WWE 2019: No Wildcards

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Good shit :WOW Goldberg interview was awesome, Hawkins beating AJ sounds hilarious and that ending sounds hype AF
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Feb 25, 2012
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Was hoping for an Él Ídolo cash in after Brock murdered everyone
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Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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Was hoping for an Él Ídolo cash in after Brock murdered everyone

I considered it but Zelina will explain why in a promo on Raw. Basically Brock would just kill him too for trying to cash in.
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Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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Injuries after Monday Night Raw:

On the latest Monday Night, Raw Brock Lesnar returned and ruined the main event of the show which was a Universal title match between Aleister Black and the current champion Seth Rollins. During the brutal attack, Brock Lesnar broke Aleister Black's arm using the lethal Kimura submission hold from his time in UFC! It is rumored Black will be out of action for about 6 weeks due to this as more tests are done on the Dutch Destroyer. Seth Rollins was taken to a local medical facility and is now a doubt for Summerslam due to the injuries he suffered in Brock Lesnar's brutal attack. What this means for the Universal title match at Summerslam is unknown, however. Tune into next week's Raw for further updates!
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Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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Smackdown Live:
July 9th:
Manchester, New Hampshire

Smackdown Live starts with a video package highlight the key moments from the Great American Bash PPV two nights ago. We see the opening match with Luke Harper becoming the Intercontinental Champion pinning Buddy Murphy, Asuka finally beating Charlotte whilst the Man Becky Lynch defeated Lacey Evans to retain her Smackdown Women's title. We get a recap of the finish between Drew McIntyre and Roman Reigns with Shane passing Roman the brass knuckles by mistake. We then lastly cut to Kofi Kingston overcoming his nemesis Randy Orton and retaining his WWE title.

We then cut to the commentary team at ringside who welcome us to the show as they hype up the Great American Bash PPV two night ago and tonight's Smackdown Live. Bryon Saxton tells us it will be a packed show as we will see the Boss 'n' Hug connection issue an open challenge for the tag team titles. Corey insults Sasha Banks as he normally does but wonders who will take the pair up on their challenge.


Shane McMahon makes his way out to the ring in a nice shirt as he is joined by the rest of The Corporation. Even Drew McIntyre is stood behind him but he is clearly still in a bad mood after losing to Roman Reigns last night! Byron wonders why Drew is out here with Shane McMahon after what happened last night but Corey responds saying Drew has seen sense and realizes it was an accident! All 4 men are now stood in the ring as Shane looks to address the live crowd.

Shane McMahon: Let me start this off by saying that once again under my leadership, we had another great show. And that is thanks to my presence at the top of this brand.

Shane lets out a smug smile getting boos from the live crowd.

Shane McMahon: But even the best shows have flaws.

Shane turns to look at Drew McIntyre who stares at him, looking furious.

Shane McMahon: And two nights ago, Roman Reigns used an illegal weapon to beat Drew McIntyre.

Boos from the crowd as Shane McMahon misses a key part of the story out.

Shane McMahon: I know, I was angry too but I did promise the winner of the match at the Great American Bash would become the number one contender for the WWE title at Summerslam and I am a man of my words.

Drew looks furious and ready to step forward but Corbin and Elias make sure to keep an eye on the sinister Scotsman.

Shane McMahon: However I can't let the injustice Drew McIntyre suffered stand. So to make up for Roman Reigns cheating two nights go, at Summerslam, the WWE title match will now be a triple threat between Kofi Kingston, Roman Reigns and Drew McIntyre!

Shane McMahon has a smug smile on his face as he turns to Drew who just stands there looking angry still. Shane looks a little nervous so he turns back around and speaks to the fans.

Shane McMahon: Now I know that decision won't be popular with Roman Reigns or our WWE champion Kofi Kingston but it is best for business.

That lines get boos from the crowd as Shane McMahon looks to carry on but...

Big E: Oooh Manchester, New Hampshire. Don't you dare be sour. Clap your hands for your world-famous WWE champion and feel the power!


Loud cheers from the live crowd as The New Day make their way to the ring. Kofi Kingston walks out in front, noticeably struggling to walk a little due to the damage done to his back throughout his war with Randy Orton last night. Drew McIntyre as always looks ready for a fight but Elias and Corbin keep him back as Shane turns to the popular group.

Kofi Kingston: So once again, Shane McMahon is abusing his power.

Shane McMahon: I fail to see how punishing a cheater is abusing my power. I'm sorry you got caught up in it Kofi but...

Xavier Woods: Shane do we look like we were born yesterday?

Big E: We haven't forgotten what your father did before Wrestlemania.

Kofi Kingston gets right in Shane McMahon's face at this point as Elias and Corbin are ready to step in. Big E and Xavier Woods, however, stand behind their boy keeping an eye on the situation.

Kofi Kingston: Your dad kept me from getting my fair shot at this. He put me through gauntlet match after gauntlet match just so I could get a chance to fight for this title.

Shane McMahon: Well Kofi I ain't my father.

Kofi Kingston: No you're worse.

Oooohs from the crowd.

Kofi Kingston: See everyone knows what Vince McMahon is like because Vince never hides it. He is proud of how evil he is. He takes pleasure in making people suffer. But you Shane? You are a snake just like the man I beat two ago Randy Orton.

Shane McMahon now looks furious but Kofi looks to carry on his rant.

Kofi Kingston: I mean look how you stabbed Miz in the back! Look how you use these fans and this show to feed your own ego!

Shane McMahon: Listen here Kofi this show may be about the superstars but I'm in charge and I will not be spoken to like this. Now I know you're mad that you will have to defend your title in a triple threat match but...

Kofi Kingston: Oh I ain't mad. I knew you would pull something like this.

Big E steps forward now

Big E: People like you keep trying to put barriers up in front of Kofi and he keeps smashing them down! So you giving Vince's chosen one a title shot doesn't shock us.

Shane goes to speak but Drew snatches the microphone from his hand and gets in Big E's face.

Drew McIntyre: Vince McMahon may have chosen me a long time ago but I didn't ask for him or Shane to give me a title shot. Hell if Shane didn't stick his nose in last night I would have won!

Drew has his finger right in Shane McMahon's face who looks angry as he signals for Elias to get him another microphone.

Drew McIntyre: Without that referee getting in my way and those brass knuckles I would be fighting you one on one for that title!

Kofi Kingston: Well if you want a fight why wait for Summerslam? Let's do this right now!

Shane McMahon: Whoa whoa guys we are not starting the show off like that.

Boos from the crowd as Shane McMahon stands between the two men stopping the fight. New Day and the other two members of the Corporation also look ready for a fight as Shane realizes he is going to have to defuse the situation quickly.

Shane McMahon: Kofi after the battle you went through two nights ago, I need to make sure you make it to Summerslam and if you fight Drew McIntyre tonight, you won't.

Loud boos from the live crowd as Drew is annoyed he won't be able to get his hands on Kofi.

Shane McMahon: But since your two boys look ready to compete, in the main event it will be Big E and Xavier Woods versus Baron Corbin and Elias!

Shane drops the microphone as The New Day stare down the Corporation. Drew McIntyre is ready for a fight and wants to start one now but Shane McMahon has to convince him to back off. It takes a while but eventually the Corporation leaves the ring, with Drew walking off ahead of them by himself as the commentary team hype up tonight's main event.

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As we return from the commercial break we see R-Truth make his usual entrance as he starts rapping for the fans and slides into the ring. Carmella is by his side as Corey Graves once again hypes up the main event for the evening. Byron also talks about the open challenge later in the show and wonders who is going to challenge the Boss 'n' Hug connection. R-Truth is now in the ring with Carmella by his side as he looks to address the live crowd.

R-Truth: Manchester, New Hampshire what's up!

The crowd chant back what's up as R-Truth and Carmella let out a smile.

R-Truth: Now I know it has been a while but we are in the lead up to Summerfest!

A few in the crowd laugh as Carmella asks Truth for the microphone.

Carmella: Truth, it is called Summerslam.

R-Truth: Oh my bad guys, my bad. But anyway...


Jinder Mahal marches to the ring as Byron Saxton on commentary tells us that Jinder Mahal will be going one on one with R-Truth right now. Corey says he is glad someone is out here to get this buffoon to shut up. Jinder looks to be in a bad mood after losing to Kofi Kingston last week. Carmella makes her way to the outside as the referee calls for the bell getting this match underway.

Match 1: Jinder Mahal vs R-Truth w/Carmella

Match summary: R-Truth in the opening stages of this match is his usual goofy self. However, Jinder is not someone who likes people being goofy and this causes Jinder to lose his temper and it almost costs him the match! Jinder though survives R-Truth's earlier offense and in the end, puts him away with the Khallas!

Winner via pinfall: Jinder Mahal (4:16)

Jinder Mahal gets to his feet post-match as he poses for the crowd who boo the former WWE champion. Corey on commentary sings the praise of Jinder Mahal as Carmella slides into the ring to check on her fallen friend.

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When we return from the commercial break, we see Finn Balor sat down on a chair in a dark room wearing his leather jacket as per usual (this time zipped up) as he stares at the camera.

Finn Balor: At the Great American Bash, I failed. Now I could make excuses and bring up the fact I was never pinned but I'm better than that.

Finn gets to his feet but it takes a little bit longer than normal due to the damage his back suffered during the Intercontinental title match. However, once he is upright he stares at the camera, looking angry with himself.

Finn Balor: I promised to be a fighting champion but last night I lost the fight. However if Luke Harper thinks I am done with the Intercontinental title, he is mistaken. Next week I face Buddy Murphy and Ricochet with the winner going to Summerslam. And some people might think that is a mistake.

Clips are cut in of Luke Harper laying waste to all 3 during the build-up to the match and during the match itself.

Finn Balor: Look at the monsters I have fought in the past. I have made a career out of defeating men bigger and stronger than me. And at Summerslam, I'll do it again to become a three-time Intercontinental Champion.

Finn stares at the camera as we cut elsewhere backstage as we can see Cathy Kelly stood next to Ricochet ready for an interview.

Cathy Kelly: Strong words from the former Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor. What are your thoughts Ricochet?

Ricochet: Listen I respect the hell out of Finn Balor but next week he ain't winning. Next week is my chance to go to Summerslam and defeat Luke Harper. That Intercontinental title is something I looked at as a kid and wanted to win. I saw legends like Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Owen Hart fighting for it and wanted to be just like them. Well, next week is my chance to prove I belong in the same bracket as those legends.

Ricochet lets out a smile as he gets ready to go but Cathy stops him a second.

Cathy Kelly: I have one more question. What do you make of Daniel Bryan interrupting your interview at the Great American Bash?

Ricochet looks at Cathy as he takes a moment and shrugs.

Ricochet: I said all I had to say to him last night. My focus is on next week, not Daniel Bryan running his mouth.

Cathy Kelly: Thanks for your time Ricochet.

Ricochet: Anytime Cathy.

Ricochet lets out a smile and Cathy can't help but smile in response as he leaves the interview area.

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As we return from the commercial break we see Shelton Benjamin make his way down the entrance ramp getting a muted response from the live crowd. Corey Graves says this upcoming match with Buddy Murphy is a big opportunity for him. Byron Saxton agrees with this and says beating Buddy Murphy tonight could force Shane McMahon to add him to the number one contender's match next week!


Buddy Murphy makes his way out getting boos from the live crowd as he looks in a bad mood after being pinned at the Great American Bash. He runs to the ring with a point to prove tonight. Byron Saxton gives him credit for the performance he put in two nights ago but Corey says Buddy won't be happy as he failed to walk out with the Intercontinental title.

Match 2: Buddy Murphy vs Shelton Benjamin

Match summary: As you would expect both men put on a great match with Buddy Murphy still feeling the effects of the fatal 4 way at the Great American Bash. Shelton being the veteran looks to target the back and takes advantage of the weakened state Buddy Murphy is in. The former juggernaut of the Cruiserweight division survives Shelton's offense and takes control of the match! Buddy Murphy though doesn't find it easy to put Shelton away but in the end, picks up the win with Murphy's Law!

Winner via pinfall: Buddy Murphy (8:56)

Buddy Murphy gets to his feet as he looks happy to have won tonight against a very game Shelton Benjamin. Corey on commentary puts over how big that win for him was tonight momentum wise. As Shelton Benjamin leaves the ring Buddy Murphy asks one of the people at ringside to pass him a microphone as he looks to speak. He leans on the ropes before snatching the microphone from the member of the ringside crew.

Buddy Murphy: Next week, I have the chance to correct my mistake. I was this close to becoming Intercontinental Champion.

Buddy Murphy looks annoyed and frustrated as he says that before carrying on.

Buddy Murphy: But once I beat both Finn Balor and Ricochet, I will go onto Summerslam and show Luke Harper why I am the best-kept secret in this company!

Buddy Murphy drops the microphone and heads up the ramp having staked his claim to being the number one contender for the Intercontinental title at Summerslam. As the commentary team hype up the triple threat match that will take place next week, we cut to a dark room with a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. We then see Luke Harper, the New Intercontinental Champion walk into the shot as he holds his new title front and center.

Luke Harper: It looks so pretty. I almost feel like I'm back to being whole.

Luke Harper has a wild-eyed almost crazy look in his eyes as he stares at the camera.

Luke Harper: Ya see being free allows me to target whoever I want. And I just want to feel whole again.

Harper once again turns to his Intercontinental title, staring at it almost transfixed by his new title.

Luke Harper: With this baby, I might just start to become whole.

Luke Harper then turns back to the camera with an angry twisted look on his face.

Luke Harper: Or maybe I need to take pieces of all of you!

Harper points at the camera.

Luke Harper: Murphy, Balor, Ricochet. All gluttons looking for extra punishment. At Summerslam, I will destroy one of you and carry on looking to rebuild myself with pieces of you.

Luke Harper once again stares at his Intercontinental title before turning back towards the camera.

Luke Harper: RUN!

Luke Harper stares at the camera blankly as the light blub above his head suddenly goes out and the screen turns pitch black.

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Once we return from the commercial break the crowd let out a loud pop as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn make their way out to the delight of the live crowd! Sami Zayn is doing his usual dance to his entrance song whilst Owens smiles enjoying his friend's antics though he looks a little more serious as he walks to the ring. Corey Graves and Byron Saxton remind us that both men were able to pick up the win over the Corporation last night. Both men wonder what brings them out here right now and what is next for the duo. Kevin gets into the ring as he grabs two microphones one for himself and one for Sami Zayn.

Sami Zayn: Hey Kevin.

Kevin Owens: What's up Sami?

Sami Zayn: How did we do at the Great American Bash?

Kevin takes a moment as he fakes thinking before replying to Sami.

Kevin Owens: I think we did pretty well as we beat Corbin and Elias. And I have to say punching Corbin in the face is always fun.

Cheers from the live crowd as Sami smiles and nods.

Sami Zayn: You ain't wrong there Kevin. But people have been wondering what's next?

Kevin Owens: Here's the thing. When I came back to this show, I knew I wanted to do things differently.

Sami Zayn: We both did.

Kevin Owens: But one thing remained the same.

Both: We both wanted to get rid of Shane McMahon!

Cheers from the fans as the pair say that in sync.

Sami Zayn: Shane was such an egomaniac he brought us back together.

Kevin Owens: Just think about that. He brought us, us two together. The two people who are known for fighting forever.

This causes a couple of “Fight forever” chants to start in the crowd as Owens carries on speaking.

Kevin Owens: But last night was just the start. You see me and Sami we have a plan...

The lights go out causing Owens to stop mid-sentence as this music hits:


Bray Wyatt makes his way out holding a microphone as he has a creepy smile on his face. Both Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens look at each other confused and unsure why Bray Wyatt is out here. Byron Saxton wonders why Bray Wyatt is out here alone as he is normally seen leading the War Raiders to the ring. Bray is now stood at the bottom of the entrance ramp as he looks to address the two men in the ring.

Bray Wyatt: Two eternal rivals. These people don't see it but I see it. You two falling apart is inevitable.

Boos from the crowd as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn look at Bray Wyatt on the outside unimpressed.

Bray Wyatt: I mean should you trust your partner, Sami?

Kevin Owens: Probably not.

The bluntness of that line takes Bray aback a little and even brings a few laughs in the crowd.

Kevin Owens: Sami may be my best friend but he ain't stupid. After all the stuff I have done in the past, he will always have one eye open waiting for me to betray him.

Sami Zayn: Kevin, listen...

Kevin Owens: Sami it is fine. I know what I have done in the past and I ain't proud of what I did to you. But I am looking to prove to you and my son that I've changed. However now that we have our monthly therapy session, what does that have to do with you, Bray?

Kevin Owens now looks angry as he turns to the chuckling Bray Wyatt on the entrance ramp.

Bray Wyatt: I was just seeing if you two were prepared for war!

Bray starts to laugh like a mad man as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn realize what is about to happen and get ready for a fight as this hits...


Hanson and Rowe the Smackdown tag team champions march out onto the entrance ramp as they stand behind Bray Wyatt. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn in the ring though don't back down as they get ready for a fight. Bray says a few words to them before pointing towards the ring and saying “let the raid begin!”. Hanson and Rowe slide into the ring and the fight is on! Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are the smaller men in this brawl but they refuse to go down without a fight!

Owens is even able to get Rowe on the back foot for a moment but Sami Zayn due to his size is unable to keep up with Hanson's brawling ability and Hanson takes him down with a spin kick wiping the underdog from the underground out! Hanson then makes his way over to Owens and helps his partner Rowe take down Kevin Owens 2 on 1! Owens is a tough man but even he can't take on both the War Raiders at the same time!

Bray Wyatt at ringside can't help but laugh as he enjoys the carnage. Hanson and Rowe look to lift Owens off the mat to finish him off but Sami Zayn is back on his feet and he attacks Rowe from behind! Sami manages to get Rowe down to the mat as Hanson goes for another spin kick but Zayn dodges and hits a dropkick sending him into the corner of the ring! Sami charges at Hanson as he tries to hit a helluva kick but Hanson wipes him out with a massive spear!

Hanson gets to his feet as he helps Rowe up. Rowe shakes off the cobwebs as The War Raiders grab hold of Sami Zayn and hit him with Thor's Hammer (Hanson tosses Zayn into the air and Rowe hits him with a powerslam). Both Hanson and Rowe look happy as Owens turns Hanson round and hits him with a STUNNER! Kevin Owens is refusing to stay down just like his friend Sami Zayn! Owens turns to Rowe but gets a discus elbow to his face stunning him!

Owens staggers as Rowe drags Kevin Owens up and hits him with a sit-out powerbomb onto the prone Sami Zayn adding insult to injury! Hanson is struggling to his feet as we see Bray Wyatt make his way to the ring for the first time since this brawl started as he gives Hanson some instructions. The big man takes a moment as Rowe lifts Kevin Owens up off the mat as the War Raiders hit

Bray Wyatt now walks into the ring, passing the War Raiders their Smackdown tag team titles as they now stand in the ring over the prone bodies of Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn on the mat. Bray starts shouting at both men “This is just a taste of war”! Byron Saxton on commentary wonders why these two attacked Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens tonight as even Corey Graves is confused saying maybe Bray wanted to send a message tonight as The War Raiders and Bray Wyatt stand tall!

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When we return from the commercial break we cut to a hallway as the Bray Wyatt silently leads the War Raiders through the back as all 3 men come to a stop. Bray Wyatt lets out a smirk as the camera pans over to show the commissioner Shane McMahon. Shane takes a moment looking at Bray as he starts to smile as well.

Shane McMahon: Good job.

Shane McMahon offers Bray Wyatt a handshake. Bray takes a moment as he lets out a chuckle before accepting Shane's hand. Shane McMahon walks off as Bray turns to the War Raiders.

Bray Wyatt: I told you the devil made us do it.

The War Raiders stand there as stoic as ever. Bray Wyatt meanwhile laughs like a mad man. We then cut to a backstage locker room as we see a door slam open as Ruby Riott storms out of her locker room followed by Liv Morgan.

Liv Morgan: Listen, Ruby, I'm sorry. I was trying to make sure you won the match. I didn't expect Shane to fine all of us. Just me.

Ruby Riott: Well he did so now I'm out of pocket and I lost!

Ruby is furious as Liv Morgan is really upset and doesn't know what else to say. Ruby goes to walk off but instead turns around getting right in her friend Liv's face.

Ruby Riott: You need to start doing better.

Ruby walks off as we see Sarah Logan walk out of the locker room. She looks at Liv Morgan for a second before speaking.

Sarah Logan: She's right y'know.

Liv now looks even more upset as she walks back into the locker room really down. We then cut back to the commentary team at ringside who wonder if things are OK within the Riott Squad.


A loud pop from the live crowd as the WWE Women's tag team champions make their way out as Sasha Banks has her Money in the Bank briefcase in her right hand whilst both women have the tag team titles around their waist. Both of them walk to the ring as they get ready to issue an open challenge tonight. On commentary, we hear Corey Graves go off on one of his rants about Sasha Banks. Byron tries to stop him but once Corey goes off on Sasha Banks there is no stopping him. The Boss 'n' Hug Connection are now stood in the ring with a microphone each.

Sasha Banks: You all know why the Boss and the Hugger are here tonight!

Pop from the fans who are excited to see the tag team titles defended on Smackdown Live.

Bayley: That's right Sasha. We came here to see if anyone on Smackdown Live is ready to face us for these titles.

Bayley unhooks her tag team title from her waist and lifts it into the air.

Sasha Banks: And once we beat whoever we face tonight, we plan on visiting our old stomping ground NXT!

An NXT chant starts up in the crowd as both women smirk.

Bayley: And I will become number one contender for the Raw Women's title next Monday!

That line gets Sasha Banks's attention as she looks angry before smiling and turning to her best friend Bayley.

Sasha Banks: Sorry Bayley but the Boss is becoming number one contender for the Raw Women's title to go along with my other title shot!

Sasha pats her Money in the Bank briefcase as she looks Bayley directly in her eyes as they stare each other down. Bayley lets out a smile as this music hits...


A loud pop from the crowd as Becky Lynch makes her way out as a “Becky2belts” chant starts up. Both Sasha Banks and Bayley look confused and wonder why The Man Becky Lynch is out here to answer their challenge as the Raw and Smackdown Women's champion walks towards the ring with a microphone.

Becky Lynch: Shocked to see me, girls?

Bayley in the ring nods whilst Sasha just stands there looking furious as Becky smiles.

Becky Lynch: Don't worry Sasha, I know you want to wait for the right moment to fight me so I'll let you pick when you finally cash that in.

Sasha Banks: I won't need to cash this in when I win this Monday.

Bayley: Who says you're going to beat me?

Both Banks and Bayley look at each other once again as Becky smiles making her way to the commentary desk.

Becky Lynch: The Man has no interest in having a partner. I don't need someone standing by my side as I wait for them to stab me in the back.

A few ooohs from the crowd as both the Boss 'n' Hug Connection look angry in the ring with Sasha Banks reacting the most to that line.

Sasha Banks: What did you say? Come into the ring right now and say that to my face. Come on Becky!

Bayley: Sasha calm down. Just calm...


Bayley looks a little taken aback by Sasha's anger as the Boss catches herself. However, before the Boss can say anything...


A decent pop from the crowd as we now know who is going to answer the open challenge. Sasha Banks and Bayley wisely turn their attention to their challengers. Byron reminds us that these two have become good friends over the last couple of months and teamed up to take on the Riott Squad even picking up victories against them. Corey says whilst he hates Sasha Banks, the Boss 'n' Hug Connection are the best tag team around today and they will take some beating. Becky Lynch meanwhile has finally grabbed a headset and takes a seat at the commentary desk.

When asked why she came out here tonight, Becky says she is here to do some scouting as she will be facing one of them at Summerslam and maybe both if Sasha finally finds the courage to step up to The Man's level. Corey says he has no doubt Sasha is waiting for Becky to be at her weakest. Becky smirks saying she is glad someone else can see Sasha for the snake she is. Becky says in the past she was like Bayley too trusting but when she became the Man she learned from her previous mistakes. Byron Saxton then tells us we are going to a very short commercial break but not to go anywhere as when we come back we will have the WWE Women's tag team title match!

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Match 3: WWE Women's tag team titles match: Boss 'n' Hug Connection vs Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon

Match summary: When we return from the commercial break the match is underway with Bayley starting for the champions whilst Ember Moon is in the ring for her team. Both women are fairly evenly matched and put on a good showing. Becky on commentary gives both women credit for their skills. Corey though asks her about Asuka and if she has taken her eyes off her other challenger at Summerslam. Becky would repeat what she said on Monday Night Raw and tells Corey that Asuka is the toughest opponent she has ever faced.

Back in the ring Ember Moon has tagged in Alexa Bliss whilst Bayley has tagged in Sasha Banks. And as always these two don't hold back when in the ring with each other, as the hatred is clear for all to see as they batter each other! Sasha even uses a few cheap shots to take control, getting boos from the crowd as Becky remarks that it is typical Sasha Banks behavior. Even Bayley looks unimpressed with Sasha's tactics but tags back in as the Boss 'n' Hug connection stay in control of the match.

Alexa Bliss may be small but she is too skilled to be kept down for long and makes the tag bringing Ember Moon into the match! Ember Moon is fired up and pops off on both members of the Boss 'n' Hug connection. From there the match becomes very even with both teams going back and forth with frequent tags as we get to the climax of the match Alexa Bliss is battling Sasha Banks in the center of the ring.

Alexa Bliss takes control as she grabs Sasha Banks and drives her into the mat for a close two count. Alexa Bliss makes the tag bringing Ember Moon into the match as she takes care of Bayley on the apron as Ember Moon locks in the Wrath of the Gods! Banks however scratches and claws her way to the ropes forcing Ember to break the hold! Ember looks frustrated as Becky Lynch on commentary gives Sasha Banks credit saying she may be a snake but she is tough. Ember signals to Alexa as she makes her way over to the corner and tags in Alexa Bliss.

Alexa would then grab hold of Sasha Banks holding her still as Ember Moon looks to hit the ECLIPSE! However, as she does that Bayley appears and pushes Ember Moon off the top rope saving the match! Bliss drops Sasha to go after Bayley but Sasha connects with the Backstabber! Bayley quickly makes her way over to their corner as Banks tags her in. Bliss struggles to her feet as Bayley hits the BAYLEY TO BELLY AND MAKES THE COVER! 1 2 Banks stops Ember Moon 3! The Boss 'n' Hug Connection retain their tag team titles!

Winners via pinfall and still WWE Women's tag team champions: Boss 'n' Hug Connection (12:05)

Bayley gets to her feet as does Sasha Banks, both women knowing they had a close scare and nearly lost their tag team titles tonight. Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon meanwhile look disappointed as they came up just short but Ember helps Alexa Bliss up to her feet. On commentary, Becky Lynch gives both of her potential challengers credit for their performance letting out a slight smile relishing the challenge she may get at Summerslam.

Back in the ring both members of the Boss 'n' Hug Connection are passed their WWE Women's tag team titles. Both members of the team celebrate as they turn their attention to Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon. Alexa Bliss after speaking with Ember Moon would stick her hand out offering the pair a handshake. Bayley looks like she is thinking about it as Alexa insists she isn't going to cheap shot them. Sasha, however, responds by rolling out of the ring and instead looks to confront Becky Lynch!

Back in the ring, Bayley shakes her head before shaking hands with Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon. Bliss can be overheard saying somethings never change. She tells Bayley to be careful as Ember Moon and Alexa Bliss head towards the back. Back by the commentary desk, Becky is now on her feet smirking as Banks has both her tag title and Money in the Bank briefcase. Sasha starts talking trash to Becky Lynch as The Man smirks asking Banks when she is going to step up!

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We return from the commercial break as Becky Lynch is walking through the back with both her Women's titles on her shoulder as Cathy Kelly approaches her for an interview.

Cathy Kelly: Becky after watching that tag team titles match who would you rather face at Summerslam?

Becky is about to answer but she walks past Cathy Kelly. Cathy looks confused but we soon see why as Asuka the challenger for the Smackdown Women's title at Summerslam is stood there and she looks angry.

Asuka: Your focus needs to be on me.

Becky smirks.

Becky Lynch: Oh trust me, I know.

Both women stare each other down as the tension can be cut with a knife. We then cut back to the ring as No Way Jose is stood in the ring ready for a match as the commentary team hype up the challenge Becky is facing at Summerslam as she not only has to fight Asuka but either Sasha Banks or Bayley. On the outside meanwhile, we can see the conga line dancing and having fun.


Boos from the live crowd as Daniel Bryan makes his way out still looking angry as he walks to the ring, of course wearing his hemp WWE title. He is as always followed by his fellow eco-warrior Erick Rowan as the commentary team mention Daniel Bryan's victory over The Miz at the Great American Bash two nights ago though Bryon makes sure to remind us that Bryan needed help from Baron Corbin and Elias to win the match.

As Bryan and Erick Rowan are walking down the ramp the conga line approaches them but Rowan just starts attacking the male members of the conga line sending the rest running. Daniel Bryan lets out an evil smile as Erick Rowan ruins over people's fun. He places his hemp title in the corner of the ring and goes straight on the attack getting this match underway!

Match 4: Daniel Bryan w/Erick Rowan vs No Way Jose

Match Summary: Daniel Bryan picks apart the bigger No Way Jose with ease as he targets the legs and brings No Way Jose down to the mat! He locks in the heel hook as No Way Jose wisely chooses to tap out quickly giving Daniel Bryan the win!

Winner via pinfall: Daniel Bryan (1:54)

Daniel Bryan lets go of the hold by slamming No Way Jose's leg into the mat getting a few boos from the crowd as Bryan celebrates in the ring, lifting his hemp WWE title in the air drawing even more heat from the crowd. Meanwhile, on commentary, we can hear Corey Graves putting over Bryan's win tonight even if it was an easy one. Erick Rowan as this is going on has gone to the timekeeper's area and grabbed a microphone from one of the people at ringside. Erick Rowan slides into the ring and passes the microphone to Bryan who looks to address the live crowd.

Daniel Bryan: And once again your planet's champion is victorious!

Boos from the crowd as Daniel Bryan lifts the hemp WWE title into the air.

Daniel Bryan: But once again I have to find my own way to get my message out to the people! No instead of interviewing a man with an important message we are giving interviews and time to losers like Ricochet!

Daniel Bryan shakes his head.

Daniel Bryan: Someone like him doesn't need time to speak. I have an important message to tell people even if you morons won't listen!

More boos from the live crowd as Daniel Bryan shakes his head.

Daniel Bryan: Ricochet says I talk too much? I talk so much because I need to. I need to save this planet from you fans! However, I'm a man of action and soon Ricochet will see the consequences of those actions!

Daniel Bryan tosses the microphone to the mat as the crowd carries on booing the planet's champion as they leave the ring. Byron Saxton and Corey Graves wonder what Daniel Bryan means when he says that. The camera then cuts backstage as we can see The Corporation walking out of Shane McMahon's office with the Smackdown live commissioner leading the way. However, as they are leaving Shane McMahon is approached by the queen Charlotte Flair. Shane sighs as he sends the rest of the Corporation to the ring as he looks to speak to Charlotte.

Shane McMahon: Charlotte listen I know what you are going to say...

Charlotte: Yes I knew you would see sense and realize I was screwed by Asuka! She cheated to win the match by kicking the ropes! I should be added to the Summerslam title match like Drew was.

Shane McMahon: No.

Charlotte who up till this point had a smug smile on her face now looks angry and shocked.

Charlotte: What do you mean no?

Shane McMahon: Charlotte, my father had faith in you and I shared that same faith but honestly when was the last time you won a big match? I have given you chance after chance to earn a title shot and you have lost every time so Charlotte the answer is no. Now if you'll excuse me I have a main event to prepare for.

Shane McMahon walks off as Charlotte stands there looking furious as she can't believe Shane McMahon refused to give her a chance to fight for the Smackdown Women's title at Summerslam.

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Big E: Oooh Manchester, New Hampshire. Don't you dare be sour. Clap your hands for your world-famous five-time tag team champions and feel the power!


As we return from the commercial break The New Day are making their way to the ring led by the WWE Champion Kofi Kingston to the delight of the fans. Both Big E and Xavier Woods are doing their usual antics as they slide into the ring ready for the main event.


The Corporation makes their way out to the ring next lead by the Smackdown commissioner and one of the two number one contender's to the WWE title at Summerslam Drew McIntyre. They are followed by the two men actually competing in this match Baron Corbin and Elias who look to recover from their loss at The Great American Bash. Byron Saxton on commentary worries about the number advantage at ringside but that soon changes as...


The Miz makes his way out to the ring, slightly slower than usual due to the damage done to his right leg in his battle with Daniel Bryan last night. Corey Graves on commentary complains about this and says The Miz has no business being out here. However Bryon counters maybe he wants to even the score after Baron Corbin and Elias screwed him over last night! The Miz fist bumps Kofi as in the ring Xavier Woods and Elias start the match for their team getting this underway.

Main Event: New Day w/Kofi Kingston and The Miz vs Elias and Baron Corbin w/Drew McIntyre and Shane McMahon

Match summary: This ends up being a decent main event tag team match with The New Day controlling the start of the match and outmatching their rivals in the Corporation due to their experience as a tag team. However, Corbin and Elias after a distraction from Shane McMahon takes control of the match and starts to work over Xavier Woods building to the hot tag!

Xavier though refuses to give in and eventually escapes from Elias which allows him to make the hot tag and bring Big E into the match! From there the power of Big E takes over as he takes down Corbin who is now in the ring but also takes care of Elias! Shane McMahon at this point gets onto the apron but The Miz attacks him stopping him from getting involved!

This causes Drew McIntyre to get involved and he starts to argue with The Miz until Kofi Kingston takes him down as the pair starts to brawl around the ringside area. Back in the ring, Corbin tries to use the distraction to go for the End of Days but Big E escapes taking down Baron Corbin! Big E then lifts Corbin up as he tags in Xavier Woods and the pair hit UPUPDOWNDOWN as Xavier Woods makes the cover 1 2 Big E takes down Elias 3 The New Day pick up the win!

Winner via pinfall: New Day (9:17)

The match may be over but the brawl is still going on by the entrance ramp as Drew drops Kofi Kingston onto his back on the entrance ramp, targeting it after the damage Randy Orton did two nights ago! The Miz is brawling with Shane McMahon (as Shane is throwing his god awful punches), Big E and Xavier Woods in the ring don't spend too long celebrating as they look to go after Drew who has dropped Kofi! Xavier Woods slides out of the ring first but gets his head taken off with a CLAYMORE!

Big E and Drew McIntyre then come face to face as the two big men start brawling with each other. It is an even fight until Elias and Corbin come over. Kofi gets back up taking down Corbin and Elias with a running crossbody to the pair! Drew plants Big E with a futureshock DDT as he and Kofi come face to face and once again Drew gains the upper hand taking advantage of the knock Kofi took against Randy Orton as this hits...


Roman Reigns makes his way out as he charges down the ramp and he takes down Drew McIntyre with a SPEAR wiping his rival out. Meanwhile Miz The hits Shane McMahon with the SKULL CRUSHING FINALE laying out the commissioner on the other side of the ring. Xavier Woods and Big E take care of Elias and Baron Corbin as the faces all stand tall as the closing image for Smackdown Live is Kofi Kingston and Roman Reigns coming face to face ahead of Summerslam. In the background though we can see an angry Drew McIntyre struggling to his feet in the background as we fade to black.

Matches announced for next week:

Number one contender's triple threat match for the Intercontinental title at Summerslam:
Buddy Murphy vs Ricochet vs Finn Balor

Matchcard for Summerslam:
August 11th
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Universal title match:
Seth Rollins (c) vs Brock Lesnar

WWE title triple threat match:
Kofi Kingston (c) vs Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre

Raw Women's title match:
Becky Lynch (c) vs Sasha Banks or Bayley

Smackdown Women's title match:
Becky Lynch (c) vs Asuka

Cruiserweight title match:
Rey Mysterio (c) vs Oney Lorcan

Intercontinental title match:
Luke Harper (c) vs Buddy Murphy or Finn Balor or Ricochet

Past vs Future:
Goldberg vs Matt Riddle

EWR Rating:

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Reactions: Sky and Chris

Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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Monday Night Raw:
July 15

Uniondale, New York


After the normal video package to open Monday Night Raw we get straight down to business as the boos reign down as the Beast Incarnate and his advocate Paul Heyman make their way to the ring. Michael Cole and Big Show on commentary welcome us to the show as they remind us of the destruction Brock Lesnar caused on his return to Monday Night Raw last week.

The pair then tell us during the week we learned Aleister Black will be out of action for 6 weeks due to a broken arm. This was caused by the lethal kimura lock which Brock put on Black's during his heinous assault at the end of last week's show. They also mention Seth Rollins is not here tonight, having been given the night off by the Raw commissioner Paige to recover from his injuries in time for Summerslam.

Big Show brings up his numerous fights with Brock Lesnar in the past and says there is no one quite like him. Michael Cole however once again calls the attack heinous and criticizes the actions of Brock Lesnar. Big Show agrees and says it ruined what was shaping up to be a great Universal title match. The camera then cuts back to the ring as Brock Lesnar is standing in the ring jumping up and down as Paul Heyman gets ready to speak.

Paul Heyman: Hello, my name is Paul Heyman. And this is my client BROCCCCCCK LESSSSSSNAR!

Boos from the crowd as Brock starts laughing. Paul Heyman meanwhile looks to continue.

Paul Heyman: And last week, well last week you got a taste of what my client is capable of. Last week was just a little taste of what he is going to do to Seth Rollins at Summerslam!

Paul Heyman is walking up and down the ring.

Paul Heyman: Seth did you really think my client would forget what happened at Wrestlemania? Did you think he would never come back? My client has been waiting to get his revenge on his terms.

Brock at this point smiles as Paul Heyman looks to carry on his speech.

Paul Heyman: The only reason you walked out as Universal champion is due to you cheating. You had to cheat to survive and now you made the Beast mad. See if you just took your beating at Wrestlemania, Brock would have left it at that and would have gone on to his next conquest! But you had to steal my client's title!

Boos from the crowd as Michael Cole reminds us that Brock was the one who cheated first attacking Seth before the match could even begin.

Paul Heyman: But Brock is a benevolent monster. He was happy to let you have your moment in the sun as he knows he can destroy you any time he wants. I mean you barely survived Bobby Lashley, you barely survived the Elimination Chamber and if my client did not come out last week you might not have survived Aleister Black.

Paul Heyman after saying his name takes a moment to pause and lift a finger into the air.

Paul Heyman: Poor Aleister Black. Now I know you might want to come looking for revenge but that would be a big mistake. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

More boos from the crowd as Brock in the background does a snap motion as he taunts the crowd.

Paul Heyman: But if you come looking for a fight, Brock Lesnar will give it to you so think very careful whilst that arm heals.

The crowd are now booing Heyman even more as he lets out another one of his signature evil smiles and looks to carry on.

Paul Heyman: However I think Aleister Black is a smart man so when I say this, I'm not scared of a failed attempt at retribution. Now back to business, Brock Lesnar wants to end Seth Rollins's career so at Summerslam it will be a NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH!

For the first time tonight the crowd cheer Heyman but the advocate looks confused.

Paul Heyman: Why are you cheering? My client is not just going to beat Seth Rollins. He is going to eviscerate him! He is going to violate him! He is going to end Seth Rollins's career just like that! And then my client BROCCCCCCK LESSSSSSNAR will once again be your reigning, defending Universal champion of the world!

Brock once again starts jumping up and down on the spot.

Paul Heyman: And that's not a prediction, that's a spoiler!

Mic drop as Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar walk off with the fans booing the hell out of the pair. Michael Cole on commentary meanwhile says what does that mean for Summerslam as Seth might not be 100% but he has to fight Brock Lesnar in a match where anything goes! Big Show says it might be the only way Seth Rollins has a chance against the Beast but any weapons Seth uses, Brock can as well.

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When we return from the commercial break, Tony Nese starts to make his way to the ring getting a decent reaction from the live crowd in part due to him being from New York. Tony Nese once again shows off his abs, impressing a few of the ladies and men in the crowd. We then get a quick video recap showing Oney Lorcan attacking Tony Nese backstage a few weeks ago and tonight is a chance for Tony Nese to get revenge.


Oney Lorcan makes his way out next after the commercial break looking in an angry mood as always. Michael Cole reminds us that Oney Lorcan is the number one contender for the Cruiserweight title and will be taking on Rey Mysterio at Summerslam. Big Show says Oney will need to make sure he gets the job done tonight as Tony Nese knows a win would put him back into the Cruiserweight title picture.

Match 1: Tony Nese vs Oney Lorcan

Match summary: Both men start this off fast, with Tony Nese looking for payback after the cheap shot backstage a few weeks ago. Tony Nese is more fired up than usual due to being in his home state and this forces Oney Lorcan to take a powder on the outside after the early barrage, frustrating Oney Lorcan. Oney slides back into the ring as the two men start fighting once again but this time Oney takes control with several brutal forearms.

Oney keeps up the aggression but Tony Nese stays competitive throughout the match with his athleticism. However, as the match goes along Oney slowly wears down Tony Nese and batters him getting heat from the home state crowd. In the end, Oney has Tony Nese struggling on the mat and hits him with the half and half suplex. Oney makes the cover 1 2 3. Oney picks up the win and carries on his momentum for Summerslam!

Winner via pinfall: Oney Lorcan (11:19)

Oney Lorcan gets to his feet but doesn't smile instead looking angry as he gets to his feet raising his finger in the air. Michael Cole gives Tony Nese credit for his performance tonight and says he brought the fight in his home town tonight. Big Show pipes in saying Oney may just give his friend Rey Mysterio a tough challenge at Summerslam.

Oney storms up the ramp as he shouts “Rey are you watching?” before heading off. Tony Nese meanwhile talks to some of the fans at ringside getting some support from his home state fans. We then cut to a backstage area as The Street Profits are stood ready to speak. They have their red cups and look in a party mood.

Angelo Dawkins: Yo Montez, last week we arrived my brother.

Montez Ford: That we did. We came for the smoke, we found the smoke and we won!

Angelo Dawkins: Two former United States champions and we beat em!

Montez Ford: And if that ain't a reason to party, I don't know what is!

Both men start to dance and have fun as but Angelo stops dancing for a moment after realizing something.

Angelo Dawkins: Yeah but Montez what's next?

Montez Ford: What's next? What's next? We keep looking for the smoke.

Angelo Dawkins: Tell em.

Montez Ford: And we keep beating all the teams. Every single one until we get those Raw tag team titles and you know why Dawkins?

Angelo Dawkins: Oh I know, do they know?

Montez Ford: Cause we want the smoke.

Angelo Dawkins: Tell em.

Montez Ford: We want the smoke.

Both men start dancing and singing, having fun again as they make it clear they have their eyes on the Raw tag team titles.

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When we return from the commercial break we see the Raw commissioner on the phone with someone.

Paige: Yes, I'm not happy about Brock's actions either but the contract was already drawn up. No, I only agreed to the match stipulation after speaking to Seth.

As she is talking we see the door open as Fire and Desire walk into the room. Paige sees them taking a moment to put her hand up signaling for the pair to wait.

Paige: Is it alright if I call you back Hunter? Thanks.

Paige hangs up the phone and turns her attention to the pair.

Paige: Girls I'm very busy so can you make this quick.

Mandy Rose: Make this quick? Have you been watching what has happened on your own show.

Sonya Deville: We have not only been robbed of the Women's tag team titles but also Bayley got lucky against both of us and one of us two should be in the main event tonight!

Paige: I mean it seems to me Bayley beat you both fair and square.

Sonya Deville: Yeah but what about the tag team titles?

Mandy Rose: What's stopping us from ruining your main event tonight? Why should we not get revenge after they cheated to beat us for the tag team titles?

Paige looks annoyed at her former allies before sighing.

Paige: I will make you two a deal. Yes, Sasha did cheat against you so in two weeks you will get a rematch for the WWE Women's tag team titles.

Both members of Fire and Desire smile happy to have gotten what they wanted.

Paige: However there are two conditions. One you stay away from the main event tonight. I don't want any interference in the main event. And two next week whoever wins will have an official contract signing with the Man Becky Lynch so you will stay away from that as well. If you don't I will cancel your tag team titles match. Do you two understand?

Mandy Rose: Of course we do Paige.

Sonya Deville: You remember our absolution days? You know you can trust us.

Paige: That's the exact reason I don't. Now if you will excuse me I have business to conduct in my house so leave.

Fire and Desire smile before walking out of the room as Paige starts typing numbers into her phone and goes back to business. We then cut to the commentary team at ringside who tells us they have footage that was filmed earlier on in the night. The camera cuts to the car park as one-half of the WWE Women's tag team champions Bayley is making her way into the arena ahead of her main event number one contender's match against her tag team partner Sasha Banks. As she is walking towards the building she is approached by the pirate princess Kairi Sane.

Bayley: Hey Kairi, how are you.

Both women hug each other though Kairi still looks a little upset.

Bayley: What's up Kairi you OK?

Kairi Sane: Last week Sasha cheated to beat me. I thought she had honor.

Bayley is unsure how to respond, as she also disagrees with Banks's tactics and cheating.

Bayley: Listen I know Sasha uses some tricks that I don't agree with but that is just who she is.

Kairi Sane: But won't she do that to you tonight?

Bayley looks unsure but before she can say anything Sasha Banks the other half of the WWE Women's tag team champions approaches both women. Kairi Sane seems a little worried now Banks is here.

Sasha Banks: Hey Kairi, listen I hope there are no hard feelings about last week. I just follow the mantra of my idol Eddie. If you ain't cheating you ain't trying. C'mon Bayley we both have to get ready as we are going to tear it up once again!

Sasha Banks grabs Bayley by the arm as the pair walk off leaving the pirate princess stood in the car park worried about her friend Bayley.

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We return from the commercial break as The Ascension make their way to the ring getting a fairly muted response from the live crowd. Michael Cole as they walk to the ring says this match tonight is important as the winner will face the in-form Lucha Dragons in a number one contender's match for the Raw Tag team titles next week. Big Show says the tag team division is really starting to hot up again as he also mentions the Street Profits debuting last week.

*GO, GO, GO*

The B-Team make their way out next also getting little reaction from the live crowd though Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel are able to get a few cheers with their goofy antics. The Ascension in the ring, however, do not look impressed. Viktor steps into the ring to start for the Ascension whilst Curtis Axel starts for the B-Team.

Match 2: B-Team vs The Ascension

Match summary: This is a fairly short match between two of the lower on the totem pole tag teams. The Ascension ends up getting frustrated by the B-Team's antics but they are unable to stop the B-Team from picking up the win as they hit Konnor with a Belly to back suplex (dallas)/ Neckbreaker (Axel) combo. Curtis Axel makes the cover as Bo Dallas takes care of Viktor and the B-Team pick up the win!

Winners via pinfall: B-Team (4:20)

The B-Team in the ring celebrate like they just won the Raw tag team titles as they get a few laughs and cheers from the crowd. Big Show wonders if they can pull off the upset win next week against the in-form Lucha Dragons. The camera then cuts to the backstage area as The Club are walking to the ring as we cut to a commercial break.

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AJ Styles leads the way getting a mixed reaction from the live crowd as he is followed by his two boys who have their Raw tag team titles on their shoulders. Michael Cole reminds us of what happened last week as Curt Hawkins beat AJ Styles in the center of the ring! Big Show does mention it was down to interference from Mustafa Ali but for someone like Curt Hawkins, a win is a win. The camera then pans to show a few Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder signs with the pair being hometown heroes in New York. AJ Styles now has a microphone as all 3 members of the Club are stood in the ring ready to speak.

AJ Styles: Last week, I got screwed.

Cheers from the crowd happy AJ got screwed over in his match with Curt Hawkins.

AJ Styles: There is no other way a loser like Curt Hawkins could beat someone like me!

AJ Styles is fuming as he paces around the ring like a mad man.

AJ Styles: Mustafa Ali I want you to come out here right now!

AJ Styles looks furious as he and The Club wait in the ring for the popular high-flier. It takes a few moments but eventually...


Mustafa Ali makes his way out, sans his usual ring attire and is instead wearing a hoodie and jeans as he walks about halfway down the ramp holding a microphone.

Mustafa Ali: Do you not like it when someone gives you a taste of your own medicine? You and your gang of thugs cost me my match with Bobby Lashley last week.

AJ Styles: You got lucky against me in the Elimination Chamber! You needed to be taught a lesson. But clearly, you didn't.

Mustafa Ali: A lesson? AJ I know I can beat you once again. And last week? I saw a gang of bullies trying to use their power to bully someone else. So yeah I evened the score so Curt Hawkins could win!

Loud cheers from the crowd especially for the mention of the home state boy as AJ is almost ready to throw a temper tantrum in the ring.

Mustafa Ali: And hey if you want a one on one match right now let's do it.

AJ Styles: No no no. We will fight on my terms, not yours! But maybe it is time for us to teach you the lesson one more time!

AJ drops the microphone as he and The Club slide out of the ring looking to attack Mustafa Ali. Ali being the never say die person he is gets ready for a fight even if it is 3 on 1. However, before The Club gets to Mustafa Ali...


Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder sprint down the ramp getting a loud pop from the New York crowd as they go straight for the Raw tag team champions. Big Show on commentary says they have never seen Curt Hawkins this fired up! Whilst both Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins take care of the Raw tag team champions Mustafa Ali fights off AJ Styles! Mustafa Ali takes control as he plants AJ Styles to the mat and he rolls him into the ring.

Meanwhile, The Club are fighting Ryder and Hawkins but the pair get them into the ring as the battle carries on. All 3 of the faces take control of the brawl as they overwhelm the Club, with Ryder and Hawkins seemingly gaining a boost from the home town crowd but Hawkins seems on another level having beaten AJ Styles last week! They end up laying out all 3 members of the Club on the mat. All 3 men look at each other as they have an idea.

They all climb to a corner of the ring each before diving off as Mustafa Ali hits AJ Styles with the 054 whilst Hawkins and Ryder hit the Good Brothers with elbow drops each getting loud pops from the crowd! All 3 men stand tall as The Club are down and out in the center of the ring as the Mustafa Ali lifts Hawkins and Ryder's arms up into the air as the New York crowd let out loud cheers for all 3 men as they stand tall in the ring having once again gained the upper hand over the Club.

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We return from the commercial break as a dazed Club walk through the back. They look in a bad mood having been shown up tonight by Mustafa Ali, Curt Hawkins, and Zack Ryder. As they are walking we see the Raw commissioner herself Paige approach the group as AJ looks to rant.

AJ Styles: Did you see what just happened out there?

Paige: I did.

AJ Styles: And you're going to let your top superstars get treated like that? You are going to let your Raw tag team champions be humiliated?

Paige: The way I see it AJ, you reap what you sow.

Paige makes sure to point at the Raw tag team champions as she says the next line.

Paige: You two attacked Mustafa Ali before his match last week. Did you think he wouldn't get payback?

Both men stand there silent as AJ goes to respond as Paige turns her attention back to him.

Paige: And as for yourself. You want to talk about how Mustafa Ali pinning you inside the Elimination Chamber was a fluke? Well, I am giving you both 3 weeks to prepare for each other so there are no excuses. In 3 weeks on Monday Night Raw it will be you versus Mustafa Ali!

AJ Styles shakes his head clearly disagreeing but keeps his mouth shut as Paige is clearly not done.

Paige: But next week since Curt Hawkins did beat AJ Styles I think he deserves a reward!

AJ Styles: What? He only beat me thanks to Mustafa Ali!

Paige: But he did beat you. And you said that would never happen. And since this is my house I will make the decisions! So next week the Raw Tag team titles will be on the line as your boys Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson will take on Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins!

Paige walks off as Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows shake their heads. AJ meanwhile stands there about to explode before storming off clearly unhappy with what just transpired. We cut back to the commentary team at ringside who hype up not only the Raw tag team titles match next week but also Mustafa Ali taking on AJ Styles in 3 weeks time!


Boos from the live crowd as the cocky as ever EC3 makes his way to the ring followed by his manager and tag team partner tonight Drake Maverick. Michael Cole reminds us of what happened two weeks ago with Drake Maverick costing Tyler Breeze the match leading to Breeze agreeing to a handicap match tonight. Big Show says he can see why Breeze wanted this match as he knows he is going to have to deal with Drake Maverick either way.


Tyler Breeze makes his way out for this match but there is less posing then usual as he makes his way down the ramp, looking to get a measure of payback on EC3 and Drake Maverick. He steps into the ring as EC3 starts for his team, with Drake Maverick mouthing off from the ring apron as the match gets underway.

Match 3: Handicap match: Tyler Breeze vs EC3 and Drake Maverick

Match summary: Tyler Breeze is in control in the early stages of the match as EC3 struggles to keep up with Tyler Breeze. However Drake Maverick keeps getting involved throughout the match, never tagging in but still causing issues for Tyler Breeze. And the numbers game once again proves to be the difference. Tyler Breeze is about to go for the Supermodel kick on EC3 but Drake Maverick runs in, pushing EC3 out of the way and taking the bullet for his friend! Breeze turns around looking to go after EC3 but EC3 hits him with The One Percent (Fireman's Carry Cutter). EC3 makes the cover 1 2 3 EC3 and Drake Maverick picks up the win!

Winner via pinfall: EC3 and Drake Maverick (7:12)

EC3 gets to his feet letting out a smug smirk, happy to have picked up the win tonight even if it was in a handicap match. The crowd reign down boos not happy with the result as EC3 helps lift his manager to his feet, who is still dazed after being clobbered with the supermodel kick to the head. Michael Cole says Drake Maverick once again proved to be the difference and stopped Tyler Breeze at every opportunity allowing EC3 to pick up the win.

EC3, after raising his manager's hand into the air and celebrating his victory, looks at the rising Tyler Breeze and look to attack him after the match. The referee tries to tell them to stop but the pair are not done. EC3 grabs hold of Tyler Breeze and plants him with the One Percenter this time! EC3 then tells Drake Maverick to make his way to the top rope, which he does as he seems to be setting up to hit something until this music hits...

It's Tyler Breeze's tag team partner Fandango! The crowd let out a decent pop as he struts onto the top of the entrance ramp getting a decent reaction from the live crowd. He takes a moment to soak it in before sprinting down the ramp as he looks to make the save! Drake Maverick looks to fly off the top rope and dive onto Fandango... but Fandango catches him and plants him with a falcon arrow on the ring floor!

Drake is down and out as Fandango looks to slide into the ring to get his hands on EC3 but the top one-percenter takes the cowards way out. He retreats up the ramp and flees to the back leaving Drake Maverick behind! Michael Cole makes sure to remind the fans watching at home that these two were a team before Fandango got injured. Once inside the ring, Fandango makes sure to check on his friend Tyler Breeze as he helps him to his feet. Breeze takes a moment to wake up before hugging his friend in the center of the ring getting a pop from the crowd as they stand tall in the ring with Drake Maverick out cold outside the ring and EC3 long gone.

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As we return from the commercial break we see Shinsuke Nakamura is sat in a booth at what seems to be a bar. He has a drink in his hand as he stares at the camera. The following is translated from Japanese to English with subtitles.

Shinsuke Nakamura: Dōshite? Hitobito wa sono riyū o shiritaidesu ka? Rusefu o utsu riyū.

English Translation: Why? People want to know why? Why I hit Rusev?

Shinsuke lets out a troll-like smirk.

Shinsuke Nakamura: Naze kare o hakonda no ka tazune rarerubekidesu.

English Translation: I should be asked why I carried him.

Shinsuke looks annoyed but carries on.

Shinsuke Nakamura: Lana wa, chīmu ga hataraki, watashitachi o toppu ni tsureteiku to ittaga, shippaishita. Sorede watashi wa senshū sore o shūryō shimashita, soshite, rusefu ga kashikoinaraba, kare wa watashi kara hanarerudeshou. Kare wa watashi no jikan no kachi ga arimasen.

English Translation: Lana told me the team would work and take us to the top but it failed. So I ended it last week and if Rusev was smart he would stay away from me. He is not worth my time.

Shinsuke Nakamura finishes his drink and just lets out a troll-like smirk as we cut to a gym as once again Chad Gable is training with Sheamus. We also get to see clips from Sheamus's Celtic Warrior workouts. Kurt Angle is in the background as Gable is really being put through the wringer with these hard workouts by Sheamus. However, Angle once again nods like a proud dad. As Chad Gable is carrying on his workout we see Angle walk over to Sheamus.

Kurt Angle: How do you think the workout is going?

Sheamus: I think he's will be ready to return to Raw better than ever soon fella.

Kurt Angle: And yourself?

Sheamus smiles slightly though he is clearly a little upset.

Sheamus: I'm a while away yet fella.

Chad Gable finishes working out and comes over to the two men who have been helping him train over the last few weeks.

Chad Gable: What you two talking about?

Kurt Angle: Sheamus and I were both talking about the next steps. Next week we are going to be working on your intelligence and watching tapes.

Chad Gable lets out a smile before he turns to Sheamus and offers him a handshake.

Chad Gable: Thank you for your help Sheamus.

Sheamus: It's been my pleasure fella. You've probably sped up my recovery so you've done me a favor.

Sheamus shakes his hand as Chad Gable lets out a smile as they both leave the gym Sheamus has been using to work out with Sheamus letting out a smile as he goes back to working out.

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Drew Gulak makes his way out to the ring, getting some boos from the live crowd as he walks to the ring for the first time since he came up just short against the legendary Rey Mysterio for the Cruiserweight title. Big Show puts over that performance but tells us Drew Gulak faces a different kind of challenge tonight as he takes on the Ultimate Bro Matt Riddle.


Matt Riddle makes his way out next with his jacket and flip flops on, as usual, getting a good reaction from the live crowd. The commentary team brings up his match with Goldberg at Summerslam but this match will be a very different challenge for him. Big Show tells us that he was speaking to Drew earlier tonight who mentioned their past and that these two know each other inside out having teamed together a few times.

Big Show also adds that Matt Riddle asked for this match to test himself and get ready for the biggest match of his career. Matt Riddle once in the ring is all smiles as he looks at his former tag team partner and offers him a handshake. Drew Gulak takes a moment but surprisingly accepting showing respect to Matt Riddle ahead of this match. Both men get to their corners as the referee calls for the bell getting this underway.

Match 4: Matt Riddle vs Drew Gulak

Match summary: Both people know each other inside out from their catchpoint days so the opening few moments of this match is these two men trying to out grapple each other in the center of the ring. A lot of people would expect Drew to win this exchange but Matt Riddle shows off his insane versatility and actually ends up winning a lot of the technical exchanges between the pair.

Gulak tries to follow this up by going for more strikes but that proves to be a mistake as Riddle batters him and takes him down. However, Gulak thinking quickly catches Matt Riddle in an armbar! Riddle struggles in the hold but finds a way to the ropes which forces Gulak to break the hold. Gulak though has a limb he can target and goes to work trying to force a tap out from Riddle.

Matt Riddle is in trouble as Gulak really tries to work over his arm but Matt Riddle survives and powers out of Gulak's submission offense taking control of the match. He traps Gulak in the center of the ring and starts clobbering him with elbow strike after elbow strike. Riddle gets off about ten before transitions into the BROMISSION (twister submission hold). Gulak is a technical expert but he realizes there is no way out of the hold and taps out giving Riddle the win!

Winner via submission: Matt Riddle (7:40)

As soon as the bell rings, Matt Riddle lets go of the hold as Drew Gulak gasps for air. Riddle now the match is over looks super happy and relaxed after picking up the win in a hard-fought contest with Drew Gulak. Drew gets back to his feet as well with Riddle offering him a brofist. The stoic Drew Gulak takes a second before giving one back, once again showing respect to his former stablemate Matt Riddle. Riddle takes a moment to sell his arm before asking for a microphone from someone at ringside as he looks to speak.

Matt Riddle: Now that is a tough opponent. I picked Drew Gulak to fight tonight because I know that bro will always give me one hell of a fight. And it was to prove a point.

Matt Riddle wipes the sweat off his brow as he carries on.

Matt Riddle: If Goldberg had to fight someone for 7 minutes, he would be passed out on the mat exhausted! The guy has no stamina. But me I can do it all. I have the power game, the technical game. I can finish a match in 3 minutes or I can finish a match in 25 minutes. I ain't a one-trick pony like Goldberg!

Matt Riddle is getting more and more fired up as he speaks.

Matt Riddle: But trust me when I say this, I will beat the brute at his own game!

Mixed reaction from the crowd with some favoring the legend whilst some favor Matt Riddle's brash attitude.

Matt Riddle: Last week you called me a punk kid who needed to be taught a lesson? I can't see what lesson that is since unlike you I know how to wrestle!

An ooooh reaction from the crowd as Matt Riddle looks to carry on.

Matt Riddle: But since you want to teach me a lesson so bad, how about next week you repeat what you said to my face bro!

Matt Riddle tosses the microphone down having sent his message to Goldberg getting a mixed reaction once again from the live crowd. Matt Riddle marches up the ramp as both members of the commentary team wonder if making Goldberg angry is a good idea considering how quickly he has destroyed people in the past. Big Show says Goldberg is nearly unbeatable and it must take a lot of self-confidence on Riddle's part to think he can beat him. Michael Cole wonders if it is stupidity, however. We then cut backstage as we can see the Boss 'n' Hug Connection are both training backstage, getting ready for the main event of tonight's show. Both of them are silent as Bayley stops for a moment and turns to Sasha Banks.

Bayley: Sasha?

Sasha Banks stops as well and turns to her best friend.

Sasha Banks: What is it, Bayley?

Bayley: I was just thinking about Kairi said to me earlier. Are you going to cheat against me?

Sasha Banks: Bayley as your friend I can promise that I won't try to cheat tonight.

Bayley: Can I trust you?

Sasha Banks: Of course you can now give me a hug.

Bayley: OK Sasha I trust you.

Both women embrace as Sasha Banks lets out an evil smirk signaling she has no intention to play it fair in the main event tonight.

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Samoa Joe marches out to the ring with his US title over his shoulder with a smug look on his face. Michael Cole on commentary wonders who his next challenger will be and who could possibly stop Samoa Joe with the run he has been on recently. Big Show says Joe has been champion for 139 days now and is showing no signs of stopping any time soon. Joe meanwhile stands in the ring as he looks into the crowd.

Samoa Joe: People talk about what it means to be a champion. Well just look at me and this title!

Joe lifts the United States title into the air showing it off to the live crowd.

Samoa Joe: People can talk about the Universal title but I am the true top champion on this brand. I am the most dominant superstar on this brand.

Boos from the crowd but Joe looks to carry on.

Samoa Joe: Look at the Cruiserweight champion. I beat him in minutes at Wrestlemania!

Joe lifts up his left hand as he places 1 finger in the air for emphasis.

Samoa Joe: And look at the Universal champion. Where is he right now?

Boos from the crowd as Samoa Joe lets out an evil smirk.

Samoa Joe: There is no one on Monday Night Raw who can beat me when it comes to power. When it comes to strength. When it comes to being a monster.


Samoa Joe turns to the entrance ramp as we see the monster among men himself appear on the entrance ramp as he lets out a massive roar marching to the ring. Big Show says we might have found the one man on the Monday Night Raw roster who can match Samoa Joe when it comes to power and being a monster. He steps over the ropes and is now stood face to face with Samoa Joe as the two monsters stare each other down.

Braun Strowman: You ain't a monster. I am!

Cheers from the crowd as both of the big men stand in the ring staring each other down. Samoa Joe considers saying something but instead clocks Braun Strowman with the microphone getting boos from the crowd. Joe smiles happy to have gained the upper hand as he climbs on top of Braun Strowman and starts laying into the giant, hitting him with several punches to the head. Samoa Joe is in control as the crowd boo the hell out of him.

He gets off of Braun as he stalks the monster among men from behind as he looks for the coquina clutch but Braun overpowers him and sends him flying backwards! Samoa Joe bounces off the ropes as Braun catches him on the rebound with a shoulderblock! Braun then using his incredible strength lifts Samoa Joe up and hits him with a massive running powerslam to cheers from the live crowd. Braun looks down at the United States title and lets out a massive roar as he holds it in the air to the delight of the fans as maybe a sign of things to come?

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When we return from the commercial break we can see Ariya Davari stood in the ring getting no reaction from the live crowd. The commentary team focuses on what we saw before the break and wonder if Braun Strowman is next in line for a United States title shot.


Cesaro makes his way out to the ring for the singles match as he is joined by his manager Zelina Vega and his new ally Andrade Cien Almas who is holding his Money in the Bank briefcase. Zelina Vega herself has a microphone as she looks to address the live crowd.

Zelina Vega: All week I have been asked why my client Andrade Cien Almas did not cash in last week. Well, I will enlighten you morons who don't understand business.

Cheap heat as Andrade and Cesaro smirk standing behind Zelina Vega who carries on.

Zelina Vega: We were not in the building last week. We were attending to business elsewhere. We were on a scouting mission to look for my next client.

Zelina passes the microphone over to Cesaro who looks to speak.

Cesaro: And thanks to my skills with five different languages we can find the right clients all over the globe.

Zelina Vega: But trust me when I say this. Andrade will cash in his briefcase when the time is right not when you people want it!

Boos from the live crowd as Cesaro steps into the ring with Andrade Cien Almas and Zelina Vega staying on the outside. Cesaro cranks his neck as he gets ready to show us why Zelina wanted to be his manager.

Match 5: Cesaro w/Andrade Cien Almas and Zelina Vega vs Ariya Davari

Match summary: Cesaro doesn't let Davari get a single move off just overwhelming him with an array of uppercuts and power moves. Cesaro would even finish off Ariya Davari with a particular brutal Swiss Death (Pop-up European uppercut) once again reminding everyone who may have forgot just how good he is.

Winner via pinfall: Cesaro (2:02)

Cesaro gets his fists and taunts the crowd with the usual shotgun arm salute. Zelina Vega and Andrade Cien Almas both celebrate in the ring which goes on for a while. The commentary team once again put over how good Cesaro is as Big Show reminds us of the Andre the Giant battle royal where Cesaro eliminated him. All 3 would then leave the ring but they stop halfway up the entrance ramp as this plays...


Rey Mysterio the Cruiserweight champion makes his way out to the ring getting a loud pop from the live crowd. Andrade Cien Almas does not react well and glares at Rey Mysterio leading to a showdown on the entrance ramp. Both men stare each other ready to fight but then this music hits:


Humberto Carrillo sprints down the ramp making it now a two on two stare down between the group with him looking at Cesaro. Zelina, however, tells her clients to leave it. Cesaro walks off straight away but Andrade spends a little longer staring down Rey Mysterio before leaving as the commentary team reminds us of the rivalry between these two before Wrestlemania. Once both men have left and headed towards the back Humberto Carrillo carries on his entrance walking to the ring with Rey Mysterio as the commentary team tell us they will be in action against the Singh Brothers after the commercial break!

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Match 6: Singh Brothers vs Rey Mysterio and Humberto Carrillo

Match summary: The Singh Brothers entrance happens during the commercial break so when we come back the match is underway. The Singh Brothers try to use teamwork to defeat the team of Rey Mysterio and Humberto Carrillo in this match but the pair are too good for the Singh Brothers and Rey Mysterio hits Sunil Singh with a 619 as Humberto hits a rounding moonsault giving Rey and Humberto the win!

Winners via pinfall: Rey Mysterio and Humberto Carrillo (5:22)

Rey Mysterio and Humberto Carrillo celebrate in the ring having picked up the win tonight in the center of the ring. The commentary team makes sure to put over Humberto Carrillo and mention him as someone who has a bright future in WWE. Rey Mysterio being the nice guy he is, chooses to leave Humberto Carrillo in the ring, allowing the youngster to have his moment celebrating with the fans.

Rey Mysterio starts to walk up the ramp however as he walks up the ramp he gets taken out by a FOREARM SHOT FROM ONEY LORCAN! Boos reign down as the number one contender for the Cruiserweight title starts battering Rey Mysterio on the entrance ramp. Humberto Carrillo seeing this leaves the ring and gives chase looking to get his hands on Oney Lorcan!

However, Oney sees Humberto coming and gets out of dodge quickly as he looks to avoid retribution for his cheap attack just now. Humberto once Oney Lorcan has been chased off checks on Rey Mysterio making sure the legend is OK. Big Show on commentary says Oney was trying to send a message to Rey ahead of Summerslam but he may have just angered the legend instead. Rey meanwhile on the entrance ramp gets to his feet rubbing his head as he assures Humberto Carrillo he is OK.

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When we return from the commercial break we cut to Rusev stood backstage as he seems to be watching something on TV. Lana walks into the room and asks Rusev what is he watching. It soon becomes clear as the camera shows us Rusev watching the Shinsuke Nakamura promo from earlier tonight.

Rusev: I'm going to crush him!

Lana: Rusev...

Rusev: No Lana. He needs to pay for what he has done. I know you wanted this team to work but he needs to pay.

Lana puts her hand on Rusev's chest stopping him as she smiles

Lana: Rusev... I want you to crush him!

Lana would then grab her husband and snog his face off bringing a smile to his face.

Lana: And it will be a glorious Rusev day!

Rusev smiles and then once again goes back to kissing his wife as we cut back to the ring as the commentary team start to hype up the main event for tonight's show as Bayley and Sasha Banks the WWE Women's tag team champions go head to head with the winner fighting Becky Lynch at Summerslam!


A loud pop from the live crowd as Becky Lynch walks out with a smug smile as always getting a Becky2belts chant from the live crowd with both belts on her shoulders as she looks to address the fans.

Becky Lynch: Sorry guys I know it has been a while since the Man has come around but I have been taking care of business elsewhere. Putting another blonde in their place.

Cheers from the crowd as Becky smirks once again.

Becky Lynch: However now I get to find out which dope I am going to knock around at Summerslam. Bayley or Banks.

Cheers for both names as Becky smiles.

Becky Lynch: And I am fairly familiar with both women.

Becky holds her hand in the air signaling four to the camera.

Becky Lynch: And hell maybe they want to try carrying around two belts. Then again Banks has only just learned how to hold onto one belt for more than a month!

A few oooohs from the crowd but mostly cheers for the popular Becky Lynch as she brings up Banks's rather poor record when it comes to defending the Raw Women's title in the past.

Becky Lynch: And Bayley, well unlike Sasha I won't pretend to be your friend.

The crowd once again starts cheering as Becky smiles.

Becky Lynch: Oh and in case you think I forgot you. Asuka. I will be ready at Summerslam.

Becky drops the microphone as she makes her way to the commentary desk having sent a loud statement to her two potential rivals at Summerslam and takes a seat ahead of the main event as Raw goes to a commercial break.

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Bayley makes her way out to the ring first after the commercial break with her Women's tag team title around her waist as she looks hyped up ahead of this main event. She runs down the ramp and hugs a few of the fans. Becky Lynch on commentary gives Bayley credit and reminds the people listening that Bayley is not only a Raw Women's champion but an NXT champion as well in the past, something the man was never quite able to get hold of.


Sasha Banks makes her way out next but the Boss doesn't make her way to the ring straight away. No instead she makes her way over to the commentary desk and has a few things to stay to Becky Lynch. Becky sarcastically welcomes Banks over to the desk as Banks holds her Money in the Bank briefcase up in the air and reminds Becky she already has one title shot in the bank! Becky, however, shows no fear and just asks Banks when she is going to step up!

Sasha, however, shakes her head and walks to the ring ready for the main event. She places her Money in the Bank briefcase in the corner of the ring by the steel steps out of view of the referee. She joins Bayley in the ring lifting her tag team title in the air getting a decent pop from the live crowd. Bayley does the same and also gets cheers from the crowd. They then pass the titles to the referee who passes both belts to the timekeeper's area as he calls for the bell and the main event begins!

Main event: Number one contender's match for Summerslam: Bayley vs Sasha Banks

Match summary: Both women start the match smiling at each other as Banks offers her friend a handshake. Bayley is wary as she takes a moment before agreeing to it. Surprisingly Banks doesn't cheap shot Bayley and the two women instead lock up in the center of the ring as they battle for control. Both women are quite evenly matched with numerous counters during the opening stages of the match as they both know each other so well inside the ring.

Becky Lynch on commentary gives the pair credit saying, they are two of the best women around today and the best team in the WWE male or female. When asks who she wants to face at Summerslam she responds by saying the winner of this match as she wants to take the division to new heights so wants the best challenger possible. In the ring, Sasha Banks takes control and starts working over Bayley with a few submissions looking to get her friend ready for the Bank statement.

Bayley however shows why she is a great babyface and valiantly fights back refusing to let Sasha Banks put her away. Sasha, as the match goes along, gets frustrated and starts to wonder how she is going to be able to put Bayley away. Banks starts holding submissions in till the count of 4 and other tactics that could be called questionable especially when fighting your best friend.

Becky Lynch on commentary during the match comments that she isn't surprised by Sasha Banks doing whatever it takes and is surprised Bayley still trusts her. When pushed on it Becky just smirks saying Bayley has been stabbed in the back by Banks enough times before and the reason she isn't in Becky's position right now, is she didn't learn from it and still trusts people.

The match gets to the closing stages as Sasha Banks cannot put Bayley away no matter what she tries, even hitting a backstabber and a frog splash but Bayley refuses to give up. Sasha Banks at this point is getting desperate and starts to unhook the turnbuckle pad getting boos from the crowd. The referee though sees this and starts trying to fix the turnbuckle.

However, this was a ruse so Banks could grab the Money in the Bank briefcase! Sasha lines Bayley up who slowly stumbles to her feet. Sasha swings it but Bayley sees it coming and ducks out of the way! Bayley then quickly responds by rolling Sasha Banks up! 1 2 3! BAYLEY WINS AND IS THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER FOR THE RAW WOMEN'S TITLE AT SUMMERSLAM!

Winner via pinfall: Bayley (17:32)

Sasha Banks kicks out just after the 3 count but it is too late as her best friend Bayley has pinned her. Becky on commentary applauds Bayley and says maybe she has seen through Sasha Banks. As Bayley is celebrating her big win, Sasha Banks sits on the mat and she looks angry. She takes a moment getting to her feet as she grabs her Money in the Bank briefcase, looking at it and then looks at Bayley.

Bayley turns around and sees Sasha holding the briefcase and calls her tag team partner out for cheating during the match when she said she wouldn't. Sasha defends herself by saying she was following her idol's motto “I Lie, I Cheat, I Steal”. Bayley shakes her head as Sasha Banks says sorry. Bayley stands there for a moment before she hugs her tag team partner forgiving her for cheating tonight though maybe the reaction would have been different if Sasha Banks won.

Meanwhile, as those two are talking to each other The Man Becky Lynch has made her way to the ring as she makes sure to have both of her Women's title belts on her shoulders. She gets in Bayley's face as the two women stare each other down ahead of their clash at Summerslam as Banks spins Becky around to face her! Becky smirks at Banks who lifts up her Money in the Bank briefcase as Monday Night Raw comes to an end with the Raw and Smackdown Women's champion staring down the WWE Women's tag team champions with one being the number one contender to the Raw Women's title and the other with the Money in the Bank briefcase ready for a title shot at any time as we fade to black!

Matches announced for next week:

Raw tag team titles match:
The Club (c) vs Ryder and Hawkins

Number one contender's match for the Raw tag team titles:
Lucha Dragons vs B-Team

Matches announced for 2 weeks:

Women's tag team titles match:

Boss 'n' Hug Connection (c) vs Fire and Desire

Matches announced for 3 weeks:

Grudge match:

AJ Styles vs Mustafa Ali

Matchcard for Summerslam:
August 11th
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Universal title No Holds Barred match:
Seth Rollins (c) vs Brock Lesnar

WWE title triple threat match:
Kofi Kingston (c) vs Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre

Raw Women's title match:
Becky Lynch (c) vs Bayley

Smackdown Women's title match:
Becky Lynch (c) vs Asuka

Cruiserweight title match:
Rey Mysterio (c) vs Oney Lorcan

Intercontinental title match:
Luke Harper (c) vs Buddy Murphy or Finn Balor or Ricochet

Past vs Future:
Goldberg vs Matt Riddle

EWR Rating:


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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AJ/Ali :homer:

Also I fuckin' love this Riddle/Goldberg feud bro...and Fandango BAK :mark:
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Roy Mustang

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Aug 21, 2019
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Smackdown Live:
July 16th:
Worchester, Massachusetts

We get the usual video introduction to Smackdown Live before cutting to the commentary team at ringside. The commentary team hype up the show as they tell us that not only will we learn who Luke Harper faces for the Intercontinental title at Summerslam tonight but we will also see Drew McIntyre take on The Miz in the main event of tonight's show!


Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn make their way out to the ring with a microphone in each of their hands as they do not look happy. They are getting loud cheers from the live crowd as they slide into the ring and look to address last week's attack by the War Raiders. Kevin Owens shakes his head as he looks to Sami and then turns to the crowd to address the live fans.

Kevin Owens: Last week, why did we not see it coming.

Sami Zayn: I know we should really be smarter than that.

Kevin Owens: We should have known Shane McMahon might send some goons that posed an actual threat.

Sami Zayn: But we never had the War Raiders down as hired goons.

Kevin Owens: We had you two down as having a bit more pride. But then again you listen to Bray Wyatt and his insane ramblings so you two clearly don't have any self-respect!

Sami Zayn: But that's fine. You see me and Kevin were talking about this last week and I don't think there is a team better than us on Smackdown Live!

Cheers from the crowd Kevin lets out a slight smirk.

Kevin Owens: I mean who knows their partner better than us two.

Sami Zayn: We have been best friends and even better enemies for years.

Kevin Owens: And I even know which part of the ring apron to drop you on!

Sami turns to Kevin looking unimpressed as Kevin shrugs.

Kevin Owens: But no one knows their partners’ strengths and weaknesses better then we do. Steel sharpens steel.

Sami Zayn: And we have spent years making each other better, fighting each other for what felt like forever.

Kevin Owens: So War Raiders, consider this a deceleration of war!

Sami Zayn: We want a tag team title match and we want it right now!

Cheers from the live crowd excited at the prospect of seeing two of the best teams on Smackdown Live going head to head tonight!

Kevin Owens: You two love destruction and chaos? Well, let's fight!

The crowd are getting super loud as they wait for the War Raiders to come out however they are about to be disappointed...


Shane McMahon makes his way out instead of the War Raiders frustrating the crowd as they reign down boos on the Smackdown Live commissioner who looks as smug as he walks out onto the entrance ramp. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn look unimpressed by Shane McMahon's presence.

Shane McMahon: Now guys we can't just have you two brawling all over the arena with The War Raiders. It would be bad for business.

Boos from the crowd as Shane smirks like the condensing prick he is.

Shane McMahon: Y'see...

Kevin Owens: Oh look it's the puppet master.

Shane McMahon: Now Ke...

Kevin Owens: I'm not in the mood for talking Shane. We know you told the War Raiders to attack us.

Sami Zayn: Yeah we actually watch this show.

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn drop their microphones and head up the ramp with their eyes locked on Shane McMahon ready to give him a beating.

Shane McMahon: Now Kevin I'm going to need you to calm down if you want...

Kevin Owens grabs Shane McMahon by the throat!

Kevin Owens: If the War Raiders ain't coming out, you'll do!

Shane McMahon: Now I should refuse to give you what you want due to your actions just now but I'm going to be the bigger man.

Boos from the crowd for the smug Shane McMahon as he carries on.

Shane McMahon: You want the chance to fight the War Raiders Kevin? That's fine because at Summerslam you'll get your chance as it will be you and Sami Zayn taking on the War Raiders for the Smackdown tag team titles!

Cheers from the live crowd happy to see one of the best teams on Smackdown Live get a shot at the tag team titles. Meanwhile, The War Raiders lift their title belts into the air as Bray Wyatt in the background cackles like a mad man.

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When we return from the commercial break, we see Shane McMahon walking through a hallway as he seems to be heading back to his office as he is approached by Cathy Kelly.

Cathy Kelly: Shane, Shane can I get a quick word?

Shane sighs looking annoyed before putting on a fake smile and turns around to face Cathy Kelly.

Shane McMahon: Of course you can Cathy. I had a few things I had to announce anyway. You see before Kevin Owens interrupted me I was going to announce the main event for tonight's show. It will be Drew McIntyre vs The Miz!

Cheers from the live crowd hyped to see the main event.

Cathy Kelly: That is great to hear Shane but what do you have to say about the constant state of chaos over the last few weeks in part caused in part by the Corporation?

Shane McMahon is no longer smiling and looks angry.

Shane McMahon: All of the people in the Corporation do what is best for business Cathy and I would remember that if you want to keep your job.

Cathy looks a little nervous as Shane returns to his fake insincere smile.

Shane McMahon: And Drew McIntyre wants to make sure there is no interference in the main event tonight. So I am ruling that everyone is banned from ringside for tonight's main event.

Shane goes to leave but Cathy is not done asking questions.

Cathy Kelly: Shane one more question. Is there any tension within the Corporation after you accidentally cost Drew McIntyre his WWE title shot at the Great American Bash?

Shane turns around and glares at Cathy Kelly.

Shane McMahon: No comment.

Shane McMahon walks off leaving Cathy Kelly stood there looking a little confused and worried as we cut back to the commentary team at ringside who discuss the main event for tonight's show.


Eric Young makes his way out to a muted reaction from the live crowd with many people never really seeing him on the main roster or hearing the theme. The commentary team tells us he will be fighting Cedric Alexander next as they tell us it is a good opportunity for both men to pick up and win maybe get themselves in contention for a future Intercontinental title shot.


Cedric Alexander makes his way out next getting a small pop from the live crowd as he runs down the entrance ramp and heads to the ring. The commentary team put him over and also remind us he is a former Cruiserweight champion and was on top of that division for a long time.

Match 1: Cedric Alexander vs Eric Young

Match summary: Both men look to impress and try to show what they can do so they get more time on Smackdown Live rather than Main Event. Eric Young tries to use his experience and many years of in-ring competition to keep Cedric grounded but the young high-flier is too much for him and picks up the win with the Lumbar check!

Winner via pinfall: Cedric Alexander (5:12)

Cedric Alexander gets to his feet happy to have picked up the win tonight over Eric Young. The commentary team put over his performance as he gets a few cheers from the live crowd. Eric Young meanwhile slides out of the ring and heads to the back.

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When we come back from the commercial break we see Kayla Braxton stood ready for a backstage interview.

Kayla Braxton: Would you please welcome my guest at this time, The Miz!

The Miz walks into the shot getting cheers from the crowd as he has a smile on his face and a pair of sunglasses on as well.

Kayla Braxton: Miz, it was announced earlier tonight you will be facing Drew McIntyre in the main event of tonight's Smackdown. How are you feeling ahead of that match?

The Miz: After what happened at the Great American Bash, I have made a promise to myself. I will make it my mission to get my hands on not just Shane McMahon but every member of the Corporation until I get payback. And tonight I start with Drew McIntyre.

Kayla Braxton: What do you make of Shane McMahon's statement earlier on tonight?

The Miz: Shane really expects me to trust that stipulation? Really? Really? Really?

The crowd starts joining in at this point with The Miz using one of his old catchphrases.

The Miz: Shane McMahon's words are meaningless and I wouldn't be surprised if his Corporation goons will be waiting in the wings. However, if Drew McIntyre wants to fight like a man, I will meet him in the ring and start my quest to go through each member of the Corporation one by one!

The Miz walks off as we cut to the entrance ramp which is set up and ready for a moment of Bliss!


Alexa Bliss makes her way out to the ring getting a good pop from the live crowd and she is soon followed by Ember Moon who also gets a decent reaction from the live crowd having become friends with Alexa Bliss over the last couple of months. The commentary team mention how close they came to becoming WWE Women's tag team champions last week but the Boss 'n' Hug Connection were too much for them. Alexa sits on one of the chairs as she has a coffee in hand and Ember Moon sits in the other.

Alexa Bliss: Hello Worchester and welcome to a moment of Bliss.

Cheap pop from the crowd as Ember Moon smiles and gets ready to speak.

Ember Moon: Now we both know last week was disappointing.

Alexa Bliss: We were this close to becoming WWE Women's tag team champions but we aren't done chasing those titles.

Ember Moon: We have only just started as a team whilst the Boss 'n' Hug Connection have been doing it for years but once me and Bliss get some more practice we are coming for those titles!

Cheers from the crowd excited at the prospect of seeing Ember Moon and Alexa Bliss taking on the Boss 'n' Hug Connection. Ember Moon then turns to Bliss looking a little confused.

Ember Moon: However the disrespect shown by Sasha Banks. What was that about?

Alexa Bliss: I wouldn't worry about it Ember, she is just a bitch!

A few gasps from the crowd as Alexa just shrugs.

Alexa Bliss: It's true. Anyway, tonight is not about the WWE Women's tag team titles. No tonight we will be interviewing a very special guest.

Cheers from the crowd who are excited to see who Bliss and Ember will be having on the show.

Ember Moon: And that person is the Queen Charlotte Flair!


The queen Charlotte Flair makes her way out as she gets boos from the live crowd. Charlotte is in a sour mood as she walks out onto the moment of Bliss set and doesn't look happy as she takes a seat across from the pair.

Charlotte Flair: I mean I was expecting a bigger introduction but it fits the lack of respect I get around here.

Boos from the crowd as Ember looks perplexed by Charlotte's comments.

Alexa Bliss: Why do feel like you get no respect?

Charlotte Flair: Feel like I get no respect? I don't get any respect!

Charlotte is almost starting to shout but she realizes that she is losing her temper and gets her composure back.

Charlotte Flair: Asuka is in my spot at Summerslam! She cheated to beat me. I still haven't got my rematch since Wrestlemania!

The crowd carrying on booing Charlotte who is now just whining at this point but Charlotte doesn't care.

Charlotte Flair: I didn't even get pinned at Wrestlemania.

Ember Moon: I mean you still lost!

Cheers from the crowd as Charlotte gets out of her seat and points at Alexa Bliss.

Charlotte Flair: Bliss I think you need to teach your co-host some manners.

Alexa Bliss: Why? She's right.

Charlotte looks furious as the crowd cheer for Alexa Bliss putting Charlotte down.

Alexa Bliss: You did lose at Wrestlemania. Heck, all you have done in big matches since Wrestlemania is lose time and time again!

Charlotte sits there furious as Ember Moon takes over.

Ember Moon: You lost in the Money in the Bank ladder match, you lost in the battle royal to see who faced Becky at the Bash and you lost to Asuka at the Bash!

Charlotte: Asuka cheated to beat me!

Alexa Bliss: And you've never bent rules? You're a goddamn Flair!

Ember Moon: It explains why she is so entitled!

Charlotte gets up out of her chair as she walks over to Ember Moon. Ember shows no fear and gets out of her chair as well coming face to face with the queen Charlotte Flair.

Charlotte Flair: I am an eight-time women's champion! I am a record holder and trailblazer in this division! I have done it all! So I demand I get what I deserve.

Loud boos from the crowd now as Bliss in the background lets out a smug smile.

Alexa Bliss: And I'm a five-time women's champion but you don't hear me crying for a title shot! Unlike you, I will keep fighting to earn a spot at the top whilst you try to rely on past glories.

Ember Moon: And me? I'm a former NXT champion and...

Charlotte: Excuse me what have you done since stepping foot on Raw and Smackdown?

Ember Moon glares at Charlotte.

Charlotte: I mean even Bliss can't get you to a title.

Alexa Bliss: Watch it Charlotte!

Ember Moon: You're right. We lost last week but you don't hear us out here crying because we are not handed title shot after title shot. We don't have a famous daddy to rely on!

Cheers from the crowd as Charlotte looks furious. Ember smiles as Charlotte takes a few seconds as she looks like she is about to respond but she instead just slaps Ember Moon in the face! Ember Moon falls to the floor as Alexa Bliss runs forward looking to get her hands on Charlotte but the queen gets the hell out of dodge and flees to the back infuriating Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon. Alexa checks on her friend Ember Moon making sure she is OK as Ember says she is fine but it is clear Ember will want to get her hands on Charlotte Flair very soon.

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Buddy Murphy makes his way out to the ring as we come back from the commercial break as the commentary team informs us that up next we will find out the number one contender for the Intercontinental title! Buddy Murphy looks angry as he slides into the ring shaking his head as the crowd boos him. The commentary team mentions all 3 men in this match have their own issues with Luke Harper and will all be desperate to have the chance to take that Intercontinental title away from him.


Ricochet makes his way out next getting a decent pop from the crowd as he looks fired up and he makes his way to the ring. The commentary team talk about Daniel Bryan's recent comments and that he seems to have an issue with the One and Only Ricochet. Byron, however, mentions that Ricochet has dismissed Bryan's comments and his focus is on getting an Intercontinental title shot tonight!


And last but certainly not least the man who held the Intercontinental title before the Great American Bash Finn Balor! He poses for the crowd once again showing off his abs and getting a decent reaction from the fans. He walks to the ring looking focused on getting a rematch for his title tonight. He steps into the ring as all 3 men stare each other down. The referee then calls for the bell getting this underway!

Match 2: Number one contender's match for Summerslam: Finn Balor vs Ricochet vs Buddy Murphy

Match summary: This match starts off at a fast pace with all 3 men desperate to get the title shot at the biggest party of the summer! Unlike most triple threats in WWE, all 3 men stay in the ring for as much of the match as possible. It is evenly matched with all 3 men getting time to show off what they can do and in the first 10 minutes or so, no one gains an edge over the others in the ring.

As we get towards the closing stages of the match Ricochet has gotten both men down in the ring as he climbs to the top rope getting ready for the 630 splash. However, as he is doing it we see Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan make his way out to the ring. Ricochet though seeing both these men coming hits the move anyway on Buddy Murphy! 1 2 Erick Rowan pulls Ricochet off of Buddy Murphy and out of the ring!

Ricochet tries to fight him off and even manages to send Erick Rowan into the barricade with a hurricanrana but Bryan takes him out with a running knee to the head! However, as this is going on Finn Balor in the ring sees the pair and runs off the ropes taking both Rowan and Bryan out with a suicide dive! Finn Balor gets back to his feet and is now looking fired up as he slides back into the ring but Buddy Murphy takes his head off with a high knee!

Buddy Murphy smirks as he makes the cover 1 2 Balor kicks out! Buddy Murphy looks annoyed but seeing Ricochet is down and out on the outside lifts Finn Balor into the air looking for Murphy's Law! Finn Balor though escapes out of it and lands on his feet as he then hits a pele kick stunning Murphy. Murphy stumbles back as Finn drags him up into the air and connects with 1916! Finn makes the cover 1 2 3 Finn Balor picks up the win!

Winner via pinfall and number one contender for the Intercontinental title: Finn Balor (13:34)

Finn Balor in the ring gets to his feet as we can see Ricochet on the outside just now recovering from the assault and looks annoyed he was cost his opportunity tonight. Erick Rowan and Daniel Bryan meanwhile are smirking, happy he screwed over Ricochet tonight. Ricochet seeing them two acting cocky and runs up the ramp looking to get his hands on them. Bryan and Rowan smirk as they head to the back with Ricochet angrier then we have ever seen him before.

Back in the ring Finn Balor shakes his head, annoyed his victory tonight is slightly tainted by Bryan and Erick Rowan's interference. However, he still celebrates and looks happy to have a chance to get his Intercontinental title back when suddenly we hear a laugh coming over the PA system. Finn Balor and the camera quickly turn their attention to the titantron as we can see the Intercontinental Champion Luke Harper stood with a cold stare and a slight smile as he stares at Finn Balor stood in the ring.

Luke Harper: I'll be seeing you soon boy, real soon.

The titantron goes back to the usual Smackdown logo as the camera focuses on Finn Balor who is still staring towards the ramp as he looks focused on his opponent at Summerslam as he looks to get his Intercontinental title back from Luke Harper!

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As we return from the commercial break the commentary team hype up the two new matches for the Summerslam card as we now have the Intercontinental title on the line as Luke Harper faces off against Finn Balor and The War Raiders will defend their Smackdown Live tag team titles against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn!


A loud pop from the live crowd as the Raw superstars Sasha Banks and Bayley make their way out showing off their WWE Women's tag team titles for the live crowd whilst Sasha Banks holds her Money in the Bank briefcase in the air for the live crowd soaking in the reaction from the fans. The commentary team reminds us of what happened on Monday Night Raw and now Bayley will face the Man Becky Lynch for the Raw Women's title the same night Becky faces the Empress of Tomorrow Asuka! Both members of the Boss 'n' Hug Connection stand in the ring and look to address the live crowd. Bayley looks to speak first.

Bayley: Last night me and Sasha we did what we do best. We tore it up.

Cheers from the fans as Bayley smiles and carries on.

Bayley: And now not only are we the Women's tag team champions but now I have a shot at the Raw Women's title.

Sasha Banks: And I have this baby still.

Sasha Banks pats her Money in the Bank briefcase.

Bayley: Meaning Sasha can go for the Smackdown Women's title. So we could both become double champions.

Sasha Banks: Just like a certain man who thinks she is above the Boss!

Mixed reaction leaning towards boos for Sasha's comment towards Becky2belts. Sasha, however, notices this as well and smirks.

Sasha Banks: Listen it is just the facts because very soon the Boss will be taking this to the bank and taking...


A loud pop from the live crowd as The Man Becky2belts makes her way out getting the attention of the WWE Women's tag team champions who look towards the ramp with Bayley smiling whilst Sasha Banks has a scowl on her face! Becky looks as cocky as ever as she walks to the ring with a swagger in her step. She has her two title belts on her shoulders and a microphone in her hand as she approaches the ring.

Becky Lynch: That is a lot of talk for someone whose afraid to face The Man.

Becky steps into the ring joining both the Women's tag team champions inside the ring showing no fear herself.

Sasha Banks: The Boss does things on her terms, not yours.

Becky Lynch: Maybe or did you expect to beat Bayley and wanted to try to beat the champ champ twice?

Sasha doesn't respond allowing Becky Lynch to carry on as she turns to the other tag team champion and her opponent at Summerslam Bayley!

Becky Lynch: But then again she can't beat you when it really matters?

Sasha Banks: You better shut your mouth, Becky!

Becky Lynch: Or what? You finally going to man up and step to the man?

Both Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch get in each others faces ready for a fight. Bayley, however, looks to play peacemaker.

Bayley: There is no need for this guys.

Sasha takes a second but walks away from Becky on Bayley's request. However, Becky stays where she is and turns to Bayley.

Bayley: And Becky you can talk all you want but at Summerslam, I'm becoming a double champion.

Becky Lynch: Bayley I was once like you. A kid with dreams. But until you learn who is going to stab you in the back, you're never going to be on the man's level.

Bayley: Listen Beck...

Sasha Banks: Becky accuse me of stabbing Bayley in the back one more time and trust me you will regret it!

Becky Lynch: Sasha you may be the boss but no one can boss me around. And we have seen you stab Bayley in the back before when this on the line? Remember the Elimination Chamber? When she pushed you off the pod? And you think she wouldn't do that again?

Bayley looks like she is about to respond but suddenly this music hits...


All eyes are on Asuka as she makes her way out with a microphone in hand. Asuka looks far from happy as she slides into the ring as Becky's attention turns to Asuka straight away, angering Sasha Banks and confusing Bayley in the ring. Asuka leaves both the Boss 'n' Connection alone getting into Becky Lynch's face.

Asuka: Have you forgotten me? Have you forgotten?

Becky Lynch: Trust me Asuka, the Man never forgets a worthy challenger! The Man has two belts to defend and two challengers worthy of her attention.

Becky turns to face Sasha Banks.

Becky Lynch: Just two.

Sasha Banks looks furious as Bayley tries to calm her down but Sasha Banks shakes her head looking close to boiling point. Asuka however steps forward coming face to face with Becky Lynch.

Asuka: Forget the rest. Only I can stop the Man. Only I will stop the man. Only I will...

Sasha Banks spins Asuka round getting boos from the crowd!

Sasha Banks: Your match with Becky doesn't matter because I hold this!

Sasha Banks lifts her Money in the Bank briefcase into the air.

Sasha Banks: This means whoever wins out of you two, the clock is ticking. Because very soon it will be BO...

SPIN KICK TO SASHA BANKS'S HEAD! Asuka wipes out Sasha Banks leaving her laying on the mat! Bayley looks furious and tries to get her hands on Asuka but the Empress having sent her message slides out of the ring and heads to the back. Becky Lynch meanwhile is left in the ring smirking and enjoying Sasha getting put in her place tonight. Bayley however, turns around and gets in Becky Lynch's face.

She asks Becky what she is smirking at and Becky shrugs her shoulders as she tells Bayley she isn't interested in pretenders, only real challengers to her title. Bayley says she will prove to be a real challenger and Becky surprisingly smiles showing Bayley some respect as she tells her, she is sure Bayley will surprising the hugger. On the entrance ramp however, you can see Asuka looking annoyed as she says In Japanese “you will not ignore me” as Bayley and Becky Lynch stare each other down.

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We return from the commercial break as we can see No Way Jose's conga line partying around the ring as they have fun but the crowd literally does not care about No Way Jose or his stupid conga line. As this is happening the commentary team informs us of the match made next week for the main event of the show by the commissioner Shane McMahon. We will see the number one contender for the Smackdown Women's title Asuka go one on one with Mrs. Money in the Bank Sasha Banks.


Jinder Mahal makes his way out next getting a decent amount of boos from the live crowd. The former WWE and United States champion looks in a bad mood as he walks to the ring. He sees the conga line dancing at ringside and responds to the group by just sneering at them. Jinder Mahal would slide into the ring as he stares down No Way Jose. No Way Jose tries to get Jinder Mahal to dance with him but Jinder just blanks him wanting to get down to business.

Match 3: Jinder Mahal vs No Way Jose

Match summary: It is a short match with Jinder Mahal in control of most of it as you would expect from a former WWE Champion. No Way Jose gets a few hope spots but in the end, Jinder Mahal puts him away with the Khallas in under 4 minutes.

Winner via pinfall: Jinder Mahal (3:25)

The conga line on the outside look sad as Jinder Mahal demands the referee raises his arm into the air. The referee takes his time before doing it as the crowd boo the former WWE champion. The commentary team mentions Jinder Mahal might be picking up a bit of form after winning a couple of matches over the last two weeks on Smackdown Live. As Jinder Mahal is celebrating in the ring we quickly cut backstage as we can see Cathy Kelly stood ready for an interview.

Cathy Kelly: A big win for Jinder Mahal tonight but right now would you please welcome my guests the Twisted Sisters.

Nikki Cross and Isla Dawn walk into the shot. Nikki is in her usual get-up whilst Isla Dawn is in a nice long black dress as she has a slight smile on her face. Nikki meanwhile looks wild-eyed and crazy.

Cathy Kelly: At the Great American Bash you proved your skills as a team beating the former Women's tag team champions the Iiconics. What is next for you two?

Nikki Cross: We want shiny things. We want gold. We want silver. We want to play.

Isla Dawn: Like my darling friend said we crave gold. We came together to win the tag team titles but the champions have their eyes elsewhere. But we have a plan in the meantime. If we go through every other team on Smackdown, well the powers that be will have no choice but to give us what we desire.

???: Is that so?

The camera pans over to show the Riott Squad walking onto the scene with Ruby Riott leading the way for the group. Ruby and Sarah have a little smirk on their face acting cocky as Liv Morgan stands behind the pair.

Ruby Riott: We are still the top team around here and if anyone should be next in line for a tag team title shot, it is us.

Nikki Cross: Oh so now you 3 want to play? I thought you didn't want to play.

Sarah Logan: Are you stupid girl? We don't play we riot.

Isla Dawn: Well any time you 3 want to step up we are ready for it.

Liv Morgan at this point pushes forward past her friends and gets in Isla Dawn's face as she now looks motivated.

Liv Morgan: She wants to play? She can play with me next week.

Ruby behind her mouths what did she say and Sarah Logan facepalms as well. The Twisted sisters however just smile.

Isla Dawn: We shall see you next week then.

Both of the Twisted sisters walk off as Liv Morgan turns to her friends as they both stare at her.

Ruby Riott: You better not let the team down.

Ruby Riott and Sarah Logan walk off leaving Liv Morgan stood in the interview area as she looks worried. She takes a moment and gulps knowing the pressure is on next week.

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Big E: Oooh Worchester, Massachusetts. Don't you dare be sour. Clap your hands for your world famous five-time tag team champions and feel the power!


The New Day make their way out to the ring getting out a loud pop from the live crowd as the WWE champion Kofi Kingston leads the way. The commentary team once again remind us of the WWE title match at Summerslam with Kofi Kingston defending his title against not only Drew McIntyre but also Roman Reigns! Corey also makes sure to quickly mention that Liv Morgan's challenge to Nikki Cross has been made official for next week's Smackdown Live! The New Day are now stood in the ring as all 3 smile looking into the crowd.

Kofi Kingston: Now I don't know if you people know this but we are four weeks away from the biggest party of the summer!

Cheers from the crowd as Kofi grabs his WWE title and looks at it whilst smiling.

Kofi Kingston: And if you told me last summer, that I would soon become WWE champion I wouldn't have believed you. I would have never thought I would get the opportunity to fight for this, let alone at Wrestlemania.

Kofi smiles once again as the crowd keep on cheering on the humble Kofi Kingston.

Kofi Kingston: But now is not the time to look at the past. Because at Summerslam I face my toughest challenge yet.

Kofi turns to his boys as Xavier Woods steps forward.

Xavier Woods: One is a former Intercontinental champion, a man Kofi has warred with before in the past. Have a look.

We cut to the titantron as we get a quick video recap of Kofi's feud with Drew McIntyre back in 2011 over the Intercontinental title and it shows Kofi beating him to become an Intercontinental champion.

Xavier Woods: The chosen one. Backed by the authority. And Kofi beat him. We've seen the story before.

Kofi Kingston: Drew I know how hard you worked to get back here. But I still see the same Drew McIntyre in front of me. Just with a different McMahon watching his back! But you ain't the only person I'm facing at Summerslam. Roman Reigns.

Mostly cheers for the mention of the Big Dawg Roman Reigns but there are one or two boos from a section of the crowd as Big E takes over.

Big E: Now that is a big sweaty man.

Both Xavier and Kofi give their friend a weird look.

Big E: What he has a lot of beef!

A few chuckles from the crowd as Kofi tries not to corpse before carrying on.

Kofi Kingston: I'll be honest Roman. When I was watching backstage at the Bash, I was rooting for you.

Cheers from the crowd as Kofi nods.

Kofi Kingston: Y'see I have a lot of respect for you. Hell, we all do. And most of these fans do as well.

Cheers from most of the crowd but once again a few boos.

Kofi Kingston: But that's what makes me respect you, Roman. No matter what these fans say or do, you still go out there and show respect to the fans. Your positivity rivals ours. And everyone knows your struggles.

Cheers from the crowd with no one booing now out of respect.

Kofi Kingston: You had to fight for your career. And you never got your rematch for this. But unlike others, you didn't moan and whine about not getting a rematch.

Big E (coughs): Charlotte Flair.

Kofi Kingston: Or use your family connections to get a title shot.

Big E (coughs): Charlotte Flair.

Xavier Woods: What is your beef with Charlotte Flair?

Big E: She has more title reigns then us and it is getting impossible to keep up!

Kofi smiles shaking his head before carrying on.

Kofi Kingston: You fought and you fought until you got back on top. You did it the hard way even overcoming Shane McMahon. But I'm sorry to say I have no intention of losing this title at Summerslam!

Cheers from the crowd as Kofi Kingston lifts his WWE title in the air.

Kofi Kingston: See all 3 of us have had to work hard to get where we are. But I have no intention my fairytale end at Summerslam. At Summerslam, I face two men who have been accused of being favored. I face two men who have had to overcome adversity. And at Summerslam, I stay your W W E CHAMPION!

Kofi Kingston throws down the microphone as his two boys hype him up as the crowd cheer for Kofi Kingston with Bryon Saxton especially hyped up on commentary and behind Kofi Kingston. We then cut backstage as we can see Roman Reigns watching the segment on the TV. He looks focused and stoic as he stares at the TV before being approached by Kayla Braxton.

Kayla Braxton: Roman, what do you make of Kofi's comments about you just now?

Roman Reigns lets out a small smile.

Roman Reigns: I have a lot of respect for Kofi. His rise to the top was truly inspirational but he is right when he says I never lost my WWE title.

He takes a moment to get serious.

Roman Reigns: I had to spend months fighting just to survive but I always knew I would come back. Do you know what drove me the most? The reaction I'll get when I take back my WWE title. Kofi you have been a great champion but this is my yard. And I'm taking back my title. Believe dat!

Roman Reigns walks off all business having sent a message to our WWE champion.

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We return from the commercial break as we hear the theme music for the team which picked up the win on the Great American Bash when they went head to head with the Gentlemen. In the ring, we can see Epico and Primo stood ready for a match. The commentary team put over this match as being important and could decide who is next in line for a tag team title shot after Summerslam. Gran Metalik steps into the ring for Lucha House Party whilst Primo steps into the ring for his team.

Match 4: Lucha House Party vs Epico and Primo

Match summary: A short but fast match with both teams impressing the live crowd who did not care about either before the bell. However, as the match goes along it becomes clear that Lucha House Party are a much better team and Lince Dorado picks up the win for his team as he hits Primo with the Golden Rewind (handspring stunner) and picks up the win!

Winners via pinfall: Lucha House Party (5:57)

Gran Metalik makes his way into the ring and celebrates with his friend and tag team partner Lince Dorado. Both men do the LuchaLucha Lucha celebration the delight of the live crowd as we can see The Revival watching backstage. Both men have an angry look on their faces clearly not impressed with Lucha House Party's lack of fists and focus on flips. We then cut to the Corporation's locker room as we can see Drew McIntyre working out and getting ready for the main event which is about to begin. He gets to his feet as Shane McMahon walks over to him.

Shane McMahon: I know what you told me earlier on tonight but if you wanted I could bend the...

Drew McIntyre: No.

Shane looks shocked by how blunt Drew McIntyre is.

Drew McIntyre: Tonight I prove a point and I do it alone.

Drew McIntyre goes to walk out of the door but turns back and gets right in Shane McMahon's face.

Drew McIntyre: I don't want anyone costing me the match again!

Drew stares at Shane McMahon before storming off. He barges past Baron Corbin and Elias making his way to the ring for the main event as the camera focuses on Shane McMahon who does not look happy.

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We return from the commercial break Drew McIntyre marches down the ramp and makes his way into the ring looking in a foul mood. The commentary team mentions what we saw just before the commercial break and wonder if Drew has forgiven Shane McMahon for costing him the match against Roman Reigns at the Great American Bash. Drew though marches around the ring ready for this to get underway clearly ready for a fight tonight.


The Miz makes his way to the ring next in his usual long coat and sunglasses but he doesn't waste any time taking it off and slides into the ring ready for a fight tonight. The commentary discusses what The Miz said earlier on tonight about wanting to get his hands on each member of the Corporation and is starting with Drew McIntyre tonight! The referee meanwhile calls for the bell getting this match underway.

Main event: Drew McIntyre vs The Miz

Match summary: Drew immediately tries to overpower The Miz early on but The Miz is smart enough to know he can't beat the Scottish psychopath when it comes to power and instead looks to slowly chip away at the Drew and wear him down. Drew gets a little annoyed by The Miz playing keep away and slowly working over him, which allows The Miz to take advantage.

Throughout the match, we get clips of The New Day watching the match but also Roman Reigns as both of Drew McIntyre's opponents at Summerslam have their eyes glued to the screen and are doing their homework tonight. Back in the ring The Miz's plan is working until Drew powers out of a headlock and takes control tossing The Miz around the ring like a rag doll.

The Miz, however, shows a lot of heart and manages to gut through the pain, refusing to go down easily. The Miz even looks like he might pull off a shock as he connects with the world-famous It kicks after having a brief flurry and takes Drew McIntyre down to the mat. The Miz would then stalk Drew McIntyre from behind as he looks for the skull-crushing finale!

However, Drew McIntyre overpowers The Miz sending him backwards into the ropes and takes his head off with a big boot! Drew McIntyre takes a moment as he sells the damage The Miz has done before dragging him off the mat and hits him with the futureshock DDT! Drew though doesn't make the cover. No instead he makes his way to the corner of the ring as he shouts “Are you watching? 1 2 3!” Drew charges at The Miz and takes his head off with a claymore! 1 2 3

Winner via pinfall: Drew McIntyre (12:45)

Drew McIntyre gets to his feet in the ring looking angry and focused just like he always does after a match. Backstage we can see Big E and Xavier Woods in the background jokingly making notes whilst Roman Reigns is just stood there watching what happened. Back in the ring, Drew McIntyre gets his arm raised into the air as the commentary team wonder if this is what we will see at Summerslam. The show then comes to an end as Drew McIntyre celebrates in the ring with Kofi Kingston and Roman Reigns then shown on a spilt screen watching as we fade to black.

Matches announced for next week:

Main event:

Asuka vs Sasha Banks

Singles match:
Liv Morgan vs Nikki Cross

Matchcard for Summerslam:
August 11th
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Universal title No Holds Barred match:
Seth Rollins (c) vs Brock Lesnar

WWE title triple threat match:
Kofi Kingston (c) vs Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre

Raw Women's title match:
Becky Lynch (c) vs Bayley

Smackdown Women's title match:
Becky Lynch (c) vs Asuka

Cruiserweight title match:
Rey Mysterio (c) vs Oney Lorcan

Intercontinental title match:
Luke Harper (c) vs Finn Balor

Past vs Future:
Goldberg vs Matt Riddle

Smackdown tag team titles match:
The War Raiders (c) vs Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

EWR Rating:

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I'll be honest, I really don't feel like your weekly shows are really any better or worse than say any random Raw or SmackDown last year, but HOLY SHIT you're so good at building up tag divisions and just overall moving around the right pieces to where they should be. Like I loved the Randy/Kofi feud last year obviously, but Roman/Kofi at SummerSlam the way you're doing it is definitely a bigger match IMO. Your SummerSlam card looks fuckin' awesome all the way through.
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Roy Mustang

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Aug 21, 2019
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Boss 'n' Hug Connection appear on NXT!:

On this week's NXT the Boss 'n' Hug Connection appeared and defended their tag team titles against the MMA Horsewomen. It should also be noted they interrupted a promo by Shayna Bazsler leading the Queen of Spades to comment she hasn't forgotten what one of the “fake horsewomen” did to her best friend. Whether this leads to an angle on Raw is yet to be seen but expect the WWE Women's tag team titles to be defended on NXT and NTX UK in the near future.

NXT UK superstar Fabian Aichner out with an injury!

NXT UK superstar Fabian Aichner picked up an injury on one of the recent NXT UK tapings ruling him out for an undisclosed time period. This is a slight blow to the new Imperium stable dominating the brand but plans are to still carry on with them as a unit lead by WALTER.

Miz TV segment between Roman Reigns, Kofi Kingston and Drew McIntyre announced for Smackdown Live:

On Twitter during the week it has been announced that starting Smackdown Live we will see a special Miz Tv segment between the 3 men competing for the WWE title at Summerslam: Roman Reigns, Kofi Kingston and Drew McIntyre. What will happen on the most must-see TV show in sports-entertainment history?

Reason for Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon partnership:

Over the last few months we have seen Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon teaming up to take on the Riott Squad and it now seems like this tag team is going to carry on teaming together. The reason for this backstage is to benefit both superstars. Alexa Bliss has suffered a lot of injures recently and they want to protect her whilst using the popular superstar in a prominent role. Ember Moon meanwhile is someone they see with amazing in-ring skills but really lacks character and mic skills. They feel by making them a team, Alexa might be able to help Ember Moon improve on the mic.
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Aug 3, 2011
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Well you're certainly doing the right thing with Riddle vs. Goldberg at WrestleMania, I don't think anyone would turn down that match.

Kofi vs. Reigns vs. McIntyre is such an interesting one because naturally I'm pulling for McIntyre because he is by far the guy I like most out of that trio. If he ready yet? I'm not sure. If you put it on Reigns, you can continue to work McIntyre up to possibly be the one to dethrone him. WrestleMania almost seems too far away, but maybe they could do it at Survivor Series of Mania. :hmm: And then, you could just have Kofi retain, and that would be a huge defense for him. But for me (and this is probably WWE's fault) him as WWE Champion is just kinda odd. It never seemed to fully click. In the long term I'm not sure how many true top stars I can see him defending that title against.

Love the pairing of Bliss and Moon. It's a different dynamic to the actual pairing of Bliss and Cross but it would still be a fun alliance but I could actually see them being more on the same page with Moon being less of a wild card than Cross.

Roy Mustang

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Aug 21, 2019
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Well you're certainly doing the right thing with Riddle vs. Goldberg at WrestleMania, I don't think anyone would turn down that match.

Kofi vs. Reigns vs. McIntyre is such an interesting one because naturally I'm pulling for McIntyre because he is by far the guy I like most out of that trio. If he ready yet? I'm not sure. If you put it on Reigns, you can continue to work McIntyre up to possibly be the one to dethrone him. WrestleMania almost seems too far away, but maybe they could do it at Survivor Series of Mania. :hmm: And then, you could just have Kofi retain, and that would be a huge defense for him. But for me (and this is probably WWE's fault) him as WWE Champion is just kinda odd. It never seemed to fully click. In the long term I'm not sure how many true top stars I can see him defending that title against.

Love the pairing of Bliss and Moon. It's a different dynamic to the actual pairing of Bliss and Cross but it would still be a fun alliance but I could actually see them being more on the same page with Moon being less of a wild card than Cross.

Thanks dude. Bliss and Moon came about also in part due to their real life friendship so it made more sense as a tag team and also a way to turn Bliss face (as heel Bliss is played out at this point) then what WWE did with Bliss being nice to use Cross and then they became friends lol.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Yeah, Bliss and Moon's real-life friendship was what I thought about instantly when you paired them together. But not Aichner :cena shoulda been Wolfe instead :side:

Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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Yeah, Bliss and Moon's real-life friendship was what I thought about instantly when you paired them together. But not Aichner :cena shoulda been Wolfe instead :side:
Oh trust me it wasn't my choice. This was an EWR injury :sadpanda. Wolfe is the only member of that group I don't care about lol
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Roy Mustang

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Aug 21, 2019
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Monday Night Raw:
July 22nd:
Tampa, Florida

Monday Night Raw starts off with the usual video package to get the show underway before we cut to the ring. As we can see Big Show waving to the live crowd getting a decent pop from the fans due to being in his hometown. He takes a seat on the commentary desk next to Michael Cole as both men welcome us to the show and remind us we are 3 weeks away from the biggest party of the summer! Michael Cole hypes up the main event where we will hear from the man, the myth, the legend himself Goldberg 3 weeks away from his match with Matt Riddle!


However, we are starting the show off hot as Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins make their way out to the ring followed by JeyUso who is hyping his boys up and he has a microphone in his hand. Curt Hawkins noticeably has a smile on his face and dare I say looks confident as he walks to the ring with his tag team partner Zack Ryder.

Jey Uso: Tonight we have an escapee from their own mental penitentiary! My boy Curt Hawkins he has been locked up in his own mind! He was locked up with self-doubt! But now my Uce has broken free.

Curt Hawkins takes the microphone.

Curt Hawkins: And it is time for the Club... to face the facts as we will become three-time tag team champions!

Curt passes the microphone to Zack Ryder.


Zack Ryder tosses the microphone over his shoulder as the pair get a decent reaction from the live crowd as JeyUso keeps hyping them up as they wait for the Raw tag team champions to make their way out to the ring.


Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows make their way out with the Raw tag team titles on their shoulders as they stand at the top of the ramp. Luke Gallows has some face paint on (to match his new Japan look and more recent look on Monday Night Raw). Both men wait for a few seconds as their leader AJ Styles joins them at the top of the entrance ramp. All 3 men start to walk to the ring as Ryder, Hawkins and Jey Uso stare at The Club.

The Good Brothers climb inside the ring as they come face to face with Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins. On the outside of the ring, we can see AJ Styles insist on the Raw tag team titles be passed to him, saying these belong to the Club! Jey Uso on the outside confronts him as the pair trade a few barbs on the outside of the ring but no fists are thrown. Back in the ring, Curt Hawkins starts for his team whilst Karl Anderson starts for The Club!

Match 1: Raw tag team titles: The Club (c) w/AJ Styles vs Ryder and Hawkins w/Jey Uso

Match summary: Karl Anderson can be heard laughing and joking to his tag team partner mocking Curt Hawkins. Karl Anderson turns around to face his opponent and gets a dropkick to the face for his troubles! Curt Hawkins from there starts off like a house on fire and batters Karl Anderson, stunning all 3 members of The Club. Curt Hawkins's flurry at the start of the match forces Karl Anderson to retreat to his corner and tag in Luke Gallows to the delight of the crowd.

Luke Gallows jumps into the ring and the match is a bit more evenly matched but once again Curt Hawkins more then holds his own. The match is fairly evenly matched from there and carries on for a little while. It takes a change of pace however as The Good Brothers manage to isolate Zack Ryder and start working him over in the corner of the ring. The pair makes sure to cut off any attempts at a save and really lay into the ultimate broski.

Zack Ryder, however, does his best to survive and eventually makes a fightback as he takes down Karl Anderson with a jumping neckbreaker countering a powerbomb attempt! Zack Ryder would claw and claw and claw before making it to his corner as he brings Curt Hawkins into the match with the hot tag! Curt Hawkins gets a loud pop from the crowd and wipes out both members of the Club to the delight of the crowd. On the outside of the ring, you can see AJ Styles does not look happy and thinks about getting involved but JeyUso confronts him and stops him from getting involved.

Back in the ring Luke Gallows is down as Curt Hawkins climbs to the top rope as he takes a moment before hitting the HEATING SEEKING ELBOW! 1 AJ tries to slide in but Jey Uso grabs his leg! 2 Karl Anderson breaks the cover! Curt Hawkins was moments away from winning the match for his team tonight! Curt Hawkins gets back to his feet as he starts to fight Karl Anderson off and even gets him in position for the LAUGH RIOT but Gallows clubs him in the back, stopping him in his track!

Both men start to double team Curt Hawkins and lay into him as they lift Curt into the air looking for the MAGIC KILLER! However, Zack Ryder appears on the top rope and takes out Karl Anderson with a missile dropkick! Zack Ryder gets to his feet still struggling due to the damage done earlier on in the match. However, he sees Luke Gallows charging at him and stuns him with the ROUGH RYDER! Zack shouts over to his partner Curt Hawkins as he makes the cover 1 2 Gallows kicks out!

Curt looks disappointed before shouting something to Zack Ryder. Zack though has an idea. Both men make their way to opposite corners of the ring taking a moment to steady themselves. Both men then fly off the top rope and go for DUAL ELBOW DROPS... but Karl Anderson moves out of the way just in time causing Ryder to crash and burn. Curt Hawkins however, hits Luke Gallows and makes the cover 1 2 ANDERSON POWERBOMBS ZACK RYDER ONTO HAWKINS BREAKING THE COVER!

Anderson takes a moment breathing a sigh of relief that he was able to save the match. He then runs off the ropes and wipes out Zack Ryder with a shotgun dropkick! Zack falls out of the ring as on the outside of the ring AJ Styles has taken control of his fight with Jey Uso. Back in the ring, both members of The Club lay a few punches in on Curt Hawkins. Both men then drag him up off the mat and connect with the Magic Killer! Luke Gallows makes the cover 1 2 3 The Club retain their Raw tag team titles!

Winners via pinfall and still Raw tag team champions: The Club (15:43)

Luke Gallows gets to his feet as he takes a deep breath. Karl Anderson also takes one as both men too sweet each other in the ring, relived they got through tonight still the Raw tag team champions. On the outside, AJ Styles grabs hold of the tag team titles and slides into the ring giving them to his boys allowing them to celebrate with their belts. Both men lift the belts into the air getting loud boos from the crowd.

Jey Uso meanwhile slides into the ring to check on his two friends which gets the attention of AJ Styles. AJ turns to his boys and instructs them to attack Ryder, Hawkins and Jey Uso which they do! The boos from the crowd get louder as all 3 members of The Club carry on the beating, angry they came so close to losing their tag team titles tonight. This goes on for a while until...


Mustafa Ali sprints down the entrance ramp with a steel chair in his hand and wastes no time sliding into the ring and attacking Luke Gallows with the chair. He then hits Karl Anderson in the gut sending him to the mat. Mustafa Ali then turns to face AJ Styles but AJ rolls out of the ring and starts to head towards the back getting heat from the live crowd due to his cowardice! Mustafa Ali stands in the ring with the steel chair in hand as he dares AJ to come back and face him like a man!

However, on the outside, AJ Styles waves him off as The Club make a hasty retreat and head backstage, with AJ wanting no part of Mustafa Ali tonight. Back in the ring Jey Uso, Curt Hawkins, and Zack Ryder are starting to get to their feet. Ryder and Hawkins look pretty tired as Jey and Ali look to make sure they are okay. Both men are as the pair then hold their arms in the air getting a good pop from the live crowd, giving the pair respect for their performance tonight.

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When we return from the commercial break, we see all four men walking through a backstage hallway with Ryder and Hawkins walking a little slower behind Mustafa Ali and JeyUso. Jey gets Ali to stop for a moment as the pair turn around to face Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder.

Jey Uso: Listen I know how much it must suck coming up short tonight but listen Uce...

Curt Hawkins: Jey it's OK.

Jey looks a little confused as Curt Hawkins lets out a slight smile.

Curt Hawkins: I mean look how close we came to winning. We were this close Zack!

Zack smiles as well though he is still tired.

Zack Ryder: You're right bro!

Both men touch fists as Curt Hawkins looks to carry on speaking.

Curt Hawkins: I know we lost tonight but we will get another chance and we will keep on fighting. Last week proved anything can happen. I mean I beat AJ freaking Styles!

Mustafa Ali smiles at this point as Hawkins turns to him.

Curt Hawkins: And whilst the fact remains I won due to your help, I still beat AJ Styles! And I have my confidence back! Come on guys lets go get a few brewskis.

Jey Uso: Now you're talking my language Uce!

Zack Ryder: Ali you coming bro?

Mustafa Ali: I mean I don't drink but you'll need someone to drive.

Jey turns to Mustafa Ali looking confused.

Jey Uso: Wait what does that mean?

All 4 men let out a smile as they head off and look to find a nearby bar as we cut back to the commentary team at ringside. They talk about what a great match we have just seen and wonder what else we are going to see tonight.


Rey Mysterio makes his way out with the Cruiserweight title around his waist. He looks serious but makes sure to touch heads with a few of the kids in the front row before sliding into the ring. Big Show reminds us what happened last week with Oney Lorcan attacking Rey Mysterio from behind after a tag match against the Singh brothers! Rey Mysterio is now stood in the ring as he takes a moment before speaking.

Rey Mysterio: Oney, I would say I was surprised but I have been around for a long time and you're not the first person to try to get my attention with a cheap shot. And you won't be the last.

Rey unhooks his Cruiserweight title and lifts it into the air.

Rey Mysterio: When you're a champion, you have a target on your back. But you don't just have a problem with me holding this, do you Oney?

Rey takes a moment as he places the Cruiserweight title onto his shoulder.

Rey Mysterio: No you think that everyone in the Cruiserweight division is too soft. And you think they learned that from my legacy. Well, you're mistaken.

Cheers from the crowd as Rey Mysterio carries on speaking.

Rey Mysterio: Just because I show respect to my opponents in this ring, doesn't make me soft. I have been wrestling nearly as long as you've been alive Oney and if you think I got to where I did in my career by being soft, you're mistaken.

Rey is starting to get fired up as he takes his Cruiserweight title belt from his shoulder and lifts it into the air.

Rey Mysterio: When you get to my age, your body starts to break down. But you need to keep on fighting and Oney I have seen people like you throughout the years and I have beaten every one of them. So if you think Summerslam is going to be easy, I've already won.

Rey looks to carry on when this hits...


Oney Lorcan walks out onto the entrance ramp getting boos from the live crowd. He looks to be in an angry mood as Rey Mysterio turns his attention to his opponent at Summerslam.

Oney Lorcan: Rey, I tried to do things the nice way for years in NXT and it got me nowhere. Being a good sport and nice to people doesn't get you gold. It gets you stepped on.

Boos from the crowd as Oney Lorcan looks to carry on.

Oney Lorcan: Rey you may be a legend but I'm not going to play nice just because you have been around for years. Soon that title will belong to me.

Boos from the crowd as Rey smiles.

Rey Mysterio: Oney if you think attacking me from behind is going to make it easier to win the title, you have another thing coming.

Oney Lorcan: I don't care if it is easy or hard I'm taking that title!

Rey Mysterio: Well how about you come fight me in this ring right now instead of waiting for me to have my back turned!

Cheers from the crowd but Oney Lorcan just shakes his head.

Oney Lorcan: Sorry Rey you may be a legend but I will choose the terms we fight on, not you. I will see you at Summerslam.

Boos from the crowd as Oney stone-faced as always drops the microphone and heads to back leaving Rey Mysterio in the ring frustrated that he was unable to get his hands on Oney Lorcan tonight.

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Akira Tozawa makes his way out to the ring after the commercial break getting a small pop from the crowd. He seems to be psyching himself up as he walks to the ring. Michael Cole on commentary reminds us of the comments Noam Dar made a few weeks ago and tonight is Akira's chance to gain a measure of revenge on the cocky young Scotsman.


Noam Dar makes his way out and has a cocky ass smirk on his face. He walks down the ramp slowly chewing his gum and taunting the fans on his way to the ring. Akira Tozawa in the ring does not look impressed by Dar's cocky antics as he shakes his head. Noam Dar steps into the ring ready for the match as the referee calls for the bell getting this match underway.

Match 2: Akira Tozawa vs Noam Dar

Match summary: Noam Dar offers Akira a handshake. Akira takes a moment before agreeing to it. Dar smirks and uses it to cheap shot Akira Tozawa! Boos from the crowd as Noam Dar just smirks and goes to work on Akira, targeting his right leg as he not only looks to take away his kicking ability but sets Akira up for the champagne supernova kneebar! Akira as the match goes on starts to struggle due to the damage done to his right leg and in the end, Noam Dar takes Akira down to the mat after Akira's right leg gives way during a kicking frenzy. Dar smiles and takes advantage locking in the champagne supernova kneebar! Akira tries to escapes the lethal hold but in the end, he is forced to tap out giving Noam Dar the win!

Winner via submission: Noam Dar (8:50)

Noam Dar keeps the hold locked in for a few extra seconds after the match before letting go as he smirks like a cocky little shit. He gets to his feet soaking in the boos from the crowd as Akira Tozawa on the mat grabs his right leg clearly in a lot of pain after the kneebar. Noam Dar, however, doesn't care and heads out of the ring as he mocks the fans as the commentary team wonders what is next for the Scottish Supernova!

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When we return from the commercial break we can see Renee Young is stood backstage ready for an interview.

Renee Young: Tonight in the main event of Monday Night Raw, we will hear from the legendary Goldberg ahead of his match at Summerslam! But right now, would you please welcome my guest at this time and his opponent at Summerslam Matt Riddle!

The camera pans over as it shows the always happy Matt Riddle with a massive smile on his face as he is wearing flip flops and a bright yellow jacket with a baseball cap on his head.

Matt Riddle: Hey Renee.

Renee Young: Hello Matt. Last week you dared Goldberg to come to Raw and repeat what he has said about you two weeks ago. Are you happy he took you up on your word?

Matt's smile grows even bigger.

Matt Riddle: Renee look at me. I always find a way to be happy.

Matt lets out a little chuckle.

Matt Riddle: But yes Renee I'm very happy Goldberg is here. And I have a special message just for him. Renee, do you mind?

Matt Riddle gestures for the microphone.

Renee Young: Um yeah sure.

Renee Young passes Matt the microphone as he smiles and offers her a brofist. Renee takes a moment before accepting the fist bump looking a little confused. Matt Riddle smiles at Renee who leaves. Matt Riddle faces the camera and all of a sudden the smiles are gone.

Matt Riddle: Goldberg so you do listen to what I have to say. Only took you a few years. Maybe after I beat you, you'll stop trying to wrestle as well. And since I know you're listening bro, I figured I'd tell you that I'll see you later!

Matt Riddle drops the microphone onto the floor as we cut back to the commentary team at ringside. Michael Cole and Big Show talk about what we have just seen and speculate what could happen when Goldberg comes face to face with the ultimate bro. We then cut to a backstage area as we can see the Street Profits are stood by one of the many drink stands that you would see in any arena as they seem to be filling their red cups. Both men make sure to leave a massive tip for the person on the tills as they smile and turn to face the camera.

Montez Ford: Angelo are you ready?

Angelo Dawkins: Oh Montez I'm more than ready!

Both men clink their red cups together as they get ready to down their drinks as the Singh Brothers barge past them causing both of the Street Profits to spill their drinks on the floor. Both of the Singh brothers turn around as Sunil pulls down his sunglasses.

Sunil Singh: Watch where you're going.

Angelo Dawkins: What where we're going? You're the ones who barged into us.

Samir Singh: Excuse me we are stars?

Montez Ford, however, responds to this by pulling his best are you serious face.

Montez Ford: You're a star? What movies have you been in?

Sunil Singh: Well we have been in many of the latest movies?

Angelo Dawkins: OK what ones?

Samir Singh: Excuse me.

Montez Ford: My boy said what movies have you been in?

Sunil Singh: Listen if you are not cultured enough to have seen the latest Bollywood hits then...

The Street Profits have already stopped listening to the Singh Brothers as they talk to each other instead.

Angelo Dawkins: Yeah they don't even seem like stars.

Montez Ford: Nah they just don't seem to be what's the word...

Sunil Singh: Hey

Montez Ford ignores Sunil Singh.

Montez Ford: It's on the tip of my tongue man.

Samir Sunil: Excuse me, will you show us the respect we deserve.

Montez Ford: I got it man, I got it.

Sunil and Samir at the point grab Montez Ford and spin him around.

Sunil Singh: I think...


Sunil and Samir step back a little shocked as Angelo can't help but smirk at his friend's antics.

Montez Ford: You two just ain't electrifying. We don't care about your movies we just want the smoke?

Both the Singh brothers look annoyed and get ready for a fight as Angelo steps forward. The Singh Brothers suddenly change their mind.

Samir Singh: Actually we have a film première we have to attend so we will have to do this another time.

Angelo Dawkins: Well how about we do this next week?

Sunil Singh: You're on and we will show you two clowns what real stars look like!

Both the Singh Brothers walk off in a huff as the Street Profits smile with Montez Ford playfully slapping Angelo's chest.

Montez Ford: Hey Angelo, who were they again?

Angelo laughs as the pair go back to the bar to buy some more drinks and go back to having fun.

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When we return from the commercial break, we can see Renee Young is stood in the ring with a microphone.

Renee Young: Hello Tampa. Now some of you might be wondering why I'm in the ring. Well I'm here for an exclusive interview via satellite with the Universal Champion Seth Rollins!

Loud cheers from the crowd. The camera then focuses in on the titantron as we can see Seth Rollins appear on the screen. He is wearing one of his burn it down t-shirts but you can see the medical tape poking through the shirt as he looks very angry and serious as he stares at the camera.

Renee Young: Thanks for agreeing to this interview Seth.

Seth Rollins: I'm just glad to be able to appear on Raw in some form after I was forced to miss last week's episode.

Seth is clearly annoyed that he was unable to make it to last week's Raw and is stuck at home this week.

Renee Young: Two weeks ago, Brock Lesnar returned and ruined your Universal title match with Aleister Black. Now we know Aleister Black suffered a broken arm due to Brock Lesnar's Kimura. What injuries did you suffer in his attack?

Seth takes a moment to sigh.

Seth Rollins: I mean I'm a big believer in not discussing my injuries before a big match but when I have a visible target on my back, there's no point hiding them.

Seth gets to his feet and slowly takes his shirt off. He noticeably winces and struggles to take it off as we can see all the tapes and bruises on his body after the attack last week. He then sits back down clearly still in pain the whole time.

Seth Rollins: And this only shows a tiny amount of the pain I'm in. I'm also struggling to walk after what Brock did to me last week. The doctors have told me that I will not be 100% at Summerslam. They have advised me to vacate my title.

Boos from the crowd at the thought of Seth Rollins vacating the title. Seth meanwhile looks at his title downtrodden and sickened by the thought of vacating his belt.

Renee Young: Does this mean you won't be at Summerslam?

Seth Rollins: No. No matter what state I'm in, I will make it to Summerslam. Even if I'm not 100% I refuse to give up this title without a fight.

Renee Young: Do you think it is wise to agree to a match with a monster like Brock Lesnar when you're not 100% especially in an anything goes environment?

Seth Rollins smiles.

Seth Rollins: Maybe I'm being stupid but I don't care. Brock is going to have to take this title from my cold dead heads!

Loud cheers from the crowd with Seth getting fired up.

Seth Rollins: However a no holds barred match gives me the advantage.

Renee Young in the ring looks a little confused as Seth puts his hand up as he looks to explain.

Seth Rollins: Brock has only ever needed one way to win a match. I mean look at him, look at his background, look at his time in UFC. All he has ever needed was his fists and his unbridled power. Me, however? I have had to use my brain to get out of so many situations and trust me, at Summerslam you will see why they used to call me the architect!

Renee Young: But don't you think Brock has also been planning for this match? We heard Paul Heyman say last week Brock has been waiting to get revenge on his terms and they were the ones who initially requested this stipulation.

Seth Rollins: Paul Heyman's words are worthless He is a salesman and you can't trust him. Whatever plans he has at Summerslam, I will make sure I walk out as Universal champion or die trying!

Seth gets to his feet and storms off as quickly as he can, due to the limp he is currently suffering from. We then cut to the commentary team as Michael Cole and Big Show talk about what we have just seen. We then cut to a hallway as we can see the Lucha Dragons are walking to the ring. Michael Cole tells us after the commercial break we will find out the next number one contender for the Raw tag team titles and tells us not to go anywhere!

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We return from the commercial break as the B-team make their way out getting some cheers from the crowd as Bo Dallas is in his home town. As they are walking to the ring Michael Cole tells us the Singh Brothers vs The Street Profits has been made official for next week's show! Big Show talks about competition within the tag team division increasing as the teams try to get themselves in a position to earn a title shot against the Club.


The Lucha Dragons make their way out next getting a decent amount of cheers from the live crowd as they run down the ramp and jump over the ropes into the ring. Michael Cole on commentary reminds us that the Lucha Dragons have been on a great run of form and have been picking up numerous wins over the last few months and putting themselves in line for a title shot. In the ring, Bo Dallas starts for his team whilst Sin Cara starts for the Lucha Dragons.

Match 3: Number one contender's match for the Raw tag team titles: Lucha Dragons vs B-Team

Match summary: Bo Dallas seems to be extra fired up tonight performing in front of his home town crowd and they give the Lucha Dragons a couple of close scares as the match goes on. However the fast pace of the Lucha Dragons allows them to stay in control of the match and as we get to the closing stages of this match, Curtis Axel and Kalisto are the legal men in this match. Sin Cara makes sure to take care of Bo Dallas on the outside as he wipes him out with a suicide dive! In the ring, Curtis Axel goes for the perfect-plex but Kalisto escapes! Kalisto then grabs hold of Curtis Axel and hits him with the Salida Del Sol! Kalisto makes the cover 1 2 3 The Lucha Dragons pick up the win!

Winners via pinfall and number one contender's for the Raw tag team titles: Lucha Dragons (8:51)

Cheers from the live crowd as the popular luchadors were able to pick up the win tonight. The Lucha Dragons celebrate in the ring very happy they have earned a shot at the Raw tag team titles. Meanwhile, the B-Team head up the ramp clearly disappointed with coming up short tonight. Michael Cole then hypes up the future match between the Club and the Lucha Dragons with both teams on a strong run of form over the last few months.

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When we return from the commercial break we cut to a locker room as we can see both Chad Gable and Kurt Angle are sat down on a pair of chairs as they can be seen watching a TV. Both men have a pint of milk in their hands as the camera changes angle and shows they are watching matches from Gable's past. The match on the screen is American Alpha winning the Smackdown tag team titles.

Chad Gable: Kurt shouldn't we be focusing on my losses? I mean that is where I made the most mistakes.

Kurt shakes his head.

Kurt Angle: Even in victory you can make mistakes. It is important to learn from each match you take part in. It is what I told my son Jason before he had to retire.

Chad nods as the pair go back to watching the match as Gable gets out a notepad and starts making notes on it. We then cut to Paul Heyman who is stood in front of a black background. He is dressed in his usual suit but is without the man he is an advocate for: Brock Lesnar.

Paul Heyman: Seth Rollins, I heard what you had to say earlier tonight and I had you down as a smart man. Well, I did until tonight. Now Brock has respect for no one but me I've always respected your abilities and your brains Seth. I mean you have been a master tactician in the past.

We see a clip cut in showing Seth Rollins turning on the SHIELD, threatening to end Edge's life and lastly him pulling off the heist of the century at Wrestlemania 31.

Paul Heyman: But you want to try to fight the unstoppable beast incinerate BROOOCCCCCKKK LESNARRRRR! You're not even going to be at full strength. Are you trying to commit career suicide?

Paul gets serious as he gets closer to the camera.

Paul Heyman: Look what Brock Lesnar did to someone he had no problem with. He broke Aleister Black's arm because he was in the way of eviscerating you! And you want to fight him when you're not even 100%?

Paul Heyman smiles.

Paul Heyman: A smart man would vacate his title and go into hiding, Seth Rollins you're a brave but stupid man for fighting Brock Lesnar at Summerslam. You have all the skill in the world and at any other point in history, you might become a year-long champion but this is Brock's time to rule and at Summerslam Brock Lesnar takes back his Universal title.

Paul Heyman goes to walk off but stops and turns to face the camera one more time.

Paul Heyman: And that ain't a prediction, that's a spoiler.

Paul Heyman walks off having sent his message loud and clear.

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Tony Nese makes his way out getting a few cheers from the crowd as the former Cruiserweight champion shows off his abs to the live crowd and poses for the girls in the crowd who obviously enjoy the show they are getting. He makes his way into the ring as he looks to get a win tonight after a rough patch ever since losing his Cruiserweight title.


Drew Gulak makes his way out next as he looks in a serious mood as he walks to the ring ahead of another encounter with his former friend and ally Tony Nese. Commentary mention these two men are very familiar with each other and a win tonight might get them back into the Cruiserweight title picture or even in line for a shot at the United States title.

Match 4: Drew Gulak vs Tony Nese

Match summary: With both men being great in-ring wrestlers this is a fantastic match between the two men with lots of technical counters. Both men know each other's offense inside out. However, Drew Gulak is an expert in picking apart people and exploiting the holes in their game and takes control of the match thanks to his assault on the legs of Tony Nese. Nese tries to survive and put away Gulak but the damage is too much. Gulak locks him in the Trailblazer (Figure 7 ankle lock/ Indian deathlock combination) which forces Tony Nese to tap out!

Winner via submission: Drew Gulak (10:06)

Drew Gulak gets to his feet as Tony Nese grabs his ankle which is in a good amount of pain whilst Drew stares into the camera having picked up an important win tonight. The commentary team put over the performance of Drew Gulak tonight and remind us how close he came to beating Rey Mysterio for the Cruiserweight title.

We then cut to the arena's car park as we see a limousine pull up. The camera focuses on the door which opens up and it pans up to show Goldberg has arrived! He looks angry as he stands there for a moment before he starting marching into the arena looking all business as the commentary team once again hype up tonight's main event. The camera quickly changes back to the ring as we can see a table being set up in the ring as Michael Cole tells us after the commercial break we will see Becky Lynch and Bayley sign the contract for their Raw Women's title match at Summerslam!

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The commissioner for Monday Night Raw Paige makes her way to the ring getting cheers from the crowd as she is in her signature leather jacket. Michael Cole reminds us how we got to this match with Bayley picking up the win in her match with Sasha Banks in last week's main event as the Women's tag team champions went head to head. Paige is now stood in the ring as she waits for the crowd to die down a little before speaking.

Paige: Now I could be like the commissioner on Smackdown Live and try to make this show about myself. However, this show is about the superstars and that's we are about to sign the contract and make the Raw Women's title match at Summerslam official!

Cheers from the crowd hyped up for the big Summerslam title match.

Paige: So let's bring them out. Here first of all a former NXT women's champion, a former Raw Women's champion and currently one-half of the Women's tag team champions for the second time Bayley!


Loud cheers from the fans as Bayley walks to the ring as he holds her WWE Women's title in the air proudly. Sasha Banks after a little while follows after her best friend as she has her WWE Women's tag team title around her waist and her Money in the Bank briefcase in her right hand. Both women join Paige inside the ring as Bayley takes a seat on one side of the table with Sasha Banks stood behind her.

Paige: And she is not only the Smackdown Women's champion but also the Raw Women's champion, the winner of the main event of Wrestlemania 35 and also known as Becky2belts...

A becky2belts chant starts up stopping Paige for a moment as she holds her microphone in the air and allowing the fans to chant for the champion. Sasha Banks watching this is clearly angry but doesn't say anything just stewing in the background with rage.

Paige: The Man Becky Lynch!


And if you thought the cheers when Bayley came out were loud, it is nothing compared to the reaction Becky Lynch gets as she walks out onto the entrance ramp. She is clearly feeling herself as she once again has both her title belts on her shoulders as she has her eyes on Bayley in the ring. Both of the tag team champions are looking at Becky Lynch as she smirks. She climbs over the top rope and takes a seat opposite Bayley making sure to put her feet on the table making herself comfortable. Paige looks a little unimpressed but looks to get the contract signing underway.

Paige: OK now you're both here we can get this contract signing and the match made official. Let's start with the challenger Bayley.

Bayley grabs the contract and signs it before pushing it towards the Man who is smiling.

Paige: And Becky.

Becky takes a moment before she grabs the pen signing the contract making the match official. Paige looks happy and looks to address the fans.

Paige: OK so now the match is official...

Becky Lynch: Whoa, whoa Paige. Just because the Man has signed the contract doesn't mean her business is done.

Paige looks slightly annoyed she was interrupted but lets it pass as Becky Lynch's attention turns to Bayley.

Becky Lynch: Bayley, you've always been someone the Man has had respect for and I don't have respect for many people. Like your best friend Sasha.

Sasha in the background tells Becky she better watch her mouth. Becky, however, seems unfazed and has her attention on Bayley.

Becky Lynch: But until she steps up, she doesn't matter. No Bayley my focus is on you and Asuka.

Sasha stews in the background annoyed as Bayley looks to respond.

Bayley: Listen it is good to hear you respect me Becky as I respect you too.

Cheers from the crowd.

Bayley: But, you really need to stop making comments about my best friend.

Becky smirks at that line but Bayley is being serious.

Bayley: I mean it, Becky.

Becky Lynch: Bayley, trust me there is one thing I will never do and that is shut my mouth. See I used to be just like you. Naive and thinking the best of everyone. But do you know what happened time and time again? As soon as I turned around I found a knife in my back!

Becky is clearly getting serious now.

Becky Lynch: And until you learn the lessons I did, it will keep happening to you too. I mean Sasha behind you is already starting to sharpen her knife!

Bayley: Sasha is my best friend and would never do anything to betray me.

Sasha at this point has asked a stagehand for a microphone as she looks to add her two cents.

Sasha Banks: Becky do you want to know why so many people stabbed you in the back? Everyone after a while realized how unlike-able you are.

Boos from the crowd as Sasha Banks turns to the fans looking annoyed.

Sasha Banks: You fans may love her but you have never had to spend any time with her. And just because people stabbed you in the back doesn't mean I will betray Bayley. She is my best friend and I would never do anything to hurt her.

Becky Lynch: Is that so? How come you tried to cheat to get another shot at the man last week?

Sasha Banks: Hey if you ain't cheating you ain't trying!

Becky Lynch: But you lied to her when you said you wouldn't cheat. Why should we believe you now? Why should we believe you haven't done anything to hurt her in the past?

Bayley looks confused as she looks at both women clearly confused.

Becky Lynch: I'm starting to think Fire and Desire had nothing to do with the attack at Money in the Bank.

Sasha Banks: Don't you dare.

Becky Lynch: Oh the Man dares. I think it was you!

Mixed reaction from the crowd but it is mostly cheers for Becky Lynch. Bayley, however, steps in between the two and gets in Becky's face.

Bayley: Becky I know you have your issues with Sasha but she would never do that to me. Now I don't know if you’re trying to wind me up and get in my head but I'm telling you to stop.

Becky Lynch: Bayley I'm just saying what I believe to be the truth. I mean who gained the most from you being out of that Money in the Bank ladder match. Who ended up taking your place and winning?

Bayley is taking a moment to think about what Becky is saying as Sasha Banks has heard enough and gets right in Becky Lynch's face. Paige the Raw commissioner has clearly seen enough and tries to get things back under control.

Paige: Becky, Sasha that's enough!

Both women stare each other down as Becky Lynch and goes to leave. However, she stops just before the ropes and turns around as she can't help but get one more dig in.

Becky Lynch: I mean we all know Sasha could never beat Bayley when it mattered.

Massive oooohs from the crowd as Becky Lynch looks to leave as Sasha pushes Bayley to the mat and smashes Becky Lynch in the head with the Money in the Bank briefcase getting massive boos from the live crowd! Sasha lines Becky Lynch up as she stumbles to her feet and smashes her in the head with it again. Paige at this point comes over and asks what the hell Sasha Banks is doing! Sasha takes a moment as she thinks through her actions as she looks Paige in the eyes and picks up a microphone.

Sasha Banks: You know what? Paige gets a referee out here.

Cheers from the live crowd as they know what this could mean!

Sasha Banks: Because the Boss is...

Bayley snatches the briefcase away from Sasha Banks! Sasha turns to Bayley as she looks angry and confused.

Sasha Banks: What are you doing?

Bayley: I'm not letting you cash in like this. This is not right.

Sasha Banks: I'm taking what should belong to me! Now let me...

As she says that Sasha sees Becky Lynch starting to come to and snatches the briefcase from Bayley and storms off out of the ring heading up the entrance ramp. Bayley looks a little hurt but gives chase to her tag team partner and best friend. Meanwhile, in the ring, Becky Lynch is back on her feet and now looks furious. She turns to the Raw general manager and tells her Sasha Banks is going to pay for what she did just now. Paige tries to calm Becky down but the Man storms off up the ramp.

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We return from the commercial break as we can see Sasha Banks storming through a hallway with her Money in the Bank briefcase in her hands looking slightly dented. She, however, doesn't get far as Bayley catches up to her.

Bayley: Sasha, Sasha.

Sasha Banks though looks to keep walking and ignores her best friend angering Bayley causing her to spin Sasha Banks around.

Bayley: Sasha what's wrong with you?

Sasha Banks: Becky was running her mouth and I saw an opportunity. I'm sorry you're too soft to do what it takes to win!

Bayley: Too soft? Maybe I should start listening to Becky.

Sasha Banks: Do you really think I attacked you? Are you actually letting her get in your head? She is trying to drive us apart as she knows we are weaker apart. Bayley look at me. I promise it wasn't me who attacked you at Money in the Bank.

Bayley looks Sasha directly in the eyes as she says this but suddenly the pair are jumped from behind by Fire and Desire! Both members of Fire and Desire lay into the Boss 'n' Hug Connection as they leave them laying on the concrete floor backstage. Both women look happy with their handiwork as they take the WWE Women's tag team title belts from the prone pair and admire them. As they are doing this Paige the Raw commissioner appears and looks like she is about to lose her shit.

Paige: What are you doing? I told you two that if you attacked them I would cancel your tag team titles match next week.

Mandy, however, lets out a smirk.

Mandy Rose: You told us to stay away from the contract signing but I don't see any contract signing taking place out here.

Paige looks furious that the pair found a loophole as Mandy Rose walks off. However, Sonya Deville stops in front of Paige.

Sonya Deville: And this will be the scene next week when we take their tag team titles!

Sonya Deville walks off leaving the Raw commissioner stood there furious as we cut back to the ring as we can see Viktor from the Ascension is stood in the ring ready for a match with Konnor psyching him up. However, he looks a little worried ahead of a rare singles match on Raw.


And we now know why. Braun Strowman makes his way out getting cheers from the live crowd as he marches to the ring. The commentary team reminds us of what happened last week when Braun Strowman returned and wonder what would happen if the monster among men faced off against Samoa Joe for the United States title!

Match 5: Braun Strowman vs Viktor w/Konnor

Match summary: Braun Strowman runs through Viktor with ease. Konnor on the outside thinks about trying to get involved as he watches at ringside but wisely chooses not to as Braun finishes Viktor with a chokeslam, pinning him with his foot.

Winner via pinfall: Braun Strowman (0:59)

Braun moves his foot from the chest of Viktor as Konnor timidly grabs his partner's leg and drags him out of the ring as the pair flee to the back. Braun meanwhile lets them leave as he celebrates in the ring as the commentary team once again put over how dominant his win tonight was and how quickly he destroyed Viktor. However, the cheers quickly turn to boos as the United States champion charges down the entrance ramp and attacks Braun Strowman from behind!

Braun falls to his knees as Samoa Joe looks to grab him from behind and lock in the Coquina clutch! Braun starts to fade in the lethal chokehold as Joe looks to take the air out of his lungs. However, Braun stuns Joe as he wrenches his arms away from him and escapes the hold! Braun then starts hitting Joe with several elbows rocking the United States champion! Samoa Joe is on wobbly legs and for the first time in a long time looks vulnerable!

Braun charges at Samoa Joe hitting him with a shoulder block which makes Joe wobble. Braun though isn't done as he charges off the ropes and wipes him out with a second one taking Samoa Joe off his feet! Braun though isn't done as he lifts Samoa Joe up into the air as he gets him into position for the running powerslam! However, Joe is just about fresh enough to slide out of Braun's arms and rolls under the ropes, making sure to grab his United States title as he starts to retreat up the ramp.

Braun Strowman in the ring meanwhile dares Samoa Joe to come back and fight him! However, Samoa Joe stares at Braun angrily as he clutches his title as he heads up the ramp, having been shown up two weeks in a row by the Monster Among Men! Braun looks annoyed that Samoa Joe has retreated to the back but goes back to posing in the ring getting cheers from the crowd.

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When we return from the commercial break, Samoa Joe is storming through the back and in a rage tips over a table as he is clearly not happy at being shown up two weeks in a row. As he storming through the back he stops in his tracks. The camera pans over to see why and we see the Raw commissioner Paige is stood there.

Paige: Do you have to destroy my backstage area, Joe?

Samoa Joe: Braun needs to pay. He has shown me up twice now! I want him at Summerslam!

Samoa Joe intensely looks at Paige who is a little intimidated by how close to her face Joe is.

Paige: You want Braun Strowman at Summerslam? That's fine. At Summerslam, you will be defending your United States title against the Monster Among Men Braun Strowman!

Loud cheers from the live crowd who are hyped up to see the two heavyweights collide at Summerslam. Samoa Joe however just scowls.

Samoa Joe: Good because at Summerslam I will show Braun what a true monster looks like.

Samoa Joe then storms off having got what he wanted out of the Raw commissioner whilst Paige looks to head back to her office having had a stressful night so far. We then cut to Charly Caruso who is stood ready for an interview.

Charly Caruso: Would you please welcome my guests at this time Zelina Vega, Andrade Cien Almas and Cesaro.

All 3 walk into the shot as Andrade and Cesaro are wearing super expensive suits and look like they are about to go for a fancy meal. Zelina Vega is also in a nice dress as she holds Andrade's Money in the Bank briefcase.

Charly Caruso: Now earlier tonight we heard from both members of the Universal title match ahead of Summerslam. With that Money in the Bank briefcase, will Andrade be watching that match closely?

Zelina Vega smirks.

Zelina Vega: Of course he will Charly. Hell, we are watching not just Seth Rollins closely but the whole roster closely. You see I'm still looking for more clients who want to make it to the top.

Charly Caruso: Is that why Andrade hasn't been in action for the last few weeks?

Zelina Vega: Andrade is a star. He is someone who only needs to wrestle when it matters. Why would he waste his talents when he can save them for when he needs to wrestle? He is smarter than people like Rey Mysterio.

Andrade Cien Almas: That perra!

Zelina Vega: Exactly Andrade. Rey can fight all comers but Andrade is smarter than that. Andrade will only fight when there is money to be made.

Zelina Vega and Andrade Cien Almas start to walk off confusing Charly.

Charly Caruso: Sorry Zelina, Andrade I had more questions.

Cesaro steps forward looking to speak.

Cesaro: That's enough questions for tonight. Now if you will excuse us we have an exclusive dinner party to attend.

Cesaro also walks off leaving Charly stood there shaking her head.

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When we return from the commercial break Heath Slater is stood in the ring as he is doing a little bit of air guitar which gets a few cheers from the live crowd. Heath is clearly having fun in the ring as he awaits his opponent tonight.


Shinsuke Nakamura makes his way out getting boos from the live crowd as he recently turned on the popular Rusev. He looks to be in a serious mood as he walks to the ring and doesn't look impressed with the goofy antics of Heath Slater in the ring. Once inside he just stares at Heath Slater as the referee calls for this match to get underway!

Match 6: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Heath Slater

Match summary: Shinsuke does not take Heath Slater seriously at the start of the match and it backfires early on as Heath catches him by surprise and shows Shinsuke why he is a 4-time tag team champion! Shinsuke even has to roll to the outside of the ring and take a moment to regroup, angering the king of strong style. Once he is back in the ring Shinsuke is done playing around and batters Heath Slater with a flurry of hard kicks and strikes. He lines up Heath Slater and hits him with the Kinshasa! Heath Slater is out cold as Shinsuke makes the cover and picks up the win!

Winner via pinfall: Shinsuke Nakamura (5:04)

Shinsuke gets to his feet after picking up the win tonight. Heath Slater meanwhile is still down and out in the ring. Shinsuke stands over him posing but he isn't done as he grabs hold of Heath Slater's arm and looks to lock in a cross armbreaker! The referee tries to tell him to stop but Shinsuke refuses to relent as he looks to break the arm of Heath Slater! This goes on for a while until...


Rusev storms down the ramp like a charging lion as he looks to get his hands on his former tag team partner. Rusev is just too slow and is unable to get his hands on Shinsuke as the King of strong style sees him coming and lets go of the hold, fleeing as fast as he can. Rusev in the ring looks furious and noticeably doesn't bother checking on Heath Slater as he is only there to get his hands on Shinsuke Nakamura. We then cut to the backstage area as we can see Humberto Carrillo in jeans and a shirt stood in front of a wall backstage.

Humberto Carrillo: Oney, who do you think you are? Rey Mysterio is a legend of this division and you attack him like that? Do you have no respect? No honor? You're a coward who attacks people from behind to get ahead. Well next week when we meet in the ring, I'm going to teach you some respect and show you what happens when you disrespect one of my heroes!

Humberto Carrillo walks off fired up having announced a match for the Cruiserweight division next week. We then cut to a hallway as we zoom in on a door that says “GOLDBERG” as the commentary team tells us after the commercial break we will hear from the legendary Goldberg ahead of his return match at Summerslam and advises the viewers at home to not go anywhere!

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When we return from the commercial break, just before we get to our main event we cut to what looks like a police room. The screen is black and white as Tyler Breeze stands in the office staring at a chalkboard looking at numerous pictures with lines all over the place. We then hear the door open as Deputy Dango walks into the room!

Tyler Breeze: Deputy Dango. Where have you been?

Fandango: I have been deep undercover for what was our final case.

Tyler Breeze looks confused.

Tyler Breeze: Final case?

Fandango: That's right. I think it's time we hang up our badges Breeze. We had a good run but there are other fashion criminals who need to be fought outside of the law. We need to use other methods.

Tyler Breeze: What like a superhero?

Fandango looks disgusted.

Fandango: No Breeze. Skintight leather is never in fashion.

Tyler Breeze: You're right Dango. But how do we stop EC3 and Drake Maverick without the help of the law?

Fandango: Look at the files Breeze. They have so much money they can bribe any law official. The corruption runs to the top. To stop them the fashion police must end and Breezedango must return.

Tyler Breeze: If that's what we need to do, that's what we need to do. But let's have one last dance.

Fandango: Whoa whoa. Dancing is my thing.

Fandango starts to dance as he leaves the room as Breeze stares at him and mutters to himself.

Tyler Breeze: I can dance too.

Tyler Breeze copies the dance moves of Fandango as he leaves the room. We then cut back to the commentary team who are laughing as they wonder what that means for EC3 and Drake Maverick now Breezedango have returned. We then cut to a locker room backstage as we see a security guard knock on the door.

Security guard: It's time.

The security guard moves out of the way as Goldberg opens the door wearing a leather jacket. He looks angry and intense as always, as he starts his long march to the ring as the anticipation builds within the arena.


A loud pop from the live crowd as Goldberg marches out and his pyro goes off as the legendary Goldberg marches to the ring. The commentary team put over the legendary career Goldberg has had, bringing up the streak as well as reminding us of his feud with Brock Lesnar a few years ago. The commentary team even hype up the possibility of Goldberg beating Matt Riddle and being next in line for a shot at the Universal title. Goldberg takes his time getting to the ring and even when he is the ring, he takes a few moments soaking in the atmosphere from the crowd.

Goldberg: I have to say it feels good to be back.

Cheap pop but a loud one. Goldberg looks to carry on.

Goldberg: You see, there is some punk kid who can't keep my name out of his mouth. And...


A mixed reaction from the crowd as Matt Riddle interrupts Goldberg before he can really get started with a cocky smirk on his face. He walks down the ramp in his usual attire as Goldberg looks furious Matt Riddle interrupted him. Matt Riddle climbs into the ring with a microphone of his own as he looks to speak.

Matt Riddle: Hey bro.

Goldberg: I'm not your bro!

Matt Riddle puts his arms up defensively mocking Goldberg.

Matt Riddle: Wow bro you need to relax. I mean that much anger can't be healthy at your age.

Goldberg gives Matt Riddle a death glare as Matt smirks happy he is getting under the legend’s skin.

Matt Riddle: See I came out here as I promised as I wanted to hear what you had to say about me face to face.

Matt Riddle once again smiles as Goldberg stands there furious but looks to respond.

Goldberg: Kid I know the game you're playing. You think you're the first young superstar who has tried to make a name at my expense. I have seen superstars try it time and time again. And each time I destroy them. I hit a spear and a jackhammer. Then they disappear having learned I'm not someone you can make a name off of!

Mixed reaction from the crowd with some favoring the cocky Matt Riddle whilst others favor the legend Goldberg. Matt however smiles.

Matt Riddle: Bro am I meant to be scared? Do you know where I've come from?

Goldberg: I don't pay attention to the minor leagues like NXT.

Massive boos from the crowd for that line as Goldberg insults the popular NXT brand. Matt Riddle shakes his head.

Matt Riddle: You're right I made a name for myself in NXT but that's not where I started. No, I started in UFC and I was kicked out because I was too much for the UFC to handle.

Matt Riddle smiles as he gets in Goldberg's face as the two men stare each other down.

Matt Riddle: So I came to WWE and trust me, I don't plan on shutting up. Y'see Goldberg when I look at you, all I see is hype. I've fought powerhouses like you in UFC and I beat them. Look at my record in UFC, look at my record in NXT and at Summerslam I'll do it again.

Cheers from the crowd now more on Matt Riddle's side after the comments about NXT from Goldberg.

Goldberg: There is only one way Summerslam is going to go. Look what happened to all the legends who made the mistake of stepping in the ring with me. Brock Lesnar.

Mixed reaction though mostly boos for Brock.

Goldberg: Hulk Hogan

Cheers from the crowd with a couple of boos due to Hogan's racist comments in the past.

Goldberg: Triple H

Cheers from the crowd for the king of kings.

Goldberg: The Rock

Loud cheers from the crowd.

Goldberg: Bret Hart.

Cheers for Bret Hart but the mention of his name clearly makes Matt Riddle angry and Goldberg notices.

Goldberg: And look what happened when he stepped in the ring with me. However this time it won't be an accident. Cause you're next.

Goldberg charges at Matt Riddle and goes for a SPEAR... BUT RIDDLE SEES IT COMING AND CATCHES THE LEGEND WITH A KNEE TO THE HEAD STOPPING HIM IN HIS TRACKS! Goldberg is a little stunned as Matt Riddle starts laying into the legend with several closed fists. However, Goldberg being the man-mountain he is, starts to fight back as both men brawl on the mat.

As this is going on we can see the Raw commissioner Paige make her way out as she signals for a swarm of security guards to come out and stop the pair from brawling with each other! Almost twenty security guards come out as they try to drag the pair away from each other but they have a lot of trouble doing so as both Matt Riddle and Goldberg start trying to fight them off so they can get their hands on each other!

The security guards are dropping like flies as Goldberg and Matt Riddle start to destroy them as they try to get their hands on each other tonight. Paige quickly realizes that the security guards aren't going to be enough to stop them. We suddenly see a bunch of the lower card wrestlers and a few members of the performance center run out as they help grab hold of Matt Riddle and Goldberg.

Thanks to the performance center recruits and the lower card wrestlers both Riddle and Goldberg are subdued though both men are still trying to escape and get their hands on each other. Riddle tells Goldberg to “bring it bro” which makes Goldberg even angrier as he looks to destroy Riddle. Michael Cole however on commentary tells us that they will try to get this situation under control as the final image of this weeks Monday Night Raw is Goldberg and Matt Riddle being held apart as we fade to black.

Matches announced for next week:

Women's tag team titles match:

Boss 'n' Hug Connection (c) vs Fire and Desire

Singles match:
Humberto Carrillo vs Oney Lorcan

Tag team match:
The Street Profits vs The Singh Brothers

Matches announced for 2 weeks:

Grudge match:

AJ Styles vs Mustafa Ali

Matchcard for Summerslam:
August 11th
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Universal title No Holds Barred match:
Seth Rollins (c) vs Brock Lesnar

WWE title triple threat match:
Kofi Kingston (c) vs Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre

Raw Women's title match:
Becky Lynch (c) vs Bayley

Smackdown Women's title match:
Becky Lynch (c) vs Asuka

Cruiserweight title match:
Rey Mysterio (c) vs Oney Lorcan

Intercontinental title match:
Luke Harper (c) vs Finn Balor

United States title match:
Samoa Joe (c) vs Braun Strowman

Smackdown tag team titles match:
The War Raiders (c) vs Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

Past vs Future:
Goldberg vs Matt Riddle

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