other. As the fans chant “USA” And Eddie is encouraging them DA FUCKS! Eddie picks up the pace with a shoulderblock but Dragon comes back with a ‘Rana, Eddie hits one of his own. But Dragon armdragons him to the floor as Soony kicks Eddie but Eddie just stares him off and Soony runs away :lmao Dragon avoids a backdrop and delivers his signature Four Kick Combo. He tries a handspring into a crossbody, but Eddie rolls through and “accidently” has his feet on the ropes for the win. HE LIES, HE CHEATS, HE STEALS! Post-Match: “Mean Gene” Okerlund meets Eddie in the ring. Eddie says he knows that his intentions were true and that he’s tried apologizing to Malenko for costing him the Cruiserweight title, but he won’t accept his apology. Dean comes out PISSED! Dean tells him this good guy thing is a lie, and he has lost his RESPECT! No not respect :(

Wallstreet vs. Scotty Riggs

Cocksucka, shit eating, cum drinking piece of shit Lee Marshal is on the phone; this no good mother fuckin’ dickhead is calling from a night club, what kind of idiot shit for brains goes to a night club on a Monday during the Monday night wars; why is this fuck employed. Who gave him this job? AHHHHH! I want to know the people that give a fuck that he is in Panama City, Florida getting everyone ready for next week’s Monday Nitro, oh good another stupid weasel joke why would Heenan wear a thong, what are you masturbating about this? FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU GET RANDOM ANAL LEAKAGE!

Roddy Piper comes out to a huge pop; He debuts the I.C.O.N. shirt which is the best thing about him. Piper talks about putting Hogan to sleep twice, calls the Outsiders monkeys, says he was shocked about Savage but not surprised, Piper talks about the jibberish he was screaming after the Nitro following Starrcade. His jibberish meant: "We're not home till the battle's over". He makes fun of Hogan's hairline. Piper says he's accepted to be in the UnCeNSoReD challenge. Piper says he has his own family that lives in Portland, his second family which are his fans, and tonight he will find his third family who will join him at UnCeNSoReD. Six guys will have to face him tonight one after the other. His second family will give each of them the thumbs up or the thumbs down to see who gets to be a part of Team Piper.

Team Rowdy Roddy Piper Tryout Challenge Of Doom
It’s not actually called that but, I just find it hilarious. After the promo Piper strips down to his wrestling gear and out comes the first guy. Some really jacked unknown guy that not even the announcers know of comes down, Piper schools him holds before he taps and the fans give the thumbs down. OH SHIT! It’s MOTHERFUCKIN’ LUTHER REIGNS! He slaps Piper in the face, and begins punching away at Piper, Piper sidesteps one, puts the sleeper on, out he goes. Another thumbs down. A third down comes down, a weird guy comes out with boxing gloves on and punches him out and goes to face Piper. Piper puts a pair of boxing gloves on too. What the fuck is going on. Piper nails him with a hard left hand. They box and scramble around a bit with the bearded fellow showing a lot of heart. Piper eventually shakes hands with him and asks for a thumbs up. The crowd boos accordingly. They go again without gloves and Piper owns him on the mat. Again, he asks for a thumbs up. The crowd boos much louder this time :lmao Piper starts up a ROUND THREE. NO SERIOUSLY WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS. Apparently, this guy will be one of Piper's teammates. A HUGE dude in a Steelers jump suit that's barefoot comes in next. This guy manhandles Piper for a good FIVE MINUTES WHY GOD WHY! BRING BACK LEE MARSHEL! Piper says this man is on the team now too. It’s John Tenta :lmao Everyone gives Tetna a thumbs up from the start. Suddenly, Tetna, the boxer and the bear like man all start fighting and apparently, this is his team. I HATE MY FUCKIN’ LIFE SO MUCH! Piper then gets on the mic; and he cuts a promo about nWo standing for NO WAY OUT because this is his family now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!20 FUCKIN’ MINUTES, 20 MOTHERFUCKIN’ MINUTES WHY! GOD! WHY!

Rey Mysterio vs. Mr. JL
Good Lucha to strat, as the TV champ tries to get us to give a fuck about him lol they cut him off mid-promo to get back to the ring, REY HITS A FUCKIN’ springboard corkscrew senton for two :mark: JL launches Mysterio into the air and catches him on the way down for a two of his own, he rolls him up for another two and quickly follows with a Lariat. JL heads up but misses the headbutt allowing Rey to go to the floor but JL first with the baseball slide, then with a somersault dive off the apron. JL gets caught up top as Rey brings him down with a Frankensteiner for a two count. AWESOME atomic drop gives JL some separation, but Rey comes back and hits the Springboard ‘Rana for the win. Good spots, but nothing overly special. **1/2 - **3/4

“Mean Gene” Okerlund brings out Madusa; OH SHIT! A WOMAN’S WRESTLER! FIRST TIME IN 2 MONTHS! She babbles on about how Eric Bischoff is more concerned with the new World order than doing anything with the women’s division. She thinks he ought to have been fired instead of suspended. She then says she’s the number one contenders, to WCW Woman’s champ Akira Hokuto (Looks like I have to add that in now UGH!) Madusa says she saw Luna Vachon backstage, talking about how she should be the number one contender. Just as soon as she gets those words out of her mouth, LUNA VACHON debuts and attacks Madusa in the aisleway. I hope this doesn’t lead to woman’s wrestling.

nWo come out; Bischoff smiling and throwing up the clique hands like everything is good C‘MON! OH SHIT! Real Sting is here too, but no fake sting. DAMN! Eric says the Dr. guy can’t fire him ‘cause they are friends with Ted. Hogan says that’s right, and Ted is part of the nWo, Hogan says Schiller is out of his league and he “shoots” on Pipers shitty tryout match; he calls Pipers team a bunch of fans :lmao Savage rips Pipers ICON shirt and says he’s wrestling is not on his or Hogan’s level. He then says Piper can’t even beat Liz :lmao Hogan says he will turn the nWo loose, Sting, Hall, Nash, Ted and Syxx are all cool and onece you go nWo you are nWo 4life brah! Nash then gets on the mic; and says they are all 2SWEET! Hogan poses and Bischoff hypes this.

The Steiner Brothers vs. Lex Luger & The Giant
This is the Steiner’s first match back since their “car accident” Rick and Lex start the match. Lex catches Rick with a clothesline, but leapfrogs into a powerslam. Scott tags in and delivers a twisting belly to belly suplex out of the corner and then tries to anger the Giant. He hits a Butterfly suplex, but runs into a powerslam. Tag to the Giant, who boot and an elbow drops Scott for two. Scott distracts the Giant as Rick comes off the top with a double sledge. Double suplex from the Steiner’s, but everything just stops as the new World order comes through the crowd and over the railing. Everyone except Sting that is, who comes down the aisle with a baseball bat in hand. He stands alongside the new World order. The Steiner’s, Luger & Giant invite the nWo into the ring. Piper then comes rushing down with his "team". Team WCW & Team Piper unites in the ring and invites the nWo into the ring. Schiavone tries to end the show but Heenan stops him. Hall, Nash, Hogan & Savage enter the ring and everything breaks down just as we’ve ran out of time.


Nov 13, 2010
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WCW Piper showed just what an egomaniac he was.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WCW Monday Night Nitro
March 10th, 1997
Club LaVela in Panama City, Florida

World Champion: Hollywood Hogan
United States Champion: Eddie Guerrero
World Tag Team Champions: The Outsiders
World Television Champion: Prince Iaukea
Cruiserweight Champion: Syxx
Women’s Champion: Akira Hokuto


Dennis Rodman & Hollywood Hogan opens the show with a pre-tape promo, claiming that later on they're going to be "As Bad As They Wanna Be"

Team Piper arrives in a white limo.

High Voltage vs. Jeff Jarrett & Steve “Mongo” McMichael (w/Debra)
Mongo runs all over both Voltage jobbers with ease to start; they do a nice little double team drop-toe hold leg drop combo as Jarrett works over chous; Jeff gets too cocky and misses a charge allowing Voltage to isolate him, they work the arm for like a hot minute before Jarrett gets a second wind and clears house. Hot tag to Mongo; and he again runs through these bums hitting the Tombstone for the win. 1-2, good for them. **

“Mean Gene” Okerlund brings out team Piper all dressed in kilts & sashes. Piper has just been getting HAMMERED by the critics. He fires back at Howard Stern saying he’s hung like a pimple. Piper reminds Dennis Rodman that he’s wearing a kilt and not a dress, so don’t try pinching his buns. He calls out the WWF for saying they don’t have ‘no one-hip wrestlers’ on their PPVs. Piper assures his team that he’s going to stick by them no matter what the critics are saying. Ric Flair’s music plays and outcome the Four Horsemen minus Benoit and Woman :( Arn offers the Horsemen's services because the guys Piper got are amateurs and won't cut it. Piper wants to stick with his team, so Flair cuts him off. He says Piper can’t do this alone anymore. The nWo will stack the deck against him for sure. With the Four Horsemen by his side, he’s got Arn Anderson – the baddest of them all. He’s got Steve McMichael who will turn Dennis Rodman into a basketball :lmao Off comes Flair’s sports coat, Roddy Piper puts it on :lmao Piper finally agrees, saying his "family" will have his back, but the Horsemen can be his teammates. Already ditching his family HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

WCW World Television Championship: Prince Iaukea vs. Squire David Taylor
How the fuck did Dave Taylor get a title match; seriously, he hasn’t won a match and been pretty much squashed all the fuckin’ time. Wrestling is so stupid at times; they cut away for almost 5 minutes to show the nWo arriving in the stretch hummer limo. They start to walk in until Norton turns around to see Wallstreet DEAD! Face down on the floor :lmao Back in the ring, Taylor goes for a scoop slam, and somehow, the much smaller Iaukea weighs himself down to fall on top of Taylor and get a pin lolwat.

Dean Malenko joins Schiavone & Zbysko for commentary.

WCW US Championship: Eddie Guerrero vs. Jim Powers (w/Teddy Long)
Another fuckin’ match that gets a title match without doing a single fuckin’ thing to deserve it. Malenko says that both he and Eddie have tried to build the cruiserweight division in the US. He thinks Eddie is jealous of the fact that he’s been the Cruiserweight champion and Eddie has not :lmao way to shit on the US title. Alot of chain wrestling to start, Powers overpowering Eddie to which Malenko says; Two men have stepped up in the cruiserweight division the past year. One of them is the man of 1,000 holds who, when this business is looked back on, will probably go down as one of the best pure wrestlers in the history of the sport. The other one does a frog splash :lmaolmao:lmao Powers gets done throwing Eddie around, he hits the Hilo and covers Powers with his feet under the ropes. That brings Teddy Long up to complain. Eddie yanks Powers into Teddy Long and rolls him up for the win.

“Mean Gene” Okerlund interviews Eddie Guerrero about his recent actions. Eddie says Dean is the one who's choking people and being uncharacteristic with his attitude. Eddie says he hasn't changed, but Gene says he has, and Eddie gets pissed. Eddie says he's gonna finish this matter in the ring at UnCeNSoReD. Crowd chants "EDDIE SUCKS!" WAT!

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Sgt. Craig Pittman
Page is super over, it’s awesome. Pittman shows up Page on the mat early on so Page elbows the fuck out of him. Page hits this sweet standing legdrop type move but taunts too long allowing Pittman to hang him up on the top rope. Pittman gets super aggressive and begins choking and ripping away at Page’s face. Pittman gets quite a bit of offense in, like way more than he should. Which includes a shitty belly-to-belly, before Page makes the comeback. DIAMOND CUTTER is inevitable though and he covers for the win, this week was a running behind the back on. **

“Mean Gene” Okerlund is in the ring for another interview; He starts to talk about his situation with the nWo. Suddenly, the power and the mic go out :lmao DDP is still cutting the promo in the dark :lmao okay, we return from a commercial for take two. He says Savage better have not forgotten about him, ‘cause he hasn’t forgotten about him. BANG!

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Galaxy
Rey cuts a terrible promo attempting to promote his match with Prince at the PPV. Lots of lucha to start, which just leads to Rey springboard dropkicking him to the floor. He fakes him out with a 619, Galaxy tries to walk the ropes, but Rey trips him up. Now Galaxy is missing a moonsault, which gets him all dizzy for the SPRINGBOARD HURRACANRANA by Rey for the win.

Gene Okerlund brings out MTV VJ John Sencio to hype Scott Hall and Kevin Nash appearing on his show and to introduce the 1997 Miss WCW Monday Nitro, Her name is Pamela Rogers. At least this wasn’t like Miss new World order; this one was pretty hot I guess. When is Torrie Wilson debuting??? Now that’s the type of bitch I wanna see.

Lex Luger, The Giant, and Rick & Scott Steiner vs. Greg Valentine, Roadblock, and The Amazing-French Canadians
This was merely a squash for Team WCW it lasted like 2 minutes, the heel heat wasn’t even long enough to write down. HOW THE FUCK ARE THEY BEATING WWF? HOW IS THIS THE BEST THEY COULD DO FOR A GO HOME SHOW!

“Mean Gene” Okerlund joins Team WCW in the ring. If Team Piper wins, Piper gets Hogan in a cage some point this year. If WCW wins, they get shots at all the nWo owned titles at any time. If nWo wins, they each get title shots at any WCW titles at any WCW event over the next year. What the fuckin’ fuck. Luger doesn’t need to give advice to Roddy Piper, but he will anyway. He reminds Piper that the Four Horsemen are a band of cutthroats who always have their own agenda. Just be careful, that’s all. The Giant says when you look at it WCW can’t lose, before saying nWo don’t sing it, bring it. Rick says he aren’t right before Scotty says they are taking everyone out or some shit like that :lmao

Juventud Guerrera vs. Ultimo Dragon (w/Sonny Oono)
Just a bunch of lucha counters and counters to counters until Sonny Oono distracts Juvi while Dragon drops a double sledge off the apron. That nearly sends Juvi over the railing into the pool. They tease a dive in the pool for a bit before going back inside. Ultimo Dragon delivers the Four Kick Combo and then continues to kick Juvi while he’s writhing on the mat. spinning backbreaker by Dragon sets up a surfboard, followed by a Slingshot suplex gets for two. Juvi flips out of a release German suplex and dropkicks Dragon to the floor before wiping him out with a somersault dive from the top. Back in, a springboard spinning heel kick by Juvi gets two. ! Juvi runs into a knee in the corner and gets drilled with the running Ligerbomb, followed Dragon Hurracanrana leads into the Tiger Suplex for the win. Good match, I doubt anything will top this. **1/2 - **3/4


Scotty Riggs vs. Chris Jericho
Riggs controls to start, but Jericho gets the springboard dropkick on the apron. Back in, Jericho delivers a suplex for two. Riggs catches him for a powerslam. Jericho tries a superplex, but Riggs shrugs him off and nails Jericho with a flying clothesline for two. Jericho delivers a German suplex out of nowhere for another nearfall. Just as Riggs hits the Flying Forearm, Buff Bagwell hits the ring and starts whipping Riggs with a strap for the DQ. UGH!

“Mean Gene” Okerlund is standing by with Madusa after she was attacked by Luna Vachon last week. She will face Akira Hokuto for the WCW Women’s title anywhere in the world. As for Luna, if she’s so tough then why isn’t she in Panama City tonight?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NO! NO! NO! Lee Marshall you fat lazy fuck, getting paid to fuckin’ do nothing but visit Nitro parties, serious who is fuckin’ your ass to get you this job. Enough of these god damn weasel joke directed at Poor Bobby Heenan. Does this cunt EVER actually be at a wrestling show? I bet he doesn’t even know what he’s promoting. TOO MUCH CUM IN HIS EYES.

Hardbody Harrison vs. Taskmaster (w/Jacqueline & Jimmy Hart)
What kind of name is “Hardbody Harrison” seriously, the guy is begging to be a jobber, anyway this match went on far too long like one minute fifty-nine too long, all Sullivan squashes are the same. Sullivan and Jacqueline take turns beating on this poor guy before they throw him in the pool. Of course the black guy is the one to get thrown into the pool.

The entire nWo, including Bischoff (who's still 'suspended' and also makes no sense seeing how the guy last week doesn’t want to hear rumours of Bischoff in the WCW bathroom at shows) Classic WCW booking. . They all come out to hype a little bit of footage with Hollywood Hogan again hanging out with Dennis Rodman in front of the movie poster for Double Team. Rodman puts on the nWo shirt to make himself an official member of the crew. Hogan hands Sting an nWo shirt, but he just stands there and doesn’t put it on, so they hang it over his shoulder. Hall & Nash cut a promo on the Steiners, Savage cuts one on DDP. Hogan says the 'nWo is the tits, brother'. Hogan promises NOTHING will change after Uncensored, the nWo will continue to reign supreme. Dennis Rodman will be at UnCeNSoReD. Buy the PPV! It’s going to be awesome! Tony wonders who allowed the nWo airtime since Eric Bischoff has been suspended.

“Mean Gene" interviews Public Enemy about Mongo & Jarrett and thier match possibly being in jeopardy at Uncensored since the Horsemen are now teaming with Piper. Harlem Heat comes out and attacks Public Enemy on the stage as Nitro ends.



Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I haven't seen it in awhile but I really enjoyed Dean/Eddie from Uncensored and also Ultimo Dragon/Psicosis. Main event was interesting at least and Sting coming out at the end :homer:


Nov 13, 2010
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Never got why Arn helped Eddie.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Deezy out here giving dem spoilers, c'mon BRAH!


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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March 16th, 1997
Charleston, South Carolina

World Champion: Hollywood Hogan
United States Champion: Eddie Guerrero
World Tag Team Champions: The Outsiders
World Television Champion: Prince Iaukea
Cruiserweight Champion: Syxx
Women’s Champion: Akira Hokuto

WCW US Championship: Dean Malenko vs. Eddie Guerero
Eddie’s not doing the white meat Mexican babyface entrance is so much more better; he has thet angry Latino temper as he walks to the ring. No mat wrestling to start and Eddie begins punching the shit out of him :mark: But Dean would come back with a stiff shouldertackle sending Eddie to the floor, he seems shocked by it. As soon as he enters Dean is all over him with boots in the corner, he quickly hits a brainbuster and refuses to cover; instead he talks shit and slaps Eddie AWESOME! Well that pisses Eddie off and he comes with stomps of his own as the fans booooo. Eddie takes a bit too long looking at the crowd allowing Dean to launch him head first into the top rope and hits a back suplex as the camera’s cut backstage and RICK STIENER IS FACE DOWN ON THE FLOOR, AND THE nWo “call for help” Hall says the “Steiner’s are having a bad week” we cut back to the ring and Dean has Eddie in a half Boston crab but breaks the hold when he feels Eddie moves, so he throws Eddie to the floor and into the rails before picking up the US title. Back in the ring, and Dean levels Eddie with it in the mid section and follows with a sweet lariat for two. Out of desperation Eddie hits a side-suplex and he talks shit and slaps Dean :mark: this is great; Eddie begins to target the knee first with a dropkick then bending it over the apron. Eddie begins to work it for a couple of minutes it’s super awesome and Dean’s selling is awesome, man this match is pretty awesome. Sad DEEZY ruined it by giving the spoilers away :side: Anyway, again they cut backstage with Rick being loaded into the ambulance C’MON! why couldn’t they do this shit during a match I don’t give a single fuckin’ fuck about DAMMIT! WCW WHY? Finally we cut back to the match and Eddie stomps the knee on the floor, but Dean fights back and whips Eddie hard into the rails. As Dean slowly tries to walk up the steps Eddie dropkicks the knee sending him knee first into the ring apron :mark: In the ring he locks in the figure four, and begins to scream that he’s gonna break his leg :mark: Dean fights out and Eddie hits a couple of sweet European uppercuts he misses the helio but comes back and baseball slides Dean into the apron. Eddie heads up top and attempts a crossbody but Dean moves and Eddie tastes the rail, Dean picks him up and throws him again chest first into the rails before sending him back in. Dean sadly completely forgets the knee, as he begins to work Eddie arm by locking in an armbar. DOWN COMES EDDIES STRAPS As he hits a sick tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and a powerbomb for two. Dean tries one of his own but when Eddie fights out Dean low blows him and small package gets two. Powerslam and a frog splash by Dean gets two, cause Dean pulls him up WHAT!?!?! Headscissors by Eddie but Dean comes right back with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam for two. German by Dean gets two, Dean is up first but runs into a knee allowing Eddie to hit a tornado DDT, he doesn’t go for a cover instead he locks in the Texas cloverleaf WHAT!!! Syxx comes down and tries to steal the US title; Eddie pulls Syxx on the apron and Syxx tires to hit him with a video camera but instead it flies into the ring and Dean picks it up and nails Eddie with it and covers for the win. AWESOME! AWESOME! Stuff it’s a shame they tried to ruin it with Syxx trying to steal another belt shouldn’t he be focused on the PPV main event ever? AHHHHH! Anyway everything up to that was tre”fuckin”mendous, MOTYC ****1/4


I SHOULD JUST END THIS PPV NOW RIGHT? Like nothing will top that, I’m guessing not just for this night but for the whole year.

“Mean Gene” Okerlund is in the men’s locker room; he talks about the WCW hotline talking about a WCW leaving this sinking ship; you can find out by calling the hotline for only $1.59/Per Minute WOW! Anyway, Gene brings in Piper who is in crazy Piper mode. He says he doesn’t need to go through this to get his hands on Piper, he talks about Piper and his skirt, then he says WHERE ARE THE HORSEMEN (they are not with him during this interview) He moves back to Hogan and Rodman UGH! OH SHIT! Mongo, Jarrett and BENOIT walk in :mark: Benoit Is back. Jeff says they are backing up Piper tonight and everyone else are marked men. Piper goes back to rambling and Mongo cuts in saying he remembers what Lex did to him and he remembers when Hall and Nash spray painted his back WATCH OUT! Mongo calls himself the icon of Chicago, Piper then begins to hype Benoit up and Benoit says he made the right decision.

Psychosis vs. Ultimo Dragon (w/Sonny Oono)
I have no idea why this is happen; Psychosis has barley been on Nitro at all. I guess this is WCW’s way of rubbing it in ECW and WWF’s face saying look at all these Lucha talent I have and you don’t. I’m also guessing this is just here so Tony, Mike, Dream and Heenan can talk about the new World order and the main event; and right on queue they do. As for the match; good feeling out process to start, really slow with neither man rushing a thing. Dragon wins the quickness and brings the combo kicks. He locks in the single leg lock, but it gets rolled out of and Psychosis hits a dropkick. Dragon does the headstand on the turnbuckles just to roll over the back, he runs the ropes and misses a kick :lmao but comesback with a clutch, Psychosis comes back with a reverse chin lock but breaks for a scoopslam. He hits this sweet delayed legdrop for two; he would follow up with a elbow drop from the middle rope for two before locking in another reverse chinlock. Dragon would fight out and hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and he applies a sleeper WHAT! He goes for it like two more times but it gets countered into a side-suplex. Psychosis heads up top and hits a sweet twisting leg lariat sending Dragon to the floor; he then follows with a suicide dive and a fuckin’ slingshot legdrop JESUS! Psychosis again goes for a apron move but gets kicked to the floor, this time Dragon sends him into the rails and follows with a cartwheel back flip back elbow and the monsault off the middle rope. Soony kicks Psychosis as he tries to enter the ring, the ref comes over and Soony tells the ref he thinks he might have slipped :lmao Moonsault by Dragon gets two, Dragon sends him off but telegraphs a backdrop. Psicosis goes for a powerbomb but Dragon counters to a rana only for Psicosis to roll through into a sunset flip for two. Both men head up top and both men faceplant the other. Scoopslam by Dragon but he gets up off as a top rope ‘rana for two. Dragon cradles back for another 2 count. Psicosis tries a rana but Dragon counters to a RUNNING LIGER BOMB! Dragon is not satisfied and puts Psicosis up top. He looks to go for a rana DDT(?) but instead Psicosis bumps for a suplex slam off the top. Dragon finishes Psicosis off with a Tiger Suplex for win. Solid cruiserweights match with some nice moves and spots. ***

“Mean Gene” Okerlund is standing on the entrance way, he again hypes the hotline before bringing out Diamond Dallas Page. Gene brings up Savage not showing him any respect, and DDP says the people know his name. Gene then wonder now that Rick is out is DDP gonna be in the main event, Page avoids it by saying he came here to challenge Savage he’s said it one and he will say it again. “IF YOU ARE SO MUCH OF A SAVAGE, THEN SNAP INTO THIS! BANG!” OH SHIT! Savage is at the annonce table with Liz, he says he wants to apologize to everyone that he misjudged Page he has respect for him. Liz and he was walking in the airport and he sees the new playboy and he sees his old girlfriend Pan Anderson on the cover; PAGE TELLS HIM NOT TO GO THEIRE :mark: Savage says all in good time, and continues to call Page the man :lmao he then says out of all the woman he knows. HIS WIFE IS IN THIS, HE’S KIMBERLY’S HUSBAND :lmao that’s what DDP means, brother I’m proud of you YOU DA MAN BROTHER!OH SHIT! BROTHER, I’M YOUR FRIEND! I LIKE YOU! I WANNA BE LIKE YOU!” MY GOODNESS, KIMBERLY HAS COME OUT! She’s been spray-painted by the n.W.o! DDP goes to console her only to get waffled by Savage. He continues deliriously complimenting Page while threatening him and putting the black and white on him: “YOU ARE THE MAN! DA MAN! NOW, I’M GONNA PILEDRIVE YOU!” Kimberly holds him off, so he gets Liz to spray-paint Kimberly again. Liz gets on the mic and begins to taunt her now, she says the nWo love her, she shouldn’t be upset. AMAZING START TO A FEUD :mark:

Martial Arts Match: Mortis (w/ James Vanderberg) vs. Glacier
WHY GOD WHY :( this is another match that has 0 build, is this Eric’s way of saying we don’t do that cartoon shit 8D I refuse to talk about this, not after the amazing opener and the awesome way they took Savage/DDP to the next level and made it personal. Post-Match: Vanderberg calls out Wrath, another piece of shit joke. He and Mortis put the boots to Glacier and then Wrath hits a Rock Bottom to finish off the beatdown.

Footage of the new World murders attempting to kill the Steiner’s again, hilarious stuff.

Strap Match: Buff Bagwell vs. Scotty Riggs
RIP The American males; man that cheesy song is so catchy. Okay at least this match has a real backstory to it; sadly I give 0 fucks about both guys. As many of you know that just means you Deezy I hate strap matches, I hate any and every match that you have to touch all 4 corners to win a match. The most safe and shitty finish ever, every match is the god damn same. Whip you opponent touch two or three corners oh look the opponents cuts you off, brawl for a bit touch two and so on. I FUCKIN’ HATE IT! I HATE IS SO MUCH, its Lee Marshall level. So yeah this match was no different; also fuck who ever gave this 13 or 14 minutes. DIE! Buff win’s straight up. *1/2

Backstage: the nWo of Hall, Nash, Savage and Hogan are making a bunch of inside jokes as Savage is still looking through the Playboy mag :lmao Hall guarantees victory. Hogan then says he learnt a few new tricks and can’t wait to throw a post match victory party.

Texas Tornado Tag Match: Public Enemy vs. Harlem Heat (w/Sister Sherri)
I’m guessing this is a tornado match because all Public matches just end up being a brawl anyway. And this was exactly that, Public throw weapons into he ring as the bell rings so I guess this is NoDq too, all 4 brawl Booker/ Grunge in the ring and Rocko and Stevie on the floor, both teams are nailing one another with trash can lids and toilet seat lids too. When in the ring, Booker hits the axe kick for two. I should also mention Sherri is also getting her shots in making this a 3-2 match :lmao more brawling; and hitting one another with lids and shit. Fuckin’ hell this is terrible, look nothing happens so I’m just gonna skip to the end when Mongo and Jarrett comes out looking for payback and waffles Grunge with the briefcase, allowing Booker to hit the Harlem Hangover for the win. TRASH!

“Mean Gene” Okerlund is backstage with Team WCW; Gene runs down the complicated rules to the main event again (WHICH IS A TOTALLY AND UTER Blue CLUSTER FUCK OR STUIDNESS) Gene ask Scott about how Rick is doing, Scott says that was first time he’s ever seen his brother be taken out in a ambulance and he doesn’t like it. He knows his brother and knows he will be back, as for the nWo he gonna beat them to a pulp as for team Piper he tells them to stay out of his way “YOU NOT GON BE ABLE TO HIDE AHH—BEHIND AH POLITICS! OF ERIC BISCHOFF! I’M GONNA KICK SOME BUTT TONIGHT!” Giant says it’s time for him to do some cleaning, and to clean house. He puts Scotty over and Lex, Lex says to put this whole thing into proper perspective, this is more than just a plain and simple wrestling match. This is about society. This whole anti-establishment trash that is espoused by the nWo. They have trashed, bashed, and thrashed each and every one of us. They have no respect for authority, for society as a whole, all the youngsters out there who watch us on television, all the past champions from the National Wrestling Alliance all the way to the present World Championship Wrestling. There’s a lot of tradition, lot of honor, lot of injuries, lot of titles have been defended WITH HONOR! They have no honor. So we come together tonight with everything on the line. Adversity has brought us three together. Giant, myself, and Scott Steiner. Adversity brings us together; it makes us strong, the bond all that much greater. Gene, I have never been more prepared for a match in my career. We can talk about it all that we want, but THE WORDS! ARE! DONE! Time for action and action’s what’s going to happen. BEST LEX PROMO EEVER!!!!

WCW World Television Championship: Rey Mysterio vs. Prince Iaukea
I have no idea why they want to give this Prince guy a chance; he might be the worse Samoan ever. Rey has the Spider-Man mask with is cool; right off the bat Prince hits a Samoan drop but misses the splash as Rey gets the knees up. He hangs Prince up on the top rope and hits a springboard senton for two, he would follow up with a ‘rana that gets another two. Before sending Prince to the floor with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors sends Iaukea to the floor as Mysterio wipes him out with a somersault plancha. Back in, Prince hangs Rey up on the top rope before using the top rope for momentum and powerbombs Rey down. He boots Rey to the floor and follows with a springboards crossbody. Rey fights out of a move so Prince shoves him into the rail; Prince tries another crossbody this time off the rails but misses. Rey hits Iaukea with a springboard split-legged moonsault for two, and bulldogs him for another two. Rey locks in the headlock and then delivers a Quebrada for two. Sunset flip powerbomb gets another two, Rey goes for one too many high risk moves and crashes and burns to allow Prince to take over. He hits a northern lights with a bridge for two, he powerbombs Rey and is doing this slow awful methodical stuff, it’s so slow. He would hit a springboard dropkicks and sells like he was the one hit :lmao he LOW BLOWS Rey right in front of the ref before throwing Rey to the floor. Back In, and it’s still all Prince thankfully they both go for dropkicks and scissor one another :lmao Rey begins to make his comeback but we have reached the 15-minute time limit. Mysterio wants more time and Prince GIVES IT TO HIM. Rey continues his comeback and hits a springboard legdrop. He tries the SPRINGBOARD HURRACANRANA, but Iaukea rolls through for the win. AWFUL! Dead crowd made this look and feel worse. **

Spring Stampede promo airs with the Four Horsemen actually riding horses :lmao

Triangle Elimination Match: Team Piper (Roddy Piper, Chris Benoit, Steve McMichael & Jeff Jarrett) vs. Team WCW (Lex Luger, The Giant & Scott Steiner) vs. Team nWo (Hollywood Hogan, Randy Savage, Scott Hall & Kevin Nash w/”The Worm” Dennis Rodman)
Okay so the stipulation for this match is, if Team Piper wins, Roddy gets a cage match with Hollywood Hogan somewhere down the road. If Team WCW wins, If Team WCW wins, then the members will be stripped of their titles and are banned from each and every WCW event for the next 36 months :lmao 36 MONTHS NOT DAYS! And if Team nWo wins, they can take a title match at anytime they want. JESUS! Because of Rick Steiner being taken out, this is now 4-on-4-on-3. One person from each team start out, and at fixed intervals, more members come out. You can be eliminated by pinfall, submission, and (for some stupid reason) getting thrown over the top rope. WHAT! WHO THE FUCKIN’ IS BOOKING THIS; OH I GET IT! CLASSIC POLITICS! Bruce Buffer is here so you know shit is important, Benoit, Hall and the Giant start; Benoit/Hall have some nice interactions I kinda wish Hall was in early 90’s Hall cause Razor/Benoit would be a dream. Anywy, Giant comes in and dominates. He kills the both of them for like 4 minutes or so until he misses a corner charge on Hall and tumbles over the top rope to be eliminated :lmao Jeff Jarrett, Randy Savage, and Lex Luger come in next for their respective teams. Lex beings the murder that he is beats everyone up for the 5 minutes until; Scotty, Mongo and Nash come down. He destroys team nWo with some signature suplexes. Benoit saves Jarrett from an OUTSIDER’S EDGE, but Nash big boots and clotheslines Jarrett out anyway to eliminate him. Mongo tries a piledriver on Hall up against the ropes, and backdrops him over the top eliminating him :lmao Horsemen are such jobbers. As Roddy Piper makes his way to the ring, Nash boots Steiner as he’s crotches on the top rope to send him to the floor for the elimination. LOL@ Hogan and Rodman taking like 7 minutes so come down to the ring, Piper takes Savage to the floor to choke him down with a chain. Hogan finally enters the match and chokes Piper from behind with his t-shirt. Hogan tosses Piper through the ropes, he pulls Hogan out to the floor as they brawl for a bit. Savage tries to save Hogan, but he does little to help. Back inside, Hogan shoots Piper off into the ropes to escape a headlock and Rodman pulls the top rope down to eliminate Piper. SWERVE! Police have to stop Piper from fighting Rodman which allows Hogan to attack Piper from behind. Savage joins Hogan in that little confrontation. Back in the ring, Hall gives Benoit the OUTSIDER’S EDGE and then he and Nash toss him out to eliminate Benoit. RIP Team Piper he should have stuck with the jobber family :lmao Also I was kinda expecting Sullivan to cost Benoit the match to further add to the feud. Lex Luger against the entire Team now :lmao I guess we know who will be getting the title shot now. Lex cleans house no problem before the TORTURE RACK to Savage and he gives up immediately WAT! Savage not taking the cheap over the top elimination and putting a guy over DEAD! Nash takes a clothesline over the top rope and a TORTURE RACK on Hall eliminates him. As Luger puts Hogan up in the TORTURE RACK, Kevin Nash grabs the ref while Randy Savage runs in and breaks up the hold by bashing Luger in the face with Rodman’s can of spray paint. They both collapse and Hogan covers Luger for the win. Thank god that’s over; As the nWo celebrates another victory to close out another PPV, Sting lowers from the ceiling He has a black baseball bat and goes after the new World order. Scott Hall attacks first and gets beaten with the ball bat. Sting takes Kevin Nash out at the knees. Randy Savage leaps in, but takes a swing right in the gut. They all get SCORPION DEATHDROPS Once they are all taken care of, Sting points at Hollywood Hogan as Dennis Rodman gets the man warmed up. Sting lays the ball bat down, so now Hogan decides it’s safe to meet him in the ring. Sting blocks a punch and fires back on Hogan. SCORPION DEATHDROP to Hogan! As we go off the air.


Little Rant: the stipulation for Team WCW winning was so stupid. It made it blatantly obviously they weren't winning. Also didn’t Piper get a cage match with Hogan like at the Havoc? AHHHHHH! At least this show has a MOTYC, Amazing Page/Savage angle and Lex’s promo so I can’t be that mad.